Entire Game: Phillies 23 Cubs 22, May.17, 1979

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When you score 22 runs and still lose, Cubs life

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/b3_yourself πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I always wondered why my dad hated Mike Schmidt so muchβ€”guess this game didn’t help.

Also funny that they take their helmets off and just wear hats to run the bases. Never realized that. Anyone know when they stopped doing that??

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bless you

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/I_am_Kronos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

not all heroes wear capes

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gabsteriinalol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This game is one of my earliest memories. 4 years old, outside of Par King Mini Golf in Lincolnshire, some storefront was selling TV's near there and had the game on. I can remember seeing the score somewhere in the teens for both teams...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wretch5150 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This must have been a raw feed vs broadcast recording? I'm pretty sure there were basic TV graphics in '79.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WxSnare πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

My dad’s most hated player of all time is Mike Schmidt. He was also at this game. He’s the one in the bleachers wearing a Cubs hat.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/johnnybravo1014 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/outdoorscat123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
this copyrighted telecast is presented by authority of the Chicago nationally ball club which is the Rite of approval of the announcers and is intended solely for the private non-commercial use of our audience any publication reproduction retransmission or other use of the pictures descriptions and accounts of this game without the express written consent of the Chicago nationally ball club is prohibited well hi everybody once again welcome to baseball a beautiful Wrigley Field on a good baseball the warm weather and sunshine here a little hazy side nevertheless it's a sunshiny day at the ballpark and a very special occasion coming up here now not only the Cubs and the Phillies which is always very special particularly when the two ball clubs are battling the way they are apparently this year for position but also we have a DePaul day out here this afternoon and of course everybody knows I'm sure by this time what a remarkable job DePaul University is turned in in basketball and so the Cubs would like to honor DePaul University and their fine coach and their prime players today get a kind of a special occasion out there ray Meyer is the coach of the DePaul team they shake hands right now with herman franks is in our WGN television your Cary DePaul basketball night Susan and you can see John McClendon and also Jimmy Enright who just recently joined ray Meyer and going into the Hall of Fame thus puts down to the PA Mike there right now and picked up buck Creedence introduction Curtis Watkins Gary Garland James Mitchum by Bradshaw [Applause] Chris Takeda you Scott Sam vanilla and bar [Applause] ladies and gentlemen students of the first Patrick University in the state of Illinois and members of part of the cup salute today the Cinderella team which won the hearts of basketball players all over the nation the deport puta demons [Applause] these players will watch and three of the greatest men to walk on its basketball court now all Chicagoans participate in the stirring of the ceremonial first of all all three recently received the highest score all basketball honors at Springfield Massachusetts when they were inducted it's the National Basketball Hall of Fame first the catcher today a student at University of Kansas on the inventor of basketball dr. James Naismith a student who later became a coach in Tennessee a and I where you want five hundred and twenty two games and three straight national championships Hall of Famer John McClendon [Applause] who else could be chosen as the official of today's ceremony then a referee whose career in the pick 10 big 8 and the Missouri Valley spans 35 years the man whose voice you hear over there if you feel public address system during cup games Hall of Famer Jim Enright [Applause] finally the picture today from st. Patrick hi doctor Dame University and basketball coach at DePaul since 1942 where he led the blue team is to 509 six victories including a third-place finish in the recent NCAA Championship family mom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now each fan enjoy targeted John Ethel the coincidentally at the graduate of DePaul and former artist of the default basketball team as he plays our national anthem Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] put the ball game right after this message [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] right now let's go with the batting orders of this ball game for the Phillies bake McBride and right Larry Bowa at Short Pete Rose at first Mike Schmidt at third del unser in left Gary Maddox in center Bob Boone catching good email a a second and the picture Randy work now for the cup the haze is a short sale in right Buckner at first Kingman had left Olivares a third Martin and center foot catching Sizemore at second and the pitcher Dennis lamp the blister is healed sufficiently for Dennis to pitch today plate umpire will be dick Cavanaugh bill Lawson at first Dennis Riccio a second and Dave slick and Meyer will be the umpire a third let's take them around out in left field there's Dave Kingman center fielder Jerry Martin and the right fielder is Mike Vale at third base Teavana Vera's the shortstop is Yvonne DeJesus second Ted Sizemore at first Bill Buckner [Music] Richard Dennis laughs and the catcher is Barry foot [Music] the stella taylor coaching at first and Billy DeMars coaching her wife they got Bobby wine there that's Billy DeMars coaching a third first base umpire bill Lawson that's Dennis Riccio out of second a third is days flick admirer behind the plate is de Kavanagh so on DePaul day with ray Meyer and his players and a couple of other Hall of Famers Jim again right John McClinton involved John catching and right who else umpiring so we honor this great team and the leadoff hitter is going to be bake McBride he'll be followed by Bowa then Pete Rose Denis lamp is 1/3 lost none so far this year last year against the Phillies he was on three that also constitutes his lifetime against him Randy lurch - and all last year against the Cubs for two lifetime I remember one opening series here here before last when he lost a real heartbreaker to them and there's a swing and a Miss we're underway bake McBride 3 for 9 in the series 2:16 batting average three homers 14 runs batted in ball one strike one brian has a 329 lifetime against the Cubs there's a shot to left center that's why there's an example of why he has that good batting average against the cub [Music] he's right into that pitch off the left center that brings up the shortstop bow up more two four five tossed out on yesterday's ballgame batting average 287 no homers seven RBIs McBride a very fast man on first base there's a line shot left-center look out fellas and Kingman tries for it it won't work that's going to bring a run in tomorrow wait a minute he's going to hold the pride up the third because Jerry Martin hustled over there got that ball and prevented that man from coming in Bowa gets two on it and McBride goes to third McBride is very possibly the fastest man in the National League and that's one of the reasons we thought he might be set on in here is king when making a great try for the ball and of course backed up by Martin ride holds the third men on second and third nobody out Pete Rose's up well Pete's hitting 346 for the year 3 for 9 in this series every time you look up he's hitting a double got 2 in the opener 1 yesterday one homer this year 15 RBIs and that's a ball ball 1 at the end of three Cardinals to Montreal nothing they're playing as st. Louis the White Sox but Oakland soft one last night so Dennis lamb [Music] trying to get out of a jam real fast here that's the strike well there are more enviable position to be in and have men on second and third with rose and Schmidt coming up [Music] now ball goes another Delta third a black McGrath nice work fielder's choice for Rose the one hopper back to lamp von McBride stray too far from third and left alertly grabbed him there is [Music] nice work [Music] so Bora holds at second roses on base of course and a fielder's choice that's one out met on first and second Mike Schmidt is the batter two four seven in the series and he's raised his Homefront old in the series up to 12 with a couple of them he leads the National League in home runs he also has 28 runs batted in batting average 270 look out there's a high fly left here let's still going back actually goes back back back on the catwalk it's a home run the south wind coming out of the south at 17 miles an hour helped it and Mike Schmidt just got with a wind blown Homer and three runs are in [Music] [Applause] this guy has nine home runs in the month of May over the last 10 Philadelphia Homer Schmidt have nine of them Maddox got one yesterday well that will bring out bring up del unser hitting 444 4 for 9 in this series and that's strike one Schmidt claimed yesterday the Russell threw at them and have to walk the ball club up Cubs tonight strike one brawl one strike one Schmidt has 13 homers in 12 of them have been hit on the road well Petros was sent across the plate on that one and that's a milestone for him put some 19th on the all-time run scored list you just moved ahead a Mickey Mantle for the most runs ever scored by a switch-hitter [Music] all three strike one [Music] safe kingman never did give up with that home run matter of fact when it finally sailed over his head he turned around and faced the vines as though to maybe still play it off the wall this is math nature answer has just gotten his fifth hit in 10 at-bats in this series and that brings up center fielder Gary Maddox my crypto was announced originally as a starting pitcher and then they switched to Dennis lamp when it was decided that his finger was okay the blister annealed so Krukow is now set for Saturday strike one Mattox hitting two 77249 in the series five homers 18 runs batted in [Music] that's a ball 101 that's Donnie more rows has now scored 1678 runs there's a drive left field base hit right on the hop by Kingman nut sir move to second but brings up the capture Bob Boone and it should bring Mike walk out of the dugout pretty soon it is Buckner and Barry foot having a little talk with the pitcher stalling things here come Court usually when Roarke goes out it means the picture will stay in it's shots of therefore montreal against Martinez in st. Louis and with the Cardinals of that on the fourth inning it's the Cardinals to Montreal nothing [Music] well here's boom 1 for 4 in the series that's a ball ball one shelli's three comes nothing in the first goon batting 237 foul ball one and one hunter on second Mattox on first that's here that's way back there that she goes Wow another home run we more runs in for the Phillies my tea Philadelphia Phillies overpowering the Cubs in the very first inning now taking a 6 to nothing lead with really the second baseman out Dennis lamb just served up Bob Boone second homerun pitch of the campaign cup brings out Herman of course that means lamp is gone now Donny Moore will pitch for the car the last time lamp it sir was in that game against Cincinnati which eventually was suspended lamp gave up four runs in the first inning that day then shackled the Reds for the next three innings before leaving with a blistered finger well our neediest people on the intercom he said I'll tell you something six runs won't win this game from those days 68 degrees here at the ballpark the wind is out of the south of 17 that means of course is with the hitters and here's Rudy Mayo lead we pounded that ball a little bit yesterday to get a couple of base hits he's hitting 185 two four seven series no homers five RBIs that's a strike one and one Toronto one Cleveland nothing Cleveland at bat now in the second two and two that's a high foul ball out of play to the left going to who would do that's a strike far less to us though Terry Martin out there and Senator feels going to be a busy guy the way he's been pretty busy already is Randi alert one two lost one four and two lifetime against the cup till these six Cubs nothing at this point Bob all [Applause] all one strike one why would one table all I'll play to the left 1 & 2 one of two [Music] he reads two and two now on the pitcher Randy lurch and with his appearance the Phillies have batted around in the inning flyball left honey that's pretty well here Wow come on home run for the pitches Wow granny look just cut a line drive opposite keel Homer right in among the bleacher bums there in left-center field cool boy that makes it's Emma knows Randy lurch across with the plate you may remember Randy clinch the division title in late September for the Phillies last season against Pittsburgh and he got two home runs as well well that mean McBride is going to be batting for the second time in the inning there it is chili seven comes nothing fact this game is four days old my Cubs haven't batted yet strike one foul ball oh it too oh it too there's a bat handle pop-up could be caught on a viruses there he's got it [Music] seven hits three of them Hallman no ever nobody left let's go to the cup first for Billy 7 comes happy so dil answers in left field now for the Phillies center fielders gary maddox and the right fielder bacon fried with Mike Schmidt at third Larry Bowa at Short good in me all these a second [Applause] [Music] and he draws is the first Rand alerts the picture Bob Boone the catcher couple of hard-hit errs in that battery there's cookie Rojas coaching at first joy Amalfitano over third and Hayes loose leads off Philly seven cups nothing why Rhonda hey who's who in the seventh inning yesterday broke up Carlton's known him for for 9 in the series 222 batting average couple of Homer's eight RBIs that's a strike Holland to Cleveland three Toronto to Cleveland a bet on the third well inside ball one strike two bah-bah what'm to bah-bah ball one strike two that's a little low two and two there's a spaceship for the haters Phillies on net wind up my veil a life field [Applause] the Cubs again today trying to go ahead of the league and the Phillies trying for the 24th win they are already the winningest team in the national league they have 23 victories nobody else has that many over the American League Baltimore has 23 foul ball Mike Vail hitting 353 over three yesterday couple of Homer's 5 RBIs left-handed pitching so Vail instead of Mercer playing right field strike one by oh and two the end of five it's still the Cardinals two-month we all nothing there's a base hit behavior followed that second toe fail slices one plate on the hop on the fried and up brings up Bill Buckner [Applause] well Toronto at Cleveland talks in his fifth home run and second with nobody on are you ready for this Davi rosella horner for Cleveland in the second with one on so people leave through the to time you Twitter our next covers hitting a ball no pitch build up to 46 hitter at that that's ball one [Applause] [Music] that's the ball kundo [Applause] ball two no strikes first baseman Pete Rose into the mound have a little visit with lurk I asked Pete today if those first bass fans are giving it to him he said no not really no wall to no strikes like walton strike one [Music] there's a pleasure longtime care that we've just made it just made it over good in the old his head is a very very short right field and one of those spinners have looped out there and it just barely made it a hot minute I look like Buddha might make one of those spectacular catch you know crepey there it is hangs up there for quite a while so a run comes in on that one is the hay through score veil stops at second that makes the score now seven to one and they've Kingman is up two men on and nobody out just about a minute past two WGN television nine Chicago here's mr. Kingman and he takes ball one he's hitting 279 nine home runs 24 RBIs two for seven in the series Dave Kingman [Applause] door seven to one Phillies [Applause] for cash almost on the roof without building across the street were far did he tag it [Applause] so that makes it seven to four [Applause] this ball lands now boy guy on the roof was getting ready to catch it [Music] oh the pitching coach firms directors have a little visit with lurch a lot of Eris is the batter nobody on it nobody out that is all one so the first four cubs have scored there's a ground ball a good stop by Pete Rose and make the innocent to put off the dr. Hoffman a little banana versus going to be on to that took a little doing to make that stop nice work by Pete not will bring up the center fielder Jerry Martin [Applause] the most homeruns by both clubs in an inning was five and done by several clubs matter of fact the last time it happened in the National League the Cincinnati against the Cubs July 28th in the first game of a doubleheader in 1977 Cincinnati got three of them when the Cubs got two ball - - and OH [Applause] every mark 276 hitter [Music] that's a strike [Applause] [Music] there could be an excavation there heading for second he may cry for three here nope he's going to hold up a second so Jerry Martin has just doubled the right center field hey about this ballgame how's this for an opening any Martin had three hits including two doubles in the first game and that's his tenth new base hit of the year [Applause] here's foot very foot got himself a grand slammer to really put the first game out of reach [Music] there comes the red out and it looks like that will be all for lurch so neither pitcher has survived the first in again Doug bird there's got to come in that's a Danny Ozark asking for the ball but here comes the fella from Kansas City Doug Byrd [Applause] [Music] well talk about peaks and valleys alerts can tell you [Applause] soken Dennis [Applause] [Music] the scoreless ballgame is the Philly seven the Cubs four and that bird will be the new pitcher the first man he'll face will be Barry foot will be followed by ten sides more than Donnie more duck Birds twenty-nine click for 180 and they got him on a trade with the Royals for Todd Cruz April of this the spring around five years almost section majors and going into the action this year he had 49 wins and 36 losses in his major league career and that's the way he stands right now he is not going to pitch a record yet although he has been at eight ballgames pits 14 to one third innings give it up 20 base hits walked three struck out seven no saves no Windsor losses earned run average for eight games 6.43 [Applause] dubs of a man on second jerry mark one out and very foot the catcher is up there he's trying to get that average up to 200 years 193 batting average right now the Phillies came to town he was hitting 185 he has two four seven including that grand slam Homer we were talking about they also came up yesterday after the cost was lost they were losing 13 to nothing came up with a double in the ninth inning with two honey tried to score from second on a base hit by the hazers and he was out by about 20 feet and that took care of that ball game ball one strike one out of Barry [Music] flyball right centerfield and grabbed out there by McBride and that will bring up the second baseman Sizemore so far a total of 11 runs have been scored in the inning it's a long way from a regular family record is 19 [Music] that's the old record the modern record this is the nineteen before 1900 the modern record is 17 the National League Boston got 10 New York 7 back in 1912 in the ninth inning of a walking elephants um finish [Applause] so there's six away from the modern record there's a drive left-field and that's going to print in a lab here comes Billy Martin at this size more places a good shot to left centerfield Martin scoring from second and then makes the score now Philadelphia 7 the Chicago Cubs five sighs poor on first base and Donnie Moore's do up there it is assigned more bats in his ninth run of the year welcome home Jerry [Applause] [Music] it'll be funny if Donnie Pokemon over that wall with our picture did [Music] there's a drive right centerfield that's going to be [Applause] is very intimate the ball is against the dugout fence [Applause] very far he would have been across the place as it is Johnny Moore had just crippled one him Heather scored is Paul cave now Philadelphia seven the Chicago cop six and the tying run is on third base and the Haze's is up Wow one picture this thing gets a homer the other gets a triple whoo boy this is only the first hitting so hey Zeus the banner got any more on 30 really was caring for third base when he rounded second there wouldn't that have been something if that ball had gone into the dugout and see they got a small fence there with this new dugout protectin as they sit there doesn't strike but there of course is a stairway in the center of it that's a strike one and one make the other one too oh and two up there's a high fly to right and the drive waits for this one he's got it hey that's better get in trouble and so that ends the inning but in the inning both ball clubs had pin them to the plate and the top click run on seven hits no errors and a man left and at the end of one inning Philadelphia 7 the Chicago Cubs 6 well let's see what happens in the 2nd inning in the 1st inning 20 to 10 men batted on each side and of the 20 batters 13 of them scored the batter is Larry Bowa you'll be followed by rows then Schmidt the 2 3 and 4 hitters there's a foul ball back of first and Buckman shoes off take this so Bowa comes up with a groundout instead of a double to open this inning up brings up Petros actly wasn't a fourth player with a pickoff play because he hit one back the lamp and then last through the third and they caught him fried off the bag he want upon a base on the field of choice and homered the homer by schmidt brought him in ball two - a No that's ball three tria though [Applause] ball three no strikes that's a ball Pete walks become commit the nationally leading home run hitter who now has 13 as a result of appearance in the first inning [Music] tell us so strong sometimes who swings the vet to hard ball one talk about that speed he's really got it for one ball 1 1 the baserunner is Road that's what strike one and two [Applause] Rose has four stolen bases in six attempts [Applause] [Applause] fastball swung on very high pop up the wind could play tricks at this one hey sis wait a minute Pete Grampy folks the hey Houston Sizemore were drawing a bead on this one at the last second Ted get out of the way but when Daisy's made his move it looked like he was getting out of the way too instead he made his move to catch the ball not an easy try at all here's unser single the last time up all one now ball ball one strike one at the end of four still Cleveland three Toronto to Montreal had a running the sick Cardinals not that in the sixth single was to Montreal one walsim strike one [Applause] ball two strike one there's a flyball right field my veil is there he's got a little different story [Music] let's go the cup Peter run we're going to the Cubs second the leadoff hitter will be Mike Bale Billy 7 the Cubs 6 well here's the fellow could tie off the ballgame in a hurry my veil got a single in the first any one of the seven carats come to N and that's a ball ball one filly seven the Cubs six if you want to see a crowd go crazy see what happens if this guy hits one right now ball two - a No Hey ball two strike one ball two strike one there's a ground ball base hit he's gone wrong between Bowa and Schmidt go the cub to the man on and Buckner is up [Applause] yes bill [Music] well the Cubs and how I hit the Phillies date for seven black strike one like what foul ball that's the base here in the center fielder Gouveia wishing for third no play autumn grounds one up the middle runners at first and third nobody out and Kingman hoop up one way out of here the last time if that is up oh man [Applause] remember one year year before last when the Cubs had an 11 run lead on the Phillies and the Phillies won that ballgame there's a ground ball that is taken by spent over to second the relay in time oh boy and the runner on third had to hold he even had time to take a class at his man on third before going around the horn with him he still got King but on the double play that brings up out of Eros Buckner force ii kinguin doubled up at first veil holds at third Olivares is up ball one ball two 2 and oh now to Steve grounded out to roads the last time up a play on which rose petals oh very well [Applause] by ball to strike one Steve out of arras trying to get one here put the cup back in the ballgame by - and - duck bird firing that low fastball getting away with it his fastball sinks fool'd out of us with it twice Balthus effective there's a ground ball back to first taken by Rose and Philadelphia is out of the inning boy I hope that doesn't come back to honor first Menton first two men up were on first and third with nobody out and they didn't score no runs two hits no errors and a man left at the end of two it is still the Philly seven the Cubs six Gary Mattox will lead off as Philadelphia comes to bat in the third he'll be followed by Boone and then the Olie tirado's tied it up for three two three two Ronald Cleveland flyball short rights that are dropping kind of fast it is getting out of my feels love you try for a sit-down catch out there and then I winds up on second that's a base hit too bad look for a low pitch popped it up got himself a basin that brings up the catcher boon who belted one out of here the last time up [Applause] strike strike one Mattox leading off second live off short left dropping fast base hit and here's the runner racing to the plate he is safe Bob Boone taking second on it and they're going to charge an error on kinguin on that one on the throw like what no that was called out on strikes she was the first band more faced when Donnie came on in the first inning each team with nine hits now best ball is low 1 1 ball one strike one wah-bah centerfielder Markman goes back to this when the man on 2nd tags up he's going to go for third and the throw is just a little late [Music] so Bob Boone takes third after the catch Matt on third here's mr. bird safe at third one out bird is over to is a batter this year what up Bob all black one then feel pulled in blow and away ball one strike one [Music] [Music] ball two strike one well we have the pride of Auburn University up in Duluth today John mengΓ£o from the Chicago Bulls and we can have a word with John little later to it one bah bah Boston strike two as the cow brain trust peanuts Herman and Mike we're due wall three strike two that's a ball oh man walk the fifth row come on Donnie that when you're out now of course the infield still has to play in we've been on first and third one out and a dangerous man bake McBride us up [Music] like what he used to say you walk up and hand him the ball don't to do what he wants to work but don't walk in that spot boon on third bird on first one out bride the batter low and away ball one [Applause] that's Hernan DS in the Rope M live all dropping fast in shorts enter another blooper hit another run hands global so Boone scores third goes to second with one away beau is the batter now and the scores now for the wealthy and nine the Cubs six there it is a blooper hit [Music] one of those days huh not exactly a connoisseurs delight but sure acting a lot of action okay go at that two on one out there's a shot to center field that's going to bring one in it looks like milk lamar's holds up a pitcher bird a third that loads the bases for Petros bird on third ride on second ball on first and Pete Rose the batter there's Pete except before the ballgame [Music] grams over there boobie when my name comes up on the board Gumi because they thought I wanted too much money and left because of money and they turn around and give Foster the money gave him 750 and they could add me for 450 [Music] there's a flyball left-center look out that's going to wipe the bassist ring one run is in bird is in here come from a fry Bowa decides to hold up the third as Rose doubles we got ourselves a real marathon today now with Ben on second and third and one away Mike Schmidt is up Mike has a home run and the school of the ballgame house Philadelphia 11 the Cubs six [Music] [Applause] and anticipating a pinch-hitter for Moore or whoever might be touching when the Cubs come to bat Whitner is going down to the bullpen to loosen up a little bit the meantime Herman's out there what are your nandi's is being called in [Applause] [Music] this hike that on 2nd and 3rd they're going to put him on and puts the answer [Applause] who has one for two well two three and four coming up [Music] all right here's Dell the paces are full MOA Rose Schmidt third second first and that's a little low that's ball one [Applause] Phil is 11 the cup six ball two 2 and oh well this reminds you one of those kid games you know the second Street Tigers against the third Street Wildcats the old gag what's the score Sonny well it's 38 to nothing against but we haven't batted yet there's a high fly ball it's fouled on the left field side ball two strike one well through strike one Kingman Martindale and left center and right playing in the swing lake there's a foul ball you can swing late on that one Olivares desu Sizemore Buckner the infield third to first the battery Hernandez berry foot there's the tap down the first base side and that will be one run in an unassisted put out by Buckner so with a dribbler down the first base side del unser bets one end LarryBoy crossing the plate so Petros is now on third Mike Schmidt is on second [Music] and Gary Maddox was the batter scorer now 12 to 6 Philadelphia runners on second and third it's a high final up that's pretty deep back there that's going back the winds got it back she goes home rod oh boy the seventeen mile an hour wind bitter form an ox and that's his second home run in two days go now three more come in Negroes shaking hands with it Mike Schmidt shaking hands with him and that brings up Bob Boone who also got a hit the sinner Mattox has a doubled on a home run in this inning [Applause] so now the score the ball game is Philadelphia 15 the Cubs 6 well it was 7 to nothing in the first inning that the Cubs got back 6 and boom is on first base I guess her nannies plunk them [Music] take a look at it again now probably - nobody's great surprise run Andes kids boon that will bring up in the Olli throughout the man on base so the seven run anything didn't appear big enough to Philadelphia to be safe so they thought they'd better go out and get eight more which they have done best ball strike strike one home runs in this ball game Schmidt with two on the first Boone with two on in the first rich with nobody on the first Matt ops with two on here in the third so the Cubs Kingman with two on in the first wild and wooly pier six brawl today and this ballgame is only in the third inning [Applause] that's a ball ball to strike one [Music] or to drive to left base hit boy boy so maoli comes up with a hit and now here comes the pitcher batting for the second time the inning Doug Byrd well the last time they walked him and paid dearly for it bah ball strike one Philadelphia 15 runs on 14 hits cub 6 runs 9 hits what and what [Music] [Music] ball one strike one [Music] bah bah all one strike two [Music] strike he got him a finally finally retired decide in the end eight run on seven hits it was an error nobody left and so we going out of the cup half of number three is Philadelphia 15 the Cubs six well one of the real hard-nosed players in this game of pro basketball top men's over the Bulls down welcome to the mood glad to be here this aren't you glad you're not pitching well I'll tell you what I used a little in my days and I'd pray like that wouldn't want to pitch on their like today two questions quickly John number one what do you think the Bulls will draft well I'll tell you what jackass an awful confusing a topic at this point of the year evidently a Los Angeles has come to terms with Magic Johnson that leaves a Larry Bird for us if Boston doesn't sign him but magic can't sign you know until draft and maybe Larry Bird comes out maybe I'll take him so it's a really confusing at this point you a few were drafting would you take one of those two four one definitely they're both going to be super ballpark there is a 6-3 put out as Jerry Martin leads off and it isn't very often that the first man up is going out but Martin did and that will leave up at that an homage to Barry foot alright secondly then John got to know who's going to win the NBA this year well I'll tell you Joe got at the beginning playoffs always kind of make a little prediction I picked Phoenix they had a chance to get in the finals earlier this week and didn't do it so the big game is tonight at 10:30 so we'll find out damn if my choice is right which one is that you mean Phoenix in Seattle play tonight and for the Western Conference Finals the Phoenix plays Washington you still like Phoenix I still like Phoenix all the way especially if truck Robinson continues to improve and he'll improve their rebounding a lot okay good luck John and welcome to Wrigley Field thank you very much here good luck with Jerry now next year you tell Jerry if he gives any trouble we'll handle your case with him okay good friend of us all right this ball game is now on the Cubs half of number three and very foot is the batter and the Cubs are trailing by a score of 15 to 6 there's a ground ball bobbled by flip picks it up and throws in time [Applause] all right here's Ted Sizemore [Music] there's flyball short right center that's dropping in that's a basic for Sizemore [Applause] and Hernandez will bat to out not on base for nandi's up well he hasn't been at bat officially this year best ball strikes is Cavanaugh strike one strike one by phone too look that's some spooky look like they're nasty went around and fell flat on his face it's the swing of the day ball one strike two [Applause] look I guess he tried to check his swing or something then look at that and will he's twice out and that retires the side no runs one hit no errors one left right you're not hurt Willie at least and at the end of three the score the ball game Philadelphia 15 the Cubs six we move now to the Philadelphia half of number four Phillies 15 the Cubs six bake McBride leading off top of the batting order Hernandez throws and that's a strike strike one Cubs have Kingman Jerry Martin Mike Phelan left southern right on Taveras to hey-zeus Sizemore Buckner the infield third to first the battery Hernandez and foot ball one strike one Cardinals with bat in the 8th st. Louis to Montreal one one two one strike ball one strike two well Hara just got his third homer of the year the six for the man on at Cleveland [Applause] there's a high foul ball may have a plan for wind blows us back into the area nope been there about three or four road ball one strike two to win this out of the south at 17 miles an hour this afternoon that means that with the hitters for the most part 1 & 2 ball one strike two baba still wanted to White Sox but Oakland later Metro a Pittsburgh tonight Pittsburgh Reutimann 13 innings last night Dodgers at Atlanta at a Solomon one that game for a land over the Dodgers last hide their foul San Diego in Cincinnati have the day off San Francisco that Houston tonight San Francisco be Houston eight before in the dome last night drive off and that goes Jimmy Martin got the bead on this one the rest one away that will bring up shortstop Larry Bowa very high foul out of play strike one pirates come into town tomorrow for a weekend series after that the Cubs take to the road and they'll be invading the East for the first time this year New York Philadelphia and Pittsburgh foul ball oh and two that's the ball and mandy's thought he had it in there he thought he had strike three ball one strike two that's follow 1 & 2 14 hits for the Phillies 10 for the Cubs 21 runs have been scored 15 of them by the Philadelphia Phillies [Music] [Music] face it Valeri Bora watch the 1 & 2 pitch right between on embarrassin - hey stirs that'll bring up first baseman Pete Rose came to bat with the bases full and doubled the left-center the last time up [Music] Rose has four hits in the series that all four are doubles [Music] right right one WGN television nine Chicago just about three o'clock central Daylight Savings Time and the Phillies in the Cubs are in the fourth inning by [Applause] [Music] no ball strike to count holla to whoo close one or two [Applause] Hiro's switch hitter batting right-handed now against Fernandez on foot and Willie want to talk it over [Music] that brings my Cracow [Music] the base runner at first is Larry Bowa and that is there some kind of a problem there [Applause] ball two strike two going to yeah there's a drive to right center field that's going to be another devil for him maybe three this time there comes for robbing third and he goes into the plate easily as rogue winds up at second with his fifth hit all five doubles in this series another run for the Phillies and the score the ball game now Philadelphia 16 the Cubs safe so here's Mike Schmidt getting another intentional walk well yesterday the Phillies bombed the Cubs 13 to nothing and today they find themselves out in front of them by a 16 to 6 score [Music] and a chance for even more here we're only in the fourth inning of the ballgame Dallas or is now to up who are one away [Music] that's a ball get all the way the way these guys are pounding that ball you have to wonder if somebody's not catching the signs and tipping the Hiller's ball one [Applause] Paul to to a know the vitamins gentlemen yesterday to like golf to strike one well of course science stealing is a very respected art a lot of things could be happening maybe Hernandez must be tipping his way there's a ground ball size mark that the Haze's and the throw to first is late chicken vases couldn't think the ball out of the 12 and time the meantime Petros goes to third so once is on base on a fielder's choice mitt is force and Rose takes third now with Penn on first and third bad offices the battery that's a little low and however the runner of edia umpire first bases he took the swing so that's strike one [Applause] man up to the homerun the last time up get a home run to double in the same inning and he's going to get himself another double right here maybe three there he goes one run and Pete Rose scores is another double by Maddox and unser stops a third another run across them for the Phillies very mad ass with his fourth hiddenness blogging single two doubles and a home run he may have hurt himself sliding in the second on that one Jerry Martin firing in and now the score of the ballgame is Philadelphia 17 the Chicago Cubs six without having a look at bacon fried is trainer Don Seeger it looks like mcbride is going to come out there's the slide again [Applause] [Music] Gregg gross is running he'll play centerfield not out [Music] runners on second and third two out and now the batters catcher Bob Boone they're going to put him alive pitch the routine maoli well yesterday the Cubs intentionally walked McCarver to get the meat early and when the only promptly double with the bases full the next time up the only another base here but they're going to play the percentage [Music] Manesh winds up his day with a single two doubles a three-run homer and five runs batted in and it's so early he still got plenty of time we'll take our afternoon nap before dinner [Music] the only picture hasn't been hit here today is ray Meyer who threw three pitches in the DePaul part of the ceremony prior to the game as the Cubs honored to call University and the great basketball team and ray Meyer was the pitcher doubled over the Hall of Famers of the plate catcher with John McClendon and the umpire of course with jim enright Mayura through that first pitch and really loosened him up way over everybody's head just warning him don't take a toehold on me instead of a zero in the next thing you know he threw one that the Glennon could catch there's a ground ball the haze is over the second what do you know finally retired aside the loons forced the Haitians to Sizemore that they scare that but in the inning a couple more runs to the Phillies on three hits no errors and a couple left so now the ballgame is going to become half of number four top of the batting order up basis and then bail and then Buckner they better have a lot more cutting because it's Philly 17 to Cubs six Greg gross and hop off the center field so the Phillies have del unser in left rope Welcome Center don't be bribed and right [Applause] hey hey Zeus is going to lead off of the Kitab bird throws low in the white ball one Yvonne has one for two he got a selfish singing score to run enough person batted twice started up you finished drive all the way ball - - and OH ball-ball to strike one [Music] [Applause] by Paul Kentucky the painting out that in the seventh of Cleveland six dorado three the end of eight is still the Cardinals to Montreal won by fishing for that pitch one way that things up there was two symbols into it bats Oh ball one [Music] one-on-one [Music] [Music] ball one strike one 1 & 2 ball one strike two there is a facie prevail he's three for three gutter up bucktooth the two [Applause] pray back for the White Sox against Lankford of Oakland Balak 2 & 3 Langford 1 & 5 the end of seven full innings is still Cleveland six Toronto three Montreal tied it up with a run of the night the Cardinals are now at bat they're tied to the two Martin would bat in the bottom of the night [Music] so later hit his first home run wall three three and Oh well so late it was one of the guys they had in mind for pinch-hitting power vent strength when they went after a stronger bench this winter up there at Montreal and he just paid a little dividend ball three strike one now the Buckner there's a high fly left field Delos or cats under this one no problem that's to our Kingman to batter well the first time he came up he gave the folks a real thrill because he got the key blow and a six-run comeback inning at that time Cubs won in the first inning down 7 and nothing but they got six of them back in their very first inning and it looked like they might even take the lead in the second inning when the first two men up got on first and third and nobody out but then came and hit a double play ball without anybody scoring and out of Eros went out and that was that and Kingman is having his troubles with his umpire right now dick Cavanaugh while the strike said that he went around ball one strike one high overhead ball two strike one [Applause] golf ball 2 & 2 ball two strike two [Music] Philadelphia 17 the Cubs six full count now 3 m2 [Music] bah bah [Applause] still three into [Music] Wow [Applause] the car [Applause] almost a bottle [Applause] one whoo [Applause] Dave Kingman with his second home run and his 11th of the year there she goes Man Alive there's a high foul ball now out of Aristotle play strike one so now the score the ballgame is 17 to 8 only 9 to go fellows let's get moving the way this one's going you can do it ball one strike one Oliveira so for to round it off twice to Rose [Music] ball one strike one there's a high foul ball how to fight the catcher Bob who never did see that when he was living all over the place we put them back in the plate over my first base all one strike two that's pretty well here way past era thought back [Applause] Kade whoo boy Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here is the replay a line drive shot onto the catwalk and right front of Eros and now the score this ball game is 17 to 9 and here comes Jerry Martin and that's strike one back-to-back homers after two out by king winner autumn heiress that's a ball ball one strike one one-on-one balls to strike one good one [Applause] but he's oh man so Terry just pulled out a few feet for the well there there three runs off three hits howevers No the end the for the score the ballgame this crazy ballgame gonna Delphia 17 the Chicago Cubs 9 well here's ray Meyer ray Meyers the only pitcher around today when Bob let him have a banner up there check if they did a ball than on the street - kind of odd you compare this to a basketball they live upon a basketball score hitting the ball deck I don't know that ball is going over the fence all day long I've got a lot of action and I'll say that I wish there were more action for the Cubs we got a little time here after Rachel we may have to send you down there in the bullpen before throw board of get apart I'm on Kingman the bed about five more time maybe we get about three more home runs right Grovyle all right the banner here now hey that's Lozinski he's going to bat for the pitcher Wow about that first time that the first time we seen the bull since the Phillies hit town he's had a sore leg muscle a pulled muscle in his left leg and I guess he did it now late and me the other night p.m. he's been out of there resting Hernandez pitches a swing and a foul back to the screen the count now 1 & 1 I see Fernandez Fernandez took that batting tip you gave him a Hottel swing well I wish seem to have taken a tip earlier to rush back a couple things you ever see other guys talking like that and fall on his face uh he could feel it all hit him mentally he was hit ball - strike one - Lozinski who has four home runs 23 RBIs he's picky [Music] I don't know the ball hits one foul down the left-field line the count is 3 & 2 we've had baseball's flying all over Wrigley Field in Wrigley Field and out of ready feel today with a lot of action if you want action visit Wrigley Field it's 17 to 9 fifth inning swinging a tap foul on a letter Lula's in ski is batting for Byrd filly's 17 runs 17 gifts comes 9 runs 13 hits it's been one of those days ball four outside Surrey perhaps we'll get a pinch runner for Lozinski I'll Venus it looks like is going to run for a lives in ski oh I'm sorry Espinosa a pitcher is going to do it up best camisole is Raven or Lozinski and here's McBride at that - for three today seems like this day at big reveal has been a week long it's not fun when the opposition this for in so many rooms a lot of fun when your friends in the white uniforms are running around the bases first pitch is a ball to McBride swing ground ball base hit in the right field Espinosa will stop at second base that's the 18th year for Philadelphia McBride now three for four and let me tell you those batting averages will shoot up today runners on first and second nobody out here's bullet back he doubled in the first inning he singled in the third he singled in the fourth then on first and second the pitch popped up it could be trouble over Buckner's head the wind carries it in play it rocks in front of bay bounces away from him goes to the wall Espinosa will score as he comes around at buckler's draw hips past football Hernandez's air it's a double for boy here's the pop fly down the right-field line but that wind blowing out toward centerfield blows it back into fair territory and it drops right at vales feet and bounces into the bullpen now here's Rose at that he has two doubles out of three times at bat [Applause] 18 tonight as espinosa scores Rose batting right-handed runners on second and third nobody out as bill Cordell starts throwing in the cub bullpen strike called on ain't [Music] this game has a very fine chance of breaking records insofar as base hits about two ball clubs the way the Phillies are going they may break a record with base hits for one ball club they may break a record for scoring runs by one ball club or by two ball clubs swing ground ball and is left to the shortstop bassist Bob Wilson picks it up Ken Roczen here roses safe on the air by the hey Suz and McBride scores hi bounding ball basis knows that he has to hurry because he had to back up on the ball and trying to get it out of his glove quickly dropped it and then dropped it again I'm not going to give you the score I'm just going to tell you that Philadelphia's leading oh I may later on first pitch to Smith outside ball one runners on first and second nobody out Smith swings and fouls that ball back under the screen Boaz at second roses at first Hernandez with a one in one pitch to Mike Smith strike call over the outside corner it's one and two snip hit a three-run home run in the first inning and was given an attentional walk and a bird and also in the fourth they popped out in the second inning one ball two strikes fouled back out of play they're our next ratings that say file just third base and going into the bullpen so the count remains 2 & 2 Philadelphia 19 Cubs nine we're in the top of the fifth inning low ball three I think I got beat once 21 to 6 that has left a scar over number of years 3m2 of Smit Randi's on the mouth texture others curveball caf-pow ball hit the bat twice and he was in the batter's box I thought the Cubs might be complaining earlier in his ballgame that Taylor was calling some pitches as Barry foot went up to the mound and talked with Hernandez and had a chat and when Mike Warrick came back he hollered something the Pete Rose at the plate that somebody's apt to get hurt as if you start calling pitches the pitchers can change this style somewhat and if you're looking for one pitch he can throw the other high outside ball four bases are loaded bases are loaded nobody out here's unser Roarke is coming out to have a chat with Hernandez [Music] six man the ban here in the dampening village sent ten men to the plate in the first 13 men to the plate in the third when they scored eight runs [Music] here's unserved that he has one hit this is the third time in this ball game that unser has been batting with the bases filled strike called on the first fastball grubs of walked Smith twice to get Fidel where the bases loaded flyball centerfield Martin is there boa tagging up at third here comes rose to third attack by Oliver Rose gets up and claps his hands because he made a fadeaway slide and out of airs go for him but missed the tag here's the tag up after this line drive to Martin in centerfield Martin concedes Bowler that's Louis glory and here's the prey at third as omniverse dives and just misses him and that Empire was right over the play so critic at third base umpire being right over the play so he could see whether Jose was tagged or not sacrifice fly by unser scores goal with a 20th world here's a tap foul [Music] by gross who replaced Maddox the medics hurt himself sliding in a second base for his second double of the day Maddox leading this ballgame four for four [Music] curveball swing foul ball deep rough field Kingman going back on the warning track reaches up and makes the catch here comes rose in to score and there goes Mike skip tagging up and going to second base 21 tonight [Music] here's booted bat and Frank's is going to put him on intentional Hernandez now has walked six men four of them intensely I'll be bring with Billy well Jack Rosenberg our sports editor has been in the record book the national league record for most runs in one game by one club is 28 the 1929 Cardinals the major league record is held by the Chicago White Sox in 1955 and Boston in 1950 29 runs first pitch to me only strike call the ladies have batted around once again curveball hi one of the more mature Runa Millie has won four for thus far this is his fifth time that to plate everyone in the philadelphia lineup has at least one base hit swing minimus like to most homeruns by two clubs in one game is 11 and have been 7 thus far today and win the 5th inning blow into the dirt so records in safar's baseball is are in jeopardy today Cleveland defeated Toronto eight to three today to them to the count of routine you only stay with us anything can happen it has a Aurora Porco 3m to really if he reaches base will have another pinch-hitter because Lozinski his hip to open up the inning and walk and was removed from the ballgame for a runner but let's get me Olli out here's the three and two pitch two outs the runners are on their way high ball four [Applause] Espinosa is going to bat he was the pinch runner for Lozinski so now he gets a turn at bat with the bases loaded in two hours four runs in tips man to bat here in the inning swing the ground ball to Sizemore he bobbles it picks it up throws to first Omer but in the fifth inning four runs score on two hits one error in the hit three men have done vase Cubs come about in the fifth inning Philadelphia will I get the computer out 21 Cubs and nine [Music] well Tug McGraw the metro-north left-handed relief pitcher is the third Philadelphia pitcher is one one else none but he has a bigger one point six this is his tenth game tug mcgraw southpaw will face foot here in the fifth inning swinging a foul on the first pitch comes we'll be going up there swinging as soon as they leave lady gaga now's the time now to get some base hits the Cubs have 13 head to their batting here line drive base hit left-field unser has it goes at it and Fuller's on first base is the 14th cub hit here sighs more or less 2 today Rose will play behind I'm surprised that Ozark hasn't made some changes will come very shortly I'm quite sure to give a couple of his ball players a wrestle I would say that he will give each man now another time at bat swinging a ground ball foul past Amalfitano coaching at third base giving lower rows stepmother time at that see if they can add to their batting average as an Internet perhaps makers substitution a worker one-on-one the count on Sizemore - Whitney Bob [Applause] all it wasn't hit hard he just wasn't ready and when we get into one of these ball games anything can happen a weak ground ball to Smith and he let the ball play him and had to reach down for the ball in between his legs and backs it up didn't reach out for the ball at all it's an air Cubs have runners on first to the second here's Dillard who is going to pinch-hit for Hernandez dillard looking for his first hit of the year her ball low McGraw will throw everything but his glove up to the plate curveball screwball fast balls let ups gives you that big motion good overhand delivery there's the fastball but was low [Music] today's fight dogs right away ha ball three never know in a ball game wouldn't it be something could be the the Radisson there's ball four the bases are loaded here's DeJesus at bat one for two [Music] take this foot is that food sizemore its second way inside that way convinced ball one McGraw has a little trouble and boom wants to go out and try to settle him down for the veteran has lost his way down at the present time it's a bar throwing strikes come on Yvonne hit one into that wind and hit it with some authority will go out of the ball plough clear the bases have to start over with Vail the pitch high ball crew [Applause] ball free no strikes [Applause] three and no - Eva there's a strike called now let's see if Herman let's Ivonne go after this three in one pitch he checks down to Amalfitano gets his sign bases are loaded nobody out we could just keep loaded until Kingman gets up there three in one pitch he was taking all the way as three and one I'm sorry three and two the garages we're back and fired up fastball now let's see what he does with this one [Music] he tried to curve him Barney Lou how about that [Applause] walks he's credited with her RBI so foot scores very easily from third base twenty-one to ten here's Vale at bat you know what he can do he gets one into that win he's trying to hit one on Layton Avenue and fouls it back out of play action galore as these folks who are witnessing this ballgame has seen enough action for three games hi pickoff play it first Louis hi Rose does not make a tag at IVA well Ernie Banks always said let's play three and he's here today so this is it there's the play at first and Boone's throw is high inside so Rose takes the ball and they've got attempt the tag that's high ball 2 1 start [Applause] bases are loaded one run in nobody out [Applause] hi papa center-field Gross's they're coming in size more tagging up at its shallow and he's not going to try it so fail getting under that pops out too gross for the first out and here's billy buckner it back let's don't stop here run run in and the bases loaded now and one out it'll be buckler and then Kingma Kingman has called RBIs thus far today three-run home run in the first and then his 11th home run of the year in the fourth finding Vail on first he has now hit 215 home runs that's Kingdom here's Buckner taking a pitch high ball one [Applause] highball choo [Applause] Sizemore third Dillard at second the haters at first one out sky called as puck turned away from the pitch hoping look the umpire would think the ball would be inside but it was a over the corner if it's two and one oh there's one hit people I feel oh hello kiss at the bar Oh [Applause] hi for the giddiness and it is now 14 believe it or not power-pop there boy he got all of them let me tell you he bombed in his right into the right centerfield bleachers for a grand slammer by Buckner his second of his career and it's a second cup Grand Slam of this series the third for the Cubs for the year Wow here's Kingman that's high ball one now there has been eight home runs hip get this ball game don't go away caps is bad he couldn't hold back on that and it's one and one man oh man with his fourth home run of the year a grand slam nobody has left his ballpark I'll tell you they're only in the fifth inning bulk Kingman can taste it the next home run he went after that when he jumped at it wanting to hit it out of this ballpark the last time he Kingman hit three home runs in one ball game was in LA remember that and one in this reporters opinion left the ballpark at la savez ravine 1 & 2 pitch low to intuit geekman is concentrating now making McGraw throw a strike five runs in one out before he threw that screwball and it landed about 12 feet in front of plate he didn't want to tell that to Caitlyn if he did that's exactly what he was going to do with it the count now is three and two how's it out of play let me tell you I'm going to have to take another aspirin they've been running around these bases so often it's making me dizzy I know what you'll say Arnie dizzier 21 to 14 and it's not the Bears him in the lead either [Music] it's the Phillies [Applause] popped out of play kingdom is not taking anything close to that plate if he can see the ball he's going to swing at [Applause] Philadelphia 21 runs 19 hits the Cubs 14 runs 15 hits [Applause] [Applause] tug mcgraw getting a welcoming from the cups lo Volvo so antivirus were better he's the eighth man the bath what is one read that former Notre Dame student warming up big right head Olivares will bat right-handed against MacGraw on a varus as in a home run following Kingman's blast in the fourth inning his first of the year he nice difficut had his second one by the year [Music] strike call there's only one out now we have five runs in [Applause] [Music] swing club all his foul as Smith grabs the ball about three feet foul at third now the question is as rate buyer says if we score do we go for two points [Applause] as many as we can [Music] hi outside ball 1 everyone in the Cubs lineup has at least one hit including more the pitcher swinging a foul as Anna Varys is hanging tough at the plate one ball two strikes one out two minute first swing-and-a-miss at a low pitch and on averse stripes out so it's going to be up to Jerry Martin who just missed a home run in the fourth inning when he sent ghosts back deep with his back to the vines to grab his long fly ball had that fly ball been about 10 or 15 feet to the left a little bit out of the ballpark he's the ninth man to bat here for the Cubs in the fifth inning swinging afoul of the upper deck [Music] [Music] two outs now in the fifth inning five runs in for the cub the score Philadelphia 21 comes 14 and I'm not kidding if you just joined us and if you just joined us you've got a game left to watch we're only in the fifth inning [Applause] swing and a Miss one ball two strikes is Martin jumped at that ball [Music] [Applause] hi outside 2 & 2 bill Cordell will be the new cup pitcher you're watching Cubs baseball on WGN television nine Chicago you high fly ball deep to centerfield it's going it's going and you can kiss at the back Terry Martin with a two-run home run his third of the season his 16th and 17th RBIs 7 runs here in the fifth inning the stuff 21 to 16 you got to be kidding and I'm not kidding he hit this one practically the same spot in the fourth inning but this one was over to the left in the bleachers and it just hits into the corner about two rows up seven runs in in the fifth inning and here is Barry foot who started the city [Applause] man oh man what a game it is a game because we are in the bottom of the fifth inning well actually it isn't yet I guess insofar as rain lying dr parra bar down they left their line it goes into the corner very foot has to hustle to get a double so Barry foot gets his second hit of the inning a line drive double watch this ball just believed the reach of Smith at third base if we recall Smith made it exceptionally fine catch yesterday on almost the same shot but this one got by him for a double the Cubs now with 17 hits but let's talk about the runs 21 to 16 and here is Reed coming here the grass started this silly other leaves are proficient two-thirds coveting and here is big read now let me tell you it home across slams his glove down in that dugout quite upset but let me tell you these two men McGraw and Reid are the Aces of the Philadelphia bullpen so Ozark was not holding back even though he has 21 runs on the board he brought in McGraw lasted two-thirds of an inning [Music] and now here's Reed who has four victories one defeat earned run average listen to this 0.43 here's Osbourne back [Music] Jack just tells me that 49 is the total of runs scored by two ball clubs for a record when the Phillies lost to the Cubs 26 to 23 leave after them here's a swing and a Miss by Sizemore revisit all fire ball for formerly Notre Dame as we mentioned basketball player swing and a Miss on another high fastball he's quick to strikes quickly here on Sizemore foot is at second base seven runs in the cocktail hour will be late too many the solo giver up fall into the upper deck now ball through the middle Bowa has it all come up nicely for Bowa had that ball stayed to the ground it might have been a base hit you'll notice the thinnest ball at the last moment pops up watch this ball to the shortstop it pops up to him and he makes the play around knee-high that's what shortstops love to have is that ball pop up it's very difficult to reach down and get the ball because of the speed of the ball but it poses out the 5th inning 7 runs for it's one man left on base we move to the sixth inning of play it's 21 to 16 in favor of Philadelphia [Applause] we have two changes for the Cubs Dillard who pinched him will remain in the ball game and play second base so he will bat in the ninth spot and then Caudill is the new pitcher that's bill Cottle and he will bat in the eighth spot right-hander just recently recalled from Wichita swing and a Miss by McBride on the first pitch as McBride opens up the sixth inning there's a strike calm a good fastball over the outside corner two strikes swing and a Miss on McBride's writes out [Applause] what an afternoon at Wrigley Field it's been a week it seems like that long it's 21 to 16 in favor of Philadelphia here's Bo ahead back strike call model throwing strikes boa has four four five today swing-and-a-miss [Applause] strike two [Applause] all that one has caught is throwing strikes one ball two strikes one out nobody on base 36 hits in this ballgame 37 runs here's a swing a little blooper left-field op and quickly and it drops in front of Kingman he bobbles it then runs it in the hole Bowa at first base let me tell you he has enough hits for the week today 5 for 6 you think that batting average won't burn he entered the ballgame hitting 287 he's over 300 right now but here's Rose rose as 2/4 for the White Sox have taken a 2 to nothing lead over Oakland at Oakland at the end of 2 and a half Langford girl from the bridge Kovac for the White Sox first pitch is a strike called the rose strike two [Music] line drive left-field but we'll carry out the Kingman he has it two hours well in st. Louis we have a suspended game and it's tied Montreal to st. Louis to the game will be completed on June 25th so another suspended game and I would say due to travel arrangements in st. Louis here's Mike Smith at bat strike all right might get a three-run home run in the first to get the Phillies started off on their scoring spree today then he has walked three times my Caudell is the fourth cup pitcher on the mound today [Music] all to strike one to Smith [Music] this fellow has great wrists great bat speed likes to keep his arms away there goes bond they hit and run try the second he's safe [Applause] well there was a surprise don't know whether it was a steal or hit-and-run but boys they're as Smith swings and misses and the throw is just a fraction too late in fact Dillard is too far in front of second base had he been straddling the base he might have been able to catch the ball and bring it down instead of reaching out to catch the ball and bring the tag back at six stolen bases for Bowa with two outs in the inning Smit it back he should have been called out in here there's a pitch in my opinion that's ball three strike two leading 21 to 16 curve ball inside Smith walks and now here's Del unser it back one hit today four times of that Maddox who had to lead this ballgame had four four four two doubles a home run and a single inside fastball ball one gross is due up next there's a strike called running on the count to arts Phillies with runners on first and second we're in the sixth inning [Music] let up but he didn't give it over the plate it's outside two-in-one the car strike called be high over the outside corner to him to the car [Applause] [Music] that's how to play [Music] 37 runs eopns board 37 hits thus far swing and a Miss and unsure strikes out second strikeout of the inning for the up stroke Louisville at 6:30 well no runs we're going to put a 0 up there one hit two men left on the bases the Cubs come to bat the sixth inning it's Philadelphia 21 the Cubs 16 sport my 10,000 meter run in Schaumburg Sunday June 3rd so register now at sport Martin dials and in Lombard for the Schaumburg Park District first pitch to Dillard swinging a high chopping ball deep short Bowa has it fires the first but Dillard beats it on tiller it opens up the 6th inning for the gun driven infield hit Cubs 18th hit then his ball bounced over Smith's hair there was going to be a very difficult play for boy takes it on the outfield grass couldn't get any the lastly at all on his throw and Gillard beat the play easily here's 2 hey soos one for two today one hip deep the center PL it's overdoses hip going deep it's against the law killer drown second will go to third and the hey sis holds up at second up ball found grouse playing shallow and especially with the wind blowing out he knows better than there it was a line drive so he didn't have driving up to backup and get under there's girls going back as fast as he can but the line drive has over his head you see had that ball been to hit higher up in the air he could have motored under him and made the catch now runners on second and third nobody out and here's Vail Cubs trailed by five swinging amiss and this fella starts swinging and he leaves the breakfast table in the morning to come out to the ballpark so foul as we'd really sidearm they are that time doctors do up next in the fifth inning he hit a grand slammer he singled in the first and a second veil he's up at the plate now has three for four low all one strike two we still have a lot of action coming by the men in white sixth inning pick up those two runners on the base pads into the dirt but Boone does a very fine job in blocking it back handing that ball to prevent the runners from advancing Mayo wants him to look at that baseball the count is two of two Cub fans talking went up sharing their idols on they never give up nearly to call [Applause] ganbare the boy runners going to score Bowa goes to first Dillard scores dejesus advances deferred [Applause] so credit bail with his sixth RBI now we're only down by four there's the scoreboard if you can't get bingo out of that River those numbers 21 to 17 there's but we're back [Applause] low vol 1 Kingdom due up next [Applause] Smith is playing even with the bag at third down ball in any other infielder except the pitcher DeJesus it's gone down ball foul into the bullpen down the right the alarm still in this ball game it's Philadelphia 21 Cubs at 17 or Philly's for comes nothing and the Cubs have a runner on third you take it any way you want to [Applause] blow almost hit rough then he had to jump over that fastball ball to strike one White Sox to Oakland nothing at the end of three at Oakland Cleveland defeat of Toronto eight to three not we all to st. Louis to a suspended game [Applause] hi ball three strike one and the big man waiting in the on deck circle [Applause] fouled out of play buck going after that three-in-one ditch wanting to pick up that runner it's now 3 & 2 caps the ball over the pitchers head to his local store Boas throw to first gets buck going down the line in very fast but the run scores so now it's 21 to 18 watch not going to take that pitch it's close to the strike zone closes ball at the ball and cops are over the pitchers here and here's a standing ovation for number Kim Kingman and also for Buckner coming back to the dugout that's five RBIs for buck dairy cows Kingman at the present time [Applause] well kissing goodbye it is car oh it's gonna hit the other one hard that was in Newark that's it hit the front porch of the third house across Waveland Avenue oh isn't that simple is unreal Kingman's third home run of the ball game a standing ovation [Applause] and let me tell you it's now 21 the night gene and I'm losing my voice [Applause] here's at the Baris strike call allymac wall that one was tagged no doubt about it Oh a swing and a Miss by octave eros here's the home run first pitch let go now watch the White House behind the wall the ball will come down and go beyond the White House right there at bounce there's the youngster running down from the porch here's a swing an attempt to the pitcher and other varus is thrown out but the crowd loves it it ray Meyer asking for the game they hit one for the default team which was honored here in pregame ceremony he has hit three now hit one more for the coach will be satisfied here's that homerun now watch the youngster on the porch on the porch that house is four is the fourth house from Waveland Avenue it bounced in the yard or on the porch of the third house and where that youngster is is the fourth house across Waveland Avenue it is now 21 to 19 in favor of Philadelphia and a Frick house can't score three runs I don't know who can well ladies and gentlemen here we go on out of the seventh inning of this ballgame Jack Brickhouse back with you once again 2119 the phillies over the Cubs at this point Gregg gross the batter and Carl throws one outside ball two well it just pretend is two to nothing and go after him while to no strikes to Gregg that's a strike well Dave Kingman was telling us before the ballgame that he has a young friend and Martha Washington Hospital Johnny Gibson jr. he said he hit one for him today really did bid me balls to strike two two and two [Applause] there's a high foul Alfred [Music] ball two strike two each team with 20 hits that's too high that's ball three strike two well it all started in the first inning with Philadelphia seven runs there's a well hit ball left center that's way back there it is over Martin's head he really went into the wall on that one here gross gross around second headed for third and he is safe it's a triple off the left-center field wall by Greg gross and I want to tell you something Jerry Martin really gave it the big try out there it was a 3-2 pitch and there's the drive to left center and here's Jerry Martin deep as he has been much of the afternoon and look at him going to that wall the mean time it takes the angle bounce and now there's a man on third nobody out and Bob Boone the catcher is up six home runs by the Cubs represent the most ever hit the one game against the Phillies [Applause] there's the catcher pop boom that's pretty well hit deep to right-center look out that's going to bring in another run and Boone is going to wind up on second base now come on let's don't come this close and then give them that big lead again ray Burris is up in the cub bullpen and the score now is 22 to 19 Rudi maoli is up well you know the wildest game ever played the wildest lovefest ever was between these same two ball clubs back in August of 1922 when the Cubs beat the Phillies 26 to 23 Tommy Olie takes strike one [Applause] you know the Cubs in that ball game back in 1922 at one time led 26 to six in the ball game and they still just pretty squeak by the bases were full when the game ended Philadelphia get six in the ninth inning that's a strike and the Cubs won at 26 to 23 ball one strike two that's ball two strike two you don't dick Cavanaugh is the plate umpire today sells equipment to umpires among other things and so he knows a lot of the regular umpires pretty well but can't you just see him saying to these guys sometime hey let me tell you what the game I am fired third ball strike from the only is called out on strikes well that'll bring up Reid the Phillies have had a seven-run inning an eight run inning a two a four and A one the cub de venise ich threatening to three-run innings in a 700 here's Ron Reed who's earned run average has suffered a little bit today after coming out of the ballgame with no earned run surrendered in his last 21 inning before this afternoon strike one that's a ball ball one strike one the game is in the seventh inning to strike one that's a little high ball three strike one while kingman has a chance to become the eighth man in baseball history to hit four home runs in a nine inning game three others did have been annexed winning game [Applause] that's a ball we walk the pitcher the last time the Cubs walked the pitcher it was a serious mistake they walked Byrd he walked Doug Byrd back in the third inning at the time there were men on first and second with one away and they walked him and filled the bases and paved the way from McBride and Bowa and Rose to get base hit and before it was over eight runs and crossed the plate well here comes Herman out now he may be doing a little flip flopping the waste hauling out the lineup card so beerus will be in the number-two spot in the batting order [Applause] [Music] bird like one [Applause] strike one now to bake McBride is at a big day at four hits three hits three hits one away W in a double-play barber when we drive in there's awfully difficult to government dreamily fast man oh and two fillies with 22 hits the Cubs were 20 [Applause] there were 51 base hits in that 26 to 23 game Colin to [Applause] oh and two runners at first and second one away little low ball one strike two well the highlights on the news tonight ought to be something matter of fact news 9 will be extended tonight at 10:00 in order to accommodate the highlights of this game which already has to rank as one of the more bizarre in the history of Major League Baseball so join us on channel 9 at 10 o'clock and stick with us ball two strike two two and two perhaps the three-hour mark already hey flip that one past when that's a big out now let's see if they can get follow who's is tough in a spot like this is anybody who run earth today today in this ball game this little guy has himself four hits and five at-bats [Applause] and three of the got five hits as a matter of fact he's got five hits four singles and a double and four of those hits have figured in the story there's a ground ball it's bouncing off the Dillard over to first and they got him out of the oil there could have been worse the way this plane was developed though one run through hits run off with the triple in a double no errors and two men left so let's take a seventh-inning stretch everybody then go after him the score this ballgame there's Philadelphia 22 the Cubs 19 [Music] well the penitent is out here is 14,000 592 total in the house 15,000 725 and here they are the faces of Wrigley Field [Music] they know they're watching a real dandy revolt all right here's Martin stepping in there he got a home on the last time up he has a double to go with that one - boy [Applause] strike one unser gross McBride and left center and right Schmidt Bowa the only Rose the infield third defers the battery read ba-boom plate umpire today dick Cavanaugh bill Lawson at first dennis Riccio at second dave slick admire the umpire at third score the ball game 22 19 in favor of philadelphia martin foot and mercer are due up there's a ground ball right at the shortstop Larry Bowa gobbles it up in throws that's one out at no time has the Cubs led in this ball game it's good enough to apply every time you look around and they have really plotted and battled and scratched and clawed their way up that hill a couple of times today and they still have a ways to go at one time they led seven or nothing another time they led I mean they were losing seven to nothing another time they were behind 15 to 6 another time it was 17 to 6 then it was 17 to 9 then it was 21 denied them came a seven-run inning and made a 21 to serve 216 back then 21:18 with three runs in the 6th inning now here fill it up is made at 22 to 19 ball one strike two seventh-inning long way from over groundball and the handcuffs my shed he picks it up and throws what is safe I'll see what they call that one well the last time Mike made an error the Cubs had a big inning [Applause] it's an error no basis Goodman air now Bobby Murcer is better [Applause] well here's Bobby batting for the first time today what's the strike nurses batting average is 283 four homers 14 runs batted in [Applause] there is a fish hip commercial and foot at second Commerce or a lion fun - right now killer result would you believe that as Larry Bittner picks up a bat right now to walk out and pinch-hit for Dillard he is the tying run in this ball game whoo boy [Applause] Lari Bittner fitting 272 altogether three hips and 11 if that's all singles and he's going to bat for Dillard and Bruce Souter is warming up for the cub wouldn't it be something if Souter got to save today huh [Applause] they're pros okay foot is on second mercer's on first Larry bit neurs at that 22 to 19 Philadelphia here we go [Applause] there's a ground ball and it's scooped up 500 steps on second throws to first double play in there out of the inning old effort that really hurt oh no runs one hit whatever and a man left the end of seven it still Philadelphia 22 the Cubs 19 the first 15 thousand kids 1300 with fully paid tickets got three Cubs Thomas may 19th and Rigby field bleachers extruded Hellmuth days Saturday to May 19th here we go now to the Philadelphia half of number eight Pete Rose Mike Schmidt del unser due up and mikela has now gone to second for the Cubs he's the third second baseman they've had that alien Sizemore and Dillard in front of him and there's Mick Kelleher Bobby Mercer in right field again we remind you that news 9 will be extended tonight at 10:00 in order to accommodate the highlights of this game which already as I said has to rank as one of the more bizarre in the history of the base plug the sport of baseball will join us on channel out of 10 and stick with us Pete Rose takes a ball it's one on one Philadelphia 22 runs 22 hits the Cubs 19 runs 21 hits now ball left a second they said the road that brings up Mike Schmidt [Music] here's Mike hitting 274 as he steps in there he homered the first time up today he's walked four straight times now twice intentionally strike strike one gray Burris throwing hard [Music] those are on babes got a stolen base earlier five now and some tries or makeup yes privately I went to doesn't it Olivares guarding the line 1/3 Kingman playing a very deep left field there's a high fly right field Bobby Murcer waits for this one he's got it one down Bell s-sir the left fielders at bat looking ahead to the cup half of number eight days oohs Burris the pitcher and Buckner due up at this moment that constitutes the top of the batting order [Music] that's ball strike strike one [Applause] 44 hits got to be a high for the year there's a high hopper taken by Buckner stepped on first and Rose makes it the second on that one they'd hung up there too long for bill to try for second base and now Greg Gross who got a three base hit the last time at bat and scored a run in front of the double by Boone he is now in there Greg gross haven't seen Jose yet we may see him before the days over that's a ball ball one Lausanne second two out that's a strike ball run strike one [Music] I feel playing in the spring a little late that's him all walkthrough strike one Cleveland beat Toronto today 8 to 3 now ball taken by Buckner clips to the pitcher covering and they're out of the inning this game is over one left here we going out of the cuff half of number eight top of the batting order up score Philadelphia 22 the Chicago Cubs 19 well ladies and gentlemen here we go now out of the cup half of number eight wouldn't it be something in the cup didn't have to bet in the ninth inning of this marathon ball one now to the hey-zeus the Cubs need three to get back in the ball room one read the pitcher gombauld back a stop is going to be close he's gotta pee Larry Mura give us a big try we have one of the strongest throwing arms of all the short stuff but hey this is the one guy who can beat that one out with his great speed and we're going to get a pinch-hitter now Scott Thompson will bat for burrows that taxied adding three 2,500 God has 13 hits this year for doubles rest singles he's followed Nevada wanted by Buckner who was followed by Kingman and all kingman has today is three home runs here we go that's a strike well Mike Smith got four in one ball game against the Cubs here one day it was time to pay him back for that one strike one Oh head rush him a lookout get back there Yvonne drop gun firing the first two rows when it was close Thompson tried to bunt the ball missed it is the replay and so it's going to now six foot six inch 225 proud Ron read we've been a real standout in the bullpen to this ballclub for quite a while now dying for save would too [Applause] that's the ball ball one strike two hey Zeus long face nobody out ball one strike two [Applause] bah bah he turned on that one I'm going to tell you something had he managed to make that one fair he could have had two or three bases because they're playing him to swing late unser gross and McBride are all swung around there and consequently McBride is leaving a lot of space between himself and the foul line in right field is a big get their ball one strike two now ball again ball one strike to Scott Thompson time to get on if he does to the base hit here that would make Buckner the tying run as he steps in it would make Kingman then the lead ride the scored ball one strike two blowing away with his fastball he poured a lot of coal on that one too and to the Cubs are two base hits away from being back in this ball game it's 22 to 19 man on base Thompson at that nobody out that's a ball full count now ball three strike two as the lucky what's it over ordinarily in a spot like that when it pitches that close to the plate you might expect that kid to take a swing ball three strike two [Applause] - is held to a single it's the law they subscribe took a couple of steps back realize the FMO chance decided to play it off the wall he did a very very intelligent thing he handled it beautifully now their Cup runners on first and third she baked here now here he is playing off the wall and the Haze's was also deployed a little on that one because McBride stopped and when he stopped the Haze's watching them had to wonder if maybe McBride was not in a position to catch the ball in which case of course Yvonne had to be ready to scamper back to first alright here's Buckner he is the tying run there's a well hit ball soon afield dropping in for sure where the for a while for second as he stepped up there up out there 2220 WGN television 9 Chicago's 5 o'clock or who could care less none of us here that bring Kenny Ozark out [Applause] lolly Eastwick is warming up [Music] hoo-boy nobody out and it's the cup half of the 8th and Dave Kingman is talking to Joey Amalfitano while Ozark talked to his battery there a couple of very very important conferences [Applause] okay Reid stays in watch the position go batter now Steve Olivares [Applause] Reid came on in the fifth inning of the ballgame [Applause] come on Scooby that's a strike on Taveras got a home run earlier his only hit he thought of Kingman's in the fourth inning strike one [Applause] [Music] the tying runs are on bass ladies and gentlemen 22 to 20 there's a smash a backhand stop drop by the second baseman maoli he did recover it in time however the force Buckner but it was a it was it could have been one of two things it could have been either a double play ball or a base hit the way it sided out they only move over very well for it and did glove it then dropped it had he gloved it cleanly it could be a double play ball see this if he makes the fast throw to Bowa it's a double play ball as it is on a vs. on face on a fielder's choice Thompson is now on third base two out and the batter is Jerry Martin well I don't have to tell you that Jerry would like to make that trade pay off here there's a ground ball up the middle a base okay consul Jang is employed position very much that's just single constant across the plate moving on a barrister second the score is how Philadelphia 22 the Chicago table 21 [Applause] and Barry foot the catcher is up here's the guy who put the game out of reach in the opener with a grand slammer against his old teammates now let's see what happens go out there's the big swing foul ball strike one [Applause] oh what a nice long hit to do here you want to see bedlam and here it this is exactly what you'll get if this guy hits one here strike one that's too close rotifers [Applause] the base runner at first is Jerry Martin Steve on Tavares is on second he represents the tying run the ball game is in the bottom of the 8th inning 1 & 1 there's a ground ball [Applause] far look at that score and blink your eyes and if you don't believe it we can understand there's your scoreboard the Fillies 22 the Chicago Cubs 22 here's the run scoring asbury foot hits that ground single to left and Olivares races home with joey Amalfitano almost throwing his right arm out of joint waving them around and now ladies and gentlemen the batter is Bobby Mercer [Applause] two out and Mercer got a base hit the other time up if he duplicates it right now the Cubs could go out in front of this ballgame Gary Martin is on second this foot is on first Bobby Mercer to the batter two out bottom of the eighth inning 22 to 22 and that's high outside ball one I feel straightaway fairly deep right fielder McBride medium/deep the other tube roast announcer fairly deep ball one read throw that is a straight ball one strike one for sure not very happy with that don't forget you'll see it all on the extended 10 o'clock news tonight we will lengthen the news show will extend it in order to accommodate this one here's that last pitch alright ball one strike one [Applause] one on one the pitch low and away ball two strike one [Applause] well to strike one time no pick the cups of off hippies guy 26 to 23 [Applause] and the game is tied at 22 to 22 the most bizarre incredible game in years that is a ball ball free strike one to Mercer all right here's a tailor-made situation for some heroics for Bobby a guy like this loves this three in one situation ball three strike one Martin on second foot on first here it is thanks wangle he wanted that one so badly he could taste it he went for a high pitch ball three strike two if he lets have them done if the umpires on the stick he's on base for the walk but he doesn't want a walk he wants to hit that ball wall free strike two now what watch it there's a ground ball passing to the second baseman to play to first maiolica rows and that retires the side or the Chicago Cubs three runs five hits no errors two left and the score at the end of eight ladies and gentlemen with Bruce Sutter probably coming in now is Philadelphia 22 the Chicago Cubs 22 [Applause] we have a couple of changes now Bruce Souter is in and Scott Thompson stays in the ball game in center field in place of Jerry Martin which means of course that sooner we'll be in Martin spot in the batting order the purpose for that and the flip-flop is because Martin of course was one of the last three batters the Cubs had in the inning so their suitor [Applause] and the cub crowd really yelled for the hair shooters name [Applause] the batter is Bob Boone the ballgame is tied 22 to 22 if you just gotten home and you're looking at your television set and you see the superimposition of the scores there you promise into yourself I may have to call the television repairman and get the ghost fix on this television set because I'm seeing a 2 and a 2 and a 2 and a 2 when I should be just seeing 2 ball 2 strike 1 but ladies and gentlemen forget it that happens to be the score [Applause] the center he's given a new ball by the Cavanaugh Bob Boone is the batter then a great day with that bad a homer a single to double a couple of walks hit fine pitch ball once the record for the most hits by both clubs in a game there's a strike is 51 which also occurred in that Philadelphia Cup game back in August 25th 1922 was won by the cub with Philadelphia on Hinnom 26 to 25 well there have been 149 and this one there's a flyball centerfield hopson's there one alone that brings up gluten aioli looking ahead to the cup night Kelleher is due up first to be followed by the hey-zeus then Thompson there's Herman and peanuts they'll talk about this one for a while especially if they bail it out okay Kingman Thompson and Mercer and left center and right for the Cubs autumn Arastoo hey Zeus Kelleher Buckner the infield third to first battery suitor and foot and there's a strike strike one at the moment Bruce Souter is making his ninth appearance of the year he has six saves his earned run average is 0.6 Oh in 15 innings pitched his walk five struck out 17 that is a ball ball one strike one Bruce sidered and his famous split finger fastball one on one that's a little low ball to strike one well Lou Boudreau and Ray Mayer I know for sure both have personal appearances to make the knife but they're liable to be a trifle late ball two strike one one out high ball three strike one with the fastball at one point in this ball game the Phillies led 21 to nine that was after four and a half innings 21 to 9 they also a one-time lead 17 to 6 and there is a walk look out goodie me only cooks the walk now the pitcher Reid is due up who's going to bat McIver there's Tim McCarver very dangerous in the flood and that's what this is McIver caught yesterday in the last time up got a triple he's 1 for 3 in the series he also struck out twice peplum awful disease deficit inthere McCarver's hitting 185 for the year has four hits all year as I said one triple come on let's get a double play ball and put it away in the bottom of the night here we go now suitor facing macabre there goes the runners we're going to miss throat a second it's a stolen base I'm afraid the throw was high so me Olli steal second base the hit-and-run was on McCarver swung he missed may only kept coming got himself a stolen base and for Rudy that is not only his first stolen base this year it's the first time he's even tried to steal a base strike one well if the Cubs won this one we can throw away the scorecard on that Cincinnati 16 to 15 game of a couple of years ago there's foul ball oh and two the game is tied 22 to 22 [Music] well one of the troubles with walking that meolli was it now unless there's a double-play here something strange happens the top of the batting order gets a shot at it McBride and then if he gets a hit bullet oh and - so Bruce Sutter has the usual big responsibility [Applause] that is a ball ball one strike two [Music] ball one strike two the only on second hello wall to strike two that's the first time he's really come in low wall to strike two he was having trouble with that pitch being high the other night at Houston - strike - watch it there's a ground ball bouncing out now - Kelleher over to first alright that's two out on the plane well it takes three [Applause] I'm bake McBride is the better three hits four baked in six at-bats including a couple of strikeouts flyball to Center he started and finished at seven run first inning he started it with a base hit and wounded up seven runs later with a pop-up to third baseman on Tavares [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mailee on third there's strike one to the Thrive [Applause] [Applause] [Music] strike one I'll feel straightaway fairly deep [Music] there's a high foul out of play so scooters really on top of them now no ball strike to count oh and to Tony Taylor coaching his first go-to demeyers coaching at third and all the coaches have had lots of work to do today Holland 222 222 ladies and gentlemen the Cubs in the Phillies and I've seen a few ballgames I've never seen one like this oh and to watch it there's a ground ball bouncing out and it's gonna take a hop on Keller [Applause] over his head reaction was super Watson watch this play my teller this is a real crazy thing look at the little guy snatch that call oh what a play by gonna hurt it may not appear in the box score but ladies and gentlemen that may have been a game saving play no runs no hits no errors one left are you ready for this any old kind of a run wins it for the club now as we go to the bottom of the ninth Phillies 22 and the Cubs 22 pieced which has not been a picture record yet this year he's been in six coffee he has pitched nine and one per day develop nine base hits walked three struck out forward he has one save this year his earned run averages eight again we remind you of the extended ten o'clock news tonight on channel 9 and don't forget to you'll have the highlights on night beat following the 10:30 movie the highlights of this cupcake will be on an extended newscast tonight extended to accommodate this incredible game there's Mick Kelleher leading off the little guy as a chance to be the big hero well you know it was a reserve infielder ded Moroz ello got the base hit that beat Cincinnati in that crazy 16 to 15 Kelleher at the moment is a 167 hitter he has two hits this year the Dozen of bet he's followed by the Haze's and then shot Thompson here we go there's a round ball deep short taken by Larry Bowa throw pick down to the dirt by Pete Rose but watch the Cubs holler about that because Rose they're going to claim was off the bag cookie Rojas warning his head off to the first base umpire bill Lawson let's see it again here's the throw not a good throw by boy you tell me whether he had his foot in the bag anyway the umpires doesn't did one away that brings up the Haze's Yvonne desu that's a strike strike one to Eve I've got an infield hit the last time up and scored to say the least an important run 44 runs have been scored in this game and every one of them vital this point to give them to tie game there's a very high foul ball and Pete Rose may have a play on it he dies so that's out number two are I give you the chance to be a real hero Scott Thompson we got a big base hit pinch-hitting the last time up first option facing Radha used with [Music] that is a letter high fastball strike strike one go out in the night like one there's a ground ball and it's cooked up by boa here's the throw and we'll have a much turning ballgame today no runs no hits no errors nobody left at the end of nine score the ball game Philadelphia 22 and the Cubs 22 well ladies and gentlemen here we go to the 10th inning of an incredible game an unbelievable game bizarre exciting Wow now let me also make this point with you for the Phillies the two three and four hitters are due up in the city for the Cubs the heart of the batting order the three four and five hitters are due up something could very likely happen here in this 10th inning boa Pete Rose and Mike Schmidt are due up for the Phillies for the Cubs in this inning Buckner Kingman and on of Eros are due up whatever you're doing don't move away from that step all right Larry boy he's had five hits today in seven at-bats is leading off against tenth inning all right here we go Larry balls which hitter suited fires away that's too low that's ball one looked like you had a notion the fun bar one no matter what happens whose witness one of the greatest uphill climbs in regular-season history that's a little high emotional one again wall to no strikes to and oh when you're down by a score of 17 to 6 and 20 1 to 10 you've got a record to think you're going to lose ball two strike one but these Cubs have battled and battled and battled unbelievable there's a ground ball right at Kelleher russell crowe's left [Applause] and that will bring up Petros big day for people to Bath to he's had three hits including a couple of doubles matter of fact that single he got the last time up in the eighth inning was the first non double that he hit in the series he's had six hits in the series and the Homer double [Music] let's ball one first time the pitas looked the suitor this year [Music] I'm all one more 10 home runs in this game one short of the all-time record you get the fitting that record will at least be tied before this game's over ball one strike one Olivares even with the bag and close to the line ditto Buckner guarding against the extra-base hit ball one strike one though Steve barking the line as you can see and Buckner back of the bag would close to the line ball one strike one that's a strike all right peace [Applause] those has been about a hundred and 27 times going into this game and struck out only nine there's the high fly left field dropping kind of fast Kingman's over his back mana boys run by the big guy what's - oh and here comes Mike Schmidt the National League leading home run hitter 13 homeruns for Smith nice going Davi so that's two out nobody on and Schmitt is up [Music] left side of the infield very deep Kelleher cheating a little bit toward second base that's ball one to Mike that homerun is his only hit he's also walked four times twice intentionally ball one that's a ball two and Oh ball two now strikes [Applause] ball to no strikes that's the strike ball to strike one [Applause] wipe shots five open one there in the bottom of the eighth that's a ball ball three strike one Montreal and st. Louis were suspended after X winning today two two two my biggest ring for ball three strike one we'll pick it up later possible left very deep divorce here we go [Applause] ball three strike two there was the quick finger fastball [Applause] [Music] ball three strike two here we go take off me of anything there's a high Friday left look out now look out it's gone it's a home run by Schmidt Oh Mike Smith had just gotten his second home run of the day and now the Phillies leading this ball game by a score of 23 to 22 the 3-2 pitch he was ready suitor lated in there and in power out of the ballpark over the left centerfield wall that brings up del unser here it is [Applause] and he's ready for it got Thompson took about four steps out there in centerfield and realize that with a gone goose okay games not over yet don't give up not the way this one's going here's Dellin sir that's a strike strike one [Music] play going to the mobile strike to copy [Music] again I remind you that Buckner Kingman Aranha virus can bat for the Cubs and there's a drop third strike there's the throw and that retires the side one run one hit oh there was nobody left is Mike Schmidt gets his second home of the day and here we go on the bottom of the 10th inning with the score Philadelphia 23 the Cubs 22 all right here comes Buckner now the ball game is in the bottom of the 10th inning the Cubs of trailing 23 to 22 and these stands out here refuse to give up their standing a lot of them and they're applauding at Buckner step this game has already tied the record for the most home runs in the game by both ball clubs at 11 [Applause] home runs have been hit today fitness to Boone has one lurch and Mattox for the Phillies and for the Cavs Kingman Kingman Kingman Olivares Buckner and Martin alright here's Buckner he's had four hits three singles and the homer I just mentioned and Ronnie Eastwick is the pitcher and the Cubs need one to tie and two to win this game [Applause] here we go strike fastball strike one you know a game like this especially if you're the loser has got to give a manager fit because they have to be 9000 places you can look back and see where you could have won it if only this had not happen to where this had happened like 1 there's a high foul ball and Schmidt was running hard so far and they can't make the play Buckner touches a break on that one the ball fell in the playing area just shy of the bullpen in foul territory and they were both running back pretty hard so that's strike two oh and 2 [Music] there's a flyball left-center field Greg grocers there so is the leftfielder unser he's got it and Buckner's out that's one away that leaves it up to Kingman Dave Kingman [Applause] [Applause] all right here's Dave Dave Kingman three home runs oh man if you could only make it four that's a fastball strike strike one one out 50 hits in the ballgame 51 is the record owned by these same two teams like one foul ball oh and two man they're really looking for those superlatives over there in the press box though typewriters are flying holla to holla to those are very high pop foul out of fun still strike two [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mode 2 no ball strike to count Eastwood says here we go Bob all who just got a little piece of wood enough to stay alive oh and to Dave Kingman no ball try to tie [Applause] here we go [Applause] cool remember the change-up Kingman strikes out took a little off of it they got up out in front too far so with two out now Olivares comes to bat in the bottom of the Tenten [Music] there's a check swing fair ball and that's it the ballgame is over as Mike Schmidt throws out on of Arizona check swing Patrol Fair down the third-base side oh boy a pretty flat finish no runs no hits no errors nobody left and a very sad finish to one of the greatest games anybody has ever seen anywhere so in the inning for the Cubs no runs no hits no errors nobody left one of the few times today that anybody went down an order piece which by the way comes in and gets credit for a great save he faced six Cubs and retired of all final score Philadelphia 23 and the Chicago Cubs 22 I'll be back in a moment with a recap on the game
Channel: Sports Revisited
Views: 87,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sports, baseball, football, mlb, nfl, Phillies 23 Cubs 22, Phillies, Cubs, 1979, highest scoring game
Id: izX8n9lw_kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 43sec (13243 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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