Responding to Ricegum

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ladies and gentlemen it is time this time to finally react to rice comes for the on me so yeah pretty much in this video so just to get around to finally watch it but I did and there's really nothing even in there so we're gonna break it down it's a lot the most important things [ __ ] over his videos are just a lie is happening all the time [ __ ] me rice come you studied all of this okay if you never went on mom's basement and trashed my music as well as go on and Ramallah and calling me petty and you know fun you even you even said that you wanted Logan Paul to win against me this video proof of you saying you wanted Logan to win but I didn't know you were alive we made a song together that did like really good before he dropped it he asked me rice how should we split the money and I actually said this going to the interview clip and then kid aside I reacted to it listen to this it was like no how should we split the earnings like should I pay you my strip said nah it's cool I'll just keep it man I don't don't want anything just in the future just give me a feature you know back alright scum you you do know you're chatting [ __ ] now right so it display I'm not too sure the percentage was but I'm pretty sure 50/50 and you you got paid for the track I think you're still getting paid for the track you never said no it's cool I paid you money yo yo we window was ice long I swear he did alright let's let's see what yes to say and when rappers do features for other people they always get paid or some type of conversation I was like a hundred percent says it's a 50/50 why wouldn't I just pay you your car the song since you jumped on it like it just doesn't make sense you need to reply to this boss look at this email Luis Rebecca keep that in mind I'm switching camera all right I'm on my email I'm typing in a Rebecca write that he said click on Rebecca kiss I feature dressed up earthquake here we go I'm writing to clear your performance to case I track he told me to like email this person back and sign something would you be happy to move forward on the gracious wat basis which basically means I would be given the option for kiss how to record a feature on one of my tracks similar duration as earthquake or whatever well that explains it Island my old label just [ __ ] it I said 50/50 why are they doing a swap deal oh well the best way to settle this is to give you your money so I will give you 50 K $50,000 it simple yeah I'll just give you your money and then I'll be it there now be done now whole section done alright let me know if you want it and I'll send you to send you the money my G I'm pretty sure the song didn't make 50k but you know just for your troubles yeah I'll do be 50k a first of all that love is [ __ ] home oh my god Jesus I need me that my alarm and that she will wake me up real [ __ ] quick oh Jesus alright scum so apparently I am being petty because I unfollowed you on social media but on you being petty as well since I didn't give you a ticket for the chaos I Logan what no I don't even care about the ticket you know what I'm only bringing up the ticket to explain myself say this stemming from the Logan Paul fight you're essentially mad at me because I step on Logan side instead of your side so you feel like I backstab you feel like I betrayed you know I know I don't care that you on Logan side you just literally set the bro play the clipping ticket when you're saying this am i dumb send me a ticket how can you be mad at me for not rooting for you if you didn't send me you don't make sense from you don't you don't make sense this is an edited video and you still don't make sense I don't how everyone in the ticket you should have just messaged me I mean are you two up your own ass - just message me you're not even that guy anymore - have an eagle like that I mean my mates message me while I was training so clearly we're just not mates like that and honestly that's okay that's perfectly fine to be honest welcome your way I should have found the time to get you a ticket for this [ __ ] it's not like I wasn't training for the we know you were training bro that's why I didn't want to bother you even asked you for the ticket - like I'm training 24/7 like you can still have messaged me and said oh yo how you doing man like you didn't even message me unlike a friend level you never mentioned how I was you know how's it going like you didn't even ask basic questions you just expected me to just give you a ticket for the same fight that's why there's a so where's your loyalty I mean really crazy but that wasn't about you I put yo I swear that wasn't about you me it's gonna sound crazy but it wasn't these are my producers December 8th this was when we even made this song it was this one it's how his Bey because it was at the baby type beat and then that's what we did made it the adult it just anyways how could I diss you in April if we wrote the song in December here's another proof so at the time the song was called 194 and this was 20 set of 21st why is he what are you saying we wrote why does he keep saying we wrote the song is it because you know 21st of December I was sending this to my management where is it at he said he popped but where's his black so I should tell him II tried then you know that was going on gasps but this was in December okay I you know I I apologized to that I thought you were dissing me but clearly you wrote this song in December I released it a week after I released poppin so no okay now that's actually me being shy yo I'm sorry yeah I'm sorry you did this me my bad you just felt that I guess because he doesn't have a you know a platinum plaque the first you okay well I obviously you're gonna always keep saying that let me quickly save you things first of all you will never get another platinum plaque ever in your life second of all I will make sure to tweet you when I get a platinum plaque I'll make sure to tweet you again when I get another platinum plaque last but not least you are one-hit wonder okay you will never make a song as big as that ever in your life I guarantee it okay I guarantee it you released that adult it was trash all right it ball let me look at the Spotify I sort of if we don't even have a million spot violations then dies oh man it don't even have 500,000 man dies yo i well your one-hit wonder i it's done out for you okay I have to admit but you know what Weiss prove me wrong prove me wrong bro I'm here I love it when people prove me wrong I love proving people wrong and I love it when people prove me wrong so prove me wrong rice show me that you can get another platinum blanket and you'll show me that you can release an album and get a hundred million streams on the album okay music supervision the whole thing did it did not do super good it did well on YouTube like I'm pretty sure the song didn't even chart let me check yeah it's not even on that it just didn't even charge how many streams is on 8.7 million bro that's like nothing it's not what you mean ahead it's noise okay I'll give you this one cuz what's the other video well the video did I make on you may I were talking about the one six months ago like [ __ ] you know I if you want to accept that one and fine so it's taking seven months to apply [ __ ] boy video to like troll me no idea I didn't do that to Troy it's just I thought it'd be a cool idea to put a sign on video we got Katie Price's well that was [ __ ] huge she's got Montana Brown from love Island yeah like I really understand where the troll is but you know what believe what you want to believe rice okay people you want to believe the works before the song Trump tweeted it was tired I'm tired write this and then when the song drunk it was a solid future rich the kid and I was like a dis at me because risk the kid was in my Twitter header but wait sorry I don't know why he didn't show the tweet so let me just show you the tweet I made that you enjoy me got your best mate on the song before you and now is out rice because of ties from your feet you enjoy seeing rich the kid so rice gum has reached the kid in his Twitter header he claims that their friends obviously I'm like gonna have to believe in myself if I don't believe myself who else you know I'm gonna be confident myself music yeah but you literally dissed my music though you could have just said oh I believe I made bad music and then just left it up but you kept saying you know what let me show you my songs are better than his so I can't even like I don't even want to go that way dude I haven't heard anyone say like yo turn on that new kiss I mean no one has said turn on that new rice either but you don't so like no one is quite there yet yes Kim was hyping oh how can you say you know taking shots when you're taking shots that's like me stabbing someone in the chest I'm going I'm not starving them I'm not starving them like probably you are ultimately you said you made better songs than me and that's why I did a ten for ten I I did that to actually prove who makes the better songs welcome to the ksi why Scott yes exactly that's why his is so excited when you it's like 30 to 40 songs so why don't you put more songs out what the [ __ ] I mean that's on you clearly you're just lazy when it comes to music videos Oh anything really professional better music I'll say 2017 was when I start to really get into motion and obviously 2020 with the album dissimulation my when happened but I mean 2017 was when you start banging have you progressed no this is me when it comes to music okay I'm just slowly progressing and doing better this is you when it comes to music you're down there you're declining okay like you're just getting worse in 2020 you've released two songs the adult and my ex both tries compare it to every night sis and God Church you're just getting worse so that's on you it's not acting like you've been nice and you're just so biased when you're rating the music lifted unbiased point of view this guy's your friend his name is Quan decades a YouTube rapper he made a youtube rapper tearless bro tell me why he let's see when could I can made this video okay okay so clear you can see it says a year ago let's find out exactly when May 29 May 29 2019 I didn't release dissimulation then back then fine you know what I'll give you the benefit of the doubt you're a terrible me okay twenty twenty what's up man do you think you're gonna still be do you believe that do you believe the music that you've been playing out deserves for you to be at a higher grade than me I think everyone including your fans will say no actually you know what let me also say this right um I've got a challenge for you release an album okay release an album if you can get Anthony Fontenot to give you a higher score than me then I will I will shut up alright I will give you your praises yeah hey oh I will make a video dedicated to you saying you are better than me try it the thing about ksi is that there is actually legitimately some potential there whereas with rice gum there will never be a good rice gum song I will take that to the [ __ ] grave oh this you can't do this because you don't write your [ __ ] let's go don't this for you powerful I just wanna go I'm gonna slap you in the face one this court wrote this [ __ ] for you you can't ever come back to me saying I'm better riding and you don't like those checks [ __ ] with you only he said haha these texts are on my MacBook because I didn't save it on my phone but this was after his first fight not the one with Logan that the other one with Joe Weller I said proud of you you a star he said thank you watch your video kill me Congrats with SuperLab but then he gave me out of nowhere like yo this year we have a football match in England for charity would you be down I said yeah put me in he said so we need you to be honeybrush I confirmed to come over Yatta Yatta yes what are you saying I said so I was kind of stalling on him guys he was asking me to go to this charity thing is he flexing on me because he was just [ __ ] of replying is that flex it's for charity me I wanted you to come for charity why why are you trying to flick some charity so I was kind of stalling on him guys he was asking me to go to this charity thing but I kept stalling on him what are you saying fam just give me a straight answer don't err me out and then I finally said surely asking for two favors first the feature I did a second this charity event shut up okay shut up first of all you are trash of football secondly we wanted you to come for a charity event you didn't have to come you could have just said no the charity event would have still gone ahead without me and the feature firm I was getting fused without you bro I didn't need you for views back then we had a common interest which was going at Ethan that's why I said it made sense again you could have just said no and then now it is done my thing before you travel and get paid I was just flying there out of the kindness of my heart I was doing it for castile you guys talking and it kept kind of like storm cuz I don't know if I want to take my Oh like three days out of my day three days out of my day how long is your [ __ ] day baby if you didn't know if you wanted to do it then you should just not done it [ __ ] how could you say no freakin UK friend literally purposely tribute I'm such a dirty play at the time it's all fun and games you laughing over but now I'm thinking back I came out there just to get trip that a hurt not the boat you didn't know how to play I'm I you know what let's think of this [ __ ] video this rice competing trash at soccer I have pains me night the guy called in soccer but anyway [Applause] this God reacts to rice come failing on by the guy who writes your music eulogy said I won case I to win oh I want Logan to wait boom the ways the loyalty me my family are definitely on talking terms but yeah I knew Teague right that was gonna come loyalty my my son is say he's loyal [ __ ] off there was a pair of time with him and his brother and his mom his dad were beefing they were all be layin against her own family so what can I do I don't know what didn't you just watch my video I let you explain T why oh my god hey yo even even mentioned the hold him I'm gonna go smile I told you understanding I think you just be fooling me causing controversy to promote his album he is my friendship burning the bridge I mean obviously yes trauma cells okay but no I was just responding to your shitty comments and yeah that's not all right well yeah I responded to everything you said next time respond to everything I say that's what you meant to do when you respond [ __ ] sake I am done [ __ ] this guy man hey this been your boy case i legit ABT your boys got some match down below so be sure to check that out and yes I know it is a bit pricey but you know I'm not forcing you to buy it it's really that price because you know it's high quality so enjoy I'll see you guys in a bit take care and peace [Music] oh no no no [ __ ] with you should put you know they in their holiday money when I see the net I laid all the guys in the more they know what
Channel: JJ Olatunji
Views: 9,970,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ksi, ksiolajidebt, ksiolajidebthd, ricegum
Id: 9nGvpuaw_bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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