Base Lovin 22 : Ultra Late game Builds: Oxygen not included

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and we're back with some more base loading on auction not included today's theme is going to be excessive paces or really really excessive bases or guys you should have stopped playing a while ago basis whatever you want to call it first up we've got gamer 43 with the space rocks pre-freeze now this is a right map irregular oil frozen core all this sort of stuff but the frozen core may look a little bit odd to you down there now whoop now you look at it it looks like it's oxalite but that's not actually oxalite that's that's oxygen that's oxygen that's been solidified as in it has been frozen solid this the entire bottom of the map they pumped oxygen into it froze it down liquefied it and then eventually just solidified it you can see the uh all of the piping that went through here to jump super cool and there's a whole bunch of leftover uh chilling elements dumped around the place with steam turbines heat and aqua tuners the entire bottom of the map is just a big block of oxygen oops i suppose uh there was also there's also a whole bunch of temperature shift plates behind there but i silenced the the alerts on those just because it was a bunch of red glowing things but yeah yeah i i've done a frozen core with ice but i've never done one with liquid oxygen before nicely done sir you have gone too far yeah just above this what type of vase supports this well one with this many slicksters this is all just a bunch of molten sticks down here though they all jump down into this bottom layer which is the confusing mix of all sorts of liquids i don't think there was really much care at this point when you've frozen the bottom of the map and turns it into solid oxygen you don't really care about minor things also for some reason there's a whole bunch of um incubators up here i couldn't figure out why so i'm just going to leave them there just a couple of interesting notes here one thing i found really cool about this is there's a couple of petroleum boilers up here that feed into these uh petroleum generators only one side is at the moment but these petroleum generators basically vent all their carbon dioxide into space so it's a powerless way of getting rid of all that carbon dioxide and they don't seem to be overheating which is kind of awesome that means you can just one thing you always have to do with these things is get rid of all the carbon dioxide and they put out about 500 grams which means you need one gas pump per petroleum generator just to keep the carbon dioxide under control or actually you even need works at about the same power wise if you start using a carbon skimmer but that's you know that's 125 watts per generator but if you just stick them up here and do this you never need to worry about that i kind of like that idea i'm going to steal that yeah but with that done let's go have a quick look at the base that's that uh does this all this used to be the core base but it's been stripped out and removed this is the old industrial brick over here but this is the new base everything got moved all over tight up against the left hand side of the map the first thing might catch your eye is that giant glowing sun in the top right hand corner of your screen yep that's uh i'm not even sure what's in there i can't see but well how's may doing in there yeah where is it where is it let's go grab an overlay here right now may is in a hot tub there's a hot tub in there yeah don't ask then that hot tub is surrounded by an awful awful awful awful amount of uh bugs like look at the amount of abyss bugs that are in there or radiant bugs so with all of those in place this is actually driving up mei's felt decor by quite a bit her current environmental decor is thirty nine thousand five hundred and sixty seven thirty nine thousand it's it's it's gone so far past nine thousand it's ridiculous average decor this cycle is ten thousand for this duplicate i remember the way people keep thinking like i know that it's written confusingly but uh you're supposed to only get 120 decor on average but that's just the max you can that's the maximum amount you need to get the full bonus they've they have an average decor from the last cycle of 5 000. wait a minute i need a calculator all right i worked it out last cycle they had 47 times more decor than they needed to get the maximum bonus they only needed 120 they had 47 times the required amount you you've gone too far sir you have gone too far i love this i love it right so um i never thought of that just absolute massive decor bombing if they go in and use the hot tubs they're basically going to have so much decor exposure it'll overshadow anything they could swim in as much well heavy wire as you wanted it still wouldn't be able to counteract all of that decor exposure that is insane all right then but uh regular base going in here you've got your uh your giant atmosphere duck set up there's two rodriguez's set up here to feed this whole thing so they're all just dumping in an enormous amount of uh oxygen then you've got your beds it's actually gone along with normal comfy beds ah go uh decor wise there's a few abyss bugs thrown in here but they're not really that necessary the reason being well decor exposure as you can imagine is absolutely insane anyway uh down here you've got your toilets but this is sort of doubled up as in they've put in six toilets at the rear and then four sinks at the front and the sinks just happened to span two rooms they still get the bathroom bonus it's just there's plenty of sinks to cover them on the way out uh when it comes to food you've got your dining halls there's actually several there's 48 41 duplicates in the space so you've got your dining halls there's multiples of them around the place but all the food is stored over here in this section which is actually frozen and covered in chlorine just to double down and make sure that none of that food ever goes off oh now where was it yet there is a sour gas boiler around here somewhere where did i put it we've got a sort of a petroleum boiler attached to a sour gas boiler and this is pretty interesting it's very compact uh here it works with sort of a drip um was it a drip pump a bead pump liquid bead pump i think these are called this is going to be a little complicated to explain uh i'm going to try but uh the easy part to remember is these are bead bumps liquid bee pumps so as the water comes out here because you have a mesh tile beneath it it causes the liquid to sort of to stick to the side of the walls you can actually see it here if you put up the gas overlay you can actually well liquids they're the two liquid blobs and they keep going down as they pop out of this and it forces the gases up so what happens is any gases that end up here at the bottom get forced out by the liquid going the opposite direction or the liquid coming down forces the gases up this sort of helps suck the gas at the bottom here which is why the pressure here is staying about the same so what happens is petroleum gets dumped in here slides all the way to the bottom and then at that point it turns to sour gas and then the incoming petroleum keeps forcing it at the top so that sour gas gets pushed out and it acts at the same time as a sort of heat exchange for example you see there's five kilos of petroleum there and it's at what 333 degrees and then if you go down a couple of tiles five kilos per trillion 411 degrees and we let down another couple of chunks and it's now 526 it's almost started boiling into sour gas so that's all it's doing the the gas it's pushing out is actually exchanging heat with it because the temperature shift plates and it gets forced at the top it's uh basically a pump and a counterflow heat exchange all in one they're very handy little features now that gets up here at which point there's another liquid bead pump but this one is powered by super cool and tripping down the side and this is where it gets a little bit more confusing because there's multiple systems working together to get this working there is some supercoolant coming in here and the stuff is it's coming in about minus three minus seven degrees it's pretty chill so between that and it it forces that hot sour gas which is still about 160 170 degrees it forces it up here and cools it at the same time up here there's a big bunch of supercoolant going around chilling it down to its final stage to turn it into methane and that methane then gets pumped but it gets pumped where is it yeah it gets pumped all the way down and over here this gets a little confusing and then there's another bead pump here this speed pump causes this really cold uh methane to get speed pumped up here before it gets stored up for pumping into natural gas generators but you notice it's a lot hotter up here why is that well it turns out there's a bunch of hot super coolant coming in here forcing it around where does the hot supercooling come from well that actually comes from over here this is the hot supercoolant that's uh counter flowing against the sour gas from over here so all the super good and they got dropped down here gets heated up by the sour gas that hot super coolant gets dumped over here to warm up all the methane and then this causes this super coolant to get dumped in here to get chilled because it's passing by all this cold methane which then gets pumped over here to go past the sour gas um yes i know that's terribly confusing this supercoolant over here is really hot it gets dumped over this side to warm up the methane that supercoin gets chilled down by the methane which then gets dumped in over here to cool down the sour gas it's all sort of pre-cooling pre-chilling it's all recycling the heat all the way around yes that's terribly confusing but that is a wonderfully wonderfully cool sour gas boiler if you want to give it a try the save game files for all of these are going to be included though fair warning they will hurt your computer when you load them up despite the insanity of this base it actually feels rather lived in you can see all the leftover projects from lots of things that went on for example there's the the rodriguez's that produced all the oxygen to fill up the core of the map there's some desalinators here for some salt water that no longer exists more cooling loops over here uh not all the sticksters are up and running at the moment because the carbon dioxide production wasn't there it's it's slowly coming online because of all the natural gas generators there's a couple of just natural gas generator farms around the place like this and the whole map is very very toasty except in the the cooler areas in the home base i do i i still think you went too far though you went way way way way too far uh industrial because fine oh was it yes that was it let's have a quick look at the overlays on this map i think you'll find it pretty interesting first up we've got the gas overlay now you'll notice it actually looks quite decent but there's loads of little messy bits about the place it feels like a proper lived in base now where is it at liquid overlay lord the amount of piping in that base is crazy you can see down here where they were doing all the cooling that's the that's a couple of petroleum boilers over there which are nicely merged home base over here this here was where the the former main base used to be so that's why it's a bit uh messy uh oh where's the next one temperature overlay the entire map is just roasting bear in mind this is rhyme like this map started off freezing cold the entire map was baltic and now it's basically an inferno everywhere except for some of the pre-cooled places due to you know an industry industry is anything keeping some of the places from not being roasting uh and then you've got the power grid oh god yep yep that is there was no elite game restructuring on this one you can actually see this is the main core spine that used to go through the central base before everything was moved over this side that is a lived-in base you went too far sir you went too far i love it next up we have roland ireland with the american dream this map has 36 oil wells on it it's yep that's a lot of oil wells um let's start with something small and simple yep let's just start with the industrial break because it's just you know your average industrial brick just ignore that giant pile of molten glass we'll get back to that one what uh what happens here is anytime these uh metal refineries here are used the hot material which is molten aluminum they're using molten aluminum as coolant inside their metal refineries because that's what you do that's of course not excessive at all that gets sent up here and rotates through these diamond tiles dumping heat into them that heat is then transferred across and into this molten salt yes there is a layer of molten salt here where this is all very standard normal stuff when that molten salt heats up too much it becomes gas it's almost there right now when it turns into a gas it then starts touching the window tiles above it which allows us to transfer heat up here into these steam turbines to drive them molten it's basically a molten salt reactor for extracting the maximum amount of heat of these things also there's a big pile of molten glass in here i don't even want to know i don't want to know i don't want to find out anymore but the decor down here still surprisingly amazing look at that all of the uh the pedestals down there are just dumping oodles of decor in there making it wonderful and beautiful all right let's get on with the oil this place is called the american dream for a reason there is a lot of oil in this map you'll see that all of that oil is getting pumped onto main lines and when i say main lines oh this is going to get confusing so usually what will be it'll be three uh what three of these oil wells all linked up to one line and then those will start linking up and linking up and even more of them link up and even more of them link up and even more of them and then yes we get to hear yep be afraid be very very afraid then this is the sort of centralized oil storage tank where all the oil gets dumped and then the oil from there gets dumped across into these pumps these pumps then go across here and go up and we have a line of petroleum boilers when i say a line i mean a one a two s three a four a five a six seven eight nine ten eleven eleven petroleum boilers in a row and all of them are active every single last one of them that is ten that's eleven petroleum boilers so what uh 110 kilos of petroleum per second as you can imagine that's a lot of petroleum that's an awful amount of petroleum in fact just just putting on the pipe overly here causes my computer to have a little bit of a seizure just a little bit of a one look at that glorious piping that is amazing i can't wait to do the pipe overview on this anyway all of this petroleum has to go somewhere as you can imagine this would would quickly flood your map if you're not careful that's that's 110 kilos per second that's way too much so all of that petroleum is instead dumped in here into the largest industrial sauna you have ever seen but this isn't even an industrial sauna there's no industry in here there's just power generation that's it this is a power sauna look at the glorious amount of petroleum generators all of them running flat out generating absolutely glorious amounts of power there's a carbon dioxide vent in here because you know why not who cares uh there's another carbon dioxide vent over here because why not the whole thing is a whole bunch of steam turbines wrapped on top in fact it's double layered with steam turbines we've got steam turbines in one section and then another set of steam turbines down here just to take care of the gobs of power coming at us also there's polluted water pouring out of this remember but it's so hot in here the polluted water that's coming out i think it's half a kilo sorry 750 grams of polluted water per second per generator so the reason for all of these steam turbines is if they weren't there they would be able to suck out the water fast enough and the pressure would get too high as it is there's like how much how much gas pressure we look at about 46 kilos of steam carbon dioxide wide weighs 40 kilos of carbon dioxide we also have uh some slicksters in here who are doing a very pathetic job at trying to soak up all that carbon dioxide they have not got a hope remember though we talked about in the last map you need about one gas pump for every petroleum generator to extract the carbon dioxide efficiently well let's just have a quick glance at the gas overlay ronin you have gone too far oh my god oh that is beautiful that is hypnotic and beautiful and oh yeah the computer doesn't like it when i move the screen so all of that carbon dioxide flows appear to the top of the map where it's dumped into the the vacuum of space space is having a hard time dealing with that much you'll see here that the carbon dioxide makes it quite a decent distance before it eventually dissipates into the vacuum of space there's just so much of the stuff in fact back here it's like up to pressures of 10 kilos because the vacuum of space just can't handle it that is that is gloriously insane that is just so far beyond the pale i love also that the carbon nexus goes through here these uh these pipes are made of mafic rock but they're not insulated they're only insulated where they pass through the steam turbine area so that they don't drag heat into the steam terminal if they dump a bit of heat across here it doesn't really matter that is just insane absolutely insane now we have a couple of other mega projects we should probably look at we've got well right over here we've got a sour gas boiler because you know this base doesn't have enough power already what with 11 petroleum boilers so anyway this one is just literally brute force they're not even trying to recycle any of the heat here what happens is these aquatuners provide a awful lot of heat that boils all of the crude oil that gets dropped in here that crude oil turns to sour gas it flows up into the left up to the right and flows down the sides these aquatuners are providing cooling so they cool down the sides here which make sure any of the sour gas that goes down there immediately gets turned into liquid which drops down here and then it overflows the sides once it's filled up here there's several there's several tons of methane down here that overflows the side and gets down to this tepidizer which you know every so often turns on and flashes it to gas you'll notice here there's a lot of natural gas there is 79 000 kilos of natural gas pressure per tile and where is that all going well i'm glad you asked all of that is barely being used in fact this these four lines uh only two of them are actually being used one of them goes to some natural gas generators the other one goes to the cooking station so this gas range is powered by a line of natural gas coming from a sour gas boiler yep that seems entirely excessive but on a base like this i think it's not that not that crazy really not that crazy at all let's have a quick look at the regulator because you know we've already got all the power why not get a regular melter just to have all and all the power anyway the regulator comes in over this side goes around and goes through the steam turbines and you see there's counter flowing igneous rock coming the opposite direction so it sort of pre-heats well it actually pre-chills a little bit down here it comes in at about 300 degrees it chills a little bit coming through here but by the time it comes past all of the steam turbines and all the diamond tiles and yep there's a lot of heat transfer by the time it goes past all of them gets out here it's 1100 degrees and the outgoing igneous rock is about 1300 so it goes through here another bit of counterflow heat exchanger all the way until it gets to this section this confused me for a little bit but let's see this is the incoming regolith and it flows up here and what it does is it's flowing up these obsidian tiles these obsidian tails won't melt and they are touching the magma up here so what happens is the igneous rock or the regular slowly comes up through here and once it gets to about this point you can see little blobs of magma there so it's melting on the rail you can see it on the rail there it is melted melted melted and as it melts it turns into magma and then what happens excuse me and as it turns into magma it flows down and as it flows down it's actually touching the sides of the obsidian so it's actually dumping heat into the obsidian as it goes by the time it gets down to the bottom it's just about chilled out turns into igneous rock igneous rock gets jumped across and that is how it gets added to the caterpillar going to the opposite direction and dumping itself into the steam turbines and all that wow just damn yeah if this gets in if there's too much magment here at any one point this door opens and a little bit of magma gets there to flow down here and gets kicked out as well this whole thing is just ridiculous it really is like there's just how much power do you need well you gotta be able to manage that somehow so here we have the two power grids this here is a visualization of how much power is being drawn on the left hand side is the left hand side of the base on the right hand side is the right hand side of the base in general and this here is an indication of how much of the 50 kilowatt potential is being drawn all right and what i mean by that is let's go grab the power overlay say this is the heavyweight conductive wire this is how much power is being consumed at the moment 33.5 and if you look here you can see it sort of as a graphical representation as it goes up and down this goes up and down if this was maxing out at 50 kilowatts you know you're hitting the maximum safe wattage power produced on this line is 80 kilowatts so it can handily take whatever is thrown at it it's just a case of making sure you don't go over your power allotment this one only has 67 kilowatts being produced on it it could still only handle a maximum of 50. so it's not like we're we're underpowered here and it has a maximum power consumption right now about 28.29 so yeah there's just a nice little graphical interface to tell you how much power your base is consuming very nice that's not even excessive that just is really cool i want to steal that idea just to the left of this beautiful little indicator system we've got oh oh games didn't like that just left we've got the actual space the space accommodation this is for all of the astronauts there is eight rockets and from what i can tell there is eight astronauts to stay in this little perfect you know perfect little space place for them uh the cool thing though here that i really like is the nature reserves there's a nature reserve mounted on top of their bedrooms and that just gives them a bit of a morale bonus when they're passing back and forth at the same time it's it's six symbol reads providing the plans so you actually get symbol reads which are really handy providing the bonus i just i love that integration of usefulness combined with actual productivity uh a quick space look at the space program over here just it's eight rockets all the way across they're all fed by jetset ducks so they can fly into the rockets there's the detectors over there and of course a giant pool of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen because you know anything less than a giant pool of something would be not good enough for a base like this down here you've got the the aquatuners that actually provide the cooling for the liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen but you'll also also notice they're hooked up to the bottom of these uh rocket cellars all the exhaust heat from here gets shot down into the steam room which causes the whole thing to heat up which jumps into the steam turbines which generates electricity so yeah recycling the heat every which way to have even more power which uh i don't know the base has like at what point is there too much power oh yeah and here's the solar arrays just the solar is because why not as well um now over here you'll see there's actually a pool of supercoolant a pool of petroleum and this is where the the molecular forges are for producing insulation and all that stuff and you'll be wondering wow they're running awfully low on supercoolant well they're not running as low as you might think now where is it yeah yes what do you call this is this a pool of super coolant or a lake uh personally i like i would i would refer to that as an excess of super coolant because that's just that's ludicrous dear lord a ludicrous of super cool maybe i don't know i don't know you can decide what you'd like to call it i i think that's just stupid oh my god you've gone too far roll and you've gone too far that's just styling on the map when you have that much supercoolant that you could literally drown the chunk of the map you've gone too far now um over here there's actually just a little ethanol distillery that you know nothing too crazy about this one it's just an ethanol distillery uh it doesn't seem to have been too too crazy uh i'm i'm sort of slightly shocked i was expecting there to be a bit of bajillion pokeshelves in here let's have a quick look over some of the more mundane aspects of the base if if any of it can really be called mundane over here you've got a one of these old-school volcano timbers what happens is it it basically chews on the metal the whole way down and drains out all the heat so that by the time the gold gets out the bottom it's incredibly cool it's like what 20c that just means that the the metal is never hot when it comes out handy way to do things then over here we've got a chlorine gas vent now this oh my god so the chlorine comes out here and then there's a bunch of supercoolant to chill to minus 63. this means any uh chlorine that ends up over here ends up getting liquefied and dropping down here this is basically a form of infinite gas storage because the chlorine won't stay over here it'll it'll only get liquefied over this side which falls into this pool and then because of the lip here it flows down and if it ever gets too hot the pressure gets too high this side it'll force itself over the top and onto this liquid tepidizer when the temperature gets submerged it will activate and turn it into well and keep heating up until it turns into gas so this area is basically an infinite gas storage and it doesn't require it can literally go as high as you want it to you never have to worry about this over pressurizing unlike other ones that if they go over a thousand kilos they might do it or something like that so it's just a an energy free way of doing it almost it's pretty cool yeah up here we've got a battery box battery box is hooked up to a bunch of steam turbines it gets too hot they you know they cause the steam turbines to run so they're basically self-cooling everything here is of course made out of steel there is oodles of steel on this map and then we got it over at this section over here we've got yourself your shovels this is just starvation shovel wrenching for lots and lots of food i think some of the excess regulation used to be dumped in here but now it's all uh it's all earmarked for the regular melter then at number six over here we've got the this hatch farms now the hatches here are all fed on igneous rock the igneous rock is all coming from over here the end of the regular melter dumps all of the ignis rock out on this tile now it's on top of this metal tile and a bunch of liquids and all this stuff just so that it's nice and cooled it's all getting cooling provided by these aquatuners over here oh one second come on piping so these are tuners are providing cooling over here and it just makes sure all the igneous rock is nice and chill and then it goes over there and gets fed to the hatches then after that we've got your wild pitcher pepper nut farm because of course we do and then down here we've got a whole bunch of round farms we've got mealwood we've got dust caps we've got more real wood we've got cymbal reed the thimble reed though is only uh sporadically used to consume polluted water and then you've got your sleek weed farm so there's actually quite a bit of temperature gradients going on here two completely different temperature ranges for those crops they're all temperature controlled of course and then at number nine we have an insulation melter because of course we do uh roland did was the last person to send us an insulation motor as well i think he's one of the few people who's ever sent an insulation melter this thing very simple it's a little bit more compact than the last one very simple of course there's some liquid steel here going through these pipes that's providing a stabilizer for this diamond block and then every time steel gets made the uh liquid niobium that's being used is coolant it's sent across here and split into one kilo packets that way it can't ever solidify in the pipes and then what happens is it gets passed through these uh these pipes here are made of insulation and they're just a very important uh distinction here there's insulated pipes made of insulation and then there's regular pipes made of insulation the two of them may look the same they may say they have the same thermal conductivity of zero but there's a huge difference between the two of them the difference being that insulated tag the normal pipe does not have the insulated tag the insulated pipe does for the insulated tag means that the only thing considered for thermal transfer between it and everything else is the pipe itself or only its thermal conductivity is considered so the insulated pipe will not really conduct anything or it's tiny it's minuscule you can't really observe it however this liquid pipe here just the normal pipe without that instead of tag it has a thermal conductivity of zero however the the conductivity between it and other stuff is actually um an aggregate of the two scores which means you can look at this uh niobium here it's 41 4 000 degrees of liquid niobium going through there but the moment it gets down to this insulated pipe it dumps a bunch of heat into it and then opium's temperature plummets to 600 degrees so what you've got here is a whole bunch of temperature being dumped into those insulated pipes and they keep getting hotter like 720 730 740 750 and it's going to keep going up and up and up until eventually it melts it'll take a while but after enough batches of steel go through there it will melt and when it melts it falls down in here and you'll have a bunch of liquid niobium wait liquid tungsten i think it melts i think insulation melts into tungsten it's been a while since i've looked at one of these but effectively it gets siphoned out then by this little pump on the side and then it gets siphoned out and sent back through the whole thing is just it's a ridiculous feat of engineering and just time spent and the amount of time it takes to heat that up you've got to imagine this is a whole bunch of diamond window tiles heated up to 3200 degrees the only naturally occurring heat you can get even close to that is magma which is about 1700 degrees you have to melt steel just to start when when you're starting your project with melting steel you've already probably gone too far anyway let's have a quick look at the overlays now i've been warned to pause it before i put on the overlays because if i go into screenshot mode and try and do it the pipe overlays or is it the pipe or the gas or maybe both it will crash the game i believe it i truly do now let's have a look-see you know what we'll start with the easy ones first let's go with temperature oh wow it just looks so organized there's the core base oh actually that's one thing we forgot to check was the core base um okay the core base is it's pretty decent actually to be honest the core in here is unbelievably high it's about 3 000 decor on these beds if you'll notice it's it's not over 9 000 and it's not close to the 10 000 of the last base but that's an insane amount of decor every single duplicate is getting maximum bonuses out of this place it is just a nice beautiful peachy base but nope one second we are going to go check out yes temperature over this so this is the temperature you'll notice this is like the the power sauna so everything around here is just absolutely roasted except for things for industry that's going on there's the wheat farm and nice colors there's the the other farm above that everything your work needs to be chilled is chilled and it just seems so organized it's terrifying okay now let's see what the liquid overlay looks like oh god the whole map is covered in pipes that's insane congratulations roland you have definitely gone too far hey gas piping oh sorry jesus okay there is the absolutely insane amount of natural gas piping that was required that's ludicrous how long did this take you how many hours are on this map 493 hours yep yep that sounds actually in that that sounds even less than i was expecting all right now let's have a look at the power overlay this one is probably going to be a little bit sh okay i'm not even i know there's two separate grids there i'm not even sure i can try and tease them apart though that is ludicrous let's just have a quick look in here where it's nice and uh just a little bit of a close-up you can see where the two grids are split here between the the two pixel packs over there using those pixel packs as uh power indicators is absolutely inspired but you'll see that there's actually two separate grids wow uh yeah you can see the all these uh petroleum generators and batteries over here on the right hand side and all of these petroleum generators over here on the left hand side that is an insane system well done sir well done you have gone miles above and beyond uh we could check the mineral overlays but let's be honest there's no minerals left look see that pink all that pink you're seeing on the map that's insulation insulation being one of the rarest and hardest to achieve materials in the game that's an impressive amount of insulation thanks very much for sharing that map roland that was uh yeah that was something special alright both the save game files will be attached uh load them up at your own peril i uh i hope you enjoyed these and uh good luck [Music] do [Music] do
Channel: Francis John
Views: 60,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxygen not included, ONI, base lovin, base exploration, fun, designs, base tour, super base, regular base, volcano, mega base, sour gas boiler, sustainable, petroleum boiler, regolith melter, frozen O2 core
Id: oCDs_KspYkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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