Ark Survival Ascended - This will CHANGE the game forever!

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and welcome back to the channel survivors in today's video we're going to be diving back into Ark survival ascended we've got some really big news here talking about a new feature coming to the game that sounds really promising and very exciting and additionally we also have along with the new feature though some players concerns and worries about the future of Ark survival ascended and potentially introducing microtransactions as always if you guys enjoy the content be sure to subscribe here directly below the video and hit that notification Bell so you stay up toate with with all of my future Arc survival ascended videos so now first things first let's talk about the big new feature that's going to be launching here for Ark survival ascended that's going to bring us to custom Cosmetics as we've talked about in the past you know we do have mods introduced into the game and even premium mods coming here to the game in the near future well alongside the premium mods they are also introducing a brand new feature called custom cosmetics and they did hint on this in a previous Community crunch these custom Cosmetics essentially will allow players players to dynamically apply player generated costumes to players and Dinos along with skins for their armor weapons and even skins for in-game structures things like walls foundations you know you name it if you want something to look a little bit differently you can absolutely do it now as cool as that sounds we do already have mods into the game and so how do these technically differ from standard mods well it differs because these custom Cosmetics are actually going to be able to be carried into the official servers they talk about launching this in two different phases and we'll go over what each phase means but essentially these custom Cosmetics will be taking place or be able to be visible on official servers not just on private worlds and so now when it comes to phase one this is officially set to launch on February 1st so basically in 3 days from the time of recording this video they basically talk about how the first iteration will mean that client side so you the player will actually have to download the custom cos cosmetic mod in order for you to see other players using it or for you to see it on official servers hosted by wildcard and NR so this first phase will function very similar to mod system that we already have in the game where you're going to have to download or pre-download those mods in order for them to take in effect however the second phase does officially launch on April 1st which if you guys can recall is technically the launch date or the date they have set for the new DLC scorched Earth Map but either way here they plan to have this automatically down loading the mods in the background upon joining an official server that has some of these mods installed so this looks like it's going to take a load off of the players not having to frontload all of those mods before you know joining whatever server they choose on official networks additionally they also mention the ability for players to disable some of those mods that they don't potentially want to see or if they want to play the actual base version of the game without any sort of visual enhancements utilizing these custom Cosmetics you can absolutely do that obviously I'll cover more in depth on how to do this in the future when this does get fully implemented and speaking of these custom Cosmetics they did feature three in the community crunch the very first one is the clean glass wall it says it can be placed over any normal wall and it will turn it into an adjustable glass panel you can hide the borders to create larger or differ size panels and can even make it opaque or transparent or only one way so again very cool and creative here I can see a lot of people excited about this one coming to a lot of their build and now the second custom cosmetic brings us to the party lamp post this one would be placed directly onto the omnidirectional lamp post that you craft in the game and it will actually give you the ability to set a primary and secondary color it would allow you to adjust the intensity of the primary and the secondary colors and even give you the ability for different blinking speeds again think like a sort of a party or a rave if you will they will have different strobing effects slow blinking animations you name it it's just going to add a lot of flexibility when it comes to the omnidirectional light post and then the third and final one is the tic-tac-toe table which as you would expect is just two players playing Tic-Tac-Toe over top of the standard wooden table inside of the game really cool and creative here again just another little small mini game and something else for you to do potentially maybe waiting between breeding Cycles mating Cycles or you know waiting for something to craft you name it it's a fun little mini game that you could obviously partake in and I think all this stuff is really cool and I do know that the arcs Community has a really big you know support for modders I know there's a ton and ton of players that don't even play the base versions of these games or even play on the official servers at all and they only play on like heavy modded servers that completely changes the players's experience from the base game so I because of that I have no doubt that this is a huge W in the pockets here for wild card however as you would expect I do also have some concerns related to this feature coming to the official servers one because it's coming to official servers it kind of leads me to worry about exploitations and hacks and glitches and stuff like that relating to the custom cosmetics and then the second concern I have actually relates to the server load and how much stress this will put on the official Network which if you already know isn't very good and already has a lot of problems and still needs a lot of optimization in order to run properly and let's not forget about all of the windows client players not even being able to join in for with all the other platforms so I'm very curious and nervous of that this is going to shake things up even more causing more problems and more work for wild card themselves so now with all the new information put out there let's talk about one of the major concerns here that a lot of players have and that is relating to microtransactions potentially making their way to Ark survival ascended and a lot of people are speculating including other content creators for Arc that the microtransaction system is going to come out of these custom cosmetics and kind of like a ugc shop if you will very similar to something like Roblox where players are going to be creating tons of different assets for customizations that players other players can purchase from and obviously Wild Card getting some sort of fee or Kickback for purchasing these custom Cosmetics now again none of this has been confirmed and this is all speculation and all Theory currently at the moment but that is what a lot of people are speculating that it will turn into just simply due to them allowing these custom Cosmetics on the official Network and now in addition to this ugc style microtransactions for custom Cosmetics people are also talking about and concerned of the frontier Adventure Pack launching for scorched to Earth and that this being a test for how many or how this performs to see if they introduce more Adventure Packs into future DLCs now again this is going to be correlating to more microtransactions and more money that players are going to put into what was supposed to be free DLC coming to the game and I know all this is really tough to kind of swallow and wrap your head around because a lot of it is pure speculation and pure Theory and just simply based out of fear because a lot of players one don't like microtransactions whatsoever two don't like to pay for anything they like things to be free and then three we've got a lot of old school Gamers especially older people when it comes to the arc games I feel and I think a lot of that kind of stems from nestalgia where microtransactions was always perceived as only a bad thing so I think all of that kind of encompasses why this is a major concern but I'm just going to kind of give you like a short hopefully short you know breakdown of what my thoughts are on it all right so number one I don't think microtransactions are bad if the DLC map is free in this case we have scorched Earth launching a brand new optimized you know for Unreal Engine 5 version of scorched Earth and a brand new revamped and layout map right so we're getting all that for free I don't have no problem with them dropping a frontier Adventure Pack however the only concern that I do have is what exactly is in that pack and how does it affect gameplay is it only purely cosmetic changing the way something looks and the skins of something or or do you actually get some sort of bonus that would benefit or give you a advantage over other players and I understand there is PVP servers and PVE and I understand there's a different Community for either one of those but in my personal opinion I don't like the idea of somebody just pulling out their wallet paying for something and getting something more to give them an edge in the game versus you know having to still grind it out and it just looking cooler or looking different that's just my personal opinion but I just don't simply like that Avenue so I obviously need to wait and see exactly what the frontier Venture pack is going to launch with what benefits it will provide and what price point it's going to be set at you know before I really judge that pack specifically and then secondly here the other thing I want to talk about and that is that player generated microtransaction custom cosmetic stuff okay again this kind of breaks out a little bit into like Roblox you know theme stuff in my opinion I don't think it's necessarily the worst thing in the world right I understand that you might not want to see it on official servers if you're trying to play the Basse version of the game un official servers and a person walks up to and they got this crazy funky you know clown hat that their friend designed them and they purchase for a dollar or you know whatever off of a ugc store I I understand that it kind of breaks the immersion and maybe that's where a person would have to then relate to you know either debt you know off you know offline dedicated servers or maybe their own personal single player world if Arc decides to do that but I don't necessarily think it is a bad thing because I do think there is a way to generate some additional revenue from these and it also gives players the fre them to really customize their own experience and you know create their own world and own survivors of however they visualize it so as long as it doesn't in my opinion doesn't change or you know or give players a benefit or a disadvantage for not purchasing it then I'm not really I'm not going to be upset about it coming to the game I think Innovation is definitely one of those things where a lot of developers need more of and it looks like wild card Studios is trying to dabble into the Innovation and figure out new creative ways to keep their player base engaged but anyways that's my personal opinion on it I've ranted enough about it you guys let me know what your thoughts are down below in the comment section on all of this you guys know I love the discussions in the comments I love going back and forth seeing what your guys's thoughts are and it kind of gives me some inspiration when it comes to you know developing new videos on new topics with that being said does always don't forget to like comment and subscribe here on the channel for everything Arc survival listend and related also don't forget about my Discord if you guys are interested in joining it you can utilize the link Down Below in the description but until next time guys I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Kodeations
Views: 7,676
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Keywords: kodeations, Kodenation, Survival games 2024, ark survival ascended, ark, ark ascended, ark survival, asa, ark survival ascended console, ark survival ascended new creatures, ascended, Ark ascended update, ark survival ascended news, ark survival ascended new update, ark survival ascended console update, ark survival ascended custom cosmetics, ark frontier adventure pack, ark ascended update information, ark survival ascended patch, ark news
Id: hY3eKLyRsYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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