500 Basic English Question and Answers for daily conversation

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English sentences ask and answer are you okay yes I'm okay what are you doing I'm cleaning my room are you busy yes I'm very busy I don't have time now do you understand no I don't understand is it ready everything is ready are you busy yes I have a lot of things to do where's the pharmacy it's near the supermarket where is an ATM behind the bank one-way or roundtrip a one-way house business business is good when do you get off work I get off work at 6:00 where does it hurt here how's the weather it's very cold today where would you like to go I'd like to go shopping where would you like to go I'd like to go home where are you from I'm from America when is your birthday my birthday is August 27th when are you leaving I'm leaving tomorrow where's the closest restaurant there's a restaurant over there but I don't think it's very good what's your name my name is John Smith what size I'm a size 8 what time is check out 11:30 what does this mean that means friend what does he do for work he's an engineer is it raining yes it's raining how tall are you I'm 6 foot 2 how old are you I'm 32 how old are you I'm 26 years old how much is it to go to Miami it's 17 dollars what is today's date October 20 seconds how much money do you have I don't have any money what do you do for work I'm self-employed how does it taste it's delicious how much money do you make six dollars per hour how much are these earrings 52 cents how much altogether $11 how many languages do you speak I speak two languages how many children do you have I have three children two girls into one boy how is she she is pretty how far is it about 300 kilometers how are you I'm fine and you do you understand yes I understand do you take credit cards sorry we only accept cash do you speak English yes I speak a little English do you have any vacancies sorry we don't have any vacancies do you have a girlfriend no I don't have a girlfriend can you swim yes I can swim are you sure no I'm not sure are you sick yes I'm sick are you married no I'm not married are you ready no I'm not ready yet are you hungry yes I'm hungry are you allergic to anything yes I'm allergic to seafood are you American yes I'm American are you afraid no I'm not afraid and you I'm good thank you are they the same yes they're the same anything else nothing else what will the weather be like tomorrow it's supposed to rain tomorrow what time does it start 8:45 when will he be back he'll be back in 20 minutes who would you like to speak to I'd like to speak to mr. Smith please how much money do you have I only have four dollars are you ready yes I'm ready may I have a look yes of course do you speak English sure I do what have you been up to lately I am doing a lot of work how come I'm saving money for the trip to France are you good at cooking no I'm not what's the address it's two two three five Son Avenue house cool it's okay some bits are good what year are you in now year nine are you free this Sunday yes what would you be able to come at eight I'm sorry I won't be free in the afternoon tea or coffee tea please for here or to go to go please how do you like this one it's very nice have you got anything a size bigger of course let me show you is it far from here no it will take five minutes to walk is it the right way to this station yes go straight on where are you going take me to the airport please have you got that yes I got it have you heard from Mary no what happened have you tried Chinese food no but I'd like to try what does labor mean it means to work hard how do you spell the word L a B Oh our labor are you on your own yes I am when will be convenient for you anytime in the morning shall we meet in the Marriott Hotel right let's see each other in the lobby how many people are there in your family we are a family of three we have one child a son don't you think so yes I agree with you what do you think of the price I'm afraid I can't accept that it's still too high can I give you a hand yes that would be great help the bag is so heavy may I ask why sorry I'd rather not give my reasons is it bothering you yes please don't use the phone without asking do you like living here yes we do will you come yes we might what would you do in my situation if I were you I would apologize to her is it for sale no it's not for sale do you want breakfast no thanks I'm not hungry was it expensive yes it costs a fortune what's this dog called Fido how is this dog called using a dog whistle what do you think of her she's nice I liked her a lot could I have extension two three eight please that line is engaged would you like to hold what are you going to do for the holiday we might go to San Francisco are you and Jim still going out together oh yes we're getting married in August are you more like your mom or your dad I am more like my mom I think where do you live I live in New York who do you live with I live with my parents have you had any coffee yes I have I don't want anymore Thanks is Jimmy coming around tonight no he isn't he's going out for dinner with his family is it cold out today no it isn't it's quite warm have you got any brothers or sisters yes I have my brother's 22 and my sister's 16 is it for free yes it is is he paid well yes he is which sports does he play he sometimes plays golf isn't it tiring [Music] yes it's very tiring indeed I'm exhausted at the end of each day can I help you with something yes I'm looking for a t-shirt when do you get back on the 24th could I have your name please yes Mary Sanders may I speak to Miss Taylor please I'm sorry she's not in have you decided yet yes we'll go to Spain how long have you been here in New York nearly three years are you enjoying it we love it what do you like best the atmosphere and the mixture of all people what is your hobby I love reading books do you have a car no we don't what's your hometown I'm from San Francisco California are you kidding no I'm serious how much is it to Seattle $300 what's new with you I've got a new place to live why are you returning this sweater because it's not the right size what's that called it's an automated teller are you all right yes I'm fine is he home no he's skiing are you a basketball fan no I like football better than baseball are you a baseball fan no I like football better than baseball why can't you go well I just don't think I have enough money who's playing the Bulls and the heats how tall is she she is 5 feet 11 where are you going home to take a nap may I see you now of course are you on a diet no diet I just like to eat healthy food what's this charge for one T two dollars and one cola three dollars anything to drink a large iced tea please what are you allergic to I am allergic to fish what's so funny we're talking about Jim is this your first visit no I come here every six months do you have a reservation yes Jackson party of four who's there it's Jimmy am i interrupting it's okay I just catching up on my blog what's it about mostly it's about fashion how do you like your new house I love it downtown so it's very convenient is there much crime no it's pretty safe what's my score five right and three wrong anybody home I'm here I'm in the kitchen how often do you work out I play tennis twice a week who's the winner Manchester United what's it for it's for washing clothes how well do you sing not very well but I have a lot of fun does he have a wife yes he does what does he spend the money on fashion fast food movies may I ask you a personal question go ahead what's wrong with this hat it doesn't go with your suit you're joking right yeah of course do you agree I sure do are you invited no I am NOT no men allowed where are you from I'm from Los Angeles in the US where's that it's in the West Coast who wants to go first I'll start whose turn is it it's your turn are you ready no not yet how much do I owe you $100 who is he he is my boss mr. Josh do you know Murray Murray I've never heard of her how's it going fine thanks what's up oh not much where do you work I work at Jason Travel what do you do there I'm a guide who do you work for I have my own business what is your dream job I want to be a businessman what are the hours like I work hard I often do a 60-hour week is it far for you to go to work no it isn't just two miles can you lend me $10 I'm sorry I can't I don't have any cash would you mind speaking more quietly sorry we didn't know we were so loud can you help me with my homework no problem I'd be glad to what's New York like it's a very exciting city can I make a contribution to the meal certainly not you're here as my guest when do you get home tonight I usually get home at midnight how much are these gloves they're $18 are you sure of course I am how sure are you 99% do you mind waiting okay that's fine how long maybe ten or five minutes should we leave a tip no look service is included what brings you to Australia I came here for traveling what time is the football on it starts at 7:00 what is the final score five to eight how's the weather today it's raining all day is it hot out there yes it's hot but windy do you want to join us sure I'd love to what's up with Susan she just broke up with her boyfriend how does she feel today she seems better now will you do me a favor sure how may I help will he be alright it's too early to tell may I take your order yes I'd like spicy fish and rice have you got it in a smaller size yes I've got one here is anyone sitting here nope take it is that a good fit it's just right what does it taste like it tastes like strawberries are these dresses on sale yes they are both 20% off how late are you open we close at 9:00 what's for dessert I'd like some fruit how's the weather out there sunny some clouds does that make sense yes it thank you will you take any less no I'm sorry the price is firm what she like she's friendly and outgoing what does she like doing she likes dancing is that Julia Brown speaking when will she be back she will be back in 50 minutes may I ask who's calling this is Pete Johnson would you like me to take a message don't bother I'll call her mobile would you mind calling again okay I'll try again later can you hear me well I could not hear you clearly would you ask her to call me when she's in sure just leave your number can I make a suggestion sure what's that what's the difference this one is a little thicker do you have the moment to talk it's okay I'm free now can I have a word with you yes I'm listening do you want a lift hop in great can you drop me off in the center have you seen Jim lately no I haven't what should I do just how her the truth are you hungry yes I'm almost starving do you get on with your brother no not really he's quite annoying do you have a brother or a sister a brother he's younger than I am where does it hurt I hurt my back how long have you been like this two or three days now what ought I to do you'd better stay in bed for a day or two is she just visiting no she's studying here when does it get in it gets there at 11:00 how would you like your steak well-done please how long will it take around 30 minutes what do you recommend I think you should try the steak that's our best dish shall we go somewhere for a drink nice idea let's go why don't we go to the concert no thanks I like watching movies how about a cup of tea yes I'd love one how do you like it a strong one with spoons please did you have fun yes it was amazing how do I look beautiful are you British or American no I'm Canadian are you married or single I'm single now how old are you I'm 33 how many children do you have I have two children a girl and a boy what foreign languages can you speak I can speak French and Spanish how was your day it's very good what's your name David Brown when were you born I was born in 1998 where do you live I live in Sydney Australia what is your address 13 Oak Street Sydney what's your telephone number it is 2 0 3 4 5 6 4 what kind of guys do you like I like guys who have a good sense of humor how do you know each other through friends is this your first time here no I have been here twice can I Drive you home that's great thank you when can I see you again I'll call you did you see Tom's new girlfriend no I haven't met her yet what size do you wear sighs 14 would you mind showing me the bus stop I'd like to but I really don't know are you going to stay here for a long time yes at least two more years have you got any plans for today no nothing special do you need some more minutes no need I'm ready now do you mind if I use your laptop help yourself can we change the time from 7 to 9 no problem will Susan be here on time don't worry she's never late what do you want for lunch it's up to you are you free this Sunday I don't know yet would tomorrow at 10 a.m. work for you unfortunately it is too early for me when would you like to meet see you at 10 a.m. is 12 tomorrow any good yes I'll make a note of it you're Pete Thompson right that's right what's your name again July July Riley what will the weather be like tomorrow it will be snowy and cold are you afraid of the dark no I am NOT how are you doing not bad work is okay could you drive a car I'm afraid I can't do you have a girlfriend I'm dating someone are you sick no I'm not do you accept credit cards sorry but we take cash only do you understand yes I got it how far about 10 kilometers how much money do you have not much only $50 what day is it today it is Friday is it raining out there no it's not raining anymore what does this mean that means family first have you made a reservation before yes I booked a room for two nights was everything satisfactory very nice are you missing her yes I am what have you been up to well I go to Faber College what's your major it's computer science what time is checkout 12 p.m. have you got the time please yes it's 10 o'clock where is the closest police station please turn right then go straight it will be on your left what is your birthday my birthday is 19th of October 1999 how's the weather like today it's sunny when do you get off of work I get off work at 8:00 p.m. how is business going it's doing okay are you busy yes there are a lot of works is it ready everything is ready what are you doing we're making cakes what is wrong with you nothing I'm fine how do you call this in English it is called a motorbike do you know how to swim I can swim but not very well is this your shirt no it's my brother's shirt whose is this car it's my boss's car does this computer still work yes but it needs some more repairs how is she she's pretty how much do you make $10 per hour may I borrow your bike sorry but I have to use it now what does your sister look like she's very tall and has green eyes which year are you in college this year is my first year what do you mean by that I mean you are so nice do you know what I mean no I'm not quite sure would you mind repeating that no problem what's wrong with you I had lost my job yesterday do you need a hand oh yes that's very kind of you what's on your mind I'm thinking about my exam tomorrow is there anything else that's all thanks have you heard the news about David no what happened have you seen Avatar movie no how was it what does un it stand for it stands for United Nations where's the nearest bank it's at the end of King Street what's your religion I'm a Muslim what do you think about this matter I can't say for sure do you mind my smoking no I don't mind what do you think of her I think she is very kind and nice what floor is your classroom on it's on the second floor when will it be ready it will be ready by tomorrow where should I put this letter please put it on my table do you know her no I've never met her could you be at home by 7:00 yes I could why are you so happy I have just got a job how was your trip to Canada it was really great are you looking for anything in particular I'm just browsing are you being served sir I'm looking for a t-shirt will you show me some blue jeans yes sir which do you like better I don't like either of them how much altogether ten pounds in total how would you like to pay I pay by credit card how much does this cost it's $200 how about going out tonight that sounds great what kind of food do you like I like all kinds of food could we have the menu certainly here you are could you bring us the bill please yes I'll bring it right away have you ever tried that food yes it was awful do you smoke no I never smoke how did you like the movie quite boring what do you do in your free time I play football with friends what's your email address its wiki 68 at gmail.com how much do you earn just $1,000 per month where do you want to go now 89 Maple Street should we turn left or right here we turn right where are we going to stop we'll stop at the convenience store are we nearly there about five minutes I guess may I see your driver license sorry I've left it at home does it suit me yes and I like the color too what color do you prefer I like the brighter one do you sell socks I'm afraid not do you have anything less expensive of course let me show you does this machine come with a guarantee yes it has two years guaranteed will you deliver it for me sure just leave us your address how much would you like three pounds could I try these clothes on definitely fitting rooms are over there have you got any change sorry I haven't shall I take your jacket oh thanks which one is Julia she's the tall one in jeans is Tom the one sitting next to Susan no he's the one behind the couch have you been in New York long no not really just a few days do you dance yes I do I go dancing every weekend are you free no I'm not I'm on the way to class when are you leaving for vacation I probably leave around the end of May do you want to see a movie tonight maybe what's playing English sentences ask and answer are you okay yes I'm okay what are you doing I'm cleaning my room are you busy yes I'm very busy I don't have time now do you understand no I don't understand is it ready everything is ready are you busy yes I have a lot of things to do where's the pharmacy it's near the supermarket where is an ATM behind the bank one-way or roundtrip a one-way how's business business is good when do you get off work I get off work at 6:00 where does it hurt here how's the weather it's very cold today where would you like to go I'd like to go shopping where would you like to go I'd like to go home where are you from I'm from America when is your birthday my birthday is August 27th when are you leaving I'm leaving tomorrow where's the closest restaurant there's a restaurant over there but I don't think it's very good what's your name my name is John Smith what sighs I'm a size 8 what time is checkout 11:30 what does this mean that means friend what does he do for work he's an engineer is it's raining yes it's raining how tall are you I'm 6 foot 2 how old are you I'm 32 how old are you I'm 26 years old how much is it to go to Miami it's 17 dollars what is today's date October 22nd how much money do you have I don't have any money what do you do for work I'm self-employed how does it taste it's delicious how much money do you make six dollars per hour how much are these earrings 52 cents how much altogether $11 how many languages do you speak I speak two languages how many children do you have I have three children two girls into one boy how is she she is pretty how far is it about 300 kilometers how are you I'm fine and you do you understand yes I understand do you take credit cards sorry we only accept cash do you speak English yes I speak a little English do you have any vacancies sorry we don't have any vacancies do you have a girlfriend no I don't have a girlfriend can you swim yes I can swim are you sure no I'm not sure are you sick yes I'm sick are you married no I'm not married are you ready no I'm not ready yet are you hungry yes I'm hungry are you allergic to anything yes I'm allergic to seafood are you American yes I'm American are you afraid no I'm not afraid and you I'm good thank you are they the same yes they're the same anything else nothing else what will the weather be like tomorrow it's supposed to rain tomorrow what time does it start 8:45 when will he be back he'll be back in 20 minutes who would you like to speak to I'd like to speak to mr. Smith please how much money do you have I only have $4 are you ready yes I'm ready may I have a look yes of course do you speak English sure I do what have you been up to lately I am doing a lot of work how come I'm saving money for the trip to France are you good at cooking no I'm not what's the address it's two two three five son Avenue house cool it's okay some bits are good what year are you in now year nine are you free this Sunday yes what would you be able to come at 8 I'm sorry I won't be free in the afternoon tea or coffee tea please for here or to go to go please how do you like this one it's very nice have you got anything a size bigger of course let me show you is it far from here no it will take 5 minutes to walk is it the right way to this station yes go straight on where are you going take me to the airport please have you got that yes I got it have you heard from Mary no what happened have you tried Chinese food no but I'd like to try what does labor mean it means to work hard how do you spell the word L a B Oh our labor are you on your own yes I am when will be convenient for you anytime in the morning shall we meet in the Marriott Hotel right let's see each other in the lobby how many people are there in your family we are a family of three we have one child a son don't you think so yes I agree with you what do you think of the price I'm afraid I can't accept that it's still too high can I give you a hand yes that would be great help the bag is so heavy may I ask why sorry I'd rather not give my reasons is it bothering you yes please don't use the phone without asking do you like living here yes we do will you come yes we might what would you do in my situation if I were you I would apologize to her is it for sale no it's not for sale do you want breakfast no thanks I'm not hungry was it expensive yes it costs a fortune what's this dog called Fido how is this dog called using a dog whistle what do you think of her she's nice I liked her a lot can I have extension two three eight please that line is engaged would you like to hold what are you going to do for the holiday we might go to San Francisco are you and Jim still going out together oh yes we're getting married in August are you more like your mom or your dad I am more like my mom I think where do you live I live in New York who do you live with I live with my parents have you had any coffee yes I have I don't want anymore Thanks is Jimmy coming around tonight no he isn't he's going out for dinner with his family is it cold out today no it isn't it's quite warm have you got any brothers or sisters yes I have my brother's 22 and my sister's 16 is it for free yes it is is he paid well yes he is which sports does he play he sometimes plays golf isn't it tiring [Music] yes it's very tiring indeed I'm exhausted at the end of each day can I help you with something yes I'm looking for a t-shirt when do you get back on the 24th could I have your name please yes Mary Sanders may I speak to Miss Taylor please I'm sorry she's not in have you decided yet yes we'll go to Spain how long have you been here in New York nearly three years are you enjoying it we love it what do you like best the atmosphere and the mixture of all people what is your hobby I love reading books do you have a car no we don't what's your hometown I'm from San Francisco California are you kidding no I'm serious much is it to Seattle $300 what's new with you I've got a new place to live why are you returning this sweater because it's not the right size what's that called it's an automated teller are you all right yes I'm fine is he home no he's skiing are you a basketball fan no I like football better than baseball are you a baseball fan no I like football better than baseball why can't you go well I just don't think I have enough money who's playing the bowls and the heats how tall is she she is 5 feet 11 where are you going home to take a nap may I see you now of course are you on a diet no diet I just like to eat healthy food what's this charge for one T two dollars and one cola three dollars anything to drink a large iced tea please what are you allergic to I am allergic to fish what's so funny we're talking about Jim is this your first visit no I come here every six months do you have a reservation yes Jackson party of four who's there it's Jimmy am i interrupting it's okay I was just catching up on my blog what's it about mostly it's about fashion how do you like your new house I love it downtown so it's very convenient is there much crime no it's pretty safe what's my score five right and three wrong anybody home I'm here I'm in the kitchen how often do you work out I play tennis twice a week who's the winner Manchester United what's it for it's for washing clothes how well do you sing not very well but I have a lot of fun does he have a wife yes he does what does he spend the money on fashion fast food movies may I ask you a personal question go ahead what's wrong with this hat it doesn't go with your suit you're joking right yeah of course do you agree I sure do are you invited no I am NOT no men allowed where are you from I'm from Los Angeles in the US where's that it's in the West Coast who wants to go first I'll start whose turn is it it's your turn are you ready no not yet how much do I owe you $100 who is he he is my boss mr. Josh do you know Murray Murray I've never heard of her how's it going fine thanks what's up oh not much where do you work I work at Jason Travel what do you do there I'm a guide who do you work for I have my own business what is your dream job I want to be a businessman what are the hours like I work hard I often do a 60-hour week is it far for you to go to work no it isn't just two miles can you lend me $10 I'm sorry I can't I don't have any cash would you mind speaking more quietly sorry we didn't know we were so loud can you help me with my homework no problem I'd be glad to what's New York like it's a very exciting city can I make a contribution to the meal certainly not you're here as my guest when do you get home tonight I usually get home at midnight how much are these gloves they're $18 are you sure of course I am how sure are you 99 percent do you mind waiting okay that's fine how long maybe ten or five minutes should we leave a tip no look service is included what brings you to Australia I came here for traveling what time is the football on it starts at 7:00 what is the final score five to eight how's the weather today it's raining all day is it hot out there yes it's hot but windy do you want to join us sure I'd love to what's up with Susan she just broke up with her boyfriend how does she feel today she seems better now will you do me a favor sure how may I help will he be alright it's too early to tell may I take your order yes I'd like spicy fish and rice have you got it in a smaller size yes I've got one here is anyone sitting here nope take it is that a good fit it's just right what does it taste like it tastes like strawberries are these dresses on sale yes they are both 20% off how late are you open we close at 9:00 what's for dessert I'd like some fruit how's the weather out there sunny some clouds does that make sense yes it does thank you will you take any less no I'm sorry the price is firm what she like she's friendly and outgoing what does she like doing she likes dancing is that Julia Brown speaking when will she be back she will be back in 50 minutes may I ask who's calling this is Pete Johnson would you like me to take a message don't bother I'll call her mobile would you mind calling again okay I'll try again later can you hear me well I could not hear you clearly would you ask her to call me when she's in sure just leave your number can I make a suggestion sure what's that what's the difference this one is a little thicker do you have the moment to talk it's okay I'm free now can I have a word with you yes I'm listening do you want a lift hop in great can you drop me off in the center have you seen Jim lately no I haven't what should I do just tell her the truth are you hungry yes I'm almost starving do you get on with your brother no not really he's quite annoying do you have a brother or a sister a brother he's younger than I am where does it hurt I hurt my back how long have you been like this two or three days now what ought I to do you'd better stay in bed for a day or two is she just visiting no she's studying here when does it get in it gets there at 11:00 how would you like your steak well-done please how long will it take around 30 minutes what do you recommend I think you should try the steak that's our best dish shall we go somewhere for a drink nice idea let's go why don't we go to the concert no thanks I like watching movies how about a cup of tea yes I'd love one how do you like it a strong one with spoons please did you have fun yes it was amazing how do I look beautiful are you British or American no I'm Canadian are you married or single I'm single now how old are you I'm 33 how many children do you have I have two children a girl and a boy what foreign languages can you speak I can speak French and Spanish how was your day it's very good what's your name David Brown when were you born I was born in 1998 where do you live I live in Sydney Australia what is your address 13 Oak Street Sydney what's your telephone number it is 2 0 3 4 5 6 4 what kind of guys do you like I like guys who have a good sense of humor how do you know each other through friends is this your first time here no I have been here twice can I Drive you home that's great thank you when can I see you again I'll call you did you see Tom's new girlfriend no I haven't met her yet what size do you wear sighs 14 would you mind showing me the bus stop I'd like to but I really don't know are you going to stay here for a long time yes at least two more years have you got any plans for today no nothing special do you need some more minutes no need I'm ready now do you mind if I use your laptop help yourself can we change the time from 7 to 9 no problem will Susan be here on time don't worry she's never late what do you want for lunch it's up to you are you free this Sunday I don't know yet would tomorrow at 10 a.m. work for you unfortunately it is too early for me when would you like to meet see you at 10 a.m. is 12 tomorrow any good yes I'll make a note of it you're Pete Thompson right that's right what's your name again July July Riley what will the weather be like tomorrow it will be snowy and cold are you afraid of the dark no I am NOT how are you doing not bad work is okay could you drive a car I'm afraid I can't do you have a girlfriend I'm dating someone are you sick no I'm not do you accept credit cards sorry but we take cash only do you understand yes I got it how far about ten kilometers how much money do you have not much only fifty dollars what day is it today it is Friday is it raining out there no it's not raining anymore what does this mean that means family first have you made a reservation before yes I booked a room for two nights was everything satisfactory very nice are you missing her yes I am what have you been up to well I go to Faber College what's your major it's computer science what time is checkout 12 p.m. have you got the time please yes it's 10 o'clock where is the closest police station please turn right then go straight it will be on your left what is your birthday my birthday is 19th of October 1999 how's the weather like today it's sunny when do you get off of work I get off work at 8:00 p.m. how is business going it's doing okay are you busy yes there are a lot of works is it ready everything is ready what are you doing we're making cakes what is wrong with you nothing I'm fine how do you call this in English it is called a motorbike do you know how to swim I can swim but not very well is this your shirt no it's my brother's shirt whose is this car it's my boss's car does this computer still work yes but it needs some more repairs how is she she's pretty how much do you make $10 per hour may I borrow your bike sorry but I have to use it now what does your sister look like she's very tall and has green eyes which year are you in college this year is my first year what do you mean by that I mean you are so nice do you know what I mean no I'm not quite sure would you mind repeating that no problem what's wrong with you I had lost my job yesterday do you need a hand oh yes that's very kind of you what's on your mind I'm thinking about my exam tomorrow is there anything else that's all thanks have you heard the news about David no what happened have you seen Avatar movie no how was it what does UN stand for it stands for United Nations where's the nearest bank it's at the end of Kings Street what's your religion I'm a Muslim what do you think about this matter I can't say for sure do you mind my smoking no I don't mind what do you think of her I think she is very kind and nice what floor is your classroom on it's on the second floor when will it be ready it will be ready by tomorrow where should I put this letter please put it on my table do you know her no I've never met her could you be at home by 7:00 yes I could why are you so happy I have just got a job how was your trip to Canada it was really great are you looking for anything in particular I'm just browsing are you being served sir I'm looking for a t-shirt will you show me some blue dreams yes sir which do you like better I don't like either of them how much altogether ten pounds in total how would you like to pay I pay by credit card how much does this cost it's $200 how about going out tonight that sounds great what kind of food do you like I like all kinds of food could we have the menu certainly here you are could you bring us the bill please yes I'll bring it right away have you ever tried that food yes it was awful do you smoke no I never smoke how did you like the movie quite boring what do you do in your free time I play football with friends what's your email address its wiki 68 at gmail.com how much do you earn just $1,000 per month where do you want to go now 89 Maple Street should we turn left or right here we turn right where are we going to stop we'll stop at the convenience store are we nearly there about five minutes I guess may I see your driver license sorry I've left it at home does it suit me yes and I like the color too what color do you prefer I like the brighter one do you sell socks I'm afraid not do you have anything less expensive of course let me show you does this machine come with a guarantee yes it has two years guarantee will you deliver it for me sure just leave us your address how much would you like three pounds could I try these clothes on definitely fitting rooms are over there have you got any change sorry I haven't shall I take your jacket oh thanks which one is Julia she's the tall one in jeans is Tom the one sitting next to Susan no he's the one behind the couch have you been in New York long no not really just a few days do you dance yes I do I go dancing every weekend are you free no I'm not I'm on the weight class when are you leaving for vacation I probably leave around the end of May do you want to see a movie tonight maybe what's playing
Channel: English Everywhere TheBest VIDEOS
Views: 521,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d2-7KvdzyGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 16sec (5896 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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