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one click equals 1.1 points therefore 10 clicks equal one level up at which point I have three choices to choose from we're going to increase our clicking power to 1.11 also shout out to Logan for this video no further context needed the next level up increase clicks per second by .5 I don't know what it's at now but it was presumably zero now at least we're making some income in the background while we're at it let's increase critical chance by 5% we're now up to level four so far not a very challenging game we're mostly just getting upgrades so our CPS is current .5 we can basically double that with that so now our background earnings are doubled and anytime you can double anything you should absolutely do it give a 30 35% chance of getting an uncommon card yes we like those rare upgrades and we got our first I believe uncommon upgrade increase clicks per second by 0.5 so that's a 50% increase again so our background earnings are moving on along we don't have to do anything anymore if we don't want to but our clicking power is only doubled since we began so we're going to have to give that a boost once we actually find it we're going to increase our crit chance from 5 to 7% then we finally got our clicking power increase we're going to go from 2.2 plus 5.5 to 7.7 we have an uncommon automatically dear deals piercing damage towards the enemies yeah I like that so now enemies are going to start appearing now that we have weapons but we're going to Auto kill them when leveling up you have a chance to choose up to four cards we have just a nebulous chance I'm assuming that's a high enough chance that it's worthwhile uh we're also maybe going to need more damage out of my throwing thing but when leveling up there's a 50% chance of giving one roll uh I need my stabby knife to get much much more damage that's making me nervous uh we're going to double our clicking power now so we're all the way up to 15.6 so we'll level up quicker and we're going to need the help cuz enemies are going to spawn more and more automatically shoots at enemies increases damage by 6.94 I think that means it has 6.94 damage which is fine by me now we have two weapons that automatically fight for me increase click Power by 11 power is currently 16 so that's actually a really big increase so he can level up quicker again level 15 now 16 we're going to regenerate HP I'm not planning on getting hit but we're also going to get a 25% chance of getting a rare card we haven't gotten any rare cards yet now we have shoots at the touch of your click increase damage by five oh okay so I get to yeah this is going to be a good one look at all the damage going out I feel like we're already Unstoppable shoots at the touch of your clicks increase damage by a little bit uh we're going to increase our health regeneration instead this thing's already doing so much damage I feel like it's overpowered and if it's not yet we'll make it there we're going to have our stabby thing increase its damage by almost 50% as well cuz I feel like the enemies are only going to get stronger we on two threat currently we got an achievement we also got an upgrade to this card now with leveling up you have a chance to choose from five cards that's a good investment card we're only level 21 and I don't know how far this can go but we could probably break it remember how I saying that five choices is a good investment then the game hands us three choices I guess I do have five rolls but I should probably use that when I have more choices we're going to increase our health by 50% that's actually huge clicking power is going to go up again by a further 50% so our leveling Up's going to go quicker and the more we click the more damage we do that's the best part of all of this we're going to increase our health by 37.5 that's a further 50% increase so we're way stronger than we were we went from 50 to 112 HP I wouldn't mind a rare weapon at this point then we're going to increase the two times chance of Click power only for button 5 5% I don't know what that last part means I'm not entirely sure that's grammatically correct but I think it's saying we get a chance to double our clicking power down here so we get leveled up quicker I don't love any of these we did get a rare weapon but the enemies have to get all the way to me for that to work this is what we want 50% chance of getting an epic card so in seven or eight rolls we should at least find one of those though I guess we get multiple choices per level up so we'll see it should be sooner than later okay it can come very soon uh we're going to increase our crit chance I guess by an extra 3% that doesn't feel particularly good for an epic but it is better than the other ones and I'm completely desperate for any sort of upgrade so I'll take anything we're going to roll there we should roll those I want purple automatically fire volley at the enemy increases oh okay we now have a purple weapon as well we got more enemies but we got more bullets going at the enemies and that's just good for us some of them are getting pretty quick this a rare upgrade for our weapon I think uh increases their damage by over 50% actually so that's good hopefully nothing will get close I need to stop touching those level 30 we're going to roll actually we need more clicking power at this point so we can level up again uh we're already 25% of the way through the next level but the way the enemies are coming at us we just need constant upgrades cuz they're almost touching us at this point we're going to push the shotgun thing things damage over 10 that's quite a big upgrade to it and that was a bigger enemy for sure we're on Threat Level Seven that's probably like three stars in Grand Theft Auto shoots at the touch of your click increases damage by 1.39 so that's the main weapon that we're shooting that's actually a big increase of damage cuz we can fire this thing fast and if we get desperate we whoops uh okay well we got an epic upgrade for free but our our epic clicking is quick I guess we'll take another one of these our uh critical click Chance is going to be 12 and a 12% but it's nice to know we can activate laser mode if we get really desperate which eventually we will there's a rare weapon but I don't think I want it automatically shoots at enemies that that's a 50% increase for that so actually we're going to take that 50% extra is hugely big and any upgrade that makes you say hugely big is well worth your time we're going to reroll that I'm looking for blues and purples mostly there's another purple critical multiplier could go up more crit damage yeah why not we're doing quite a few crits and we got a lot of bullets going out so extra crit damage is actually going to add up to a lot over the course of time clicking power seems to be falling behind again increase health regeneration by 1.75 that's actually a giant increase to that we haven't taken damage yet but it's only a matter of time and then we'll be able to put that HP right back on and continue doing stupid things the enemies are definitely actually getting to us now so we need more damage everywhere 7% chance of getting a legendary card we need to be on the lookout for whatever this color is I'm going to call it orangey Peach uh but it's probably not at all that okay that thing hit us for quite a bit of damage so we definitely need to get a legendary upgrade sooner than later and then we need to figure out what's beyond legendary yeah we're going to increase clicking Power by 22 I guess that's only a base level upgrade we're taking a bit of damage here okay we might have to activate laser mode for a second just to catch up and then we're going to roll hoping for something that can save us again a little bit we clearly need more damage automatically ping damage that's actually a big upgrade for the knife uh I haven't really upgraded the guns in a while now that I think about it so they might need just a little bit of help cuz whatever we're doing now we're staying ahead but not by much can someone destroy that okay I'll get it then okay we are looking for legendary upgrades I think that's a legend pachy orange but now that I see it here it's more of a peach but that increases its damage by yeah almost 50% now and it's already been upgraded several times and that's prob going to fire a lot at close things cuz that should destroy anything close by and that's helping to keep the enemies back by a little ways we're still kind of up against it here things are still getting to us so we need more weapons or more damage more both maybe it's time we go for some spikes it' be nice to have a better version of that we have some R rolls so we might as well use it well we got another blue upgrade for a piercing knife so we'll take that given that it's rare so there for it's good uh HP is dropping again we're going to activate laser mode for a second that's going to help uh gain us some confidence whoops well that's the downside of using laser mode it is auto clicking after all okay we're just going to increase our clicking power then we're going to laser mode again and just use an auto clicker to completely obliterate the game at this point there are epic clicking power upgrades that gives us almost a 50% increase to clicking power which is already going bananas cuz we're clicking once per Mill second okay and then we found a legendary version of that upgrade so we're going to get an extra 50 that's an extra uh 3050 % increase to what we're already at so yeah leveling up is going to come easier sadly and we upgraded our stabby knife thing uh what's with all the damage readouts oh that's our click readout of course it is I've used up all of my rolls so we just need to upgrade something these are actually pretty decent sized upgrades so this one's an auto fire we're going to help that we're going to go without the auto clicker for a sec to see how that goes okay we definitely need the auto clicker still we need a lot of upgrades to catch up with ourselves whoops things are getting predictably chaotic already and you know what that's fine we'll take that upgrade too I need to be careful when we're getting close to here to stop and manually click it in our purple Cannon is going up in damage that's got to be doing a lot of things up close to us we just need more damage to everything and I really want to see if there's something Beyond legendary I really hope there is it's always fun to find something stupidly overpowered okay back to the auto clicker things are getting uh really really dangerous now uh we're getting like pink boxes we're fighting as well there's an epic version of the gun I'm firing so it's actually going to get a big increase of damage not that it needs it because it's absolutely rapid firing but more damage is fun that way if a shows how we can make it disappear in the blink of an eye okay I really got to get better at using the auto clicker to not Auto pick upgrades on our behalf though that seems actually Fair considering how bad we're abusing this game right now more HP regeneration place a thorn randomly every 3 seconds that's kind of interesting we're going to try that does that just mean like out there in the world or does that mean close to me we're still finding new things so we clearly haven't seen everything even of the rares and we found a lot of rares so far increase a two time chance of Click power so we're going from about 6.8 it's about 10% at this point so we have a 10% chance to get double click power and that's what the orange read outs are in the center the best strategy I found so far is to do the worm maneuver that way when they're firing at things we just jiggle back and forth a little bit that way we just take out absolutely everything in that general direction I definitely got an achievement for something else we need 28,000 points to level up at this point I didn't realize how quickly we'd accelerated through this game we're going to reroll these I don't want to waste too many rolls when there's only three choices but we'll take clicking power clicking power is still important given how many points we need to level up then it's easy to just obliterate everything we roll those come on we got five choices we got to get something better uh we'll get more damage for our Thorn things I'm pretty sure I just accidentally picked uh a legendary upgrade I think it was supposed to be like the spikes that surround me that way when things touch me they get spiked really hard it's a little bit hard to see cuz I have to click so much yeah we got lots of spikes going on so when things touch me they should get real real hurt I'll be the one that does the touching here damn it there was a legendary upgrade and I auto click through it well I have no one to blame but myself that's what happens when you drink too much coffee that also will not stop me from drinking even more for now we're just going to spray and pre it's kind of crazy cuz even with all this firing we're doing the enemies are actually still managing to work their way pretty close to me cuz they're spawning so quick as you're doing this you are collecting coins so that if we restart this we'll do a lot more damage again we're on Threat Level 20 now and it's certainly feels like it the enemies are so tough now and actually they survive for a second before dying we're going to need a lot more damage we are also getting a lot rarer upgrades these days too so that's a nice bonus here's a really good upgrade a legendary increase for the gun that we're firing that gives me a 22.2% increase of pure damage and uh this gun's obviously doing the bulk of our work at this point at least I'm pretty sure it is we got a lot of bullets going out there but more bullets is good looks like we just spraying water all over everything really but it's putting out fires everywhere we go there's another achievement we probably got a few of those cuz we're clicking a million times faster than what's humanly possible since we got four choices we're going to roll click Power by 80 a legendary increase that's good that'll put us up to about 330 which means we'll level up again the clicking level UPS uh are getting slower and slower now we got to get 625,000 points to level up and then we just took a epic upgrade for the thumbtacks have popped down on the ground they don't seem to last long but that's probably a good thing that means they're getting used by hitting enemies or we clicking so impossibly fast that the game just gave up on us and said you know what you don't deserve upgrades anymore you're clearly cheating crazy to think that without the auto clicker we wouldn't have made it anywhere near this far already these things would have destroyed us minutes ago even with the auto clicker going this fast the enemies are still starting to swarm up so I need a lot more damage for everything but mainly my super water gun it's currently the only weapon we have although the spinning knives and stuff that are close to me might actually be doing a lot to enemies wow we're almost dying uh and I definitely missed that level up but I didn't see a lot of good choices there anyway Threat Level 23 my HP is slowly recovering we did take a lot of hits there but times like that get a little sketchy when everything can come charging at us if we had heal on hit or something that would be lovely it's also hard to time this now because this is such a small increment to try and move up in we definitely need better than those there that's interesting that's not good enough well there's a pretty good uh upgrade for that cannon that's long overdue for an upgrade anyway if we can start getting more of those upgraded actually they' be pretty big damage increases that'll really help us out cuz I feel like I have to aim at every single enemy if they could take out even one or two it's a lot easier for me and I don't know if we should take more weapons or not the problem might have been we took too many weapons we didn't really upgrade some of them so we just had a lot of enemies that weren't really being properly fought against I've exhausted my rolles so we're going to take a giant increase to clicking power not exactly giant at this point but big enough that it's hopefully going to make a difference we're at Threat Level 24 we ourselves are level 77 uh we're starting to get overwhelmed this is suddenly very very hard we got the level 25 threat and suddenly yeah I can understand the level 25 threat it's absolutely insane right now even with the crazy amount of damage we're doing they're starting to overrun us this will be okay though everything's fine uh I just need to put like a million HP regeneration on with our next upgrade and we'll be perfectly able to get through this uh never mind we got a little bit destroyed but I did get 63.75 coins which then obviously magically becomes almost 130 but each one of those coins increases click damage by 1% and click Power by 1% also so we got 140% bonus to everything so now when we click instead of 1.1 we're getting 2.4 so we'll just increase our click power again and we can level up very very quickly to make it right back to where we were that might also factor into the upgrades cuz we're already at 15 click power which means I can click that many times to level up and then we get a giant upgrade again so suddenly this is going to go bananas 35% chance of getting an uncommon card and moving on then we get a little bit of crit chance this is where we can start to bring in the enemies so we'll have the one Cannon there that does a ton of damage to them it's already doing 15 now 20 damage that's going to destroy everything in its path then we're going to have a chance of getting a roll when leveling up and then we're going to level up again and we're going to bring back the cannon that shoots where I shoot that's already doing a ton of damage but already the enemies are getting one-shotted really easily I think it makes sense to just add more weapons cuz I think more enemies simply spawn as more threats appear it's maybe not based on weapons but I'm not entirely convinced to that for now we could probably upgrade our helper Cannon by quite a lot our HP regeneration is definitely going to go up so is our HP we had 150 last time which worked really well until it didn't I feel like it just blinked away at that point 25% chance a rare card there is a big damage increase for us that takes us from 7 to about 10 damage out of this thing so I think we're already about where we were last time and we were level like a billion our one autoc Cannon is now going to go up to almost 40 damage if we get that up to like 100 actually it might be able to ones shot uh things even later on it does appear that adding more weapons adds more enemies because as soon as I added the purple Cannon we started getting the fast enemies we're level 52 we're getting back to the point where I need to use the auto Cannon again just a bit to keep us safe uh the one yellow Cannon up here is doing a ton of damage so it's almost keeping up but not quite but I also can't help myself I'm going to add another weapon this is its legendary upgrade initially so that's going to do 19 damage we place them so evenly around the circle that's not going to annoy anyone at all and I've been increasing my click power just a lot because I want to still level up it's almost 1,000 already so even at 259,000 HP to level up or points we can do it that quickly oh and then our Auto Cannon can go up by a giant amount of damage still so it might actually yeah it's still oneshotting a lot of these enemies even at this point and with this we're officially going to break 1,000 clicking power so leveling up is going to be still relatively easy even though we're at level 18 I'm going to start adding more guns anyway the more guns we have shooting the better we're going to be we have such a good base damage anyway that uh we just fire Vol bullets from our wall of text and everything will melt this is a new one apparently a basic level that we've never seen before but crates are shrieking that bounces off the edge of the screen I'll take that that's just going to bounce around out there and do tons of damage randomly to any idiot it touches our weapons are actually almost keeping up even still click power can go up by almost 200 from a single legendary upgrade I've developed a new technique where I just spin in circles and everything dies this is much much easier than me having to manually think and use my skills even some of our other guns now by the time we're coming up to level 87 their damage is going over 70 themselves and we finally got the stabby boy it's a legendary upgrade so 25 damage from the begin look at all the weapons we're getting we're actually pretty armed here uh if I don't use my auto clicker they might actually almost be able to keep up no not quite but it's closer than You' think considering where we're at and we're there we're at level 26 so we're past where we were last time we died we got a lot more damage like at this point it's easy I just SP in circles and nothing can touch us and it's just offering us more and more rare upgrades we're going to take the legendary one here to get us an extra uh 224 clicking power getting close to 2,000 per click but we also need 5 million to level up and we've hit level 92 officially we don't have any rerolls but we can still add a lot of damage to our autoc Cannon we're coming up to the end of Threat Level 27 and enemies are definitely getting closer some of them are even managing to touch us at this point and that's pretty insane considering our damage output and the lack of up good upgrades like this isn't helping much although a five increase to this is actually a pretty big increase for it individually leveling up is getting painfully slow at this point three plane upgrades that's not good enough the best we have is a for health but we'll take that that's still a 10% increase to our super cannon but without that we're absolutely Sitting Duck look how quickly that happens but all those coins give us a 300% boost so were we to do this again we will do massive progress and damage but that's the story for next time this game's free go play it for [Music] yourself [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 381,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1uqfvDufdoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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