3 : Taming our resources and Preparing for teleport : Oxygen not included Spaced out DLC

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and we're back with some more spaced out dlc today uh back in oxygen not included and today we are starting with a bit of a downer uh the dinner being well i found felix here fix it felix it dead in the compost heaps this happened at the end of last episode though i didn't notice the duplicate had died message had came up but i didn't get any warnings or anything i know some people did get injured when we were taking care of this down here but one of them one of the only one of them was incapacitated i got a warning and i carried them back to the triage cause and they were fine but fixed felix never gave me anything they just suddenly showed up dead i have no idea how that happened not a clue uh kind of a downer but we'll get them a tasteful memorial a hanging pot and we'll leave them over there in the meantime we have got to get on with us the plan today is to become fully self-sustainable in this asteroid that means we're going to harness this polluted water vent then we're also going to our polluted geyser then we're also going to harness this cool slush geyser we're going to store both the outputs from them one of them will hook up to oxygen one of them will hook up to crops and that should provide us with all our food and oxygen needs for this asteroid for the foreseeable future this is taking a little bit of time to get done but we're close to getting there we're going to stick a wall down here maybe wall that in i don't know what i'm going to do with this water i might just make it part of that whole tank but first up new printables are available i'm looking for a replacement someone who's expendable someone who's good at construction and ex and digging which just so happens to be fit the bill so uh who should we call you well we are going to send them to the teleporter once they've got a couple of skill points under their belt so how about pawn sacrifice yes that sounds totally appropriate actually no let's just shorten that to fawn yeah we'll call you pawn pawn you will hopefully survive when you reach the other side uh one thing i've skipped out on is the moment we clicked on this well when i clicked on that earlier it brought up this stair map thing which allows us to see this other asteroid now i've tried looking at it you can't actually see anything on the asteroid but i'm pretty sure if we enter the asteroid as in if we go where is it if we go into this teleporter and send someone they'll end up on that planet i don't know if they'll live or not but i'm willing to take that risk it should at least be entertaining i can't imagine they're going to have them die instantly but i can also imagine them making it very awkward to survive so let's just make sure we send someone who can build and dig just in case they need to build or dig their way out of there they might have to dig their way to uh an exit teleporter or they might have to build something to get to the teleporter like ladders or things like that or god knows what let's just make sure they've got a few skill points under their belt before we send them over well hey we've got cool slush geyser contained we've got cool salt slush geyser also contained i've stuck in preemptively a couple of pumps here wait is that already hooked up to the power lines i didn't hook that up i thought but no this one's already hooked to the power lines this one is not and this one is not the reason i've left these two here is just that i can pump them out later and this one here is just a mixed pool i was going to actually extend this pool all the way down but i think no i'll just filter that and dump some of it back in there after we start our electricity needs which will be after we sort out this cool biome we want to sort of put in a wall here and let this entire ice biome melt down here we don't really care about that anti-entropy nullifier considering we've got two icy geysers here we can use for whatever we want i think our cooling needs are well sorted for a long time to come well we're doing a quick cleanup job here we've got another duplicate to choose from and we've got another one that looks pretty good construction and machinery we've ordered 11 dupes but i kind of want to go 12. why not this one it will actually work as a good mechatronics engineer that way if we need to send someone to affords to to the portal afterwards to help out the pawn maybe you know assuming it's safe they'd be pretty handy to have around say hello to done and dusted they'll only go through once the other person's made sure it's safe seems perfectly legit that is our prep work done for well just containing all the natural resources we've got access to i'll have to do a little bit of filtration to get some of the bits and bobs but for now we want to concentrate on power the reason being these plug slugs are not nearly as good as i was hoping sometimes they've just come off that yeah these ones are only producing 40 watts of power now as opposed to the 400 they were juicing before and i think it's because they're hungry this one over here was fine there a while ago and it's happy and wild and idle the reason being i think it's getting yeah it's eating some of the cobalt ore around here and that's keeping it happy which is why it's producing more watts i have no intention of feeding them so we're gonna have to find powers from some alternative sources now a good suggestion was solar turns out there's no meteors here i've been watching this for ages and nothing's come down i think we break out the top now to break out the top we're going to need to get our sands and some oxygen out there now where was these stations there's a new station here the oxygen mask station uh you use metal ores you create oxygen masks it's sort of like a poor man's atmosphere doesn't actually protect you but it does provide you with oxygen so what we can do is stick one up here break out and we should be able to build solar up there so we need to get our hands on some glass we can make some glass and we can also deconstruct some of these there's a whole bunch of glass tied up in these that we can turn into more solar panels and we can probably smell yeah we can smelt up some sand if we would need to it'll be expensive but it can be done once we know how much glass this gets us we'll know how much solar we're going to need at the same time we're going to want to put in some oxygen production up here yeah probably to feed whatever this machine is actually let's see where we're going to put i think we're gonna stick it here and then we'll have to have a liquid lock or something in place to prevent the auction from escaping we've got a functional airlock that'll stop any of the gas is escaping now i just never put in the actual yeah i never put in the masks did i i will have to put in the mask somewhere let me think i'm gonna have to re-jig this just a little bit maybe go out here and then up simple plan we throw in the oxygen mask station here and then we block this off they'll have to run through here up here and across slightly round about method of doing it but you know that's what you get for planning badly we'll remove that out of the way get rid of these and we're going to want to from what i can see it sucks in ambient oxygen so we should probably put down an oxygen source nearby i'm thinking one of our good old-fashioned sublimation stations because that's pretty much all we have for oxygen production right now and let's just make sure this is fully covered this time my butter to work out the numbers the sublimation station produces 660 grams of oxygen per second each one of these deodorizers can handle 100 grams of polluted oxygen per second which means you need seven of them to take care of one fully operational sublimation station that's a lot that's like an awful awful lot i'm not even putting nearly that many down here usually about four hmm but it's still even before we tend to take care of all the polluted auction eventually yeah we will finish this off and then we're gonna run the power wire down i don't want to hook this up until we're good to go oh actually never mind the power wire was very close all right we've got everything sorted power hooked up i realized i had to put in an auto sweeper over here to make sure i could feed some of these sand otherwise it wouldn't work uh all right we're also gonna need the sublimation station filled up but once that's started oh that's already starting to fill up okay how much oxygen are you consuming and not that much it seems how much do you hold up to okay actually oh well actually that is a fair bit and how's the food poisoning germs there oh yeah we're using polluted dirt that probably has a bit of germs in it yeah whatever okay i think that's actually working okay all the polluted oxygen is immediately getting converted though we're definitely sucking in the oxygen faster than we're producing it you can see that hydrogen cloud is coming down that's um no it'll be ground it'll be around once this is filled up we can start sending duplicates out to space and then we can see about getting solar up there are they gonna be i'm just curious how they're going to survive in the vacuum of space you know what with it being a vacuum and stuff and it tries to suck at your eyeballs and things but we'll worry about that when you arrive all right how you doing you've got a that looks like someone jury rigged some sort of scuba device let me have a look here what have you got on your youth oh my god it looks like someone got a snorkel and just attached it to i presume is a tank of auction it's that yeah i'm not sure that that's how reality works but you know what it's duplicate so let's go with it all right once you're up there we're going to see how high it goes we'll go all the way to the top and then we'll figure out where we're going to place our solar this is a very odd system it's hard to see here because everything's in the way but there's a there seems to be a pile of oxygen masks right there at first i thought they were just putting way too many down and then it turns out they sort of picked them up off the ground sometimes and sometimes they don't but it seems to never really go above five that we'll find out here in a minute the next time someone goes past did you no max diggy didn't even get a mask this time uh yeah i'm gonna have to keep an eye on this i'm not sure exactly how it's working but occasionally they pick up masks occasionally they don't uh well we're gonna keep going out we're gonna see where space is for the the top of spaces yeah the auction consumption here is just a little bit too high we're going to need to invest in another sublimation station i'm thinking i've set this to priority six though so they'll prioritize that when they're not busy doing that they'll they'll do it down here i don't think we have too many duplicates up here anyway we have finally found the top of the map it's quite high up but i don't think we really need to go that high we just want to get some solar out there into the light so i think that is actually fine there's plenty of light out here to take advantage of so let's just throw in a few solar panels there we go we'll throw in three of them across there just to start we're gonna want a power cable to go through them all it feels weird not using heavyweight wire but we don't really need we don't have really have a high capacity grid at the moment we're only pulling not a small amount of watts if we put solar in here combined with our battery backup down below we should be able to just run on solar for eternity i'm also finally getting starting to get the hang of these things from what i can tell these things soak up oxygen from the surrounding environment and once they reach well once there's a certain level duplicates can run by and pick up some masks however where are you going don't go back up don't go back up you're going back up aren't you you know what why don't you just pop over there for one second yep that's better now when they go past they should actually pick up a decent mask however the more full the mask is when they go by the more oxygen they get in it the longer they can stay out there so this one here is going to pick up a mask and if we check them there that's how much oxygen they've got left 26 out of 100 however the next person is probably not going to get nearly so much and they got okay they got exactly the same is it yeah 26 out of 100 i wonder if there's a bonus for using different metals uh look if we use a different metal to make this does it make a difference why are we only getting 26 out of 100 when the tanks seem to be full you know what no idea why it's happening not a clue we'll just have to leave them as is i'm going to let them finish off this solar once that's done we should be pretty sustainable we might want to put down or is it oh i forgot blueprint none of these really appeal to me we don't need a doctor plus five piloting and strength that's a bad we don't need that combo this is actually a great combo machinery construction and science unfortunately they're biohazardous undigging shabby dresser the undigging just no no thank you well we'll take the algae but um oh that was another thing fish we're looking at these ones here the diet and these has been expanded a lot it used to be just algae now it's seeds they eat all the seeds there's bug bucket bam lily tranquility buddy bud joya seed the way you end up with hundreds and hundreds of seas and oh i have to reload the game they're all piled up on spots i think they've all bugged out they're all crammed on top of each other but um yeah i think this is for seed disposal at the end of the game you can feed them to your paku i actually like that idea that's wonderful uh over here all of our plants i've actually had to cut down our plants we're generating too many calories we're up to what 25 000 calories oh wait no that's it that's wrong 259 000 calories quarter of a million calories in there oops yeah um yeah get this finished and maybe once our batteries are fully charged or just we might just go along and just turn some more sand into solar panels i think about three to six of these should be fine depending another thing to note is that the masks do wear out and you're sort of destroying minerals doing this so i don't really like it i should be more careful with this every time one of these masks just disappears because once the oxygen runs out you'll see it here on max diggity they've got the mask they've got the mask what they're up to they've got zero action left and boom suddenly the mass disappears you don't seem to get any metal back it just that's it you're done you you lose all of the resources that went into making the mask and how much is it i think it's about 30 kilos or something along those lines it's not super cheap so maybe let's not do that all the time so once we finish this we're going to maybe stay out of space for a bit anyway while that's going on we are going to put in some glass refinement down here i'm thinking we just dump it into the ice biome we don't really care about the ice biome anyway so yeah we'll just stick in a quick one right here and get enough to produce another another couple of solar panels wait wait wait before i can even start on that uh some minor problem as rooted this tank is sort of overflowing just a little bit this tank has been consistently being filled by this sludge press which is slowly but surely converting all the mud to dirt and water it's a slow process and we got 21 tons left to go and the i believe giant salad spinner was how people described it which yeah now that i now that i've seen it i can't unsee it that is a giant salad spinner i i get it now it's a wonderful centrifuge anyway we'll uh we'll let that keep going now and we'll get back to yes that was it last we might as well move our battery back in here while we're at it it's nice and chilly in here and over here is getting a little bit warm not uncomfortably warm but enough warm that you know what now that we've got the solar up and running we might as well also i've realized i don't think we need the glass we've actually got enough glass from everything we deconstructed to build three more of these suckers and why is that an unreachable build oh i get it now they can't get past this oxygen mask station if there is no cobalt or in it so there was no ore in the mask station so no one was allowed past that's why it was an unreachable build but we fixed that yeah we'll let them finish that off and oh let's see what you do if we didn't already have a few dogs buddies this one is actually really good farming cooking and supplying but no thank you we'll take this instead these ones just no husbandry and strengths don't go together in either creativity and piloting you either want all husbandry because that skill is bugged and won't improve anymore or you'd want all piloting as far as i'm aware you can't improve piloting yet either in fact i can't even find piloting listed as a skill belonging to a dupe just yet uh it seems they don't list it for example if you click on this one here there's no piloting skill does not appear to be just in the attribute section just yet no idea why that is it i presume they're going to patch that patch that in the future though oh as well as that we've got this unknown down here it seems to be shadowed out i think this was meant to be an exploratory area or something but we're just going to dump a bunch of hot glass on top of it and hopefully that'll get rid of the problem i don't really want to just deconstruct these batteries so instead we're going to hook them up with a transformer what we're going to do here is take all the power from here and dump it across this direction and that should wow it rapidly charged those batteries it'll basically dump all of its power outwards and won't accept any power back so eventually these will discharge after slowly dumping their power onto the grid i mean i don't think we really need it considering we've now got six solar panels up and running generating a whopping 380 watts apiece each at peak output yeah we're pretty much covered on the power front which means well a little bit more demolition i should probably demolish the whole map but i kind of want to move on and see what the next planet has to offer so i think what we'll do is we'll throw in a quick oxygen production facility and oh wait cooling as well we want to switch these over to bug buckets let me think for a minute to make this work and to convert our farms over completely we're going to need well we're going to need to heat up this water that's coming out of here if this polluted water is way too cold if we try to feed this into a bug bucket one of these bug bucket seeds they can only survive temperatures as low as 10c so we need to heat this up to above 10c that means it needs to get in 20 degrees in temperature well the simplest way to do that is a tepadizer this thing right here only problem is it takes 960 watts now we don't need to heat up huge amounts of water so it won't be a massive drain under power grid the problem is the spikes will probably cause us to get burnouts on some of the wires we may need to go for the system to deal with that ah damn it and we're also gonna have the problem of convert heating this up as well we can't convert that straight to water or otherwise it will crack in the pipes so let me think for a minute here i think first thing i'm going to do is do a little bit of demolition in the background demolition always uh eases my mind so to speak and once we've done a little bit of that i'm also cranking out some more glass the reason being i want to have the option to produce more power if we need it that'll allow us to throw down two more solar panels and yes that has been activated for a while hasn't it can over there is actually not nothing too bad science construction and athletics if we go into skills here and say grab someone uh science would mean we'd get advanced research construction we don't really care about and athletics gives suit wearing as far as i'm aware so hmm see i've been looking at this rocket piloting if you want to get a rocket pilot mark ii you need someone who's good at advanced research astronomy rocket piloting and rocket piling mark two however you kind of want them to be able to wear an exosuit while they're doing that which requires you to grab all these three skills as well that's a lot of skill points you're going to need for those like you're going to need to take this entire tree here and go all the way to the end and that's assuming you just want them to pilot a rocket and not get out at the other end and build a base but no no we don't want to we don't want ashkan just yet i think we'll wait until a little bit later until we know exactly what we're dealing with before we start committing to that for the time being let me just do a little bit of quick demolition here i want to see what we're working with the plan is very simple we're going to demolish most of these caustic biomes we're going to have to find a way to deal with the chlorine but that's grand but it will give us access to a whole lot of coal we will use the coal exclusively well we'll have it as a backup power as well but we're going to use the coal almost exclusively to run the temperatures to heat up the water to make sure that our crops stay going we we've only got 20 tons of coal at the moment so i want to see how much coal we've got in this map before i commit to burning well not a lot of it but we will be committing to a non-renewable resource for this but it should keep us going for literally hundreds of cycles assuming we don't abuse it we have just mined our first piece of bleach stone over here and due to that we have decided to set up a storage container down here in the water in fact you don't want let's put down a few water storage containers here we will settle these to store bleachstone highest priority we don't be releasing too much bleach into the environment just yet namely because i don't think we have a way of dealing with it we'll have to stick it in gas tanks which i'd rather not do and that's also going to let it some of the hydrogen but i suppose you can always turn that into energy we're going to have to demolish these slime biomes and it's kind of annoying because well the hydrogen and chlorine will contaminate the place just a little bit but i think we'll be good one thing i'm interested about is these carpet tiles down here now normally carpet tiles are made using weed fiber when we deconstruct these carpet tiles from the wild do they actually drop any reed fibers the question i don't think they do i think when you deconstruct them the reed fiber is lost and yes that would appear to be the case pity but worth checking out there is nothing quite like the site of a freshly shorn asteroid where you've just scraped out just about everything well we haven't got in here because we've managed to scrape out enough coal 25 tons i'm quite happy with that amount actually we've got even a little bit more in here we can dig out also some iron ore that would be nice for our power grid and a little bit more over this side so i think we'll excavate this out as well and by then we should have more than enough to move on while trying to dig out down here we got a few scaldings along the way and finally at some point my brain kicked into gear and went wait a minute why don't we use that scalding heat to preheat our polluted water a little bit at the same time we can cool down this area and gain access to more of its resources that just seems like a sane idea remember first i think we'll get rid of this carbon dioxide pool this is going to cause us issues if we don't dispose of it now i think we'll actually start rotating a bit of chill water through here to start just to prevent the area from overheating all we're going to do is uh run a closed loop down here through this area and we can hopefully start dragging the temperature down while simultaneously increasing the temperature in here so i may have went a little bit overboard on the cooling roof but you know we're trying to get rid of an awful lot of heat or chill out of this polluted water and we might as well find a use for it okay this brine i think we'll pump the brine into it because well it's available it's cheap it's easy and it's on standby and we have no other use for that tank might as well dump it into something so yeah let's feed that on down here also at the same time we're gonna have this liquid shut off here and we're gonna put on a quick automation switch uh the reason being just so we can turn it off when we want we don't want to dump too much chill in here we'll probably put in an automation sensor to make sure this doesn't go above a certain temperature but just to start it up we'll have a look where was i oh yes uh this this needs to be run down here this pipe from over there that will dump the liquid onto it now we're going to need one other thing and that is power which fortunately is close by we'll just run that to there and we can connect it the last meter when the time comes all right let's uh let's get this finished i think we're just about good to start it i believe all we have left to do is hook up this conductive wire that should start the pump moving that'll get the brian moving through here now we're not too worried about the brian ever standing still in here there's nothing above 100 degrees unless you start actually touching the abyssality itself so as long as we don't let the so long as we don't start touching the abyss light i think we'll be fine on any temperature and overheating there we go now all we have to do is let that run for a while and it should hopefully start dragging in the temperature in the whole area but while that's going on we need to get a few other things installed oh yeah the water is going to rotate all the way around go all the way through here and then when it comes back it's going to rotate through the bottom of the tank again and what we're going to do here is we're going to put a sensor on the pipe we will just use a regular thermal sensor and we're going to make it if the temperature in here is say higher than 15 degrees this will shut off that liquid shut off and that will stop the cooling loop from running and that will stop us draining any more heat out of this environment and dumping any more heat in here which should mean we end up with water exactly what temperature we wanted to well until we drain most of the heat out of this biome or we've demolished it all one way or the other now maybe let's just have a quick look at the temperature overlay and we'll come back to that in a bit and there we have a complete rotation done by all the liquid you can see it comes in here it's really cold when it starts out it's minus 10 or something like that and then after it's rotated so you've done a full loop holder and you can see it's getting warmer and warmer as it goes and then by the time it comes back and it's just about ready to return to the tank it's up to 30 c so it dropped what about well it gained about 40 degrees in temperature going around down here perfectly reasonable and then it's going to pop back through here and jump off a bunch and pick up a bunch of chill out of this tank which case it just keeps rotating out and we can now disconnect this this is way too excessive oh someone's trapped how the hell did you manage okay sedimentary rock that was my mistake i am sorry we'll make that out of igneous you guys should be able to fix that in no time oh god these are all sedimentary rock one moment it's the little things that'll get you killed eh with that done we've i've also been stripping out a little bit more of the map in the background because you know we can't have the dupe standing idly by when there's biomes to be demolished the only thing we haven't demolished is this over here the rest though is mostly caustic biomes that i'm not going to touch or bits that are just a little bit awkward and out of the way i think i think that's good enough what we're going to start doing now is what's the water temperature like in there it'll slowly drag up i think we're going to use this as our sort of our temperature modulator tank as in we'll put in a tepidizer right here we'll set it to keep this part of the water at 15 degrees and we'll run our polluted water from down here through that area like just in a pipe through it so that it uh it stabilizes at about 15c before getting sent up here into what's going to be our crops which means we should probably you know what we'll redo our crops after we get this setup and we're also going to want to install another power generator oh wait before we install the power generator probably should get rid of all this nasty co2 down here first this should be fairly straightforward we're just going to have a closed carbon not of boxed myself in available pipes and i don't really see a way of running clean water from somewhere else so we'll just pump it in from a local source should be fine a little bit of water gets dumped into the system and now it's running so water comes across here goes into the carbon skimmer carbon skimmer soaks up the carbon dioxide spits out some polluted water a little bit of water goes through the sieve right back into it clean again and this will produce us simply the dirt and people got to come down and put it sand in it occasionally but it will clean up all those nasty gases at the bottom of the map well not the blue oxygen but it will take care of the carbon dioxide so problem solved now our two duplicates are idle so we should probably get around to something you notice here the temperature is slowly going down over here but not by much but it is far more livable we'll let that keep running for a while and see how it goes though what's it look like hmm 11 degrees that's a hell of a change we're dumping an awful lot of chill into this area or absorbing a lot of heat whatever you want to look at and long term i think that will work out for us but now yes uh yes we're gonna put in car power supply here liquid temperature here and pump the water up that way power supply installed just a couple of power cables to go in oh better set that battery so it doesn't do something stupid 1960 is good for us the only thing this is hooked up to is that tepidizer and that temperature is only hooked up to this thermal sensor and it says if the temperature is below 15 degrees crank up that's just we want to make sure that uh the water coming out here is going to be above 10 degrees now down here we're gonna have to do some filtration on this and the reason being there's some salt water that got in there during the construction project so we will have to filter it at least to start i don't think that our stuff over there is going to bother us and are you dormant yet oh damn it that went dormant next activity 37.3 cycles well that's just perfect next activity 35.8 let me work out the numbers on this one this cool slush geyser produces about only 1.5 kilos of water per second that's actually lower than i was expecting i thought these things were usually about two and a half or something but nope nope that means it produces about 918 kilos a cycle and a bug bucket requires what is it 40 kilos per cycle yeah so we're going to be able to support about 22 bug buckets hmm indeed but i figure with grub fruit plans to increase growth speed or grub grub grub grubs giving grub grub rubs they should grow an awful lot faster however to keep the grub grub keep the grubs i'm just gonna call them grubs i'm not gonna call them grub grubs just grubs to keep the grubs reproducing and producing uh grub eggs they need to tend to grub fruit plants that keeps upping their chances otherwise these will all eventually revert back to sweetles and if we say grab a random sweetly around here that hasn't had a chance to you know uh tend to one of these you'll notice that it's sweet little egg chads is 98 in other words these things 98 of the time will turn into another one of them however if they tend to a spindle fruit or a grub fruit or something like that they then increase their chances every time of laying a sweet uh a grub egg so we're going to need to mix in at least a few or leave a few grub plants in just so that the uh these sweeters will keep turning into grubs and those grubs can keep tending to our bug buckets and increasing their production reproduction speed so we can put in 22 but we're gonna have to put in farming tiles one moment yeah i think i don't want those to escape that will give us all our bug buckets and we'll stick in a few spindle thingies back here just to make sure that the reproduction rates stay up and you know what let's just fill it all in if this works we can get rid of those top line up there if we notice a dip in the calories we'll worry about now the water is going to come from all the way down here and i'm going to pump the polluted water out of there it goes to here up through there and then it's going to zigzag past this uh tepidizer and it should be above 10 degrees at least by the time it gets out of there that's the plan if it's not coming out above 10 degrees we'll just keep track checking up the pressure on the temperature until it is definitely coming out at 10 degrees okay let's let's skip this forward a little bit oh minor mistake i forgot to put in the uh the liquid filter so we got to make sure we filter out that salt water there's a little blob over there but once that's gone we can disconnect the liquid filter it is gonna soak up a little bit of power for a while but we've got enough of that for now but here comes the water oh still minus 10. this tank is not heating up too quickly okay it's gone down a whole degree or i've gone up a few degrees it's just uh most of the heating is ending up this side to start it's just the way the cooling loop is running how's that good enough looking 18 degrees the amount of heat we're sucking out of there is kind of amazing but uh i did a little bit of an experiment over here with a metal tile that should help dump his chill in here faster and it definitely does work but i'm just not bothered replicating that we have plenty of time anyway once this is up and running we'll have more than enough time okay there we go uh is all the salt water got no no we've still got bunches of salt water come on how much of use left there can't be that much 141 kilos and once the salt water is gone this will flow much cleaner and we want to see if these uh if the grubs give the their grub rubs to these things they don't seem to be going near them just yet but we're gonna do a quick sweep here i'm gonna put our bulk storage up here because at this point we need to start sweeping some places the place is absolutely filthy i also want to try throwing in a few statues which reminds me we should throw some of them down right now i want to see if any of the statues have changed if there's any new ones i mean okay it's wishful thinking but we can we can always hope can't we uh with that swept up we should be scaling it a better idea if any of these bug buckets are getting ooh sweetly intended okay the sweet little will tend them and it gives a five percent growth boost that's not nearly as good as a grub grub a grub rub um but i don't see the grub rubs actually kicking in there on these ones maybe they prefer maybe they prefer the other ones which may call it the uh the grapefruit plant we'll find out in a minute i think i'm gonna move all of those down there down here as well and we're going to see how that works out it works the grub rub will the grub will rub down a bug bucket so that was going to increase its growth rate by a hundred percent for one cycle now these seem to be acting an awful lot slower than before i think it's because i'm not feeding them i i think i can be okay with that as long as they do manage to tend at least some of them we will be fine i've thrown three of them down here and our calories should well i'll keep an eye on our calories and see how they work out as for the actual polluted water itself it's coming at at the 20 degree mark yeah it heats up the whole way so we're getting the water out at the correct temperature that is perfect it's exactly what we wanted and down here i think we're also golden the temperature down here will slowly start to drag down and we can mine into it more i mean you can see there's 20 degrees in places 30 40. it gets a bit warm over here by the edges but slowly but surely we're going to eat that out as well we've we're cooling down this biome without a steam turbine it's kind of fun i've never really bothered using these once i got access to steam turbines i'd never use these for cooling i kind of like what they've done here they've actually no no we need to get into the transporter it's time for us to see what's on the other side yeah who are we going to send again wait wait no before we send pawn on their way i realize we have to get the toilets done that's the last thing once that's done we're at we're gonna well see what's on the other side after all of this waiting to get to either side i'm gonna kind of be disappointed if it's not something epic now uh one moment and there we go water save up and running so we've just hooked up two toilets so far they should all be sorted now nope this is going to be the overflow and of course i didn't put a ladder up to it all right very simple system polluted water from the toilets gets spit out goes into the water save gets cleaned jumped back into the toilets what uh how did that happen why is that back flowing oh i need to put a one-way directional bridge on this don't i yeah yeah that would be white i keep hitting f recently probably due to some other game i'm playing that's messing with my uh my ability to disney that should go like there and that will stop that water from doing that that's going to be rather annoying because it will clog up the system come on dupes okay that should force all the water that direction there we go took a little bit of fiddling but now this is the priority flow any polluted water coming from here will be prioritized over water coming from down here so that means any excess toilet water we produce will get sent over here jump straight into our bucket bog bucket plants and out of our well and stop this all from backing up now what we can do is replace all these toilets with actual plumbed ones unfortunately pawn has managed to pick up food poisoning so that's uh that's we don't want to send them too sick that would be well just slightly even cruel and unusual even for me all right we'll go with a sweep only allow manual use and what we are going to do is we are going to sweep up a bunch of bleachstone in here the reason being some of these have managed to acquire some germs onto them i don't know how okay yeah i do but uh it doesn't really make a difference what we'll do here is we will reduce these to one and then what'll happen is a pawn will come along they'll pick up actually where is it yep a pawn should come along pick up the beach stone and sweep it into this that will get dumped into our little uh vacuum storage area and then once it's in there it will release the story in the chlorine will kill all the germs and that will be the end of it here comes max now bleachstone goes in there okay little puff of bleach stone escapes and that will go down in here and then once it's in there let's say grab something that has some germs on it like this cooked fish you got germs on you yes you do you have 340 germs and now you don't have well all the germs start to rapidly die off because the whole thing is now in bleachstone or in chlorine all right with that done we will just wait the how long has pawn got left before they can uh food poisoning were off 98 seconds okay once pawn's good we'll wait until morning and send them on their way it's a brand new day pawn is just up and so is done and dusted in case we need to send them immediately afterwards and we are going to send pawn in all right pawn do your thing let's see what's on the other side okay knock knock open wide okay and ready to transmit past your teleport okay so they just sit in there until you hit the button oh i should have sent him an oxygen mask oh never mind too late oh look little mail okay okay there's oxygen there's oxygen they're not dying uh water that's good we've got oxidizer we're not going to die immediately food oh actually i never even thought about food all right we've got 17 kilos of nutrient bar so 17 days worth of food oh yeah we'll have to go food immediately as well and a teleporter transmitter we can go straight back okay and a cryotank oh we can preserve them so if anything goes wrong i suppose we can stick someone in there until we send in some reinforcements maybe and no there's a defrost friend button tank appears and possibly old but smell crisps and brand new shiloh a silhouette is just barely visible through the frog no i don't want to defrost someone just yet god knows what's in there hmm oh we've got mule wood and we've got bristle blossom and we've got buried muckroot and oh we've got oil oh yes okay so uh how do we rotate between planets i think yeah so this is the one we're on we're on this one which is oily core let's go back here oversee planetoid and it works oh that's charging recharging 0.3 percent okay let's get a charge up again so we can't send any reinforcements to help them out they're stuck so they're stuck there until well no they can come back oh i get it you can send one but you can't send two at a time so you can't just say rotate someone and do a few things rotate them out and then rotate them back again five seconds later okay okay that makes sense well thinking about this there's some good news and bad news good news is this is a normal standard sandstone biome there's plenty of coals that we can tap into for power uh we can build a treadmill if we need to we can start growing mealwood which is rapid is a rapid growth crop it takes to recycle so we can definitely get food very quickly as well we've got algae which we can immediately turn into oxygen so we're not going to run out of oxygen either in fact this whole place is a perfect startup there is no worries at all about running this place downsides now the downsides is something i didn't consider which is um yeah this pawn here they have some morale requirements as in they have a six-point morale requirement because of the way they've been configured if we check out their skills here you'll notice up here they've got hard digging super hard to get super hard digging and super duper hard digging so this has given them a little bit of a morale requirement of six now we have to get them six morale points for their next cycle or they're going to start stressing out or we'll have to send them home maybe we should have sent someone who didn't have any skill points assigned or maybe skill scrub them before we put them through the gate yeah that would have been better skill scrub them before you put them through the gate then you can use them on the other side for whatever you need and if you need to use one point or two you can judiciously in whatever skills you need that would have been a smarter plan living you learn when you learn but i'm gonna have to cut that out there but i'd like to just go over well a couple of things here that i think is really nice that they did about this as opposed to the way the game used to previously work this map here does not have everything you need oh by the way i've done an enormous sweep command i want these dupes to be doing something while we're working on the other planet this plant doesn't have everything you need so you basically have to and from what i've heard you get a cool slush school salt water and you get a cool slush polluted water geyser so these two are standard you get them on every map so every starter map will have just these resources available and will be exactly like this there's no randomization this means when you start you can learn how to play it you can keep replaying this map again and again until you get it right the problem with the previous version of the game or the uh not the problem well one of the stumbling points for newer players was they get thrown onto a map and they have literally every throne things thrown at them on the first map you've got to deal with uh natural gas you've got to deal with chlorine hydrogen you've got to deal with all the different geyser types all the different volcano types all of that stuff here you get two cold geysers salt water polluted water you have to learn how to sieve them use them turn them into crops and you've only got two crop types to deal with and only one creature type to deal with that's it it's just simple easy and once you've mastered this you don't even have to go into here for ages you can survive here for an enormous amount of time let's look at our software supply we have 95 tons of sulfur and i don't think i've mined all that yet we could run this for ages oh and as a side experiment i'm going to feed these uh grub grubs they take 20 kilos of they consume 20 kilos or 50 kilos of salt for a cycle now for 150 kilos of sulfur i'm assuming that they will increase the amount of grub rubs they give out which means all of these bug buckets should get groomed i'll check it out i want to do some math on it to see if it's actually worthwhile but nope back to the overview so you sort of stay on this you'll end up stuck in this planet oil for a while until you mastered most of the basics you won't have to worry about heat too much because you can just rotate heat from diesel you can cool your base because you're definitely going to have cool slush geysers before all the geysers and events were randomized so you couldn't depend on those things this is a good way to do it this will be nice for newer players i think it'll make it much easier for them to get into the game for the older players who've been around for a while this is going to seem like easy mode but well i suppose it is my guess from what i've seen so far is this planet will be the only one we'll be able to access via teleporters maybe we can build these later or something like that and then after and then from there we'll have to use the oil off here this planet i assume will contain all the oil we need to get into space we'll be able to make plastic out of this uh we'll also get a bunch of fossil we're also going to get diamond and i'm assuming there is the where is it back here there is these little devices this is the warp pipe output and we've got a warp pipe input over here and if you check them they have three well this one has three outputs on it we've got your gas output we've got your liquid output and then we've got your conveyor rail output so gas liquids and solids basically i am of the opinion that this is not for same planet stuff this is for there's going to be some more over here and we can link these ones here to the ones on the other side and we'll be able to send through oil we'll send through diamonds we'll be able to send you all the natural resources from here we basically will strip mine this map out and ship it back to our starter planet or maybe we'll move here i don't know it depends on how big this asteroid is and ethanol okay never mind i'm way over budget here but i do like the way they've done this that means there's going to be really difficult planets out there like volcanic planets that you're going to have to land on with a rocket and try and build up everyone around anyway i hope you enjoyed and good luck [Music] hmm [Music] you
Channel: Francis John
Views: 42,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oxygen not included, DLC, Spaced Out, start, lets play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 36sec (2496 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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