I took the MIT Morality test.

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one's about hi I'm Dave from boyinaband today I'm gonna be taking a look at the MIT morality test you might be surprised to know that even though it looks like I'm on my own I'm not on my own I have a friend with me today I am happy this is my friend corpse husband yes he's shy blessing my friend corpse here that's coming along for the ride so we're gonna test our morality on MIT s official moral machine I'm gonna get exposed exposed in what way my morals so as I understand it this test is deciding what self-driving cars should do in different scenarios baby just happens to be crawling in the middle of street like do you remember the baby oh do you not to him I'm really challenged I didn't think about that one - the moral machine a platform for gathering a human perspective on moral decisions made by machine intelligence such as self-driving cars we show you moral dilemmas we're a driverless car must choose the lesser of two evils such as killing two passengers or five pedestrians like a bit series this is killing three paths you can then see how your responses compared with other people if you're feeling creative you can also design your own scenarios oh I kind of like the the principle of this gets a wider number of people's opinions so you can make informed decision MIT wants us to help them think it's time for us to answer the call start judging statue what should the self-driving car do yeah we got old man and old woman should you kill the old Sun either killed a man or the woman right now my instinct is to kill the man well statistically men live less that's why I wasn't gonna say so well maybe we should give him a chance what the women generally live longer right right so she had a better chance at life I guess she has a better chance if you if she's alive my initial thinking was like if she has 13 years left and he's got 500 it's like sure give her like that is great at our hands the other option is killed the woman because 13 years at the end of the life is like a burden to society that's true she's useless the car yeah you're walking along the street which of these do you care two thoughts there for myself either the whole woman has more years ahead so give her those years or the old woman's gonna be stealing stealing and taking resources from society which could be used to help with the people for longer because the guy's gonna die anyways yeah the guy the guys named like he's probably walking into the crematorium as we speak right just out of shop what do you reckon I think we should kill the guy the woman has more years with her left the only way I can justify it really between a man I don't know yeah it's kind of funny that in the picture we're going towards the guy and you can like swerve it right we're gonna kill the dude yeah we're doing it okay bye bye McGregor oh this is a more interesting one sudden brake failure again so either the people in the car who entail two women a dog a baby and a male athlete I went to my athlete matters in that's what they're trying to figure out right versus two women one dog in one baby first of all we can do this mathematically we can cancel the dogs cancel the baby cancel the women right so we've got one male athlete that cancelled Dan that's a hard one why is it HUD because of the same thing essentially plus a male athlete but on one end I'm thinking these people are taking a nice stroll like where there should supposed to be no danger at all whereas these people are giving their trust to a self-driving car which arguably puts them at some kind of responsibility maybe I guess you could argue like the world is dangerous but going on a crosswalk is the same yeah I was wondering that they're both innocent completely of course obviously but hmm that's hard you're a male you've been an athlete yeah so you're in this car well you're the wrong person to ask because you'd be like just crash anyway where's the negative so yeah you're a male athlete the whole life's ahead of you right you're sitting in this car oh no I think I would kill the people in the car I feel like the people getting in the car are arguably taking more of a risk than the people walking on the crosswalk that's what I assumed as well that was that was my gut feeling you're getting into the car you're taking a kind of a risk yeah saying I trust this car because of my own knowledge of it already right and less so than the people who did not take the car in fact they're trying to save the environment alright so we're gonna go kill these dudes yeah whoo this gets interesting two male doctors 1.1 million well two female doctors one girl one female athlete okay this is basically a guys versus girls again isn't it I mean I guess the logic from the last one applies here too unless you want to argue that like male doctors are more important than female doctors statistically do male doctors save more lives or something like male cats have nipples now this is no we're looking for I kind of want to know that Wow and you study reports that 32,000 lives could be saved annually if every doctor was female so it might be female doctors the save more lives give the possible logic of them not trusting the car and going on the crosswalk and them saving more lives right but is that kind of sex patients treated by a female doctors experienced the lower mortality rate eleven point zero seven percent versus eleven point four nine percent which was statistically significant one point five million patients that they're looking at there that's a significant amount of data is it the type of things the doctors do like do male doctor that on the drop-down before it said do male doctors perform breast exams or whatever soon perhaps right if female doctors are doing the stuff that's less risky yeah in which case maybe a male doctor would save more lives numerically rather than percentage-wise this morality test is really trying to penises man don't you hate women did you think an athlete is more important than like you know a normal person right per se again same logic for me yes same logic me it's more about who gets in the car and who doesn't yeah okay goodbye fellas Indian words we're now the self-driving car is just on exciting again oh it's a dog or a human kill the dog kill the dog yeah plus I would rather it be misprogrammed or whatever to accidentally hit an animal rather than a human being yep I would want to know the numbers on a mass level of people who choose the dog over the human yeah but it's a very specific type of person that does that yeah probably yes sorry oppa old man versus young man definitely kill the old man do you need to think about that one yeah I guess this is a similar issue though isn't it look how much responsibility does he take my kissing into the cut how do I justify this I would kill the old man for sure wave that knife to come up into the amount of years he possibly has left are those more important than that guy's decisions what do they know when they get in the self-driving car is it you're getting in 100% safe things statistically proven blah blah blah like right how much responsibility do we pin it totally depends on that he doesn't know really does 100% we have a small amount of data this as you say or is this like a 99.9 percent proven thing that millions of people have used this let's assume it's like this kind of situation where it's like these are generally safe same as normal cause people get into a normal car with that kind of risk I would kill the elderly man it sounds horrible but like if he has two years left or something worse this is all another human who has their entire life possibly right I'm trying to think what I would be thinking if I was the old man sure you and how it's an old man name but I think of old people names of this think of Meredith right away but I've never did we're gonna end up changing our logic halfway through this now you're actin maybe because before it was like we've we've talked a little bit more about like the scenario of the self-driving car before I kind of assumed it mentally to be not a prototype but like minimal data and like a new thing coming out for some reason so either you killed one male executives and two female executives who are walking along minding their own business or you kill a woman a man and a homeless person homeless person we don't know if it's a man or a woman it's three to three though and none of them are old if we're going with our prior logic it would be have the people in the car die okay then it comes down to do you think it matters that they're executives they do the homeless person in their swing do you value it do you think that changes it at all for you I don't think so that's interesting because I'm not so not not as immediately sure those executives are making money which allows other people to have jobs which must have you're their family if if a if an executive at a top firm gets killed that's got to have some effect on a lot of other people's lives for a while surely sure correct and everything but we're like really magnifying that if you're like homeless or something or like a normal person Norma then your life is worth less than like an executive witch but I think that there's an argument to be made that it is and your life is improving fewer people's lives there's also the argument that in the current society executives don't pay enough back that this starts to get really frickin messy oh my god because you're homeless do you now deserve to die that's pretty that's pretty messy yeah yeah we can lean on the there in the car that it's their fault one again that would apply to all of these though unless you like bringing more people into or a tall person as we've seen I would kill the people in the car again I think yeah I think that's my gun sorry homeless person just going to Carly out the cold and they picked him up to like give them some food or something I'll get in this new tech savy car dead two male athletes or one man in one large man as large man does that does that affect it you know there is an argument to be made here one more we were talking about how women live longer yes so do fit men versus overweight men that's a good point so those fit men are taking better care of themselves statistically on average in your youth if you're more athletic does it bleed into when you're like get older like in your 30s well isn't there that vet joke you see a lot of fat dudes you see a lot of old dudes you don't see a lot of old fat dudes the laws of man has fewer lives let me see your lies anyway like fat yeah what were you thought what are you thinking - I was thinking like a giant person if there was toll then that then I'm starting to be a little more like it I was thinking like the mountain from like right well he would definitely be an athlete he would survive the crash both scenarios would show the car die yeah it's the same argument with them does someone who is fit who has put effort into trying to maintain their life illunga does that affect it this one's quite interesting yeah yeah if these dudes down here training their ass up every day yeah thinking oh I'm gonna live so long my wife and kids are gonna be with me forever and this large man this is large I'm going with that terminology big Makana way they're driving the car and I guess statistically he would live less I don't want to say that that doesn't apply to this I think it's just the same money doesn't apply whether he was large or not if it just said man for me it would be the two two two two and they got in the car right so the large doesn't really count as a variable for me here personally either argument I mean yeah we take the same one here but like we but if they if they throw that curveball at us we're gonna have to come back we're gonna have to think about it for sure okay goodbye large man and man one woman or one female ever that's kind of close were you just talking this is the same principle as the last one there is an exit except for it doesn't say large woman yeah it is imagine like you ordering can I get a yeah I think it's the same thing kill the woman in the car yeah good bye Felisha oh shit old people versus it's like people in a car and the people in the crosswalk are young children you have their whole life ahead yeah I'm thinking kill this kid Billy old people yeah that seems pretty straightforward to me no people dead so wonder what they're going for with this though that barrier from the looks of things one large woman one pregnant woman oh and to homeless people feel like if these like playing cards and hearts don't like one elderly man yeah it's three versus four Oh in fact this three versus five almost nearly this doesn't start to bring an abortion into this it does fortunately we don't have to deal with that right now cuz it's three versus four even without that oh my god yeah this starts to get really messy I don't think that homeless being homeless reduces your value that much it starts to make make people into horrible people when they have to be this big great video to have broadcast oh yeah welcome to my would I general pregnant women I have a less valuable than normal women the other argument would be which I do not condone homeless people need money from society that money from society can go to helping other people lives extending other people's life whereas the other people are making money for society and like paying taxes which helps other people so that's another factor however I don't think that's outweighs just the human life in general for me personally three versus four is what it comes down to to me even though it's an old person right if it was for kids versus five elderly people so I just wanted to my hand and a friend let's just kill these I'll kill the animals again do people really have to think about this stuff I guess that's what they're trying to figure out right I wonder if there's gonna be like this whole load of people in the comments saying with terrible person for not valuing animals equally to humans yeah I love animals don't get me wrong where do I go with that yeah but they can die yeah what's the reason that animals are less valuable to us they say like more intelligent things feel pain more there's something generally I don't know I don't have the numbers to back that up or like proof in front of me to say that but like for example I think it's like really really messed up what we do to pigs and stuff considering their they have like an emotional intelligence of like a dog or something there has to be a line somewhere right people are more comfortable with putting down animals than they are putting down people that's already legally a things if you're going with the popular argument it would be that yeah my gut says kill the animal yeah definitely but why I'm trying to son why why Wow Wow yeah we have the whole lifespan thing we already talked about yeah lifespan is family one I mean you could make the argument of like emotional support animals but it doesn't specify yeah we should support it'll be the most emotionally supportive of animals doesn't pay taxes and one of these is a doctor as well yeah sorry Fido quistis that's my cat two homeless people one man one man what have executive one woman this is like smack in the middle of our of our logic of everything else prior with the people getting in the car than the numbers think it's 333 at this point if you have to make the decision again like the homeless people don't pay taxes right I'm gonna go with killing the two homeless people in the men hmm straight straight my beer ever stroked a beard before not much doing my non-existence recently shaved being hmm thinking I had was like if I was a homeless I would more likely want to die than if I was not a homeless person that would be my assumption quality of life is worse as a homeless person yeah but dis quality of life affect the rate of people wanting to kill himself probably I'll bet you there's more homeless people killing themselves than non homeless people I know a lot of depressed people who have it made on YouTube yeah some of them have to quit for long periods of time isn't that weird I would never do such a thing yeah me either this is a job you should treat it as such yeah what are they thinking disgraceful 66% of people at homeless experience serious depression 46% of homeless in Toronto or today past suicide attempts over the 1192 homeless persons located and contacted 156 of them had died 13% Nyame which were by suicide sorry fellas yeah not had the best of luck yeah should've got a job being depressed most killed character yeah elderly man it makes sense lowest lifespan highest lifespan oh we can compare ourselves to others now so saving more lives does not matter or matters a lot it's pretty similar there yeah protecting passengers most people are in the middle that's interesting I wouldn't have expected that I don't think that people take into account like the responsibility the people are like kind of taking by getting in this car right yeah we always arguably a responsibility for going on yeah like my gut says the responsibility of getting into a car is more and we kind of established that more later in the video but the car is the reason that people are dying not the crosswalk like an arrow with the car not an error with the crosswalk but yeah that's super interesting that it's usually just in the middle or maybe people aren't really thinking too much about upholding the law oh I don't really didn't even see that there was lights oh my god rib video yeah we need to go back and do it again if we were to do this again anyone that ignored the lights they can die even little girls they can just die in a car yeah even if it's if it's more people I think I would even say that if that's gonna skew the data here because maybe some people were choosing like it's their fault for running the light yeah right yeah I would totally have put them made that matter a lot yeah definitely whoops sorry so all those people we kill black students gender preference most people that have much preference we have a massive preference for females oh yeah yeah the thinking that was just the lifespan respect women respect laughing okay so there is some people choosing the puppies over the human crewmen's very adorable we're pretty similar with the age preference we have a stronger fitness preference than others large people yeah I don't know if that was correlated at least a little bit I would choose fit people over lives if you take like a man right lifespan is the main thing I'm focusing on here so pragmatically this is what will save the most years and quality is someone who is fit is probably more likely to have less medical issues and stuff so high quality of life I wish that were true and Mike the social value preference there were no burglars we didn't see any of those but that must be in some of them maybe it's a randomized test the doctor is gonna save more lives so more lifespan that's the thinking that if you think with terrible people leave a comment below I'd be curious to know if there are any things that you guys noticed that we didn't take into account besides the lights besides the lights you put the knife away what is wrong with you thanks to corpse has been for join so I don't like horror stuff but if you do you might like his garbage you're into people who don't upload ever which by the looks of it you are yeah this is probably give them away if corpse weight backwards wave this yeah yeah yeah thanks yeah no problem by me hello Dave oh how are you doing oh sorry man I couldn't hear you over this audio book on this end who inaudible the world's largest selection of audio books and audio entertainment including audible originals where did you come round if you're doing something you can do it when you're at a gym when you're traveling in the middle of 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Channel: Boyinaband
Views: 883,078
Rating: 4.9325042 out of 5
Keywords: boyinaband, MIT, morality test, test, corpse husband, automatic car, moral machine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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