142K + Stamina Sorcerer | Infinite Archive | PvE Guide

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the stamina sorcerer continues to be one of the most important and versatile classes that you can play in the Elder Scrolls Online the sorc is an absolute single Target machine being the only class currently capable of hitting over 140k on the 21 mil dummy in update 40 the sorc is essential to your 12-man raid comp not only for the incredible amount of damage it can do but also for some of its unique Buffs increasing your group's damage tremendously as well be sure to take a look at the description to not only get a plethora of resources from myself and other creators alike but also to see the timestamps in case there is any one individual topic that you're interested in regarding the sorc or even if you want to go back and rewatch one section over another we have a lot to discuss so so let's get into [Music] it getting into the basic build information for the patch not much has changed here of our options this patch the strongest race for the stam speec of the sorc is still dark elf not only is this the strongest damage dealing option it also allows you to very easily be able to switch between a MAG speec if necessary as dark elf is also one of the strongest options for mag specs as well as a couple of alternative race options that will still perform well worth being aware of in my opinion orc is a pretty close second offering the same amount of weapon and spell damage but giving a th000 less Max stamina resulting in a 1 to 2K DPS loss orc does have the benefit though of reduced Sprint cost increased movement speed and being a bit beefier in content adding 1,000 Max health and healing for 2K whenever you do damage occurring once every 12 seconds despite being a bit lower in overall DPS output The Perks of being an orc are a bit more enjoyable than dark elf if you're not concerned with pumping out as much damage as possible likewise in Solo fourman or even unorganized 12 12 man content kiji performs well in situations that leave you below the crit damage cap offering 12% increased critical damage and 1,000 Max Dam crit damage is a stat far more important than weapon and spell damage but only to a certain point you can't benefit from having any more than 125% crit damage and this is a value that tanks and healers and 12-man content can get you to pretty easily but this is a really strong race to choose for the sake of solo duo or fourman content especially for a class like the sorc who Lacks any source of passive crit damage as one final option for beginners to the game Red Guard can be a really useful choice for the sake of sustain sustaining resources is really tough to do at a low level even for an experienced player but this goes tenfold if you're not yet practiced in the concepts of rotations in Resource Management there is no worse damage loss that you can suffer than running out of resources making this a fantastic choice for beginners for our Mundus this patch the thief will provide the most overall damage compared to any other alternative especially in optimized 12-man content even in unoptimized groups though you will very rarely use a different Mundus very rarely doesn't mean always though so if you need to make up for discrepancies in penetration or crit damage the lover can help with pen and the shadow can help with crit damage as a final option again for newer players the serpent can be good to help with sustain issues that you may experience early on for our attributes we are dumping all 64 points into stamina it shouldn't be necessary for the sake of sustain or survivability in content to allocate these any anywhere else so we'll take the highest damage gain that we can by making our Stam pool as high as possible regarding gear our traits and enchants will be the same across all setups for our gear weight we will typically opt for a six medium one light combo this can vary though depending on group comp related to topics like penetration crit damage and even sustain for our body pieces we will run them all as the Divine Strait with Max stamina enchants for our jewelry we will run them all as the bloodthirsty trait with weapon damage enchants finally for our weapons on the front bar if you opt for a dual wield setup you'll run the main hand ner honed with a poison enchant and the offhand charged with a flame enchant two-handed weapons such as a great sword or bow should be run precise with a flame damage enchant on the back bar if you are running a dual wield setup you'll run both weapons infused if you're running dual wield on the front bar as well your back bar enchants will be one shock and one weapon damage enchant if you're running a two-handed weapon on the front bar your back bar enchants will be one poison in one weapon damage enchant otherwise any two-handed weapon that you run on the back bar should be infused with a weapon damage enchant for our consumables we have plenty of situational options to consider the option with the absolute most damage potential also being the food that we run on the dummy is simple Max Stam food the most common option in content however is blue byat food which offers a ton of both Max Stam and Max Health this will sacrifice a little bit of Max stamina and therefore a little bit of damage but offer a ton of Health making you much more survivable as a final alternative lava foot can be really helpful if you find that you are having a really difficult time sustaining stamina for whatever reason if you're in a raid situation where you might be missing some key sustain Buffs or even are in a situation where you have to stack some extra Stam abilities on your bar and your resources are struggling because of it lava foot will instantly solve any sustained issue that you might have it does offer a little less Stam than the previous options and no Health though so I would attempt to solve these issues elsewhere first and use this food option as a bit of a last resort for our potions this patch we will opt to run the alliance battle drw or Essence of weapon power potions in the vast majority of content these potions both provide major brutality and savagery the weapon damage and weap and crit Buffs as well as restore stamina on consumption and Grant major endurance increasing stamina recovery by 30% while it's more important that we use potions that restore the resources we should be struggling with the most the primary importance of these pots are the Buffs that they Grant the sorc has no natural source of these Buffs nor do we really have the bar space to make up for them elsewhere with four slots occupied by pets making it necessary to Source these Buffs through our potions you can craft essence of weapon power by combining bless thistle Dragon Thorn and wormwood or you can purchase is the alliance battle draft in Cil there are some alternative options to be aware of though the first of which is the mag version of these potions the alliance spell damage or Essence of spell power pots these provide major sorcery and prophecy the spell damage and spell Buffs they also restore mag and provide major intellect increasing mag recovery by 30% the sorg does have a ton of Mag abilities on our bar despite specking into mag Stam which as is is manageable however if you have to slot an additional mag ability such as wall of elements for example your Stam sustain will get even easier but mag sustain will get really tricky because all of our stats hybridize themselves it doesn't matter if we increase spell or weapon damage and crit so we can simply run these potions to assist our mag sustain instead you can craft these Potions by combining cornflour lady smok and water highin or purchase the alliance spell draft in cidel another alternative option that you can run on this class are heroism pots these potions restore both Stam and mag give major endurance and intellect and give minor heroism providing one ultimate every 1 and a half seconds this sounds like a very minimal amount of ultimate but it adds up over an entire fight for example the dummy fight showcased in this video is only 2 and 1/2 minutes long which means that if we were to run ulti pots we'd be able to get 100 extra ultimate since we finished the fight with some ult to spare we would have for sure been able to use a dawn breaker at the end of the fight and maybe even get a full extra hro however the downside is that we miss out on the weapon damage and CRP Buffs and these Buffs are absolutely essential in content you'll usually have a DK tank running the skill ous weapons which gives everybody in the group the major spell and weapon damage Buffs however you would have to Source the Buffs on your own by running the skill camouflaged Hunter a skill that we will discuss in detail in the flex skill section of the video the sorc does not have bar space for this ability in a two pet setup however there are some very specific situations where a one pet setup will outperform the two pet spec which would open up the bar space to run this ability and therefore use these potions they are incredibly expensive to craft however requiring Dragon room dragon's blood and Coline keep keep in mind that they will read as essence of Magicka finally if you're struggling with sustaining both Stam and mag you can solve those issues by running simple tripots which restore Health mag and Stam as well as provide the major health mag and Stam recovery Buffs just like with heroism pots though you would have to find a way to Source the major weapon and crit Buffs elsewhere which make these pots a last resort you can craft them by combining bugloss colide and mountain flower keep in mind that they will read as essence of Health finally for our champion points we will opt to run deadly aim Master at arms wrathful strikes and exploiter exploiter acts as a double-edged sword being the strongest CP in terms of boosting your overall DPS output but requiring an additional buff up time for your support to be aware of as well as requiring you to track off balance and play this 6sec first phase as if it were incap on a night blade meaning that you need to prepare for and burst during these windows in order to maximize damage this is extremely difficult on Console as tracking the cool down requires all Buffs to be turned on making it difficult to spot the single icon that that you are looking for among the masses making this CP worth not much more than other alternatives to most players especially in content this CP shines though in trash PS when skills like Scythe are being used to provide AOE off balance in short PS where you shouldn't be using much more than your spam mables anyway you end up getting all of the benefits of exploiter without the hindrances of up times or brain power to worry about our next most important CP deadly aim Buffs nearly 70% of our overall DPS output contributing to a DPS increase for Rapid strikes dric prey AR frag proc storm atro Tormentor the scams non AOE attack and light attacks running this CP is an absolute no-brainer on a class as single Target oriented as the sorc is much like deadly aim Master at Arms boosts almost just as many skills as deadly aim buffing all of the previously mentioned attacks as well finally wrathful strikes becomes worth running on a sorc over any other option as the vast majority of this class's damage roughly around 70% is based on single Target or direct damage take for example one of the only abilities that are not buffed by deadly or master in this setup hurricane the damage increase provided by an alternative like thge or biting Aura would provide a larger damage increase individually to the skill itself than wrathful strikes does but since Thum or biting Buffs a very small percentage of our total DPS output and wrathful Buffs every single source of damage wrathful becomes more worthwhile regarding the other primary damage CP the most important to be aware of is thumb itge thumb will be your next Best CP to use if you wanted to replace something like exploiter this skill Buffs the next highest percentage of your overall damage output buffing or damage overtime effects such as Scamp hurricane Stampede and trap finally biting R is the weakest of the alternative CP but worth noting if you decide to add more aoe's or even an AOE spammable into your toolkit especially in short AOE fights such as trash PS for example where a skill like whing blades will become the highest source of damage biting will be worth slotting if you have time to do so on Console or if if you save it as a trash setup on PC finally has some optimization CP to be aware of in optimization situations that leave you a bit under pen you can opt to run force of nature in place of either exploiter or wrathful this CP gives about 660 pen per status effect which in an organized group should reliably give you an average of about 1980 extra penetration over the course of an entire fight in situations where you might have to spec into light armor or are just under the crit cap for whatever reason you can make up for the Lost crit damage by running either backstabber or fighting finesse to ensure that you are still at quick cap backstabbers should be running fights where you can consistently flank the boss that is stand behind it for the entire duration of a fight infighting finesse should be used when you cannot accomplish [Music] this getting into the gear information I'm going to discuss the most relevant beginner setups that you can start with and then dive into a comprehensive list of all of the relevant meta and situationally metag gear sets alternate sets buff sets mythics monster sets and Arena weapons starting off off with the beginner setup orders wrath is a really strong and easy to obtain set from the overlandsummers a lot of crit chance and crit damage to essential and particularly difficult stats to come by early on this set can also be purchased from Guild Traders back alley Gourmand is a solid alternative to ord's wrath providing a ton of crit damage but no extra crit chance with its fifth piece this set requires the fire song DLC can be found in the overlandsummers of mother Soro I typically recommend mother Soro because it's much easier to acquire but Leviathan is technically a bit better as it does offer a line of Stam rather than mag it requires you to farm the dungeon Crypt of Hearts however but this dungeon isn't incredibly challenging you can go with either set and have near identical success another set worth considering especially for solo situations spens Thorns this set provides an absurd amount of the most important set in the game penetration though I would consider the previously mentioned options a bit more useful this set also requires no DLCs it can be farmed in the over lands of bankery or be purchased in Guild Traders finally if you're looking for an incredibly easy base game craftable set to run huntings rage is likely the best set that you can use in this category this set gives a ton of crit and weapon and spell damage and can be crafted in Banker ey Reaper March or the rift getting into the most valuable meta sets that is the gear sets that you will see run in the vast majority of content depending on the situation of course starting off with the strongest set that we can run on the stamsorc perfected Coral Riptide is a medium armor set from The Trial dread sail Reef this set gives an insane amount of weapon and spell damage whenever your stamina is at or below 33% it has the highest Mastery curve out of any of the meta options in my opinion is it requires your stam to be kept pretty low for Max utilization but running out of stamina is the biggest form of damage loss that you can suffer and doing so would make the set not worth running the Sor produces by far the strongest single Target damage in the game and since its abilities do so much damage we end up seeing an overall DPS increase by running sets that will increase the damage of those abilities as opposed to the typically meta prox sets and with that Concept in mind advancing yita will be the next strongest set that we can pair with Riptide on the sorc this set comes from the trial hell raw Citadel and only comes in heavy armor so it must be worn on the weapons and jewelry exclusively the sorc's crit chance is naturally low as we don't really have any passives that help us build this stat and running this set will bring us up to nearly 70% effective crit chance advancing procs off of Marshall melee damage making it extremely easy to maintain on the sorc with light attacks and Rapid strikes next up perfected arms of requin is a medium armor set from The Trial Cloud rest it is the strongest pure single Target proc set in the game outputting roughly 8 to 10K DPS requin is best run in Long single Target fights where the boss is the priority Target and any Associated ad or mini boss will never need much attention this set should not be run however if you cannot maintain its 10 Stacks consistently which requires you to light attack the target at least once every 4 seconds this makes the set incredibly worthwhile on fights like Taria in DSR for example where keeping low stamina might put you at risk of not being able to roll Dodge or break free from mechs when necessary however the shorter the fight the less over value the set has if there is anything preventing you from maintaining near perfect up times especially in shorter instances this set will not hold its value and is best replaced by something more consistently maintained an example of this concept might be the first boss in vka the boss jumps into the air under 50% health and he is Untouchable for a few seconds an extremely experienced player can let attack right before and right after he lands and still maintain requin but even an experienced player could see Stacks drop here implying better options may exist in general this this is a go-to for single Target situations if you don't want to play the stamina management miname with Riptide next up from the dungeon un hollowed grave Aegis collar is the strongest proc set in the game doing its damage in a pretty large AOE radius making Aegis colar very reliable for solid AOE damage offering two lines of weapon and spell damage plus a line of crit this 8 to 10K DPS set procs off of Marshall melee critical damage that means that there is a bit of RNG to this setup which can get a little bit annoying on the dummy of the proc sets we can run Aegis collar is likely the most difficult to track and maintain due to the forementioned proc condition we will backbar this set when we run it most often which means that only Stampede and our light attacks can proc the set if they crit Stampede is guaranteed to crit on its initial hit making the skill the best to REO Aegis color when necessary but this will require you to reapply Stampede about 3 seconds early on average to keep good up times with the set keeping strong up times is going to be more of a damage gain than overcasting Stampede will be a damage loss despite it obviously being un ideal in AOE situations this set will be a little stronger than advancing for a class like the sorc whose primary damage is single Target oriented running an AOE proc set will be more overall AOE damage than buffing the sorc's weak AOE toolkit with a set like advancing and Riptide another alternative for our trial sets perfected world of depths is a light armor set that comes from the trial dread sale Reef doing roughly 7 to 9k DPS in a large AOE radius much like Aegis collar whirl is a great trial-based AOE set to run for the sorc in fights that demand strong AOE damage again buffing the sorc's weak AOE toolkit with a set like Riptide will just be less overall DPS than running a strong proc set like whirl we need a trial set to run to replace Riptide in these scenarios making depths a go-to since it is a light armor set though you'll want to put as many pieces of this set on the weapons and jewelry as possible an attempt to body a medium armor set like Aegis collar for example from the dungeon fall cre hold pillar of ner is a strong medium armor set that does 6 to 8K DPS in a really small AOE radius pillar is primarily considered a sing single Target set but can have AOE utility if Stacks are tight and consistent enough it is much easier to maintain than a set like Aegis collar simply proing off of Damage Done despite the set's weaker fifth piece proc pillar of NS 2 through four bonuses make it worth only 1 to 2K less overall DPS than a set like Aegis collar if you are looking for a strong and simple to use proc set this is one that is good enough to still be considered meta finally perhaps one of the most userfriendly sets listed here perfected Ono's torment is a medium armor set from The Trial sanity's Edge though I would consider the previously mentioned options a bit stronger than Ono this is an extremely powerful set that is by far the simplest to use of any of the given options it provides a straight 7% damage increase resulting in 1 to 3% less overall DPS than the previously mentioned options but this bonus doubles to 14% anytime you get an interrupt this component of the set is very rarely if ever reliable but it is good to know about for the sake of bursting your damage in certain fights if you do happen to to get an interrupt overall consider the set for its easy to achieve 7% damage increase with no proc condition rather than the 14% but if you ever find yourself in a situation where you can maintain the 14% bonus it will be the outright strongest set in the game getting into the alternative set options these can be paired with any of the meta sets depending on the fight and in certain scenarios will even help to build combination stronger than any of the previously mentioned options starting with the set zin's War band this comes from the dungeon Frost Vault and is a go-to option for SS especially in content with the limited bar space that this class has mainly due to our pets zagin allows the user to remove trap in favor of a stronger Flex option and still maintain minor force with relative ease this set also provides a line of pen which is really helpful for the sorc as we have no natural source of penetration in our toolkit this set is most often used in AOE type fights as the sorc's AOE damage is not the best en zagin would allow us to add an extra AOE skill to compensate such as cow trops for example next up from the trial Rock Grove perfected Souls on torment is a medium armor set that is simply one of the best in the game in terms of damage output but it does have relatively difficult proc conditions as well as requires some of the highest levels of awareness to achieve Peak Effectiveness out of all of the set options Zan's proc conditions require a Target to die roughly once every 30 seconds and when such an event occurs a faint Target is put on the corpse it can be a bit tough to see but if there are enough small ads dying constantly and you're aware enough to get this buff without losing Time On Target or faltering in your rotation sols on will provide the strongest damage boost out of really any other set not only is the set itself strong but if maintained properly you can even drop the Kilt in favor of another Mythic such as vti or a melstrom weapon as well as you won't need the Kil to help hit crit cap examples of good places to use this set might be the first boss in vdsr as the dog ads spawn consistently throughout the fight or the first boss in vrg as the Frog ads spawn throughout the fight as well next up known mostly as a Duo the elfbane and mechanical Acuity sets kind of go hand inand with elfbane usually run on the back bar along with any flame based skills an Acuity run on the front bar to control when your burst of perfect crit occurs the idea of the setup is to slot and extend the duration of skills like wall and Elemental rage so that they last throughout the entire or nearly the entire duration of a short fight while also allowing for more spam mables during this time as spam mables make up the highest percentage of your overall DPS output in shorter instances this should be used in bursty situations that is boss fights that last 20 seconds or less such as the spider and vhof or the snake and RG if the fight is tooo short you shouldn't have time to drop all of your dots making the setup weak on most trash PS but if the fight is too long then the setup's burst value loses its worth making it very Niche that said however mechanical Acuity on its own is a really strong burst set that is good to have access to for certain trash pull situations on tough ad pulls that require massive burst you compare mechanical Acuity with a set like solson and acity bomb trash dumping your ultimate and using your spam mables with perfect crit outputting anywhere from 400 to 500 K AOE DPS in an extremely short period of time this set has a pretty long cooldown though so you have to be selective when choosing which PS to use this setup in think detrimental trash PS such as the pole before fall Graven in vka the pull before boss a in vrg or the pole before Taria in vdsr as a note for maximum optimization you want to run double swords in the setup as well as infused body pieces as divines body pieces with the thief Munda Stone in daggers just increase our crit chance a stat that's brought up to 100% with Mecha Acuity divines is redundant with this set so increasing your resource pool is the next best DPS increase that you can get out of your gear pieces getting into the different buff sets that can be run on the sorc in update 40 though the sorc is an absolute single Target machine there are very few fights in the game that demand strictly single Target damage this makes the sorc a class that's not preferred as a full damage dealer in content but rather as a buff DED typically locked on one main target for the entire fight while the rest of the group handles the rest of the necessary cleave in addition to this the sorc provides one of the the strongest Buffs in the game major berserk threw our ultimate to all 12 allies in addition to being the only source in the game of minor prophecy a buff that increases spell damage by 1,314 which is given through the passive exploitation this passive is activated whenever we cast a dark magic ability which in this setup is anytime we cast a frag lasting for 20 seconds we will easily keep this up time at 100% for the group in this setup these Buffs make running one sorc somewhere in your raid comp East essential and since the sorc is a single Target machine it only makes sense to put them in a set that debuffs one target at a time anyway that set is Marshall knowledge a light armor set found in the overlandsummers stamina below 50% and to Simply light attack weave consistently since we normally pair the set with Riptide our medium armor trial set we will have to front bar MK which could require some micromanagement in up times as the set is only active for 5 seconds with an 8-second coold down a good sorc rotation means that we are on the front bar 85% of the time so this set should rarely drop the St sorc has very little problems with Stam sustain mainly due to the amount of Mag skills that we run in this setup so the struggle with running this set shouldn't be running out of resources if anything it should be keeping resources low enough which if you are aiming for 33% with Riptide anyway shouldn't be much of a problem if you find your Stam getting too high bash weave a few non-rapid strikes casts or roll cancel a high costing Stam ability like Stampede though this is the primary buff set SS running content there are a couple more worth being aware of in my opinion in score pushing scenarios you will typically run both fewer supports and fewer non-meta classes crows and dks just don't do near as much damage as The Meta classes nor do they provide essential and exclusive Buffs so they are typically the first to go whenever possible though the sorc can't effectively maintain EC for the crow or Zen for the DK it can maintain alkosh just as well as any other class Roar of alkosh is a medium armor set from The Trial ma of loros and is an absolutely essential buff DD set to have in your raid comp as it is pivotal in helping your group reach the 18,200 pen cap to ensure Max damage output since the sorc is mainly used for buff utility if you find yourself in a sweaty scenario or even an unoptimized group it could fall on your shoulders to run this set activating a Synergy applies a decent high damage dealing dot that also inflicts over a 6K pen debuff to any Target hit by its conal maintaining the set requires some knowledge of core combat mechanics every Synergy in the game has a 20-second cooldown and all but two synergies in the entire game are only visible to six players at a time the selection of who can see these synergies is random the exceptions are the purify Synergy provided by the Templars ritual and the combustion Synergy provided by either Mystic or healing orb both of these synergies can be seen by all 12 players alos is dot in debuff only lasts for 10 seconds so the most reliable way to keep this debuff active is to rotate these synergies consume purify wait 10 seconds until alkosh is about to expire then consume combustion and when alkosh expires 10 seconds later a total of 20 seconds will have passed and purify will be available again these are the only two synergies that you really have to avoid taking until alkosh is expiring any other Synergy you can gobble on cool down finally from The Trial huls of fabrication the last buff situation you could find yourself in is a sorc revolves around utilizing either Master architect or War Machine both provide major Slayer when you use your ultimate based on how much ult you consume these sets can be very effective in situations where running roaring opportunist on a Healer might not be practical such as vas for example likewise there are some good fights and Strat combinations in the game that allow Slayer sets to just naturally be good in general Slayer sets will provide more overall damage for your group in situations where you might consistently only have five to six damage dealers active at a time examples of this might be specific strats on the first boss in vdsr depending on how you split your group up and execute na'vi hard mode as three portal DDS are downstairs for the majority of the fight giving your upstair DDS longer and more consistent Slayer or on Reef Guardian hard mode where you'll always have at least two portal DDS downstairs outside of these fight types if you want all eight damage dealers in your group to get major Slayer you need two people in your group to run this set and utilize Slayer Stacks to ensure that the correct people get Slayer as these sets Target the closest five people if you do not split the group into two Slayer Stacks either a support might get the buff or a DD who already has it could get it again resulting in a pretty decent group damage loss the final element to note is based around the set's applicability on the sorc though not a primary choice in most situations since the sorc's ult is one of the main reasons this class is included in a raid comp there may be a situation where you want to time this ult out for either specific burst scenarios or put the ult on a rotation with somebody like a sorc tank the sorc tank is becoming more and more common in sweaty Trifecta and score pushing scenarios as Vamp drain builds a ton of ult and allows this tank to build in cast atro extremely quickly again Slater sets aren't commonly run on the sorc but they do have their place for our trash setup this patch not much is changing this information primarily pertains to PC but I believe is important for console players to be aware of as well in order to better be able to optimize for console rating the most common trash setup includes running Solon paired with Brier heart a set found in the overlandsummers amulet and The melstrom Inferno or bow Solan is the UNC tested meta in trash situations crit is King in these types of poles since they are so short and this set provides nearly 10% extra crit chance and 12% extra crit damage since trash PS are so short the crit chance makes our damage a bit burtier and allows us to still hit crit cap despite sources of crit damage not being instantly available or consistently applied in that short of a window regarding solon's counterpart in the past we've opted to run burning spell even trash as it offers the highest damage increase out of any other alternative in a much shorter window of time time however for stamina specs Bri heart ends up being a slightly stronger option offering a line of Stam rather than mag as well as a line of crit chance rather than weapon and spell damage both of these stat lines will be more preferable for a Stam spec for trash than the lines that burning spell weave offers making this craftable set slightly more preferable for our mythics this patch the go-to option for the sork will be the harpooners waiting Kilt this is simply the strongest Mythic in roughly 90% of trial scenarios The Kilt provides a ton of crit chance and 10% crit damage helping us to reach the crit damage cap when all other Buffs and debuffs are provided by the support in any fight where you aren't taking overt direct damage this Mythic will be the strongest damage output option especially on classes that don't get passive crit damage like the sorc however on fights where you take constant direct damage such as low card mode or even newer progression scenarios on first boss in vrg or vdsr this set loses its value in fights where you cannot run the Kilt you should opt to run the VOR mage's amulet Instead This Mythic increases our Damage Done by 15% at the cost of your light attack damage which on the sorc accounts for about 7 to 9% of our DPS output resulting in a net 5 to 7% total damage increase in order to hit crit cap with this Mythic you'd have to slot fighting finesse over wrathful strikes in AOE situations though this will be the strongest overall option for damage period since we can only light Attack One Target at a time in an AOE fight light attacks will account for a much smaller percentage of our overall DPS output for this reason buffing are abilities that will do damage to all Targets at a value of 15% will be worth far more overall DPS than the killed since the trade-off becomes a minimal hit this is the reason we will choose to use this Mythic in trash pulse in addition to AOE type fights like Reef guardian or boss a hard mode for example finally spal of Rune is a must-have Mythic on one player somewhere in the raid comp providing 260 weapon and spell damage to six players but reducing your health mag in Stam by 70 for each player hit so up to 420 this is best run on classes that don't really struggle with sustain like the sorc or by classes that are running the set Marshall knowledge which requires your stamp pool to sit under 50% in order to receive its group buffing benefits running this Mythic will make it easier to keep your stamp pool lower without really having to focus on keeping it Low by casting extra Stam abilities or even bash weaving in some scenarios for our monster sets this patch the strongest option for the sorc in the vast majority of content will be ma of the infernal coming from the dungeon banished cells 2 this set provides very competitive damage to other meta monster sets on its own which makes it a must-have on the Sor since it does receive a damage increase from DC pre ma will provide a solid amount of single Target and AOE damage and should be run whenever possible on this class the only downside is that the monster seemingly cannot be controlled as well as your pets so if the monster from the set seems to be attacking the incorrect Target consistently you might consider one of the other options next up Zan the set comes from the dungeon scale color peak and it provides the next best overall single Target damage after ma for the sorc Zan's proc conditions are simple requiring a light attack to crit which tethers a fiery beam to your target this beam ramps up in damage over 10 seconds and afflicts your target with burning this results in a Max tick of 22k for the proc itself its one piece is also a line of crit which is the best stat line in the game the damage itself from the proc is only beaten individually by the set Kar but because of the extra up times we get with burning in its one piece Zan ends up being one of the strongest overall monster sets that we can use for single Target while the set can provide some AOE damage it's not reliable and it does require you to be somewhat in melee range if you need AOE damage or cannot stay within melee range of the boss I'd suggest using something different if you're looking for raw and bursty AOE damage grar will be the best option this set comes from the dungeon vaults of Madness though its single Target will not hold up to that of any of the previously mentioned options grar will work really well for trash type fights if you have room for a monster set or don't have access to the previously mentioned trash setup grar proc simply off of damage done and does its damage in a huge AOE radius over a very short duration of 5 Seconds in only having a 10 second cool down lining up very well with most trash PS next up from the dungeon March of sacrifices borgs is used to maximize single Target burst damage borgs offers weapon and spell damage equal to the amount of ult you consume in physical and spell penetration 23 times the amount of ult you consume ideally for a burst fight such as the spider and vhof for the snake and vrg you would save a 500 ultimate for the start of a fight and get the massive weapon and spell damage and penetration increase that the set would provide for an ulti that large for about the duration of the entire fight there are very few situations where this is possible as those Buffs only last 12 seconds but in the fights mentioned that's about how long you either have to do damage to the Target before it becomes invulnerable or about how long the fight should last anyway finally when running an arena weapon in Mythic combo you'll have room for a one piece monster bonus slime craw gives the strongest bonus out of any other set oddly being the only Helm whose one piece provides 771 crit chance compared to every other Monster's one piece crit chance being 657 you'll opt for this one piece crit assuming all penetration Buffs are adequate however if for what whatever reason you're short on penetration whether it be a big AOE fight or related to The Raid comp or poor up times from the support you can opt to run a set that offers a line of pens such as Arch Druid CAG or vcon scoria to try to account for this discrepancy as they each give 1487 pen as their one piece bonus finally for our Arena weapons this patch the sorc is a bit unique as The Meta single Target setup for this class involves running an arena weapon due to the amount of sources of direct damage the class possesses because of this the melstrom great sword is unmatched in PS output for the sorc the set increases the damage of your direct damage attacks by up to 560 this value is a bit ambiguous but ends up being a massive damage increase to over 70% of the sorc's sources of damage the most important of which is rapid strikes since the ability tis four times each tick gets this increase in damage the melstrom great swword is the primary reason that we can get over 140k single Target DPS on the dummy on this class and is an absolute must have the next best option for single Target if you don't want want to have to worry about managing clunky great sword skills are the Black Rose daggers you would simply slot deadly cloak over stampede on the back bar and whenever cloak ticks you get both a 6% damage increase to all of your damage as well as a 6% decrease in damage taken though not quite as strong as the VMA great swword this is still a competitive option when running a bow the Master's bow becomes a really strong option giving 330 weapon and spell damage to targets infected by poison arrow since the changes to weapons in update 39 bows have become extremely competitive with the typically metal weapon options running a melee setup that involves back barring the VMA great sword will be manageable in 95% of content but for those rare situations where you cannot use melee abilities on a Target such as the boss in vas when he jumps through the air you'll maintain better time on target with a ranged setup and the Master's bow works conceptually the same as the VMA great swword with just a little less overall boost to your damage next up the mom Inferno with wall of elements is one of the strongest AOE sets in the game the damage increase provided to wall makes its damage great greater than or equal to skills like Talons on the DK its single Target is not the absolute strongest but it is within 3 to 4K of options like the melstrom great sword making this a go-to option for trash situations on the stam spec of the swor however with so many mag based abilities sustaining mag in trash poles can get very difficult if you cannot sustain wall of elements plus the VMA Inferno your next best bet will be the VMA bow this set provides a comparable damage boost but to endless hail a very strong stamina based AOE that does incredible damage in trash likewise AOE boss situations where you cannot maintain the VMA Inferno you could consider slotting this weapon instead since we won't reap the benefits of stampede plus the VMA great swword nearly as effectively in an AOE boss type fight as rapid strikes Only Hits one target however this is really an option you consider only if you don't have access to vti as that will be a bit better of a damage boost than this weapon in AOE boss type fights anyway getting into the different primary skills that is the skill skill that we run on the dummy this will act as a general guideline that we'll use when discussing the different Flex options that we can utilize instead of some of the given primary skills starting on the front bar with volatile familiar this is one of the strongest abilities on our bar and one of the few AOE skills on this class The Familiar has two components to damage the first of which you get so long as the Scamp simply exists dealing up to 13k damage per tick resulting in about 5k DPS over the course of an entire fight the second component is the activated ability which deals damage in an AOE radius around the Scamp doing a to 18K per tick resulting in about 6 to 7K DPS over the course of a fight altogether this ability will output about 11 to 12K DPS when maintained well making it the strongest dot on our bar the only downside to this ability is that the second tick will stun targets making this ability one that you have to be a little careful with in fights where tanks need to be able to chain small ads such as trash PS for example it's up to you to make good decisions on holding off casting this ability in these types of scenarios but it will amount to a pretty sizable damage loss when you do unfortunately Twilight Tormentor is another really strong source of damage on this class only doing slightly less overall DPS than the maintained familiar following suit with two damage components the base ability is far stronger than the Scamp on its own doing nearly 10K DPS over the course of a fight with a Max tick of 32k however its activated ability which we only use as a pre-buff increases the damage of this ability by 60% which is a lot of the reason this Max tick is so high unfortunately this damage increase is only seen to targets above 50% Max health and isn't really worth the cast throughout the fight since it costs so much and the Damage increase it provides is very minimal this really is a stick it on and leave it type ability I hear people argue a lot on the Scamp versus Tormentor thought process which pet you should use when my opinion based on numbers is that Scamp is the stronger ability mainly because we cast the Scamp and don't cast the Tormentor but this goes tenfold in AOE situations however the benefit to Tormentor is that you never have to cast it which leaves room for more spammable casts throughout a fight this makes Tormentor not necessarily better for single Target but better for burst oriented situations where your spammable accounts for a much higher percentage of your overall DPS output anyway so I would run the Scamp for long single Target fights or any AOE situation in the Tormentor for burst scenarios when specking with only one pet next up dri prey is one of the strongest and most important abilities in this toolkit this ability does a very small amount of damage on application and does the majority of its damage when the skill expires providing a massive tick maxing out at about 65k this results in roughly 7 to 8K DPS over the course of a fight outside of the raw damage the skill does the primary value of this ability is somewhat passive as when the skill is active it provides a 45% increase in damage to your pets affecting the Scamp Tormentor monster set and ultimate on the sorc it Buffs every single one of our highest damage dealing abilities as well as being one of our highest damage dealing dots Crystal frags is the strongest damage dealing ability on our bar the skill itself can be hard casted as a spammable to be used if you are out of stamina for whatever reason in in place of a skill like rapid strikes with only a slight DPS loss for doing so however its main source of damage is the proc whenever you cast a non-ultimate ability on the same bar that frags is slotted on you have a 33% chance to proc an insanely powerful frag proc that deals nearly 100K damage just 30 of these over the course of a fight can result in nearly 20K DPS since this ability is so strong we need to make it a priority in casting because sometimes we can get frag procs back to back if we cast an ability while a frag proc is ready we miss the opportunity for a to proc again missing just one of these can result in a huge damage loss rapid strikes is our go-to spammable on this class this skill is a little Annoying to cast as it has A8 second Channel ticking four times over its duration ramping up in damage by 5% of the previous Tick's damage with each tick this results in a Max hit of 22k meaning that the skill can do up to about 80k total damage in one cast if all four strikes crit this ability is responsible for the largest DPS share of any source of damage outputting 23 to 25k DPS over the course of an entire fight part of what makes this ability so strong though is the fact that we pair it with the melstrom Greatsword which adds up to 560 damage per tick to this ability making it the strongest single Target spammable option for the stamsorc more about using the skill in the rotation section of the video our ultimate a choice for the sorc greater storm atono is the strongest single Target ultimate for this class casted only three times throughout a fight this ult does over 10K DPS making it one of the strongest raw damage dealing ultimates in the entire game outside of this having a sorc with this ultimate in group is essential as it provides the charged lightning Synergy to your allies giving them major berserk a buff that increases Damage Done by 10% the hro does a pretty strong tick of damage on land as well hitting for over 50k so it's important to make sure that you're casting this ult in a spot where it will hit the target and be close enough to your allies to give them a chance to use this Synergy moving on to the back bar we have to slot Scamp and tormentor here otherwise they will unsummon whenever we bar swap so our next skill Stampede is is another really strong dot in this toolkit with an initial strike that is a guaranteed crit hitting for up to 33k providing about 2k DPS over the course of a fight and whose dot has a max tick of about 7K dealing roughly 5K damage per second over the course of a fight altogether the skill will do about 7 to 9k Total DPS making it comparable in raw damage output to a skill like dri prey that said Stampede is even more essential in this setup as casting the skill procs the effects of the melstrom Greatsword for 18 seconds dramatically increasing nearly every ability's damage in this toolkit it's important to note that even though the damage of this skill is very strong we mainly use this skill for our Arena weapons effects Stampede lasts for 15 seconds and the BMA great swords effects lasts for 18 seconds so it's okay to let Stampede drop for a second or two if something more important like a frag proc prey or trap needs to be reapplied without suffering in damage much if at all Barb trap is our primary source of minor Force as we spend the majority of our time on the front bar with that bar being home to the major majority of our high damage dealing abilities as well we will choose to run trap on the front bar to give our strongest abilities a bit of a damage buff through the Slayer passive in the fighter Guild tree this passive increases our weapon and spell damage by 3% per fighter Guild ability slotted outside of its buff importance trap itself does a considerable amount of damage providing only a little less DPS than skills like dgen or scalding Rune at a value of roughly 4K damage per second while also giving really strong hemorrhaging up times producing an extra 3 to 4K DPS as well next up Hurricane of all of the skills on our bar this is likely our primary Flex slot hurricane gives us more damage than just about any other alternative providing around 5 to 6K DPS in a large AOE radius over a fight's entire duration with a Max tick of about 19k this damage makes hurricane only slightly stronger than all of the flex skills that we are going to discuss shortly but also makes it the first to go if we need to run other skills for the sake of utility finally for our ultimate on the back bar power overload I absolutely Lo this ultimate but it is very strong this skill converts your light attacks into lightning bolts that do a ton of damage consuming 25 ult per light attack that you use so ideally you'll use this at the beginning of a parse until your ultimate reaches 215 at which point you'll be able to cast one more light attack and then throw your storm atro doing so automatically turns power overload off and you will not cast it for the rest of the fight you should be able to get about 15 Total light attacks with this ability active which will result in an astounding 6K DPS remember this stat is measured over the entire 2 and 1/2 minute fight and while only being active for the first 15 to 20 seconds is an insane amount of burst damage that this ult initially produces these takes a damage Max at about 67k damage which is free you simply get it for light attack weaving it's incredibly tricky to use well and requires some practice though making this a topic that we will revisit in the rotation [Music] section getting into the flex skills for the sorcerer that is the most commonly used exceptions to the primary skills that I myself and many others use in content depending on a given fight starting in the dark magic skill tree with dark conversion this skill acts as a decent burst heal as well as an extremely useful skill for resource restoration offering 10,000 health and 4500 MaGa on initial cast and another 3,000 Maga over 20 seconds all at the cost of about 3K stamina up in situations where you might need to run a heal you could consider this option if you don't need to heal very often and or have sustain issues maybe in certain solo Mech type situations you have to be careful though as this skill does have a brief cast time so you can't really use it as a crutch heal since casting the skill does make you vulnerable for a moment this skill also offers minor berserk but this is largely irrelevant as this is a buff that should be provided via the healer's combat prayer the other more dark deal heals for a little less and restores stamina instead of Maga at the cost of Mag if you're primary struggle is Stam sustain and you're in a situation where you might need some sort of healing as mentioned previously you can run this morph instead dark deal also grants minor berserk and minor Force though again these Buffs are typically provided elsewhere much more consistently d Minefield is a really strong AOE skill when you can get the Target or targets to hit multiple mines it is quite expensive to cast however making it rarely worth using for boss fights but more so specific types of trash poles especially if the trash pole is wave based meaning the ads spawn wave after wave like in sunspire for example this will be a great skill to run in the dri summoning skill tree the other morph of tormentor the Twilight matriarch offers one of the absolute strongest burst heals in the game when cast rather than providing a 60% damage increase to the ability in theory the sounds like a good trade-off since we never cast our Tormentor outside of a pre-buff however the base damage of this ability will take 1 to 2K less overall than the Tormentor as well making this morph a bit situational the damage difference is very small but if you are not in a situation where this type of healing is overtly helpful you will get more damage out of the Tormentor if you are progressing through content where the occasional tap of this burst heal could help a lot though you can run this morph without too much of a DPS loss for example if you find yourself doing the vsss portals an experienced group should rarely take much damage any Dam damage taken is a mistake if somebody makes a mistake you can save their life very easily with a quick cast of this ability while still easily being able to make the burn required to clear the vsss hard mode portal Mech as well this may also allow your damage dealers to take their own source of healing off completely and rely on you instead increasing overall group DPS at a very small hit to your individual DPS a skill worth being aware of for sure hardened or regenerative Ward is our go-to shield in content where we might need to run a damage shield for a little extra mitigation in most 12-man content with two healers it's pretty easy to achieve a healing output that is heals per second that match your max Health in these situations running additional sources of healing will be redundant instead mitigating damage with a damage Shield essentially adding Health to your health bar will be far more effective for your survivability Harden Ward gives a larger overall Shield while empowered Ward offers minor intellect and endurance to you and your allies it's completely up to you which one you'd like to run if the content isn't reliant on a shield but more so helpful you can run empowered maybe in vast for example but if content requires a shield for certain portions of the fight and or Strat you may run hardened like on some fall Graven hard mode strategies for example found armaments is a bit of a niche skill for the sorc that does a strong amount of damage but not more than anything else that we have in this toolkit there are some scenarios where you might want to remove a pet whether it be for more burst damage in a trial like vas or for fights where ad control can wreak havoc on your tanks which ends up giving us the bar space to run this ability it works a lot like the night blades mercil is resolve slotting the ability causes your light attacks to summon a bound weapon stacking up to four times at four Stacks activating the ability causes them to strike your target once every. 3 seconds doing a big chunk of damage while slotted this ability also increases our Max stand by 8% which results in a pretty sizable increase in damage to any ability on the bar it's slotted on as well again a skill to use on the front bar in one pet scenarios the other morph of Greater storm atro the charged atro instead does its damage once every 2 seconds instead of 1 for 12 seconds instead of 10 and in a large AOE radius the trade-off is that the skill will do about 1 to 2K less overall DPS in a pure single Target situation this morph still gives the incredibly important charge lightning Synergy that grants your group members major berserk though for this reason in any type of AOE boss fight you should run this morph instead as it does only slightly less damage but does its insane damage to all Targets around it even in trash poles though a skill like shooting star or Elemental rage could do a little more individual damage this ultimate will be comparable in DPS output and give your allies major berserk for this reason we will opt for this morph of the atro in most content in the storm calling tree starting with lightning flood this is a pretty strong AOE that you can use in cleave type situations like trash PES or AOE boss fights there are likely some stronger overall options to use but this AOE is worth noting as it provides decent damage as well as a Synergy called conduit which does a good amount of damage and helps provide an additional Synergy for alkosh as well critical surge is our go-to heal on the sork this skill heals us every time we do crit damage for nearly a quarter of our health as long as you're doing damage which you always should be this skill will be healing for a ton throughout the course of whatever fight you're doing critical surge is awesome because it lasts forever and forces you to do damage to stay alive making it a go-to heal in Solo type 12-man scenarios like vsss or Reef Guardian hard mode portals getting into the two-hand tree the main skill to note is carve while the skill itself is not a particularly strong dot only outputting a combined total of about 5k DPS that is 4K for the dot and about 1K for the damage on application it is slightly stronger than other Flex Alternatives that we could run the main value that we get out of this skill is its duration car has one of the longest timers in the game lasting for up to 32 seconds when stacked three times long damage over time effects like this allow for more casts of our spammable resulting in more overall DPS than other slightly higher damage dealing Alternatives when running one pet as discussed with bound armaments you'll likely slot this skill on the back bar moving into the D wield tree whirling blades is the raw strongest AOE spammable in the game this morph increases the damage Dage of this ability by up to 100% to enemies with less than 50% Health doing more damage the less Health a target has this in combination with the dual wield passive Slaughter which increases damage with dual wield abilities by 20% to targets under 25% Health makes this skill incredibly strong and bursty for short fights like trash PS for example above 50% whirling blades can tick upwards of about 45k and Below 25% the skill has a max tick of 88.5k resulting in about 7.5k DPS over the course of a long single Target fight obviously the value of the fight increases dramatically in AOE boss type fights or trash poles in trash poles this is a must have over rapid strikes no questions asked however in AOE boss fights though this will be the strongest spammable option that we have access to we have to ensure that we can sustain its high cost and that we can be within melee range of all Targets a good example of when to use this skill could be Reef Guardian hard mode however if you cannot meet these conditions you should run silver shards instead getting into the bow skill tree bowo setups are are rarely meta in content scenarios however if you do find yourself in that situation lethal arrow is one of the strongest spam mables that we can use on this class lethal Arrow has a max tick of about 61k and will output around 10K DPS over the course of a fight lethal Arrow also gives us a consistent source of the poison status effect which will add another 2K overall DPS compared to a skill like rapid strikes as well since we won't be able to run rapid strikes in a bow bow setup lethal Arrow becomes the strongest spam option for the stam Sor andless hail is a go-to skill over Stampede when running a bow this AOE will provide more overall DPS output than any other dot alternative such as dgen or scalding Rune on its own which makes it more worth running it also does its damage in a large AOE radius however it will by no means be the strongest skill in this toolkit only slightly outperforming skills like scalding Rune in single Target situations for the stamsorc running this skill paired with the VMA bow is a very effective way to do trash damage as sustaining the more powerful wall plus VMA Inferno will typically do more damage but can be impractical with how many mag skills we already have in this setup as a stamina based tune if you cannot sustain wall in trash endless hail plus VMA bow is the next best option when opting for a bow in Boss situations you will usually do so for the sake of range and or burst damage which makes the Master's bow an incredibly strong option to run this means that you would have to slot poison injection the skill itself is a pretty decent dot really doing its damage towards the end of a fight but is most relevant due to the set that it's paired with which offers 330 weapon and spell damage to targets Afflicted with poison injection providing an increase in a stat line that increases the DPS of all of our sources of damage will be more preferable in shorter and burtier fights to buffing only our direct damage with the VMA great sword getting into the destruction staff skill tree starting with unstable wall of elements in trash situations running wall of elements when running a staff on the back bar is an absolute must assuming you can sustain it as wall remains one of the strongest dots in the game outputting roughly 5 to 7K DPS in a large AOE radius unstable wall is a bit niche as the timing of the fight's phases have to line up well enough to make unstable worth using for example if a phase lasts 30 seconds and the boss goes invol but wall explodes three full times perfectly within a fight unstable will be stronger than blockade blockade however is usually your go-to morph of wall in content spamable Encompass a large overall percentage of our DPS output making dots with longer durations a bit more preferable in order to get more overall spammable casts in situations where wall does not line up perfectly this will be the go-to morph getting into the Fighters Guild Tree Silver shards is the spammable run on the sorc most typically in AOE boss situations but is one of the weakest spammable listed here silver shards will output roughly 7K DPS over the course of a single Target dummy fight a value that obviously increases in an AOE situation and has a max tick of just 47k with just a 5 m radius that is 1 M less than whirling blades silver shards will fire bolts at other enemies near the original Target but deal 22% less damage this is never a skill that you want to run in trash as whirling blades is just better so you would only consider this skill against whirling blades in AOE boss type fights whirling has a larger radi does not have a damage penalty for hitting other ads and simply does more damage however whirling costs much more and requires you to be within melee range of your Targets this makes silver shards a spammable option that we run in content when we either cannot sustain or when we cannot effectively utilize whirling if you can sustain whirling and stay within melee range though you should choose it over silver shards camo Hunter is a strong buff option when attempting to maximize either burst damage or simply maximize damage with your layer as well as provides minor berserk while slotted in flanking your target minor berserk is usually sourced by combat prayer given by the healers however certain fights in the game such as vas make it impossible for the healers to keep adequate minor berserk up times on the DDS making the skill extremely valuable in that fight and others like it finally whenever running heroism potions this skill is one of few options that can be used to ensure that you are getting major prophecy the crit buff typically provided by spell power pots consistently on the slotted bar when running old pots and when in a one pet spec you'll use usually double bar this skill on this class that can't Source it via class abilities in the mag's guild tree degeneration is a solid single Target magic of flex dot to be aware of outputting roughly 4 to 5K DPS the dot itself is only ever used if you have nothing better to run with one exception this morph provides major sorcery and brutality above typically provided by our spell or weapon power potions so if you don't have the major sorcery and brutality sourced through your tank via ous weapons and you want to run ulti pots you have to run the skill the other morph structured entropy provides a nice balance B between damage and survivability this morph does just as much damage as Deen but rather than providing the spell and weapon damage Buffs it gives a decent little heal over time this is a go-to skill for longer fights where you shouldn't really need a burst heal per se especially if you're experienced but where simply having some sort of healing would be necessary the primary example that comes to mind is the vsss hard mode portal mechanic ideally you don't want to have to sacrifice damage by slotting a heal if you can avoid it and with enough practice and experience structured can be enough to get you through the fight scalding Rune is a decent AOE magic of flex do to be aware of outputting roughly 4 to 5K DPS this skill is only slightly weaker than D gen but provides strong burst on impact as well as a decent in Long damage overtime effect that will apply to any Target hit by the initial application this skill isn't reliable as a source of AOE damage but is still more worthwhile than dein assuming it can hit just two Targets in the sigic order tree Race Against Time is a solid skill that can be used as a pre-buff to boss fights or in trash PS if you cannot run veloy as a source of minor Force giving it to the caster for 20 seconds when used in situations where you might not be able to pre-buff with trap you can quickly slot use an unslot Race Against Time to ensure that you have minor Force as the fight begins until you're able to naturally cast trap in your rotation likewise in trash PS it is rarely ever worth using trap even for the minor Force as your spammable just holds too much value in these incredibly short fights this makes Race Against Time an ideal skill to slot instead to pop between poles getting into the undaunted skill tree starting with Shadow silk though I've never seen this skill used in cont sent by a DD Shadow silk is still a noteworthy skill in my opinion it is likely the weakest skill listed here but not by much it act as a pretty decent Stam AOE outputting a Solid 5 to 6K DPS but with a massive handicap of only being 10 seconds long in a meta where spamblog and you might want to add an extra Stam OE to compensate for this assuming caltrops isn't already slotted which wouldn't always be a terrible idea Mystic orb provides more damage than any of the flex slots such as dgen Rune Shadow silk or C trops and provides the group with the combustion Synergy which does a ton of damage and restores resources the only problem is that like Shadow silk it only lasts 10 seconds and orb is not really strong enough to be worth the amount of casts you'd have to spend it's probably a good idea to have at least either one DD or one of your support run this skill for the sake of overall group DPS but it will be a personal damage loss finally getting into the assault skill tree starting with resolving Vigor this is one of the strongest heals that any class has access to period not only does resolving Vigor provide a massive heal over time it also gives minor resolve increasing physical and spell resistances by about 3,000 this doesn't sound like a huge deal but this provides a noticeable increase in survivability in any situation where you might have to perform me away from healing this should be a go-to its other morph echoing Vigor though I've seen used quite often in sweaty 4 and 12-man situations where you might opt to drop the Healer altogether in fourman or only run one Healer in 12 man for example if you drop the Healer in fourman it's usually wise to have all three DD slot echoing and if the group is experienced enough this amount of healing will suffice for most content likewise in 12-man content a group pushing score in vsss might use only one Healer slot 3 DDS with echoing Vigor and stack this heal three times on all the damage dealers for the beam phase on Lo's hard mode this heal is very strong and this alone is enough to survive a damage intensive mechanic as as mentioned in an extremely experienced group anti-cavalry cou trops is my go-to Flex skill for this class as it provides as much damage as dgen or hurricane roughly 4 to 5K in a large AOE radius this skill also costs stamina making it a useful addition to a bar setup for the sake of making mag sustain easier if you have a free slot and don't really know what to use you cannot go wrong with Cal trops the other morph Razer Cal trops provides the same amount of damage per second but doesn't give as much overall value as anti- calvalry Cal trops due to its 10-second duration as opposed to the other morphs 15 this skill is extremely useful though in Solo or fourman content for the sake of AOE major breach when you don't have anybody to provide this buff for you Razer Cal trops will end up being a must have since this is one of the only sources of major breach the damage dealing spec of the sorc has access to and hitting pen cap on all of your targets is one of the most important steps in doing good damage finally proximity detonation is a really strong burst oriented skill that can be used in trash poles the goal is to cast the skill as a pre-buff attempting to time the cast so that the skill goes off right at the beginning of the poll before anything dies this skill does its damage based on Target's hit so you want to make sure that it hits your primary target in addition to all of the little ads usually associated with trash PS to maximize its value if you can use it as a pre-buff consistently in this way it will be worth slotting before getting into the static and dynamic rotations for the sorcerer I'd like to go over all of the fundamental elements in doing damage that will help you gain some understanding in how the static rotation was designed and how it functions as well as explain important elements in doing good damage on this class in order to maximize your damage with the slightly more complicated but higher damage dealing Dynamic rotation with that nothing is more important on the sorc than our frag procs most high numbers that you see on a par dummy involve completing the fight over and over again until you get enough of the right skills to crit well and above your average crit chance usually you want your spammable ultimate in a few of your highest damage dealing abilities to crit well to put up that monster parse but the sorc has an added element with frag proc RNG in any High parse not only do you have to crit Farm to get the right abilities to crit well but you also need to have an insane amount of frag procs as well this can get very tedious but it is an essential component to the sorc to ensure that we are getting as many frag procs as possible we should cast the proc whenever it's available as an absolute priority as casting any skill on the front bar has a chance to give another frag if we have an important skill running out like prey for example and we choose to cast that over a ready frag proc we missed the opportunity to instead use the frag proc cast prey and then get another one as well and with that dric pre is one of the absolute most important skills in this toolkit since we are running a total of four pets a huge chunk of our overall DPS output will be based on how well we keep the skill active in order to maximize our damage on this class we must cast prey as a priority so much so that our entire static rotation is based around keeping the skill up 100% of the time the only skill that we prioritize over prey is a frag proc every second that this skill is not active our potential ticks from seven total sources of damage on the cmx that will result in ticks of damage significantly weaker than their potential allow for however the skill itself accounts for a ton of damage as well being one of the strongest dots on our bar you only get this damage if the skill fully expires so reapplying it too early also results in a massive damage loss this requires an extreme amount of micromanaging casting the skill perp ly within a window that allows the skill to tick without losing the damage increase it gives to your pets you can keep track of the skill in one of two ways either keep an internal metronome counting prey 1 2 3 4 5 prey and so on or keep an eye on the timer and only cast as many skills as seconds are left on that timer if you visually see 2.2 seconds left on the skill you should only have two more skill casts until prey needs to be reapplied if you have 1 second or even 8 seconds left you have one more skill to cast until prey can be reapplied another important element in doing damage is based around our set procs the sets in this build aren't too terribly difficult to maintain we have advancing yita active on the front bar which with a properly maintained rotation we should be spending over 85% of our total time on the front bar so as long as we are light attack weaving well and consistently maintaining this set shouldn't be a problem Coral Riptide is a little trickier as the set requires our stamina to be at 33% and below in order to maximize the set's damage historically the sorc sustain as been terrible but the cheap skill rapid strikes in combination with all of our mag abilities on the spec one of which we cast one in every six skills makes the challenge with this set keeping our stamina low enough in order to achieve this you should start at about 30% stamina and only take A Shard if you are gasping for resources take your potion on coold down to maintain its Buffs and if you ever find that you are above 40% stamina bash weave one or two skill casts to get back below 33% in terms of weaving on this class the sorc is one of the trickiest in the game since the rotation on the spec is so easy Once you have it down the vast majority of your damage increase will come from weaving well in addition to frag and crit RNG of course the most difficult skill to weave is power overload essentially this ultimate turns your light attacks into a skill cast applying a 1second coold down to your light attacks the same way it exists for your abilities some weapons can light attack quicker than others daggers in fact being one of the quicker weapons but this ult negates that function completely typically to light attack weave well you simply have to place your light attack within a window that would allow for it to be queed between the ability queue attempting to cast your skills exactly 1 second apart while casting light attacks at any point within about a half second window before the next skill cast with this ult active however you have to cast your light attacks exactly 1 second apart as well as your skills requiring consistent Precision for the duration of this ult similarly rapid strikes as a8c cast time requiring even further Precision with the stam sorc again you typically have a half-second window to queue your light attack before the next skill cast while still maintaining the 1second gcd however rapid strikes Narrows that window as you cannot cue an ability while in the middle of a channel requiring you to hold off on queuing that light attack in next skill cast until the absolute last second running a spammable like this can throw off the entire feeling of rotation as transitioning between our most cast skill with this weird Quirk to every other ability that weaves normally takes some practice to do well I strongly advise that you play around with the skill until you're confident that you can weave it on its own as fast as possible possible and then once you know what that looks like try to integrate it with other skill casts outside of a full parse the final skill that weaves strangely is Stampede this skill locks you in place for 1 second unable to cast any ability or bar swap as a part of its natural function however this can be broken in order to get Stampede to work like any other ability you simply need to move any sort of movement done while casting Stampede will break the lock a slight wiggle of the thumb stick or tap of the W key while casting Stampede is enough to do the trick in terms of bar swapping with rapid strikes being a channel ability we want to avoid bar swapping off of this skill which means that we will need to make some decisions regarding our back bar timers and letting them either drop off or get them reapplied a little early in general the goal of any rotation is to keep all of your dots active reapply them the second they expire and use your spammable when nothing needs to be reapplied sounds simple due to our channeled spammable however we cannot simply swap to the back bar at a moment's notice we have to do a little bit of planning on the front bar we can bar swap off of scamp a frag proc and dri prey if any of our back bar abilities are going to run out we should attempt to wait until one of these skills are ready to be cast or reapplied cast that ability bar Swap and reapply the back bar ability however we don't want to do this if important skills like Stampede or trap are going to fall off for too long for example if Stampede has 1 second left prey has 5 seconds left and Scamp has 4 seconds left we are going to lose the buff from the melstrom great swword that makes Rapid Strike so strong we can either hope for a frag proc to swap off of or we can reapply a skill on the front bar early casting prey early negates its damage so in this scenario we would choose to reapply Scamp early getting into this situation is usually avoidable with good preparation though if prey has 4 seconds left it means that we could have probably reapplied Stampede early when it was at 2 seconds being able to Bar swap off of prey when it was last cast instead of having to reapply a skill like Scamp early and waste of spammable and with that in this setup there are some key skills that we want to allow to fully expire for the sake of damage maximization obviously the main skill to note is prey we lose any insane amount of damage for letting the skill fall off for even a second let it fully expire to get the tick of damage and then instantly reapply it this is the key to damage on a sorc however our skill hurricane ramps up in damage as the skill progresses through its timer this is one skill that we should not only let fully expire but even be okay with allowing to fall off for a second or two if necessary since there isn't a massive penalty for the skill being down for too long if we are in a situation similar to earlier with hurricane on the back bar expiring and no ability on the front bar immediately expiring as well we can simply let hurricane drop until a skill on the front bar is available to cast to be bar swapped off of as a final somewhat miscellaneous note related to this topic always try to cast Scamp on the front bar when you reapply it to give yourself an additional chance at a frag proc likewise try to reapply trap 1 second early so that your minor Force doesn't fall off while the new cast of trap is doing its 1se second arming animation the final way to add a little bit of damage to your parse is based on how you pre-buff I've always argued in the past that the PC 21 mil parses are always mimic on console and this is held true for every class for example Charles posted a 132k stamark for update 40 and a player on Xbox na named codec put up a 135k parse however if you are a console player you need to look out for this pretty smart pre-buff set that was being used in some record pushes on PC when you could pre-buff with resonating glyphic combat function that set is clever Alchemist it gives over 600 weapon and spell damage for 20 seconds pre-b buffing with skill swaps like channeled acceleration Dawn breaker Stam dumping all that is possible on console with a little finesse in practice a clever Alchemist par straight up cannot be replicated on Console though if you are on PC you should take advantage of this score pushing is all about taking advantage of all of these Niche little combat elements figuring out ways that you can abuse game mechanics in a legal way essentially there's no reason that you can't practice this concept on the 21 mil so if you want to maximize your damage on the sorcin if you're on PC your pre-buff should involve a clever ALK wizard setup this is tough to do and you have to go fast hit the dummy pop a potion reset it swap out of the setup and then this is where you begin on Console as a note clever Alchemist should add no more than 1 to 2K total to the parse so just expect to be a hair lower cast Race Against Time Dawn breaker then hit the well on Console manually swap Channel than Dawn breaker for asro and Rapids hit Rapids six times swap that out and then start the pre-buff this will give you a few seconds of dawn breaker going into the parse Miner forces you ENT the parse and bring your Stam below 33% for Riptide this entire pre-buff only adds a total of maybe 3 to 4K to your entire parse and that's being a bit generous they don't really do a ton for the Casual player but for those interested in complete Min maxing and pushing as much damage as possible this is a fun challenge that will add some damage finally a word of advice practice efficiently it will never ever be worth doing full parse after full parse for hours at a time for the sake of productive and efficient Improvement I wouldn't suggest doing full parses for more than an hour otherwise you're just going to get drained and start regressing there is only so much Improvement that you can make in one setting take a break and come back refreshed furthermore you'll maximize your efficiency by isolating areas of the rotation that need work whether it be specific skills that you aren't weaving well certain skill combinations in the static rotation or losing track of certain timers in the dynamic rotation as opposed to full parses isolating and practicing the things that need Improvement will translate to an increase in your full parses much faster focus on and isolate the areas of your rotation that need work don't waste time doing full parse after full parse which just has you practicing the things that you don't need to work on only go into an hour of full parse after full parse once you are competent in these damage dealing Concepts and in whichever rotation you decide to use I promise you will see much quicker Improvement if you practice like this getting into the actual rotations for the stamina sorcerer starting with the static rotation I built this Roto to be extremely beginner friendly I managed to hit about 133k with the static rotation and 37k with the dynamic rotation skipping the niche pre-buff discussed earlier that could have added another 1 to 2K with a bit more practice some crit farming and by utilizing the pre-buff both parses could likely see 3 to 4K added pretty easily for this reason I would estimate that the static rotation should provide about 5 to 7K less overall DPS than the dynamic rotation maxing out at around 137k and with that getting into the static rotation this Roto capitalizes on one of the most important topics covered in the previous section dri prey we will cast a total of three praise per rotation reapplying all of our dots about once every 18 seconds this means that most of our abilities will be reapplied a little early but not by much and that we never lose the damage bonus from the melstrom Greatsword while spamming all while being able to reapply dri prey as soon as it expires the Roto is incredibly simple and again a fantastic starting point if you're new to the class getting into the demonstration check the previous section of this video if you want to take a look at the super sweaty minmaxed pre-buff that will add a few K to your porse if you're not interested in the small damaging increase this is where you begin make sure that your stamina is below 33% for good Coral Riptide maintenance start far enough away from the dummy so that Scamp and hurricane do not erroneously start the fight pre-buff with power overload Tormentor Scamp hurricane then run up to the dummy and throw trap plus the first light attack signaling the opening of the parse that opening goes Stampede pre spam five times pray spam five times then we will start the actual rotation which we will repeat until the dummy is at about 5% that rotation goes pre Scamp trap hurricane Stampede spam once pre spam five times pre spam five times and repeat as a note in content Tormentor is worth a cast as a pre-buff but never worth a cast in an actual fight literally casting any other ability will result in a higher tick of damage then the Tormentor ability can provide below 50% boss HP above 50% the ability is decent it just costs a lot and barely if at all does more damage than recasting any other ability in this toolkit if your weaving is good you should be able to cast storm atro before the dot reapplication portion of the rotation you will simply cast both your frag proc and your ultimate in place of a spammable cast whenever either is ready at about 7% on the dummy make sure Stampede is relatively fresh and at 5% and below cast one more prey when it expires and spam only until the dummy dies for a little bit of extra burst adding another 1 to 2K to your parse and with that getting into the dynamic rotation the timer and set management aspects of this Roto makes the stam Sor one of the easiest rotations in the game however the complex elements to weaving are what can make maximizing its damage so tricky practice weaving power overload and Rapid strikes and work on making good decisions about one two and one not to allow skills to expire as well as setting yourself up well on the back bar so that you run into that conundrum as little as possible with that if you find yourself in the situation where multiple skills are going to expire simultaneously you should follow a priority of reapplication that is a priority of skills determined by either raw damage output or total damage increase that a skill provides that priority goes atro frag proc prey Stampede trap hurricane and Scamp never ever recast the Twilight Tormentor it's simply not worth it even above 50% boss HP note that if you're a is active prey does become more important than a frag proc in this priority list getting into the demonstration there are varying degrees of pre prebuff that you can do on this class its sweatiest version will only result in maybe 2 to 3K total extra damage if that interests you go check out the last couple minutes of the previous section otherwise you'll start here ensuring that your stamina is low for good Coral Riptide management and that you are far enough away from the dummy so that Scamp and hurricane do not erroneously start the fight that pre-buff goes power overload Scamp Tormentor hurricane trap and then you throw the first light attack signaling the opening of the parse this incredibly complicated sequence goes Stampede prey and from here on out we reapply skills as they expire casting our spammable when nothing needs to be reapplied and following all of the rules discussed in the previous section of the video if your weaving is good you should be able to cast atro just before Stampede needs to be reapplied on the back bar outside of all of these Concepts the only Niche element to this parse begins around 10% at 10% boss HP and Below we will stop casting Scamp at 7% and Below we will stop casting hurricane at 2% and Below simply cast rapid strikes and frag [Music] procs while I maintain that the 21 mil is a great place to practice and learn about a class and its unique damage content demands that you make some slight adaptations to the pure single Target rotation in order to maximize the damage that you do in PVE encounters for example while this rotation is great for long single Target fights like the bosses in vka or in Inspire this rotation will not be the absolute most optimal way to go about burst oriented fights especially AOE burst situations like trash PS in general this rotation can be adapted to two main situations single Target and AOE burst single Target burst fights Encompass entire boss fights or boss phases where it would not be worth reapplying any more dots or AOE in general spammable damage accounts for nearly 25 to 35% of our overall DPS output the only thing that makes dropping skills like dots and aoe's worthwhile is the damage that we can get out of them over their entire duration over the course of an entire fight for example a skill like the familiar ties for about 13k every 2 seconds over the course of its duration it will do 130k total damage if the skill gets its full duration this will result in roughly 6.6k DPS in a burst situation though where you may only get to damage the boss for 8 to 10 seconds this skill will only get half its value only doing a total of about 65k damage compare this to a spammable like whirling blades which does over 70k damage for one cast and it's clear that it would have been more worthwhile to cast a spammable here instead of reapplying our Scamp so when is this concept applicable as a general rule a single Target burst phase encompasses about a 5 to 10 second window that you have to do damage before you can't damage the boss anymore this happens on every single boss fight for example if a boss is at 5 mil or less this means that there are about 5 seconds or less until the boss is dead indicating a burst phase if a boss is only one mechanic away until it goes into a mechanic where they are invulnerable this indicates a burst phase an example might be zaka before she ports the dragons and sunspire before they fly into the air or lyonar and turil before they do their interrupt mechanic if the boss has short damage phases that are a part of the fight structure like MMS and Asylum sanctorum these are burst phases finally bosses with little to no Health like the spider and voff or the snake and vrg are fights short enough to be considered fullon burst fights which would still entail that it wouldn't be worth reapplying any dots or aoes once cast as a general rule if you Cann get at least half the duration of your dot or AOE it is not worth reapplying once you are familiar with the fight you can gauge when that value will be applicable it will be worth reapplying a couple of dots just before you hit a burst window a little early if they are going to expire soon but if that window is open you're kind of stuck with what you gave yourself in terms of preparation for example assume we are on a fight like zaka in this fight she'll usually do three mechanics on the first floor before the first Port if you didn't reapply some dots a little early in preparation by the time Mech 3 comes along you're best off spamming and just taking the L with what damage could have been however if you anticipate this and reapply any skill that will fall off during that burst phase one or 2 seconds early and then spam only when that phase happens you maximize your damage on fights like vast though that don't require any guesswork regarding the burst phase the rotation will be consistent it will only ever be worth laying your dots in aoe's one time after a protector dies then using your spammable only until the next protector is up fights like the spider and voff though work a similar way this fight all ows you to drop all of your dots and aoe's and then spam only until the boss is either invol or finished and with that the biggest mistake I see players make is how they conduct their trash damage each and every trash fight in the game is a burst type of fight the ads have anywhere from 2 to 3 million Health a piece for high priority targets divide that by eight damage dealers and that's at most about 400,000 damage that you need to do to a Target each quick math says that your spammable will get you there far faster than any dotter AOE again in this toolkit you have to wait 20 seconds to get 130k damage D out of a skill like Scamp you can use the skill as a pre-buff sure but why use that skill in the middle of a trash pole if your spammable will get you well over 100k damage in 2 seconds the best rule to follow for trash is to pre-buff with as much as you can but when the fight starts do not lay down more than two dots or aoe's and then only use your spammable again preparing for trash is what will maximize your damage but if you make a mistake in that preparation don't decrease your damage further with useless casts your spammable is worth so much more than anything else in your toolkit for these types of polls stop laying all of your dots and aoe's pick two and then spam only if everyone in your group does this especially with an AOE spammable your trash damage will increase tremendously thank you so much everybody for checking out the video as always if you found the video helpful be sure to like subscribe and let me know in the comments section below if you have any questions comments or concerns I pride myself on responding to every single comment and feel free to test me on that statement be sure to join the Discord to get access to the full written guide the written guide has over 20 pages of information most of which is in this video but the written guide is an easy way to control F your way through any topic that you might not feel super comfy on still after watching likewise I'm on Twitch Twitter Tik Tok and patreon so be sure to check me out and shoot me a follow on those platforms as well I would greatly appreciate it a special shout out and thank you to Zu fast for providing this insane 142k parts that we're getting ready to take a look at the link to their Channel and this insane video video is in the description below so be sure to go spread some love a special shout out and thank you to all my current patreons Clyde reef flug and Joseph thank you so much for your support it's because of you that this video is made possible now I could not do it without you so seriously from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for your support and thanks to all of you as well for all of your love and support I appreciate each and every one of you and I will see you in the next [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a
Channel: Eigh1 Puppies
Views: 6,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stamina sorcerer pve build, Stamina Sorcerer, Stamina Sorcerer PVE, Stamina Sorcerer Build, Stamina Sorcerer PVE Build Guide, Stamina Sorcerer PVE Guide, Stamina Sorcerer Guide, Stamsorc, Stamsorc PVE, Stamsorc PVE Build, Stamsorc Build, Stamsorc Guide, Stamsorc PVE Guide, Stamsorc PVE Build Guide, Stamsroc PVE Build, Stamsroc PVE Guide, The Elder Scrolls Online, Firesong, TESO, ESO, Charles ESO, Elder Scrolls, Build Guide, PVE, ESO Endgame, stamsorc eso, eso dps guide, Sorc
Id: sziQ8NEb15k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 36sec (5136 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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