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Hey hello hello hello hello hey go natural English learners what is up how are you today day three of the go natural English challenge week together we are more than half way done with our English challenge week and I'm so excited you're here together with me and with our amazing go natural English community look at all of these people watching there's thousands of people participating in the English challenge week this is so exciting and I see hundreds and hundreds of comments already this is amazing so hello and welcome I like to use my little hello sign here hello tell me hello in the comments if you are here if you can see me if you can hear me let me know that you are here I love to see your name in the comments and to make sure of course that you can participate that you're here and you can enjoy this lesson together with me I want to make sure I'm not just talking to myself here in my office amazing okay I see a lot of hellos that is awesome No first things first if you didn't already know my name is Gabby Wallace I'm the founder of go natural English and I am here go natural English is here to help you with your English fluency to empower you to make you confident in your expression and your communication because what the world needs is more people who communicate with each other clearly and English is a great tool to do that I believe that English can help you to achieve more of your goals in your life and help you to experience what the world has to offer and it's an amazing big world out there and I love to explore I love to travel I love to meet new people from all over the world and English is that common language that we can all share as the language of travel the language of business the language of science and technologies so it's definitely a tool that we should all have in our pockets or in our brains so to speak now I love learning other languages too you guys probably already know that I love learning and speaking Spanish Portuguese Japanese French and other languages that I've picked up along the way but since English is my native language that's what I'm here to help you with because I really understand I have a deep understanding of how native speakers speak and the difference between what you learn in your English classroom and what you actually need to know in order to communicate with native English speakers and other fluent English speakers from around the world in real life because I was a classroom English teacher for about ten years ish 10 15 years I also taught Spanish in the classroom for 3 years and then I've been here at go natural English with you all for about seven years now oh my gosh seven is a lucky number in American culture so I think this year is going to be a good one okay so today day three of the English challenge week is focusing on vocabulary who here by a show of comments not hands because I can't see your hands but in the comments tell me who here has ever struggled with vocabulary in English it could be pronunciation it could be meaning but especially remembering vocabulary in English and knowing what's the difference between one word and another what's the difference between soda and pop or soda pop when should I use this word or that word how do I know what's the appropriate situation for this word or that word I'm in a formal situation should I use this word I'm hanging out with my friends at a party should I use this word if you've ever had these questions then let me know in the comments if you've ever struggled with something like this now speaking of comments I hope that you're all watching on the official English challenge watch page if you're watching this live lesson broadcasted on youtube or somewhere else I don't know where else it would be but if you're watching on YouTube you're going to benefit much more from English challenge week if you sign up at the link in the description or go natural English comm slash challenge that is the official sign up why should you sign up because I send you a daily email to help guide you through the challenge and at the end I'm going to send you by email a free prize that will help you with your English learning so you're gonna benefit more if you sign up on the official page there and then you can watch and comment on the official watch page which is also in the description and those are the comments that I'm checking because there's comments on youtube right now but those disappear as soon as I stop this live lesson and I can't really read and comment while I'm talking well I'm presenting while I'm talking with you all so please please I would love to see your comments on the official watch page that would be amazing so watch and comment on the official watch page if you need to take a minute or a few seconds to just click over to the official watch page that's in the description you can do that oh wait okay amazing so today I almost forgot how could I forget today is a very special day what is today do you know what today is in American culture tell me in the comments do you know what today is in American culture today is happy Valentine's Day happy Valentine's Day can you actually repeat this as if we were talking to each other right now hey happy Valentine's Day thank you so that was your cue to say happy Valentine's Day did you do it maybe one more time okay one more time oh hey happy Valentine's Day thank you so much that's so sweet of you thank you thank you you're so kind it's so nice to hear happy Valentine's Day from all over the world I have my little globe here I would love to know where you are from so can you also tell me in the comments what country you are from I would love to know let's see did you know that I have students in premium go natural English courses from 134 countries it's crazy I'm feeling so grateful about that I counted the other day and yeah I'm really really grateful so tell me where you're from where are you watching from I see Brazil Poland Egypt KSA which is Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or some people just say Saudi Arabia in English I'm looking at the comments on the official watch page here I need to reload them because it takes a minute and let's see we have Germany we have Mozambique cool Russia cool cool cool amazing okay very cool okay very very cool so if you're watching on the official watch page I would like to ask you to share some love today since it is Valentine's Day if you would share the English challenge with a friend of yours or with a colleague of yours or on your Facebook or on your Twitter or whatever you use email everyone uses email or whatsapp or text use whatever works for you and share that link with a friend who is learning English because how do we share our love it's not just by saying I love you it's by actions right so I try to share my love with people by helping them so right now by doing the English challenge week I'm trying to show you how much I love all of you wait let me show you I wrote something let's see okay can you and I want you to take that and share with other people so if you know someone who could benefit from some help some motivation some confidence maybe just a little extra listening practice in English maybe they're trying to get more in touch with english-speaking culture share this event with them yes we're in the middle of English challenge week but that's okay it's not too late to join it's not too late to share and at the end of the week I'm going to send out a review email so everyone who has joined during the whole week at any time can benefit from that so take a second to share with someone share the love spread the love you guys the English challenge is a really good opportunity to just get a boost in your English and feel more motivation and enjoy English I hope you enjoy it with me also if you're watching on the watch page I just want to ask for one more thing because it's going to benefit us all if you would click on the subscribe what does this say click here to subscribe on YouTube to go natural English for new English tips weekly I forgot what I wrote so I had to read it I had to read it from the page so you can click there make sure you're subscribed that's how we're gonna grow our community and spread our love so I love seeing all of your positive comments they make me feel so grateful they make me feel like I don't know like I'm doing something good it makes me feel really you know motivated every morning to wake up and to work on go natural English and to make good English lessons and events like the English challenge week for you so I just want to thank everyone who is leaving such positive comments and telling me you know you're enjoying the English challenge week and just commenting and participating that is so awesome that makes me feel so good and I hope that you I hope that you feel good in English challenge week as well so know that I'm seeing you I'm seeing your comments even if you're not commenting I still see that you're watching I see the number of viewers and that means so much to me so thank you for that really from the bottom of my heart I feel like you know we're doing something big here we're making an impact and you know years ago right before YouTube before any of this you had to find an English school if you wanted to learn English you had to find an English school it's not a lot of people that watch go natural English don't even live within an acceptable distance of an English school right they can't even drive to an English school because they live in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the countryside but they have internet and with internet we can learn pretty much anything some people you know they're looking for a way to learn English without having to drive for miles and miles or kilometres and kilometres if you're if you measure that way Americans like to say miles or driving for hours when you already have a busy life you don't want to get stuck commute in traffic when you already have a busy life trying to go to an English class right so anyway my point is that I just feel like this is an amazing time to learn new things and I think it's smart to take advantage of all the resources we have online with technology and learning together here with go natural English okay so today is Valentine's Day and I would encourage you to tell people who you love or who you like how you feel some ways you could do that let's just jump into some vocabulary tips because I know that's why you're here you want to learn vocabulary and how to remember vocabulary I recently had a couple of friends experience deaths of their loved ones their friends their families or family members and it just really made me remember how important it is to tell people how you feel if you love them if you want to give them a compliment if you want to just share some good feelings please do that today please do that you could say I love you you could say I appreciate you I am grateful for you and everything you do thank you you could give a compliment you look nice today or I like your hair or I like your shirts or something some compliment on what they did Oh your presentation was great or I saw you score goal in the soccer game that was awesome or simply you're awesome or you're amazing you're incredible you're great you're really an interesting person and I'm so glad that you're in my life I'm giving you some examples of ways you can tell people that you love them so you don't even have to just say those three words I love you you can say you're you can share your love in a lot of different waise I adore you can you think of any other ways you could add some more examples in the comments I appreciate you already said that one and these are fine for friends for colleagues well okay maybe you wouldn't tell your your co-worker that you love them but you can say that you appreciate them that you are grateful for them that you're really glad I'm really glad that you're my co-worker friends colleague classmates whatever the relationship is students right okay if there's any other ways that you would suggest to tell someone that you appreciate them that you love them you can put them in the comments to add to our vocabulary okay I see a lot of comments you guys are amazing I love that okay oh and I also need to check the newest comments because sometimes I just see the top comments which I don't actually know the difference what is the difference between a new comment at a top comment doesn't matter this is a rhetorical question just in my mind thank you I like your smile Ultima here that's a good one very nice okay very nice very nice very nice all right let's move on um alright I have some notes here so I want to ask you do you love learning English some people would say no because maybe you had a bad experience learning English maybe you feel frustrated learning English maybe you feel bad about your English level it's okay if you don't love learning English but let me ask you this do you love the feeling of having complete power and control and confidence over your English skills do you love the feeling of being able to communicate with anyone with confidence I think there we can say yes I think we all want to have that power to express ourselves fully so that's our goal that's really our goal with the English challenge is to help you to advance by sharing some methods techniques and examples okay so tomorrow we're gonna talk about pronunciation today we're talking about vocabulary I love all these topics so much but pronunciation is really one of my favorites there's some problems why do we have problems learning vocabulary I suffered through a lot of problems learning vocabulary in Spanish I think I mentioned yesterday or the day before that when I took a Spanish class in college I had to memorize a list of zoo animals like rhinoceros hippopotamus crocodile and other animals I can't remember all of them but I do remember how I felt I felt really frustrated and upset and even angry that I was being forced to memorize this list of words why did I feel that way one because it's not practical it didn't suit my goals my goal was not to have a conversation about zoo animals it's very unlikely I wasn't studying to be a zoologist or to be a veterinarian for exotic animals so it's very very rare that I would really need to know those words and to the method of learning vocabulary in a list of individual words is not effective and I knew that I could feel that it wasn't helping me because I was struggling to remember those words vocabulary tests are the same problem they ask you to maybe fill in the blank with the appropriate word or match words and definitions but how does this help us with real life it really doesn't this is not what we have to do in real life your friends are not going to say hey fill in the blank with this son with this word fill it fill in the blank in the sentence with a good word that's not how we have conversations is it textbooks are often outdated and they're often very academic so if you have the goal or the desire to talk to people about anything about normal topics textbooks are not going to be as helpful as listening to everyday conversations and learning from them the textbooks that I learned with for Spanish and the textbooks that you learned with for English are not really suited to modern needs I remember I took a French class in college and I didn't go to college that long ago it was you know a few years ago but I remember in the textbook they taught us to say like Lord and not to for computer and our teacher was very strict saying you have to say Lord and not door I'm sorry my pronunciation is probably really wrong now because I haven't studied French for a long time but she said you cannot say computer because that's wrong it's not French and you cannot use English when you're speaking French but then when I actually had the opportunity to speak French with native speakers I noticed that they were using English words they were using words like computer or internet or download just like we say in English so Modern Life is a lot different sometimes than your textbook or sometimes than what your teacher might tell you and learning in the classroom doesn't really give you a chance to practice the way that you need it for real life I think you know this I think you know this right if you're sitting and nodding with me saying yeah that's right then I know I know I know you know this one last thing in the classroom a traditional method of teaching is to ask students to repeat after you right if I'm the teacher I might say repeats and that's good but if you're only repeating and not engaging engaging for examples when I said happy Valentine's Day and I was waiting for you to say the same to me because that's actually how we how it would go in a conversation it's a bit different than just saying repeat after me if you just repeat you know rhinoceros rhinoceros hippopotamus hippopotamus and you're just being a parent because you have no context you have no way to know really how you would use that word in a conversation so I brought my parrot because we don't want to be parrots right we don't want to be parrots let's just yeah let's leave him let's leave him over there we don't need to be parents we need to be humans my parrot is a little dirty okay so what actually works for learning vocabulary can I share some techniques with you that actually work that are proven that I've used for language learning with other languages with my English students and in go natural English courses can I share that tell me in the comments I'm gonna refresh the comments to check them out and take a sip of my soda water yay all right I see yes okay amazing okay so thank you for all your comments you guys are so sweet okay so learning through context what is context context is a situation so listening to vocabulary as it is used in a real-life situation in context in a setting how do you do this well you can listen to short dialogues short conversations you can do that through YouTube clips through short parts of TV shows or movies listening to short conversations listening to short parts of interviews is is really good for advanced learners as well so learning through contexts so you don't just learn an individual word but you learn two words that go together three words that go together or even words within sentences and sentences that go together so you have some context right it's kind of like I don't know I just thought of this I hope it makes sense but it's kind of like with clothing making an outfit you know this this shirt I don't know if you can tell it's kind of purple and I thought this morning I want to wear red pants because it's Valentine's Day but then I realized the red pants don't go with the purple shirt they really don't go uh I think I have them over here actually I'll show you how much they don't go okay so these are very very bright red pants I was going to wear these red pants with the purple shirt I don't know what do you think does it look good I say no so this is like putting two words together that don't sound good together we want to avoid that so we want to avoid we want to avoid buying bright red pants that's really the that's really the moral of this lesson is don't just don't buy bright red pants you just don't don't learn words like rhinoceros or hippopotamus I mean it's okay it's okay to have red pants but it's not the first thing that I would buy and I wouldn't recommend learning lists of individual zoo animal vocabulary words when you could be spending your time on other things okay your brain is a very good brain you are a very smart learner you learned your native language you may know other language is your brain automatically understands through context when the word is repeated when the contexts are repeated think about how you learned your native language when you are a child when you are a baby you learn the meaning of words through situations through context through repetition and you made connections so you made connections that if I say water there's probably water inside here and if I do it over and over that will confirm your knowledge that I'm offering you water so I want you to feel like you can express yourself using a wide variety of vocabulary words that takes a lot of time it takes a lot of patience now you can speed this process up when you use some techniques when you excuse me I have a runny nose when you actually apply learning techniques that work it will speed up your learning process so a lot of people learn English just by observing and listening carefully like I have one friend he must be really good at languages because he learned English just by watching movies or he's a liar I don't know but he told me he learned English just from watching movies which I believe it's possible but you have to know good techniques in order to learn quickly so can I share some more techniques with you I have two yeah two things that I really want to tell you about and then I want to share a couple examples so tell me tell me yes or yes can I share some techniques with you I'm checking your comments now great okay you guys are awesome okay so first of all you need lots of input what is input can you tell me in the comments what do you think I mean by input you need a lot of input to increase your vocabulary to improve your vocabulary to increase the number of vocabulary words in your vocabulary what is the input I'll wait a second oh this is grapefruit bell v it's French sparkling water okay input I see some good responses yes input is English that you are exposed to so it could be listening it could be reading what are some examples of listening yeah data that's a good answer what are some examples of listening or reading you can tell me tell me in the comments okay exactly so you need a lot of input like listening to could be lessons like this could be other YouTube videos it could be TED Talks on YouTube it could be podcasts it could be the news it could be movies TV shows for reading it could be a magazine a book a scientific journal it could be the English fluency formula what else do you read the newspaper it could be even social media those are all different ways of getting input in English so you have to be exposed to English you have to have a lot of English in your life not only during your English class for a few minutes or a few hours every week but all the time okay not all the time but every day at least for part of your day every day so once you have input then you can go to the next step and can I tell you the next step is that okay I love seeing your comments I want to make sure that it's okay oh yeah good good examples in the comments those are great you guys have great examples amazing I really appreciate your positive comments and I really appreciate you sharing the English challenge you know I don't know if you know this but go natural English is not a big company it's a small business that I started from nothing and I don't have money that I spend on marketing or to promote go natural English I really rely on you and our community to share our English challenge week out of your love of English and your appreciation for English challenge week so if you're enjoying it please share because I don't have a big company I don't have a rich husband but it's me and my love of teaching that I want to share with you okay so I want to share the see ru method with you see is for connect so you want to connect the word with a meaning you want to are for repeats you want to repeat the word and you for you is you want to use the word so for example when I was living in Japan I was learning Japanese and you know Japanese has different kinds of characters called kanji where it's like a drawing and one way that I was able to actually remember what the kanji mean is by relating them to something that they look like so for example let's see if I can show you something hang on so like alright it on this paper or yeah alright I think I should have a smaller piece of paper alright so like something like that um so like that kind of looks like a tree like the roots of the tree and that looks like a tree so anyway this is a kanji that means tree has other meanings too but my point is that I was connecting the the image of the kanji with the meaning and you have to do that with English now English does not have kanji obviously but we have to connect the word the new vocabulary word with the meaning so how do we do that you can connect words with other similar words that you already know you can connect them with sounds you already know you can connect them with some other idea in your mind the idea is to help your brain make a connection so your brain is always looking for connections that's how learn and that's how we remember so even right now your brain is creating new connections it's pretty amazing so for example I learned that in Japanese one way to say the bill or the check at a restaurant is why so which kind of sounds like ice or something that no one wants to see an eyesore is something that no one wants to see no one wants to see the bill or the check because that's when you have to spend your money so that's when people run away it's so I remember the meaning of the word through that connection so it might be creating a short story it might be connecting some story about the word with the vocabulary word and that will help you to remember so also another example is the word beats which is a vegetable how did I remember that in Portuguese it's kind of a strange word it was really difficult for me to remember for a long time but the word in Portuguese if there's any Brazilians here maybe you can put it in the comments do you know how to say beat as in the vegetable in Portuguese it's bet they hava so I remembered I bet you'll like it because it sounds like bet they have a and I bet you'll like it because I like beats so this is the story that I tell myself about beats and that's how I remember the word in Portuguese so you have to connect the word with the meaning did you like that do you think it's helpful for you thank you for saying the word in Portuguese we have a lot of Portuguese speakers here you guys are awesome and I really appreciate your participation it makes me so happy when I see your positive comments sometimes we get negative comments I don't really understand I guess some people are feeling angry about their lives or something but I really appreciate the positive comments and you guys are a great part of the go natural English community with your participation I really appreciate your effort here so yes I do some people ask him do you see my comments yes I see them yes thank you amazing okay yeah and someone is saying yeah Altamira English is I think maybe symbolic language maybe yeah so English doesn't have kanji like Japanese but we still can connect the ideas together okay last of all each day this week I'm sharing a part of my ebook that I wrote for you the English fluency formula so this is a a premium ebook it's not free but I want to share a little bit with you today if that's okay I just realized I've been going like this that's not very attractive is it okay so can I share I'm gonna stick my chit out can I share part of the English fluency formula with you is that okay can you tell me in the comments I'm gonna share part of the book with you about vocabulary because we're talking about vocabulary today and um right tomorrow we're gonna be talking about pronunciation the English challenge week is going on all week from the 12th to the 16th so make sure you come back tomorrow invite your friends tomorrow make sure to subscribe cuz I got this really cool plaque for oh you can see the reflection of my microphone I got this really cool plaque for 100,000 subscribers but let's go for 1 million hmm I want the 1 million plaque I want us to grow a lot okay I see a lot of people are ok if I share the e-book with you so let me bring that onto the screen you should be able to see inside the ebook course here this is inside the go natural English members home and I'm gonna scroll down to remember vocabulary will open that and I'm going to share here the remember vocabulary chapter or part of it you ready here we go you should be able to see it and read along with me is it difficult to remember new words stop memorizing vocabulary only through repetition use these three steps to rapidly increase your memory for new English words and phrases make a pathway build a bridge between the receptors in your brain imagine having two cliffs that are separate and you want to build a bridge to bring the two cliffs together this is not easy because you have old thinking patterns but you need to keep working hard to create the pathway how should you create the neural pathways think about your learning style how do you learn best do you learn by listening then spend your time listening do you learn through physical movement do more of that while you're learning English next make connections connect what you learn in English with something else that you already know you could connect a new vocabulary word with an old one connect a new vocabulary word with a sound image number anything that you can think of that makes sense to you another way to do this is to create a mnemonic device a mnemonic device is a tool that you can use to remember words such as an acronym for example when teaching English I like to use the word crew or CR u crew is an acronym that means connect repeat use everyone creates their own mnemonic devices in their own way it might take more time initially but you'll save yourself a lot of time in the end so guys this is how you actually remember words a lot faster than anyone else and you have your classmates any of your peers this is how you're going to succeed with a bigger English vocabulary quickly and finally don't just listen review you need to write speak and use the language you need to analyze what you're learning don't focus on English just to use English this is not English for a test this is not fill in the blank this is not repeat after me think about how English can help you in your day-to-day life use English to learn about something else going on in your life for speaking and understanding English fluently and naturally building vocabulary is more important than learning all of the proper grammar rules I'm gonna say that again building your vocabulary is more important than memorizing all the grammar rules why because vocabulary carries so much meaning and grammar is something that you can figure out as you go but we use only a few like six tenses on an everyday basis it's not all of them but we use a lot of vocabulary words hundreds and hundreds of vocabulary words in an everyday basis and thousands and thousands more if you want to sound more educated or if you want to participate in more academic discussions in English I'm gonna tell you something funny before we end for today I learned a lot of my Portuguese through music and I often find my Brazilian music or my Portuguese music on the top you know the top most popular songs the Billboard Top 100 I believe it's called and if you ever listen to the Billboard Top 100 you might know that the songs don't have lyrics that are very academic let's say so I learned very kind of Street's vocabulary learning my Portuguese through music now learning through music is really good it's really really good but you have to include a diverse a diverse array are a lot of different sources to help you so I learned a lot of Portuguese going to conferences business conferences this year in Brazil and I learned words like to engage or to promote whereas just listening to music I was learning more words like you know shake your body or something like that I can't really say all the words I learned because some of them are naughty so I just encourage you to have a diverse input listen to a lot of different things read a lot of different things and that's going to improve your vocabulary along with the techniques that I mentioned today now I have a lot more techniques for learning English and the go natural English method is a lot bigger than just what we've talked about so far this week so I want you to know that but I'm sharing as much as I can with you now tomorrow we're gonna talk about pronunciation so make sure that you come back and tomorrow is the second to last day so make sure that you and your friends are signed up for the challenge the official challenge sign up again is gonaturalenglish.com slash challenge so that is where you should sign up if you would like to get a free prize at the end of the week and make sure that you share the love with your friends today share the English challenge and also share how you feel about people today tell them how important they are to you tell them that you're grateful for them tell them that you appreciate them and hey if you're brave if you have people that you love in your life tell them I love you tell them today because we don't know about tomorrow thanks so much for watching I'm gonna end it there and yeah I'll talk to you tomorrow make sure you join so you know what time and the link and everything thank you so much you guys for being here I love you have a great rest of your day bye
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 13,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sF0oJ_iEOJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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