ADVANCED Enshrouded Building Tips

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welcome to my channel and in today's video we'll be going over some Advanced tips guaranteed to spark your creativity and spice up your builds not only in in Shroud it but for all future building games to come I'm your boy winner Phoenix and if this video helped you in any way leave a like and a comment to let me know you want more just like this now let's kick things off with a simple but highly effective technique our first tip is about upgrading from that basic square base every beginner makes you all know what I'm talking about the base that has three walls and a doorway well no more because this tip is about building circular structures and their uses now in order for us to build circular structures we have to get an understanding of how the building and oud it actually works and it actually helps if you think of the game in a constant 1 M bit I'll show you what I mean the 4M walls and the 2 m walls break down into 8 and four what I mean by that is if you take out your hammer and destroy the bottom row all the way across the 4 meter walls regardless of your selected wall type the count across will always be 8 1 M blocks the same is true for all the 2 m walls as well except the number is four instead of eight these numbers determine how wide in one M blocks the walls are so with that information we can begin to turn our walls at an equal rate to the game's programming I'll show you what this means here is our new entrance but we want to turn the walls to line up even with our 4 M walls ined doesn't offer curved walls but with a little little patience we can create a circular structure now for this example we're going to make the entire thing out of 4 meter walls so our math never changes we already know each 4 M wall is8 1 M blocks wide so all our angled walls are also going to span over 8 1 M blocks if you want to use 2 m walls this still works but your number is four 1 M blocks instead of our eight in this example now to start turning your walls you'll need to find this sweet spot that's going to line up our walls evenly all the way around it's a square that is exactly one off the corner from the First wall to find it aim at the corner of your existing wall and look over one block and down one block that'll be the method as you lay the next seven blocks after finding that point next you can throw up your wall of choice to set your height for building up our freshly laid angled wall you'll need to set this wall at the same angle you've been using so one back and one in the direction of your turning wall now you can start to fill in the gaps I like to use the 1 M blocks but I'll show you a faster way in a little line yourself up and start stacking your 1 M blocks on top of each other to the height of your walls we have walls on both ends so we can easily keep an eye on our height and make sure that everything comes out even repeat this process all the way around your structure till it's complete you can use this technique to make bay windows or Mage Towers it adds another element to your potential builds in the future while we're talking about using the 1 M Hammer let's talk about our next tip and that's adding Vines to your building surfaces the building blocks in this game are already nice but sometimes you want to add that little bit of an overgrow feeling to your build Vines are especially fun because they add a personal touch and detail outside of the normal building blocks while you got your hammer out you'll want to select the 1 M terrain block and grab some flour soil flow soil isn't hard to find if you know where to look even more so now that they actually added it to a crafting station at the farmer but again if you don't want to make it and you want to just Farm it for free I'll show you real quick where it is and then I'll demonstrate the technique you'll want to jump off the Revel wood Tower and travel West to Woodard once here land in the courtyard and mine out the grass with all the flowers in it this is flower soil and it's the only place I've ever been able to find it no enemies and it's easy enough to get to from a tower now to do this trick you want to start at the base of a wall or your stru with your 1 M Hammer add one block of the flower soil now use the same method in our last tip and move your Hammer up the wall one block and one block to the left or right continue to place them up the wall guiding the vine as you want and avoiding stacking the soil so close to another block it'll create this giant blob on the wall and that's not what we're looking for try this with other materials as well for different effects this next tip is a bit of a manipulation trick it's more commonly referred to as clipping let's head over to the clock tower now and I'll show you what I mean and how you can do this yourself in all your future builds to start off we need to build the clock face we start off with four wooden circular openings from the carpenter next we want to decide what we're building with because some of the blocks have unique trimmings like the Desert Palace block creates these cool little pillars if you stack one meter blocks on top of each other this creates this cool opportunity to add some flare to your build but also tells us how and where to place the circular openings I don't line up the circular frames perfectly and I leave a 1 M Block buffer instead so I can add these pillars afterwards next on the inside we want to make the face and we do that with the newly added white luminescent blocks then we want to remove the middle block to add the watch hand while you won't be able to remove the absolute middle block as the walls are 8 m wide you can get close enough now we want to take a metal fence like this one and turn it sideways we line up the fence with our new hole and only want to leave the very end of the fence exposed leave the rest of it to hang off the backside inside the clock no one's going to see it since we're going to cover up the hole once we're happy with our fence positioning anyway this is where the tip starts to make sense and that it's to abuse this clipping mechanic when building this next tip is another way to look outside the normal parameters and create something new and unique and it's how to make operating windows and enshroud it I'll show you what I mean over at the collector's house to do this you're going to want to plan around it as the actual crafted items don't have many options in terms of looks and Aesthetics the windows are actually secret doors offered by the carpenter he only has a few like wood and stone but also offers secret bookshelves for now we just want to make some wood and secret doors since they will look the best with our background now to build your windows exactly like mine here you'll need a 3 m thick wall if you don't want to have the bookshelves in the windows then a 2 m wall will work just fine this wooden door is 5 m tall and therefore you can use this to your advantage I like the way the tops of these bookshelves look so I made my window opening 6 M tall so I can show off the skulls when the windows are closed like this but again if you're not going with anything like that then just make the opening at the most 5 m tall if you want to have the entire window covered when it's closed with that Last Detail in mind we make our opening and place our first window SL door we want to place this door as far forward as possible so that we can get other things like candles or the new stained glass blocks to sit inside the same opening if done correctly you can now operate your windows and add another level of creativity to your build this next one is more of a twofer it's part clipping but part efficiency as well for this one we want to head over to our garden area and check out the the seabed tables they might look a little different than yours and that's because there's one thing each table needs and we make sure it's always in arms length literally we do that by clipping an improved well into our seed bed one well for each table this way no matter what we're growing you'll always have water for recipes this one is pretty simple so I'll just show you my tables and I'll let you get the full picture the housing around it is entirely up to you the one thing I will say is if you are having trouble getting the well to clip into your seed beds try sitting the well 1 M Block above the base of the actual seeded this seems to always work for me so I hope it does for you too all right then it's some Morphing Time [Music] [Applause] if you've made it this far you got to like what you see and I would really appreciate it if you helped me now I'm trying to hit a personal goal of 1,000 subscribers and need your help to do it over 90% of you who keep coming back to my channel and watching are not subscribed help me out and join those Elite view in the upper 10% who have made the leap become a subscriber to keep up to date on everything I do and support my cause that's all I got for now later nerds [Music]
Channel: Wynter Fynix- Enshrouded
Views: 2,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, Building tips for enshrouded, best bases in Enshrouded, Tips and Tricks Enshrouded, Advanced Tips and Tricks, How to build, Best Enshrouded base
Id: kdYDsPd6gjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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