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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to the channel and today i've got some amazing news i have just found out that all of my old scrap mechanic worlds that i thought were forever gone are actually saved and we're looking at one right now this is the original battlebots arena not only that but the fun house the wall climb warrior the community builds like the suspended mountain base i think it's all accessible again it's really weird why they are accessible again because the fix was super easy and not really intuitive at all but it was all thanks to this tweet wait you gotta be kidding me i just realized the handle of the person that tweeted me this is just at fix for vid whoever you are apparently they literally made a twitter account just to show me this like literally i'm the only person they're following and they have no followers what is this i honestly had no idea until just now but they sent me this video fix for old worlds being empty just reopen the world a second time are you kidding me i thought this was an april fool's joke because you know as i'm recording this this was april 1st so i thought they were trying to like trick me into giving me hope that my worlds were actually saved so he shows himself loading into a world that was three years old there's nothing in there and then he exits out of it he goes back in he loads back into the world that he just opened up and when he loads in there's stuff in the world i was like no wait it's this is clearly a joke however it was recorded on a phone pointing at a screen with no cuts so i was actually kind of believing it so fix revit here says i need to see the steampunk suspended base one more time so that's what we're going to be doing we're going to be going back we're going to look at the battlebot arena the fun house the wall climb warrior and we're gonna end it off with the steampunk base which i have not actually spawned into that one yet because it might just break when i spawn into it if everything else gets loaded again so i wanted to make sure i did that live with you guys all right so first off the battlebot arena i built this before i even had a youtube channel this channel did not exist when i started building this thing and my first real video after i decided i'm gonna make content it was pretty much this although it's technically the third video on my channel it was like the first thing i really showed off on the channel so along with an arena that has some automated weird saw blade things some fire stuff that does absolutely nothing and of course a uh collapsing pit in the middle uh it's also got a whole collection of battle bots in the map as well i think i actually did save these things on a lift but this thing i really couldn't save on the lift because of how it was built into the ground i mean i could by disconnecting every single leg and stuff but it's a massive thing and this is so old this was before logic and timers existed so all of these saw blades and automatic things are actually programmed by uh just rotating things like this on controllers and they trigger sensors to trigger these things so these are the timers that i used back in the day and then of course we got our assortment of battle bots that have all their different functions and everything and do all their crazy things with their saw blades and all that stuff and uh this is my favorite the blue dozer and is everything still where everything still works and you know what the frick this is feeling nice i don't know if this had any frame issues back in the day but it doesn't have any frame issues right now so i'm feeling like like all this stuff is working great all right i don't want to spend too much time on this one but i was really looking forward to the fun house one so let's load into the fun house i did check this one it exists it is so weird that literally this is the same file i loaded yesterday that had nothing in it and look we have it it still has the music playing and everything it's got all the little exhibits on the side here um i'm just gonna i'm gonna go into the main portion of it though oh this thing isn't working anymore interesting oh no there we go oh no this doesn't really work you know why this doesn't work anymore because the game no longer likes blocks being directly next to each other like this like the there's too much friction here right now i think since they added the whole friction values to blocks with um survival and all that stuff it's changed how they rub against each other and it used to not be as big of a problem but now it is a pretty huge problem alright we got the moving floors we got this thing right why is this one what oh okay there's just some weird there's some weird just stuff that's randomly enough well what why did this one oh it's the friction man that's so it's so weird seeing what differences in the updates of the game how they're affecting old creations like this because these used to not have an issue but look now these can't get through here i really hope that they can fix that uh going forward because it was so much better when these things didn't have this friction issue like that so hopefully that'll be fixed at some point now can i get through here please there we go all right let's see if these musical staircases still work here we go [Music] hey look at that it worked does this one still work why are they all on oh their sensor limit got changed all right i think i got it fixed sounds a little bit different than last time there's some more overlapping notes than i remember there being but man was this do none of these lights work whoa these aren't real lights i don't remember that for some reason like these are i can't edit these light settings but they look like they're supposed to be lights there must have been some old light piece that wasn't a real light piece and then they introduced the whole dynamic lighting update so yeah there's no lighting in this place and it looks terrible all right we need our hammer for this section all right this works fine this works great actually and then this was the maze it has a bunch of dead ends in it i actually i don't even remember where the real path was is this it oh yeah this looks like it i think go down here maybe no that's a dead i i don't remember i don't remember which was the right path oh here we go there we go i found my way through the maze hit the button this still work yeah and we're back at the beginning there's a block missing here for some reason um and then of course we got the secret doorway we stand in front of this that gives us the button and the button hey it doesn't work no more you're supposed to uh what are you supposed to do you're supposed to open this right oh there's some type of oh man i have this whole control scheme going on over here i remember this was oh i just cr whoa oh did i just i may have just broken the world oh no i put a seat down and i'm maybe that conflicted with the old parts maybe we can't modify old creations i didn't try that on the battlebot one all right i'm loading back in wish me luck i'm half thinking it's gonna crash again oh it didn't save the seat wait can i like can i build on this okay that didn't crash at this time [Music] what i just did the same thing and crash it again is it the seats all right let me try putting a tire up here that works this seat just seems to the seat crashes the game okay here we go yeah so this was the old way of i don't even know why i had to do this anymore i forget but i had to do like switches on this and these things would trigger the oh that's why these sensors are yeah these sensors are too far there we go now that i've adjusted the sensors again that whatever those controls are should work so now i should be able to do this and then do that and now the door opens i don't know why i had to okay this literally makes no sense to me because i've just wired this switch up directly into the controller that controls the door and there's no difference these sensors they don't make a difference i don't know why i had this set up here i don't i really don't understand why i was doing this it's been so long i forget the logic behind it and maybe there was no logic behind it and i was just wrong but anyway this was the final house let's move over to wall climb warrior and see if i still got what it takes yes look at here it is and you know what is absolutely crazy about this this vehicle right here i built this vehicle particularly for this course this used to lag out my game because like look at how many moving parts there are like just all within this like especially i don't even know what my buttons are anymore wow i really gotta get used to these buttons especially all of those bearings for this transformation part here this used to lag up i would get like 20 frames a second now i'm getting my full 60 frames like it doesn't even feel like it has much of an impact so um even though i don't remember how to use this vehicle let's see if i can still get through this course all right here we go wall climb warrior the scrap man still have what it takes you know six years later he has evolved from scrap mechanics to scrap man but has his skills evolved with him probably not since this requires practice and uh i am completely out of practice this is my first time doing this in six years all right let's see what happens oh boy first big transition [Applause] okay i just know i meant to be i don't even where am i going right now all right this is not off to a i gotta admit this is really not off to a good start here all right i've recovered i'm still on this side but i've recovered i think the secret is to try to go around at the top there we go oh you know what the thruster's strength is different now so these probably aren't as strong as they used to be all right let's go down here gotta straighten out for this one there we go all right and now we're getting on to the pipe here so i think for this i press number three yep then the bottom wheels grip the pipe and then i can press number four here to open up these things and uh there we go i'm getting the hang of it it's all coming back to me it's like riding a bike it's just just like riding a wall climber you know once you do it you can hop right back on there we go now this was a hard course but i got to the point where i could do it pretty consistently so i'm wondering if i'll still be able to do that first try without falling off okay here we go i'll press number three to bring the wheels back up i'm starting to remember the controls are coming more naturally to me i think i could just go straight across this one and how do i do this section i think number this word number five comes in handy yeah these lift me up and then this was always the shaky spot because the wheels would touch the pipes yeah okay okay yep this is definitely the shaky spot okay yep oh those wheels are so close to it no no no hold on hold on number five all right just get on the pipe get a little bit of lag there but it's nothing compared to how it used to be um you know what let's just go we just go we're gonna hug the pipe this is fine everything's fine there we go all right now we gotta go underneath so straighten our legs out open these up [Music] there we are not level on this oh and now we are perfect i'm feeling good about this run forgot number three feeling good about this run why you don't keep making mistakes like that there we go you know what the last part is actually the toughest part i forgot about that dropping down that tube there the square tube why is this not working oh there we go get you know what the suspension strength is probably also different probably a lot different actually let's go straight across here open up number four [Music] [Applause] go straight over here oh i remember this one i gotta go sideways but not let gravity take me down too much past this all right ready for this just go a little bit let gravity start doing some of the work uh oh [Music] uh oh oh this is not good this is like the opposite trajectory that i'm supposed to be right now all right what if i do a little bit of this there we go oh oh saved it saved it just like that oh okay so now i got to get on to the top of this all right man we're having some really close calls on this are we gonna get to the top perfect this is like the dark souls of vehicle parkour all right so i really hope the thrusters are strong enough for this i'm a little bit scared for this one the thruster strengths have definitely changed [Music] that was sketchy for sure okay got to use number five to turn again wrong way let's go this way here we go on to the next pipe this section i do remember this section was rough this was a rough section here for sure all right i got to go this way it's like a huge it's like a massive transition right here ready go forward go forward oh man because gravity just wants to pull you down the whole time right when that wheel's about to hit there we go i'll try to have it go up yes i'm almost there i just don't have enough grip come on come on pull me over yes there it is now i go into high center mode bring the wheels up a little bit all right this next section this next section is really really rough all right well this section is apparently really rough here straighten out there we are all right can i get across this okay oh yes i can oh no i am not on a good trajectory here all right this is okay but man i'm slipping you can see the slippage going down i don't remember how to do this oh i think i do now okay all right i gotta get up up here now i put these down right yeah and then i press number one here we go and now i can go straight again all right now i gotta turn sideways this was one of the rougher sections all right i gotta do this quick though because i'm slowly sliding number four number five gotta turn sideways wrong way oh come on hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up go go go go go go go go go okay there we go good enough i'll straighten myself out this whoa whoa whoa whoa i don't know what happened there looked like i was about to fall okay here we go it's happening now it's happening now i am not on a good angle here oh go go go oh yes yes okay you ready for this [Music] oh oh all right now i just got to jump across this gotta remember to uh turn off the thrust here there we go nailed it all right now this this requires some heavy precision now all right is that good am i gonna do this it's looking good oh that was almost not good okay how do i do this i'm trying to remember how i even do this section this section was real to oh i remember i remember i think i remember now i gotta get on the front side of the wall here so if i lift up and move forward and press the thrust out at the same time it should work here we go perfect that's the right side of the wall all right so now i go down backwards and then go around and then this this was actually one of the parts that you could mess up even if you did everything right i got to turn off the thrust and go down at the same time and try not to flip over i gotta get my front wheels to catch down there all right so i'm gonna go backwards turn off the brush then go forwards ready perfect and there it is i am the winner and the the trigger didn't get there we go no wait okay apparently it's it's uh this i have to stay underneath the line now i win i am the wall climb warrior hooray oh that was so fun and nostalgic being able to do that again and i did it successfully still i still got it alright so now the moment i know a lot of you been waiting for i'm gonna hop over to the suspended mountain base and see if this thing is still intact and how laggy is it okay here we go so there's an issue here if this is the most recent suspended mountain base file that would have been the one that i detached the uh the waterfall and crashed the game so this may crash just because of that but let's see let's see what happens i'm going to try to load into it if it crashes doesn't mean doesn't mean anything's wrong it just means that's the wrong one i see a bridge the waterfall is intact oh you can definitely look at the yeah look at whoa look when i move you can see the jitteriness of it this world is definitely unlike any other um now how am i oh i think there is did i put an elevator in the waterfall all right hold on i'm just gonna put a hole right here so i can get in this seat there we go all right now i can actually get up the waterfall all right here we are the secret entrance from the waterfall where am i right now all right we definitely got logic and stuff happening here oh look at this we got the phone in the middle you know this isn't so bad this definitely feels look at the frames this feels better i'm getting 45 40 to 45 frames right now i think i was down in the 20s before so evidence of the optimizations actually working this was pretty much a dead series back then the door that was a little shaky and you know why it's that issue that issue that i really want to have fixed it's the friction of blocks going next to each other it's just not as smooth as it used to be look this won't even this won't even close anymore now it's lagging out the game this is about how we ended the series i think about this frame rate right here with this door doing its thing all right well with the door open we got most of our frames back all right oh the squeeze elevator this is one of my inventions yeah oh now it's getting laggy okay now that i'm starting to move these things the lag's starting to happen all right so this elevator brings us up here all right we got the theater i think the theater was one of the last things i well did and i actually remember this i think i welded this wrong i think this theater is not welded to a good spot where it's actually a s it got welded to the door i think so that's probably contributing to lag yep [Laughter] i wasn't expecting that result but um yeah i see an issue here let me let me go ahead and fix that real quick right back there you can tell knowing that really bothered me because i remember it this many years later i that was always in the back of my mind like my little mental to-do list of like oh i gotta fix that issue that was stupid so yeah this was all made by fans of the channel here like look at that clock it's got the gears in there and everything this is so cool i think the theater was one of the later pieces that i added too oh i forgot i was building like a garage over there oh i have lifts i wonder if those still work we're gonna have to try those out what do we got here like a green room yeah we got the whole green room and all the fountains and stuff solar panels all kinds of fun stuff up here we had a nice bar here with a little stage for some live music all right but of course we got some bridges right like the whole main thing of this was these bridges these bridges were amazing let's go across this bridge are all the bridges still attached that bridge is attached oh yeah they're all still attached they're all still functioning oh we even got the water wheel forgot about that all right let's see if uh if my lifts still work i was supposed to be able to get my car from like way down the bottom all the way up to here oh my goodness i had one of these dr navi flyers too i don't even know why i have that in here all right here we got the mad scrap car from back in the day all right let's see i don't even remember how do these bridges work oh no please don't tell me i'm about to do this oh i cannot believe this no i saved it all right here we go so we get on and there's a button this button okay here we go we're going down so many pistons there we go all right that works man the frames are doing really well this one got me all the way down i could take a vehicle all the way up or down from pretty much sea level here i'm really surprised that this place is still that functional like it seems like it's almost fully functional other than like the collision issues with surfaces being close to each other that's the only thing you know it's kind of weird from back here it doesn't really look as big as i remember it being and i think that's because i now have the context of survival where i built out that massive survival castle and the game was just capable of handling so much more than we used to back in the day yeah there's no way this is gonna work yeah my wheels are oh no this is just a bad idea i don't know why i decided to do that let's not do that oh why why did i do that it's ruined hold on maybe oh oh oh no oh okay it fixed itself this is bringing me flashbacks those are some real flashbacks to the issues i had building these bridges in the first place but you know what this this is starting to give me the motivation now let's do a new community series let's just start something so down in the comments i want to see what kind of theme for a community series do you think would be cool just as a refresher we've done this steampunk suspended mountain base theme we've done the future military theme and we've done a flooded world theme so something different something that stands out from those that would have like just a whole new genre of creations really curious um what you guys are interested in and if you see ideas that you do like just leave a like on them try to get them up to the top comments because that'll give me a better indicator of what ideas are popular and stuff so let's do it let's have another community world make sure that you join the discord if you want to participate and submit creations because whenever we settle on a theme oh we have a musical staircase here too yeah whenever we settle on a theme i will be taking submissions in my discord so yeah shout out to fix for the vid or whatever you were on twitter thanks so much for letting me know that i just had to try again to get my worlds back so if you didn't miss the original suspended mountain based series i'm gonna go ahead and leave a link to it on the end screen right here you can go and check out the entire playlist whether it's for nostalgia or just because you're trying to figure out what's going on because you missed that part of the channel's history anyway i hope this video has earned your subscription this has been scrap man and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 391,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, engineering, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic experiments, scrap mechanic oldest creations, oldest creations, suspended mountain base, steampunk base, steampunk mountain base
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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