Ep 3 : O2, Oil, Plastic and Orbital Science : Oxygen not included Spaced out

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and we're back with some more oxygen not included and today we have a plan well the guts of a plan the plan i really want to get around to is i want to get into nuclear i want to build ourselves a research reactor of course this needs a bunch of stuff we've got all of the tech except one thing we don't have orbital research so orbital research requires this over here which gives us the orbital microlab however the orbital microcorp lab consumes plastic so we're going to need to research plastic first to get plastic we're going to need oil which means we're going to need atmos suits and we're going to use that once we get into the oil biome to get the oil in the first place so today is going to be about doing that however to fuel up those atmospheres with oxygen we're going to need to put ourselves together an electrolyzer system now we could use algae but yeah it's just not the same so we are going to turn this place into a nice big electrolyzer setup and we also have one more thing we've got to do and that is new printables are available now checking them out here i think yep that looks like another mechatronics engineer right there plus they've got a bit of excavation so it'll help us right now please welcome k to the team okay we'll be joining us and going well i think we'll give them straight into carrying and then after that they can go around and get into mechatronics after that for the timing i'm just doing a few minor changes around the base and putting in an extra ranch that's not quite finished yet we're putting in some gas reservoirs here with a switch controlled gas pump we're going to link chlorine into the base or maybe a bit when we dig out through here so if we do i'd like to have the option to take all of those gases and dump them into some gas tanks we have taken an extra power supply here and dumped it onto the good we have three of them but this one's only job is to power the uh the atomic collider and the red bull generator the reason being if this loses power all the red boats both rapidly dissipate and we really want to stockpile these so any interruption to power on these would be bad really really really bad it would set us back a lot so let's not let that happen that's why that's got its own power generator system and over here we're putting in a few uh deodorizers because our polluted oxygen somehow got a little bit out of control um i'm not even sure where it's coming from but it's fine we'll just put in a bunch of deodorizers about the place it'll be it'll be okay all right electrolyzer setup let's do this we're almost ready to start on this but something has become available hanson over here is just about ready to become a mechatronics engineer in fact they are now our first mechatronics engineer excellent that means we can start getting into automation uh how's their dock doing you know what we'll get them into suit wearing might as well they've got a skill in it so we can scale them to there and get a little bit of extra movement why not there we go uh this one here this is our second researcher and they're gonna end up our orbital researcher they've got the orbital microlab they're gonna go for that one our other person is already in atomic research so you know we don't wanna we can't cross-skill this one because if we give put them into both we might actually just run out of morale for them so i'd prefer to have two oh and that person can get improved carry to the lord the only things going on here i think you know what you've got enough crop tending we will give you improved carry a little bit of improved carry all around i think is the the order of the day super digging one improved carrot you can have two improved carry and same again so our diggers are now maxed out also a rancher you know what improved carry also and jeff you are actually you're good the way you are we'll just give you an extra in grilling and that takes care of that but what we want to do over here is start taking all of these eggs we've got a sage edge egg has showed up that's not good we need to get that out of there so i'm thinking automation time we've got the equipment for it so let's whisk all the eggs out and have them dumped over here any well they can they can pull them out of this section what we'll just build ourselves in evolution chamber and worry about the details later and done all of the auto sweepers here will pick up the eggs still oh actually there's there's the first outflow of them now all those eggs will get whisked away and dumped in here now this this will confuse a few people but uh tubes can actually reach across those doors in fact let's make sure no one they can still reach across those and they can grab eggs if we need them to stock up these incubators uh do we need don't have any stone hatch eggs yet you know what we'll incubate another regular hatch egg in there but we'll not make it continuous nc they'll go grab an egg from up there and they'll bring it down and done that allows us to keep our population stable by controlling what goes in here and all the excess gets sent over there to hatch and uh turn into meat and we're up to 600 kilos of water yeah i think that should be enough we'll put you to sleep only from now on let's get us up to a thousand kilos of water and anything that goes in there will end up having breathing difficulties all right let's uh finish clearing this spot out we want to make this into our electrolyzer and that's what our electrolyzer is going to look like there is six gas pumps down the bottom this is our traditional like just three kilos of oxygen per second we're already up to 11 dupes so that's going to be 1.1 kilos anyway we might as well just go we might as well just keep going i mean we're probably going to go to about 20 maybe more so if we're going to go that far yeah i'm just gonna put into three kilos that way i never have to worry about adding on more it's highly likely we'll go above 30 dupes and even if we did we can't really build an electrolyzer bigger than that okay and yeah we're just knocking out all the research we can in the background while this goes on we should be ready to go straight into interstellar research once this is done and we get down to the oil bio we are just about ready to fire this up we've got let's see these four cool generators will be what bootstraps this whole thing we've got them all hooked up to a signal switch once that automation wire is flipped that will provide power to this whole thing now i've done a tutorial on this before link in the top right uh this is just four hydrogen generators they're going to run off the excess hydrogen from this this hydrogen will power the whole thing and and we're gonna have to find a bleed off for the excess hydrogen aren't we [Music] finally good to go now one thing when always starting this up that gets people is turn them on and let them run for a bit that's why i've hooked these all up to exit tanks these gas tanks here will be able to soak up all the uh the goodness that comes out of these and my goodness i mean the horrible mess that's going to come out of these okay we'll turn these on yeah i yeah there's enough power there's like 600 watts in there but wait until they get some coal into the rest of them once you've got some coal in there come on there we go now we've got enough power perfect if we check here gas wise yeah this is pure oxygen and it's below the 300 kilos mark but give it a moment give it a moment we're not quite there yet we're going to have to get some uh water up as well now the water is coming from the gas pump day seriously how is there no power to that there's power going um yeah so this thing is also going to power not just these gas pumps and a lot but it's also going to power this water sieve and this liquid pump liquid pump will pump up the water it will get sieved that's if water will get sent in here uh how are we looking yep there we go finally here comes the clean water clean water goes in there clean water gets electrolyzed into hydrogen and oxygen and you how you doing okay so this is just going to start sucking it out now you could just turn this gas pump off and wait until more hydrogen collects but soon there'll be nothing but ox or hydrogen left up the top come on come on a little bit more and as you'll notice here all of this gunk that's coming at the top is just getting siphoned off into this tank over here it's a dead waste we don't want it anywhere near and was that principles let's see we haven't found a good duplicate in a while not really feeling any of these i mean they'd be okay pawns but none of them are actually really that worthwhile take the poke shell spawn actually i'm not even i don't want even the poke shell spawn it's too much effort to take care of it right now bye bye uh over here how we looking oh yep now the gas is all fixed so the top here is all completely hydrogen that is perfect then gas-wise we're going to do some severing uh you sever that there click that up there oh and maybe connect those up as well that will be our overflow now all the hydrogen goes in there nice okay so all the hydrogen is now flowing into this section that fills up this battery these hydrogen generators will power the whole system once we disconnect those uh coal generators and i think we're good okay all of those tanks are full we're gonna have to decommission those tanks but that's fine how much of a mess is in here carbon dioxide oxygen and hydrogen you know what we'll just deconstruct you we don't need you uh you yep same and same and same now that we've got this all cleaned out we can start whoa that's a lot of production what did i do you know what i'm not going to worry about it for a minute what we're going to do is we're going to delete those those gas tanks then we're going to run this gas through this cold biome and right back out again and that should give us a bunch of cold oxygen to feed into our base might want to oh it's three in three out so we're probably going to need to put in some blocks in this tunnel that looks like a perfectly reasonable mass of pipes yeah just uh granite piping and then a little bit of radiant gold amalgam on the end it's fine actually i don't think golda magum is the best one but we don't care at this point we'll get rid of you you and you nope and that thing can go as well gas will go through here it'll get pick up a bit of chill and then we'll send it all back to the base and then we can start finally building our atmosute docks which will allow us to get our hands on oil in the meantime we've just been hammering out research in the background i don't think there's like there's only a few left here at the bottom that we haven't completed yep we'll grab that whatever it is then that then that then these two yeah like once we get the last of these we're pretty much done on all the atomic research barring the stuff we required the interstellar for next up we do a ginormous run of pipes all the way from over here into our base and then we're going to split them up one going up one going down and then we're gonna have one pass straight through and go to the atmosphere docks on the other side we're going to we're gonna use our atmos over here to core at the rest of the map this part of the map will probably seal off or do something else with i don't see us uh exploring too much without the atmosphere especially after all the effort we've gone through to get them there we go oxygen's flowing electrolyzer seems to still be functioning we've disconnected the power for now yeah it's still working hydrogen quite hasn't backed up to fill all four but we're only using about two kilos so we don't need the fourth hydrogen generator i think we can seal that off these gas pipes up here are made of radiant that just means the hydrogen passing through here will absorb any heat this thing will get to about 90 plus degrees but all the hydrogen when it's consumed with the hydrogen generators is destroyed and it takes all the heat with it yeah thermodynamics don't really mean that much around here oh what do we got for a blueprint today lots of people will operate but no we've already got enough of those we'll grab the sweet legs i suppose why not we'll find a use for them okay with all of that done i think it's going to put together some atmosute ducks probably over this side of the map let's just pick at a nice spot a simple plan we're just going to wall in right after our hatches or ranches so we'll just wall in up here seal in the base across the top and then everything outside here will be atmosphere territory very simple very straightforward and yeah we'll put them right here the problem you face is how expensive these are to get an atmosphere is near 300 refined metal yeah i think that happened a while ago where he had 300 kilos of copper or 300 kilos of wire we're currently smashing up some iron to make them we're also going to need some reed fiber but we've got enough of that lying around we should at least make a you know a couple to start i think we'll do is we'll put two suits in here and we'll use those to drill down we only really need a couple of good diggers downside though is skills this is okay our two best diggers they can't really afford to get into exosuit trading uh that would be an extra what one two three four five six morale requirement no we we cannot afford that even if i skill scrub them it would still take what a minimum of 13 morale and just you know they're too close to they'd be too close to borderline breaking at that point i think if we get them onto barbecue once once our ranches are fully online and we're not nothing but barbecue that would be doable then but for now i think we're just gonna have to leave them the way they are we are going to drill down though as much as we can because well we don't have to worry until we hit the oil biome and by then we should hopefully have a couple of suits and we only need just enough oil to start getting plastic and a few other things we don't need more than a couple of people in the oil biome well on the way down here i realized something important um i exposed this ages ago then forgotten about it this is actually a cool salt slush geyser that's um yeah that's perfect um we are immediately going to take that up and start stockpiling that water we can use that immediately well that takes care of that hopefully that is actually ready to be active we would really like some extra slush geyser water that would be perfect for doing some metal refinement and down here oh we've stalled that we can continue that on we're where is this oil biome seriously how big are these i do remember that the large asteroid was very big but i think i'm just used to the spaced out ones now which were an awful lot smaller this feels odd and of course we've run right into a point of interest building i think we're going to have to divert our ladder system that is a minor annoyance we are digging like crazy we still have not hit oil in fact the next biome i'm seeing is caustic how how is it this deep down all right let's keep going and we wanted to do a little side detour to grab ourselves some more reed fiber we ran out of reed fighter for our suits all of our waiting has finally paid off uh eventually eventually we've got ourselves the duplicate we were looking for well one of the ones you're looking for a dupe with plus seven ranching about time what cycle is it cycle 74. sometimes it'd be a little tricky to get your hands on these please welcome john fushi to the team they're going to be our dedicated rancher that time we're going to need it considering the amount of hatches we're up to actually how many are we of two we got seven seven and seven actually one damn it we need more stone hatchling eggs thank you very much we're going to make that continuous same over here we're switching everything over to stone or stone hatches so that we can well just switch them over to cheaper forms of rock all right all that done it's time to continue on down seriously still no oil bomb where are you well digging down we managed to find the teleporter there's actually notes with this now and it makes well it explains quite brutally that yes when you teleport people you actually kill them so teleportation destroys the copy on one end and then puts it back on the other that's um yeah not great to know i mean this is this is a very happy looking game i don't like the thought that we're killing the duplicates every time we send them through a teleporter but hey that's it uh on the other hand as well it also gives us a view of the the planets so we've got a view of another planet out there now you know this is the planet we started on and we can already see what geysers we've got access to we've got a water salt water and a cool salt which means you've got three different water sources which means we can support just a stupid amount of dupes and on the other side we've got on this new planet that we can find water salt water cool slush and or sorry cool salt slush and just a regular cool slush that's for soap and polluted water that's five sources of water on the other one think of the amount of duplicates used to can support on this dear lord that's no that's that's that's too many we could support so many you're thinking each one could support at least 10 oh no way more than that so we're looking at 150 easy no the game's already sluggish and we've barely even started let's find this oil biome jesus that's polluted auction we've got a long way to go we are almost there we can see the oil biome it is riddled with germs but oh my god there's zombie spores everywhere it's fine who's trapped how did you do that get out of there real quick perfect okay now that you're out of there let's uh let's break that up again shall we [Music] we just want to basically force the water out of the way we do want to dump a bunch of water into the oil biome that would be um not pleasant oh and there's plenty of lead down here yes lead we can use for wiring and fossil we can use yes okay so we're going to get all of our industrial stuff sorted once we get in here we just got to make sure to avoid all the pockets of zombie spores we'll crush them all diagonally but that's a yeah they really have improved on the zombie spores there's a lot more down there normally you could just waltz in and have to deal with maybe one or two plants that's three i can see and we've barely touched on this so while we were down here digging all the way down to find ourselves some oil i did forget a couple of things back at base uh the main one i forgot was i let the hydrogen overflow on the electrolyzer because of course i did might as well why make new mistakes when you can continue make the old ones uh we'll dump all the excess hydrogen into that hydrogen generator we should probably dump that onto our power grid but you know what for now it's fine it can just burn itself out uh we've dumped a little bit of hydrogen into our base but it's fine it's fine this should catch back up in no time excellent okay and the excess hydrogen will now get dumped into the hydrogen generator i think that's enough that we may need to add some more uh what's happening to the water here oh ice is melting never mind all right down here we are going to put ourselves in a little bit of a liquid lock we're going to fill it full of crude oil to make sure nothing gets out of here and then we're going to make sure that the only people go in here are people in atmo suits and we're going to try and avoid dealing with any of those germs for as long as possible i hate zombos zombie spores i'd say i hate dealing with them it's just more case if i've tended to avoid dealing with them so i'm not sure if i want to start dealing with them crushing them diagonally seems oh my god there's two of them in there that's one two three four active zombie spore spots wow that's um yeah they uh they really went decided that zombie spores were not going to be a problem all right let's see how much lead and oil we can get without triggering any of them to avoid dealing with these germs we're going to diagonally build these blocks they will force all of those nasty gases out of the way and allow us to bypass that area if you keep doing this you can eventually squash the whole thing up it's slow but it's a safe way of getting rid of the germs i'd rather not contaminate our crude oil just yet because it will get into our plastic i think we can actually cut safely across here and access the oil reservoir if we need to as well oh and that area too we might want to do a bit of an explore around the oil biome just to make sure that there's no breaks in the abyss light what's the temperature looking like it's 80 over here all the way to 83. doesn't look like there's anything yet but it's better to be safe rather than sorry i'd hate to get over the other side and find it just covered in sour gas we are going along just fine we are actually cutting our way right through here though there's another zombie spore spot uh more zombie spores over here more zombies forced over here they've really improved upon the zombie spores i got to give it to them though a lot of the areas like this one will eventually become a non-issue uh it's like over here you know this place is pretty much has unbreathable gas and all the germs have died out except in the oil uh the reason for this the sixers just ate all the carbon dioxide and once the enough of the carbon dioxide is gone this poor kids are under pressure and they stop uh yeah they stop giving off germs well they get stifled problem solved i suppose that kind of eats all the germs i suppose the germs will eventually die off maybe no not really those things are pretty much immortal the only way to get rid of them is chlorine if i recall oh one amazing quality of life improvement all the abyss light 74.9 degrees the top layer oh whoa where is it yeah there but now you see all the top layers the stuff touching is all 74.9 i haven't found any mess ups just yet that means you won't accidentally turn the whole place into a sour gas boiler if you just touch the abyssalites it used to be if a crude oil would touch a viscolite that was above four or five hundred degrees it would start spontaneously boiling it was a a weird problem but now they seem to have fixed it enough that you won't have to worry about that unless you start digging into the abyss like we're not going to dig into the abyss like we've got our liquid pump in here we just came down here for the oil we're going to grab a whole bunch of that crude oil and we're going to use it for doing our industrial stuff namely we're going to use the oil crude oil for coolant loops inside of our metal refineries and we're going to use it for making plastic i think plastic first because i want to get space science so that we can get access to nuclear reactors i really really want nuclear reactors this is where the liquid is going to be pumped out of we've got power going up here and we're going to have a well just a local coal generator smart battery a little bit of wires nothing too crazy and then we're gonna have to pump it all the way up to the top and let me just say it's going to be a long journey with that oh six and husbandry i mean considering the amount of water we were going to end up with so you know i mean another rancher wouldn't hurt please welcome zachary zeno to the team zach there will be going of course into ranching though yeah their skills are going to be terrible to start we're not ready to stop just yet though at some point we're going to have to stop and get everyone skilled up put them on get them into the gym sweep the whole map to improve performance but seriously the map feels huge i don't know if it's way bigger than normal i think this may be just a normal sized map but it feels so big after playing on the asteroid size versions oh and uh the moment we get all of this piping done and the power and all that up we're going to have to dig up to space so that we can uh get the rockets up so that we can fire rocket into space to the space science yep good times good times just let me finish this off here real quick we're putting in a bunch of gas piping as well so we can pump oxygen down here our dupes are still allowed down here even if they don't have atmosutes and they're having to travel further and further distances to get oxygen so i'm thinking yeah we'll just we'll just stick in a few gas vents here and there to prevent people from suffocating to death only a few select few in the atmosphere allowed past this doorway here it just it made everything just that little bit faster oh and we've got a neural vaccinator we've tapped into who should we chuck on this actually we'll wait we'll wait for the we get a rocket pilot we want a rocket pilot to go on that so they get the stress reduction it makes them far more resilient when they go out into this space and at the same time i think we can demolish most of this i i flicked on all the switches these things are sort of logic puzzles but realistically you just turn all the switches on and it worked so not really much of a logic puzzle this time around with that all demolished our next plan is going to be get our hands on some more reed fiber unfortunately our suits are starting to look a little bit uh shabby so i'm thinking we're going to have to demolish a little bit of the slime bomb there's a bunch of seeds in there we get our hands on so i'm thinking uh demolition job yeah we'll just we'll we can demolish this pretty quick we'll get a few cases of slime long but i'm not too worried let's see where's a good place yeah i think here we'll just demolish that that'll give us also give us a whole bunch of gold amalgam to work with well we continue on with all of this i think we've got just about enough now there's what seven there or something and we should also harvest that as well that should give us more than enough to tie this over for a bit we've even got uh how many over here there's five in each one of those stacks so 5 10 15 20 25 there's 25 over there we'll get around to that in a bit uh we do have another duplicate choice and i've been looking at this one and i think i think we've got a rocketeer they've got piloting in science now with piloting and science as a bonus that means they'd get a heart symbol in this and also science which is these two so yeah science and piloting they would make the perfect pilot they would have a morale bonus for each one of those meaning they're far less likely to have mental breaks you usually want to send a pilot and then leave them on their own for a while so yeah we'll see what happens let's hire them and skill them up for our first rocket mission please welcome kai yin to the team they're going to be a rocket pilot i am of course butchering that name i am sure but i can't figure out another way to pronounce this all right with deb on the team that just means actually i want to sweep up that reed fiber and see what's inside this place over here yes another neural vascular you know what let's find out what's in here i would like to see if we've got any more snazzy suits it could hopefully help a few people after digging on just a little bit more what we ended up doing was going over here and grabbing glass this reed fiber we'd come this far why not we'll also submit a bioscan over there i'm pretty sure there's another neural vacillator in there and we're also going to add on some extra incubators and we're going to throw on an extra ranch we've started to max out all of these and this one's a yeah that one's at seven of eight seven of eight and seven of eight and with a couple of extra incubators made out of the lead we'll just chuck in some more stone hatch eggs and expand that out game's a bit chuggish well okay that's also the same at the moment it definitely doesn't feel as smooth as it used to before i think they've definitely added a lot it feels more sluggish all right next up we want to go straight to space we want to get ourselves that space science so that we can finally get nuclear power the one thing we've been looking for this whole episode it's fine it's fine we're almost there let's just uh drill up a bit and we'll find it one thing i should point out we have some sleepwheat grain here that's been mutated there's some mutated unidentified sleepwheat grains right here it grew in range of weezwort and it was within 25 rads if you have 25 rads or plants exposed to 25 rads when its seeds drop you have a chance to give mutated seeds this instance yep we got mutated ones i'd love to test them but no no we're on a mission our mission is to get reactors up and running so we're just going to drill up and we'll worry about the seeds later we can make our own if we need to the space bomb is incredibly cold i was trying to put together a liquid lock and then i'm realizing there's not really many liquids that you can put up here that won't instantly freeze even crude oil will freeze in this set of temperatures i mean carbon dioxide is just yeah liquefying the moment it comes out of our dupes mass so i'm thinking we'll double insulate this so that we can keep it hopefully insulated from the cold so we'll put a layer of insulation around here and this inside layer is obsidian so that the uh yeah we're having a little bit of problem with shovels trying to get out so that should keep them in there assuming we can you know get this insulated in time and the shovels don't go absolutely crazy and start breaking in they can still get in there for now until we get uh some liquids in there to stop them i just realized yeah these shovels can't dig through pneumatic doors anymore they used to need steel pneumatic doors but now any pneumatic door stops and that's that's actually good that makes our lives an awful lot simpler i wonder if we could just pour some water in here and have enough mass i mean we've insulated all these tiles so theoretically no that's a pretty cool door i think we'll uh we'll hold out for a minute we'll lose some of the gas passing up through here but i don't really care too much we've limited the door restrictions so the only people out of here are people in atmos and it's time to get our rocketry on let's put a rocket platform down we've smashed up some iron yet that's uh perfect we'll put that there this will be more temporary than anything else oh uh we're gonna need a bunch of metal certainly and plastics in that case while that's going on we will go down here and we're gonna set up metals and plastics here we're going to get ourselves a bit of metal by using this water as coolant and we're going to get some plastic as well because we've got some petroleum we're going to use this is going to be a very simple setup we suck water out of here we put it into the metal refinery metal refinery spits it at this side also we have collected all the lead from down in the old biome and stuck it in here because it's nice and cool in here and it stopped it from overheating the place this stuff came out about what 80 90 degrees we didn't want to cook any of our base this allows us to make lots and lots of conductive wire out of lead this lead is just amazing for making a conductive wire early on it's cheap cheerful and it just it's a massive upgrade for your power and a grid doesn't its overheat potential is terrible so maybe don't go making batteries out of it but it's useful in pretty much all other respects once we get a few batches of steel through this we can put down a plastic press the only reason for that plastic press so that we can get space science that's that's literally you need to consume plastic to make space science from what i've read up all right let's get this finished oh and the automation wire is already in so we'll stick in that and also 200 watts plus the refinement for our plastic is where do we put it 240 ah easy peasy oh yeah we want to make the plastic press out of steel because yeah it overheats incredibly easy otherwise of course don't forget to forget the kiln every time so that you don't make any refined carbon uh let's just queue up 10 pieces of refined carbon that should be more than enough to get us all the steel we need and let's just check out say how much how much iron we got 300 kilos yeah yeah we'll make about three of that and then we'll make about 10 of these and you know what we'll make another seven of those afterwards why not i don't i know we don't need that much iron to make to steal the steel you only need 70 iron to make the steel but yeah a little bit of spares never hurt anyone our first batch of steel not as important as our first batch of plastic will be and so plastic production will begin and the steel we actually got enough of it to make the plastic press the polymer press goes in there we're gonna have the output steam just come down here and yeah it'll be out put near some cold water so it should instantly uh condense now the petroleum is going to take a little bit of a long journey the truly others that there's a little bit of it there and if we keep going down there's a whole bunch more petroleum and then if we keep going down yep there's the petroleum there right down beside the old biome i mean yeah i don't care if we burn through most of this uh crude oil making plastic we only need a few batches of it and then afterwards we can still go through and get more crude oil there's plenty of crude oil patches we can tap into that don't have oh my god look at spore kids growth halted atmosphere vacuum uh in here world halted not quite vacuum yet but it will be eventually in here vacuum these uh these slicksters have basically vacuumed out most of the area neutering most of the sporkids sport child or sporkins yeah i just i find that kind of nice oh and as well as that we have radium down here so we've got a uranium ore i should say so we've got a uranium more down here that we're going to use for a nuclear reactor but that's the only batch we've found so far and considering the amount of the map we explored we need more uranium if we want to run the reactor like i want to run the reactor we want to run our whole base off this stuff we're going to need a lot more uranium worry about a minute we'll worry about a minute up here we're going to build our rocket we're just all we need to do is get this into space so we can do space science that's it that's all we've got to do um now i also know you can do some weird things i believe with solar panels and batteries and turn these things into well power towers nah not bothered seems like an awful lot of effort we'll just make that out of yeah we'll make a stick of battery on there and maybe stick on a couple of solar panels oh we have enough glass it always matter we can grab some more to finish off this ship and make it well useful for us we're going to need to go into the interior and we're going to have to build a science station in here so what we want is an orbital micro lab requires 200 plastic to make and it consumes 60 watts right well we do have solar power on this sucker now all we have to do is put in the rest of the stuff so let's get ourselves a power outlet yep provides power to connected buildings you dare suppose yeah we're not making this very complicated at all okay that goes to there and then all we're going to do for oxygen is oxalite that should be it and all we need to do is create i think it's 10 points of research let me double check how much do we need for the reactor uh 10 that's it 10 orbital research points that is nothing we should be able to get up there grab it and come back down though we'll probably take a few extra just in case at the same time we need some oxalate for this let's make that put 100 kilos of oxide in there the ox light we're finding by um well we're just digging up the map there's actually oxalate on the map in random spots so i think we're down where was it over here i think we dug in a bunch of oxley right there wow our dupes are fast uh over here yeah we're gonna grab some of this as well i think we've managed to strip out all the low hanging oxides but we're almost there we've got uh was it 1200 kilos of oxilite in there we have quite a bit of plastic and if we go up to the top of the map our rocket is just about ready though it looks already on the outside i think it's glitched out graphically never mind we also managed to get rid of a bunch of the shovels that were hanging around they were being rather frustrating as they normally are but if you go and have a look at the interior orbital micro lab is set up we have power going to it and we're just waiting on plastic to get delivered you know what let's make that a high priority so we'll drop off the plastic there once the plastic's on the ground we'll fill it full of oxilite and oh we might want to get some food you know what we'll just launch them off get into a few research points then bring them back we don't need anything crazy here uh let's see get rid of that and let's just go straight for the ox light i suppose actually it's a thousand kilos you probably won't need it but you know they're far more likely to die of a lack of oxygen in the air to die of starvation if we do this right before we could launch this rocket though there is a couple of other things we had to do namely we had to do a little bit of exploration of the star map using a telescope the reason being it wouldn't let us launch until we could pick a target to go to and we couldn't pick a target to go to until we'd actually explored it with the telescope so the telescope there we just plugged it in right into the rocket it's amazing that you can plug the stuff into the rocket now with these solar panels on so this thing is producing 120 watts and you can just stack these up you can turn this into a giant just solar array it's more expensive than normal solar panels but you can just stack an infinite amount of them so if you're willing to make the glass not a problem i'm going to avoid doing that i want to just run it entirely on nuclear power i mean it's the it's the radiation update i want to just have a giant amount of nuclear power powering your base it just seems like the more fun way to do things all right with that done we've also got everything in here set up the only thing yeah storage bin and plastic is good to go and if we check under research there's one last thing i'm hammering out and that is durable life support we can't afford it but this allows you to get the spacefarer module and that allows you to do a more sustainable space travel i mean all we have to do is get one of these labs into space with a semi-sustainable spaceship that can stay up there for dozens of cycles and we can hammer at the last of the science so i think it's well i would like to immediately rush nuclear i want to get this first and then nuclear second let's skip this forward a little bit first thing in the morning it's bright and early our dedicated researcher which is philip matthew torres they're going to have the skills necessary to do this uh if we check them out here you can see they have the orbital researcher trace they've also got rocket piloting and one level of improved carry in fact we put them in improved carry level too uh no not worth it not at this time they have now been assigned to the rocket that should be their first chore of the day let's make sure that's what they're going to do because seriously we need to get recruiting rocket perfect they're also set up to use the apple suit dock so they can grab a suit on the way out perfect and then they'll head up to here all right they're inside the rocket they're assigned to it but as far as i'm aware they won't do the research yeah while it's grounded they can't do research it has to be in the air it doesn't matter where in the air it just has to be in the air now we can't launch i don't think or is it blocked or can we begin launch sequence i think we can i thought we're going to have to delete the gantry never mind four locations we're sending them to we uh we really just want to send them like one title you can't send them one tile you have to send them at least two so we're sort of sending them there that will be as close as they're going to get all right let's fire this sucker up uh begin launch sequence thank you very much oh slow that a little bit and the reason we went to the sugar engine it was because it was cheap we just need to get them into orbit we don't care what it is using steam or carbon dioxide would have taken more effort that is a cool looking engine oh and it doesn't destroy the gantries anymore when did that happen all right straight to the star map please and come on come on where are you and once it's in space all we want to do is just stop it on whatever tile it's in in flight orbiting where is my rocket you stop i want you to change change select destination here perfect you're in orbit nice yeah that's it get out of there i want this to be level 9 priority this can be whatever really oh maybe they must have to finish the animation all right let's give this a minute okay now that you're finally finished with that will you use the micro lab yes what the hell what okay that's um that's definitely a unique animation [Laughter] indeed all right micro lab what are we at uh philip matthews your the only thing that's actually going to determine when we return home is calories that and if they have come close to mental break territory we don't want them destroying anything in the rocket capsule but that is the progress on our science and so long as we get those five points out we can build a better research lab for next time around and i think we can probably get this and nuclear reactors there there we go we got our first space science out of the way that was uh not as painful as i was expecting now we want radiation refinement oh and i really want to get red bull propulsion but yeah that's going to require us to have a more permanent science presence in space yeah but come on reactors it's got to be reactors next done we have both the both of the researchers we came for finished and it took us yeah just one rocket launch this was actually relatively painless this will allow us to do lots more of them and this one is going to allow us to do radiation finally we can do reactors but when all that done it's time to just land again in fact as far as i can oh wrong one we should be able to land pretty much instantly as long as you're in orbit as far as i recall uh change and land go for it and here she comes that means they spent in one day they went up and completed both researches now this is why it's always good to have a decent researcher nice okay we'll make you no longer crew and we'll get you out of there we're not going to be using this oh it does destroy it on landing though okay all hail the conquering hero bringing us back nuclear reactors yes but i am miles over budget doing all of this took way too much time i think i would have done things slightly differently if i had to do this all over it i still don't see the point of oxygen masks don't get me wrong oxygen masks are great but if we wanted to do this all over again they wouldn't have really helped us so much if you want to survive down here it's 80 degrees you can't send down dupes in just oxygen mass they'll get scalded you have to send them down in atmos so to guess plastic we needed to do that maybe the other planet that we could have teleported to would have an easier way of getting oil that wouldn't require us to use that mussels or maybe we could have just used you know glossy drecos glossy drecos are always an option for getting plastic as well there are other ways we could have went about it but i like getting the atmospheres because it did make tackling the space biome so much simpler also this is sort of a necessary necessity doing all this insulated rock it stops this whole thing becoming freezing if you need the obsidian so that you can keep the shovels from getting in at the same time the obsidian we didn't have enough of it to make this all out of insulated so i just sort of did one insulated layer on the outside of igneous rock and then the cheaper obsidian and plain tiles inside it only cost us a quarter of the mass to make them as for these shovels we're slowly but really getting rid of all of them they're otherwise just going to cause a giant mess but next up i'm thinking reactors i'm not sure if we're going to go with one reactor or two i was really wanted to go with two reactors but i think i'll have to do a little bit of exploration of screen unless we've got some more uranium to work with on this planet i don't think we've got enough to run two reactors for any sustained period of time and that would be problematic however there is more uh uranium on the other planet or the local planet so we might be able to go across there and grab all your uranium from there but for now i am way over budget i hope you enjoyed today's festivities and good luck [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so
Channel: Francis John
Views: 82,125
Rating: 4.9775667 out of 5
Keywords: Oxygen not included, DLC, Spaced Out, start, lets play, tutorial, oil, plastic, space, rockets
Id: o1GYQ-j5B58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 9sec (2409 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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