Enshrouded Dedicated Server on Windows: EASY SteamCMD Setup (2024)

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hey everybody it's Eric from the MMG Welcome to our Channel today we're going to show you how to set up a enshrouded dedicated server on a Windows machine using steam CMD before we get any further though I want to ask you to please hit that subscribe button it help helps me keep growing the community and the channel here and allows me to keep making these videos for you free of charge if you would like to support us we do have memberships available on the YouTube channel and at the lowest here even you get top access to comment replies so if you have a question about your dedicated server I always reply to my community members first and foremost and uh yeah I may not have your answers but I will try my best to help you the best that I can second thing I want to mention is I do not do port forwarding in these videos because it's very complicated and everybody's situation is different you are going to have to get that figured out on your own there is a video in the description of this video that shows you how to do it on a Windows firewall you're also going to have to do it on your router firewall and then there's some sometimes your antivirus will have a firewall there's lots of stuff to do sometimes your service provider will have a built-in firewall for you so you have to make sure you you have that figured out on your own and situated otherwise people are not going to be able to connect externally to your dedicated server all right now that's out of the way let's get started if you've never installed steam CMD you just need to Google it just type in Steam CMD it's going to be the very top link here the valve valve developer Community click on that and then download Steam CMD we're going to be doing it for Windows there is a Linux client but we're doing it for Windows today is click on Windows and then up here at the very top it says download it there's a one click on that one it's going to download it wherever your downloads go for that particular browser you're using you want to execute this and I recommend you put it in a folder that you can find easily I have mine directly on my C drive and I have a shortcut here on my desktop to it cuz I obviously make videos off this so once you have it executed it should be here in the folder you want to run it if it's by itself that's normal if it's the first time you've used it when you run this for the first time it's going to update it's going to actually populate a lot of these folders as it downloads the files for you once it's done doing all that you're going to be stopped at a steam prompt just like we are here and now we're going to actually um download the uh server files all right so once you're here at the prompt you just want to type in login space anonymous and then hit enter it's going to log you in and then you should be back at a steam prompt you are now going to type in aore update space and then the number for the dedicated server is 22 78 5 2 0 then just hit enter and it's going to download all the files for you if you haven't already done it I've done it already so it just said successful this could take a little bit of time depending on the speed of your computer and all that you don't have enough storage you don't have the right privileges this may not work so you make sure you need to make sure you're an admin on the server that you're installing this on and that you have plenty of dedicated uh hard drive space where you're installing it this is also how you will update your server so when they put out a new update for unshrouded just go through these steps right here this app update and this number and it will actually update those files for you so that's how you do that so once you're at this prompt you have it just type in exit hit enter now you want to go to Comm so actually let's start the very beginning you go back to your steam CMD folder where you um extracted the steam cmd.exe then you want to go into the common folder then you want to go into the steam apps folder then common and then you should see a folder here called enshrouded server that's the files we just downloaded click on that all right and on this particular game all you need to do is actually launch the enshrouded server.exe first double click on that it should load up the server for you and uh basically you want to get to this part of the end where it says finish transition from Lobby to host online this is good it's what you want once you're there click on the window and then hit contrl C there we go may take a couple times I don't know why that is but eventually it'll close the server down which is what you want now you should have a a folder in here um called save game that that way you know it shut down properly but you also should have a file here called enshrouded server. Json that's what you want to actually edit so I always recommend notepad++ or you can use regular notepad this is where you're going to change your server so we're going to name ours [Music] MMG uh not going to put a password on it save games this is where it saves your game you can change it if you want this is where the logs go if you want to change that as well this is your IP address most games want you to put your external IP address in here but with this game I think you just want to leave it at all zeros from what I understand it works for me at all zeros so that's what I'm going to recommend but you may try putting your external IP address if you're not having any luck then these are the game ports this is what you're going to want to have to open on your firewall um your firewalls all over the place so on your router your Windows Firewall if your antivirus has a firewall you want to open these ports uh so people externally can connect to your server so once you have all this set to the way you want just go up here to go to file and save you can close that out now uh we want to execute the server again so if we double click on it and execute it we want it to load again and now it should load with our settings that we put in there now we want to see if we can actually see our server so the next steps is to actually load the game itself all right now just load the game onto your gaming machine that you want to play on and then go um join you're going to see the server browser pop up here it can take a while to load from what I understand their the browsers are a little bit slow so don't get too worried um there is a search for a host name over here we know our server is MMG going to hit confirm and there is our server server we actually have somebody on already so somebody's randomly joined our server oh man they're going to be upset when I have to restart it but anyways that's how you would join your own server just click on it and hit the join button here you're good to go all right that's how you set up your own ined server hopefully this helped you once again please do me a huge favor and hit that subscribe button it keeps driving me to keep making these videos for you free of charge and if you want to support us join our Channel become a member of the channel and you'll get primary a ton of benefits primarily my favorite one is I will answer your questions in the comments before anybody else's all right everybody thanks for watching and have yourself a great day
Channel: maturemindedgamers
Views: 8,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #maturemindedgamers, mmg, gaming, Gaming, Mature Minded Gamers, Community of adult gamers, #gaming, Dedicated, Server, Host, steam, cmd, steamcmd, how to, guide, easy, setup, How to, step by step, dedicated server
Id: ycLsnW3sWyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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