Are You Brainwashed (Coming Deception)? by Keith Malcomson

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we're coming to part seven of our series on the battle for the mind and i really do believe it's timely what we're dealing with this is volume two of our series we will have a volume three and we'll go back to certainly dealing with things more practically but here in this series i believe it's timely for what is happening in our world in politics and in society in fact i believe we need to be warned and prepared some preachers do not like to warn the church lest it seems like scaremongering i want to tell you that jesus in matthew 24 warned the church about the hour we're living in now three times before he dealt with anything else about earthquakes or pestilence three times he warned the church beware of men beware of false prophets lest any man deceive you three times he warned of deception you see i believe we serve a christ that does warn it's not scaremongering it's not to create fear or concern it's actually to prepare you it would be a terrible thing if you as the church were not prepared for what's around the corner do you know we live in an hour and i wish we didn't where you need to warn your children about who they go with about getting in cars about who comes and speaks to them we actually have to warn them i wish we didn't have to that it was such an hour that we can trust everyone but you know what there are certain times you've got to warn your children it's not every generation it's like that but there are certain generations where wickedness abounds you better prepare that child early you don't need to tell them everything but you need to give simple clear warnings it's not making that child scared or insecure it's not doing that it's protecting that child and it's the same with us with the bible when the bible warns we warn we have to warn this generation that you and i have entered into has more said to it than any other church generation in 1900 years all of the scripture is for all of the church in every generation that's true but i believe there's more specific detailed applicable prophecies descriptions and warnings for you than the church for the past 1900 years that ought to get our attention and you know what that tells me god wants to warn you such events are going to happen in our generation you must be aware and have your eyes open and your ears open we're coming to set part 7 of this series on the battle for the mind and i believe that we are about to we the church of this hour are about to engage in the greatest assault of the mind that you could possibly imagine and i believe these messages prepare you so that you won't be ignorant or shocked at the mental battle that comes against you because it is coming you haven't seen anything yet my message part 7 here my message tonight i've simply called brainwashed brainwashed reading from second kings chapter 18 verse 1 to verse 8 tonight second kings chapter 18 verse 1 to verse 8 as we deal with brainwashed and i've i'm going to make a double play on this title here tonight which i'll explain shortly but reading from second kings chapter one and verse chapter 18 and verse one now it came to pass in the third year of hoshea the son of elah king of israel that hezekiah the son of ahaz king of judah began to reign 25 years old was he when he began to reign and he reigned 29 years in jerusalem his mother's name was also abby the daughter of zechariah and he did that which was right in the sight of the lord according to all that david his father did he removed the high places and he break the images and cut down the grooves and he break in pieces the brazen serpent that moses had made for unto those days the children of israel did burn incense to it and he called it in other words just a piece of brass do you notice that's what he calls it it's just a bit of brass why are you offering incense to this thing it's idolatry then it says in verse 5 he trusted in the lord god of israel so that after him was none like him among all the kings of judah nor any that were before him for he claimed to the lord and departed not from following him but kept his commandments which the lord commanded moses and the lord was with him and he prospered withers whatever he went forth and he rebelled against the king of assyria and he served him not he smoked the philistines even onto gaza and the borders thereof from the tower of the watchmen to the fence city will you pray with me as we deal with brainwashed here tonight in this battle for the mind since you need to be aware that a intensive part of the battle that the church is going to face for its mind is going to be this thing called brainwashing father i do pray tonight as we come to your word will you speak us we will you prepare us will you make us ready oh god to stand like hezekiah did in his day what an example that there was no king before him or after him that clung to you that trusted you that prospered and obeying your word and meditating in the word of god in removing idolatry and all manners are traditions of men from the people of god father what a remarkable man that brought revival revival burnt in jerusalem then in judah then in the surrounding regions father thank you lord god that you can suddenly dramatically raise up men and women to see revival again nor god i pray as this man hezekiah made a stand against brainwashing and preserved the city of god and the people of god from every brainwashing of politics of military strategy lord god of social agreement i pray that you would give us the same victory in simple faith in jesus mighty name amen now i i know with the type like this brainwashed it seems strange to be reading the text that i have just read tonight but you're gonna fully understand why i read this text here tonight because i believe hezekiah has everything to do with what you need to hear tonight my message brainwashed as i said no generation is gonna be faced with being brainwashed like this generation of the 21st century you see the bible speaks very clearly about the generation you're in it gives us details precisely politically socially nationally in every area of society of what is just about to happen in our world in this generation of almost eight billion people god gives accurate information and i believe one of the great things that's gonna come to our world is this thing called brainwashing it's going to come as an act of hell an act of satan and it's going to saturate the nations of the world listen with me for a moment it says in revelation 12 and 9 and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent who was in the garden of eden called the devil and satan and listeners which deceiveth the whole world he was cast into the earth and angels were cast out with them it says in revelation 13 11 and behold another beast we dealt with it last week another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb but he spake as a dragon revelation 18 23 it says thy merchant speaking about babylon that city that's going to arise in these last days thy merchants are thy tradesmen or the great businessmen of the world the great men of the earth by thy sorceries were all nations deceived then revelation chapter 19 verse 20 the false prophet that wrought miracles before him that is the antichrist with which he deceived them that received the mark of the beast and that worshipped his image these booths were cast alive into a lake burning with fire and brimstone since i believe the bible warns us of a common hour where all nations are going to be deceived the bible is very clear this generation and i believe this is the time we are preparing the stage is being set for all nations to be deceived there are coming great leaders a great prophet is going to rise doing miracles doing signs and wonders and he is going to speak like a dragon we're told that this prophet and this political leader who arises in the last days they are going to use pharmacia it says in chapter 18 that through thy sorceries the word there is pharmacia or the use of drugs and it's not taught it's taught about a government system coming that's going to use drugs our pharmacia and it's gonna use this thing called sorcery or pharmacy to deceive all nations there's gonna be a bid for the mind of this generation using pharmaceutical drugs since i'm telling you what is going to come there is a ploy and a plan by very powerful persons to use drugs to deceive an entire generation but not only that they're going to use technology to tie you into an economic system and not only that this prophet is going to have a voice a message he's going to speak there is going to be a worldwide message to deceive an entire generation that's why here i am speaking on being brainwashed brainwashed it's a very very real thing what does it mean to be brainwashed it means to affect a person's mind by using extreme mental pressure or any other mind affecting process doesn't matter whether it's drugs or technology or a politician standing proclaiming his message this is also known as mind control mental side thought reform or a nice way to coin it is re-education of the population it is the concept that the human mind can be altered and controlled by certain psychological techniques brainwashing is said to reduce its subjects or its victims ability they lose the ability to critically think or to think independently in other words they fall into line or to allow the introduction of new unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds no notice that brainwashing moves you reluctantly it doesn't tell you what it's doing it's not presenting an idea and saying why don't you believe this or you should believe this no no what it is doing is subtly in deception is to change your thinking over basic things you do it reluctantly and yet you can be deceived in having your whole idea within a period of time changed to allow new ideas new agendas to come into your mind as well as to change your attitudes your values your beliefs your convictions all of this is the work of brainwashing you see another word we know is propaganda and real propaganda has one object to brainwash an individual brainwashing is also called coercive persuasion it's an individualistic system or effort to persuade you or a mass and population to accept a certain allegiance a certain command or a certain doctrine it is more generally applied to any technique designed to manipulate the human thought or the actions of individuals listen this carefully against their desire against their will against their personally held knowledge of the individual by controlling the physical environment around them it is an attempt to destroy loyalties that you hold within your heart and your mind and to move you in an utterly different direction than what you would normally desire to hold it is the individual that is attitudes and patterns of thinking are being changed to align with the political ideology or something else this could happen in a political realm or a religious realm or even a cult that's why we stand for the liberty of conscience we believe in a man's right to go to hell as much as to go to heaven we believe in the rights of a man to reject the gospel on the basis of knowledge we don't trick men or women into the gospel we tell them the full consequence it will cost you to follow jesus it will cost you to turn your back on this world you see we don't trick people in with the gospel we openly hold out the bible and say you can test our words everything we say is in the open you can weigh it you can make your own decision and when you make it you will sleep in your own bed you see that's why the gospel is not brainwashing and not tech and in that certain style it's not a deception it's not trying to coerce people into opinion against their will if you don't want to believe this i'd hate for you to believe it if you didn't desire to be in the house of god i'd hate for you to be here i really would but we're talking about brain washing that's my message part seven the attack on the mind brainwashed but let me just before i go to this is just to tell you two different sides of this i'm gonna deal with tonight one side is the side that i've just mentioned brainwashing brainwashing in society and in history and i'm going to give you examples but there's another realm and i want to play on the word here brainwashed i believe all of you are going to be brainwashed one way or the other every person in this room you're going to be brainwashed either you're going to be brainwashed moved by deception into something that you would not want to believe or your brain is going to be washed by the water of the word of god i'm using that in two different ways since we need as christians our brain to be washed washed by the word of god washed by the truth of god and i believe we're at an hour either the devil is going to deceive you and brainwash you or the lord jesus christ is going to wash your brain he's going to ring you it it fix it up again and then clean out all the filth and the pollution since you are gonna have one of these two things you're either gonna be brainwashed by an antichrist spirit that's in the world right now or you're gonna be brainwashed graciously by the lord jesus christ in a remarkable a remarkable way brother paul preached a message in august 2019 called the propaganda of satan it would do you well to listen to it again how satan uses his propaganda against the mind do you know what propaganda is used to do it's used in advertising it sends you information and it's usually biased in its nature it leaves out realms of truth the bible doesn't do that the bible gives you everything what what brainwashing and propaganda does is it stops the voice of discontent or of being challenged it wants to silence every other voice and it wants to proclaim its own message it wants to be absolutely in control it wants to dominate or to flood the scene with its own voice i believe we've got many examples from the 20th century i believe lenin who led the russian revolution was such a man who understood what i am saying listen to what he said give me four years to teach the children and the seed that i have sown will never be uprooted you know as well candace used to teach music and she told me she said lennon said give me the music of the people and i will have that people you see these men like lenin these men like stalin and hitler and many others like mussolini and we could keep on listing them they understood you've got to have the mind of the people you've got to capture the mind of the people if you're going to have power in the nation if you're going to exert military and political power you must have that mind never will a world's population have their mind grab for like this generation that we are living in it's a very serious art and so you need to know how to stand against being brainwashed you need to know the cure for it do you know how you need to know how to have a mind washed by the word of god whereby you are not brainwashed by this world system let me give you an example and a foretaste of what i believe is coming and it's already here in this hour and will intensify in the days ahead we know how hitler a rose he was a painter from the back streets of austria he was a nobody he used to carry bags at the train station nobody could have looked at him and imagined the man that would rise up to dominate an entire generation at his right hand was another man called joseph goebbels he was the prophet of the nazi regime and i believe google's gives us an insight into brainwashing into a political system that is trying to silence every other voice and to lead us in a certain direction joseph goebbels from 1933 stood as the right-hand man of hitler he was hitler's prophet and he was the main man who took a hold of the radio in that nation he would buy you a radio in order to get his message to you he says we'll buy you all radios and you can listen to me at night the message that i'm gonna pump out what did he preach utter loyalty to the state utter loyalty to hitler and utter loyalty to an ideology listen to a few quotes from him if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear he is playing on the emotions of people he said give me the media within germany and i have the people if i control the media i'll have that entire generation do you understand what's happening in this day and are every voice is being stopped in our nation they're doing it on youtube facebook they're doing it on news media they're doing it on television they're doing it with newspapers we are not living at a normal hour this wasn't happening like it is now two years ago something is happening in our world it is spiritual there is a power and it's for a purpose and you know what all the nations of the world the same thing is happening as silence of every other voice and only one message coming through through doesn't matter the nation or the political party it doesn't matter the newspaper the history you've got this same message the same voice coming through how could that possibly happen but it is happening right now in our generation google's also said if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it and you will believe it yourself he said propaganda works best when those being manipulated are sure that they are acting out of their own free will this is the secret of propaganda those who need to be persuaded must be immersed in the ideas being propagated without realizing that they are being immersed in it he also said a lie you tell once remains a lie but a lie you tell a thousand times becomes the truth you see that's why google's new i've got a control that voice that speaks to every person within the nation i've got to be in the radio i've got to be in the biggest pulpits i've got to be in the newspaper we've got to get the young we've got to have the hitler youth we've got to infiltrate the schools we've got to get inside the churches they radically change the germination within a period of a decade they radically change an entire generation i lived in germany for three years and i often said how could the people of germany have been deceived by this they're an intellectual people they're an academic people there are free thinking people and yet an entire generation pulled behind a man called hitler that pulled our entire world into great tragedy he goes on to say further think of the media as a grand piano for governments to play upon this is how they done it change the mind since change the mind of an entire generation propaganda brainwashing an entire generation and their main focus was that young generation gave us that young generation and will change the entire nation it is the absolute right of the state to determine and shape public opinion the essence of propaganda is to win people over to an idea with their whole being so that they eventually sink into it completely and can never escape from it whoever is able to conquer the street or the masses that walk in the street will one day conquer the state because every form of power politically and every state controlled by a dictatorship has its roots in a popular movement amongst the masses what am i telling you tonight you live in a unique hour and i've watched this for years the un the ideology in the early 90s i'm reading about what they planned for the young people of every generation they were bringing out a worldwide education system political system social system legal system they've been planning this openly since the early 90s you know what it's here now this is the hour the world economic forum the imf the u.n all these institutions and now our governments in this hour are all falling into step with us since we have just watched the beginning of the biggest fascist takeover of world governments we have literally watched it no shot was fired no army was in the field do you know how they done it through what i'm saying propaganda the media the the emails the internet all the technology give me the internet give me youtube give me facebook give me the bbc news every night and i'll have that generation do you hear me that if the people don't understand what happened with lenin and the russian revolution if they don't understand what happened with stalin and with hitler and with napoleon and all through the ages if they don't understand that entire societies can change overnight when you get the right people who know what they're doing according this and the devil inspires them you can have a worldwide revolution do you know what they're making a bid for now a world wide revolution not i've got your attention i want to preach from the word of god here tonight my message brainwashed but i'm showing you two different types of brainwashing the devil's brainwashing i believe hezekiah who i want to bring you to tonight was a man who stood against one of the most unbelievable hours of brainwashing that ever come against god's people and i believe he stood resolute you ought to ask why and god's people god's remnant stood and came through that hour it was unbelievable we read about this in second kings chapter 18 read with me here for a moment as we look at this man hezekiah the type of man he was it says here in verse 3 that he did that which was right in the sight of the lord according to all that david his father did his heart was right he did what was right because his heart was right he obeyed god it says in verse four he removed the high places all the false ideologies to compromise the compromise of the altar of god a worship of the word of god of the order in society do you know what he done he's a man of 25 years old and you know what his father was one of the most wicked kings in judah in its history he was a vile man his father had destroyed the temple the house of god had brought an apostasy and a false altar to worship ad in other words hezekiah growing up as a young boy and then a teenager watched an utter destruction of god's house until the doors were shut on it can you imagine that but this young boy hezekiah you know what somebody got to him and you know who that somebody was he was a man called isaiah the prophet you see that young boy had a wicked home a wicked family and had us sit in wicked services with wicked priests and wicked prophets but there was a prophet in the nation called isaiah an old man of god who lived a ministry through the reigns of four kings in israel and yet here is a young boy who begins to hear the word of god we don't know who we're affecting the nassar i'm talking about a different type of brainwashing hezekiah's father had destroyed the nation with a form of religious brainwashing every other voice was silenced and this false ideology was brought in but you know this young boy heard the preaching of a real prophet and man of god and you know what it made him do to seek after the lord the bible says there was no king before him or after him like him you can only liken him to king david that's the closest but nobody was as remarkable as him 25 years old he's only in the door and within seven days he clears out jerusalem i mean he turns a city around within one week within 21 days revival is spreading out through the nation he gets rid of the false worship he pulls down idolatry he begins to put god's people back in order he restores holiness the preaching of the word he restores everything saints of god what a remarkable man of god it says in verse 5 he trusted in the lord god of israel so that after him was none like him he trusted he had faith in the lord god in verse six it says he claimed to the lord god not only did he trust but he clave and he departed not from following him and he kept his commandments and the lord was with them and he prospered him you know what the bible says a man in the house of god prospers when he meditates upon the word of god you want to prosper you're going to meditate that mind is going to be washed your brain is going to be washed i'd like to hold up to you king hezekiah the young king that was brainwashed not brainwashed like lenin did it but he was a young man that had his mind washed clean he had a pure motive he had a pure desire he had a pure vision of the lord and he claimed to the lord or he stuck to the lord here tonight you are going to have to make a choice in this iron generation you know what king hezekiah was being prepared of god for an hour when the greatest political religious social military system was going to invade the land and desire to conquer jerusalem and to finally stamp out any opposition of the people of god we are there now that's where we are right now and i believe god prepared hezekiah and he was going to be able to stand in that hour when we come to second kings and chapter 18 read with me verse 17 and we read in the king of assyria centaurton and rob cyrus and rob shakath from the quiche to king hezekiah was the great host against jerusalem and they went up and came to jerusalem and when they were come up they came and stood by the conduit of the upper pool which is in the highway of the fuller's field since this was an hour that the assyrian army invaded the little nation of judah you see i believe a great massive invasion has taken place in our world in every area and there is an agenda in the um the world economic forum and in the system of education to stamp out morality to remove the laws of god to remove the influence of biblical preachers i believe that with all my heart in this hour and i believe it's exactly like hezekiah's day when you've got this massive great army invading the land led by rap rabcheketh he invaded leading this army and it says it was a great host against jerusalem in other words they were weighed down military force and power and when they had called to the king there came out to to them eliakim the son of helkiah which was over the household and shebna the scribe and joa the son of as for the recorder notice here hezekiah sends out his three key men one of them is the scribe a writer of the word of god a scholar of the word of god he sends three men out to meet these three great generals of the syrian army and to talk together i believe here and i'm gonna give you it right now this king or this general that was sent against jerusalem was gonna bring three lies to try and deceive to try and brainwash the people of god in jerusalem this great general this leader rab shekath came not with an army he doesn't fire any shot no battle takes place do you know what he's coming to do he is going to defeat jerusalem by words arguments by threats by please by persuasion in other words he uses propaganda that's what we see in this entire chapter and hezekiah is there having to stand against it this is an onslaught of unbelievable arguments ridicule point night weaknesses offer a new presence doing everything you know what to conjure you to submit unwillingly because you've got a lot of doubts a lot of fears but he's using arguments to make you fall in line with this political social military system and he doesn't want to fire one arrow across the walls of jerusalem i want to give you three main lies that this great general speaks against the people of god because i believe we're going to face it everything is going to come against the people of god in this hour the first one is that he denies that he denies god's faithfulness that's the first lie rob checketh when he comes against them he denies god's faithfulness look at verse 19 and rabsheka said unto them speak ye now to hezekiah thus saith the great king the king of assyria what confidence is this wherein thou trust us you're gonna find in this first argument propaganda or brainwashing remember this great general is a wordsmith he is a brilliant man like google's i mean he's a mastermind of words an elocution of the psychology of individual minds he knows how to speak to men he can make you drop your gates to leave the walls of defense all by arguments by verbal arguments isn't this what we find from the garden of eden how the devil works down through and notice here his first attack is on their confidence or their trust in the lord he actually begins to deny that god is going to be faithful to them he's after their faith in god you know what you're going to get attacked in this are and it's going to intensify i promise you it's going to get very very strong there's going to come a challenge that god is not faithful that your faith is misplaced that your confidence in the bible has been misplaced i believe we're standing in an hour where the enemy in our world society from the u.n down to local schools is going to attack the word of god like never before in all of world history do you know the bible is the most attacked book in all of history do you realize it was the most burnt book the most challenged book and yet it still marches on no other book has been attacked like the bible and yet it doesn't even have a scratch upon it the word of god is still as mighty and powerful they haven't found one contradiction in the word of god this great general when he come up begins to challenge their confidence and their trust what is this confidence that you have in this whole book what is this faith that you have in this old-fashioned middle eastern religion what is it he begins to challenge he then says thou sayest and the only vain words that you're saying but thou sayest i have taken counsel and we are strengthened for war what's he say to them now and whom does thou trust that thou rebellist against me do you realize there there's coming in our where there's going to be a mighty rebellion against the ideology of the tsar you realize if you don't buy and submit to this there's going to be a mighty rebellion that's going to spread across the face of the earth individuals are going to come out of every area of society in this hour and stand up and rebel against an ideology that's being forced on them you will believe in evolution you will believe in our ideology you will submit to our commands and dictates you know what we're going to see a rebellion from ocean to ocean in this hour when the devil comes he begins to challenge this trust this faith this rebellion you know all you are is an old rebel or a young rebel that's all you are why don't you believe like everyone else why can't you just sit quietly keep your religion have your faith have your confidence but just fit in with everyone else why why do you have to be different why do you have to think different and believe different you know why because what you're doing is a lie it is deception and it's undermining the confidence in the word of god he goes further and he says here as he challenges their faith you see he's saying you're a rebel no i believe in the authority of the bible i believe in free speech i believe in free thought i believe a man can challenge the bible and question the bible and question the preacher but they're taking away our rights you're not allowed to challenge the medical system or the politicians or the prime minister or anyone else think i'm telling you something's changed in our world where you're not allowed to be a rebel in this sir you see all the young guys suffen and rory have said this all the guys with their strange haircuts and all their tattoos and all their earrings you know what they're all falling in step with this you know who the non-conformists and this are people like you and i who know what the bible says we have a confidence in the lord jesus christ i'm not a born rebel but i tell you what try to challenge my faith in the lord jesus christ you're going to find a mighty rebel against all of these ideologies in this hour this great general when he came against hezekiah and the people he's challenging their faith calling them rebels we're not rebels we're the best citizens limerick's ever had i i i tell you i'm a law-abiding citizen i'm a good citizen i'm trying to clean up this city i'm trying to see drug addicts saved and turning away from sin i'm not a rebel but when an ideology comes in that makes people like you and i a criminal the whole thing's rotten top to bottom whenever uh those that break laws and do evil are let off in our courts and yet the innocent ones start fearing for their freedom something very evil has got into that legal system rabsheka goes on further in verse 21 he says now behold thou trust upon the staff of the bruised reed even egypt on which if a man lean it will go into his hand and pierce it so is pharaoh king of egypt unto all the trust on them do you know in israel in jerusalem of that are there were some there were voices there were people there were families who in that are they started saying why don't we go to egypt for help you know egypt's got a good army it's very structured it's fought many battles why don't we go to the world egypt always represents the strength of this world the power of man's hand and might you know there's many in the church of this are they're looking to worldly ways to deal with this why don't we demonstrate why don't we do sign petitions why don't we do all these things that's very well but i assure you listen to what rob checker says here none of that's going to save you bunch you don't realize what you're dealing with here this is a spiritual power it's a spiritual battle you think demonstrating on the high streets going to stop this oh no that isn't the answer you know it's fine if you want to demonstrate if you want to stand outside the abortion clinic praise god you go do that if that's your burden but you won't find me demonstrating on the high street i'm gonna preach the word of god here because you know what any young girl that comes in here and gets born again she will never get an abortion i tell you i i'm gonna make sure that our brain is so washed with the word of god that such would be an absolute abomination to even think of such here you have is that some in jerusalem we're looking towards egypt but he says but if we say if you say unto me we trust in the lord our god he says now i'm not talking to those compromisers who are looking at this world antony ubuntu saying we're trusting to the lord why don't you let me and why don't you surrender why don't you submit to assyria why don't you come under this ideology i know why it is you're gonna tell me you trust in the lord you believe the bible you're one of those old-fashioned christians who say you can't say that homosexuality's okay and you don't believe that all religions lead to heaven i understand that but he says look what he says here to them we trust in the lord our god is not that he whose high places and whose alters hezekiah had taken away you know what he's saying here you're a radical bunch you are i i know who you are you say i represent a very broad realm of ecumenical christianity and religion we believe in the goodness of all men you see you don't believe that you believe men's hearts are depraved you've gone and torn down every altar that doesn't look like your altar hezekiah was a very focused man he come back to one altar it was the old brazen altar where blood was shed for sin that's all he had said to god now rabsheka comes in and he begins to mock that he says don't think you can trust in the lord do you know what you hezekiah who you're listening to has taught these things made the way very very narrow and said that men can only be born again and saved by the blood of jesus shed on the cross i mean that's narrow that's as narrow as you get what about this broad way of the world economic forum or the united nations we believe in letting everybody in we love everyone we accept everyone we've got a place for everyone apart from hezekiah you don't have a place for him at the table i can assure you he says now therefore i pray thee give pledges to my lord the king of assyria and i will deliver thee 000 horses i'll give you some gifts why don't you just submit and i'll give you all the blessings i'll give you whatever you need a horse a car what do you want a house a good job i'll give it all to you why don't you submit and i'll give all of this to you this is the first great attack that assyria brought against hezekiah and the small remnant in the city of jerusalem denying god's faithfulness you know what you've trusted in this gonna let you down one of these days your faith is gonna let you down one of these days one of these days you're gonna find out the bible isn't true one of these days you're gonna find that god doesn't deliver you and not all preacher hezekiah oh yeah i know he's only a young guy but that not not preacher hezekiah he's deceived you i want you to know he's deceived you you've got a false hope you just listen to me rob shaka i'm telling you we've got a big movement it's worldwide it's worldwide and if you listen to me you're gonna find out that we will become everything that you need trust us trust us the second thing here is a denial of god's love not just a denial of god's faithfulness but a denial of god's love we find that in verse 25 and i now come up without the lord sorry let me start again am i now come up without the lord against this place to destroy it the lord said to me notice he's going to deny god's love to you since do you think i just come up and this was my idea to do this in the nations do you think we're just doing all of this thing medically and politically and changing everything don't you know god told us to do this don't you know that we're serving the real god the true god don't you know that we were commanded to do this the lord said to me go up against the land and destroy judah and jerusalem god told me to do this you know you bunch your radical your loyalty this is that old brace and altar but you know what god told me to bring my army against you this was an attack on them having confidence in god that god will allow this to happen in their life have you ever met anyone in the church bad things happen to go why would god allow that why would god allow that you're being brainwashed you need to be very careful who you listen to why would god let that happen to you look at that person they followed god look at them are you telling me that god loves them if god loves us why would he let that happen if god loves you why is this happening why is it that you could lose your job or you'd lose a friend or someone doesn't want to have a coffee with you because you're not falling in line with everything does god really love you you're becoming separated and segregated he goes further here and said then said elekin the son of helkia and shebna and unto rabsheka speak i pray thee to thy servants in the syrian language you know what he was speaking in the hebrew language you see this is different than the first attack and god's faithfulness he's attacking the leaders he's attacking the representatives he's attacking the preachers and the second one about the love of god he's speaking in the language of the people so everyone can hear him do you know what the leader said speak to us in the syrian language we understand it we know what you're saying but listen to his response here what he says he says back onto him i want to speak to those men on the wall why would i speak i want the people to hear me you know why i've got a message that i'm trying to get to the people in this hour and it says in verse 28 that he stood up and cried with a loud voice in the jews language and speaks in hear the word of the lord the great king and the king of assyria you know this the devil wants you to hear a message very very clearly he's going to challenge and deny the love of god he's bringing confusion and is god really on your side are you saying everyone else is wrong and the juror right and that you know god and that god loves you in a special way doesn't he love all of us the same don't we represent god as well then why are you doing what you're doing you see you knew a man by his fruit by his message when the when not second base the false prophet appears remember what i said he comes looking like a lamb he has two horns like a lamb the false prophet that's going to be the greatest deceiver of any generation will look like a lamb he'll come offering peace and blessing and prosperity and unity but you know what when he opens his mouth he speaks like a dragon there's something evil let loose on our world at this time you know why they're coming after your liberty they're coming after your pace they're coming after the basics and fundamentals of life now in australia and even in france you can't go in a shop unless you've got your vaccine they're tightening up in every area and saying unless you conform you will not ate you will not have food on your table you tell me they've got love are you telling me these people who are saying we are wrong that they represent a real god or any form of christianity or any sort of care we so care about you we'll deny you the basics of life we'll deny you liberties we'll deny you the normal things of life since we're living in an hour of brainwashing and it's not about what's happening in this hour it's where it's going to go to this thing is going to take on a religious supernatural element do you know how i knew that because the un right back at its beginning there was a spiritual ideology you know one of the main people that formed the ideology of the un was a lady called alice bailey she was a top occultist and her books i think about 29 books she co-authored them with a spirit guide from the tibetan hills that's what she said you know she was looking for the annihilation of biblical christianity and the teaching of blood atonement her books her influence affected all the top people from the beginning of the u.n her ideology molded the religious ethics and thinking of the united nations that's now spreading everywhere in our world i'm telling you there's something that is happening in our world you know what you need your brainwashed sense of god you need the word of god inscribed on your mind you need to know what you believe in this are and you need confidence in it you know what you're gonna get confused if not the devil comes in but sure god sent me really i don't like those horns and i don't like that tale and i certainly don't like your message i want to tell you he goes further here speaking in a loud voice thus saith the king let not hezekiah deceive you he attacks hezekiah he says the message hezekiah's preaching is false and he's deceiving you oh it's not us it's not the assyrian army it's hezekiah your own king inside your own walls who has lived in the midst he's deceiving you do not let him deceive you for he shall not be able to deliver you out of his hand neither let hezekiah make you trust in the lord sin the lord will surely deliver us and this city shall not be delivered into the hand of the king of assyria do you see how he attacks the preaching of the word of god those that proclaim the word of god this great general begins to attack and say he's a deceiver he's a liar he's trying to make you trust in the lord in the promises of god but nothing's going to come of it don't you realize everything is back to for uh back to front black is white and black uh black is white and white is black he's playing games you know what this is this brainwashing this is brainwashing when you present yourself as representing the love of god he denies god's love and saying why is god letting this happen to you don't you know god has sent me against you you're on the deceived side i'm in freedom why don't you come over here i believe as the days pass by greater and greater deception is going to come in on this notice what he says about the consequence from verse 30 neither hezekiah don't let him make you trust hearken not to hezekiah for thus saith the king of assyria make an agreement with me by a present do you know what he's saying you can compromise you can compromise don't you realize this is the love of god the real love of god is to compromise how do you recognize the character of god's love it's very broad and you know what i want to give you gifts let's make an agreement together let's join together why don't you bring gifts and give it unto the king of assyria and we'll call it quits and you can enjoy everything together he said if you make an agreement with the king of syria and come out to me now then you will eat your own vine and your own fig tree and drinking your own waters until i come and take you away to a land like your own land well i know it's not like your land but i'm gonna take you to land it'll look like your land it'll feel like your land but it won't be your land do you know what he's offering is a compromised form of christianity in this hour do you realize many are about to make a decision to fall in line with political religious social ideologies they will compromise personal convictions they don't want to suffer they don't want to go in a different direction they don't want to go against the flow you know what they're going to start doing is compromising you can have a christianity you know what you can be a part of this you won't be out of step with any personal convictions won't get in the way and we'll present you a christianity that looks like the real it looks like what you have like your life it's not your land but it looks like your land and you can make yourself think it's your land you can have a form of christianity that looks like christianity oh it's not the old christianity it's a new form of christianity and you can make yourself deceived to think it's just the same and you just fit in it's a broad religious system in this hour he says do not let hezekiah persuade you do you see who they attack they attack those with the word of god that have a clear message god's gonna deliver us can i tell you something church now the church of jesus christ they can get the politics they can get the medical system listen to me very carefully and this r they can take over all the institutions the imf the un all these institutions business the local shops there's only one institution they can't have and can i tell you it's a small remnant called the church of the lord jesus christ and you know what all those preachers who say the lord's going to deliver this church the gates of hell cannot prevail against it the real remnant of god are going to be preserved god will answer their prayers and bring them through this hour of darkness don't be persuaded by hezekiah can i tell you we need a generation of preachers like hezekiah to rise up and say stand your ground stand your ground don't move keep trusting the word of god keep your faith in the lord don't change don't compromise don't leave these walls don't listen to them but third and finally he denies god's power he denies god's faithfulness he denies god's love now he's denying god's power has any of the gods verse 33 has any of the gods of the nations delivered at all from his hand the king of assyria where are the gods of hamath and of arfad where the gods of serapham and henai and iva have they delivered samaria which is the northern region of 10 tribes which were carried away a short time before was samaria saved what about the denominations the methodists and the presbyterians and the anglicans and the catholic church although the catholic church is putting up more of a fight than the other protestants i want to tell you that i'm shocked by the catholic there's more catholic priests i stand up and saying this is wrong where's all the preachers where's all the preachers in this are do you know what rob check is saying here he's saying look at all these other institutions and cities don't you know we've taken over the medical system don't you know the anglicans what's his name weebly wobbly whatever his name is the head of the church of england i know i've got that wrong deliberately weebly wobbly you know these men they're utter apostates they don't know this christ and you got a whole denomination i'll say we're falling in line with the world economic forum i'm sure you are what look at who's following us look at who is with us he denies the power of god don't you know your irish government couldn't stand against us and the doctors couldn't and the scientists couldn't we could buy them we bought your scientists and your doctors and if they didn't write what we want them to write they weren't going to get a job and we start effectiveness they've all come on board it was mr kennedy senior who said every man at his price i can buy any man in this world that's what he believed many men have believed that every man has his price can i tell you not a real born again christian i don't have a price no man can threaten me no man can buy me no man can intimidate me a real christian whose conscience is bound by the word of god is a free man he goes further here in verse 35 who are they among all the gods of the countries that have delivered their country out of my hand you see as syria had spread globally in that hour nations had been taken over kings gods had fallen no religion could stand against it all of the religions were coming in behind this islam buddhism hinduism new ageism even the church of satan is joining in in this thing what's wrong with you are you saying that all of these have joined they're all conforming why are you not doing it i want to tell you because i knew there's power with god you see he comes and he denies the power we can defeat everyone we can defeat anyone we've defeated strong institutions and nations and leaders and gods and religions we can get islam and catholicism to meet together and to worship together what's wrong with you bunch i'm a free man i haven't been brainwashed can i tell you i'm not ecumenical because i haven't been brainwashed i'm not compromising with apostasy because i haven't been brainwashed i haven't slowly yielded all my convictions i i've been washed by the word of god it's renewed my mind i've got a renewed mind that believes what this book says i'm an old-fashioned christian the same that we're in jerusalem 2000 years ago i i'm a part of that great movement that's spread across this world every nation spread to the furthest boundaries of china more than 1500 years ago i'm gonna tell you this gospel is a mighty thing he says but the people held their peace how are you going to respond when the enemy comes and says her you you're a small people in the corner of the world you know if you go back in the history books to 200 years after patrick and the church that was in ireland it was on fire all of ireland had broken out in the gospel there was a revival in ireland paganism was broken in the entire nation missionaries were being raised up and sent out all across europe you know what the pope and rome said there's letters written by the pope to the church in ireland and he said who do you think you are you're a small people in the end of the earth and here you are you don't submit to my authority you don't listen to me you won't do like we're telling you to do who do you think you are you know what those harsh missionaries rose up and said we're bible believing christians we're bound by the word of god we've been washed by the word of god we don't listen to commands from the vatican in the city of rome you know what our headquarters is the lord jesus christ and we listen to him we read the bible we read the word of god since i'm telling you about an hour in hezekiah's life where this political religious overwhelming system was at the very gates saying you're going to be defeated and that spirit that power and it was demonic it was denying the faithfulness of god god will won't be faithful to you god does not love you there's no power with you don't believe what the bible says don't believe what the preachers are telling you you know what you will be defeated in this hour but there was a people that stood their ground that stood up that made their last stand and were told in the next chapter what they done you know what they done they went to prayer they went to seek in god's face and as they began to pray and seek god's face and rent their garments symbolizing their hearts you know what happened that old preacher called isaiah the prophet stood up come to them and began to prophesy do you know what he prophesied first thing he prophesied be not afraid be not afraid have you seen what's outside do you see what's happening in the nations do you know what could happen us be not afraid do you hear me tonight i'm talking about having your minds renewed by the word of god but look at what's happening be not afraid that was the first thing he goes on to say don't you know god listens to all that's happening in this r don't you know god is going to judge every heart for what is happening in this hour don't you know it's our approach against god he actually prophesies in chapter 19 verse 7 and i god will send a blast upon him and he shall hear a rumor and shall return to his own land and i will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land so surah shekhar returned isaiah gives a prophecy about what is going to happen do you know the lord sent one angel and you can check this in your history books if you go on to google or wikipedia or some of these sites that have archaeological evidence and you read the history of rabsheka with his army at the gates of jerusalem at this very time and you go into the ancient secular assyrian history books do you know what they say they say suddenly something happened and we had to turn and leave and return home do you know what's written in this god sent one angel in the night and slew 185 000 soldiers in a serious army and the next day they got up and they left isaiah begins to prophesy and he says not one arrow is going to come over this wall and he says you know what you're the remnant your roots are going to go down into the ground and your branches are going to spring forth and you're going to start bearing fruit but look at all the enemies look what's happening i'm telling you the church is going to prosper in this hour and the church is going to stand in this hour and the church is going to evangelize the nassar and the church is going to experience revival in this heart hezekiah seen the greatest revival do you know that hezekiah's revival there's more written in the bible about hezekiah's revival than any other biblical revival in israel or church history for all through those thousands of years nothing more was written than about hezekiah's revival and details are given about a people who stood in their r and god sent revival church i want to tell you we are living in an are a brainwashing your nation of ireland is being brainwashed your political system your medical system your media system and we're only one of some 200 nations something is happening in this hour and i assure you there's going to be a clash and there is going to be a rebellion amongst genuine believers across this world because you know what this isn't an opinion or an ideology or a preference over something this is the gospel of the lord of the one who died 2 000 years ago on a cross for you and i and you know what it's non-negotiable i'm a non-conformist i'm a christian who's had his mind renewed the word of god is written on my mind and you know what there's no room for compromise or deception in this would you stand with me as we close here praise you lord god father we thank you lord god here tonight father i pray for us that we have minds that are renewed by the word of god we realize that we are in a spiritual battle in this hour lord god through media nor god through the internet through our own society what's happening politically and medically what is happening oh god in the education system that is so taught evolution that it's now bringing an entire generation to transhumanism to being joined to a computer and to create the next stage of evolution that will bring us into bible prophecy my god we are asking that you revive your church again that you set us on fire that you raise up men like hezekiah the cleave to the lord that trust in the lord alone not lean on him to believe in his word and obey his commandments my god it's an hour for us to clean up the church to remove every tradition all idolatry all compromise and to come back to the word of god again we praise you and bless you tonight in jesus name hallelujah oh we bless you we thank you lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb oh we bless you lord jesus we magnify you would you have your way in this sir would you have your way lord god lord god we bless you lord jesus worthy is a lamb hallelujah saints there is a war going on and it's for your minds do not think that you will stand unless you wash your mind with the word of god thoughts are going to come against you that you never imagine remember like i told you when i was sweeping the church floor and that overwhelming experience spirit whatever you'd want to call it it come over me i have never had end before that or since that but that shows me that was a spirit that brought thoughts to my mind that i'd never had my entire life before it was spiritual it was spiritual and you know what you need to realize in this hour soon if you don't know how to discern how to test don't go by feelings or emotions you'll be deceived in the church by a preacher by a false prophet by a political system you've got to go by facts that's how you get around deception you test everything by the word of god you scrutinize it you look at it don't just go with your emotions or feelings and there is coming a spirit of deception the like of which you cannot imagine but there is going to be a people who stand and it's the body of christ a church with the bible the word of god in their hands god bless you
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Id: qv2VwWAhEaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 27sec (4407 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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