Felicia Day and @adamvision play Enshrouded! Part 1!

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hello everybody Welcome to My Stream where Adam vision is cleaning his glasses cranky cat thank you for the new sub thank you so much to the old man gamer one old man gamer who gave away 10 yeah you're an all man gamer uh give away 10 gift Subs before we even start it what a lovely gift to the early birds here on the stream where we were playing and shrouded without Reiko because he's got butthole internet what listen there's a lot of different things going on we are flooding i h I came home last night so my plane was delayed 4 hours from Orlando I didn't think I was actually going to make it into the air or down onto the ground because the flooding in La I did make it at 1:00 a.m. came in my partner's there like hey help me in the kitchen there is water pouring from a light and it's a huge Bowl like a huge round bulb and the you know I have rais ceilings in my kitchen the bulb is full of water like I'm like what am I doing he he couldn't take it down himself cuz it was so big and heavy and it was terrifying to enter the house like [Music] that it's called a roof and the roof had uh the rofer did come can you believe we had a rofer and he actually came you know we a roof what's wrong with a roof we're not hearing Adam oh yeah you got to help me fix this okay anyway so what are you saying Adam I have heard you say roof before mhm and it's very funny because it's how a dog sounds but now this is the first time you said I had a roofer account what that's how you say the word idiot how do Canadians say it how did Canadians say roof that's like roof roof roof oh my God we just got in we just got raided by 2,914 people I'm sorry what everybody what Invader V oh my gosh that's a huge crowd that's so much bigger than I ever have oh my gosh the samurai Wesley thank you what hello everyone Welcome to My Stream the mistress told to told us to come here I mean andet V thank you so much it's good to see you again I know that you rated me before lovely I have to catch one of your streams I am what's this about a mistress her name they say that I don't know the one fan referred to v as their mistress I don't know if that's like going to be I don't know if that's a theme is that something she insists on not really sure uh I'm very interested in what was happening the music is kind of loud yeah well we're about to play and shrouded I don't know if you guys have have seen it I have no I don't I have no concept what is going on here here I oh I just realized I hadn't started streaming I had clicked the start recording button this whole time so I was like oh weird it's a safe to Safe relationship as long as everyone's consenting you do what you want okay I don't care Invader V just kind of invaded My recommitted Stream list I have no idea I mean I'm on I'm honored to have this wonderful group of people here um if you don't know who I am my name is Felicia Day I'm an actor a writer internet person I do lots of videos and TV shows and streaming I stream three times a week I got a wonderful Community here and if you like it uh you know give me a follow turn on your alerts I play like three times a week I also you should be honored that Felicia even noticed she got a raid it's true I usually ignore everything and everyone also look at look at how beautiful my setup is here I have I can't possibly change my setups oh my God what old man gamer just gave away 30 gift Subs holy cow y'all this is a Monday this is a Monday making up for the fact that my kitchen was flooded with water and I did I got three hours of sleep okay I just came to your stream to see what was going on here and it is you have two empty spaces I see uh okay listen I'll go to the gate would you rather see this cuz we're about to start we're just off center from each other do you see this like I'm a little bit lower it looks real professional look at that boom is that better for you guys Tech whoa whoa whoa techn fire just gave away 20 Subs we have all these new people who are new Subs this is so oh my God everybody keep those subs going she is getting a hype train she has a level 9 hyp train I'm level n thank you is was V uh wait were they playing this game because I literally don't know what I'm doing I know that Adam really wanted to play it he played po world to the point where he caught all the Poke the pal pal people I needed to haven't you heard the song I don't know you got to catch them all got to catch that's not that's a different brand okay different brand I don't believe that it is oh V is a mass effect streamer who did oh my God who' she romance oh my God you're obsessed with Mass Effect I'm obsessed with Mass Effect 2 y'all Mass Effect 2 is my I think my favorite game period I okay Mass Effect 2 Assassin's Creed Odyssey um okay Skyrim what about yeah but what about my mil stepmom is that a game CL Mill G 10 gift up this is wild how how can we um anyway thank you Manus is here a lot of new people have a gift sub so stick around we're going to play and shrouded okay you can't you can't start it until your hype train is hyped all the way it's 27% it's totally fine it's plenty okay dude it's level 10 27% like it is wow your alltime record is level 12 my alltime record is level 12 oh how can you see that about to beat your all your last record yeah I clicked the little thing the little arrow wow this is incredible 91% imagine if we took this seriously I I don't take anything seriously I'm not going to yeah and understood what most of these things are if you could ignore the hype train is normal and just chat away yeah Grumble Duke we can do that although the I'm sorry wait I don't know if I could do that I'm actually pry excited about all these new people and everything okay so let me just finish my what story was I telling uh that time you had a hemorrhoid one old man gamer gave another 10 gift sub I did not have a hemorrhoid I told you I was constipated for 2 years but then I got my my sibo got taken care of and now I have poops are great my poops are great you were constipated for 2 years yes I had SE where did the poop go it wouldn't come out well that's all I'm going to say I had methane sibo okay oh no is here Lee what's up wow what did you say okay I would like to talk about Chris huler says this is wild Ming my Monday perv stream and ended up as celebrity somebody tell me who V romanced in Mass Effect 2 please what of you dues it's probably that big alien dude [Music] Garis um maybe if it's not F it's no one round alien guy is round alien guy who's round no one's round he's like got a big round head are you referring to my love thing wait I just want to show you something oh God what does she have I do have some of my most I have some black Patrick I have some of my most fa favorite fan art and this this is my one of my favorites it is as you'll see Talis from Dragon Age Talis from Dragon Age 2 who I played I wrote a web series and F what the [ __ ] and somebody put a heart between us it's true love between a woman and a fish they love each other so I feel like this is your fault one old man gamer just gave 20 Subs in my channel what why you don't even take gift Subs they don't know the rules that I don't want gifts of one old man gamer thank you for being here and thank you for supporting us one old man gamer nobody greatly appreciated yeah support everyone should just support Felicia yeah and don't worry about me uh because I get grumpy about it um check okay first of all CH 83 gave gave five gift Subs before and then now gave another five no chess subbs and then gave out another five so we what what level are we though what level uh oh it says here in the chat thing yeah level 10 complete okay she tried thing when she first played Mass Effect 2 but then the heartache of Mass Effect 3 Bullpen I'm going to tell you one thing right now I'm going to really I want to get close to Bullpen God damn it one old man G I refused to finish Mass Effect 3 because a they killed my love spoiler alert b they wouldn't let me date his son wait so you didn't even beat it nope One Gamer thank you oh my God you've given 50 gift Subs right now what what is going on I I I appreciate you hell I appreciate you so much that's really wonderful one old man gamer so is it creepy that I wanted to date th's son just so I had a connection to th in the sequel is that [Music] creepy yes it is okay yeah yeah yeah I mean it's not as cre that time in Fable when I married uh uh this woman and then raised our daughter to then try and marry her what you could do that in Fable I don't know if it was possible I tried ew okay that's creepy here it's well well here's the thing I had never met his son before it's not like I raised them did that Woody Allen thing where you're like you see someone grow up and you're like now you're ready that's that's distasteful to say the least um I mean I only did that in a video game Woody Allen did that in real life well Woody uh yeah Woody Allen did it uh who else did it saying the right name Elon Musk father did it which is even even in even creepier way let me just tell you oh let's talk about celebrities that are gross no Elon Musk father Elon Musk MH people who like Elon Musk wait check wait chisik 83 said did I hear correctly we should be gifting Subs in Adam's stream no I think that's what he said that's what Felicia's about to beat her record I made it so oh my God 11% why is that so crazy about to beat your last record keep up the support you were in a level what is this I don't even I can't tell there's so many numbers this is insane thank you V for for Channel all time record is 91% level 12 wow and I don't know what level you're at right now that's incredible it doesn't really tell also thank you fat black Patrick sesy for gifting at least 38 bits separately all one at a time oh that fat that's that's a Class Act thank you for the sub Nico all right push the button I I just want to give a shout out to before we start we're going to start right now and if anybody's new here thank you so much hang around Adam vision is a game designer he he designed a bunch of games I forget the names of they're really great push p is the one because I always think pubic hey push is free right now on iPhone and Android oh really so if you go get push XL you can get it for free I think until Thursday just because I had never tried I didn't know you could make things free for like a week on iOS I was like hey why not that's pretty cool I'm at 17% level 12 I'm about to eat what did what is I don't even know what my last record was I think it was like four more per you guys no it says right here I can't read 90 Channel alltime record 91% level 12 oh 91% okay chess thanks for the follow welcome in all right so I want to give a shout out to everybody I met at Mega con whoa lur lur put us over with 20 gift Subs oh Lord then we got Chris Hoffler doing 10 you guys that is so sweet of you thank you I really appreciate it it it keeps me keeps me gaming thank you for the sub chess even though I said don't do that chess did it just because thank you one old man gamer for 60 bits oh my God I have a new record rambling Spaceman thanks for the follow he also if you follow me I thank follows Felicia's too big of a deal she doesn't thank follows oh shut up you're such a suck up okay I'm going to play the game now because I we beat our I'm going to go to this camera scene for a second I wanted to thank everybody for uh I I saw a couple people met me at Megacon and I want to tell you that was an incredible experience I loved chatting with everybody we had such a good con so many awesome cosplays I bought my daughter lots of Pokemon stuff so I'm like a champion of a mom this today who and I just hey Felicia shut up for a second shut up you okay what what because clearly that worked I just got a [ __ ] ton of follows what do you mean so uh just real quick let's just say lur earless trout stewed carcass one old man gamer great one zenel cryptic catfish Mew Mew laser spank face little aity games alien oh no they're coming in faster than I can catch up alien vasion hikaro Hikaru Chong Le wins 30 n oh my God 30 N tab me okay you guys are jerks I can't even see where I was now actually this is actually the most follows I think I've ever gotten before one old man gamer is giving another 10 sub one old man gamer what is going on I I am so honored to have you a part of the you you know anybody who's participating is amazing I appreciate your generosity hopefully a lot of people will stick around and join the community we have a Discord with lots of wonderful active channels you guys discord.gg felici day um if Adam doesn't thank me then he's a hypocrite it's true F Chase made a huge mistake Felicia also F Chase listen you are around all the time and yet you have never gotten a gift sub and I feel like something is blocking you from getting a gift sub cuz you are always here oh I met Leah Thompson too God damn it very cool okay Felicia there a whole lot of Subs what shut up I apologize all right I'm going to start the game and are do we do character design or what what is going on with your stream what is that are those Cheetos what's going on no those are little sunflowers with my face why sperm why are there sperm I'm sorry just it's I made a mistake and I said H whoo doesn't collect user data thanks for the freeb you're welcome just a little casual sperm swimming by you know how it is okay so the hype train went away because we beat it I think now my record is whatever the heck my record is um I have to thank everybody uh certainly I am honored one one old man gamer has given away 60 gift Subs since we started the stream so thank you I think that's number one you're totally number one old man gamer he Felicia yeah why give me 30 seconds oh boy okay and then we're going to start guys my kitchen's fine chle wins 30 damn tab deit gamer abex Gale scribbl the most Kyle the Alman bionic Jay dog Isles Jay dog Isle killer Sai dumlu Dano peaches leeb absolute hermit uh maau tanagar F Chase Drake Captain thorm best secret Phoenix Rev Run K oh I hope I don't say something bad among these by the way shreddy mcar Percy McFly drowsy man Todd ball snarky half Julia Thorn Peacekeeper the luk hammer tea pots and Chaos G toer that girl Nikki desak chewy for skin oh my Lord skin how is that legal Earth 92 Chris nerd rage jul juliac uh Blue Moose and sadira dash Mirai all right I'm cutting you off cut you off cut you off cut you off all right playing now wait how do we play multiplayer oh there's character creation I could have been doing that this whole time all right okay so Reiko was supposed to be here okay I went to Megacon I took a picture next to Gina Davis I met Leah Thompson so I have some like female mentors I got to Fan over because Gina Davis has always been a hero Leah Thompson always was supposed to be who I was when I was a kid I adored her um I hung out with Neil newborn uh who plays uh the sexy vampire in balers gate I hung out with Alan tudk I hung out with Finn from oh my God things I met Eli Roth who was charming and wonderful I hung out with Michelle herd from card they all won all the Saturn Awards last night I hung out with Robert uh no um Jason Isaacs who um is always very um I just I hung out with a lot of really cool people so I mean that sure sounds like it I don't take pictures with everybody because I don't want them to think hey I just want to pictured to post on social media they're actual people to me and they're my friends so that's why I don't like just drop all this but I did did get a picture with Gina Davis because hero now why are we wearing like a medieval sports bra what's this going on here um I don't actually know I just when you create your character why does everybody kind of look like a like a A halfling or something okay can we change the hair how do I get so funny what I did have a wonderful I I have I have some highy train emotes thank you yeah I was M dropping it out tyrannis thank you so much for the sub okay this looks your stream looks like one of those Tik toks where like there's a satisfying thing going on in the corner while someone's talking about something boring uh because I just I pushed a thing to advertise my game in my stream and it came through my camera oh my glasses are fogging up why are they fogging up got all I got all sweaty and like stressed E from uh so many follow don't act like you don't get get stry and sweaty and stressed all the time no I just talking about this hair like the split ends are massive like this is this not a good haircut I'm just telling you that um all right I think it's sensible Bob's hey ey bubble bear thanks for the follow ew well that's not bad actually so wait what uh bun I created a level called dildopolis dildopolis what a surprise okay I'm sorry do you have a better name no it's always dpus it's always dpus I want a sensible sh I want a haircut that oh no I want I want some bangs no I like this wait why does my let's figure out this one other thing hair color okay the right way oh chops oh it's so awful it's so awful oh we got to do it right oh oh gross God why do you do this to yourself I just I think it's really funny oh look at me I kind of like the chops though just the chops oh God it look it's not menopause oh no the chop solidarity it's so gross H it's really bad I don't know I like the mustache I do like the mustache but the more refined one there we go I'm being told we could call it pennium taint also D went in and named all my Pokémon app STi for some reason she likes to do that I don't know I don't know she's sick she's a sick woman um also she has a really big vocabulary she should help you with uh lle uh all right so how do I get into your game okay you ready okay I'm going to click to play and then I'll invite you I think or you can well I can okay start a private Game host start a public game or join an online game that's yeah but you want to join your friends uh only show friend session okay yeah okay should I should I be showing this on screen or stream no uh I don't think it matters okay guys I don't know anything about this game I don't know what it is I don't know what it is I don't know what it is show dedicated server show password protected servers only show friend sessions show empty server minimum free slots zero okay and this is a four player Coop or what's going on uh it's up I think it's 16 when you have a dedicated server oh we'll decide whether or not we move this to yeah we're demoing this up to 16 players I got to check and see this game like why doesn't it let me limit the frame rate they don't need no it like making everything else janky I'm trying to look at my stream there's soon to be 1177 person on that server I feel like I should hide the the screen Adam I don't know uh I mean maybe okay I'm going to hide the screen wait did it not appear no it's not appearing I can let me try to invite you also can people in my chat tell me if it's like janked up uh oh thank you tyrannis by the way I loved third eye I got nominated for an audio award for the best Audio Drama of the air it's not dram it's not dramatic it's a comedy but it is I guess their audio dramas are basically scripted no I can't so if you'd like to check it out lots of really cool stars in it I don't know I can't invite you why not I don't know I'm looking in my friends list and it won't let me invite you why lbell is like in a category of her own for some reason on my friends list wait what oh I had this issue with the game I couldn't find one friend server I could see another well let me start one then let me start a private game saved locally vsync off maybe why is this [ __ ] so [ __ ] up okay I'm going to I'm going to do my own world that fix it long ago a wonderer broughten enthralling gift to the people of Ember Vil it's creepy the frame rate is fine so far it was a cure it was a cure a blessing oh boy a weapon Felicia is choppy on my screen concealed by the Ancients it's I had to add the server using IP and Port through the steam server screen power Weir AUST and a longing for more bear with us while we figure this out yeah we're Humanity dug The Elixir Wells ripping apart what is happening on your screen oh you're watching a quenched their thirst I'm watching the opening thing just so we get it Elixir and blood Elixir drop for a drop thanks Earth Earth Chris but from the depths of the well an unforeseen we just cam keeps stalling but her audio is fine yeah so it's because this game doesn't let you limit the frame Rin it's going to be like on Felicia's stream for instance on her computer it's going to be going to like 165 frames a second whereas mine's going to 240 because there's no frame rate limiter so it really makes it struggle otherwise so then how do you Adam you look offline to me on Ste H how do why do you look oh I'm invisible I don't want people knowing I'm playing my mou step bomb all the time okay uh hang on okay guys well that may that might be now can going online okay great let me try to invite you where are you in game I'm online okay so I'm going to try to invite you invite to watch no why can't I invite you play is always showing offline everywhere okay well can I there some issues with finding friend games it's faster through friend invite okay so you are I can can you can you try to invite me I mean I'm trying to click on it but it just doesn't oh wow I feel like I'm in WoW again jump okay can I I can invite you to watch my game I see that but I can't invite you to play why is that wait had this issue turned out it was the Privacy sitting on Steam which hides which game you are currently playing turned on oh yeah you got to you have that turned on how do I turn that off I I have a little eyeball next to my thing okay um yeah because I can't see you're playing in shrouded push the button what a stupid thing this is very weird okay what was that noise so how do I how do I turn this thing on are you just sending me G G yeah okay wait push the button guys I just need to figure out how to I do have this little green eyeball with the thing through it so is that me green eyeball next to my thing it's green eyeball eyeball probably equals invisible your game status is hidden from friends because your privacy settings okay so how do I change my privacy settings oh my God why does everything have to be so hard why oh hang on what I found a way to adjust the frame rate which I'm going to go do okay but I'm going to try to poopy um how do I change my thank you thread Menace I forgot about that method Account Details maybe store preferences language uh no just bear with us everyone we're idiots guys no this is not okay we shouldn't have to change this it's very still no we really shouldn't eyeball probably means invisible no because I'm Not Invisible I'm online what this game called player unknowns Battlegrounds in my privacy settings how do I find my steam privacy settings that's the question where the [ __ ] is in shrouded there it is um poop and then profile maybe it's under profile Max frame rate games inventory screenshots reviews 58 shut up friends why drop down and your profile pick it top it should show you an online option I do see I I'm online for for some reason in my privacy what I'm going to resolve your problem in a moment okay uh okay let me get back in the game one second I'm going to just and I think now it'll probably I'm going to double check my stream but I bet you it's going to be much smoother now profile okay edit profile view my profile starting profile edit profile okay here we go clicking on it nothing's happening okay okay I bet you this is better now you're not online according to my list that's very weird uh then we go check your privacy State click the my privacy settings it's not here oh here we go privacy settings my profile is friends only okay game dult friends only friends lless friends only friends only friends only okay okay that should work back to your profile okay so now you should see me okay going to steam you guys I solved this myself this is great I see you playing uh-huh oh look at that I can invite you to watch but can you see my wait wait can you go and look for my server can you go look for my um my game can wait can you look for my game well then I have to leave my game okay I'll do it yeah but then I'm going to be dependent on waiting for you to play which okay okay okay okay never going to happen so I'm going to uh quit return to m m okay okay so now it's running SC so now I'm going to go play and then I'm going to go join an online game and I'm going to go out cuz I don't want you guys to see refresh [ __ ] bucket wow that's somebody else's server did not name it cumbucket I don't know why they don't they allowed someone to name their world cumbucket okay now we can't even now we can't even export this now I can't see search for server name mm what's your server name it is dildopolis dild d i l d o p o l i s said a lot of things what d i l d o p o l i s d i l d o p o l i s yes with a capital D okay yeah it's not showing up man what the [ __ ] okay wait return to main menu uh is Adam's video Frozen probably I mean it's not frozen on my end it's this is a you problem this is a stream together problem oh it won't you have it set as a private server start a game private game saved locally okay here we go here we go Max player account not open to everyone how do I set a password or something select session settings what okay oh here we go I refreshed everybody Adam's camera is now just completely borked Delicia do you remember what the password was for the other server we were on no okay I'm going to send it to you okay uh why is this so C it should just be a button button where the [ __ ] are you Felicia where am I I am oh here you are Jesus okay in my list oh boy okay so that's okay so then let me see refresh ah here we go uh okay okay push the button oh we're in you can see see it I'm in I'm loading joining failed password invalid oh really did I misspell it did I misspell it oh my gosh they wait you go try did you type it in right okay join let me look I just kind of just guessed oh I I put the wrong password in okay wow there are some names of these than zombie cat the names of the servers that are public are very gamer friendly I'll just say that gamer friendly oh I'm in yeah why do you look why do you look normal because it doesn't let me look like a freak this is very upsetting okay I just I chose the oldest guy though you chose the old guy a ripped old guy also are we Hobbits or something I don't know the proportions of our bodies are halfling esque which is Fine's get out I like play halflings I like moving fast though can you guys believe we're playing this this is so exciting consume with the flame or commune with the flame you've slumbered for too long Flame born the realm of ell has fallen consumed by the Shroud now the enduring flame calls for you find a place in the ruin world and construct a flame alar to create shelter for the dark great all right do we get burnt look our booties don't even get burned we can't even jump on this okay [ __ ] all right so is this where we set up a camp oh God it's bright Felicia this game is aw this game is beautiful already a vast World awaits you filled with secrets and Peril press I and navigate the map to track your discoveries navigate the M oh Lord oh wow oh and you can set way points oh God [ __ ] power world all discovered recipes for this crafting station are saved here okay we need a flame altar we have crafting we have a back pack we have our character uh hey you know this guy skills oh look at the skill tree I like it do I know what guy where are you are we in a party what's going on whether this game is good is can I dance pure light engulfs the knowledge of the ancient breed protects it in the Flaming core wisdom far beyond this imagination I could stare into the fire for hours seeking answers I whisper but I have none despite possessing a voice that only speaks to those born from the flame a shame as I believe we could have quite in quite enlightened conversation Felicia uhhuh did you know you can fly in this too no yeah so when you see that red mark we got to go to over there uhhuh uh the Waypoint or whatever so if you jump off and then hit middle Mouse button you dick why would you do that can you please revive me I was excited you guys what is get down here get down here and revive me right now com just got to find out how to get down there you ah you can eventually Glide but you need a glider why I'm just going to respawn I'm not waiting for you a you suuck I'm down here oh no I died first of all you still trust anything that comes out of Adam's filthy banana bread and crusted mouth oh hey Adam I made banana bread today oh I made banana bread and it was um not only just plain banana bread it was don't you dare don't you [ __ ] tell me you put raisins in it no I that's disgusting okay because that would be it for us okay I need to respawn um did you die again I don't put raisins in things I bake unless it's like a very healthy cookie with oats and you know all this other crap in it no I made it with sunflower butter so it was supposed to be almond butter but I didn't want to use my almond butter up interesting so sunflower butter and banana bread sounds good right and that's it I I want you didn't eat it no I'm giving it to my kid to take to school tomorrow she's home because it's so wait you're not going to eat it I mean ah wow it's very there's a walkway go down okay uh no I mean I'm not going to eat it right now now I'm stuck here this is not good wait I went on oh listen you guys I went to chase a flower and now I'm kind of screwed ow oh and my items are dropped did I keep my did I keep my flower don't have any items I did I kept oh I I kept my red mushroom okay where's the walkway to the left I did play a little bit of pal world then Adam played it and got all the pals and I was out of town I was narrating a book and then I had a bunch of other work and then I went out of town for Megacon so I'm not a troll I don't have a deceitful bone in my body ooh hey that was mine wait how was it yours it was just mine and I I didn't press the E button quite fast enough but I want it you know all these weird what's the deal dark passageway o wait where are you going I'm just going down here but I need your stupid your stupid can I punch this open yeah this is mine mine mine get out of here mine mine there's what is in it I don't understand there's a torch and a bandage I got it great I allowed you to take it I got my own torch know that Alicia keep items that are on the hot bar and you lose some backpack items okay okay well I had what are we doing here so we can't just jump off anything I don't like that but okay oh yeah I can beat the crap out everything oh I got two torches oh okay wait the flame allows you to resist the Shroud but if you linger you will perish I don't understand what that means I mean what is this oh we're in we're in shrouded no tapeworms tape worms wait where I just feel like there's tape worms here Felicia what are you doing come on I just want to hit the wall I just don't know what's going to hope it or not it just told us we got we don't we have limited time there's a guy here look at him let's kick his ass okay he's dead ah I got shroud spores ooh wait do you have to loot them yeah you do you have to press e and then f to take all I guess or space bar what's something we got to get out of here we'll die right yeah let's get the [ __ ] out okay we're no longer secret stuff behind these walls I just oh I just kicked the ass of that whatever that was I kicked it it's it's a crate wouldn't great I'm also I just heard my sandwich AR I ruined hey I ruined my I I ruined I hey hey hey hey hey I got some wood that I can make a work brench with and then I ruined my torch I got a second torch here it's okay I don't want it now oh wow okay if you fall you will rise again at your last return Beacon okay this is nice this is nice over here Long Key this is so fun long keep where ooh what's all this oh it's a dead guy wait where right there oh loot them I couldn't yeah yeah more dead people this this guy died in bed I got more I got some lock picks oh my God I love this game wait how'd you get lockpicks I I just I just punch stuff ohce can we sit in the chair fist no I was going to sit in that chair no my fist must be must be leveled up I found a door there's some sort of magic scroll here come upstairs what no I I want to get this painting Off the Wall yes take that Butter Churn I got some purple berries ooh painting I crit I critted I critted that Butter Churn okay all right here should I read this scroll or do you want to no I want to see it hey then come upstairs qu [ __ ] around downstairs fast we move oh look at this yeah here while you read it I'm going to go grab my sandwich just mea is it true the Ancients call upon you to stay behind as the rest of us Slumber will you be there when I a wait please you cannot leave my side you're my all I must be changed I miss the old days when we used to travel together side by side you let me linger next you you held my hand and now all the secrecy for what I thought you could confine on me I don't want the anxious to drive us apart I'll lose all faith if you must go at least give me a farewell kiss on my heart eat oh my God that was a lot it's a lot this guy was needy you know what I'm going to do punch I Am The Way of the Fist oh I'm so happy this right oh no you you like that your Cost Plus I'm you can't have that you can't have that cost plus you know picture what do Cost Plus you know it's like a store it's like a World Cost Plus oh I leveled up you did why didn't I level up why can't I break this bed to break this there it is there it is okay uh skills how do you open up your skills again uh h i leveled up ooh look at these skills but I don't I know but I don't have any skill points right now do you I have one I have two oh I have two okay sneak attack I love a sneak attack mhm it's a lot of lore items give XP but also open new Quest location on your mouth okay so we need to read everything what's in the sandwich oh it's uh turkey chicken arugula I don't remember I don't want to be a tank I have no interest in Del cheese spicy mayo I don't really care about healing anybody Beast Master fing axes do 30% more damage get wooden objects including trees okay so that's a lumberjack situation I mean what's more important right now we're going to need to like okay B okay so the Barbarian tree is pickax pickaxe deals 30% more damage and the Beast Master is axes do 30% more damage okay I'm going to do pickaxe okay I'll do you should do axes maybe yeah I should probably do axes or I'll do sneak attack o all tools lose durability 50% slower oh is that for you where's that I mean that's once you unlock either it looks like either Lumberjack or Mason wait wait you will not have enough skill points to unlock them yet or when you're leveled up a few times you can start unlocking things you don't have to unlock those gold ones first you could save up so what what what's the what's the best guys what's the best tree to go to oh [ __ ] this sandwich is so good you can start outside the circle oh you you can start outside the circle by the way oh [ __ ] me really yeah oh and you can reset at the okay start the circle you can go outward or inward so we can go on okay so we don't have the gold ones yet we have the green ones so we could do Dexter I mean I took one of the gold ones well I have two so I could get that oh I know I need three to get sneak attack but I can do lumberjack yeah do Lumber get double jump fast well where is double jump where which tree is double jump tell me more about double jump I don't know somebody saying endurance sniper oh there it is it's in between athlete and Survivor uh athlete and Survivor Runner I like running endurance wander lust double jump I like a a double jump I'm going to save up for double jump then right no I'm going to [ __ ] find something all right I don't know what to do I'm going to save it oh my God there's rats where'd you go downstairs why you leaving me oh my God where did you go I just I'm going to punch maybe I should be a barbarian maybe I should be a barbarian that's all I'm saying hey there's rats over here oh God hey help me this guy's very po oh no I died I died come over here and get me I also died I died right beside you magic punching is on the right oh okay well that wasn't successful we need to kill that guy mhm we need to maybe get an actual weapon perhaps maybe we don't go down there no no no I got to get that okay I just want to get my health up and then I'm going to kill him no you aren't I got I think you're going to kill him I got string where are you getting this stuff I'm punching everything you don't understand oh I just punch the skeleton okay I'm going to and I got a wand oh no I unlocked the recipe for a wand oh I got all this is all my stuff I had to get all my stuff I got a shield where's this bad guy where'd you get the shield I found it on the stuff upstairs oh man well I got some animal fur how do I get to my inventory can I punch this I'm going to oh [ __ ] I got a shield look why you get that I want that I want this butterchurn I'm going to punch it yeah Butter Churn die a little Burpee you're burping for what uh maybe eating my sandwich a little too fast yeah okay okay I've got a lot of stuff on me right now okay what stuff can I have it no oh what's this wood Longs oh this is interesting when I'm under here I'm sheltered and comfortable ooh what are we punching here I don't think anything good but I'm going to punch that here give me this bucket here try and punch me okay check this out yeah get oh nice okay that's nice I want something oh God there's a hole there all I want is a weapon of some kind what's that what's that glowing orange thing over to the West here I don't know where'd you go I'm right here oh okay let's try to get I bet there's something down here oh here's something oh there's a treasure chest there's an there's a campfire there's a wooden Arrow Place food in your action bar and press left Mouse button to oh okay how do I do that wood wood wood wood uh backpack wait you just sitting at a campfire well yeah but I can put food there watch this and then left Mouse button I don't care about that I can't do it okay whatever no I meant I don't care about reading this guy's [ __ ] thing I just did something I hey does anyone know how to craft go down from The Healing Tree water Ora gives you free healing oh thanks C smell oh this is nice look there's a book a good night's rest finally a break for the tedious work my bones are sore but the warmth of a fire a little shelter and some Sheep Sleep Shanel allow me to become well rested food is getting scarce I hear they're planning an expedition thank the I had some rations below my bed they will make a nice meal with cooked over fiber that's mine give me those uh Felicia apparently this is like valheim so you you unlock recipes when you pick up ingredients so like you learn how to do things by finding some sort of a dog it's a goat no what is that come here I'm going to kill it oh it's too fast for me come here all right okay so I forget valheim we played it a little bit but I forget it was two years agoa what is this animal you need to make a workbench okay I don't know Le I'm hurting the animal towards you okay do you want me to kill it oh get it yeah kill it yeah I thought we were going to make it our pet there's some stuff over where did it go I don't know but there's some stuff in here okay oh yeah I I want to be a barbarian maybe I'll just uh okaya do you have string and wood yes okay come out here let's make a workbench you don't understand I got to get this get everything out of here I'm going to have a bite of my sandwich and we need to make a workbench okay I'll do it oh wait wait they said there's there we no no no no no we have a quest to put like to kind of start a camp somewhere did you see that no yeah it's if you look on your map ooh strange let's [ __ ] up this cart yeah yeah okay I want something but okay oh God don't go in there that's in shrouded oh okay but herey look on okay look at the map look at the map do you see that there look out oh oh I saved your life no you died help kill them kill them how am I supposed to kill him I don't have a weapon get me up okay hang on hang on hang on okay block punch punch punch punch block block punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch I'm stun locking them oh you're doing a great job almost dead I me dead they're almost dead block it come on you [ __ ] block it bring it on yeah punch punch more punch you got it oh my God good job Adam you okay revive me so I don't have to get my inventory am I doing it you can hit with your torch even yeah okay excited to meet you at Philly Fan Expo I am tooo I've never been to Philadelphia thank you you're welcome we should probably make that workbench I'm going to make it right oh I'm going to make I'm going to make a workbench okay no no I want do it Adam no don't do it right there look at the map we have to do a workbench where we have the plans for the first base planes for the first base so we need to go to the east yeah okay it's over this way you're going the wrong way no I know I just wanted to see what was over there oh there's a well I'm going to scoop some water I'm going to kill everything oh [ __ ] scoop some water do I heal I don't know it just puts it in my pocket I need to kill these all right what's up everybody I was supposed to make a fire alter we're going to do that right now and make a workbench all right oh thank you finle so you press V to craft V to craft but we got to we got to do other things watch this hey Adam if you punch this you get you get cloth you get but what if we created a club we get it would be nice and that would be more efficient than punching and then I hit it with a club how did you do that [ __ ] pressed V bro oh okay oh Club yeah oh my gosh what's thank you blood vom go where did it go where wait where is it oh Felicia I'm [ __ ] these carts up H what is it's in your inventory on your bar where is it it's not you click on it and then click Craft yeah okay then press then press n what the [ __ ] is this grappling hook okay now I've got it not n why am I so F it's very dark and are you enshrouded might be we got to get to that place and make it C okay let's do it let's get a fire alter it's get right right here oh my God there's a guy Felicia here's a claim a spot for the base I don't know how to do it but here we go okay I think I got to put down this building area what the [ __ ] is that swaps between the two bars oh okay great thanks guy hey how do we make a building area did it tell us flame alter we need we have zero in our inventory oh okay we need Stone okay we got to find Stone somewhere uh I for some reason don't look well wait there's some over there is that a friend oh yeah I know that guy it's Gerald Gerald what's happening oh no it's not Gerald it's someone else yes he's dead though yes oh yes clubs yes clubs oh I got torn cloth and runes do they do they have stone on them what are these I collected some fireflies oh nice ni hey wait is this a stone can we hit this with an pickaxe or a club oh yeah yeah yeah it looks like there's Stone coming off of it yes I got one stone I got three stones I got three stones now I have seven stones I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm going to build it oh I need some Twigs okay crap you got any Twigs no okay and now where did this oops trying to build okay yo I need some Twigs Doom yes you are not alone okay okay we got it get Twigs small bushes okay you put down a base mhm I put down the flame upgrade the alter and it okay so this must be our base middle I got twigs and berries I need to sleep oh this our base okay I'm making a workbench I'm communing with the flame I'm putting the workbench right here I don't I'm putting the workbench right there boom nice what is it do now blocks rough stone blocks we can make stone blocks we can make a construction Hammer that's necessary oh making it rough wood blocks okay Enter construction mode I have oh you're going to like this oh God I have 400 rough Stone I need plant fiber and fireflies God damn it dude make a hammer and look at what you can do okay watch this oh I just got Mayo on my thumb oh okay this is good oh okay I see um oh I see I can build a house here let's see oh wow okay so like the material you want to build with oh wow this is good okay oh [ __ ] when you click on the workbench it repairs all of your items automatically and for free okay okay um flame protected do I look at this look at him oh look at this oh yeah oh wait why is so many holes well it's just windows I like air all right fine okay whatever I mean we don't want too much fresh air okay you're right how do I how do I switch it how do I shift it backwards rotate okay listen I care about nothing but can't collecting Twigs what are the Twigs going to do I want to make a pickaxe oh okay so then I can begin the journey I didn't really plan this out but it's happening where is door I was playing valheim the other day with my friend Connor and he continually was making houses she was like doing what you do can you where she just was using all the stuff yeah for completely unnecessary things I need to move the fire the flame thing cuz I I built the house kind of wonky can you move the flame thing over no okay great what do you mean how am I going to move it if I move it you can't build anymore listen I'm just trying to BU finish my house here okay uh some is this our house like do I get to live here like a REO I'm not going to build my own okay so why did you not build it around the thing uh that's okay how do I get rid of this how do I get rid of it no get rid of what what are you try I'm try okay you're right we should build around everything so I should get rid of demolish your building how do I how do I demolish it press y press y to undo your buildings okay that's sick that's so sick that's all I can't do I can't do more though it won't let me oh it only lets you undo a couple I mean that's still Fair it'll be really helpful when building okay they're telling me I need to use my how do I get out of building mode do I okay okay I need to use my bandages okay oh yeah cuz you're kind of [ __ ] up yeah how do I use them I got to put them on the bar okay um wait how do you sort what's on your bar there we go uh I don't know but I'm going to eat I just ate something oh I was starving to death okay so okay at the moment you have 20 x 20 area around the flame you can build as you level up the flame the build the build area gets bigger okay B for backpack okay right click okay great so I'm going to like go ahead and CFT h [ __ ] okay I'm going to okay I'm going to go get some more stuff wait no wait wait wait let's plan this out what do we want to we want to build so the flame is in the middle of the house is that what you're thinking I think so yeah why not okay I'm going to I'm going to bring some more wood so I'm going to chop down this tree okay maybe all right let's see if I can figure out how to do this more sh I chopped it wow oop give me all that wood what is this um wow there's a lot of choices here okay okay okay um there's no door oh here's a door I got a door very nice very nice okay here we go we got a door so I like the view here um do you have any string yes I have string sick so I don't know if this is really centered but it looks fine I mean you could give us a little more room it doesn't need to be like super [ __ ] why want the snap the snap next to it why won't this snap next to it okay there we go we're going to go like that okay there we go and then I'm going to go rotate so you don't want any windows at all you just want to live in a a h like this no no we can definitely have Windows just every wall doesn't need to be a window all right okay like I want some privacy well if you I could build some I could you want your own room to do whatever you're doing in okay got it yes please oh I just built uh we would need to move the workbench I just built literally on the workbench got it okay I'm okay with the size of this oh it's really uneven I oh well listen I tried hey why is it floating off the ground I think it's a leveling thing have you made floors I don't have enough block well maybe I do um I have not made floors oh I Should Have Made Floors okay wait hang on okay should I have made a floor I mean I would start with a floor okay fine Foundation okay I guess the foundation this is a foundation so there is this okay look what look at that that's this is going to be much better oh yeah yeah look at this yeah this is actual can you kill those other ones how do I do it uh right click when in oh okay perfect okay this what the [ __ ] is this now if I have it enough what is this [ __ ] thing right here I don't know I don't know you built it I don't have enough I don't have do I need more one is foundation seven is ceiling how do I build a container wait what those are floor these are floors not Foundation oh son of a [ __ ] okay you told me you were an architect what is this what are these [ __ ] things you keep putting here I will need where are these I didn't put those there just get rid of them I TR how where is foundation is this Felicia how do you get rid of this is that a [Music] foundation God damn it okay Coco we're playing in shrouded first one on the line the first one this one is a foundation okay okay I got it this is a foundation this is what everyone's telling me like making so much noise that was a roof I was putting on the ground okay would you get rid of those things please oh wow it takes a lot of material we need a lot more wood man um what is this I'm now confused okay I need I can't get rid of these you made these you made these okay four mil okay this is the one I need M I need to how do I wait how do I change for the love of God I don't know how I don't know how to change within the the the I don't know how to change within the row how do I change the row I was doing it before Oh my God oh my God okay okay right click how do I get rid of this okay that's it my sandwich was very good okay but I'm I don't know why I'm having such a problem here no why can't these why won't these go away what are they I don't know they're very weird they look like a chicken trop or something what did I do what did I do here let's the flame what are these what I do what happened here I didn't even put these down hang on in construction mode they walls you built you just got to remove them like you did the walls okay needs a flame alter nearby okay so I accidentally broke the flame alter needs a flame alter there you broke it why yeah but I hang on I want the flame alter to go away for a second yeah but I can't build now God damn it there now it's gone okay we can't build we can't use a conru go away I thought those would go away okay here let's just build a few feet over here so we don't have to deal with those things anymore that's just going to be it's just going to be what we need it'll be a later problem okay I'm going to build the flame alter right here you go into the building at the very top row the first option the 11x okay all right yeah I'm going to build it just slightly out of the way of that okay there you go now leave these things alone now we need to tab we need to we need to get rid of them but now we're not even in the building area [ __ ] so it doesn't count no okay so do we have to destroy this one and build it back there again fine I just we just can't ever remove those why can't this work why won't this work why could I bu that one and not this one um H what is this oh yeah whoa did you see what I did you see what I did I created a huge hole here what is that this is so weird I'm putting this in here right and then I'm undoing it and then it's literally just Excavating around this thing uh what the [ __ ] what are you doing why did you just put a big hole here what the [ __ ] this was supposed to be better than last time and it's worse there's no instructions here it was in my menu and I come out of the menu and you [ __ ] put a giant hole in the ground the hell I have three okay you doing that's it I don't care about this right now I need to build a bed but I'm going to I want an axe no you do need to care about it you can't just [ __ ] put a bunch of holes in the ground what you going to just leave it like that I need a lot more wood okay I have an axe I have a bunch make a container I'll put it in go to hell I'm doing this God damn it how okay great now I got to look okay and how you did all of this [ __ ] I need to craft blocks I was doing that fin I was doing that I was doing that does any of this mean I promise I was doing it 4 M can I refill the holes nope oh [ __ ] hell just yelling at me how did you make those holes I put a foundation and then I just I destroyed them so basically it was just like free ES so if you need to build what are you doing why are you moving the flame thing I'm not I am not moving the flame okay I buil a foundation wait why can't I why did you build the Foundation underground I don't I built the 4x4 foundations but then I couldn't build them next to each other watch this boom it won't let me build them next to each other missing materials oh okay so these are quite aggro so wait that what is this thing that I built I don't know I think you built a stone foundation maybe is it under terrain I don't know it looks like the first one there's no description here I don't claim that this is let's look at the little icons show tutorial select the shape you want to build with select the material you want to build with open the sub menu to select different shapes that's it that's the tut there's a whole material over there wait what is this flat ramp terrain is this how you cut out the ground on the bottom one the terrain one yeah probably I put down a 4x4 and then I just deleted it okay so is this terrain I don't understand I don't know either thank you it's not just me right material oh I'm missing Stone so I got to put down some Stone but you got to hey you got to put the building block you got to build the building blocks at the workbench that's the that's the key there what you need to make more wood blocks at the work table 4M oh they have names here okay no there's no Foundation Cube Cube Cube Cube Cube [ __ ] wait why don't I have a flame there we go Foundation oh Lord why do I still have a flame alter assignment here 150 out of 256 what all right that's it Felicia what did you figure it out cuz it's very why are there giant holes here how did you put these holes I don't know what to tell you I will tell you God damn it I don't know what to say I'm not happy about it you think I'm happy about it okay so I I believe you are happy about it I need a pickaxe how do I create a pickaxe hey G day pickaxe micro mile frequency good I have a pickaxe now fourx thanks for the follows y'all I have a pickaxe s took me a while there we go oh yeah wait you made a pickaxe oh yeah I did it he I'm chopping trees okay I thought you wait wait wait wait I thought you got got the pickaxe efficiency thing though oh yeah why are we doing the opposite of what we did I don't know okay when you put down a cube it replaces the terrain and doesn't put it back when you remove the cube that's what I was doing oh for [ __ ] sakes okay so Cube current action bar rough wood block more holes incoming I'm just going to basically we're going to have a hobbit hole in the ground okay a rough wood block why can't I [ __ ] make these you have do it at the wood workbench so why do I still have this flame alter I have to create my own flame alter okay that flash is pretty annoying okay so I made a whole bunch of these rough wood blocks now what okay um then you have to go to the workbench oh this is what you did get a bunch of [ __ ] here oh okay I'm getting a lot I don't know what's going on I think I bugged this out but it's giv me quite a lot of stone lots of stone is underground I used the P to did a huge pit in my base and I covered it up with a building oh okay so I need to build my own flame alter is that what the situation is no that's what it there I still have it I still have a you still have what I don't know I had a journal an entry Quest yeah but you previously built one oh we already did that okay uh find the sleeping Survivor this game what how is that hang on hang on okay I fixed it I can't I can't get rid of these things guys I filled your holes they're all filled why' you fill my holes why what do you mean we okay fine wait why are you making such a big place we don't need a big place like this now it's not even even listen I'm trying to make it what the [ __ ] are you doing I'm helping I made I put one down oh God why is there another flame alter over I was trying to get rid of these weird things that are floating in the air you do need a big place okay so we need a big place okay but like let's have a place to begin with okay okay would be nice you want me to get rid of this oh my God you only half asked it over here I don't have enough I need more I need to make more blocks okay okay we just need walls now that's your specialty I thought I just made 8 million 8 million blocks and I'm going to make a bunch of stone blocks too all right oh X you snapping yeah [ __ ] yeah you snapping why would would I not want snapping there is a door here is another door we're going to have all doors why is why is there hey Adam what's going on here why is there a hole in the in the wall uh it's because you suck it building why isn't it snapping that's why why isn't it snapping properly I I mean it is snapping properly what are you talking about okay are you guys mared you just build inside of it like I don't understand this okay ficia okay hang on hang on hang on hang on okay watch what I'm doing over on this side okay here yeah I just want to show you so even it's it's probably because we didn't it's not like perfectly sized so like let's say I snap it over here yeah and then we do the next can you just [ __ ] move your highlight I see [ __ ] why why did you do that get it out of my [ __ ] camera God damn it okay look I'm going to snap it part see how it's partially in the wall there yes I see that that's the problem that's still okay that's still okay it still builds it why it's it's just a s who did that it's because oh I see okay it's because our building is [ __ ] unforunately it's just [ __ ] it's all [ __ ] okay we have no windows in here I hate this place we need a window I mean we have four Windows you can put a window in each end that's a door why wouldn't you do it centered wait there okay uhoh that window is slightly off center and it's pissing me off there okay what the [ __ ] there's a giant hole over here is this a window too please is this a [ __ ] window what is that it's a little how are we ever going to get a good night's rest knowing that some creep is outside our slit just looking in as we're trying to like sleep and he's like oh I could murder these guys in their sleep I can't get through the slit luckily they have a slit here for me to squeeze through that's wrong you broke it you broke it and it's wrong it's a terrible setup slender can get it it's an arrow window thank you to slender bro I'm making okay bro it's great I I'm so annoyed with your building skills listen like you always talk about how you're so good at it we don't need [ __ ] second floors we need a roof what are you doing I want a second floor we can have a second floor maybe sometime down the line no I want a second floor now I want my own floor start I want my own floor why do you have multiple are those stairs don't don't even go anything they're just [ __ ] in the air okay fine okay fine I'll give you that one all right listen there they're gonna this this is great we need a roof first there that doesn't go anywhere that's a roof enough it's enough of a roof now is this this is it why do you need a window Under the Stairs then I'm putting up I'm putting this on okay I'm putting this on for you Jesus You're so upset right now [ __ ] is this what come here oh no what the [ __ ] is this okay that's it's a d you dog [ __ ] at building bases I thought you are good at this you always claim this is what you like doing I am this is my favorite I just you are then what is this [ __ ] here okay I might that one was our other slit we got to get we have to have slits slits slits of Plenty no we don't have to have slits stop okay there there are you happy Jesus Oh wait what did you do okay there what now we have no wood to make walls on this I have plenty of wood okay I'll do a door here oh God I'll do a door here just in case we want to like jump out so great we got stairs that go right into a fire [ __ ] awesome Felicia well that do you not know anything about like what go on uh heat distribution conru yeah we want the upair to war stairways don't usually and into a fireplace though okay uh I feel like you might not know anything about heat distribution okay wait what if I what if I make the stairs but they're like slightly further back like okay I like it like hang on hang on oh no I fell like I I totally mastered this situation okay oops not a slit God damn it okay something doesn't feel right here uh there a SL why did you move up stairs wait wait wait wait wait wait why are you moving up stairs why are you moving up stairs why what if the stairs were like that so they don't go into a fireplace okay that's fine but I just want to get rid of this weird slit I can't get rid of it what slit I don't know oh right here by the stairs what the [ __ ] why'd you get rid of that I don't know I don't know how to get rid of it it's it's it's spp he stop just clicking if you don't okay now it's a tiny window okay but why is this gone now what okay wait I didn't do that you did that okay there we go now it looks good I don't is that tall enough yes looks great now we need to put a a roof on right there now I'm putting the roof on okay I'm going to try to line it up that's not is that that's not a roof is it it looks fine oh it is a ceiling okay okay that's ceiling why is it so uneven that's my question because you [ __ ] placed it poly I don't understand why Nothing fits it should just be like no because it doesn't need to snap snapping is just helpful but like if you put two similar things beside each other they merge into an object so we're just fell the stair hole okay I'm in the stair hole okay there we go okay see look at this this is very messy up that was two kinds of slits okay can we leave a skylight or do we need to cover it up uh don't I like a skylight okay this is good I like it um a table all right you're leaving this these two slits on the what two slit oh I wanted the one slit I wanted the one slit what the [ __ ] also where do these doors go why did you put doors on the floor okay put put put some stairs down there that's what we put a balcony we should have a little balcony I love it a patar but wait we don't want more stairs we don't want more entry points to our place okay but I want a private bedroom so I'm going to build a half wall here okay there I'm looking at this crafting bench because holy [ __ ] what glider we need animal fur wait what happened there okay these are the most important things to me now grappling hook and glider okay um o illumination candles do you have any wax uh I don't know let me look oops let me see um I can make nothing I can make doors and window we can make doors but we need to make a wooden door how do we do that okay I'm putting on this shirt wind window frame we need wood logs okay I need wood logs and then we need a wooden door okay we have a roof we need plant fiber though hey what's up Sega grappling hook shroud Spore string metal scrap storage string and Twig I just sent you a bone thank you what the [ __ ] is this I thought it looked pretty is that a staircase that might be the indoor staircase we should have used instead of this um double staircase but I like the presentation of what we have here you want this tiny skinny ass no get rid of it staircase no get rid of it I want a bed I want to sleep what do we need for a bed no I want a container to start putting our [ __ ] sh okay where do we get string then oh I get a wand and a sta oh you can build one by one we were we were using four by4 the whole time okay wait should I do a wand or St yes bones or bones and resins equipable ranged weapon Twigs midrange I want a range weapon wait we're magic I guess we could do magic oh God damn it Felicia give me my bone back okay I'll do it I sent you my bone how do i s how do you I send you my bone right click on it and gift it back to me I thought it would be funny to give you my bone and now I need it well I don't know if I want to give it back please just give it to me gift Felicia don't be a bad person thank you you give me two bones I gave you two bones do you want old books raw do I want old books no I have torn cloth stone I have I need more string I need more plant fiber I have dirt I have runes [ __ ] okay so I would like to fix my bar do I do okay here we go what is this staffs can cast spells by using spell charges at Mana equip spell charges to cast what the [ __ ] is it talking about what's a spell charge did I just waste bones okay yeah I don't know how to do this I'm going to eat these berries okay Firefly I hate them all right hey we need a lot of things there were magic classes in the tree all all yeah watch this oh okay so I could charge this I don't have any ammo what do I have for what do I need to use for ammo is it the wand I don't know do I guys how do I charge my staff no ammo oh man I'm chopping so fast wait you should chop trees and I'll [ __ ] get okay wait I'm going to okay I'm going to get Do you have a pickaxe yes I'm going to build I'm going to get the one The Lumberjack okay I thought you already did I didn't okay Miner wait when you mine resources you have a 10% chance to get additional resource you have that you got you need to get Miner I don't know how do I get to that again H it's it's in the middle yeah got Mason the pickaxe deals 30% more damage spells yet okay okay okay so I don't I can't really no that's not what I want I want oh no I I'm sorry I started mining but I don't need this I don't we don't need wood what are we doing why are we getting wood right now why are we getting wood found magic charges and chests why are we getting wood we need chests okay what would you stop it you're not you're mining you're not you're not you're not you don't have the right thing ooh there's a beehive for what there's a beehive oh yeah we need that Harvest I harvested it that was mine why'd you steal my honey stop it I am trying oh my God that's it he going down into a little hole you could l spell charges or eventually craft them okay oo okay so did you say you learned how to make chests yeah I do I can make chests I will tell you what is in chart uh inails wait how did you learn how to make chests I don't know I I got something that allows me but it's not here I got to go over to the hey crazy thanks for the follow I got to go over to the workbench to do it but we need fiber we need fiber you get fiber from like trees and bushes bushes yeah I don't think I'm getting fiber from trees uh maybe just these Bush oh [ __ ] is that a wolf uhoh hey Felicia come here for a second what you see this or am I high okay you're probably High I mean that's a given okay is this you need a workbench for the chest right a wolf oh my God okay yep okay let's go bones and cloth okay I want to why do you have that why do I have bones and cloth I just don't like the fact that you have better things than me I mean if we get a bin we'll put them all in the bin hey Wiggly boy Chris thanks for the follow here's something here's something oh [ __ ] what's this guy I don't know how to sneak press control to crouch I don't want to crouch oh my God is there anything in here I don't know oh I can sleep we can sleep it's a treasure chest where there's a potion and some arrows oh okay the Raiders have besieged us these past few days attacking from the bridge their eyes such mess we have withheld it so far but only just we may not survive the next assault I've order the rig to pass with our last Munitions if those scavengers return we are prepared I destroyed the table you were talking on oh yeah oh [ __ ] did you get that armor for destroying that I was I was trying the I was trying all right should we sleep I don't know we might should sleep I mean look at how chill my guy is while he's sleeping are you sleeping how chilly is are you sleeping wait I mean I was trying to but I'm not doing that you won't stop talking so rail Bridge oh wow okay should we go I got more bones I no wagon shall survive me hey Felicia oh I got a bunch of arrows Felicia what I think this game's [ __ ] dope uh yeah it's pretty great wait you can't proceed here without a grappling hook oh seek a path through the Shroud something down here oh my almost died that's cool ooh is that more reading materials we are hungry we had to destroy the bridge connection to supplies but it worked we haven't seen any more scavengers the cinder Vault and those within are safe show avoid starvation we have to take our chances in the horrible shroud you know when I'm doing more and you're stealing stuff it's not okay surveillance listen it Felicia I'm not Ryan so it's all going to go into a bin that we're going to use as a community can we not it's I'm just ruining this whole out yeah yeah let's [ __ ] it up oh no my I ran out I got to make another Club come on smash a bone oh that's cool wait I want to make a wand and then I make a club too okay oh an axe does way more damage to it oh okay I don't think we can break this part backpck okay I ruined this club so but I have a new I have a new Flint Arrow I have a wand now I'm going to take this off my hot bar X to crouch control to roll feel like I saw that before okay I can magic attack hey Adam whoa how did you do that I made a wand whoa wait don't go in the Shroud why not we can go in there we just can't SP stand we can't hang on how did you how did you make ammo for that uh it just kind of goes oh okay I'm dying yeah you get like there's a timer at the top of the screen that says how long oh there that's a level 12 damn it wait where's my wand I'm going to lose everything in my uh tour now hey come back up here are you dead yeah I died and I where are you I respawned all the way back home oh my God I was coming to pick you up yeah it's not good why did you click to respawn I don't know where are you that's a level 12 guy go ahead and stay every uh maybe mhm maybe get all my stuff wait where are you are you at the house no I went in the shroud and I just got where are you now I'm now at home yeah okay then I'm coming home we'll go get your stuff later okay did you say you can make or you can make [Music] uh wait can you make a chest I can't what's this I can indeed make a chest I found something that looks like something rough Flintstone I found some rough oh I killed something with my wand I'm so good did you see that oh my God I played like a real person too oh what was that o chest oh yeah yeah yeah yeah uh apparently my camera's frozen on your stream as always pleas you really need to fix that I don't know how to fix it okay okay I'm in the Shroud got torn cloth and some shroud sparred okay why are you back in the shroud I'm in the Shroud but I'm in baby shroud I'm just in baby shroud area I went to the level 12 area and this guy was level one so I'm feeling like that's more my style out of vision if you go to the flame alter and hold X you'll get a rested bonus oh that's good to know thank you all right we should probably play together oh boy you can sit at it Felicia and I just see this number going up up up up up my comfort level is five I have 10 minutes of rested that's very nice uh boost stamina regen and such okay can does anyone know how I build a box or how Felicia builds it oh and it goes higher F your rested Bonus Goes higher when you have higher Comfort based on like decorations and stuff so you're going to love that [ __ ] ooh you play like a I'm killing a goat seven killing a goat hey Master thanks for the follow I think chest is at the workbench okay I killed a boat I killed a goat you killed a goat thank you for the raid okay not decorative not illumination don't great but I like using it cuz it's fleshy chairs benches for the storage oh did you get did you unlock it uh building scaffolds where I'm just looking at the uh stuff you can craft in the crafting bench oh okay I miss something it doesn't say storage here oh you'll need a grappling hook okay okay all right so I need this grappling we need to get grappling hooks ASAP we need grappling hooks ASAP BT dubs I know that be nice okay I'm crafting a bunch of stuff I made some dishes oh wow okay here I come okay should I try to go get my [Music] body ooh doors should I try to get my body that guy was level 12 I feel like it's not going to be go well for me I'm crafting tons of stuff but none of it is a oh storage I'm stupid as [ __ ] okay here I come I'm going to come and help do you have string and twigs I have string and twigs yeah where are you though [ __ ] yeah this is I'm confused about where to go uh just look at the radar oh I see you ho this [ __ ] oh I need more my action bar you ever think people just watch us play these games and think we're just so stupid yeah of course they do that's why they they want to play there's no other way that they would watch us he was level two not 12 oh okay well okay but I really want a bed [ __ ] amazing I want a bed so bad I want a bed oh God it's so dark up herea makes storage not beds hey can someone in chat tell me whether or not when you make storage does it like make it shared for the whole base where where I can't make a because that would be [ __ ] sick ragged shirt torn claw get rid of this workbench okay here we go glider go need shroud wood I don't even know what that is or shroud spores grappling hook metal scrap string and shroud spores beds torn cloth fireplace I could do a fireplace and it will do oh I can do a table I'm going to do a fireplace oh okay later we'll make magic boxes apparently okay I'm going to make a fireplace I already have a fireplace but I want one upstairs Jesus okay okay seven I need one upstairs it's very gloomy up here okay there we go it's really not a very why am my oh boy okay okay okay there are storage boxes that you can make that will pull the reses for them when they craft that's great shroud trees shroud wood is trees and shroud okay roast your meat increases the health bar okay cook I can't sit on this chair I can sit in it no I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that what I don't mean to do you punch my [ __ ] fireplace I'm in a brid okay okay wait oh what are you doing that's not what I meant what are you doing what did you just do I don't know what happened what did you just do I'm trying to undo it it's not letting me [ __ ] wood block what are these oh I just unlocked a [ __ ] wood block because I just set a restro on fire watch this oh burn wait what did you burn if you burn it I got tar and now I can make a tar thank you medas medas a [ __ ] what okay I could I a are youying something okay um that makes more sense okay where's my meat oh I got some raw lean meat I know but I don't know how to do that how do you know when it's done grilled lean meat nice o I guess you just wait until it makes a noise yeah it goes Ding and then you can burn it and then I unlocked a new recipe wait you burnt it yeah or you un Me by burning yes by burning it I got tar okay we're good all right I want to sleep why can't we make oh look at this this pathetic little table you made Jesus are we at a beastro or what what's going on there really whatever it's made it very comfortable in here I thought you were building a fireplace I did it's very small it's over there but I I really want a um a bed uh we need TN cloth where are we going to get that I saw if you if you get those Big Blocks I'm sure there's a way to make it I can make string fici can you just make a [ __ ] container uh I can't what are you missing to make it I don't know but I there's a lot of lot of weird stuff over here are you in the house no I decided to go out you greatly upset me I need I need to level up Sir where did you go I went to kill some shres and I got some cloth okay the bad guy dropped cloth the bad guy the bad guy dropped cloth everything's glowing over here it looks real uh-oh uh I don't know what's going on there but doesn't look safe um there's a lot of zombies up here help come with me why trying to but you ran away come help come okay you got to come over and survive uh can you come over here I'm working on it God damn it I should have communed with the flame before I went over there yes that was the problem not commuting with the flame but let's go down here come on here oh I need to eat hey eat something okay all right I guess I'm not very healthy right now pretty dark down here what are you doing that was the wrong thing I didn't mean to do that I wanted you just blew a [ __ ] hole oh god what the [ __ ] are you doing wand barrage okay I'm coming how did he one shot me I got to go home and come in with the flame or something okay I need to get healthy this is not okay just eat something I thought you cooked a bunch of [ __ ] I think that I need to do more than that I think I'm like one shot away from dying hey do what the [ __ ] is this oh I just blew up a big oh it's like a big pimple it's a bag guy pimple yeah I got it there look oh yeah blow up the pimples nice that's not a good sound whatever ah what the [ __ ] look look o the door but wait there's got to be more wait wait wait I I looted something I looted something how about you bring out a torch uh I don't have one you don't have a torch no here take this one thanks okay but I can't bring out your torch but I can't use and I'll yeah just stay behind me I got a shield yeah but you're going to get all the experience oh Goda here's a treasure chest stop trying to hit that o Flint Arrow wooden Arrow okay just arrows dismantle I think there's a door here too watch this I got some old books look at this there's got to be something here right oh there's not a door there oh all right are we done then let's smash this and see if it breaks oh yeah that'll break I thought that maybe we could get some okay o use a bandage oh that's it guys I need to use a but I don't want to waste it let's just go home let's go home and I wait we should we should finish looting this place first it's done though well you you finish looting and I'm going to go home and commune with the fire whatever the hell don't go in the cloud it accelerates your timer okay oh that was actually helpful oh okay I have a little oh you know what never mind you know I'm really glad that I um I built that extra fire cuz we could really see where our house is MHM okay I could have built a torch I could have mhm but you close there you think the neighbor's going to come over upgrade alter what are you talking to me shroud core we need a shroud core to upgrade the alter how do we so what do I do here Felicia please what do I do to need a [ __ ] chest okay I don't know if I can build a chest I thought we need string and twigs okay I have that I have that um okay where's the I have benches illumination no under storage it's like under survival it's the first one storage oh okay tiny chest I need Twigs but I have lots of string do you need string okay uh I need to sleep I'm going to go find Twigs I need to sleep man well we can go to those beds we found wait let's go to those beds take them apart and bring them here I don't think we can but okay let's try it let's do it or I I could at least sleep there yep what's this thing we're killing nothing it's not even hitting it oh it's like a deer or something there go okay wasn't it over here uh maybe I'm going to get fireflies oh my God what is that glowing Orange over there I think that's it oh I think I really love this game yeah I do too it's kind of perfect there's a bunch of rats or something here uhoh kill them they're like little rabbit things okay here we go all right I'm going to sleep sleeping I'm not warm or comfortable no I'm not warm at all you need to heal eat berries to heal oh I needed a whole morning I don't know but I'm not doing well is it morning I'm I'm I got to I guess I got to eat berries or something yeah let's uh [ __ ] up these beds you think we can wait I'm going to try I need bandages I guess um um I [ __ ] broke the bed oh okay wait no it just gave me some metal scraps why am I oh if everyone is sleeping night goes 60 times faster I see oh got you all right hey I got to go down here and get my body stuff okay so can you what do you out of your mind it's only level two we're level two we can do this come on I mean I might be able to it's true if I just was a little more methodical okay where did you go down here where did you go it was down here it was this way it was this it was this way can you come over here with me come on I mean this is probably the problem you didn't go down the actual path down to it you just went slid down some sketchy ass [ __ ] Hill how are we gonna get out of here once we're in here though figure it out we have five minutes to figure it out okay don't stop going to the right go to the left cuz the path's over here to the left okay oh oh oh oh oh talk this [ __ ] wait wait we got shroud liquid we got shroud liquid oh no we got shroud liquid we need it you think shroud is actually playing this game shroud should be playing this game because maybe it's his game oh oh oh this is what I need to do liquid no you don't need to chop down trees down I do there a special shroud wood it's a a different oh this is different it's different wood I got two shroud Woods are these shroud rocks yeah I don't know no they aren't I just unlocked a spiritual cane at Alchemist wait what the [ __ ] is The Alchemist I don't know I don't know I don't know but this is good stuff if we just stay together this I've already lost you I'm with you oh there are get some shroud pop it pop those pimpies how you just go up and press E look oh yeah shroud liquid get in my pocket okay I'm going back towards the path okay oh what's this thing this weird looking looking doohickey it's nothing oh he broke it okay this is where you died all was somewhere over here oh God there's some guys here okay I'm bombarding him magic ow holy [ __ ] God he hit hard he hit very hard sir is this your body no this is a person oh look at how much we destroy them see when we work together we could do anything who would have thought okay um you need to heal there's a grave here where's my body I thought body was right down here but I guess it isn't hey here's a tent oh there's a bunch of dudes here wait where I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I like this wand it could be more powerful oh apparently we'll want shroud wood for the glider oh that's it I knew something needed a shroud wood oh look oh my God so much stuff what oh I got so much stuff I got plant fiber and dirt and string and runes and everything uh uh this giant skull concerns me yeah that's not oh this right this is where you get uh hey this is where you get um clo those these things oh okay we got two minutes okay we we should probably start try trying to find a way out okay oh I think I I actually see the way out okay but I bet there's more treasure here so how will your body still be here I don't see it I want to go up let's go up a pimple just exploded and almost killed me okay but let's go up no Felicia you're going the wrong way you're on the that's the other side oh wait there's but there's a mysterious cave here oh God caution eat this meat all right I guess we should leave we should leave it says caution we should get out we should get out okay it is we should get out yeah are you following me yeah yeah yeah I don't know where my body went I mean it's gone that was your body oh that was my body all that stuff was my body well I got a lot of loot didn't I I mean that makes sense it makes sense there we go okay good I'm not honestly not screaming at the PC what you know what any loot is good loot okay so let's go back and see if I can I think I could craft a chest now cuz I had a lot of who's this little [ __ ] hey die die die wait do you have do I have bandages oh I do okay I I want to make my wand so much more powerful yeah how do I do that uh I think I think we need to gain levels all right but first we need to not have such [ __ ] stuff excuse me I got it I killed something I got ra um also making some clothes will help okay have you made clothes okay you could go down the magic route oh okay I think that's another body okay we got this um craft and repair I mean it's probably your body also yeah it was definitely my body okay you know what we're getting the hang of this I still can't make storage okay I'm coming we need more quigs okay I can put my um points into intelligence that's definitely what I want to do all right here I go I can make it I bet I can what do you want uh we need storage to store stuff aha here we go I made two tiny chests and just I guess put them right here so they're right by the crafting thing all right here I'll put them right here uh if you look at the very bottom Move Your Body Move Your Body please move move your stupid body thank you uh you can make Rags oh I can make Rags yeah wait are these Rags better than my oh I can make I don't have enough string now I need more string but I can make string I believe aha okay did you make rag do you need Rags should I make you Rags no I made Rags oh okay okay I'm just going to start dumping all this [ __ ] in here I have a ring minia says I have a ring oh my goodness R oh I do wow hey can I put all this crap in here so that we could just communally make everything uh apparently you need magic bins for that but like just start putting standard stuff like wood logs and runes and [ __ ] how do I move it how do I move it wait uh there's probably a okay here shift click click rout okay yeah wait are you putting in the other one cuz I'll come put in that one I'm putting in that one yeah I'm putting in whatever okay but I want to make I think I've got enough that one's full so I think if you go up to them now if if they have stuff in them and you press what is it shift R uh yeah it'll deposit anything that's already in there uhhuh out of your inventory oh wow which is really helpful shift R okay oh I got a health potion you have a ring let's put this ring on I do not have a grappling hook delete all this [ __ ] I got some arrows okay oh I look so good now wow I got an eight stamina ring I look so hot wait where did you get the ring I don't know somehow I found it nice you can click the icon with the arrows on the middle of the screen while opening a chest for options oh yeah okay so twigs and string I need wigs is that enough string no yes okay craft okay uh I just made a bow nice well I put a bunch of arrows in there I think so you could have them okay I got 14 Flint got mob and the shrouded Cloud yeah see all right okay so what's next what do we want to do next I think we should go exploring wait we need a b you didn't make any feet you didn't make any shoes and pants I did not know I had I could do that okay so when you when you go down to the oh wait where is it it's in V oh uh see how there's like more over on the right oh I don't have enough okay I have no torn cloth or string but I would like to make those things yeah cuz they're in the bins well won't they take them out of the bins no oh my God are you kidding not these bins apparently later you get bins that do okay where's the string okay so I'll do that there's no string there's no string uh how do we make string again oh yeah yeah we plant fiber plant fibers plant fibers okay so what's next then what do you want to go do do you want to I want to make some shoes some want to kill someone yeah let's go kill some people but I want to make shoes the button in the middle you can move plant oh I see okay so now I can make manual crafting I can make string okay and now I can make okay I see pants and I can't make shoes I don't have enough string not putting tools and weapons on the quick bar am I not okay wait what's the quick bar oh I already have pants Jesus Oh I better better pants okay threadbear pants or ragged pants okay great is that not the quick bar they're on the second quick bar really need these extra pants oh I see Oh weird I didn't even notice there was a difference there wait this is what I want to wear red bear okay so I need the Ragged pants okay hi Nick and then I needo Boop I really like it so far you don't need arrows on the quick bar oh okay okay we can't I was going to delete this okay all right well let's go let's kill some stuff okay um thank God I built that door there though um what okay so we also have have a we have a tombstone and a Longs keep so we need to just Explore More should we go Southeast lead the way all right southeast of this let's drank some water wait wait wait we have a we had we do it looks like we have a oh look look look find the sleeping Survivor yeah let's do that why are you still hurt I don't know I need I need to go and sit next to the fire will that heal me I mean you also need to I think need a bandage okay do I if I how do you sit down uh X thank you and does that help me uh you need to use a bandage oh I don't have any bandages here I have one uh okay wait let me go upstairs can I make bandages Probably sounds like a really bandage we need torn cloth and string oh God string too yeah so this the same [ __ ] so we need to go get string which means we need plant fibers which means let's just pick stuff on the way we go oh you don't need the bow on the quick bar interesting wait how do I get back to there so wait I can just okay that's okay that's what I need plant fiber no that's not working oh I see I see I see so I can no I still can't okay so that only gives me wood logs okay go into your character screen oh right that makes more sense okay cook and eat so if you go into the character screen you can change stuff in there too backpack extension don't have that what's this a glider ring did you put your ring on by the way yeah I did okay okay where the [ __ ] I'm right here did you go I'm just waiting where how do I not shoot the arrow if I don't want to okay pick berries and eat them to ha faster thank you I don't see any berries but we'll get them okay so I guess we just go oh we need the grappling hook we can't get over there until we get a grappling hook okay so we have to assign my ammo hey we can't get over there until we get a grappling hook I mean we can okay so we need a grappling hook we need to make a grappling hook which is let's see grappling hook I can't even do it here what do we need for it how do I shoot I'm going to go see what we need for a grappling hook and that should be our next is the Dual face cam a new twitch feature very cool if so I don't you know the twitch allows you in a nice way to stream with your friends although the camera keep I'm trying to click let me shoot the [ __ ] Arrow okay tables chairs Windows dishes what am I missing here why the [ __ ] can't I shoot these arrows huh heads head shots count oh nice we need okay so it says Flint arrows okay I click the mouse nothing happens we need shroud spores string and metal scraps left click to shoot is my left click not working or something and metal scraps okay I'm literally that's really strange we have no string clearly oh I'm going to take these berries scraps what the [ __ ] how much string do we need animal fur shroud wood string get pissed off I need I'm going to get plant fiber I'm making this happen no we need shroud wood for a glider by the way I don't know what you're doing with your life but we do that works when I'm [ __ ] not when I don't have it equip how does that make any [ __ ] sense okay what are we trying to kill well I'm trying to get string Because unless we get string we can't have a grappling hook and if we can't have a grappling hook we can't so I would just advise you to run around getting I'm trying to kill these guys I know me too it doesn't seem like it's doing very good honey Hy this is such a good game bees they were swarming a okay I don't know what we're doing with our I don't know what I'm doing with my life either I will be honest with you it's not [ __ ] auto aim auto aim is what do you mean Auto aim's great I mean I was trying to use it but then the moment I didn't tab to walk on Thank You tab to lock on to Target oh God po why am I doing this why am I going crazy here why are we killing all these guys what are we looking for I don't I'm just looking for I'm just looking for what in the world how did I I'm looking for Twigs we're looking for string we need seven string each for this glider it's like string arom okay string I don't know about okay so string we need fiber shoot down beehives from trees to get honey and wet oh no what are you doing I'm being killed by bees run away from them I got wax though the bees are not happy with me again do we not heal at all like what's going on here I'm getting lots of Twigs here okay good yeah just make as much string as you can because oh there's a wolf also we need shroud wood to make a glider and we need uh animal skins to make a glider so there's a wolf all right kill the wolf I'm serious I killed him and it was not that bad bees in the trap what do that mean bees in the trap ooh I don't know okay we need we need prob something sexual right oh God it's a wolf nest that's what they're called right uh I don't know we need please sh these bees ORS uh thanks for letting them attack me and then loading them a bees how do we get rid of those bees do you think they're free fire I I don't know why they're mad at me what in the world get on here get oh I killed the bees you can kill bees yeah hit him with a torch this is very strange let's see if I can get we need shroud wood we need a lot more shroud where oh we got to go in the Shroud for that yeah let's go do that another wolf we need animal skins so this is a good thing oh I guess I wasn't close enough oh he's resisting I'm not seeing an the Shroud was over here okay yeah you've picked up a couple animal skins I don't know why I still have flame alter over here oh there's some pups I don't think we can pick those up but yeah this is where we went into the basement oh okay I think we got did we fully explore that basement yeah I think we did there's a there's more shroud over here heal up before heading into the Shroud area I know I need to all let me get some more berries oh just hit the bees with any weapon apparently string sounds like more of a plant-based thing than a Slaughter related loot yeah string comes from fiber which you get just by picking up these bushes okay there shroud over here can we get is this can we get this see this bush right here Felicia I mean you aren't looking I'm not looking at all but if you come to where I am right near you this bush no turn around yeah this bush is where you get the fibers and stuff I know that's what I've been doing oh we need seven shroud wood each okay shroud wood but I'm very I really need to heal up are you going to get shroud wood from that thing oh what's this a weird basement but it doesn't seem like it's working oh there we go let's see didn't drop any shroud wood oh I did wooden logs that's not even what I needed no we need to I think we need to go into the main shroud area okay let's go where we previously were okay it' be nice to heal up but I guess I don't need to nah just don't get hit ever again okay there a go oh kill thatat R too fast kill the goat you got away too fast oh look this I would love to take back yeah I think we're going to be good if we just really Farm all this can't believe we so long and we haven't done anything it's really good we haven't done anything you haven't okay I've made long lasting friendships with what with one of those rats this game needs more Pals hey thanks fro bang I'm a smoke show did you hear that I don't know what that means oh that's really good means you're a babe oh that's great you pinned the alter Quest oh so that's why it's there that's great that's great thank you oh here we go shroud wood yeah shroud wood I'll pop these pimples I don't know what we need them for but he what's this shroud wood can I get these get some more shroud wood oh no a tree okay I guess it's a tree but I got nothing from it oh shroud liquid hey there's a pimple growing near me yeah I got I'm picking pimples everywhere howdy kyos for I'm sorry I'm really kind of ignoring chat right now this game is really this game needs Memorial Bridges yes oh listen that might happen it does look reo's dead to me Reiko had had listen he wanted to play I'm sure MH there were several mitigating factors where he couldn't play today and I you know what we shouldn't shame people for not being able to play game shroud no I'm going to shame Ryan though I I won't shame people but I'll definitely shame Ryan what is this what is this why can't I get this priceus flow says wow Felicia calling Brian a mitigating Factor berries or bandages helps or heals HP bar meat makes HP bar bigger just make sure you don't stay in the in in the Shroud too long okay listen are we getting in shrouded are we we getting things like we need are we getting them uh I don't know hey let's run up hey let's run up the can we run can you run with me I don't know where you are I'm just chopping down a big fungus real quick no no but I guess I remember that we had that thing if we run upstairs run upstairs up the all right forget it I'm in a new area up the mountain oh wow this did you go up the mountain wait wait you should come to me this is a new area I mean I'm trying to but you just keep running come over here you ran past several shroud trees okay but I'm looking and I just got some really loud this is get this is getting scary ficia it is scary the music is scary now I think there's going to be bad guys okay there's something to read here okay I don't care oh I heard someone scream oh level three God damn damn it you got to dodge those he's dead oh there's a lot of people in there man what level are they oh they're level three probably oh my God there's a lot of folks in there I think we should not be fighting level threes no we should not I don't want to lose my stuff God Dam it Felicia why did you start fighting them you did you went in there and aggroed them and then they went after me wait can they not figure out where I am they're coming okay I think I'm going to die here God damn it certain backp items are dropped when you perish I'm out of here oh he's still chasing me oh when am I when do I get to level up how did we get here Felicia I don't know how to get out of this [ __ ] place I don't know I have no I have just no sympathy for you I got nothing in my backpack now I had so much stuff I had saved up why did we go down there I was intrigued I am in [Music] shrouded oh God you're going to turn into one of those dudes goodbye a oh I'm out of the Shroud wait does dying you may have leveled up completing Quest is okay completing quests we can't get a quest until we get a grappling hook and I can't get a grappling hook because all the stuff that I needed we probably can't where are you going I see you naked running in the direction of the shoud i stuff are you kidding I need my St terrible idea I'm going to run in I'm going to stealth in and get my stuff I need my stuff dying does not lose you X okay that was a terrible rumor listen I need my stuff I worked really hard for all of that that was your fault you ran in they they aggroed wait do you want me to come help you I mean I guess not wait do you or do you not want me to help you want be I want to be a higher level that's what I want yeah well you're not going to become a higher level if you just die okay also I can give you a healing potion sure how much health do you have I'm stealthing you don't need the grappling hook to do the question you could run through the shouted area oh okay all right Felicia stop oh God one shot what you doing why one shot why did I get one shot though wait don't respawn yet I might be able to bring you up why is he there why is he just waiting there though cuz he followed me oh boy okay wait don't aggro him hang on let me drop a a potion blit stack how do I oh gift it poopy okay do you have that healing potion um I don't know if I do or not please drink the healing potion for the love of God Felicia what are you doing I didn't see where it was okay don't okay let me just let me fight this why are we getting why are we dying with from this silly person cuz he's better than us at this game well he's level three okay two swings and then I [ __ ] him up listen you stole the shield oh God you can get this I stole you can do this you can do this one more bit one more hit you oh he's he's blocking everything blocking everything he's good at what he does ah you [Music] [ __ ] ficia why that's the level three final boss okay we're going to go get our body we're going to go get our body God Dam it we're going to go get our body it's going to be fine this is oh get to your body before Felicia loots you that's probably good ide P the button Felicia's leveling up strategy is okay guys I understand level discrepancy is a little bit larger here so we need to be a little bit more careful it would be nice to you know maybe I'm taking a shortcut oh I got a Felicia do not take my stuff I won't take your stuff I don't want your stuff I I want stuff I believe that for a second what do you mean you took a shortcut just kind of went down into here this is a game you have to learn their attack patterns and Dodge them you can't just charge and take them on at head on okay thank I refuse to learn anything I don't have shoes on I've been a hobo this whole game this guy is probably still here okay all I had was one twig now that's all you take that okay great Felicia yeah we're going to go slow do you have anything no any food or anything yeah I [Music] do okay put those drink my last potion where is this guy don't don't [ __ ] me on this when we go find your body here I don't know he ran away I heard him breathing I see your body I see it can I we're just going to take it slow how do I how do I how do I stealth oh there's there's something up there careful okay you got this you got this grab it and let's get the [ __ ] out of here okay the oh we got to go they agroed for sure someone hit me with an arrow they really aggroed for sure God damn it get out bye I'm right behind you yeah this way okay let's never let's never go down here again no we need to we need to get you no let's just build a base at the top of the hill and that's it we'll just live there that's fine we'll stay level two forever yeah don't eat uncooked meat okay Crouch mobs cannot black magical attacks that's a very interesting thank you casual all right guys we're getting better at this all right I don't want to die again Adam or just use wands from a safe distance for homing missiles oh yeah we should definitely I know I want to up my I want to be a wand specialist That's all I want to use wand them yeah oh interesting you have a mission travel through the Shroud it's fine we'll just never do it no we're going to go through the Shroud we have to get to the other side okay well let's go back to our base regroup it' be nice make sure that you have [ __ ] shoes on I would really like some shoes once you have shoes we'll talk about potentially going back in the Shroud the dangerous dangerous shroud I think it's the best place to be oh interesting you can tra oh you can fast travel to your base bazelle what what is that true uh yeah we could oh my God oh my God oh I'm fast traveling to my base from inside the base well you know what I did it out of principal thank you so much for that okay so I'm going to okay wait what were we trying to build a glider so we need string and shroud spores okay so I'm going I'm pretty sure we have shroud spores in here we need sh string do you have all the Shroud spores I made a lot yeah I did so I'm going to craft a grappling hook I could do a grappling hook I can't okay do you have three more string cuz if you have three more string then you can have a grappling hook too okay hang on string craft craft craft three string all right I'm going to put I'll put it in this bin here I'm going to put okay there's the string okay okay okay you just put okay you didn't take the string okay all right you just put string in there okay you know I was just testing you great we have two grappling hooks now I'm going to give you a grafting hook oh sick make sure you equip it the flashing lights while crafting seem annoying oh yeah for sure okay so we need to put it on the bar you can also just right click it in the inventory and click equip okay and I think you can do that to these things too now where did I guess where is my I guess I I would like some oh I would also like some shoes I have no string it's a again we're string blocked what does it cost to make the grap or the [ __ ] thingy the uh The Hanger uh the hang glider I think animal skins okay if you have shroud spores put them back in the okay I'll put them in there eight shroud wood the other two animal fur two string and shroud spores we have plenty of shroud spores we're fine with shroud spores put the Shroud spores in this bin over here okay okay we have croud spores craft glider okay we need string Twigs what what is twigs could Twigs make okay we need four more shroud wood do you have shroud wood in your pockets I don't see that I don't see any I don't know why oh no never mind never mind there was shroud wood here I didn't see what the other thing was animal fur two animal fur in one of these oh here animal fur yep there's plenty oh there is Twigs we got Twigs we do have squigs I'm going to put this this is not in the right place so I'm going to put this over here there you go oh a glider you made the glider yeah check this out you can even Glide inside okay but I want a glider too you have a glider yeah I gave you one oh you did you made two of them yeah oh wow this is so cool equip oh my God how do we do it now jump out the upstairs door and double tap oh my god oh like Rocky Raccoon okay do you know how to Grapple I don't know but I'm going to do I'm going to jump out the second floor window I don't know how to Grapple crafting oh my God I'm so happy grapple how the [ __ ] do you grapple I got it now we oh you probably just need a grapple point it probably is oh there are there's one over here what follow me you can only grapple to specific things yeah there's oh yeah Finlay is uh saying that's oh Jesus Christ you know these guys they came from the party oh my God Felicia I does it I don't know who they are all right go over here what's this special item acquired oh we can also go across that thing what was it what was it y I just got a rusty short sword oh what yeah I'm going to rust up these guys what's this fireflies wait you just [ __ ] I'm the one who gets accused of just running off but you just [ __ ] take off wee this game is very hey what's up Chicago what okay this is going to be a problem for me this game yeah I'm not going to stop playing it for the next [ __ ] seven oh have we gone in here oh this is where this is where we came from from now look we got to go this way okay we got to go south of here oh yeah this is that long keep place where we got our ass kicked right at the beginning uh do you see this light the hell's that I oh it's a giant torch oh where okay on the other side here can you pull out your torch while we're going cuz I have a shield and sword so I'll be able to protect us Sor some form of light I just dug another where's this okay oh it's just a really big no it's over here I think well is it past here I can't really remember where this place was actually it was south of here I I mean I know exactly where a grapple point is if that's what you're looking it's over here well there's one by that bridge oh yeah let's just do that but there's one over here here it is there's one right here watch this okay watching it's over here watching what are you doing I don't know he just crawled in a hole in the wall a very strange looking hole you talking about this one here yeah look okay you go first I don't know how to Grapple point at it and press e oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh not enough stamina B oh [ __ ] can't get up there though I I I couldn't get up here I need double jump oh there we go I clim you're climbing it I climbed it o chest health potion oh important yeah for me I ran out of stamina yeah let's go over there and do that other grappling hook oh you can climb up let's climb up here yeah let's do it what the [ __ ] how did I fall this is a dude's house oh [ __ ] this is and take all his stuff oh my God this is should we just start our house here and take over this place I like I like this place this is nice oh chest Alicia ring of Mana oh my gosh I got another ring quick can you just res me I'll just have it I hit a red barrel and the entire bottom floor of this [ __ ] somebody told me not to do that God damn it why didn't somebody tell me not to do that they probably did you weren't paying attention um I mean it is common video bad guys bad guys okay wait I need to wait oh Goda I have no Health I'll give you a a healing potion okay another guy right here come on fight me nice there's another guy on the top of the can you hook me up with the healing potion yes uh God that [ __ ] mustache of yours you love it okay yes do you want hey I got this ring of Mana do you want the I have like a tank ring you want that tank ring [ __ ] yeah okay let me see I mean it's sigil R of elder god this is probably better for you it's stamina and health okay I want to get do this I mean I still feel like most of them would be better for you I mean yeah maybe you should just hold on to it well you're doing more uh you're doing more damage and you there you go that's my hey there you go friendo thank you I've always wanted one of these I'll get the next one you just give me all the mag let's murder these guys oh there's a Pro three four of them this is going to be sketchy watch out one of them has a bow and arrow what are and they're level three oh [ __ ] and they have armor did you see that oh yeah oh they're all level three watch out for the stink puddle uh-oh somehow up behind him yes [ __ ] you trying to focus fire that a guy what's this guy have on him he's got a bow and arrow sh well sorry oh look at that we did good nice work look at that got some spores anything good spores and cloth oh fir fir all right get uh every time you see a a string oh look what no no do we want to do that right I don't know I bees in the trap I guess if the bees come down we can just kill them what's this okay what were we doing we were doing something I mean we should probably go to whatever this bright orange oh there's a bad guy here where wa oh my God very aggressive wolf oh my God he's dead that was very okay it's morning but let's go up Health right now I got ation I don't have one I where you going I Gave You My Only potion I I'm going to loot this body right here okay I need to eat some wait did we check in this house if there was anything o upstairs there's a treasure chest some arrows I got to heal this is not oh the [ __ ] okay you want to go up to whatever that cave is over there yeah let's do it oh interesting why are you all glowing in green like that uh cuz I had to heal myself quite a bit oh uh make sure to use my Dodge roll yeah I haven't been doing that okay yeah we're going to be terrible reading Scrolls gets you XP oh [ __ ] did I miss a scroll uh scavenger camp with M sh oh boy oh boy who's this [ __ ] okay we got this we got this I'll just I'll I'll Stand in between you and them and every time they come up and attack oh God why am I not getting stamina back okay here we go yes yes keep it up keep it up keep it up yeah dude this might be the Strat that's the Strat yeah metal scraps we got some metal scraps those are rare nice ooh a Mana potion cor cloth and string makes um bandages yeah we definitely need to build some bandages cuz but string string is like vital in this game huh hey there's an explosive Barrel there if you shoot it with your W okay where is it uh right there's a thing right here but the explosive Barrel is right here in front of [Music] me nice fck that's why I died Agro look at that those are the ground hey there's some books over here if you want them oh yeah those we could use those oh and there's a chest and a whoa whoa whoa did you see that what I used a grappling hook just accidentally all right I just danced mant oh let's bust into this Cavern okay let's do it oh yeah how do we do it oh watch out watch out oh oh yeah nice oh there's a chest in here I got Flint stone ooh it's a silver chest let's see what's in it there's a ring there's a Shepherd staff and a ring of stamina do you want the staff or the ring probably [Music] the probably the staff okay I mean uh no I'll take the ring well I'll take the St yeah it's too late it's too late but I have to equip a spell like can't use it I can't use that oh yeah I I have a staff actually you can have if we need one no no I have one already I made a staff here you want the ring then this is a rare this no I'll take this this is a rare this is a rare one oh you that special like allow me to uh oh nice oh yeah Stone stone stone stone stone stone wait is that it oh we could like dig into the wall here I didn't get anything special it all right okay so that's the M shaft that seems not that exciting well I guess we can get a lot of stone out of there if we want Stone we can come here and get hundreds of stone so that's pretty handy does it seem like this is something oh it was just fiber oh oh no uh there you do there was a bomb there and by going near it I did but you know I got it oh [ __ ] here's the oh these little God hey these little dudes are level three the little a rat came flying out of this [ __ ] hole here wait where' you go I'm killing this rat okay there's a little H here I'm looking inside I killed it oh there's a fireplace here where does someone live here you can dig almost anywhere so you f can't find a way up a mountain you can carve your own staircase oh my God I mean that's pretty cool uh look over there should we go into that Tower over there that's badass uh I think that's where we're intending to go is that the sleeping oh there's a big cave right below us here to your left let's do it oh cool oh my gosh love it oh there's two wolves where uh to the Northeast they're level three over here oh God why is he oh God I'm almost I'm almost dead what happened there why did I start punching them did my wand break oh my wand broke oh that's not great [ __ ] uh I mean we should still look in this cave just bring out your uh torch I guess o rack of ribs wait I need to heal myself this is not good um okay we'll heal in a second let's just see what's in here cave passage seems safe oh totally safe what happened here uh do you have a torch uh yeah uh whoa what is that I'm seeing something cool up here did you bring out a torch oh wolves wolves wolves I can you can what I died Jesus I I mean I I'm not built for this oh don't be afraid to dig a basement or a sub basement or a Sub sub basement fast travel home to repair your tools okay I don't have a shield yeah but then we'd have to fast travel back here well we need to find uh let's just look in this cave real quick okay you just can't wait to get in this cave waa look at that stuff on the Roof oh I don't know what it is but I want it I need to dig that wait I got I got these I picked up these bombs okay you think I can maybe throw it at it maybe let's find out okay so what were those there they are okay explosive powder ball I want that stuff get back down and blew up right by us it's okay okay let's make a fire and just cook some of this stuff what's this do we not do that wait I don't know something happened there uh yes we should definitely make a oh look look look look there's a place to climb okay I'm making a fire right here if you want to come yeah I should definitely heal up here cook something up oh I punched it why' you I was trying to cook some meat did you play power world no I I mean we we played through Power yeah well I did out of it yeah I got all the pals he got all of them he played without us un hidden one I mean mostly me Reverend played a [ __ ] time played oh yeah um mod and Naomi were playing oh boy oh now I'm on fire for some reason now I'm on fire oh there's a chest here because you went in the fire oh my God I don't have a lockpick on me do you I do not damn it hang on can't we make them I think we can actually lockpick requires metal scraps do you have any uh no doesn't look like I do oh I have a shield I have a shield now thank God what is this a hatchet oh a melee weapon level three so you know there's wolves upstairs I need to heal myself but this is very cool I just got a level three Hatchet die wolf die wolf die wolf he's coming closer and he's dead did you say you got a level three Hatchet yeah oh I got to one of those purple things I have to eat what is it luminous luminescent wall oh my God yes yes wait really need a server I guess yeah I'll I'll probably ship this to a server cuz that way we can have our 16 people yeah and other people can do work there's lava in here it's just said and shrouded for some if I jump in there you think I'll died yes I believe you probably oh this is Flint stone make the Flint stone going to have a Yaba daa do time a daa do time a daa day all time all right what you know Seth McFarland owns the rights to them now no really uhhuh cuz he bought them cuz he really wanted to make a modern Flintstones it would have been cool yeah all right um we need to oh look now we can travel home and repair this oh is this a fast travel a fast traval yeah oh [ __ ] let go home new location chartered yep maybe no set as Waypoint does anyone know if that's fat no it's not it's not I thought oh that's just means set his Waypoint oh okay we can't so should we fast travel home anyways or what do you want to do I mean oh this is too bad try to Skyrim our ways up this hill I think we should I think we should yeah I think we should go down we should go down here wait where are we going wait wait wait go to the Northeast North oh there's a house here yeah that's the way I went ow there's a house over here okay I should have uh you say ow yeah I could have there's a bunch of wolves over to the north just so you know why am I not this house why am I not increasing in My Level i h we got to use a lockpick I know we need lockpicks there's no F you know what's a powerful lockit if you buil a if you build a flame uh uh we just have to build a flame altar I this door no longer needs a lockpick cuz I build a [ __ ] hole around it just blew a giant hole around it oh there's a silver chest upstairs there's your lawn what there is an apprentice wand and an ornate wood bow I want the wand I want the wand okay I'll leave the wand the wood bow looks like it's orange ooh take it equip oh wow this is awesome wait um okay I got a crappy wand but where's my nice wand where's the nice wand wooden Arrow do you need wooden arrows by the way uh yes I'll take any arrows um wait what the [ __ ] this a spark what is this a small amount of essence from The Flame by feeding it back to the flame alter maybe it could become stronger oh wait did I not pick up the did I not pick it up hi Monkey yeah I'm obsessed you know it here we go oh I got a new wand I love it I'm definitely a wand user you might have to put too many flame Alters oh okay so I need to take up that other flame alter in order to be able to well let's see what he can do how many flame Alters can you put down I don't know let's see cannot Place more altar so I screwed the pooch by putting that other alter down there's some explody [ __ ] here [Music] okay I blew it up okay um um what are you doing wait did you create it oh God someone's shooting arrows at me who the [ __ ] who's doing that okay someone's down below here oh yeah I can see him [ __ ] you guy oh my God I that was not the move I jump I jumped down lost all my health and he hit me once and killed me oh God I'm dead no okay well uhoh well we're we're close we're close is oh we're right at that point I think we are I'm not sure no we're near Long cap why are we now here oh my God you're turning your last return was this a different thing than the other thing yeah this is I don't know this is where we started the game I don't know why we're here [ __ ] this game I know this is the horrible this is the wow you know what maybe we can um when you get a private server you do the thing that power world does that makes it that our stuff doesn't drop because I don't think they have the options to do that but also it's just the stuff in your bag luckily it's not like the stuff on your HW that's true one person might be able to fast travel back to the altar that you don't want to restore okay so I'm going to pick this one up I'm going to do Rook Mo oh cuz we were at like a a bad place Rook Mo how do I get rid of this how do I get rid of this thing wait why can we fast travel to the cinder Vault whatever that is I don't know but hey how do I get rid of this thing how do I pick this thing up um oh just walk or just here extinguish flame so now it'll after 30 seconds it'll okay commune with it okay okay now come with this one here inside and commune with this flame uhhuh do you have any of the things needed to upgrade them let me see ooh strengthen the flame shroud core no we need a shroud core where oh here we go alter activation capacity two to four okay oh sacrificial Al offerings strength in the flame okay so I need shroud liquid bones resin and animal oh wow I have a spark I found a spark I have red mushrooms but I need five bones we need all this do we have to do it all at once like what's going on I mean I'm going to put it all oh no yeah I'm going to put the spark in here I got one resin I do this Twigs what else let me see what it does why what do we need here um what is all this [ __ ] oh yeah oh yeah this is great um we need animal fur flame alter gives you the spark you take your own flame to upgrade it ah wait oh yeah that's true it's probably that guy that killed us was probably the owner of the house we [ __ ] probably the wall blew the wall yeah but uh what are you gonna do this game is so good I'm GNA eat this grilled wolf meat I need five more hours for this I can't believe it's almost four and I have to go play with my child um okay bone shroud liquid spark animal fur so we need somebody needs to do all these at once you can't just kind of like partial them uh yes you just have them in your pocket and then all but you got to do all of them so let me put here I'll put some of these way I just put everything in there okay I put five TGs I put five mushrooms in there and I'm putting the resin back okay do we want to kill anything well I got to go in 15 so is that enough time for us to go get our tombstones it would be nice to go do the Keystone and get our bodies back at that place hype train why is there a Hy train yeah let's do it let's do it you're going the wrong way I think yeah I am yeah I am it's over this way save the mushroom uh if you if you look at the you can see on your um Compass which direction to go here oh yeah I got it um non green trees drop resin is that correct sweet be thank you so much for the cheers we're having cheers and Subs oh [ __ ] I killed a goat all right well I have a better weapon now two better weapons I don't I still don't have shoes that probably would have been a good thing to okay so this is where we went we grappled up this [ __ ] I'm just I how big is this map I assume very oh my [ __ ] god Felicia go to the map uhhuh zoom out with your scroll and then start dragging the map to like try and find the edges okay what um you did none of that did you wait what where are you I'm just trying to did you go up here I'm just trying to find the bodies yeah but where did you grapple up to the top I just kind of flew through oh look oh I see a body oh no I see your body oh no why are you this way why did you just tell me what you were doing I saw the body and I didn't see what in the world wow listen where I died a couple times okay God damn it Neo in Wonderland loves Felicia so much you know that's what I need right now I don't need this negativity from Adam Vision oh my God don't start with me this is such nonsense okay so I found where we died yeah I saw it I saw your body and then I just kind of fell wa were you down below yeah I was down below cuz that's where my body is see I see where you died with the other body okay I'm sneaking trying to get my body just get that guy take it all okay you didn't respawn yet did you yes of course I did okay where is he there he is he hasn't noticed I'm here yet head shot head shot oh one old man gamer again with the eight gift tier Subs my goodness thank you so much thank you for being here today I mean I I murdered him uh-oh there's something going on look below us there's a whole Camp there's a camp of baddies okay you murdered him I fell down this crack that was the problem yeah I [ __ ] murdered this [ __ ] oh what does he got here is this my body or did I I think I took all your body stuff there's no there's two bodies up there both yours oops Treasure Chest explosive powder balls wow did you get some stuff just some explosive powder balls oh uh there's some bad guys down here I think in in this base in here yeah let's go kill them and then I yes hi okay there's some stuff in here dishes yeah dishes and nice stuff there's a dude oh here he is there's two guys out here so be careful what are you doing you're supposed to take them what are you doing the okay okay okay okay my God you're sitting thought we had a syst arrow I thought we had a system my God I mean I thought we had a system until you [ __ ] pissed off and just did on everything on your own and all right uh it's a formula The Elixir a flood of Woe it's a formula I do not quite grasp sophisticated Beyond imagination okay it was not a camp full of baddies it was just two baddies okay there's got to be something better in here though right I don't see anything over this wall did she bust the door open yes okay I guess that's a thing oh there's a there's a tunnel oh oh let's do it should we yeah of course Jesus Christ where there's a giant rat there's a rat get it I killed it oh explosive powder ball are you Looting wait wait wait look behind you what watch this oh yeah oh yeah secret secret there's rats and a treasure chest oh yeah I'll let you loot it you found it okay there's a hunter's bow for you and uh I already have a bow so you should take it an Executioner's axe ooh I'll take that and give you the sword or well you're using a wand right I'm not using the wand I don't really want to use the Hunter's bow but I'll take it since I don't have a bow but you don't do you have a level three bow uh how do I tell here let's go it is a level three yeah yeah okay but I I'll take that axe if you don't want it I don't want it yeah you take that backpack or wait is it a choing ax my backpack is full is it a wood chopping axe or is it like no no it's a it's a aggro axe oh [ __ ] this is way better than mine yeah take all right oh [ __ ] you can salvage items saw except for the ones that uh like the beginner ones oh okay so it's like Greening up maybe yeah the good stuff you can salvage I love the you're respectful of you found it you open it listen it's it's just Felicia and I playing so there doesn't need to be like yeah ridiculous chaos and stealing and yeah oh this do Felicia the axe doesn't have a uh wait where did you go I'm upstairs I have a level three Hatchet I have damage 14 how much damage does that one do did you have the axe it does oh bad guy 21 oh let me [ __ ] him up with this axe oh wow oh critical look at you [ __ ] you guy wow I oh my God look at what they I don't want to find out what that was that's not okay look at this skull it's not okay what's in your room here there's a guy chill guys he's got a log or something oh no he's oh wow that was good I think they're dead there's another guy coming oh God I just want to up my oh God no dick it's okay it's okay it's okay did I find a razor yet no but I want one oh you just want me I think they want me to take my mustache off oh okay all right um these guys have anything scraps and [ __ ] what am I doing you're building something I was going to put the oh there enemies nearby oh there's an enemy nearby I don't know where they are but uh ficia pick up this right here shut up it's a bear trap I can tell that's the bad guy trap come on man think I'm an idiot my backpack is full I need I mean you walked off a cliff earlier cuz I told you to don't give yourself too much credit there's definitely another bad guy around here uh maybe up this hill here I don't know oh what's that oh wait I can put it down commune with flame I did it so now we can travel there's a guy right here oh God I'm stuck in Reading oh I'm coming down pleas sh behind you [ __ ] you yes yes I got stuck in the reading menu we arrived at brookmore finally out of the shrouded lands o sh uh Hunter's bow and an apprentice wand well I already have one go ahead and take yeah you already have that so I'll take that wait I got to get rid of something I know my wow these explosions are aggressive okay I got to raid you cuz I got to go be with my kid wait oh I got five Ms okay uh it looks like you can salvage most things help help help I'm dead Felicia he was he came out of nowhere right guys he came out of nowhere dead Adam oh where did you respawn did you respawn right there I think we respawned right here yes okay I'm still dead so come pick me up because I don't think I talk to that flame so I can't respawn there God I'm just right up top also I'm not sure I like that axe because I can't really like block and fight okay I killed oh nice killed the guy you can't block also we're getting XP for killing these guys you can't you can't block I mean I can but it doesn't seem as effective for whatever reason Weir all right well go talk to that flame because that's much better place here well I don't know depending on what you're about to do I mean it at the very least it just gives us a another place yeah yeah oh also I'm pretty sure if we sit at it yeah you get the rested B rested bonus oh oh oh that's nice okay all right well I have to go oh wait wait wait there's a there's a cave upstairs there's a cave upstairs is that where we came from I don't know I got to go I can't do any more caves oh God all right I'm going to raid Adam okay um okay so we'll play again on Friday perhaps Friday 1 to 4 I'm I'm available thank you everybody I can't I'll have all the best gear in the game by then please don't come on man I mean you know I'm going to I know you will I know you will okay this is not a game that I'm going to promise I won't play uh it's okay and I'm excited to play it with you and I won't let anyone destroy your base it's okay you can as long as we're decorating oh look there's so much more to see and then we're really close to where oh killing a I'm killing a wolf one more wolf let me see oh I died all right get me up I'm here get me up okay so thank you guys um so wait let me see my I want to see my journal quests find the sleepling Survivor uh backpack oh yeah that's the other thing so so this game weirdly has server based quests wow so like that's weird once we do quests I guess it like progresses the game so maybe I just won't do quests I'll just like kind of dick around if you can that would be awesome uh but you know you do it's fine any any game is fine um oh yeah I know there is a bug with the multiplayer that if one person does all the quests then it does it for everybody that kind of sucks I think that's purposeful oh is it yeah because I I suspect it means something changes as you do the quests like there's probably changes that happen on the map and whatnot yeah it's a lot of oh I might as well stop streaming so I will want to do some quests apparently yeah but but here's the thing
Channel: Felicia Day
Views: 4,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, Felicia Day, Lets Play, Playthrough, Twitch, games, twitch
Id: BL_uF3in8X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 46sec (10666 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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