Ep 2 Building an Elite team at the gym : Oxygen not included : Spaced out

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and we're back with some more spaced out dlc for ani and today today we're going to try and get our duplicates up a gym so we can train them up we're trying to make an elite squad and for an elite squad we need an elite training montage but there's a few other things we need to do before we can concentrate on that fully first is we're gonna make ourselves some space get all the plug slugs out of the way i don't want them those plug slugs are just continuing to eat all of our raw metals that are lying around the place and poop out hydrogen which is an annoyance we're going to contain them at the same time we need to put in an auction production facility that should be fairly quick we've done that a few times before and then once all that is done we want to start using this polluted water for our crops and this smoke brine for our oxygen and at that point we should be able to just run our gym pretty much indefinitely without having to worry about anything else but first up uh moving the sludge press with that done the sludge press just frees up this space here we're going to want that for our gym later on and next up critter movement let's get all of those plugs logs contained so they can stop eating all of our precious cobalt i am not even bothered hooking up a wire to these i haven't been fighting able to find a good use for plug slugs maybe on a portable power supply on missions that might be an idea though i don't think you'd be as cramming enough batteries as it is i'm just not sure where exactly they fit into the meta of this game just yet they're just they seem like an early game power source but considering how quickly you can get into solar right now they just don't seem that useful also they consume metal which metal always has a use there's just there's no you know what we'll leave it we'll just stick them in here out of the way maybe we'll find the use of them later i don't want to exterminate the population hey with that done i think next up is going to be oh gate activation yes nothing we're interested in here we'd prefer someone with the science or supply just so that it helps out so instead we'll just grab the barbecue oh when it comes to this over here how do i explain it yeah all the raw foods come in this side they get dumped in here so cooking ingredients and all of this stuff comes in here so say the grub fruit comes in one side and then once it's cooked up it gets shunted into this one which puts it as grub fruit preserve or roast grub fruit nuts and they get stuck in this side and this basically pulls them here to feed the cookers and dumps into that caviar loader to go out into that output and this here is just yeah that's where all the the dupes drop off the raw ingredients it's just a little way to have internet storage on both sides also this loaded with chlorine anyway uh yes what was the plan ah yes uh oxygen storage we want or auction production we want to put in a little auction production facility here uh that also is conveniently close to our brine oh and in the brine tank i've thrown in a bunch of fish preferably gulp fries uh the reason being they'll convert all that water to clean water otherwise it's just an annoyance for me to filter it so we'll just leave it the way it is and see what happens i mean maybe we end up with some polluted water going through into our oxygen system we'll we'll put in some safety precautions oxygen production before i get started on this i maybe got sidetracked by a few cleaning up jobs um we wanted to use a blueprint and we've got eight pacquiao showing up so i put a little brick here and we're gonna hope they all flop their way to the right yeah they're they're pretty intelligent about finding their way to the nearest source of water so long as it's within a certain distance i wonder what it is yeah there we go that will that will add nicely to our meat supplies actually our food supplies are looking really really well i don't know uh yes oxygen production that was it to get this finished we are going to need some two kilowatt wire and i don't want to spend so much time smashing it up i think we'll have a quick trip down to the badlands biome down here and we'll grab some of the iron ore not too much of it however the temperatures over this side are over 100 degrees so no but here 50 to 60 that's actually quite livable so we'll pour out some of this iron ore just for wiring it just saves us the time of smashing it up a little bit of an on pause moment here while we dig take a little bit of a mine shaft we also to stick in a little bit of polluted oxygen production here with a dammit sublimation station that should get us all the way down here to a nice look at the magma biome which we don't even want to think about touching the oh there is some more iron over there no no get the gym finished we're just going to extract the iron we need whereas the iron is there 400 kilos we're going to get as much iron as we can out of this place oh we'll take that too well over here and once we've got all of that we'll use that to finish off this section i think we're just about ready to start this sucker up uh we're going to wall in this side wall in that side it's pretty much the same sort of straightforward design we used last time as well it's small enough because we're not going to be running too many duplicates on this planet or asteroid uh we're going to pump up the salt water from down here and because the well brine water because it's so cold we're going to pass it through here and actually pre-chill all of our oxygen and then after it's done that it goes up and gets desalinated and we have a storage backup tank here these things need to be emptied so let's make sure there's no interruption in water supply and then we'll have a 40 degree tank of water just sitting there waiting to be accessed second hook that up oh i didn't hook up power to the pump today oh god damn it one second here we go icy cold water coming up um i'm wondering if i should stick on a polluted water or like a water sieve just to make sure but you know what i i'm not going to worry about it it's going to come back to bite me but it's just really cramped up here all right so that goes through there goes on to the desalinator desalinator starts desalinating and then it goes in and we get it water the water comes out at 4dc though then it gets sent over here and thrown into our electrolyzers the point we'll have this is if it's above 450. come on yeah that's that and gas all right we're not going to turn on the top one for a while namely because there's just not going to be a lot of hydrogen for a while not unless they get until the gas pumps catch up now these are normally hooked up to gas tanks but i don't think there's any real need in this situation we have such a large base to spread it out amongst we can just dump it out into these and then it should well yeah this can soak it all up all right what are we looking at down here actually that's about good enough now was it 250 i think it was 250 we're gonna go with 250. all right so because that's sealed off no more fresh oxygen can get across the top so all we have to do is get rid of this bottom oxygen here which is slowly but surely come on come on you're down to micrograms just be gone already and there we go all right that's all the ice auction in there so we hooked that sucker up and there is one giant blob that that's fine that's fine over here how are we looking we got mostly auction actually okay that kind of works all right let's uh start sealing this up then this should be this should continue to function as normal we'll just seal that in seal that in there we go this is the overflow once this hydrogen backs up and eventually it will it will take a while oh yeah that that's right maybe leave that open until that's fixed once we fix the damage from the oxygen getting in there we'll seal that up any of the overflow hydrogen once this backs up with footline's full of hydrogen will go over here and gets interrupted with this gas storage tank that gas storage tank will just burn it off in a hydrogen generator that will jump directly onto our single one kilowatt grid um yeah it's not great but it just it's a cheap and easy way to do this for now we shall filter at the oxygen and get rid of it how we do it that's all the oxygen gone so actually we can just get rid of that filter straight away that worked out really well boom do that there right we can deconstruct that one tile that should let all the rest of the hydrogen at oh one second deconstruct those two there and that should be the system started now at the moment we've got this kicked in and who's suffocating god damn it guys god damn it come on come on come on yay okay now get out god damn it okay done and done we shall seal that up and i'm gonna keep an eye on at this time to make sure that they don't seal themselves in and with that complete we are golden on the oxygen front calculations wise uh the auction we can get a list is enough out of it i think it goes to support seven and a half dupes which is not a lot the reason being this stuff when you filter the salt water coming out of this uh you lose a third of the mass it's just well it's kind of an annoyance of this type of design where that saltwater app ryan we put in five kilos of brine and we get out 3.5 kilos of water and 1.5 kilos of salt so we get lots of salt this way and there's a lot of people mentioning that you can take that salt and grind it up is it in here so you can grind up the salt in here and make table salt and when you do you get 100 kilos of sand out so it's actually a renewable source of sand as well which is actually kind of nice will it barely enough to provide all of your deodorizers and water sieves i'm not sure i haven't done the math on it but we'll find out later on i suppose when we start messing around with those things but that is oxygen production done let's have a quick run through it for those people who haven't seen it or just as a quick refresher cold water comes up through here pipes through the bottom section that part of the section is now freezing cold because of all the water going through there and the oxygen and hydrogen that gets spit out by the um electrolyzers well the oxygen floats down hydrogen floats up it's just the way the gases are designed in this game the hydrogen gets trapped up here where it gets sucked by the gas pump oxygen floats down the bottom where it gets sucked out of these gas pumps it's just a powerless way of filtering the two gases instead of using one of those expensive gas filters the hydrogen goes up here to get burnt off and burned in our hydrogen generators which powers this whole mess we can remove the these power generators later and the oxygen gets sent off to well oxygenate our entire base all the way up we might want to send one pipe down to the bottom as well though we don't really have any plans to go down here anytime in the near future and that's it we're literally running on this forever now we can as long as we don't go above seven dupes which later later next up though we want to run our crop sustainably as well and that means using this now this cool slush geyser is going to be a problem because the water it spits out is -10 our crops here can only survive down temperatures as low as 10. so they'll survive from 10 to 30 seas so if we pump in this icy cold polluted water that's just gonna cause these to have horrible issues they'll start dying basically oh and we need three of these bug buckets to support each duplicate which means uh 18 we need 18 of these to support the amount of duplicates we currently have we'll stick in a few extra of course just to be on the safe side but i'm thinking same thing again we hook this up to say a tepadizer to warm up some water to make sure that this does never go over temperature and we keep enough of these to support about eight duplicates just to be on the safe side well we've got the basics of it then polluted water comes from up here goes down here runs by this tepadizer this temperature heats the water up to say oh if the temperature is below 17 degrees i'm getting about 17. these things can live from 10 to 30. i think 17 degrees is a good compromise it keeps our base nice and warm as well we're going to run some of this water around the base maybe uh the problem though is this thing requires 960 watts this line here this thing can only support one kilowatt now we could smash up an awful lot of metal but i've got a better idea to upgrading our power grid let's just uh do a little bit of digging up here first once we've cleared out some areas to get our hands on some copper ore we're going to replace all of the wires in here with heavy copper or wire or heavy uh heavy wet wire it's the cheap nasty stuff that looks really bad and has terrible whoa well never mind the decor up here was never going to be that good anyway we're going to run this wire the whole way through the solar panels and down as far as our batteries that will make this entire network capable of supporting 20 kilowatts i believe though honestly it's really rare that i've used this stuff though this new map type really gives you the answer the opportunities to take advantage of these things so we'll have uh say two of these hooked up and where are we going ah god i'm gonna keep pressing the wrong button too many games all right that should allow us to run two of these transformers off one of these so what exactly have we done by doing all of this and messing around with the powers well this means this wire here can support 20 kilowatts and all of the power from this is getting dumped across here ignore this little wire that goes across for now this down here and into these battery banks uh because it's solar when you want to store up the power then what happens is it gets fed into this power transformer which regulates it to one kilowatt that means we can only draw one kilowatt on this one kilowatt wire and we won't get any overloads we might get brownouts if we try and draw too much power but in offense what have we got in this 2.25 potential kilowatts consumed whether that's deodorizers and sublimation stations which we've switched off uh there's the electric uh electric research stations electric kill grille a few things like that but a lot of this stuff is very intermittent so we don't have to worry too much however we were about to put on something that's going to draw 900 watts consistently or a lot so instead we've plugged it into a second transformer now we can run a second wire all the way down here okay there will be a lot of hopping we're going to have to hop across a bunch of stuff but so long as we run this all the way down we can basically get another kilowatt of power down here without messing up our whole system and that means we can run this whole thing quite efficiently and while they're sticking together those wires let's go have a look and see what blueprints we've got going on nothing really grabbing my either we'll just take the ice i maybe i need to be less picky about the duplicates we're choosing but no we can wait i want to wait until our gym is up and running at least done power connected all the way along now we just have to hook up the water for that we will deconstruct this pump actually let's disable the pump we'll disable that pump so it's not drawing any water and then once we hook that up there all that water should flow through now it's insulated pipes all the way through here and then once it's close to this section it's -7 going in and by the time it gets at 45 degrees that's not perfect however you should point it it's going to slow down an awful lot here the reason it's going to slow down so much is because we're not drawing the full 10 kilos per second so that'll give it more time in these radiant pipes part and perfect as long as it's about above 10 we don't care otherwise it would stifle our crops and done all right just to recap that um this means our oxygen supply is now infinite supplied off this and should never ever cause us any problems well fingers crossed i'm still a little bit leery about that polluted water but i don't want to let it go anywhere else um at the same time over here all of our food crops are now supplied off this tank which is renewable sourcing will everyone out so we've got enough food here too are they planted yeah i believe they are planted but uh that means they should never run out either and as long as you don't go above seven dupes we'll never run out of oxygen or food so let's put ourselves together a little bit of a gym shall we and considering that we don't need to worry about anything better so emptying this this is the only physical labor that we'll need doing uh emptying the desalinator and oh we can cut these off we'll cut off the wire there but i'm going to replace it so if there's an emergency we can hook it back up if needs be it's always good to have emergency cool power hooked up to your oxygen just in case oh and this here this here is set to store excess overflow hydrogen and oh my god what the hell how is the hydrogen not backed up yet uh you know what let's maybe hook this up what's going on oh this is not full yet yep if you're using this please note don't disconnect the power until after you fill the liquid liquid reservoir the reason being this liquid reservoir is you're basically running desalinator flat out and its power requirements are quite high now if you're just running it to keep up with the amount of water you're consuming in here that's fine you'll produce enough hydrogen to provide power to your electric oxygen production and just desalinator running at about a kilo per second but if you're running the desalinator at five kilos per second you're probably going to be stressing your power your self-contained power reserves so we'll let this run for a while longer and once the hydrogen backs up then we'll disconnect that power uh yes jim so let's put together a gym for a duplicate so they can get faster stronger better before we uh start everyone on their training regime we're gonna move around a few things i want to get set up automated toilets and sinks to cut down on the amount of side things that are going to distract them from all of their training and we're going to move all of our signs up here give them some lights and everything just to make sure it works at maximum speed and we can deconstruct all of this down here and we're going to put in a water sieve for all of our toilets and sinks when doing this what i like to do is place down well remove the first two toilets then i can put them in and see where the the actual inputs and outputs are going to be you think i'd remember after all this time but it's always nice to have a refresher just in case you're off by one you might think they're left or right but anyway then i connect them all up like that so we know exactly where they're all going out and i'm thinking what we'll do is we'll bring them down here and feed them directly into a water sieve uh for example there's going to be a door say right there well we want to keep everything in line it's also nice to have things a little bit neat and then we go to our refinement section and grab the water sieve and of course the the input outputs are on the wrong side for us so we're just going to rotate that i love that you can rotate these i can't remember when they introduced it but it was such a nice change and then we'll bring that in there so that means all of the output dirty water goes into that section and the input clean water can go right back up here and all the way along the bottom actually all the way to there and that should be it then all we have to do is prime the whole thing with a bit of clean water or even dirty water we can throw some water in to be sieved and that should be good to go oh and maybe let's automate it a little bit as well i mean why not oh damn it i'm out of iron how am i out of iron i even went down later and scooped out some more of this stuff you really need a lot of refined metal we're missing the oil we're missing the oil you know what we'll leave it as a manual chore it's fine it can be a manual chore for our dupes uh we'll worry about all of the refinement and all that after we're finished with our gym to just provide the seed starter for this remember toilets produce more water than they consume we're just going to have a run the line from up here and feed some polluted water into the sieving system that sends out to clean and then once the line is filled enough we'll just deconstruct this you know what that's more than plenty wow who's doing that your construction still sucks uh once that's done the rest of the water should drain back into the plants slowly but surely and now we can start replacing all of our toilets and sinks with actual proper ones piece of advice replace them one at a time i like to replace them just in pairs that way you don't accidentally have a rush in the bathrooms and you know there's none there for anyone while the dupes are cleaning up the last of the mess that is now yep that's now an infinite water system it's not quite full yet also we need to put in an overflow um actually this might be a decent idea one second this system here is not so bad this comes down here it hits this bridge and hops across now the only reason we've got this bridge here is so that if the water can't go across this bridge it'll shoot out sideways these things are it's just one of the pipe mechanics so we're going to do is connect that into the input once that's built any polluted water that comes out of the toilets we'll come down here and get sent into the sieve as normal there we go any excess water as in when this fills up and there's too much water in the system any excess should automatically get spit out this side and then get dumped down here and into our crops and our crops will always be thirsty that way any overflow water from our toilets gets immediately dumped into our food supply now we don't have to worry about the germs though in all furnace we've got enough germs already we don't need any more okay oh and one last thing was it choose a blueprint i want to point out here there's a an amazing farmer here of course they're flaccid and trypophobia but uh whatever if you look at the chances there with plus 14 agriculture they get a plus 46 percent seed chance every time they harvest plants their chance chances of producing a seed are plus 46 percent now i haven't gone into the numbers and started messing around with this but one nice thing is paku now can survive on seeds they only need a third of a seed a cycle now i presume there's a rounding thing here don't usually give us the first digit but i presume that's 0.33333 which is what they normally do so that means one seed could feed them for a whole cycle imagine just running a whole bunch of plants that you can get a lot of seeds from you could do an awful awful lot with that uh we'll have to go play around with that later but for now i think it's time to why are you not working oh for now i think it's time to get our gym started so we've turned on a bunch of these that means the duplicates should now come along and start jogging this is going to be their gym now the great thing about hamster wheels is they're the only activity you can do that increases two skills at the same time they increase your athletics and they increase your machinery skill and at lex is what we're really interested in here having super fast dupes is just so honey like what are we at the moment athletics of six i mean they're a duplicate that runs it around a lot that's not going to be great and we've already got a couple of attribute increases machinery skill to plus six on key maker and plus two machinery skill on fleet loops so they both gained a point and they only just started now they will stop for lunches and to get off and all that but however they won't go and take care of any chores so if this fills up while they're on it they won't look at it but so long as we have a nice little backpack a backlog here we should be fine as well as that they won't take care of the water sieve either but once a day should be sufficient either in the morning or when they're finished at the end of the night they should take a look at it so that should be okay now we just leave them there to do it one other thing i've included is science we want to actually do science on the side uh the reason being say let's take fruit loops here if we check out their science scale it's at plus nine but it's plus five base that's how much they've actually got from doing science let me take a look at key maker here for example they've only got a base science of three we want to get everyone up to five so i have disabled fruit loops from doing science and i have set everyone else to be allowed to do science and they're going to prioritize it and kind of well i'm going to in the background get everyone to do a little bit of science i'm just going to well fiddle around with this in the background queue up some research every so often and then maybe go and take care of some things on the side like i don't know i kind of want to catch up on a few episodes of a couple of shows so yeah what i really want to do actually is just get them up enough science and then just leave them run overnight and i mean literally running overnight and then when we come back the next day they're all basically maxed out on athletics and machinery and we didn't have to do anything now i would like to point out there's a few things that are not perfectly infinitely sustainable on this current run first is carbon dioxide if we check at the bottom of the map eventually the carbon dioxide will build up and cause a problem we have nothing getting rid of it but considering how slow it goes we could leave this all night long and this should be fine all night uh yes jumbo batteries jumbo batteries up here they're going to overheat eventually but considering it's minus 55 degrees up here yeah it should take a long while if we wanted to we could run some some sort of cooling loop through here well actually no we couldn't we'd have to use a gas cooling it we couldn't use liquid cooling it because all the liquids did freeze in the pipes but this should be fine for several several several hours so uh training montage time since i can't really put together a training montage i can give you two recommendations let's see i'll have a link in the top right to eye of the tiger by rocky you know if you kind of want the old-school training type montage you know i the tiger's always a good one if you want something a little bit more modern we've got uh top right now we'll have the ex gonna give it to you with uh rick and morty you know that's just because it's it's it's pretty much a new current classic anyway let's uh let's see what this looks like in say several hours more intense cardio super science realizing you left in a bunch of crops that you shouldn't have and you should really be digging all of these up because they're not actually a renewable resource coming back after a while after you've queued up all the researchers and gotten rid of them there is literally no research left anymore all of it's been done uh we filled our water tanks we've cleaned up everything and now it's time for i think i'll take a nap and just let this run so we're going to come back in probably you know what other than to double speed i don't want it going too fast a couple things i'll cover before we go this is the scheduling for everyone or the priorities i've put everyone into cooking might as well get them all a little let them all have a little bit of cooking all have a little bit of farming i've taken them all out of research except for mother lode they're only at levels level four plus a few skill points and for skills i've tried to give everyone into field research this gives them a plus for science with both of those so it adds to their their learning speed and then we're just going to let them run all night long and what's that attribute increase julie hopps just got her machines up level eight uh let's see what it looks like in the morning i'm guessing i'm guessing everyone will be level 20 athletics and level 20 machinery after the rest of it who cares 117 cycles later yeah so it turns out i sleep for 117 cycles i'm a little bit lazy in comparison to these dupes anyway uh if we just have a quick look at the skills here we'll see my machinery is 20 athletics or a machinery 17 with alex is 20. the reason their machinery is 17 is this is a luddite so they have the natural minus three so they're machinery uh 20 machinery 20 athletics 17 machinery 20 athletics that's the second luddite uh 26 machinery and 20 athletics well the extra six is coming from all of their skills in mechatronics but basically 2020 uh 2020 2020 and 2020. yes everyone has maxed out their machinery and their athletics also everyone's got a little bit in agriculture and a little bit in cooking as well along the way um just because well i left them to do all the farming and all that if they wanted to so we've now got some super duper speedy fast dupes that are really good at machines that's exactly what we wanted the base held up really well i queued up a sweep command before i saved for the night and they swept everything too uh in here you'll notice yep all the polluted water is pretty much gone occasionally some of it will melt in the ice biome and drop down here but the fish take care of it and then it turns into ice which we occasionally sweep up um over here yeah this has been working out the crops have been working out everything's actually worked pretty stably the only thing let's see up here the temperature of this has gone up by 10 degrees maybe a little bit more i think it was 55 so we've gained about 12 degrees uh we'd need to go to 75 c before this would become a problem so we've got a lot of leeway here we got over 100 degrees of leeway and we only used 12 of it running it overnight yes this was very useful now i know some people are gonna be saying but you're playing the game without playing the game um yes and that is a valid criticism but uh i would like to point out i've played this game a lot and i like to do it quickly i would like to speed mod to speed things along this just means i can run it overnight and then today all of the dupes are going to be really really fast uh let's put in a telescope up here uh we want to get start exploring we want to start exploring the star map as well so let me try something here there have been some claims that these things will work through walls but i think it's sort of a it's like in the previous version so long as you had free space to the left of them and they could see the sky dope yeah the solar panels kind of get in the way there we're going to try building one up here and theoretically it should be let's see through the wall on this side if uh if the rumors are true ah yes see how do i explain this these things usually have a five tile site radius so this thing can see five tiles to the right meaning it's actually seeing through the wall i know that makes no sense but it's just the mechanics of the game and maybe it's five tiles to the left so it can't see through here because there's stuff in the way i don't know if where it's based from though it might be based from center so it might be actually seeing a couple of times to the right because we're it's seeing everything so slowly though it'll it won't detect things very quickly because we don't have full sight of the sky but who cares uh let's just plug this in all right that leaves mother lode up there to scan the stairs and that should hopefully get him to that last point of skill i've tried to get everyone up to five research well hopefully our core duplicates but i managed to get three i think up to level five maybe four uh mother o didn't quite make it they're just one shy you have a base scale of four i just want that because it gives them extra skill leveling and it means they'll level up faster when we put them into the the field uh you know what i think i'm gonna go grab what was that attribute increase science up to level five yes okay just as i was talking about it i couldn't have planned that better i am going to switch someone else out then might as well spread the science around and the reason you want to spread around the sciences it just means everyone levels up a bit faster and it's easier to get those first few levels than it is to get the later ones going above level five for example will take more experience than going from four to five so spreading it around we can usually get everyone a little bit of science and means they'll all level up a little bit faster i sort of want uh our core group so our core group here would be fruit loops is going to be our more than likely our rocketry pilot then we're going to have keymaker here who's going to be our engineer and motherlode who's going to be our digger oh and we hired trevaldo on the side namely because they showed up and they had improved carry and advan research as well supply and research as two of their interests so we thought why not that we we can find a use for them later with a little bit of reskilling we've got weaver up there they're going to uh hopefully scale up their science but i think they're only level one yeah they're they're pretty weak sauce on the science front and now we're going to skip some dupes because it's time to go through to the other planet and we might as well make sure they go through with the least requirement for morale as possible while we're getting our scrub on we might as well core out more of the map i've been kind of lacks about doing that but we had a goal our goal was to jim everyone up and now everyone is super duper fast this is just going to make life so much easier all right all the planning everything i did so far was all for this moment for when we're passing through the teleporter uh we're going to get the duplicate of choice to go through is going to be mother lode they're a digger so we're sending them through to the other planet and this would be the same whether we were rocketing there using the transporter first thing interests are basically free at this point say motherboard here has an interest in research which means if we grab that it increases their morale requirements by one but also gives them plus one morale because they have an interest in that which means it's it's free it's it cost efficient let's say then we get hired digging as well because that is also free they have interest in it so yeah perfect we'll grab that and we can grab and prove caring all three of these cost us literally nothing and the great thing about research is it gives plus two science which is a plus twenty percent uh bonus to skill game so as they're out digging and constructing on this new planet they're going to learn how to dig and build faster and faster also they're maxed out at 20 20 movement speed so yes set destination and oh you can change the destination well okay that's the set destination fine let's oversee planetoid yes yes that's very nice i think when you do this it reveals the entire top of the map but then when you go back to your own planet i think it does the same thing because i hadn't actually explored all the oh no i didn't last time i did that it explored all the way out here to the right even though i hadn't been there yet never mind let's uh let's send over our duplicant of choice where are you mother lode oh we should get him a hat first and mother lode steps in we teleport them over oh i haven't inspected it yet never mind teleport it is bye bye buddy see you on the other side done all right now let's see how quickly we can get this base up and running with a super dupe uh first off there's a bit of light really close by we may immediately have to up skill them to abyss light ticking it's one more point in cost uh we're just gonna go over here and grab some water so we can install toilets in fact yeah we're going straight into abyssalite mining we're going to need that instantly that allows us to dig through here and we're also going to want to put in uh yeah water save or water pump that should be enough to get us a toilet and a sink up and running then we just need a bed uh i don't think there's any light coming off of that is there i don't want to put our duplicate near any light sources yeah that's fine so we'll just show them down some furniture uh cut right actually we don't even need to put it in a decent place food as well we are going to want to put in some furniture in here for can we even put in a mess table we don't have the metal or for a mess table um there's some right over there all right we'll grab some aluminum more over that side submit bioscan grant once we get the aluminum ore and what's oh attribute game excavation skill has gone up to plus four well what do you know it's already working out uh mess table put that there boom and i think that's the basics oh we're missing dirt we have no dirt on this place god damn it ah i thought we don't we're going to get this done in record time i will take out the dirt actually no i don't want to reset the timer on that we'll take out the dirt here that should give us enough dirt for the toilets and then we can start digging down layers i think we'll sort of put a ladder down through here and start excavating out the bottom layers boom toilets sink bedroom dining room and yep that is that was way too quick slight change in the plan we're gonna put the cut there and we're going to excavate down here that'll put us close to this also there's a water pump down here there's all sorts of nice stuff let's start the demolition maybe i should have sent them over earlier in their shift or something i don't even know when we send them over i should have planned that better but we did manage to get them a mess hall a barracks uh we didn't manage to get them a bathroom unfortunately but i don't think that really matters and once the uh this recharges on the other side that's at 13 once that recharges we're going to send over someone else we're going to send over all three of our starting dupes maybe even four i'm not quite sure yet we should be quickly and easily able to build this place up all we really wanted for though is the ethanol for now we there's nothing really much we want from this bar the ethanol because that gives us easy access to lots of carbon dioxide that can get us into our rocketry program oh and we're going to want to set up a telescope as well to expand out and view the stars currently we're expanding out this but uh yeah we're a little bit slow our current scientist on that is not very sciencey anyway i think yes yes i'm definitely over time i think we're we're off to about a 35 minute mark on footage anyway i uh i i know this was a little bit of an odd one where we we had to skill up all our dupes but i think this is going to work out really well as we start going through the other planets what i really wanted was a force like this like mother lode here is just okay their their excavation is not amazing it's only at eight and i'm sure i could bring one in with 14 skill but their construction's good their athletics are maxed out their machinery is great at some point we're gonna have to start smashing up rocks to make some refined materials and stuff like that and they will do so incredibly well and the other two dupes that are going to follow this one they will also be amazing and we will just keep moving them as a demolition team from planet to planet building up the infrastructure and then moving on to the next one i'm really looking forward to seeing how this works out anyway i'm gonna cut it out here i hope you enjoyed and good luck [Music] you
Channel: Francis John
Views: 72,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oxygen not included, DLC, Spaced Out, start, lets play, toilets, germs, sinks, bedrooms, barracks, water, polluted water, vents, geysers, swamp, how to, tutorail
Id: KY_TQ6cUunM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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