Enshrouded - A New AMAZING Open World Survival Game..

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all right so welcome back guys today we're going to be checking out an on new Survival game that I've had on my wish list on Steam for quite some time and it's finally officially released today so with that said welcome to enshrouded enshrouded is a game of survival crafting and action RPG combat set with sprawling Vox based continents as you journey across the mountains and deserts of the open world you are free to choose your path and shape your destiny ignite the ancient power of the flame and piece together the fragments of a story that unfolds below the surface I was really hoping that we can choose a face and then change attributes to that face but it seems to be very heavy on presets but nonetheless let's continue long ago a wonderer brought an enthralling gift to the people of Ember Vil a cut scene the Elixir it was a cure a blessing a weapon once concealed by the Ancients its might had been set free with it came power mistrust and a longing for more Humanity dug The Elixir Wells ripping apart the land and each other to qu their thirst Elixir and blood a drop for a drop but from the depths of the wells an unforseen curse crept into Ember Veil the Shroud a ruinous fog which sought only to spread and devour facing their downfall ancients and humans United to forge The Flame born now your time has come awake okay hello am I awake oo what is this some sort of capsule oh snap so they did they just create me I look like the biggest bum in here but that's okay by the way you're probably wondering why I got hair this is my alra ego okay this is how I I I Vision myself every time I look in the mirror so just keep that in mind anyways welcome officially to our first ever time in enshrouded oh we've got a stamina wheel very breath of the wildish I like it we've got the jump we've got the punch we've got the roll oh my goodness let's go what is RB plus right stick oh so you have different slots we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight you also have you can choose as a wheel and then eight more so you've got 16 different wow I like it okay this is this is good all right you can Crouch and walk like a sneaky little devil ah hey guys what up you like this playr yeah yeah all right let's move forward here shall we welcome to the cinder vaults whoa what is this maximum 150% one Marks One marker added new location discovered commune with the flame okay you've slumbered for too long Flame born the realm of Ember has fallen consumed by the Shroud now the enduring Flame calls for you find a place in the ruined world and construct a flame altar to create Shelter From the dark okay so this is a flame alter which has been unlocked Journal okay so seems like we can craft this eventually we'll need five Stones so place this flame alter above the Shroud to mark your home build inside the marked area around the flame altar so are we in the open world now wa oh my goodness man this looks pretty nice pretty nice indeed all right so rested five minutes and 38 seconds what does that mean a vast World awaits you filled with secrets and Peril press uh pause and navigate to the map to track your discoveries okay let's go to the journal we've got a quest here okay so amberville has fallen consumed by the Shroud bring back the light and reclaim Land by establishing a flame altar in the Wilds a promised site to establish a flame alter is marked on your map setle way point which we already I thought I did all right anyhow yo this is kind of beautiful not even going to lie we've got a book okay on the flame and its murmurs pure light engulfes the knowledge of the ancient breed protects it in a flaming core wisdom far beyond my own imagination I could stare into the fire for hours seeking answers a whisper but I hear none despite processing a possessing a voice it only speaks to those born from the flame um so how do you expect me to get down just want me to die this is actually really nice looking my goodness all right I need something like can I punch a tree or what the heck's going on here we got a little what was that can I climb oh hold on oh my goodness okay we've got a okay now we're talking we've got a torch and we've got bandages ooh so nine damage with a torch and bandages are 4% healing per second restores 4% of Health over 10 seconds some pretty good math there we got another collect more bandages more bandages oh oh this is pretty nice man oh what is this oh God relax so the torch has obviously durability I don't want to throw the torch that'd be kind of stupid I just grabbed it see we're getting oh okay I thought that thing was trying to like guide us but in a way it is but it's also lighting the way which is kind of nice means we can keep our torch thank you very much this guy runs really fast what I feel feel so tiny too I feel kind of like very small another torch you suckers never stood a chance it's over for you do you not see this I will conquer This World by the way we called it Universe 7 if you know you know I hope you know if you don't then I don't know maybe somebody in the comments will the flame allows you to resist the Shroud but if you linger you will perish escape the Shroud to replenish your maximum time in the sh what does that even mean okay escape the Shroud oh my God press to lock on to your foes Press B to dodge the heck is this oh these are the the these are the enemies these suckers ain't got any anything on me uh what is this shrouded spores a strange kind of energy it appears unstable for now but perhaps it can be refined and some torn clothes bro we got clothes on wait back back it up may maybe it's not a good idea to stay here let me just keep [Music] going yes oh these guys are dropping the goods shoted spores I again I don't know how good that's going to be so we have 3 minutes and 48 seconds to get out of here before we get enshrouded is that is that what it is it I oh you can break oh of course man I needed loots I needed stones and I needed all that crap ow hold on rough wood block at workbench yes maybe it's not a good idea I mean honestly I'm doing just the same amount of damage as with my fist and with the torch so maybe it's not good to oh boy man this looks so cool we've unlocked a workbench and everything very nice so if you fall you will rise again at your last return Beacon what happens if I keep punching critical hit critical punch yeah oh we can Harvest berries purple berries and we've got some Stone we got three stones right there plant fiber so thankfully I I I don't think you actually have like a weight management system in this game I could be wrong but I don't think you do is that honey I want to do that oh good I thought I was about to get attacked or something we got whack and honey um so let's see what is this while equip uh while equipped uh with a shield or melee weapon press OB to block we don't have I'm sorry what is this is that a little sword can I grab that new location uh there's got to be something here o look at us level two baby yes I am the Ultimate Warrior I'm I'm sorry I'm I'm just fooling around here having a blast that's all no no I don't want to sleep no get up get up hello collect we got some more Woods oh it seems like people were here once upon a time maybe a long time ago but unfortunately they're dead what is this the captain's Journal day one hold the chambers to your last breath these were the words of the Ancient One before he entered with a handful of our best warriors it was the first time I'd seen one of his kind and I expected will be the last his face is burned in my mind my life and those of my remaining soldiers are pledged to this sacred Duty Captain arres oh what the hey hey hey oh my God freaking rat yeah that's oh my God stupid rats maybe it's not maybe it's not a good idea I come in here huh probably should just go what is this dude this is so cool I'm just trying to see if I oh my God what the heck is that oh my God whoa a wooden wooden arrow and some health potion okay okay I know we've got a skill point and and we'll get to that just give me a sec here Reed don't leave my side is that true the Ancients call upon you to stay behind as the rest of us Slumber will you be there when I wake please you cannot leave my side You Are My All why must we change I miss the old days when we used to travel together side by side you let me linger next to you you held my hand and now now all this secrecy for what I thought you could confide in me I don't want the Ancients to drive us apart I'll lose all faith if you must go at least give me a farewell kiss oh I think I just broke his back in half and he had a wand my boy was a little sprung I think it's safe to say he was sprung okay so now I realized I can break these skeletons in half and they give me Bon and I am so sorry for the crime I am about to commit wait come on one more time sorry guys I need some bones you know like just never know come on give me some bones thank you okay so let's keep going I think that little thing over there that uh uh sort of whatever that is that marker that pink Ray that's over there that's where I'm supposed to go what is this water is a great source of Vitality drink it to enhance your stamina scoop of water also you actually uh you gather water nice cool what is this interact with campfires to cook food or sit near them to become rested in the Wilds nice collect nice man this is super intricate like my goodness interact the campfire to cook what is this a good night's rest finally a break from the tedious work my bones are sore but the warmth of a fire a little shelter and some sleep should allow me to become well rested food is getting scarce I hear they're planning an expedition thankfully I had some rations below my bed they will make for a nice meal when cooked over fire huh under his bed should I break the bed hold on thankfully we've got a handy dandy torch it's already night time this is not good you know what no I'm out what am I doing here let me go to where I need to go and and just do what I got to do this is literally like a horrible spot but it wants me to claim it here I guess build a flame altar okay fine let's go here crafting flame alter how do I how do I I need Stone oh no oh okay hold on I'll place it right here command uh commune with the flame perfect you are not alone there are other survivors drowsing in nearby ancient vaults find them so they may Aid in your journey go gently and be uh one be one beckons nearby just outside of the shroud's G grasp uh new location charted okay so upgrade alter strengthen the flame so this extends his building range this uh gains a global benefit and this redistributes your skill points no I don't I don't want to extinguish the flame let me go back here and then actually go to uh skills where's skills here we go oh my Lord what in the world so you only need three instead of six seconds to revive an ally this is a merciless attack perform a merciless attack by pressing yde to deal massive amounts of damage to an enemy you've overpowered so overpower is to overpower an enemy uh fill their stun bar okay cool well rested the base duration of the rested buff is increased by 5 minutes Lumberjack I think this might be good to be awesome uh to be honest the sneak attack deals massive 10 times damage to unaware enemies I feel like this is good um so the faing axes do 30% more damage against wooden objects incl including trees Perfect all right so now oh you can also pick it up now we can craft construction Hammer this is the Hammer of the Ancients uh so it's a building to a fueled by the flame capable of quickly erecting various structures around your home so you need uh Stone Okay cool so I think we need rough Stone stone block would we need uh okay let me craft I don't I don't even enter building mode what the heck select the shape you want to build select the material you want to build and open the submenu to select from different shape categories okay but what would do I need like what okay let me put that away oh what what what the where was the string here all right now we're going to need more plant fiber to grab more string so now we've got the axe okay and now with this we can attack okay and we should be able to chop down wood with this I would assume let's see I think string you get it by just just thought it was my harvesting definitely going to need plant fiber and I I'm assuming eventually we'll be able to plant things so you know we can just kind of grow all this stuff a firefly lamp at a workbench we've unlocked a firefly lamp that is awesome we got some more berries we're definitely going to need some more berries some Twigs okay everything's so so far not half bad especially in the food department we've got a lot of mushrooms um let's [Music] see can we go with this thing can we just break this crap no I think this is literally just to build I think we ought to do some string here let's let's get some string going we now have a bow uh Shield I think really really important we need a shield um let's do a pickaxe let's do shields oh my gosh look at this whoa so with the pickaxe can you break the floor oh my goodness get out of here oh my God look at this look at this look at this are you guys ready for this hold on hold on so you can literally mine through everything in the world is that what that is I think you can it's just not strong enough see so we can we can break like rubble and like smaller things but I don't think we can break these walls just yet that are completely made out of stone ooh a lockpick holy smokes metal uh metal scraps okay so now with the metal scraps we can probably make yes stronger what is this animal fur man this is crazy you can build through anything or break anything what is that all right so for those animals we're probably going to need a let's go to the crafting Department the crafting tab let's see H we can definitely craft the bow good the wand staff and the rags I need porn cloth how do I get the cloth again thank you and I don't think we need it just yet to be honest so we're good oh what the heck is that oh God hey hey hey hey whoa oh we got some bones all that trouble for bones man you ought to be kidding me a I'm so sorry actually we don't need nice we don't need a a bow bow would be nice but I don't think we need it it's unless it's stronger than the wand then I would totally understand but this is kind of crazy it kind of follows the uh the animal all right what do we have here a chest thank you more bandage thank you very much so the captain's Journal day six the Raiders have besieged us these past two days attacking from the bridge their eyes such Madness we have withheld so far but only just we may not survive the next assault I've ordered the rig to rig the pass with our last Munitions those scavengers return we are prepared oh boy see this just attacks like it just oh my God this is op as this is this is crazy all right so I don't I don't let me see what it's over here the bridge I mean there is so much to explore like I kind of feel like before going that way I want to go back and and and explore the shrouded area that I was in cuz that might have something good what do we have here if I break that no let's go ahead and climb up let me actually pull out my uh there we go we got some wooden logs all right you can jump off the ladders just wanted to make sure and we've got a chest here oh we have a flint Arrow nice I thought that was a shovel for some reason I don't know why look torn cloth there we go so what is this treacherous uh Chasm you'll need a grappling hook to cross all right I think now we can create our yeah Rags there we go let's go to backpack and let's equip our Rags now we're looking much better oh no I'm sorry all right we got animal fur so warmth in the winter comfortable in the summer a versatile a resource that is very common and can be used for many things all right so we've got a fire there I could use that fire but to be honest all right here we go where we are in the and shrouded do I want to be in here I don't know oh we could just loot okay I'm sorry yikes something's got to give here bro oh bro this is crazy op oh my Lord search oh what did I just get man I just got something and I completely spammed it there it is the runes materials attract and store magical energy from all around them use to enhance weap ooh nice nice so obviously you got to come inside these this is where you're going to get the good stuff you know if you if you don't come in here you know you probably just not going to be gathering the best materials you possibly can so is that it is there a way to get rid of this away Satan oh man this this oneand is op bro you guys are screwed what is that okay no big deal what is this o more Stones okay we got a lot of stone so falling to ruin we held out hope digging through the rubble our lips Whispering prayers to the Ancients always a watchful eye towards the horizon even in this furthest corner of the world the Shroud threatens to engulf us and seal away any Ray of Hope as the air grew thick the cursed fog we held on as fires raged onto the Horizon Ash falling like snow on howling Pike we pushed harder may this home long kept Usher us into the bright age I'm sorry bro definitely you guys died got another one of these losers here come here punk now I'm going to bully you come here oh w we blocked it right on time yes love it all right so we going to actually oh what is in here ooh whoa the Shroud looms the Blue Jays no longer drift so carelessly through the air something is changing a nebula flows towards us Springs from the abyss like a tidal wave they call it the Shroud it carries disease and suff suffering changes soil and people I must understand this madness but discovering a remedy will be difficult with supply lines cut off by the soldiers that was who again the B Bazar that's that same guy from the other yo this is crazy how you can loot this nasty what is that anybody here we can search oh boy I'm taking all this crap oh hold on hold on let's get to be bad right yes it's one of those spores or whatever I do like how this game doesn't doesn't take itself too seriously dismantle what whoa let's go ahead and take everything we can from here that might be the best idea so I'm thinking you got to take out all those like spores to clear out the area could that be like the trick here mhm look at this little punk oh there's two of them I'll take advantage of that now ow that actually hurt dude oh you can Parry was that a Parry oh nice very nice oh snap so when you use the one it doesn't even cost you stamina dude that's crazy that's like really really overpowered what about this stuff well it's the same it's just gunked up like glowing I don't know can we is that like a hole in there no all right let's go down here oh this seems a bit more dangerous in the last one oh God it is oh my God they're here what up boys whoa vicious little huh I love that there's no stamina when it comes to that oh a in a way it kind of makes it more playful you know I really like that uh and deadly shroud okay that's gone there another one here actually I'll use my wand oh that was stupid nice okay they're go for the most part like the pickaxe is so strong let's pull out the torch here what the heck is this eat some berries uhoh do I want to go in there hello oh hell yeah I do wood an arrow man I feel like the loot we've gotten is kind of trashy though like really bro you going to give me a damn wooden Arrow let me get another torch I think we had another torch go ahead and move it here torch is very helpful right good break some of these up or what yes that's what I'm talking about okay good loot some more of that loot actually a little bit more of this as well why not I love this man that you can break anything or almost anything I think that's so cool all right so I think we've been here far too long I think it's starting to get a little crazy so let's go here let's make some string because I really want to see what the hell that's all about let's get the grappling hook okay good and then storage a tiny chest the glider we need more string and shrouded wood I just want to see what's in here how do we use the hook that's that's the thing item equipped see equipment menu oh what the hell oh cuz the hook you put it as your thing oh oh my God that's awesome wow bro that's awesome cool thank you those are wood logs there got to be a way to make the shrouded wood I'm sure we're probably just still too early to even oh Lord what did we just find up here oh yeah baby oh oh yes oh gosh we've got to be very careful we might be on to something here come on come on absolutely not oh whoa thing almost destroyed me hurry up hurry up hurry up what if I block if I block your screwed Punk yeah let's go dead this is an Elixir 30% damage multiplier that's pretty good oh now we could have actually broken maybe all right well at least we got a lot of wood dismantle ah old books I wonder what that's for use a terraforming tool or explosives to forge a path through the rubble explosive powder balls can be thrown explosive barrels are detonated range so use a terraforming tool or explosive now we have a rough linstone block plus one okay the workbench nice this is new uh new resources too I'm going to go upstairs and see what we got here this is pretty nice here I actually like it here take care with this new shipment from the valley the merchant said it is highly volatile apparently the explosives explode if jostled or tossed about what would uh who would have known anyway I paid pretty penny for this do not mess around in here I cannot afford to fix another hole in the wall and another chest thank you you guys are so this game is so generous this is a nice house man like this wouldn't be a bad base like can we bring our I don't know our over here our flame alter look at this we've been got Wildlife see can we block yeah we can block okay I'm going to die right oh explosive powder oh damn okay hold on here we go stupid yeah yeah you like that The Shield is crazy good Ain that bad I was just kind of choking up I I I don't know why I just choking up backpack is full we got to and then you come here now it's it's just another freaking area just to explore like this is nonstop this is huge can we take a look at the map how big is the map the world no no way what this is the world and this is only what we've explored sweet then I can just get rid of get rid of all this crap this man oh like that oh nice wait was that an option this whole time what the freaking crap all right well cool I should have probably put this over here as well anyways oh you can also repair stuff it seems that's good storage I need string let's make some string perfect and H almost oh that's a lot of storage cool all right that's pretty good um I can raw wolf Meats is there a quick quick move there we go quick move quick move quick move nice very [Music] nice very nice all right we'll do one more Twigs perfect excellent all right so now I want to grab this holy smokes a rusty sword bro see once you get here you can't break anymore but how cool is this guys you can literally just Isn't that cool I think that's so cool that you can just break and make holes that's so insane to me I don't know why all right so I've arrived here at the little camp that we were at earlier just wanted to see what we were missing down here seems like we can go oh that's not good collect a torch Captain's Journal day 20 we are hungry we had to destroy the bridge and with it our connection to supplies but it worked we haven't seen any more scavengers the cinder volt and those within it are safe and should remain so if we are to avoid starvation we may have to uh take our chances in the horrible shroud either choice is certain death Captain arcre seems like we're going to have to go down here into the Ed stay on the path here we go oh boy there's so many things here what is this this will be considered what shroud liquid okay oh oh gosh oh oh oh oh oh oh he's coming he's oh you guys are screwed this sword is crazy and we just got a Sigil ring of the Elden guard search wow my God Rusty shortsword nice bro what is this this hourglass capsule replenishes your remaining time in the Shroud if it's consumed upon you and cannot be stash restore time I don't want to restore the time just yet how many times can you use it [Music] though that's the question let me just restore it oh you can only use it once holy cow maybe it said it I couldn't read it properly cuz I'm kind of nervous right now but we're good so right here see this this these are all the trees that we can take down so we can possibly get that shroud wood which we need so much something's going on over there somebody's fighting oh we can just collect this man what the or they're smaller you can collect them all right hold on let me get a smaller tree here TR wood exactly what we need oh bro come on there it is dead all right we need to go we need to guy going cuz we need to get this guy we need to find him if we don't find him in time I think we're probably going to die oh wait a minute oh oh nice we're out oh this is amazing he's probably not even here wow look at all the different things whoa what the freaking whoa be a little sneaky here could take these guys out though oh gosh oh my God that was really stupid wow gnarly my turn all right perfect my God this is crazy all right let's see if we can sneak around this well that just went terribly wrong okay all right we've only died at just ah he's back again my God I'm going to all right y dude these guys are annoying all right sweet is there more enemies here let me take a bandage B bandage bandage bandage whatever does it even matter anymore oh wow look at this oh by the way I just I completely forgot about this ring this gives us some pretty decent stats stamina and health so that's nice The Elixir a flood of wo it's a formula I do not quite grasp sophisticated Beyond imagination I'm not surprised to know the uh that the source of this recipe is otherworldly created from the Flesh of these tiny delicate fungi growing deep beneath the Earth it grants power yet when I look at this flask worry fills my heart this this will never be a cure this will always be a weapon perhaps the ancient wanted to hide this for a reason right so can I grab the other one thank you thank you very much uh what if I grab this and I just boom boom boom boom boom you've been a naughty boy that's a door I've got to be very careful cuz I don't feel like we're alone here feel like there's more of these guys see there's another one over there there is so much freaking things here oh rat what another rat and even the rats here are crazy yikes some chest here more of those little bombs I'll grab this seems like we've got something on the other side that's right baby oo whoa whoa whoa whoa chill they're guarding this that good it's got to be something come on give it to me wow Forest Longbow nice I'm going to equip this and swap it up for this I'll put this over here I feel like my weapons are perhaps going to be more important so put that there put the wand there sweet and then maybe this nice all right wow man this is this is actually really cool what do we have here this is like a maze as well there's so much to explore and just Loot and to think that we've only just scratched the surface of this map is pretty gnarly all right so we know where this guy is what's going on huh okay thought somebody spotted me this is him can we sneak behind him I want to see if we can let's see here we go okay I don't know I don't know what I'm doing I'm sorry here take my wand say hello to my magic attack too easy yeah that wand is just crazy because it's just so hard U to hit you while you're all the way back there and then you just hit them from like a pretty good distance it's uh definitely oh I think we've been spotted I'm sorry I don't even know what I'm saying right now I'm super nervous let me take a bandage take this and that and this and that I'm starting to get the hang of this shut up oh you guys ain't that bad I just uh I was resp I was giving you guys way too much respect you too come here little punk yeah you're done oh you don't like that do you h okay stop yeah I I think the magic is just crazy op man magic is so powerful and I love that you don't have to be like a magic type or anything you can just create whatever weapon you want and there's that got a little bit of water thank you this man to the books okay I wonder what you can do from like the old books when you dismantle them that you grab them wonder if that's for like decorations when you make your home or you're dead bro that's what I'm talking about oh this dude has a oh nice yo oh this is nice I'm really enjoying this game what o there's a little little T over here and there's also a cave in there up there what in the world oh boy look at this could this be our new camp I would take this as our new camp I would gladly gladly take this spot as our new camp ooh a cold reception we've arrived at Rook Moore finally out of the shrouded lands it was a difficult Journey from the mountains I'd hoped for a field hospital here but there is almost nothing I must take matters into my own hands as I did at FR at the front I'll set up camp in Woodard that be the guy we're looking for I don't know [Music] oh hold on a damn second bro all right so if we go here I'm going to put these no actually I'm going to leave the berries there but I'm going to put uh dirt over here I don't think we need dirt or whatever the that is what is that dirt road block okay we probably need it for something else later on to build craft or whatnot I think this is actually stronger than 11 Mighty Relic able to provide Solace to miss chaos and previous owner might have been a retired hero staffs can cast spells so that's complet what is this this is different there we go all right use the terraforming tool or explosive to forge a path through the rubble all right there we go how sick oh my Lord we're almost home free and you got the music playing too whoa let's go all right we need a lockpick for this or we can possibly climb up through the top ah not enough stamina oh wow a crackling wand what the heck is going on here we are getting like some crazy stuff I almost want to put away H Rubble I think I'm just going to discard Rubble what in the world so this is actually better than the one we have Max durability overcharge attack speed wow I'm going to put this for this now just in the meantime wand crackling wand oh my Lord wow that's cool this is so cool and we can sleep here somebody's house I'm so sorry sir that's a lockpick we can collect that or maybe we can that would have been nice my backpack is stacked bro in sickness and in health Yolanda is still weak she can bar barely lift her body from the bed she sleeps has hot and cold flashes at night I muffle her pain grunt with the pillow we can't let them know we're here they're always out there prowling shrieking through the nights we're shrouded excuse me we're surrounded I don't want them to be our end I want peace I'll be by your side forever I promise oh man I love Yol Yolanda alienor aenor aenor a so sad dismantle this sple this H oh wait wow there's actually a little passageway here that we can oh dude it's through here wait oh my God very nice okay I think we're here I think we're here this is this is great I mean shoot but this is like connected to the other side that we came from that makes no sense what in the world okay I'm not even going to bother with these guys there's a bunch of them here I just want to come here that's all nice and easy Once I am prepared for War I will be back ancient Vault blacksmith oh right here now might as well maybe this one's better here yes yes yes yes that makes sense that makes a lot of sense what is this Venture forth it is done the cinder vessel is delicate Contraption still volatile yet brimming with potential and hope the first human to enter be our true prototype the kindling of a new spark thankfully the blacksmith volunteered he must enter the vessel and sleep until Rouse the new lest his uh lest this slips into eternity May the ashes of one age stain the seeds of the next cool okay I guess who am I stuck here no please don't do this don't do this don't do this don't do this ineffective oh my God I'm stuck here bro so I have arrived back here again but unfortunately all the enemies respawns obviously these I never killed but like all the enemies respawned literally every single enemy that I fought has respawned which kind of sucks guys are probably weak to the ice instead okay but no big deal okay just keep it moving there was a note here I wanted to do this anyways so I guess we'll just do it now real quick search oh Elixir man I need to get rid of some of this crap I have so much junk like literally so much junk it's insane maybe these little things I can just delete them I don't know just just for the sake of the elixir yeah let's go ahead and grab the other one feel like those would be useful once you know we go against like a boss or I don't know whatever comes along there's also a chest up top I think or maybe it's just another letter but we have one down here as well and it reads another failure the cinder vessel broke down during the testing the rat I used inside was charged by the coalescent flame charred excuse me a bright flash than nothing thankfully the side effect of blindness was only temporarily I've acquired a new subject another rat igny hopefully our path to Salvation I cannot accept more setbacks I will ensure that the cinder vessel holds as if my life depended on it it may well sweet there's a lot to Lo here this is good how do I get up there oh there's a ladder excellent of course there's a ladder Eureka by the Ancients I've done it equilibrium the subject sleeps yet can be awakened they are dead yet alive the subject does not Decay is uh Untouched by the core's flow of time a flamed soul and a mortal body igny serve as proof we can survive we can endure these Cinder vessels will be our only chance amidst the Shroud we have no other choice oh wow would I be that vessel all right here we go this guy's probably still going to be here again but have no fear he will die here oh it's a different enemy too I guess a random randomized that's cool all righty I think we read this already I don't even want to go over there I I want to do awaken the oh this is the sleeping Survivor oh my god of course Oswalt Anders the blacksmith okay where is he the summoning staff oh wait did I unlock a summoning staff wait is this the staff for chasti oh my God yo we got more stuff now here we go oh that's sick I mean we could have them work right here right hey hey let's go nice oh sorry along long last I return I am a humble blacksmith At Your Service let's prepare you for what's to come wow so I think uh now we can also upgrade this you have awoken your kin the flame is please seek more survivors slumbering in the springlands shroud core strengthen the flame we need all this crap which we have I think most of them except for the spark o very interesting what needs fixing crafting first uh gear cleansing fire whoa whoa there it is better weapons oh my Lord all upgradable items from your backpack and actions bar are listed here enhancing an item unlocks new perks each perk costs [Music] runs oh my God this is crazy the charcoal kill uh Kil a tool to uh uh to create various coal related items from wood a workplace that will enable new crafting possibilities for the blacksmith we need metal scrap Stones charcoal and wood logs took you long enough to find me look at you weak and puny and they call you flame borne first thing you need is a weapon lucky you woke up uh woke me up first crafting a scrappy sword or Spike Club will serve us well okay Forge a weapon cleansing fire Ember Veil can still be saved where there is Ash there's Embers the Shroud suffocates The Valleys so seek The Elixir well with your new gear and raise the root of our misery ignite The Depths and set the evil Ablaze go on I'm counting on you Flame born interesting new location added even with new gear you shouldn't feel too safe out there rest up and eat well before you head out a fire a roof over your head and some meat in your belly will prepare you for anything clear The Elixir well is that it so we have some things to accomplish it seems very very very cool so far this is this has been incredible guys I think we're going to end it here um I think this is a good spot I've honestly been playing for almost 3 hours I have been taking my sweet time to be honest I could have done probably all of this in an hour but I've you know wanted to loot wanted to explore and so we're here now but I want to thank you all so much for watching I I truly hope you enjoyed let me know in the comments uh if you like to see this as a series or maybe with a few friends if we do make it into a series would it be better Solo or with friends I'm still debating the face cam or no FaceCam thing um I'm really enjoying the no FaceCam lately but let me know thanks so much for watching truly hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you later
Channel: Hollow
Views: 162,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded game, enshrouded review, enshrouded part 1, enshrouded walkthrough, enshrouded full game, enshrouded ending, enshrouded best base, enshrouded best weapons, enshrouded first impressions, enshrouded crafting, enshrouded survival, new enshrouded gameplay, new enshrouded game, survival game, survival gameplay, survival games, survival games 2024, new survial games 2024, best survival games 2024
Id: Lizov3fajvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 32sec (4112 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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