Ep 7 : Cooling O2 and Food : Oxygen not included Spaced out

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and we're back so more oxygen not included and today today is well i don't want to say maintenance but it's cleaning up all the stuff we should have got around to ages ago if we weren't rushing all the time to get nuclear power because i really did want to play around with this nuclear power but now that that's done once i've been running we have a whole lot of things they got put on the long finger one was killing all these plug slugs they've been going around eating their metals and stuff it's better off if they stop doing that also they've been putting hydrogen everywhere it's a mess but now no more problems from them uh but the first and i think most pressing concern is most likely oxygen supply that needs to get cooled we have well this used to be an ice bomb there's just not really much of it left as you can see so we need to strap a big cooling section onto this i'm thinking we'll put in a cooling section right here aqua tuner uh we're going to have to cool down with some polluted water because you know toxic waste doesn't go down low enough or nuclear waste isn't going to alone enough for the temperatures we're going to want for oxygen however it's going to require power power to run the aquatuners so first up we're going to go up to our giant power supply over here which is do you learn the size of this thing yes totally overkill i know but it looks awesome so i'm not going to complain all right we're going to grab that power supply and we're going to bring it down here we're going to run a power spine down the center of the map i'm going to branch that onto our base but before we do all that i want to protect this so to protect it i want to core at this area over here it's got uh some shovels in it and i don't want those shovels sticking in it having shovels in your nuclear reactor just sounds like the biggest nightmare you could ever have so we're gonna take all the shovels that are in here all the eggs everything like that and we're going to return them to this location over here that's the first thing we'll do once that's dealt with we'll expand our power network and we'll start cooling our oxygen and that's the last oh wait there's one more egg in there i just like making sure you've gotten every single last one of those otherwise they'll come up work somewhere somehow there's just no other way to avoid it i think that's everything we have scooped out every single last bit of the top of the map nice no more worries about shovels just randomly appearing inside things all right power spine we need to put a centralized one in this in the middle of the map and i'm thinking lead blood is just the way to go namely because it's so cheap and we have so much of it so one of them right down the middle here should be perfect now that looks like a nice long power spine all the way from the top to the bottom of the map all they have to do is connect it up to the actual power source come on just just two more pieces once that's done we can start feeding it into our base and what we'll do is we'll rip out these hospitals and put in some power transformers here and we'll use them to send power all across the base we are going to have to renovate this whole place at some point but for now we're just going to switch it over away from coal and onto that onto nuclear yeah let's see over here looks good very simple setup we're just going to stick in six power transformers here large ones and then we're going to run those six power wires all over the base to make sure we can replace everything that's powered here except for the red bull generator that's because it's got lots like 500 plus red bolts in here it's fine actually what the hell is this release a red bull when stored red bull six seeds okay nice way to arrange things what i would really prefer they did was have this materials research bench and if the amount of rad bolts in it goes below say you could have like a sliding scale if it goes below 50 send out an on signal or an on pulse and that way you can send an on pulse to the red bull generator to fire up a bolt and then you know send in odd pulse every five seconds so if after five seconds it's not chart still charged up it sends it another and another and another and it'll keep doing that that would just allow us to well use the red bull generator correctly well without any manual use because because right now it's just annoying well okay just not convenient you have to go there and manually turn it on every so often otherwise your research just stalls and you're like wait what why did i stall that has their newest research complete i think we were researching uh showers yeah let's just grab the next one this whole thing got changed recently so i have to research a few more things that's next on the agenda after we cool our oxygen is going into space and sorting out space research we have completely redone all of the power here all the power comes down here and feeds on to our different grids and all of our grids we've basically got rid of transformers we've left in the batteries we've left in the power supplies but we've removed the transformers now all these batteries are getting charged directly from nuclear power and they never drop below the 60 threshold so none of these coal generators should ever kick in however if there is something that interrupts the nuclear power like say i don't know a massive catastrophic explosion then in that case the generator should kick back in and we'll be good to go uh it doesn't mean these batteries sit here generating heat and what's your heat like down here pretty low because it's right beside all of those weasel warts that are generating us all of that lovely lovely red bolts oh that reminds me we should fire another rad wilt in there just one just one any more than that will uh we'll zap so that's right i may have accidentally zapped them a couple of times and yeah well okay just once just once i zapped them it was completely by accident all right but i've been thinking uh over here our next job is to run power wires over here and we're going to use that power to run a steam turbine and an aquatuner to cool down our oxygen supply but i was thinking while we're here cooling down our oxygen supply why not cool down our food we should set ourselves up some infinite food storage get ourselves a nice deep freeze going on and the problem we face right now is say this uh i say barbecue here it's refrigerated minus five percent cycle sterile zero percent so the sterile environment completely stops it from degrading on the the atmosphere front but the chill is only five degrees it's down to two degrees sorry two degrees so it's only refrigerated we need to get that all the way down to minus 18 which yeah we got these stored down over here so once they hit minus 18 they get frozen and once they're frozen they stop going off entirely so we can once again get back to 100 keeping everything that we cook however how do we do that i'm thinking yeah i'm thinking chlorine and well this was requested last time let's go to the test map and maybe test out a couple of ways of doing deep foods deep frozen storage but inside your base i don't want this miles away from the cooking area i want to build one close to the cooking area and hopefully keep it there without freezing the whole place down you know we want our tubes to be not frozen but also able to eat their food first things first before we start building and designing anything we have to test all of our assumptions first we need to know that the barbecue or the food itself what temperature it needs to get to before this unrefrigerated disappears or it goes to refrigerated and then eventually to frozen and i believe it was minus eight or minus 16. i'm not exactly sure what it was so what we're going to do here set this to minus two all we have over here is well a giant tank of supercoolant and that supercoolant is hooked up via this mechanized airlock which connects up here to this thermal sensor and we're gonna do is keep jumping the temperature down in here until it affects the food oh wow you know what hmm yeah i don't think it's affecting the food fast enough probably because that food is only sitting on the tile and yeah it's at 19.6 that's very slowly exchanging temperature we might have to make some changes here right okay everything in here went to minus two but the food unfortunately has not hit that that might take a minute or two this may require some experimentation well this is not a promising start carbon dioxide is terrible at transferring temperature and these things are going down really slowly this is three kilos of pepper bread and this is five kilos of barbecue and the mass of the barbecue is what's really the problem here they're both made of genetic ooze so all the rest of their uh abilities are the same i've even replaced this metal tile here with some thermium just to see if it'll help out but still it's so slow we may have to start going towards liquids liquid chlorine or we would need to rotate them through some tiles first maybe on some conveyor rails to cool them down first before dumping them into storage yeah things just get more complicated every time you look at something it just gets more and more complex well we finally hit refrigerated which has it down to minus three percent of cycle that seems to be once we get about three well below three degrees four degrees or lower oh great let's see how much further we have to go before we actually hit deep frozen what are you at you're at -14 and you are still at refrigerated okay minus 14 is still refrigerated well that's not good yeah we're probably going to need to hit minus 16 or minus 18. well okay this makes no sense uh this barbecue here is at 4.6 c and it is now frozen yep this says it is frozen all right food items become stale is 50 freshness around zero percent yes so this is frozen it's it's now frozen and it says deep freeze that makes absolutely no sense because this one up here is at minus 15.7 and it says it is at refrigerated so this one is 15 degrees colder and then some still not quite at deep freeze levels so it deep freezes in carbon dioxide but not in hydrogen more experimentation required all right it seems to have sorted itself out this is now back to refrigerated again that's fine so it's just confusing me i've put a few of them here in different atmospheres this is carbon dioxide this is oxygen and this is natural gas and we get the hydrogen over there we're going to see what each one does and how it actually affects whether or not they uh they get deep frozen everyone i can tell refrigerated goes to minus three percent and that requires it to be the temperature below below four which i think we're good yeah you should be at refrigerated now it's minus three and until we hit the deep freeze section which would appear to be about oh i wanna say minus sixteen to minus eighteen yeah we're gonna be stuck like this okay it's confusing me again this says it's deep frozen but it's not because it's only minus eight i think this might have to do with how quickly its temperature is dropping if its temperature is dropping rapidly it assumes it's being deep frozen so it seems to give the uh the frozen modifier but i think if it stops dropping in temperature what are we at minus seven minus eight i think if it's if it slows down on that it goes back to not being deep frozen anymore anyway point being we need to get them down to minus 18 and we need to get them down there fairly rapidly and our choices are on aquatuner or we may actually find a use for something that does not get a lot of love in this game the thermal regulator we might be able to use gas to cool it down these things come in at what 240 watts would be a lot cheaper way of doing it but of course you know you probably would have to use hydrogen let's uh let's do some experimentation and check out a few potential cooling fluids liquids gases doing some playing around here there's only two real liquid slash gases we could mess with to do deep freezing and one is carbon dioxide carbon dioxide however it stacks up to 2 000 kilos per tile which is great and it's completely well it won't damage the foods then you've got chlorine which is anti-germ and well it stocks up pretty nice the stacks are pretty nice the problem is it seems to just no matter what it touches off it just turns right back into a gas this is insulated tiles made of insulation it should not transfer heat with anything yet its temperature has changed from its default 20 degrees because the carbon look you can see the temperature of the chlorine raising there we probably need a lot of cooling to keep that down now to do a little bit of a test here i've got some oxygen which came in at 26 degrees and then i've got a nice pool of carbon dioxide here which was brought in at -26 and as you can see there or yeah it's going up the temperature is not able to stay at the moment that was introduced they're just a horrible mess so we need some way of keeping this cool without the heat leaking out man that seems difficult with the traditional food pit let me give it another try here so the idea here is pretty simple since vacuum already works and all those gases turn out to be well difficult to work with what if we just put them on top of a metal tile and made the metal tile really cold would that actually do anything and the answer is no even though it's sitting on the metal tile the bread doesn't actually exchange any heat with it oh it doesn't even matter what it's on damn it that makes it awkward what if we run the food through a chilling solution before we do no that's that's not good enough we need something that chills it while it's sitting in place if we got to run it through some tiles that's going to make things really complicated to test this we have a few options we can use hydrogen we can use carbon dioxide or we can use chlorine and they're the only ones that'll keep the food fresh and they're reasonably good gases to use now the hydrogen has a much better thermal conductivity than the carbon dioxide by miles and also much better than the chlorine which means if we drop food in there it should pretty much just instantly start chilling down to deep frozen at 19.9 and boom all right and we're at fresh frozen yes it hit deep frozen yeah deep freeze so it's deep frozen pretty much instantly when you do it that way assuming we can get the the amount of chilling required into the gas now for a liquid lock we're using ethanol because ethanol doesn't freeze until it hits minus 114 as well as that it's 34 grams since we're using a drop liquid lock that should mean that very little heat should escape i can see or brittle cooling should escape i can see some of it is but maybe we can help that out by putting in carbon dioxide around the area where we're going to be pulling it out just to make sure that it because carbon dioxide of course terrible thermal conductivity which means hopefully the the heat will stain better hmm actually i suppose oxygen is pretty terrible as well hmm nope nope nope nope we're just gonna we're gonna mess around with the well that one was pretty promising but if we replace that entire atmosphere with carbon dioxide what happens carbon dioxide in place it's down to minus 33 oh and notice that the gas above it is taking forever to cool down yet the gas touching the gold tile is immediately plummeted ah thermodynamics in action now let's see properties yeah that's a much slower drop but that is just that's a crawl it's going to take forever to get down to deep freeze is it or it instantly deep freezes what is i don't understand it's supposed to be when the food's temperature hits it but it seems to be the moment it starts going down at fast enough speeds the game decides okay you're frozen now or yeah i don't know maybe i'm missing something never mind uh let's try this with chlorine and see what that does to this sucker i'll be at 14 well moral rate 14 and still showing his deep frozen same setup again chlorine gas throw it in and yeah well i suppose what would they expect the thermal conductivity of chlorine is about half that of carbon dioxide so you know the pepper bread is going to take forever to go down but does it immediately get deep free immediately deep frozen i just don't i don't get that how is that happening hmm but eventually that will hit the required temperatures now let's try one or two more potential alternatives for this this design is much simpler we're going to use a conveyor chute to drop our foods into this pit and this pit is cooled down to liquid chlorine temperatures now the question is if we throw in a loaf of bread here how long does it take for the pepper red to hit at cold enough temperature oh wow even in liquid chlorine that's uh that's incredible but it's immediately hit deep frozen why is the normal atmosphere minus four percent okay so liquid chlorine is not considered a good atmosphere that's that's kind of amazing is it the same for carbon dioxide is liquid carbon dioxide not considered a good atmosphere too that's um carbon dioxide liquid same problem it is not considered a sterile environment therefore it's classified as normal atmosphere right i had no idea i just assumed liquid chlorine and liquid carbon monoxide would be considered normal atmospheric vespers you're soaking your bread in a liquid it's probably not good for it all right then so we have to keep it in the gas i don't think there's any liquids we can stick it in hmm pity pity okay but we'll have to switch back one moment all right new plan that we're going with here we're gonna grab the spotter and we're gonna throw in pepper bread you know the pepper bread of course will take a while but eventually it will get cold enough oh my god temperature 20 degrees yeah you you thinking about changing about no you're up to 21 how how you're in minus so makes absolutely no sense sometimes okay eventually it will change temperature i swear this bread will slowly hit the required deep freeze temperature as well as that it's always in chlorine so it won't ever the germs are never going to be a problem basically and then to access the food of course our tubes can't access it directly anymore so what we're going to do is instead put in a refrigerator here we're setting this one to one kilo but we'll probably set it to 5 or 10 kilos and then we'll set this to where is it at pepper bread there we go boom so this auto superhero can access the pepper bread location down here our duplicates can't put the auto super can and what it does is it picks up the pepper bread and we'll load up say five kilos of pepper bread into the fridge this is then accessible by our dupes once our dupes get access to it they dump it in there now of course what happens to the stuff they drop on the ground well there is a way around that now what we can do is we can get a conveyor loader now this is all of course just a little bit of a mock-up proof of concept type thing and then we set this to pepper bread level four allow manual use uh we might wanna check well the fridge is on five you just wanna make sure that this is one lower than the fridge and then all we do is anytime anyone drops some pepper bit oh damn it no that's a bad idea let's just put you way over there hey this is why we do things in debug mode okay you can be deconstructed boom done now all we do is we say drop it well we drop down a lump of bread on the ground we spawn in a dupe they instantly fall asleep they wake up and then they grab the pepper bread and open straight into there so boom this means any food that ends up in the ground can be automatically jumped back into conveyor shoot and only the stuff we want will get taken out as well as that if we need more than one refrigerator worth of stuff we can always just go like that and we can have say pepper breaded one barbecue and another depending on what you want now of course the food in here will eventually go off going down to only two degrees it's only going to show up as refrigerated and it's not in a safe environment so it will eventually go degrade but keeping small amounts in here means our duplicants have access to them another thing we can do is we can combine that with a co2 pit and if we put them all in co2 pits we can do that quite nicely as well the trick is we need to go for the cooling solution to cool all of the pepper bread down here hmm that could take a minute let's do some space this is going to be our very simple test scenario and we're going to use a thermal regulator here to do it because why not it's actually very low power and this might actually be a useful scenario for it now all we're going to do is fill this loop up with hydrogen the reason we're using hydrogen is it's got the highest specific heat or yeah the highest specific heat capacity of any of the gases at the same time we don't really care if we over chill a little bit it's not going to liquify unless we go really crazy uh it passes through here in these insulated gas pipes comes up here and this is radiant steel pipe radiant steel pipe is well it's got the best thermal conductivity over all the radiant gas pipes unless you go up to the space metals or the crazy stuff now what should happen here is this is set to -24 now we've put it outside the steam room because it's more convenient that way at the same time this is going to remove a little layer of control we should really have a lot closer to the entry point but well we don't care oh and that can go and get rid of that gas bridge now this should slowly chill that all the way down and it's minus 12. you know what stick some bread in there while we're waiting here we get go how you doing your fresh sterile atmosphere you're already deep frozen that's perfect okay then this might actually be just as simple as it needs to be done it's down to -29 let's not go too far there i also made this flooring up to 20 kilos because with a high pressure gas vent we can dump in 20 kilos although to build it we're going to need to put in one high pressure gas vent and one conveyor chute so um space is going to be a little tight but i think i think that's going to be our new deep freeze a chlorine pit full of all of our food this might work now all we have to do is figure out how to implement the design we've just come up with into this base and integrated in nice and neatly i'm thinking this is all got to go we want to keep it nice and close to here because we don't want the gas traveling too far it'll bleed a lot of heat yeah this is going to have to go and we'll probably stop using compost entirely i mean we've got rid of all most of the polluted dirt we cared about anyway so that can go and we're also going to want to replace those tiles with something more permanent so new ladder system goes in here and we're going to want to wall in underneath this with tile so we don't use all that precious carbon dioxide we're going to want to keep that for our uh well for our food pit afterwards piece of advice when you reload the game uh immediately get everyone away from the bees it turns out when you reload the game sometimes people just get mad attacked by bees we have so many bees in this area well not anymore a whole bunch of them just died after they stung for uh was it was a shrek that got it yeah shrek got reduced to zero hp however they got rescued before they died thankfully so now they're back up as far as four we'll soon have them back up and around uh to manage these things down here i've put one way restrictions on these doors and every so often i let them go in and clean out the the hives wait is that yeah yeah so they go in very rarely and clean them up what are we looking at in here 18 kilos yeah not a lot yeah we'll come back in a bit once these are more full for the time being food we're going to sort out our food storage and get it deep frozen we're going to need a little bit more space for a storage unit here so we're going to have to move this uh evolution chamber all the way to the right this shouldn't be too much of a problem we'll just extend that on put that there we'll have to do a few things to make this work once we've got the new evolution area down we just deconstruct these chuck ah dab it up you know what we'll just do deconstruct buildings deconstruct the conveyor loader in the background and then we can just brick them across and push all the eggs over there or they should get pushed across we just break that in and hopefully the creatures don't get pushed up and instead all the eggs get pushed across if not well things things are about to get more complicated and no ah that's bad okay we'll get rid of that come on quick quick quick quick quick before anything else decides to hatch and mess us up right everything falls okay no problems no problems we can manage this not not a butter not about at all so we have managed to move all of those across there we've now got space over here i think we're going to move the kitchen the kitchens move one tile over i think actually we'll move the two towels over we might move it back in a bit or move it back a tile or so once we're finished but that should give us plenty of space to put in our little cooling solution right here then we're gonna step on the steam turbine section right here we made sure to build that grille and copy and paste the settings over first just to save us a little bit of time now do we have why do we have that water there oh that water was there so that we could put in that vacuum seal down there well that is no longer necessary all of those tricks are gone hmm let me think i think we're gonna stick it in right here we need to vacuum this area out so that we can well put it fill it full of chlorine we don't want any other gases in there so we're gonna try something a little wonky well i'm not too lucky we're gonna try and put a liquid blob right there to keep this sealed in we'll probably get this to work in fact we have a liquid blob right there which we can jump down right now you can deconstruct that liquid pipe there that'll drop 10 kilos of water right there and seal off the bottom of that perfect then we put that there we drop a blob of liquid down here we've now got liquids along the bottom that creates an effectively an airlock down here so people can still get in and out and gas wise we've got that gas in there but that's slowly getting sucked out by the gas pump and once the gas is gone we'll have ourselves a vacuum then we just sort of seal it up it's uh yeah well if you see if we mop that tile right there it'll mop that section and the tile beside it however it won't get the third one it'll only get these two uh that should mean you can break in here without causing any liquid to back up into the system should work yep see and that's left there so we now have ourselves a perfect vacuum just as long as no one exhales on that point i i can't guarantee that won't happen but if it does we'll just have to go again okay you can go and let's rip all of this out and prepare to put in our uh our drop off and food storage come on dupes get it done and we'll rip out all the stuff that's in there and then i think i think we're sorted just don't break that liquid bubble and please tell me you're not exhaling in there oh god damn it it's fine it's fine we can fix this all that carbon dioxide just um mini gas pump to the rescue there we go you'll be done in no time and once that's pumped out we can start putting in the bricks there and that will actually seal it off come on come on come on don't mess this up we're so close to having food storage sorted they really must have to jump through a lot of hoops for food storage now and we haven't even started building the steam turbine yet i'm done we've finally got a vacuum okay vacuum's done at least we've also got the gas pipes in place so yep and uh oh damn i made this at a couple or i should have made those out of steel two seconds i swear done done at last okay all we have to do now is make sure that we don't let anything else in there so let's finish off a conveyor loader uh and let's dump in some deep stone so that we get some chlorine in there just to make sure at the same time we can deconstruct that and i think we're gonna have to replace these with insulated tiles yeah put into the details in here because i'm thinking yeah the gas pipes are going to be coming through here and i'd prefer to have them the gas pipes to and from this going through insulated tiles just to make sure we don't leak anything any heat out on the way there or back otherwise we'll end up freezing this whole place and i'd rather not freeze the water that are that our hatchlings are in we may have accidentally discovered some stone hatchlings yeah they didn't last very long jesus i think you got him guys i think you got him yeah the world is safe from the horror of hatchlings all right done done and done let's get our little cooling solution in place over here oh we're gonna have to move that oxygen line are we no problems no problems at all while we throw in all the gas pipes and move them a bit we're also throwing in a bunch of bleach stone in here that'll only get up to two kilos of pressure but it should be sufficient for our needs well 1.8 kilos i believe nope mr blob now we'll just move all the gas pipes around just a wee bit so we can uh we can throw in our steam turbine right here that power cable probably shouldn't be going through there either uh that should oh that's only powering that you know what yeah we'll just rip that out we don't need that in there if we need a deodorizer on the other side we'll run another power cable it's fine all right then over here we're going to want to put in our new station which is going to be yep sorry our utility we're going to go to thermal regulator now how we're going to yeah i'm thinking that way then what we have is we have this that comes up here slots into that it comes out here and then we have the overflow to make sure that if it does stop there we go it works perfectly and then there's there we're probably going to brick all of this in in fact actually we'll probably break that in over there as well so give me a gas pipe thermal sensor we will stick one it won't make it a lead yet we don't really care but we will make the automation wire out of something a little bit more robust just in case so we'll just go with some copper done we're going to end up breaking most of that in with more solid tiles just to prevent any of that uh heat or chill from escaping then with that done over here is where we're going to put the aqua tuner and i think for this we're going to use sort of the gas weave where we're just going to not use any sort of medium except for just an oxygen cloud and some temperature shift plates to cool down the oxygen passing through i saw it once on a bass loving video and i'm like yep yeah we can totally nick that idea this time around so utilities wise let's grab ourselves another thermal aqua tuner throw that in here right about there i suppose doesn't really matter which direction this one's in done all right give me a couple of minutes to get the rest of this in place before we clamp the steam turbine on top we want to remove all the gases we're just going to use an oldie but a goodie here and chuck in a bunch of polluted water that should be fine we'll enable some auto bottle we'll get 200 kilos of a little bit of water in there and that'll take up the bottom layer and then 200 kilos of clean water across the top or maybe maybe 400 kilos of clean water just so we can have uh well i'd like to i like to have a decent amount of steam pressure in there here comes chief multihat now that's perfect sweep only from now on make level five disable water bottle once that 200 kilos is in we can start getting into clean water actually just dump in the clean water now and 400 kilos of that should sort all our problems all of that liquid we poured in there pretty two reasons one we wanted to well force all the gases out of there and two we needed something to actually turn into steam so that when the steam turbine was clamped on top it had something to work with but that is done all right we're gonna put in some polluted water over here that polluted water is going to be used to fill the no well that was 200 grams that's going to be used to fill the cooling loop here and once that's in place we can finally stick down the steam turbine well we're just about ready to start up one section of it that section is the cooling for the oxygen so we'll chuck that down there that'll start dumping all the polluted water from in here onto the cooling loop that water will go through the cooling loop through this insulated pipe oh this uh temperature sensor temperature sensor will detect if it's above 20 degrees that's above 20 degrees it turns on the aqua tuner and then it basically chills it down now this is sort of our cooling mesh down here for the oxygen um you know what let's hook this up now but can't let me one second to do a little bit of rejiggery pokery there we go now they're all getting a good dash of radiant pipes don't worry this will probably work i'm thinking all right liquid goes through it starts coming to the side we're looking at 33 okay it's a little bit warm to start how much water yeah it's about 30 degrees to start but we'll chill that down fairly quickly you can already see the green nice green tinge coming into that perfect perfect uh one last thing on its background journey it goes back up here around the steam turbine to make sure the steam turbine stays cool as well and we still don't have enough polluted water well let's grab some more of that shall we done whole thing is beautifully filled up polluted water is cooling down the whole area and always look at that lovely and glowing green let's check it how are you coming in at 30 30 and 28 at the other side at 19 19 and 19. yeah i'll call that i'll call that perfection okay maybe not quite perfection but it's good enough oh and we can wall that in no point wasting the uh the temp now over here it's time for the food food should be fairly simple as well we'll just uh grab this sucker yeah the sandstone will do fine we're going to bridge this on this here leads all the way back to the hydrogen tanks over here those hydrogen tanks are what have been uh they've been sitting there for how long now i don't know just a very very very long time once that's in place that'll bridge hydrogen onto that and that'll go around that whole system and that should be it we should then start cooling down this area here so we can start filling it with food all right let's make sure this is working fine temperature sensor set to -30 so it's going to take a little bit of time for it to cool down all this hydrogen hydrogen goes through here insulated pipes the whole way through insulated tiles to make sure none of the chill is lost and then it passes through the chlorine over here to hopefully cool down the food that we're going to be chucking in there and then we just give it a few minutes what are we looking at in there 25 let's give it a couple more maybe more than a couple of minutes good enough for me all right we're down below the 20c mark and let's start chucking some food in there and see what happens now how exactly are we going to position our grill i think we'll move that one tile over and that'll mean the grill will be in range of this sweeper the sweeper can get rid of that sweeper oh let me think about this for just one more minute time to test the system first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna check barbecue in there you come over here uh give me edible barbecue make that a you know click the level four and let's allow manual use actually make it a level six shall we yeah we'll make it a six and a half manual use earns wise that should mean everyone will take we'll have a golden come on should i yeah yeah come on come on you've got enough barbecue seriously how much barbecue are you trying to pick up all at once oh and now you've changed your mind yeah that's that's too it's almost okay fine they're dumping it in it's going in we finally got barbecue in here what do we got deep freeze yes that is exactly what we wanted deep freeze deep freeze deep freeze all of it okay fine now the rest of you go in roast scrub fruit nuts everything that's cooked goes into this now let me finish this off and then i'll show you what this one's for this sucker over oh actually we can get rid of the allow manual use on that we can put edible over here and we're going to make you hold you know we'll start with three kilos of barbecue though we might want to increase that in a bit uh where where did i put my barbecue too large you think i'd have a i'd have this menu memorized by now okay this is set to six so we don't want anyone taking it out of this and putting it in there that would cause infinite rooting so that should mean they're both equally important meaning yeah they picked up the bbq that means if they drop any underground they should automatically bring it back to the conveyor order nice okay i'll call that a win next up we want to go over here and we want to put in all the cooking ingredients so uh nosh beans pinch pepper nuts uh sleep wait yep all of that can go in there and this is also going to allow manual use this is also level six so all the cooking ingredients there's a few more we got to get down here there we go all the raw food types and they're all allowed manual use this one is no longer allowed manual use because well anything that's cooked should be cooked right here and then immediately get chucked up into it done i'm thinking yeah and the moment anyone takes any barbecue out of there someone else fills it up true that will go off slightly but at least it's refrigerated and that means we can get rid of the rest of these fridges we don't really need them i mean okay it's not like we need the power anymore but you know what we'll leave them there maybe we'll find an emergency use for them but for now i think we're good we can even store all our muk roots our seeds everything can go in there we should have infinite food storage forever well until we redo the entire base of course at some point in the very distant future but i think i think we're solid wait wait wait a couple of things i need to change uh one of the that is allow manual use we don't actually care if that's an allow manual use because they can't access what's in here anyway uh second thing storage bin over here this is important now at some point i i haven't seen it happen but theoretically it could you could put something on the conveyor loader it could be coming down here to get dumped into this section and it could turn into a rot pile along the way because it's so close to rotting and then you're jumping rock pile in here now i don't think about off gas so you're probably safe but better safe than sorry instead you're going to have the auto super pick it up and dump the rock pile in there that's a level six bin and then i have a level seven bin over here for rottweil as well that means any rot pile that doesn't get done in that one section all the rot pile will get moved over there and we don't have any polluted oxygen in this area just safety precaution i'm probably being paranoid now over here let's rewrite that action so it's not going through this well wow we really melted that ice biome well we did use it for over like 300 cycles oops uh one second while we re-change this and get rid of the granite piping we're probably going to want to insulate those until they get to the cooling section say hello to a much neater and more organized piping section now you'll notice this kind of stuff comes in at 60 a little bit over 60 by the time it passes through her weave 16 17 18 yeah nice okay and i think i finally figured out the uh the mystery of the foods the update from clay specifically says foods in vacuum now use exclusively their internal temperature to decide if they're refrigerated or not it just says foods in vacuum it doesn't say anything about foods in gas foods and gas is completely unchanged it used to be that if you put something into a vacuum let's say let's go grab something up here that's in a vacuum yeah we're in the vacuum here the temperature of that is actually classified as like minus 200 it's basically absolute zero so when you put anything in there the food used to look around itself presume it was an absolute zero and it says yes i'm frozen however if it's in a gas it actually looks at the gas instead so it doesn't matter what temperature the food is all that matters is if it's in a gas is the temperature of the gas around it so if we just basically let this wobble a bit and let it go below 18c oh come on seriously you're at 1920 one moment i'll be able to have it here is a roast grub fruit nut it is currently at refrigerated it's 51.3 centigrade but it's currently in refrigeration it's not actually at minus 18. that's because the gas around the chlorine is at 15.8 yeah once the gas goes up a bit yeah this is not a perfect system just yet wait till we go above 18 there we go we're actually minus 24. oops uh now this thing should go straight from refrigerated to sterile atmosphere one second or refrigerated to deep freeze there we go it switched to deep freeze once it detected at a gas around it was minus 21.6 it realizes it's below the minus 18. so it doesn't actually care too much about its own internal temperature however if if its internal temperature is minus 18 it will consider itself deep frozen even if the gas around it is not but if the gas around it is below minus 18 and it's not it will still consider itself deep frozen i wish we hadn't known that when we started this would have made things well a lot simpler for one thing all we need to do is stabilize the temperature in there this is not perfect let me make some minor modifications here this should be fairly straightforward and here we have a much more stable reliable system with chlorine there is -25 namely because we stick a couple of metal tiles here made of gold now it's not because they're really terminally conductive or something oh we also change that to a radiant gas pipe made of steel what's happening here is this is a giant massive metal currently we only had two well four kilos of chlorine to dump temperature into now we have an extra 200 kilos of gold so this has stabilized the temperature took a few minutes but now that this is all the way down to minus what did we set this to i think i set it to minus 25 and yeah minus 25. so it's oh it's minus 28 27 yeah it's it's going to stay below the minus 20 mark quite stably so you'll notice here this is all the way at minus 25 and it's going to stay there meaning any food that gets dropped in here instantly is going to be deep frozen doesn't matter what temperature is it's going to immediately consider itself deep frozen now as for taking foods out the only thing we're letting them get at now is the bbq because well why not we've got 217 000 calories and that's only going to go up once we switch over to another food we can maybe activate another fridge or we can actually use this to sort of dole out the foods in whatever way we want and the foods in here are not even that bad what's it like barbecue still seven okay it's minus five percent refrigerated a cycle but it will just keep getting fresh barbecue out of here all the time as it goes along i think i think that will work i know we spent a lot of time today going over stuff we don't normally do like i went into more than anything gritty of how i came up with this design normally i just sort of skip all of that it was just to do with the nuclear reactor a lot of people wanted to know how i came up with this design or you know they wanted more than nitty gritty of how i ended up going from you know having a reactor and then deciding how the hell i was going to place all of this around us so today i sort of went through well the actual design process i normally go through when i'm playing the game and something changes or i have to come up with a design and this was pretty much it oh i did leave out why i closed shows chlorine it's just it's one of those things that you know if you play the game like it kills germs so if any of these foods ended up with germs on them if they're in chlorine they'd die otherwise if chlorine didn't have that ability i'd probably go with hydrogen in here it'd be a better alternative but chlorine just works out really nicely because of its germ killing ability as well that you can jump bleach stone in via conveyor rail so you can just build a vacuum and then throw in the bleach stone to to to gasify the place a little bit more difficult if you want to put hydrogen in there not much more difficult but you know you'll take every advantage you can get but normally i would cut out all of that side stuff where i'd be figuring out what to use why to use it also that liquid chlorine and liquid carbon dioxide don't actually aren't a good environment to store stuff in and even coming up with a lot of this stuff i would just cut out mostly and cut straight to designs i kind of prefer to cut most of that stuff explain why we're doing what we're doing and then just leave it at that but if this is the kind of stuff you'd prefer to see me do just let me know i'll i can sure i can include a little bit more of it or maybe you'd prefer if i just kept doing it normally if you do just let me know that as well it's it's nice to know what way people want things to go anyway i am going to cut that out here today i hope you enjoyed it good luck [Applause] hmm [Music] do you
Channel: Francis John
Views: 63,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oxygen not included, DLC, Spaced Out, start, lets play, tutorial, space, food storage
Id: 2B-62y4Tiwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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