Journey With Christ - Part 2 by Mar Mari Emmanuel

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[Music] in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen we thank our lord and savior jesus christ for another blessed evening this friday for another bible preach session and we thank our lord for his infinite love mercy and kindness for allowing us to still be in his presence sharing his word which is the truth the living and the life-giving word of our lord and savior jesus christ with all of our beloveds who are watching us through live streaming we pray that you are always in good health and in good spirit built on the rock that is unshakable and unbreakable if i could ask everyone to stand for the lord's pray in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgave our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen psalm 91 he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him i will trust surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence he shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge his truth shall be your shield and buckler you shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness nor of the destruction that lays waste at noon day a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked because you have made the lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone you shall tread upon the lion and the cobra the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot because he has set his love upon me therefore i will deliver him i will set him on high because he has known my name he shall call upon me and i will answer him i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him with long life i will satisfy him and show him my salvation and all glory be to our lord and savior jesus christ for ever and ever amen please be seated well we thank our lord and savior jesus christ always our beloveds i pray that you are strong in your faith for the lord jesus entrusting everything in his capable hands and saying lord let it be your will that is done as as as it is done in heaven let it be done in us humans on earth our beloved once again welcome to our uh mini series of lectures uh under the title of journey with christ but before before we go into the topic of this evening i'd like just to remind ourselves uh of what we actually mentioned last friday we said that we need to while we are going through this difficult times of this pandemic we need to start a prayer room or a corner in our homes let us make our homes a small church our beloved also daily prayer you can download the basic prayer book and there is also a bible reading plans on our church website you visit if you visit it at w w w dot c for charlie and if you look at the menu under the the title journey with christ click on that button you'll find the prayer book and all the plans biblical plans for you there available our beloveds do that on a daily break on a daily basis i encourage you to do so also um um we encourage you to watch our bible preachings both on every monday at 7 00 p.m in assyrian and every friday at 7 30 p.m in english we have also our um a small short contemplation named our daily bread this contemplation our contemplations are absolutely beautiful for your spiritual nourishment and encouragement and they are given to you every wednesday friday and sunday at 5 p.m it is on our youtube channel and facebook under christ the good shepherd church another thing we would like to encourage you also to watch a saint movie with your family instead of watching something else how about we watch a saint movie it is very enriching for our spiritual growth and another thing maybe start a hobby if you haven't uh if you can draw some icons uh write some hymns and actually regarding writing a hymn i am asking you whoever is watching us and listening to us if you are talented in writing poe in our poems please do so whether it be in english in arabic in assyrian we would love to see you writing for us and sending it to our email address which appears on the screen we would love you to write hymns for us so that way they can be turned into a beautiful melody we put a melody to it and then we sing it in the church we would love you to write some lyrics that can be used for a church hymn also a reminder that we we did mention last week that every wednesday between 12 midday to 2 p.m on every wednesday we are giving this grocery hampers for free uh here at the church location at 32 box road weekly so again this coming wednesday which is the 11th of august between 12 midday and 2 p.m we are giving um a hundred and probably may a little bit more than 100 hampers and that will that will be continuing every wednesday till the end of this month so uh this is to help all the families that are struggling uh during this difficult times of lockdowns that we are witnessing in some areas of our beloved city sydney very good our topic for this evening which is a continuation from last week and we started uh with our journey with christ and we started from the very beginning and we spoke about angels and we saw that um in the book of genesis chapter 1 verse 1 the very beginning of the holy bible the old testament part genesis 1 1 we saw that in the beginning it said elohim god created the heavens and the earth and we said heavens means angels and then we went into a small depth about the angels and as far as the angels being as servants and we mentioned several biblical references where we see angels are actual servants of the human race we also spoke about the number of angels how many angels is there in heaven and we gave biblical references angels and their strength angels and their speed angels and their duties angels and their names angels and their ranks how many ranks is there in the angelic orders and today we will continue this journey and we are going to say as well god's messengers to mankind when we read in the book of daniel chapter 8 verse 16 and i heard the voice of a man between ulai and yulay and he called and said gabriel make this man to understand the vision so gabriel is the archangel sent by god himself to mankind also angels as messengers to mankind we see in the gospel of saint luke chapter 2 verse 9. also we see um in in verse 10 and verse 13 of luke chapter 2 and luke chapter 22 verse 43 we see that as well and also we see angels as personal guardians personal guardians throughout the bible we find it repeatedly implied that each individual soul has its angel thus abraham when sending his steward to seek a wife for his son isaac he says he will send his angel before you genesis chapter 24 verse 7 and also when the lord jesus was tempted in the wilderness and the gospel of matthew chapter 4 verse 6 when the tempter the enemy came to term the lord jesus he quoted the lord jesus from the book of son psalm number 90 where he said if you are the son of god cast yourself down for it is written that he has given his angels charge over you and in their hands shall you shall they bear you up lest perhaps you dash your foot against a stone we see them as guardian angels we see that also in genesis chapter 16 verses 6 to 32 and the book of hosea chapter 12 verse 4 in first kings chapter 19 verse 5 in the book of acts of the new testament chapter 12 verse 7 in the book of psalms psalm 33 and verse 8 and we also see that in the gospel of saint matthew chapter 18 and verse 10 all these verses as angels being our guardians we said last week as well that the enemy satan was one of the highest rank in the angelic order he was a cherubim which is the highest rank in the angelic order this angel in the book of genesis says that it's full of eyes inside and out and we said again it's a reminder that wherever you see the word i being mentioned in the holy bible it means knowledge the i means knowledge so this angel cherubim was full of knowledge so when he was cast out of the heaven his knowledge was maintained with him but that knowledge that was good when he was in heaven now it turned into evil and we can see what is happening in the world what has been happening throughout the history of mankind and until this very moment the 21st century it is nothing but absolute evilness we're gonna come our beloved this evening and we will talk about this fallen angel and we said this angel when he was cast out he pulled with him one third of the number of angels in heaven the total angels in heaven he pulled one third of them and became foul spirits we're gonna come to this lucifer and there are people that worship lucifer in our time and age they made lucifer their god so ignorant so blind to follow satan deceiver the liar as the lord jesus called him the father of all lies so sad that people follow satan and worship him so sad we're going to read together from the book of isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 to 15. isaiah 14 verses 12 to 15 it talks about the fall of lucifer how you are fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning how you are cut down to the ground you who weakened the nations for you have said in your heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will also sit on the mount on the mount of the congregation on the farther sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high i will be like the most high yet you shall be brought down to sheol to the lowest depths of the pits my goodness the lord god elohim created the heavens and the earth heaven's angels we said last time that god is love and wherever there is love there is freedom and wherever there is freedom there is choices and wherever there is choices there is the will angels are creation of god elohim and since they are created by the almighty god they were created on the basis of love therefore freedom therefore a choice therefore the will the lord god gave the angels the choice first before he gave it to mankind or to adam and eve in the garden of eden so the angels had the choice whether to be with god be submissive to god serving god or to jew to choose otherwise this one angel from the highest rank in the angelic order cherubim this one angel decided to choose otherwise he said look at this i'll read again in isaiah 14 13 he says for you have said in your heart it is god god revealing the heart of this angel because god knows every heart and every mind he reads it all so god for you have said in your heart i will ascend into heaven i'm going to go i'm going to climb up i will exalt my throne above the stars of god saying that i he is saying to god that i will take my throne above every other angel i will be supreme sovereign over all the angelic orders but he forgot that god the creator is the only sovereign authority over every angelic order over the human race over everything and everyone he wanted to be like god as well i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will also sit on the mount of the congregation and please keep an er remember the word mount or mountain i will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north north meaning at the top when you look at any map of any country north is always at the top he's saying in verse 14 i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high he is challenging god he is saying to god just like you are sovereign supreme i'm gonna be exactly like you in the same kingdom you are government i will establish my own government in heaven my head i'll pull i'll put it equal to your head god i am god as well but you see the problem is my beloved god is the only i am god will always be the only i am there is no other i am but god himself so this angel the creation the creature wanted to be the creator that's why he had to fall he chose freely to be boostful the first we re we see in here the first ever sin made by the angel in heaven was pride self-exaltation pride pride my beloved is extremely dangerous we should always ask and beg and besiege the lord jesus to give us the strength the courage through his infinite grace and mercy to protect us from this self-pride because what kills a human is self-pride so this angel decided to create a kingdom a government in heaven for himself to rule over the rest of the angels god said it doesn't work this way my dear friend yes true i created you on the basis of love where there is freedom where there is choice where there is will you chose to do certain thing against god therefore it is your choice which you done it freely based on love i accept but you cannot stay in my kingdom because in heaven there is only one king one ruler one sovereign authority and that is god you are not the creator angel i am the creator you are a creation of mine you cannot be god since you chose to be a god therefore you cannot stay in my kingdom in heaven you are cast out he deceived one third of the angelic of the angels in heaven he deceived them and brought him down with him and became foul spirits like the evil one lucifer or he became satan when this angel was cast out of heaven became satan the evil one he failed to establish his kingdom in heaven now he said okay i'm gonna come on earth and establish it there since i failed to do so in heaven i'm gonna manage to succeed on earth i will establish my kingdom on earth he started with what the world call empires empires are nothing but a government system based on evil intention the first empire the egyptian empire followed by the assyrian empire followed by the babylonian empire the fourth one persian and the medici empire the fifth one uh macedonian empire uh led by the alexander the great and the sixth one the roman empire and the seventh one which i will be talking a little bit a little bit more in depth was the british empire slash american empire a british american uh became together in the late 19th century but the british empire actually began back in the 16th century now seven empires and we see we see this very clear in the book of revelation chapter 13 and chapter 17. in chapter 13 which by the way we will be once we finish our mini series of lectures under journey with christ we will go back and continue our commentary on the book of revelation in its entirety 22 chapters in in chapter 13 of the book of revelation it talks about this beast coming out of the sea with seven heads and ten horns and on those ten horns there was ten crowns and when you look in chapter 17 it actually from verses 9 to 11 revelation 17 9 to 11 those heads is referred to as kings as kings so there were seven kings and these seven kings are the seven empires which satan established his kingdom on earth now when i said earlier pay attention to the word mount which is in isaiah 14 verse 13 satan is saying i will also sit on the mount of the congregation mountain in the holy bible talks about government system let us go together and let us read from the book of revelation chapter 17 and verses 1 to 11. revelation 17 verses 1 to 11. then one of the seven angels who had the seven balls came and talked with me saying to me come i will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and i saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication and on her forehead a name was written listen to this and on her forehead a name was written mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and of all and of the abominations of the earth mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth i saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of jesus and when i saw her i marveled with great amazement but the angel said to me why did you marvel i will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her which has the seven heads and the ten horns this beast we saw in revelation 13 coming out of the sea seven heads and ten horns exactly it is the same beast mentioned in revelation 17 where the woman is sitting on this beast that has seven heads and ten horns and this woman he calls her what the babylon the great so who is this woman babylon the great remember this and the beast that carries her which has the seven heads and the ten horns the beast that you saw was and is not and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition to disappearance and those who dwell on the earth will marvel whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world when they see the beast that was and is not and yet is there is the mind which has wisdom the seven heads are seven mountains what did satan this fallen angel lucifer what did he say in isaiah 14 13 i will sit on the mount of the congregation i will sit on the mount look at this mountain the seven heads are seven mountains so satan wanted to sit on the mountain meaning he wanted to establish a kingdom a governmental system and he wanted to be the ruler the head the the driving force behind this pyramid have you seen the pyramid upside down my beloveds with that eye in the middle i'm sure you'll know what i'm talking about the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits who was this woman the great babylon mystery the great babylon she's sitting on these seven mountains and these seven mountains are the seven heads the seven heads is the beast that came out of the sea in revelation 13. and those seven heads which are the mountains are the seven empires that we just mentioned earlier so now john the beloved is writing the book of revelation when he was in the island of pedmos in greece in the heart of the mediterranean sea he is saying in revelation 17 where we were reading this for you guys our beloveds guys that's a a nice way of saying it in a slang way i love you guys so in revelation 17 he is saying five have fallen five have fallen he's talking about the seven heads which are the seven mountains we said the seven heads as the beast that came out of the sea in revelation 13. and this woman in revelation 17 is sitting on these seven heads and this woman is referred to as the mystery that uh babylon the great babylon the great now he's saying five have fallen and we said these seven heads are the seven empires that we mentioned earlier five have fallen at his time which are the five empires that were fallen at his time the egyptian the assyrian the babylonian the persian the persians and the medics and the macedonian empire these five were already gone at the time of john the beloved writing the book of revelation and then he says one is one is meaning at his time it's still current which empire was ruling at the time of john the beloved the sixth empire which was the roman empire and then he says and the other has not come and when he comes he must continue a short time the beast that was and is not is himself also the eighth and is of the seven and is going to perdition i know it's somewhat difficult to understand because book of revelation is a prophetic symbolic book at the same time prophecy it is always hard to actually pinpoint or detect uh you know accurately and and to be not only prophetic but also symbolic at the same time it makes it even harder when it is written in that kind of a terminology or language now he's saying there is the other one that hasn't come yet but when this one comes meaning it will come definitely it will continue for a short time the seventh one it will continue for a short time then he says verse 11 revelation 17 11 the beast that was and is not is himself also the eighth meaning the seventh one when he's gonna come later on out of the seventh will come the eighth but this eighth is the seventh at the same time wow this seventh one john the beloved over two thousand about two thousand years ago he said it hasn't come which was the seventh empire the british empire that came in the 16th century and lasted lasted until the end of world war ii world war ii ended on the 2nd of september 1945. world war ii ended on the 2nd of september 1945. at the end of world war ii that was the end of the british empire but one thing happened in the late 19th century the american empire came and joined force with the british empire they became the seventh empire in the 20th century they were together as allies and united in world war one and they were together in world war ii but what happened the end of world war ii it was the end of the british empire it says that the seventh one will be wounded but this wound will be healed and out of this wound the eighth will surface up and this eighth is the seventh so this empire that united in the 20th century was the american and the british empire i don't want to go into too much details because we will elaborate on that in depth when we go back to the commentary of the book of revelation and why i say the british and the american are one in the 20th century because in revelation 13 it talks about another beast coming out of the land not the sea and the one that came out of the land is was like a ram with two horns and when you read in the book of daniel the horn an actual kingdom it is an empire so there are two horns meaning they this ram is of two kingdoms two empires and what did we say the holy bible called these empires beasts and a beast my beloved does one thing destroys kills and sheds blood because this beast the power driven driving it is the old serpent satan the fallen angel lucifer who became satan he came to establish his kingdom on earth and through this kingdom he rules over the entire human race because he said since i am not going to make it to god's kingdom i will not let any human being to enter god's kingdom they will not take my place satan is nothing but a jealous thing he's a very jealous thing very jealous he hates us and he hates the lord jesus he to the core he hates the lord jesus what is happening in the world is to do is to do with jesus christ only no one else if it wasn't the lord believe you me you wouldn't have seen all this turmoil happening because only one crushed the head of the serpent only one overcame satan jesus of nazareth all glory to his holy name so now satan is on a is on a rampage he wants to destroy the human race he doesn't want no one to make it to god's kingdom he established his kingdom on earth and he through these empires which are referred to as the beasts and he came to destroy and kill everyone now why we say brit british and american are together because the second beast in the book of revelation chapter 13 comes out of the land he is like haram aram is a sheep a ram with two horns horns represent kingdom so there are two kingdoms but they're one and they are m meaning a sheep when you read in the holy bible who is this lamb of god jesus christ jesus christ is the lamb of god slain for the redemption of the entire world so from outside they are dressed up in the outfit of christ america and great britain before the world they are seen as christian countries so from outside they are christians but from inside they speak blasphemy against the lamb of god jesus christ so this is the the ram that came out of the land and the two empires amer great britain and america who are seen as christian countries before the world from outside they dressed up in a ram which is a christian outfit representing symbolically the lord jesus and but from inside they have a different agenda an evil one what happened to this seventh empire the seventh got wounded wounded how when great britain fell after world war ii and is no longer an empire so this ram got wounded great britain is gone who is remaining in the entire field america america is the continuation of the seventh empire but this sworn got healed and out of this wound out of the seventh came the eighth and the eighth is the seventh what came out of the seventh and the seventh is great britain and america great britain and america did one thing together they established the united nations it was called the leagues of nations it was established exactly to be precise my beloveds on the 24th of october 1945. on the 24th of october 1945 the nations of leagues were was established by these two who were one empire great britain and the united states of america the un is the eighth one that came out of the seventh and is the seventh and then though it was wounded great britain is gone now america is the united states the united nations is the eighth one who is the seventh empire of the 21st century now i'm going to take you on a nice journey to the book of genesis and i'm trying to use this mobile sometimes technology is good sometimes not always genesis let's go together and please i encourage you and i i need to mention this when we come to these bible sessions have your bible ready with you have your holy bible open before you and have your pen and paper write down references write down you know information for yourself because when you write things down you you tend to remember them much much better and even if you forget you can go back to your notes and refresh your memory so please i encourage you have your bible with your holy bible and a pen and a paper and write down things let's go to genesis chapter 11 and verses 1 to 9. let's go to genesis 11 verses 1 to 9 and let's see who was this woman the harlot woman that she was drinking the blood of the saints of jesus she was drunk in her own fornication she killed the saints of the lord jesus this woman this harlot woman is called babylon the great well let's see where is who is this babylon the great john the beloved is writing the book of revelation for the future not for the past if we are talking about babylon which is in iraq mesopotamia in the middle east well definitely john the beloved is not talking about that babylon because that babylon was history as far as john the beloved was concerned the book of revelation is futuristic not past tense is future tense so who is and what is the great babylon which is the harlot women of the future which one is it it is it is the eighth who came out of the seventh empire and is the seventh empire and we said the seventh empire is great britain and the united states of america together as the ram who came out of the land two horns great britain one horn america another horn dressed up as ram christians before the world but inside speak blasphemy against jesus christ and i'm not talking about the people of these countries i'm talking about governments please pay attention satan came to establish a mountain his mountain on earth this mountain is kingdom kingdom is a government is a beast is an empire evil intentions evil there are some wonderful british people and american people faithful to the lord loving the lord have good conscience good morals and values and principles and i pray for them and i love them from the bottom of my heart i'm talking about governmental systems that are evil in these countries so now let's go to genesis chapter 11 verses 1 to 9 and we'll see what is this babylon the great of the future and it is the united nations because united nations was established by both great britain and america the empire of the 20th century on the 24th of october 1945. it was called the leagues of nations and then changed to the united nations and now it is in new york city amazing we read genesis 11 1-9 now the whole earth had one language and one speech and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plane in the land of shinar and they dwelled there then they they said to one another come let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly they had break for stone and they had s felt for mortar and they said come let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens let us make a name for ourselves my goodness let us make a name for ourselves lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth but it's amazing it's beautiful this little tiny word but it makes a whole change and difference but totally different direction but the lord wow but the lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built and the lord said indeed the people are one and they all have one language and this is what they begin to do now nothing that they pros uh propose to do will be withheld from them come let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not understand one another's speech so the lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth and they seized building the city therefore the name its name is called babel because there the lord confused the language of all the earth and from there the lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth john the beloved in revelation 17 he called this woman the harlot woman sitting on these seven heads which are the seven empires he calls her mystery babylon the great babylon the great is in the future the baby the babel of the future is the united nations which is the eighth that came out of the seven that was wounded and is the seven what happened in babylon of iraq mesopotamia and by the way that's where i come from i was born in iraq and i'm proud to be an assyrian the greatest uh the greatest civilizations to be seen the cradle of all civilization in babylon when the people came out of the great flood the ark of noah after they came out of that ark they headed to the east they followed the sun they went to the east and they came to this place called shinar mesopotamia meaning between the two rivers tigris and euphrates so they came and dwelt in a place that was between the two rivers tigris and euphrates mesopotamia wherever you see water there is future there is life there is prosperity so they came there and they said you know what we are one we speak one language one tongue one mind let us come and build for ourselves a name let us build a tower the head of this tower let it be to the heavens reaching the heavens let us build for ourself a name so what we do to build for ourselves the name what do we do we build a tower that the head of this tower reaches the heavens who is in the heaven the lord jesus was asked by his 12 apostles lord teach us on how to pray he said every time you pray you say our father who art in heaven again the idea of satan i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will be like the almighty i will put my head with the head of god i'll be equal to him let us build this tower and make its head reach the heaven where god is we are to challenge god again this idea is satanic build a name for ourselves because they swapped the name of god and made a name for themselves they took the true divine god out of their life and created a false god for themselves called satan and this is exactly what is happening in our time and age satan is behind all this mess but it's the humans who allowed satan to be powerful because they denied true divine god jesus christ and followed and worshiped satan the fallen angel the one who is lost and he's gonna go into the river of fire in the end so let's put the head of this tower into the heavens and say to god look god back in the old days we were doing it our way not your way what was happening in the time of noah why was god so angry with the human race that he brought that great flood and flooded the whole earth and drowned those people except eight people noah his wife three sons and three daughter-in-laws eight people entered the ark with some animals why because people of that time the time of noah they were the lord jesus said it at the time of noah they were marrying and divorcing and marrying marrying and remarrying marrying and remarrying there was apparently a lot of divorces happening and a lot of marriages happening two and three and four and five times getting married and the lord god said it marriage is only once you only have one there is only adam and eve not adam and steve [Music] get please life it is adam and eve this is god's creation and god is the creator whether you whether we like it or not whether we like it or not so god said marriage is intended to be once and you shall have only one wife so when they started marrying divorcing and marrying again and divorcing and marrying again and doing everything evil under the sun before the eyes of god god got angry he wiped them with the great flood when this people that came out and went into the into mesopotamia between the rivers of tigris and euphrates they said you know what we do not want to give up on our old habits we had fun back then but god ruined it for us i want to have 100 girls i want to enjoy life i can't stick myself with only one this is life sentence imprisonment so they wanted to have fun they didn't want to give up on their old habits so they thought for themselves let us make a name for ourselves build a tower to say to god god we're going to build a tower and we'll make the head of this tower reach the heavens so that way we stick to our old habits and we still have fun and do everything evil before your eyes and when you get angry again you're going to bring the great flood and when you bring the great flood we're going to climb in this tower and we're going to escape your wrath and then we'll say to you we win not you god we win so what did god do he said let us go down and confuse them the word babel in aramaic syriac or hebrew or it's in aramaic actually baabil means confusion and it also can mean the gate of god el el in aramaic syriac or hebrew is god el is god and bab is gate and it and this word is also used in the arabic language bab which is a gate or a door so means the gate of god because it was from babylon where humanity came out of the gate of god and scattered all over the world that's where it all began and also babel means confusion so the lord god brought so many different languages before they were speaking one now they are speaking so many languages this guy began not to understand his friend his fellow citizen they did not understand one speaks arabic the other assyrian the other probably chinese and since they did not understand each one went their own way they got confused they got scattered out of babylon how did they build this tower from what they said we are going to come and build this tower look at this they had break for stone and they had asphalt for mortar wow they had brick for storm and they had s felt for mortar so they came and they said if we build this tower from stone we need to actually go and dig the mountains and then when we bring out these rocks and these baldos we need to hand carve them all by hand to bring out a perfect brick made out of stone to start building the tower this process is going to take forever we will die and we will never get to actually build a tower because to carve a perfect brick out of a stone that is dug from a mountain it requires a lot of time and a lot of effort a lot of energy what is the quickest way to make a brick that is similar to the stone strong but extremely easy and and very efficient will do it in no time will make this brick out of mud clay so what did they do they took a shortcut isn't the human race today taking shortcuts to do it their way not god's and that's why every time any one of us takes a shortcut in their life they will end up destroying themselves never ever take shortcuts a thief for him to but to have a ferrari getting money from centerlink that will be impossible but he wants a ferrari so what do i do i need to get a ferrari but on my centerlink payment i'll never get it so what do i do i'll take a shortcut i'm gonna go and steal or i'm gonna go and sell some drugs and make money quickly and go and buy the ferrari he gets the ferrari and him and the ferrari goes into absolute destruction they destroy themselves so they said we want to take a shortcut of making a brick out of a mud we're going to make up a frame we'll bring this clay and put it in this frame and then put it in the inferno cook this clay when you cook this clay it comes out solid stronger than the stone and instead of making one brick out of stone we will make a thousand out of clay shortcut so they build the tower with bricks of clay not stone the lord god when you read in the book of genesis he always said to adam and his descendants when you build a house you make sure you build it out of stone rock not clay so they disobeyed god they disobeyed god's order and commandment and they took their way instead of god's way because they wanted to make a name for themselves so they made the bricks out of clay and instead of using mortar they used as felt all of us my beloved we know as felt doesn't stick on clay this brick is made out of clay and then they brought another brick and between this brick and the other they put as felt and they put the other brick on top of it and they put as felt and they put the other brick on top of it so what was holding the bricks together was the as felt but this felt never never stick never sticks to clay when when the sun hits that asphalt on a hot sunny day the asphalt begins to melt and when this felt melts it will all disappear the bricks will collapse now what is the tower of babylon i wish i had more time my goodness the tower of babylon my beloved symbolically reflects the word i am me my way me my way because the people of the time said we will make a name for ourselves we don't want god's name to be on us we're gonna create our own name for ourselves so the tower of babylon represents me being the i am you see this angel wanted to establish a kingdom in heaven and make himself the i am like god he had to fall and every human being that says to themselves i will do things my way not god's way you become the i am but your i am is the false god you have been deceived by satan the enemy therefore if you don't repent and come back to the true divine god your end will be absolute disappearance destruction and eternal death so they said we'll make a name for ourselves so that tower is me my way the brick was made out of what clay what is human body made out of clay my beloved the word adam in the aramaic syriac language it means red mud that is the true pronunciation of the or the correct pronunciation of the word adam adam in aramaic syriac dem means blood means red mud so adam was made out of clay and guess what that brick of the tower of babel was made out of clay so that brick represents the human being so one brick is me the other brick is my neighbor the other brick is the other person and so on and so on so we came and said to ourself we will build a relationship between one another where god does not exist in it so when we come and build a relationship between ourselves without god being in the equation what is between the relationship is is felt bitumen it is absolute disaster any relationship any relationship that is built without god being in in that equation that relationship will not last because it is only through god that we are able to have a relationship without god there is nothing there is no relationship because a relationship is only made possible where love true divine love is the foundation of that relationship so where the relationship is built outside of divine love it is an absolute false relationship and it comes from the enemy and the end result will be disastrous you cannot stick this felt on the brick that is made out of clay [Music] we cannot have relationship between us as humans without our creator jesus christ of nazareth this is the divine god only one there is no one else so these people wanted to do it their way no god look around us my beloved the 21st century i call the 21st century generation a godless generation it is a generation where god is absent in it we are trying to build relationship with one another with no god in it we are saying there is no god and even if there is one we don't care about him we will do it our way what did karl marx say when the founder of communism and i can see governments that are supposed to be democratic governments today they are implementing nothing but communist ideologies karl marx you know what he said he said our father who art in heaven stay there he challenged god this lost soul atheist evil satan worshipper he said our father who art in heaven stay there you are god in heaven and i am god on earth this is the tower of babylon i am god on earth i'll do whatever i want however i want whenever i want with whom i want isn't it the case of the 21st century my beloved isn't it so what happened but the lord these people have been deceived by satan they think they can do whatever they want those so-called elites the secret societies that are trying to control the world you have been deceived you have been blinded by lucifer your god your false god satan whom you worship but your god remember is under the foot of my god jesus christ of nazareth all glory to his holy name so but the lord he said i'm not gonna let these people do whatever they want i have given them freedom but their freedom is not unlimited it is finite it is limited so we're gonna go down and we're gonna confuse their language listen please people don't ever think that the day will come what are you gonna say you can do whatever you want that day will never happen government you need to listen a day that you think you can do whatever you want and get away with it that will never happen will never happen because there is only one i am the i am the only true divine god in heaven that is in control of everyone and everything and satan who established his empires on earth that satan is under the foot of jesus christ so think about it my beloved people think about it before it's too late so they got scattered and the tower was never built went up a little bit and stayed there and gone never to come back that tower surfaced up as the writer of the book of revelation john the beloved says in the future this hot woman this harlot women will appear in the future as the mystery babylon the great so the tower of babylon is going to surface up in the end of times and the tower of babylon of the end of times which is the 21st century our time and age is nothing but the united nations so-called isn't it a tower it's a building oh it's pretty identical to the tower of babylon it's another tower and it's called the u.n i'll leave you with this in the united nations [Music] the only thing you are allowed to talk about is human rights there is no one that has ever come to say god's rights everyone in the united nations speaks about human rights human rights human rights no one talks about god's rights because they they have made a name for themselves they built the tower against god and they made a name and this tower they said is gonna the head of it is gonna reach the heavens we're going to be god on earth you are god in heaven you stay there none of your business we will run our affairs on earth as we please not as you please god so all you hear in the u.n human rights somebody wants to go out in the street naked they have the right somebody wants to change his sex they are right it is human rights they can do whatever they want because since there is no sovereign god since there is no heavenly intervention there is no divine law well you become your own law you do whatever you want and what is more beautiful than this what is more pleasant than this what is more [Music] eloquent than this i am so free freedom democracy wow they talk about human rights nobody speaks about god's right if you speak about god's rights they will stone you to death and they will kick you out the tower of babel back then in history it was all about human rights so what is the tower of babel me and what is me my rights not god's and today everybody's speaking about human rights nobody talks about god's rights no wonder we are living in hell when any human being this has got nothing to do what kind of a religion you have this has got to do with the true divine god this true divine god i profess and confess is jesus christ and i will die for this i'm willing to die for my lord anytime i will never blink my eyes jesus is the only god there is no one else this has got nothing to do with your religion it's got to do with the true divine god the creator of all the creator of all today they're talking about human rights when you do things your way as a human being do you know who is ruling over you and controlling you 100 satan don't ever think that you can be free on your own and do whatever this is a delusion satan has deceived so many people there is no one free you were never created to be free on your own you need to be under the guidance of someone either god in heaven or satan in hell you choose but for you to be on your own free please get it out of your head it doesn't exist that is a biggest lie ever to exist you are not free either jesus rules over your life or satan trample you under his foot and enslave you i'll say this when we talk about cultures there are three kinds of cultures no more no less there is what we call the theonimus culture the hedronomous culture and the autonomous culture these are the only three cultures there is no more no less these names [Music] derive from the greek language and i hope i'm pronouncing them correctly and if i'm not i apologize for our beloved greeks greek speaking people and i love you and i'm praying for you and please pray for me theonomus there is a culture that is theonomous culture god's law culture there is the hedronomous culture hedros means another nomos law another one's law culture well if you take god out of the equation it you're ending up with another one being your god somebody has to rule over you so when you take the us the true god out of your culture satan it is another one ruling over you and there is the autonomous culture otos self nomos law self law culture the 21st century is an autonomous culture 100 everyone is saying it is my way or the highway from a little kid to an old man everyone is saying none of your business i'll do whatever i want i'll go wherever i want i'll choose whatever i want i'll say i'll dress and i'll change myself the way i want because we are living in an autonomous culture the problem the problem of our autonomous culture is one gravity one problem big problem we will come and reach a dead end what we call tolerance tolerance is untolerable in our time and age since it is my law culture guess what there is no one human being that is identical to another human being the almighty god created us unique with our unique identity your dna and my dna is made out of 3.1 billion bits of information in everyone's dna there is 3.1 billion bits of information if i were to actually change [Music] write my dna into words with 500 words per a4 paper 500 words per page it will take 600 000 pages to write your dna and my dna 600 000 pages 500 words per page you put all the encyclopedias of the world together they will get nowhere near your dna you have the greatest encyclopedia ever to exist inside of you and out of the seven point something billion people that live on the face of this planet as we speak there is no one's fingerprint that is identical to the other one and somebody comes along and says that this all happened because it was all a fluke something exploded over 13 billion years ago and out of this big bang everything came into this complexity and perfection get alive get alive just your dna is blows anyone's mind away and some people are trying to manipulate your dna shame on you little kids blinded by satan i feel sorry for them and for their satan just your dna is amazing god is amazing the creator is amazing elohim is incredible [Music] so perfect universe so complex universe and you're telling me there is no god if i were to say to anyone that is listening to us the oxford dictionary came in this perfection and complexity because there was an explosion in the printing press that would be insane to claim such a claim the oxford dictionary came together in this perfection and complexity because an explosion happened in the printing press this is absurd the moment you look at the oxford dictionary you know for sure there was a brain behind this oxford dictionary a brain put it together it was intentional made by a sophisticated brain how much more this complex universe that has come in this perfection and complexity how much more does this bray this universe has a brain behind it that put it together this brain we call or the holy bible calls that brain god and this god is jesus christ the love of my life so it is an autonomous culture i do whatever i want that's why the generation is lost that's why we are living in darkness that's why we are blind that's why we are confused that's why we have lost the plot we are doing nothing but evil against god the 21st century is a combination between the time of our father noah the great flood and sodom and gomorrah the two put together in the 21st century and the time of noah it was a lot of divorcing happening and remarrying happening against god and in sodom and gomorrah it was the same sex happening and in the 21st century both are happening together it is concentrated because it is the end of times it is evil and why all this because we chose to make a name for ourselves and build a tower called united nations and speak about human rights human rights human rights forget about god he doesn't exist we are god on earth isn't that what the governments are saying or the u.n is claiming that is the tower of babylon the the harlot women of the 21st century i spoke a lot i spoke a lot definitely i'll leave you with this the western world the western world australia is one of them canada america europe the western world has succeeded has succeeded in giving value to everything they have succeeded tremendously in giving value to everything but they have failed miserably and giving purpose to i said again the western world have succeeded tremendously in giving value to everything but they have failed miserably and giving purpose to everything and as long as you don't know what the purpose of a thing you can never give it value you can only give value to the thing when you know why it was made what was the purpose of making this thing until you discover the purpose stop talking about value human rights is value everyone speaks about human rights can we for god's sake once in our life for a change can we stop saying human rights and start saying what is the right to be a human instead of saying human rights say what is the right to be a human not human rights nobody talks about the right to be a human because the right to be a human is the purpose human rights is the value we forgot the purpose we denied the purpose and we and we held on to the value human rights and that's why we abused our humanity we abused it we killed it we destroyed it now they want to teach that parents you cannot refer to your child of a male or a female you need to refer to it as it you have no right to call your child my my daughter this is a female this is a male because you're gonna you're gonna you're going to offend people human rights my goodness my goodness we need governments you need to listen to this before it's too late jesus christ is coming with his wrath coming down on all of you [Music] you need to go back and start talking about the purpose of the human not the value of the human stop talking about human rights please for god's sake stop it speak about the right to be a human what is the right to be a human we have forgotten what makes us a human we've forgotten about that see the problem is you know why they don't speak about the right to be a human since it's the purpose that means to find out what is the purpose of our existence here they need to go back to the origin of the human race the origin of the human race is the very god whom they are denying since they have denied god they're gonna deny the purpose the right to be a human they're going to stick to the value human rights and since you don't want to know the purpose you are abusing your rights abusing it 100 percent abusing it you have called darkness lights and death life that's what's happening when someone when someone comes and asks a christian this question you christians claim that your god is all love and all-powerful then if he is who he is or love and all-powerful how come he is allowing all this evil to infiltrate and to spread throughout the globe if he is all love and all-powerful why isn't he stopping this evil every question is based on assumption every question is based on assumption meaning since we ask a question we don't know everything and since we don't know everything then even the question we're asking we don't fully comprehend what we're asking in the first place so the best answer to the question is another question you ask the questioner the question that is the answer to that questioner and the lord jesus did it quite often when people came and asked him something he replied to them with a question not an answer because when you question the questioner you are allowing them to open up within their own assumptions you are giving them a chance to think about what they asked initially so my question to other questions my god who is all love and who is all-powerful and so truly is said my question to you my dear friend since you assume there is evil aren't you also assuming there is good [Music] they cannot run away from this because if they're gonna say there is no good then how did you know that this was evil if you had not seen good how do you know it is dark if you did not see the light if you didn't see the light how would you know what darkness is but since you saw the light you understood this is light and this is darkness so since you're claiming there is evil aren't you assuming that there is also good they'll say yes since you are assuming there is good aren't you also assuming that there is a moral law that allows you to differentiate between what is good and what is evil if there is no moral law how do you know what is good and what is evil it is through the moral law that gives you that insight to comprehend what is right and what is wrong what is good and what is evil since you are assuming there is good aren't you assuming also there is a moral law to give you the opportunity to differentiate between what is good and what is evil they'll say yes since you're assuming there is a moral law aren't you also assuming there is a moral law giver whom you are denying which is god the true god since you're denying god the true divine god since you're denying this god then there is no moral law since that moral law came from him and see since he doesn't exist then there is no moral law since there is no moral law there is no good since there is no good there is no evil then what is your question the moment we take god out of our equations then who are we next time somebody talks that denies god i'll say who is speaking because i don't know who you are what is your identity you're nothing without god my dear friend you're nothing journey with christ when you come to this realization and when you come into this encounter with jesus by the way jesus got nothing to do with christians there are so many christians that are only christians by name not by deed christ doesn't know these people christ wants your hearts he is god revealed in the flesh in the end of times god jesus wants your heart be genuine seek the only true god call out to him say lord god if you're out there i want to know who you are i can assure you no one will come except jesus no one no one when you want to know god jesus will come the i i will put my life on the line i'm absolutely confident the only one that is going to show up is jesus christ of nazareth because he is the only god revealed in the flesh come have an encounter start your relationship with him make it an intimate one because jesus is the groom to the bride it is intimacy where the two become one united he wants you he is all love he is all mercy he is all sacrifice he is all humility come to him say lord teach me show me tell me enlighten me i want to know you i have been doing it my way for so many years and i was nothing but a miserable being i was empty from inside i was lost i was nothing so many billionaires so many rich people did everything under the sun but at the end of the day they wrote their will before killing themselves and they said we tried everything but nothing was fulfilling i was always empty from inside because my beloved friend the only one that can fill that void that is in you is god no one else stop doing it your way come back and acknowledge his presence acknowledge his existence acknowledge his divine love that once and a ways to engulf you with it and put you in the core of his heart call out to jesus and see if he's not gonna come he will because he is who he is the true god in the flesh the 21st century is the tower of babylon the harlot women babylon the great human rights look what we have done with this world and with ourselves we have destroyed what makes up a human being being a human being we have destroyed it and we've destroyed the world which god has given us so beautifully so eloquent so serene so complicated in its perfection yet we destroyed it we abused this world and we abused our identity why because we we we held on to the value of the human which is human rights and we denied the purpose of the human which is the right to be a human until we stop human rights focus we will never find peace we will destroy ourselves by ourselves because the one who is controlling us is satan and satan is the killer of mankind from the very beginning my goodness have we lost our mind have we lost the plot does it take a genius to figure out what is happening on a global level it is absolutely satanic satanic satanic when any one of us comes back to the lord there and then only you will find your peace you will find yourself you will find your identity you will find the very purpose that god created you for the right to be a human you will find what makes you you and then only [Music] everything will come into clarity everything will fall in its place so perfectly you don't need to run and work hard god has done it for you already all you got to do embrace god and let him navigate you through your journey with christ on earth let him navigate you my beloved don't do it on your own the nuclear weapons which america began manufacturing the very nuclear weapon will destroy america and the world the holy bible says what you planned you shall harvest since i'm speaking about america i'll say this man i've spoken too long america this is a warning based on love and humility once upon a time you were very close to jesus christ the lord of lords and the king of all kings today you are denying your jesus you have walked away from your lord you have brought in laws that are against the almighty god the very foundation of america today is being shaken you have denied jesus that's why you are in turmoil that's why you are living in darkness and in total blindness the moment you took the holy bible out of schools the moment you introduced laws that are offensive to your jesus christ rest assured the wrath of god will come upon you and no one will save you come back to the lord otherwise there will be another empire there is a dragon will come up and will devour you and the entire globe repent america before it's too late come back to your lord and to our lord and to the lord of all and to the god of all and to the king of all jesus christ of nazareth come back what happened to canada a secular government once upon a time there were christians today they are denying him what happened to australia they are denying him what happened to europe atheism infiltrated and devoured europe where is christ once upon a time churches were packed with faithfuls today churches are turned into museums and restaurants empty because they have walked away from the lord this is what we can expect from satan lockdowns fear enslavement and disappearance that's what satan does we need the lord journey with christ pray fast beg the lord to have mercy on all of us beg the lord amen let's stand for the finale pray in the name of the father of the son of the holy spirit one god amen lord make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me so love where there is injury pardon where there is doubt faith where there is despair hope where there is darkness light where there is sadness joy or divine master grant that i may not so much seek to be consoled as to console to be understood as to understand to be loved as to love for it is in giving that we receive it is important that we are pardoned it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life amen may the lord jesus bless you guide you and protect you all the days of your life now and forevermore amen
Views: 9,588
Rating: 4.9362187 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Mar Mari Emmanuel
Id: Qzh8rAXLbMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 47sec (5867 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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