ETS (English) | 16.05.2021 Mark of The Beast (Revelation 13)

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in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen we thank our lord jesus christ for another bible preach i know in recent times i have been absent i was due to a minor health issue but thank god there is no issue for as long as the lord jesus is with us and we have some great doctors everything is going to be fine so marmari is back so we thank the lord i hope are you happy are you sure very good so um everyone to stand for the lord's prayer please in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today and forgive us our debts as we forgive our dettos and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory now and forevermore amen please be seated well we thank the lord jesus always for giving us the opportunity to be in his holy house and this holy church of marshmallow and saint mary's cathedral those who are watching us live i pray that you are always in good health and in good spirit and it is so good to be back again [Music] speaking the word of our lord and savior jesus christ the word of the of truth and life and this evenings my beloveds there has been a topic that has been talked about in recent times since the coronavirus came and since the vaccine has also been released and there is a lot of speculations there is a lot of questions there is a lot of unknowns absecurities people are are afraid of taking the vaccine there are so many conspiracies out there in youtube and the social media platforms so people are confused they are lost they don't know what to do we've been getting emails from overseas different parts of the world different countries asking us to talk a little bit about this vaccine is it the mark of the beast as is mentioned in the book of revelation and more specifically chapter 13 in book of revelation chapter 13. so um i i i know that a lot of people watch youtube channel and and other facebook and i don't know there's instagram and i'm not too familiar with all these names out there i'm i'm very computer illiterate and technology electric um but obviously people are listening to a lot of ideas and a lot of talks on these social media platforms and they're saying there are some christians out there they say this vaccine extra what is it called extra zinica or visor and the there's another name that came on board in recent times they are saying that this vaccine is the mark of the beast and these people are claiming to be christians on these youtube channels whether that is the case or not this is not my area to talk but i'll touch base i'm not going to go into details but i'll touch base since we've been getting calls and emails and also face to face they're asking us bishop murray is the vaccine the mark of the beast can you show me your hands those who are here in the church do you know what i'm saying by what i'm referring to or by saying mark of the beast have you any idea if you if you do put your hand up mark of the beast who doesn't know what i'm talking about as far as mark of the beast is concerned you don't know oh very good maybe i shouldn't be talking about it i don't wanna i don't wanna spoil your your beautiful clear mind over there um i'll talk about it before i talk how are you good are you sure if anybody is no good leave the church right now i pray you guys are always in good health and in good spirit and you need to be strong jesus is good therefore we need to be good for his sake and no matter what happens and no matter what we go through the lord will always be loyal and faithful to his word and to his promise and the lord jesus said i am with you all the days of your life whether it's 969 years of the old testament people or you are an hour old freshly born baby and gone out of this world and left this world regardless what that time frame is the lord says i am with you all the days of your life and until the end of all ages in other words i'm with you okay good times bad times coronavirus times corolla times lexus times i'm with you baby oh that baby came from me not from the lord jesus but the lord makes a promise never goes back on his word amen well is the new vaccine that is out there mark is referred to as the mark of the beast mark of the beast you'll see that in the book of revelation if you're not too sure what the book of revelation is or which book it is it is part of the new testament and it is the last part of the new testament it's the end of the new testament the holy bible is divided into two main parts the old testament covenant and the new testament covenant and the old and the new put together that's what we call the holy bible the new testament the last and or the end of the new testament is the book of revelation it is made out of 22 chapters in chapter 13 of revelation uh which i'll read the entire chapter for you now talks about the mark of the beast so let us listen while we read this to you so this is the book of revelation chapter 13 from beginning to end of this chapter then i stood on the sand of the sea and i saw a beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and on his horns ten crowns and on his heads a blasphemous name now the beast which i saw was like a leopard his feet were like the feet of a bay and his mouth like the mouth of a lion the dragon gave him his power his throne and great authority and i saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded and his deadly wound was healed and all the world marveled and followed the beast so they worshipped the dragon who gave authority to the beast and they worshipped the beast saying who is like the beast who is able to make war with him and he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and he was given authority to continue for 42 months then he opened his mouth and blasphemy against god to blaspheme his name his tabernacle tabernacle means the church right and those who dwell in heaven it was granted to him it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them that's scary an authority was given him over every tribe tongue and nation all who dwell on the earth will worship him whose names have not been written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world so he has authority over those whose names are not written in the book of life regardless whether you are a christian muslim buddhist hindus atheist any human being from every tribe tongue nation color race he has authority as long as your name is not written in the book of life those whose names are written in the book of life of the lamb of god who are slained from the foundation of the world he has no authority over those whose names are written in the book of life so don't be afraid is your name written in the book of life have faith if anyone has an ear let him he he who leads into captivity shall go into captivity he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and the faith of the saints then i saw another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon and he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed he performs great signs so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived he was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead on their right hand or on their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of a man his number is a lot of people say 666 it is not it is 666. triple six now what is the mark of the beast triple six now did you get what i meant by the mark of the beast revelation chapter 13. okay are we living in the end of times 100 yes what is the end of times a complete cycle circle so we started from here we went round round round round round and came back to a complete full circle that is an end of time what is an end of time in time-wise 2000 years when we read the holy bible from the book of genesis which is the first book in the old testament from the book of genesis when we read and we see the generations that came from adam to the great flood to abraham to the lord jesus every two thousand years and i'm talking about literally is every two thousand years we see something happens on a great scale across the platform of this globe we live in so something happens in a great in a mess way in a big way in a huge way it's not just partial it's in its totality so from adam our father adam the creation of god to the great flood of our father noah you know the ark of noah and the great flood two thousand years went by in two thousand years what happens every two thousand years something drastically goes wrong people tend to walk away from god love and fear of the lord diminishes people are no longer interested in god people don't give one penny about god people become god on earth which is the sin of all sins when you or when a human being now i'm not talking about christians here i'm talking about the human race regardless who you are where you come from a human being when any human being comes and says i am absolutely free i can do whatever i want however i want whenever i want and there is no one can stop me or tell me otherwise you are acting and behaving like a god and when you think that you are god this is the ultimate sin against the almighty the true divine god who art in heaven the creator of everything that is visible and invisible two thousand years is an end of times cycle end of times is not the end of the world with all love and respect to our gorgeous people or this cult called jehovah's witnesses i call it a cult because it is right so whoever is listening and they're being offended i'm sorry not and and others even some christians they were trying frantically to determine when jesus christ is coming back to end the world if anybody says to you i don't care who that somebody is if anybody says to you i know when the end of the world is that person is the biggest liar ever biggest liar jesus as the son of man now please listen carefully jesus as the son of man does not even know the hour of the end of the world now when you talk about jesus christ you need to understand this even there is a little bit of confusion in some christians is jesus god is he human what is he which one no christ is perfect god perfect man the perfect man is jesus of nazareth the perfect god is the son of god we believe as christians we worship this trinitarian god father son holy spirit one god there is no three gods as some claim and attack christianity there is no such thing here o israel your god is one and we all profess and confess and believe and acknowledge and claim that we believe that god is one and one only but this god who is one has three persons in him there is the father there is the son and there is the holy spirit father existence of god son the wisdom of god holy spirit the life of god if i ask anyone who believes in god do you believe god exists he will say or she will say yes do you believe god is wise does he have a brain they will say yes do you believe god is living is alive and is the source of life they will say yes well aren't you already claiming that god is three and one and one in three so father in the aramaic syriac language is means the root to all roots the foundation to all foundations the existence to all existence so father means the source of existence so the father here the word in aramaic or syriac means existence that's what means existence so god's existence is the father god's brain is the sun s-o-n god's life is the holy spirit god is holy god is spirit and in him there is life but he's one just like the sun s-u-n is three in one and one in three we see the sun as round circle the sun has light and the sun has heat if you take the circle out of the sun it is no longer the sun if you take the light out of the sun it is no longer the sun if you take the heat out of the sun you cannot claim to be a sun but when you have the circle when you have the light and the heat at the same time do you say there are three sons no it is one son but this one is not just one it is one in three and three in one round light heat makes up the sun father son holy spirit makes up god god exists god is wise god is alive god is the source of life that is one god the son of god the brain what was i talking about yes thank you now say i'm trying to gather the information in this little tiny head we need the holy spirit's guidance the son of god the brain the law goes in greek came down in the end of times over two thousand years ago end of times so over two thousand years ago the brain the the intellect of god though the logos came down in the womb of this virgin called mary and she is always virgin and she is always holy and she is always stunning she is my mom i will defend her till the day i go to the grave i will defend her anybody talks about my mom they will see a different marmari so the son of god the brain came down in the end of times over two thousand years ago into the womb of this virgin about 14 years of age and then the angel comes and says you are the favored one god has chosen you and the son of god is going to dwell there he's going to take that flesh from you and he's going to become a human being a man called jesus called emmanuel so this this word this son of god who is god came down took on the flesh took on the human nature became man so now divinity was joined with humanity when the divinity joined the humanity what do we call this unity christ it is not god it is not jesus it is christ so who is christ christ is the person in whom divinity and humanity are united divinity and humanity are united in the person of christ so christ is perfect man jesus and perfect god the son of god who is the logos who is the brain and the wisdom of god and the wisdom of god is god himself god is one so christ is perfect god and perfect man this perfect man does not know the end of the world god the father or god hid it from the son of man jesus the human side to christ god hid it you know why because the lord jesus made a promise and the gospel of john he said when i go i'm gonna send you the helper who is the helper the comforter who is the comforter the holy spirit i'll send you the holy spirit from my father in my name he's gonna come in my name he's gonna dwell in you through holy baptism and he's gonna remain in you forever when the holy spirit comes he will take everything of me and reveal to you and give to you if the son of man knew the hour of the end of the world then the holy spirit would have taken that from jesus and would have revealed it to us but god did not want the human race to know the hour of the end of the world through his infinite wisdom he kept it a secret that's why even jesus the man does not know the hour of the end of the world anybody says to you that it is tomorrow the world is ending is the biggest liar even if it's an angel coming down from heaven the biggest liar jehovah's witnesses were guessing jesus second coming they said it's in nineteen seventeen he's coming hundred percent didn't happen they said nineteen thirty five heads are tails hasn't happened yet but we know one thing we know one thing every two thousand years cycle is an end of times from the birth of the messiah from the crucifixion the burial and the resurrection of the of the messiah the savior and the redeemer of the world till our day two thousand years has completed we are definitely into the heart of the end of times what do we encounter in the end of times every two thousand year cycle well guess what from our father adam to to noah the ark of noah a a great flood came and covered the entire globe washed away every living creature except noah his wife his three sons and their wives eight people in total and then with some animals whom god um directed noah to take on board but everything else outside the ark was gone so what happens something of a great magnitude happens why did the great flood come because people had sinned so deeply and so badly they have offended god to an absolute extreme case god was angry god was offended god was challenged by his own creations so he had to put an end to this nonsense brought the great flood gone finished washed away now we are living 2000 years after the coming and the ascension of the messiah the savior of the world after two thousand years what's going to happen people will walk away from god people will start challenging god people will start denying god people will start doing things everything under the sun that is against the will and the wish of god my question to all of you those who are in the church and those who are watching us live look around you in this world what do you see my beloved everything that is happening in the world is against god isn't it 99.9 same-sex marriage against god gender preference against god human rights against god under the banner of democracy the biggest lie ever democracy was created by the greeks pagan worshipers of the time the ancient greek whom worshiped idols and sculptures carved by man's hand they carved them and then they came back and they said this is our gods these are the greece who brought democracy and and founded democracy and actually democracy is a greek word derives from the greek word democratic democrat now the western world is saying we are coming with a new idea sorry it's not a new idea it's an ancient idea and it's a pagan idea because there is no democracy it is an absolutely fabricated statement and it's the biggest lie ever so the 21st century is the end of times what's going to happen people will start doing things against god against god the vaccine is not the mark of the beast this i can tell you it's not because the mark of the beast when you go into the depths of the holy bible what vaccine it's much deeper than vaccine and much bigger than vaccine i'm not a doctor to speak medically or clinically whatever it is but we've been i've been listening also to some great doctors professors they say i'm not saying but i'm just quoting what they're saying they say that for a vaccine to be safe to be administered to people given to people at least at least there has to be a minimum of three year research and testing and trials and it could take up to ten years to say that this vaccine it is now absolutely safe to be given to people to come up with a vaccine within 12 months medically clinically is unheard of no wonder there are problems with this vaccine there are side effects people are getting blood clots people are dying because of this vaccine this is not a made up story it's true there are side effects that might not appear now they might appear later on because they don't know exactly if this vaccine is safe or not no doctor can prove it to say it's 100 safe impossible because it was was brought out in a very short time there was not enough time to do enough testing to say it is safe that's why some people across across the globe they are refusing to take these vaccines because of what's been happening with those people who have taken it but it's not the mark of the beast it's not i mean but coronavirus is one of the signs of the end of times 100 coronavirus is one of the signs of the end of times i can say and this is my personal opinion and my personal belief whether you want to accept it or not believe except believe in it or not that's that's yours but i believe the coronavirus if they are calling it coronavirus i believe it is a man-made and it was deliberate it did not just come out in a it was done deliberately to cause the whole world to come to a full halt that is 100 percent i believe it was done deliberate and it was done by people that have denied god that god does not exist in their life does not their god is satan or they have been deceived by satan they may say oh there is no god there is no satan there is no nothing it's just this world and you just live and then when you die that's it that's the end mother nature created me but at the end of the day they have been deceived or they do accept and acknowledge that their god is satan and people worship satan whether in the open or in the secret there are people that worship satan and there is a temple erected in america where people worship satan in the open and they want to do that everywhere now it's sad i'm not laughing it's very sad unbelievable it's funny how humans think like augustus caesar at the time of the lord augustus caesar the way he treated the jews he was like a vampire a blood thirsty vampire he sucked their blood he he enslaved the jews jesus christ one of their own coming from the tribe of judah an israeli born in you know biologically in flesh he was an israeli from the tribe of judah one of the 12 tribes of israel judah jesus came he raised their dead he healed their sick he did everything wonderful and beautiful for them and after all these years of sacrifice and doing nothing but good to them they said we don't want you we want caesar are you out of your mind are you serious are you a human are you normal like as if you don't know who caesar is guys seize their stepped on you trampled on you ridiculed you put you down made you nothing and he did it to you it wasn't like someone came and told you a story it happened to you my dear friend as a jew it happened to you and then this jesus comes along he is all love kindness mercy compassion understanding sacrifice everything good you name jesus is he comes offering his life for you and then they turn around and say no away with you jesus our king is augustus caesar well go with caesar one of the historians by the name of mosshein he says you know what augustus caesar did to these jews after the crucifixion of jesus christ and after he had got ascended to heaven he came he's starting lighting the streets of jerusalem with people he torched up people and made them the lamp and the light for the streets of jerusalem is that what you wanted aren't we like those people we are exactly the same jesus comes with an open hand and a heart full of love and he says just come to me i i'm offering my life and myself to you i'm saying no i don't want you i want satan and satan is nothing but a vampire that's nothing but someone who will enslave you who will trample on you he will bring you down who will do everything back to you and then at the end he will slain you and kill you and throw you in hell and then you say yep that's what i want mine is the best it's amazing the lord jesus says come and receive me in the holy sacrament body and blood for the remission of your sins you choose the club over the church you choose alcohol over the blood of the lamb of god you choose gambling over the treasures of christ you choose drugs over the word that gives you clarity of vision and true insight to the truth and you pay your life in order to destroy it it's amazing i'll go and steal i'll go and do anything just to get a bag of white powder i'll do anything for it but jesus is offering you his life for free no you're not good you're not good for me i want satan i want the dark alleys in the city i was king i want king's cross i want stars i want clubbing i want las vegas i want this and that well what do you expect god is gonna do do you think he's gone on holidays do you think he has just given up or do you think he's lost control of his creation what a joke those people who think they can do anything and everything poor people they've been blinded by satan even the rothschilds family die one of the freemason families who have a lot of mullah for our money money has become their god and they think they can control the world with money god will always be god and he will always be the sovereign authority look what has happened to america the superpower of the world look to what kind of a situation they they are going through till this very day you know why it is for one simple reason but yet profound they walked away from jesus christ this is what you're gonna get my dear friend when you deny your god you know what god is going to do is going to bring the dragon against you china anybody home where was china 50 years ago they were dying in the streets third world country china was 50 years ago now it is the most powerful nation in the world economically you name it brother it can eat america and the rest alive you know america came up with this package to salvage america's economy they struggled with three two trillion dollars you know what china did to salvage china through coronavirus you know pandemic they put into the economy 25 trillion dollars and america struggled with three china put 25 trillion and they said anybody needs a loan we're lending you but not for free will a dragon give you something for free who is the dragon the old snake the bible calls it who is the old snake satan my dear friend the symbol of china is dragon what did we read here in the book of revelation chapter 13 the dragon gave power to the beast that came out of the sea and out of the land behind the dragon of the sea and that and the false prophet of the land was the dragon and the dragon is satan so when a nation that once upon a time believed in jesus christ the true divine god and now this nation is denying jesus christ what is jesus christ going to do to teach this nation a lesson he will allow the dragon to come and give them a hard time he will allow satan to come unless a country goes back to the true god they cannot last they must fall unless an individual a human being a country when i say a country i'm talking about people what is government people what is civilians citizens people i'm talking about people unless this human being goes back to the true divine god and confesses their sins and submit to their creator the true creator they will never have a life i don't care how much money you have the coronavirus was a test to see these so-called globalists who are trying to introduce one world order which is which is biblical the one world order my beloved is means that every single nation in this globe must follow the same system and this system i don't have the time this system satan has been putting it together for thousands of years for the end of times the 21st century by the way it will be released in the 21st century i'm not scaring you i hope but world war iii will take place in the 21st century nuclear weapon is coming do you know who is stopping the nuclear weapon from happening this sweetheart these so-called superpower nations who have nuclear warheads they think they are in control and they can press the button whenever they want get a life unless this guy says yes nothing happens my dear i always bring this example which is in the holy bible which is true therefore it is true since it's in the holy bible because the word the holy bible is the word of god and god always speaks the truth i always bring this example to tell you and to show you how jesus christ is in control of everything and everyone i mentioned earlier augustus caesar augustus caesar one day he woke up augustus caesar ruled you could say the world the most powerful man on earth he woke up one day and this idea this thought came into his head he said if any of my little servants in my palace approach me and ask me how many people do you have in your empire what am i going to say to them i don't know that is an embarrassment to someone in my position i rule the world and i don't know how many people i control and rule over that's an embarrassment that is a weakness of you augustus therefore come here my servant this is a decree from the most powerful man in the world the one who is being been seen as god in the eyes of people and people used to worship these emperors as gods so augustus was a god ah i'm free i'm a god on earth i can do anything and everything so he said come here it's a decree of augustus caesar everyone this degree is going to go throughout my empire everywhere and everyone must be counted a census is going to go through my empire and everyone is gonna have to go back to their own town to their own city where they came from and be counted there in the in my in these senses i want to know now how many people i rule over in my entire empire the sent the the decree goes out goes to israel under the under the uh uh the rulership of augustus caesar it goes all the way to galilee and it goes all the way to this little tiny village of the of the time called nazareth and in that nazareth there was this gorgeous young girl called mary mama so goes to mary and to our father joseph the just and this decree says everybody must go back to their town to their city and be enrolled or be put through these senses so both our father joseph the just and our holy mother mary the crown of our heads and these and my eyesight i love i adore my mom i adore her they were both from the lineage of david king david is from the tribe of judah king david comes from the city of bethlehem so therefore since they are from that lineage they had to go leave nazareth and go all the way to bethlehem nazareth is in the north of israel bethlehem is in the south of israel it would have taken a couple of weeks walking on foot at the time the holy virgin mary was with child she was pregnant and as they traveled in their journey all the way to bethlehem across the country when they got to bethlehem the holy bible tells us it was time for mary to give birth and she gave birth to this baby boy called jesus in where bethlehem imagine this if this decree was not issued by augustus caesar the ruler of the world the most powerful and the richest man on earth if this decree had not been given by augustus caesar neither the holy mother nor our father joseph would have left nazareth because it does not make sense to leave your home and go travel on foot yet pregnant to give birth across the nation in bethlehem why would she do that i'm at home it's my it's obviously convenient for me to give birth in my own home but no if jesus was born in nazareth what would have happened the prophecy would have broken would have been broken because the prophecy says that when the messiah comes he will come and be born in bethlehem and this messiah is the savior and the redeemer of the world and this messiah to be the savior and the redeemer of the world he must also fulfill every prophecy that was prophesied about him he he cannot afford to break any prophecy so jesus could not have afforded to be born in nazareth because he wouldn't have been the savior anymore so he had to be born in bethlehem mary and joseph wouldn't have moved so what is god going to do god is going to say here's a thought in your head my dear augustus little puppet in my hand that's what the kings and the superpower presidents are in the hand of jesus little puppets you know those puppet shows um these dolls and their strings attached to their heads and to their hands and to their feet and they all go to this a piece of wood across and then there is a hand that makes the puppet dance this is every prime minister i want him to hear this i want him to listen to this i pray to the lord that every prime minister and every president and every king in this world i want him to hear this all of you every prime minister every president every king is controlled by the hand of jesus christ that is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god who is jesus christ augustus caesar when he gave this decree he thought you see i can do whatever i want did anybody stop me no could anybody have been able to stop me no i am the most powerful man on earth i did what i did and nobody stopped me yes i do whatever i want little he knew that it was god who moved him because god wanted mary and joseph to go to bethlehem and that wouldn't have been made possible except through augustus caesar who controls the emperor's god who is god jesus christ of nazareth you're afraid of a vaccine seriously please you're afraid of a vaccine seriously seriously but the coronavirus it was permitted by the lord jesus to come again i'll say this these people are thinking evil they want to control the world because to them they are in charge of everything there is nothing can stop them they have the money they have the power they have the prestige they have everything and they think they can move shape change whatever they want and there is no one can stop them they are not realizing like augustus caesar everything gets moved when jesus says okay a few guys are worshiping satan while satan is under the foot of jesus christ crushed under his faith so your god is under the feet of my god let me see who's the winner who's the winner are you going to come and kill me physically please do you'll do me the greatest favor because when you kill this flesh i'm no longer gonna sin and when you kill me you'll do me a favor i'm gonna go to my sweetheart jesus christ whom i long to see and embrace so please come okay i can't you can't miss this face man you can't miss this face you want to shut me up only jesus can no one else can i will tell the truth until of the day jesus calls it the day these people are chasing evil and they want to control the whole world coronavirus was a test to see how much control they can have on people do they succeed yeah but it was permitted by the lord because the lord permits things for a reason i can assure you my beloveds no one can shut the house of god and when i say god i'm talking about jesus christ no one can shut the house of the lord jesus unless jesus permits it you know sorry maybe i've spoken to too long i'll come to a conclusion when our father noah preached to the people of his time of his generation he preached for 120 years according to the holy bible for 120 years he was saying to people please repent stop doing the wrong things please don't go to king's cross please go don't go stop going to clubbing please don't take drugs please don't gamble please don't take alcohol please don't kill please don't steal please don't do this nobody listened nobody gave a penny they they laughed at him he said to them there is a great flood coming you know what at the time of noah's preaching neither the sky nor anywhere else there was a sign of water heaven had not rained yet rain had not come down yet so from nowhere to say there is a great flood coming they started laughing they said this guy's a nut case he's sick in the head what rain what flood heaven never rained and neither the earth brought water up and the ark is in the middle of the desert land dry dead land this guy is a lunatic until the day came god came to noah said noah enter the ark and god said i'm gonna give them another week inside the ark noah was still preaching guys the flood is coming oh it's at your doorstep they laughed at him god said okay bring everyone that i choose to into the ark bring all all yes all in thank you god the bible says the holy bible god shut the gate of the ark heaven opened earth opened water coming from above and from below before they blinked their eyes they were submerged underwater they came running to the ark knocking at the day at the door of the ark at the gate of the ark please our father noah we have made a mistake we didn't listen to you open the door open the door noah our father from inside yelled out he said my heart goes out to you my heart is aching and breaking but you know what guys i am useless and i am hopeless because i didn't shut the door god did and when god shuts a door no one can open and when god opens the door no one can shut but is he either enclosed the door of the ark otherwise i would have opened it but god did i can't open it god has to for god's house to close god shut the door not freemason not china not america not any dragon jesus allowed it why because jesus is angry jesus is hurt jesus is sorrowful jesus is bleeding in pain and in blood he's saying my children have walked away from me my house there is buying and selling my church is not doing what i want my christians are walking away from me every single day i'm angry i want to discipline my children i want to send a message this time on a very big magnitude to shake them up a bit to wake up and stop and think for a moment what are you doing my child what do you want to achieve by walking away from your god you're only going to achieve one thing you will destroy yourself that's all that's why the church was closed but god will not do it directly because god is love and love cannot contradict itself god is love and what comes out of love is all goodness god did not come and create us to hurt us but when we are disobedient to our heavenly father then this father will have to discipline us if he truly loves us and since he does then he is disciplining us through something of the end of times called coronavirus we watch the news and we see what's been happening all these decades in iraq we watch the news and we see what's been happening all these years in syria we watch the news and we see what's been happening all these years in egypt we watch the news and we see what's been happening in recent times in lebanon and before we watch the news and we see what's been happening on a global level in africa people born starving die starving innocent children and what do we do those who are assyrians understand what i said we dance as if there is nothing happening as if those people are something else and i'm something else none of my business it's not happening in australia it's happening in iraq well you know what you know how easy it is for the lord jesus to transfer what's been happening in iraq all these decades to australia very easy well one thing in iraq if you want to flee the country there is there is neighboring countries from everywhere the land connects to turkey the land connects to other other countries i'm not talking here geography but you can look at the at the map and you can see what other countries are uh joining neighbors to iraq but in australia where you're gonna flee to the great white shark baby that is awaiting you in the great pacific ocean there is no place to flee when something is happening it's an awakening call even though coronavirus has been [Music] very negatively in influencing so many people across the globe but there are a great deal of posit positivity out of coronavirus there was a lot of things that were positive even though there are a lot of things that are negative but there are also positive things one of the positive things was i've even seen people coming to me and telling me you know at the beginning of the coronavirus where ev we were at a lockdown right so we couldn't go to church we couldn't go to work we couldn't go to nowhere for the first time this father comes to me and he says you know what marmari i thank god for this corona it was the first time for a very long time i actually spent time with my family i didn't know how precious my children are i saw them for a month in front of my eyes it was priceless i had no idea what i've been missing on all these years running running like crazy that day that i spend with my son and daughter i won't replace it for no money for no wealth for no world for nothing to sum it up which i have to mark of the beast is not a vaccine is a system god willing very soon we're going to start the commentary on the book of revelation from a to z it's going to take us about two years okay it's 20 to 10 chapters it's not that easy so we've done it in a syrian but we're going to do it god willing in english so um but every now and then we'll talk a different topic but we want to explain the book of revelation god dwelling so mark of the beast is a system as a system that these beasts that came from the land they are empires and the prophet false they're the false prophet from the land that looks like a ram with two horns that is another beast but behind this beast of the land from the pagan world and this false prophet of the land from the religious world behind these two is satan the dragon look at the church the church is in turmoil i'm sorry to say this truth sometimes is very painful but the truth is has to be the truth always the church has forgotten who jesus christ is i'll leave you with this my beloved there are two pillars that must be seen and found in the church without these two pillars the church jesus calls it den of thieves these two pillars are one love divine love and the other one is humility humility there has to be love in the church and there has to be humility in the church we've lost touch of both there is no true love i'm not saying totally there isn't but i'm saying it's very few very few people are still seeking the true divine love because to seek the true divine love you must be humble and to be humble you need to let go of your egos and of your super ideas that is in your head which satan has infiltrated you the church has run after the throne the church wants to become worldly like an empire i am strong when i have an empire as a church the church must be rich the church must be powerful the church has to have properties prop and and and so many connections in governments doesn't matter if it's right or wrong but as long as we have support the church seeked people not god that's why the church is in turmoil the church believed that this person can save me and for god the savior is only one the crown of glory jesus christ we've made out of a church a worldly institution and a profitable organization for what for feeding our egos not feeding the homeless always remember my sweetheart another one called mother teresa of calcutta mother teresa of calcutta now that's what i call a servant of christ she walked under the streets of hindus and sir and she's a female alone by herself so weak so vulnerable so exposed what am i going to do with these millions of hindus they're going to eat me alive before i open my mouth she started looking after the lepers indian lepers she started looking after the afflicted and the rejected the actual indians came and said mother you are a stranger you're like a god in the midst of the indians us as indians we don't look after our own you're a stranger looking after them then you are god that came and visited us and that's how she introduced the lord to the indian people the church needs to go back and sit on the ground not on high thrones from the highest rank to the lowest rank i'm talking about myself i have the right to talk about myself i'm not judging have you ever heard anybody sitting on the floor and falling nobody sits on the ground and falls the one who falls is the one who climbs up and tries to get somewhere very quickly don't jump you're gonna fall sit on the floor let jesus lift you up where is the love the true divine love we claim to be brothers yet we're not we claim to be united yet we're not we claim to be the children of jesus christ but the re but the actions say otherwise what is the lord gonna do we left him no choice but to shut the door to send a very powerful message to say my children stop offending me stop hurting me stop denying me stop being judah and selling me for money and stop walking away from me stop come back you come back to me i'll show you my glory but the mark of the beast is a system much more powerful than a vaccine if you don't want to take the vaccine don't but if you're forced and have no choice if you want to travel and they qantas will come and say you cannot get on to board on any qantas flight unless you've got the jab and you have no choice but to travel then make the sign of the cross and say in your name jesus christ i'm taking this jab and nothing is going to happen to me and this vaccine is going to be nothing but orange juice jesus is protect but it's not the mark of the beast our brains have been watched long time ago with iphone ipad ipod and ipad technology has washed the brain long time ago i don't have the time it's a system technology is one of this one of the means of this system how many channels are there on these so-called youtubes and i don't know this satellite dishes plenty of channels what's in the channels holy people or naked people isn't that brainwashing you're afraid of a vaccine and yet you expose yourself to nonsense pornography do you want me to say it i'll say it pornography actually vaccine is nothing compared to pornography i'll take the vaccine anytime pornography has destroyed billions millions if not billions of people it's a it's much bigger than a vaccine don't worry they don't have and this guy what's his name um the microsoft guy bill gates the good guy is wants to put the rn to change the dna of a human the dna of a human i feel sorry for him bill gates hear this from a little servant of jesus christ that day will never come you won't see it because you're not going to be there the next time you want to play god i suggest and i advise you very strongly with love and respect i'm saying it but i need to say the truth you need to come back to your senses and those who are behind you and pushing you to doing that you cannot play with fire and not be burnt you cannot say that you can do whatever you want yet there is a true divine god in heaven who has created you and me and everyone and everything in heaven and on earth that god has not lost control of his creation every one of us whether it's you or me or anyone that does something against god we receive the payment from god himself i pray you to you lord you stop every man who is doing evil things i pray to you lord jesus to get up now and show your mightiness show your authority and prove to every human being whether they are christians or not that you are the true divine god who was revealed in the flesh over 2000 years ago you came to save us to redeem us you are the way the truth and the life you are the alpha and the omega you are the beginning and the end you are the first and the last you are the morning star and the evening sacrificial lamb lord you are the life and the resurrection you are the good shepherd who leads us to green pastures and still waters lord i beg you crush satan and teach a lesson to those who are following satan thinking that they can do whatever they want show them who you are and to china next time you talk to australia you better watch what you say because i will show you who jesus christ is and i will say where you are dragon you can take that dragon and put it you know the lord reigns forever the lord reigns forever do not be afraid of no vaccine but be afraid of one thing stop hurting jesus heart stop it god bless you let's stand for the finale pray please in the name of the father of the son of the holy spirit one god amen lord make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me so love where there is injury pardon where there is doubt faith where there is despair or hope where there is darkness light where there is sadness joy or divine master grant that i may not so much seek to be consoled as to console to be understood as to understand to be loved as to love for it is in giving that we receive it is in pardoning that we are pardoned it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life amen may the lord jesus bless you guide you and protect you all the days of your life in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen thank you so much for your time guys i love you very much and i shall see you next sunday again for another bible preach and we may start the book of revelations commentary god willing see you then god bless
Channel: Christ The Good Shepherd Church
Views: 28,379
Rating: 4.884892 out of 5
Keywords: Christ The Good Shepherd Church, H.G. Mar Mari Emmanuel, Mar Mari, Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Christian, Holy Bible, Sermon, Love, Mercy, Unity
Id: wrf-erfLwDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 44sec (4724 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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