Spine Chilling Trucker's Driving at Night Stories

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truck drivers what is a creepy story you have got from the middle of nowhere so i'm an over-the-road truck driver in america i generally stay in the midwest as i enjoy the open road and less traveled areas i tend to drive at night because the roads are a lot more empty and there tends to be less traffic construction going on around that time around this particular night i was in kansas making my way to wyoming i drive for hours at a time non-stop so before my drive i stack up on food and drinks i have accustomed my bladder to hold going to the bathroom after years of truck driving until i can not hold it anymore now in nebraska i get the urge to pee so i start finding a part of the road that i'm able to pull over safely without damaging my tires but this is the backwards of the country so finding this would be a little hard but not impossible when i finally feel that i have found a perfect enough location i pull over since i'm in the middle of nowhere i have nowhere to pass besides an empty gallon that contained water because there is no way i'm stepping outside in the dead of night as i'm doing my business i hear a tap i do want to make it known that i travel in my truck alone i do not have a partner on the truck nor a pet of any kind the truck radio is off the windows are up and all you can hear from my perspective is the hum of the truck running i begin to look for the sound which at first i thought was my mini fridge because when it gets unplugged the melted water from the freezer will leak out and start to make a pattern noise on the floor i checked and it was not that and in realizing this i noticed the tap sounded more like a small rock hitting the side of the track the driver side in particular within my truck i start to look outside of the driver window but do not find anything in particular so i start to look out of all the windows i do not see anything anywhere so i start to think it could be the truck itself i get back in the driver's seat to get out of the truck to look under the hood as i'm about to step out another small rock hits my door and i look out into the side of the road where in the field stand these tall cornstalks keep in mind cornstalks are tall as dark i mean i'm standing on the top step of my truck and i can see right above them and in looking out into the darkness i see the top of someone's head just the top not even a forehead just their hair which was black the average height of a cornstalk is eight feet so i do not know about you but whoever that was had an advantage i get back in the truck and lock the doors put the window down a tad bit and yell hey you need help no answer hey man you good no answer so i say duck it and put the truck and gear and haul ass i do not even look back just try to get away from them and the area as fast as the truck will go after being at a standstill on the side of the road i drive for hours until i reach wyoming and pull over at a truck stop to get some sleep before heading to sleep i go inside the truck stop to get some food and as i'm coming back to my truck i see marks on the back of the passenger side of the truck as if someone had keyed my truck i start angrily looking around to see who it could have been but can not really come to a conclusion since most of the other drivers were not in their front seat then i start looking around my entire cab and notice the marks are also on the back of the cab near the platform where the cab and trailer connect i start remembering about the person i saw in the field and thought it was them but i do not remember feeling anyone hop on back there so i was left puzzled but nothing else happened for the rest of the day thankfully so i'm not sure who that person was or what they wanted or what their intentions even were and i'm glad i never ended up finding out not a trucker but a spooky driving experience nonetheless this happened some 15 years ago as i was driving back up north from newbury in the u uk now i don't do anywhere near as much driving as you americans but for late night trips i always operate a buddy system just in case my friend had taken his rest and woke up about 45 minutes before time to set off i checked the weather forecast heavy fogged you across the m1 at around 2am just as i would be hitting that part of the route damn i asked my buddy if we can set off half an hour earlier to skip it he agrees and we set off we redoing good time thanks to the lack of traffic but i can see a fog line appearing it gets thick fast i take a look at the clock 1 30 am damn weather forecasters got it wrong again i think to myself i ask my buddy to stay alert in case i miss something as eyelines be concentrating dead ahead i have to slow to about 35 40 miles per hour from 70 because visibility is basically mill but stopping the car would be suicide if there is anything behind me based on my position i know there is a service station in about 15 miles so our lines turn off there and wait it out the fog starts getting really thick to the point where i am thinking maybe it s actually safer to stop i can t see the road or the cat's eyes at this point i pull to the left slowly and wait for the telltale feel of the hard shoulder s rumble strip it didn't he come nor has the car hit a ditch at this point i am a bit freaked out as i have no orientation and i can t see the road i am down to about 15 miles per hour now as my buddy says hey there is a light in front of us it s a green light which is odd for the motorway but maybe i can see what is going on from there i pick up a little speed and head towards the green light as i am driving forward the fog begins to lift and i realize where we are at the intersection of beverly road and the a63 the green light was a traffic light i pull the car over and we both say to each other what the duck this is approximately 150 miles from where the fog started a good two five hours drive away i look at my watch 1 50 am i take a look at the radio clock in the car 4 am i get my phone out my buddy gets his phone out both say 1 50 am as i look in the rear view there's not a trace of fog behind me both of us are quite freaked out at this point so we decided to find out which clock is right i drive to the station 4 7 a.m to this day i have no explanation and neither of us can account for the missing two five hours not how i managed to do multiple lane changes and junctions to get from the m1 to the m62 and then the a63 probably laid to the party with this one but my uncle used to drive a truck from northern europe down to iraq in the 80s when the saddam regime was trying to modernize the country and spending duck loads of money importing industrial equipment and foreign experts driving down to iraq meant going through turkey because going through the soviet union was obviously not an option taking the turkish route was ridiculously dangerous because at the time turkey had no social safety nets and they did just experienced some kind of economic collapse which left millions of people unemployed homeless and destitute in certain regions of turkey these desperate and starving people set up huge tent citizen shanty towns along the roads hoping that some kind of opportunity passing along the road would provide them with some kind of wealth or at least a meal but being desperate they would often resort to banditry in an attempt to get some cash one of their favorite methods was stopping foreign trucks killing the drivers and just stealing everything they do anything and everything to stop these trucks then just descend on them like a swarm of ants attacking a larger animal the most common method was bandits placing large objects in the middle of the road foreign drivers were instructed to never stop just rammed their way through obstacles when the bandits realized this they started kidnapping children and shoving them in front of trucks to make the driver stop again foreign drivers were instructed to just floor it and keep going because if they stopped they did almost certainly be murdered another common issue was police corruption the turkish police would often stop foreign truck drivers and just rob them at gunpoint because the cops knew that drivers carried large amounts of cash to pay for food fuel etc other times the police would make truck drivers follow them to secluded areas where they did murder the truckers and steal the truck another thing they did do was kidnap foreign drivers by arresting them on made-up charges and demanding huge amounts of money to free them from jail so haulage contractors instructed their drivers to never stop for the turkish police and to ram police cars if necessary my uncle said he had to ram his way through obstacles on the road a few times but he refuses to talk about whether or not any of those obstacles were alive or not i'm pretty sure he got ptsd from this [ __ ] but he had never admit to it not a truck driver but a first-hand experience in dallas texas i worked for a non-profit that was trying to help another non-profit on a project helping to get prostitutes into rehab and job training we partnered with the fbi local police district attorney public defenders and a local hospital it was an incredible program that chose to see prostitutes as victims instead of perpetrators as i was getting my organization ready to get involved i ended up spending time with the fbi agent who started the program i asked him how the fbi got involved he explained that after 9 11 the fbi was tasked with figuring out how al qaeda would attack interior cities like dallas they determined that they may pull it to mathemate and load a semi-truck full of explosive materials drive them into a city and detonate so they decided to start monitoring the truck stops where the terrorists would stage the attack they monitored for months and of course found that al qaeda was nowhere to be seen in american truck stops rather they found that the truck stops were filled with really screwed up activity including drugs prostitution human trafficking etc he explained that while the vast majority of truck drivers are good people trying to make a living that the nature of the trucking industry with self-employed operators created an environment open to many ex-convicts who couldn't get other employment because of the check the box hiring policies so ex-convicts often bought trucks worked for themselves and were hired by companies to drive their freight which eliminated the many of the company's liabilities had the former convicts worked for the companies themselves long story short he detailed the crimes including the fact that the fbi was tracking many unsolved murders and serial murderers human trafficking rings etc the more i learned about truck stops the scarier they became i ended up going on multiple law enforcement rides as part of the program let me say this truck stop prostitutes are in terrible terrible shape think about what must have gone on for them that they are hanging out at a truck stop turning 10 20 tricks it is awful i saw horrible things including child trafficking and prostitution the things i saw still make me sick to my stomach to this day when driving across the country i will gladly skip the truck stops and go to a smaller gas station i am forever creeped out by what i have seen i have another and i remember exactly where i was for this one since i was parked for the night us6 in golden co at a kmart parking lot this one is not very long but it goes a long way to show just how big a target we truckers are for thieves and people looking to kill someone i had parked for the night and popped into the kmart before it closed presumably forever got the wife and i something to eat and some drinks got back to my truck and fired up the microwave got the dvn's box going i'm off duty and goddammit i'm hungry i had just put disc three of season three of game of thrones in not five minutes later someone knocked on my tractor door first thought is a lot lizard at kmart [ __ ] must be desperate i grab my k bar and get in the driver's seat and roll the window down a little not a woman great a piccolo gross me watching eat man trying to eat dinner and catch up on my show him i was wondering if you could give me a ride to denver my brother is a trucker too and wants me to drive with him me going the other way and i do not have a third seat belt for you to use him i'm a trucker too me okay why does not your brother come get you him he is busy me considering it is after 23 0-0 if he is busy i'm sure it is not with driving he goes to reach for something meow hands where i can see them i'm now reaching for my gun in the door pouch i'm sorry i just wanted to show you my 450 me bud i'm gonna be honest with you i'm trying to enjoy my dinner and show i'm not taking you anywhere best i can suggest is call your brother and have him come get you him my phone does not work me thumbs the brakes man there is probably the last pay phone on earth next to the entrance him can you just open the door for a minute me no and if you do not leave i'm calling the police him i'm just asking for some help me i gave you the help i'm willing to offer i'm rolling up the window now good luck getting to denver i roll up the window and get in the bunk thought nothing more of it when i get out to do my pre-trip in the morning i discover that little bastard tried to cut the lock off my trailer and open the doors he had have been pissed if he managed to open it i lock up even when i deadhead that trailer was empty real glad i did not get the urge to open the door god knows what he was planning kill me steal my truck rape and kill my wife was probably on the agenda not the last time some [ __ ] like that happened but that is for another post this will get lost but if someone gets to read it then hey obligatory this is my dad's story who is been a trucker for over 50 years he tells us of these experiences when we ask otherwise he does not really speak of them one night he was doing a long run he knew he would not make it home that night so when he saw an old looking pub up ahead island he decided to park up for the night about 1 30am and get himself a nice pint he went into the bar and thought everyone was dressed really old-fashioned and dancing he thought nothing of it and got himself a guinness he still says to this day it was the nicest pint he has ever had in his entire life after he finished his pint faces started to get fuzzy he said it was like they were going out of focus so he got back in the cab pulled his curtains and on his crosswords until he fell asleep the next morning when he woke up he was going to get some breakfast and a coffee from the pub before he start driving again he pulled his curtains and saw the pub from last night was derelict and boarded up unto shade for many years he has no explanation for it but he knows it was not a dream my dad has many experiences like this one if anyone wants to hear them just let me know not me not yet thank god but my dad when i was about to start driving we sat one night and drank a bottle of whiskey together he started telling me all kinds of stories from his 30-plus year career the one that still gets me is when he was driving in kansas colorado one night he said he was driving on a turlane highway about two or three in the morning and he was half asleep this was back in the day when you drove until you got tired no matter how long it was clear night full moon you could drive with the headlights off kind of night also in eastern colorado western kansas it's so flat you could watch your dog run away for two weeks well he is going around this curve and sees a man just standing in the middle of the road he had on dripping wet and muddy clothes and was standing in my dad's lane with his arms out like he was waiting for my dad to run him over my dad said he barely missed the dude almost turned his truck over and somehow got it right never stopped my dad says he still has nightmares about it and is always scared to drive at night because of that he also says he does not even know if it was real or not because he had not slept in more than 24 hours but he is pretty sure it was real my dad started driving truck in 1971 a story he told me once was how he was driving through the night to pick up a load of cement he had a headlight burn out so he kicked on the high beams to be able to see and there in the middle of the road was a chp car doors all open and the lights off sitting in the middle of the road he came to a stop and got out to see if anyone was around but couldn't he find anyone so he got back into his truck and kept heading for the cement plant when he got there he called it into the chp turns out a couple of the chippers pulled a guy over who then proceeded to shoot and kill the officers my dad had rolled up on scene just after it went down you can look it up on the chp website deck 22 1978 my personal story i snt is scary really i work for dot and was operating a pro truck on a little mountain highway clearing mud and rock slides during heavy rains i had been at it for about 10 hours when i had to just stand up and stretch a bit i stop in the middle of the road with all my strobes and lights going and stand on the running board of the track a few seconds later i hear rocks and pebbles rolling down the mountainside so i get back into the truck as soon as i close the door a boulder the same size as my dump truck lands on the road right in front of my plow if i had been a few feet further forward it would have killed me my friend and i were driving south towards galloping m and his elderly mother esprit bringing it back to southern california for her from colorado middle of nowhere on a dark road about 0-2-3-0 in the morning when this 1990s safari van starts getting right on our tail we move over to let the van pass and he gets right behind us and starts flashing his lights my buddy gets into the other lane again and slows down enough that i can see that the license plate has a piece of cardboard taped over it the van then starts swerving to try to force us off the road my buddy flaws it but it is a prius we pull ahead for a second but the van rapidly catches up and starts trying to force us off the road at speed as we approached a reframp i decided i had had enough of this [ __ ] and pulled my 19 one one i rolled down the window and leaned out presenting my weapon and prepared to send rounds into this van the van slammed on the brakes and shot off the a-framp we continued into gallop and phoned the police who told us that they were probably trying to get us to stop to rob us they did not expect any problems from a prius with california plates scariest situation i have run into while driving for sure not a truck driver but years ago i was driving with my ex-girlfriend back from a wedding in northern wisconsin heading towards madison where she lived we were probably like 20 or 30 miles away from the city at that point and it was probably around 1am my gps which was some really cheap brand that my dad got me as a gift from radio shack had me going through some backcountry highways for some reason after i had stopped for gas instead of getting me back on the expressway right away i did not mind i kind of always found those really peaceful even though at night they are pretty creepy my girlfriend was asleep in passenger seat so i had turned down the music really quiet to not wake her which added a bit to the eeriness of it all i'm like really into this groove of driving focused on the roads because it was so dark without street lights everywhere then something on the side of the road catches my eye it was a giant mountain lion with what appeared to be blood all over its face i start shaking my girlfriend awake to get her to see it before it was gone but she woke up too late i pulled over to the side of the road and asked her to watch the rear view so she could see this huge thing cross the road but it never did she was convinced that i imagined it all because that area of wisconsin is not known for mountain lions but i swear i saw it i used to do music back in the 80s and 90s as part of the sound and setup crew this entailed many late-night drives and the equipment truck through some very isolated sections of our state after the show to get home one night me and my pal were driving through a dark desolate swampy area on a tulane highway around two in the morning out of nowhere we noticed a car that had driven off the road and into the woods all that was visible were headlights shining on trees and red tail lights not really knowing what to do we drove past but then realized that if the car in the woods could have been the result of an accident of some sort so we were compelled to turn around to check it out in case someone needed help this situation really creeped me out since i knew i could potentially witness some sort of gruesome accident and i remember forcing myself out of the truck to reluctantly inspect the situation upon arriving where the car was i walked into the woods to the scene the car door was open and key alarm beeping ding ding ding the headlights still on but no one to be seen anywhere no blood broken glass my only guess is the car belonged to a drunk driver who drove off the road into the woods and left the scene i still wonder what happened there that night but can only assume it was just an abandoned car after the driver had too much fun not a trucker but this happened on a road trip with my xgf and i have always wanted to tell this story we were headed to eureka ca from oregon and had to go on this highway 299. we had a late start to our day so it was night time by the time we set out on 299 thinking it would be just a normal stretch of rainy highway we were thoroughly unprepared for how twisty and isolated it was midnight came and it had been pouring rain gf was dodging rockfall for the entire drive so far she was absolutely drained we found a flat place to pull over for a quick nap like a little outcrop of dirt alongside the road the rain had stopped but it was muddy and man was it quiet eerily so we were both so drained we just crashed for about 30 minutes or so in our respective seats keep in mind we had been on the road for a while and had not passed a single car the entire time i woke up to the sound of scratching underneath the car that i brushed off as an animal then i heard steady plopping out in the mud like someone was circling our car but did not see a damn thing i elbowed my girl thinking she was still asleep but she was fully awake and frozen in place and just said i know she said she had this feeling that something was off from the second we pulled into that spot we held deathly still for a bit longer still reckoning it was a deer or something in denial i got a literal wave of goosebumps when we heard that faint scratching start up yet again this time we bolted into action and she threw the car into reverse pretty quickly suddenly she screamed there is someone there oh my god as she saw a figure dive into a nearby bush lit up from the reverse lights i looked but did not see anything we both were in 100 panic mode and practically skidded back onto the road the rest of the drive back into ca was unremarkable but we did have a motorcycle tail loss for most of the way back after that from a decent distance luckily but seeing that faint light bobbing far behind us gave us the creeps on top of everything probably unrelated but who knows everything felt creepy and wrong for the rest of the night be careful on highway 299 in oregon guys not a truck driver but still a traveling in the middle of nowhere story many years ago we were driving back to southern california from a cabin stay in northern california these was a huge car accident on the freeway that was adding four hours to our drive this was when tom toms were at their peak and started to come standard with traffic avoiding redirections anyways the tomtom chimes up as the sun s going down and says it can save us three hours if we get off the freeway then it proceeds to lead us through the moonless night on rural roads surrounded by cornfields i turn to my wife and say i have seen this movie before keep your eyes open a few minutes later there is a van on the side of the road with its hazard lights on and normally i would stop and help but no way not tonight satan and for the next hour of driving having no idea what was around us or where we were it was one thing after another broken down cars with hazards on having semis on either side of us making us hold our breath that they do not force us to stop too many of every horror film trope for a simple one-hour detail do not think i have shared this story before technically i was driving a pickup truck at the time but whatever at the time i was working it for a three-letter formerly great tech company doing retail point of sale upgrades one of the techs that had been on an overpass job had gotten suddenly sick and they needed an extra hand in the middle of the night and i like money so i went out there in the middle of the night to a site maybe 70 miles away it was 1 2 a.m and i'm going down roads i was not familiar with right before i go around to bend on an empty tulane highway with of course no street lights and road cones are sort of haphazardly set up to start to block off the left lane i'm in the right so i do not mind but it was weird that there were no warning signs or nothing and then what seemed like a quarter mile down the road there is a car just stopped in the right lane that i was in i slowed down and nearly at a stop cause i'm a dumb teenager who did not realize what this was and out of the car step out two dudes and start walking towards my truck well i start to nope right out of there and run over a cone to get away one dude tried to jump in front but i got around him and sped off down the road the traffic cones had stopped right where the stopped car was i'm already a very anxious person so after the panic and adrenaline wore off a few miles down the road i called the cops to report what happened headlights appeared on the horizon behind me which caused me to panic even more i told the nine one one dispatcher that i thought i was being followed and i pulled off at the next exit cause it had a gas station i pulled off and the car behind did too my heart was slamming in my chest as i pulled up the pump and sprinted into the store only to find that the car that had pulled in behind me was a completely different car than the one that was stopped in the road and had a small woman driving it who had gotten out to pump a gas instead of the two dudes who had jumped out of their car after i had collected myself and told the dispatcher it was someone else i went out to ask her if she had seen the car stopped on the road after the cones the lady pumping her gas says she had seen the cones but there was no car stopped on the road when she had passed by 15 minutes later a cop came by the gas station to take my statement about it and said that they had gotten a similar report a couple of weeks prior but that was about it never heard back about if the cops found anything or not this one happened when i was hauling freight from new york to nevada i worked for a company that has many acronyms and all of them bad the company was pretty good but never home i always pass this ghost town on the border of new mexico and texas every time i passed through it i got chills ice water never stop in that town because the closest town was a good 50 miles away if not more unfortunately i was unlucky as my hours for that day had me stuck right in the center of that town i pulled into the 70s era gas station and walked around i thank god that i had my mag light on steroids flashlight as it made everything bright as day i did not find anything but boarded up windows and a swinging door to a hole in the ground toilet i finished up my business and thank god that i did not need to sit down i did my walk around and checked everything we were supposed to a truck in tip top shape is a truck you never will be stranded in the middle of nowhere i did this three times as my standard custom because i was a nervous nelly i got into my truck and checked everything inside and made sure no hitchhikers came then closed all of my curtains to wind down after locked everything i was not moving and my freight was not going to be disturbed out here after getting about three hours of sleep i woke up to knocking i was slow to it until i heard bam bam bam bam bam on my driver s side door i rushed to the driver's side and turned my flashlight down no one was there and no footsteps i thought that was odd and opened the door looked around all over the place and saw nothing got out grabbed my keys and locked the door walked around the entire rig and noticed i only saw my shoe prints i checked on everything and nothing was wrong i did one more pass before i heard a bam bam bam on the passenger side this time i ran over there quickly to see nothing there i sighed to myself and prayed as i did another pass around the rig maybe someone was pulling a prank and being a jerk i did not see anyone at all and started to panic a little if they climbed on my rig i was going to be pissed i climbed into the truck after unlocking it i said a prayer and went to bed the next morning i did my morning pass and noticed what looked to be animal tracks i shrugged it off as another animal being idiots i said a prayer of thanks after i finished checking and swore to end my day early if i'm not halfway through my hours for that day if i passed through that town again i do not do trucking anymore after several problems and now work as a carriage either for my grandfather my dad is a long-haul trucker his creepy scary story is about how he had to stay overnight at a location pretty common for him but he was hoarding electronics and in order for him to stay he had to park in their secured parking lot it was near detroit right in the height of the recession so things are really bad the lot was super secure why offenses armed guards massive floodlights he said the thing that freaked him out was that he was told and guided to duterte to park right against a wall he was allowed out briefly to use the washroom and get water otherwise he was to back in such a way that his cab doors were stuck between two poles so they could not open windows could though and that his trailer doors were pressed to the wall their last words before he was trapped in the truck all night was keep your curtains closed ignore any shaking or movement of the truck during the night ignore any gunshots you may hear do not exit the truck unless there is a severe medical emergency if need something here's to radio on his cb otherwise keep the radio off freaked him out that they needed that much security this was in michigan around the recession added clarity and spelling okay here goes while in high school i used to hang out every friday night a couple towns away with two friends this was upstate new york in the mid 90s the drive home was about 45 minutes up and through the mountains there was one patch of road that had no houses or street lights for about five ten minutes straight and always freaked me out a little seeing how dark it was one night while i was driving this patch of road my very worst fear occurred the headlights from my car started to dim then i noticed not only the rest of the lights and the car dashboard starting to dim but the entire car seemed to be running out of energy altogether before i knew it the car started stalling and i had to pull over i remember yelling no no please no fu i was freaking the duck out because this is how every alien abduction tale begins but when i finally stopped it was pitch black there was no light whatsoever except from the glare of the moon i may not have been more scared in all my life i gave it less than a minute and i just kept trying to turn the car back on by twisting the key it worked like a charm and the car fully came back on and i was able to get the hell out of there never found out why it happened to begin with story 2 yet another friday along the same patch of lightless road this time as i was driving i looked up into the sky to my right and saw something large but very far away falling out of the sky completely engulfed in fire i've never seen anything like it and especially the trail of fire it was a literal fireball i watched as it passed the mountains and disappeared it being after midnight and desolate out i imagined i must have just seen a ufo crash the next day i learned that pieces of the russian space station were said to be falling to earth after it lost orbit and it was abandoned i'm here for the underground highway stories i can elaborate more of what i have heard throughout the years after i sleep if anyone cares edit for story time and sorry it took so long okay so for anyone who has followed me for a while they know i spent 10 plus in the military and have been a tattoo artist for 11 years now been to japan they have a version of bigfoot to afghanistan also bigfoot kuwait bigfoot and others in my travels i have met and tattooed well over six thousand people and for anyone who doesn't he get tattooed it is kind of like therapy people get them for all different reasons but the common theme is that people like to talk i try to have friendly conversation with all my clients but if anything sounds too crazy i tend to just nod my head and carry on with the tattoo now that the basics are covered i will never forget these five particular clients i had while tattooing in southern arizona two truckers and three welders to tie in two ridiculous sounding conspiracy theories that i may or may not fully believe but these got me listening starting with the welders on three separate occasions i tattooed union types who claimed to be on a massive government contract whose sole purpose was welding shackles into cattle cars i tattooed them for about six months and they showed me pictures and video said that for 10 hours a day they fitted cattle cars with chains and shackles that was nearly a decade ago so take it as you will no one has been rounded up yet the most fascinating two clients with the coolest stories though were these two truckers tattooed them every time they were in town the first let us call him jim said he worked for a government contracted shipping company and all his work entailed was driving cargo into the mountains driving past military checkpoints into a circular door cut into the mountain and dropping the cargo off into a staging area tall enough to park a small skyscraper jim said he saw huge tunnels leading off of this chamber and trucks coming and going with cargo but his clearance let him into the staging area to unload and then leave no more so needless to say i was skeptical like yay i worked for the alphabet soup and know all about some of the mountain retreats and missile silos but really underground highways staging areas you can walk a metre through quit pulling my chain that was until about two three months later when i met bill bill said he was a trucker and when i asked what he carried he said all the secret cargo i asked him so like all the covered stuff you see on the highway and his reply was just no the stuff too dangerous or off the books that you never see it on the highway since the thoughts of james stories were still in my mind i asked if he meant the underground highway and bill lit up like crazy like he was tired of having his work discounted he went off for the entire session about the crazy weapons and by our has had [ __ ] he hauled around on the great american underground highway his words as bill explained it and corroborated jim s story the underground drivers are different from the above ground so as maintained separation and levels of secrecy all the doors are guarded by black up types and the scale is simply off the charts he said that the entire nation was connected underground via these tunnels but only near major cities were their access points and those were usually hidden in the mountains just thousands of miles of giant tunnels deep underground being driven solely by government contract truckers hauling ultra-sensitive gear i don't know how true these stories are because i have never seen them nor can i provide any proof but two strangers sharing a similar story definitely makes your stop and pause thanks for listen to me ramble about my interesting interactions over the years my grandpa was in the teamsters union for over 30 years teamsters is a driving trucking labor union based on the east coast in pa nj and d he was a great trucker in fact he only had one minor accident in his 30-plus years of trucking he was coming back from a long haul and was on highway 55 in new jersey which is known as the most dangerous highway in nj another thing most locals know about 55 is that a large amount of native american artifacts were dug up and found during the highway s construction and repairs back to the story gramps was 30 minutes from home and it was dark out he was later in his trucking career and had already had 20 years or so under his belt and again not a single accident out of nowhere anywhere from three five human silhouettes dart out from the left side of the highway to the right grandpa was understandably startled and swerved his rig to the left whereas the figures had made it to the right already he scraped the kaban trailer against the guard rail and braked as hard as he could his eyes darted to the rear-view mirror to see the last of the figures duck into the tree line he waited there for 10 minutes just replaying what just happened in his head even though the whole ordeal was over in five seconds he never got a good look at the group for obvious reasons but said they ran with what looked like aims in their hands and were wearing rags he is from philly and moved to southern jersey after he married my grandma so yeah he is a philly city boy a big time of course he knows natives existed but never of the kind on the east just the ones that hunt buffalo and clint eastwood movies it is pretty obvious the canes were either spears or boats and the rags the figures wore were animal hides or crude cloth when he returned home he was still shaken and never talked with his wife my grandma at first he only opened up about with his trucking buddies until one of them recommended he should indeed tell his wife about the situation so yeah that's the story edit thanks for the gold kind stranger i was running through california one night sr 58 to be exact to hatchery and started to get sleepy i pulled out on the side of the road and decided to take a nap the load i was picking up got rescheduled and so i decided to just hang out where i was out until it was closer to my normal drive time which was at night i was starting to learn how to do astrophotography and where i was parked was a pretty decent spot nice and dark not a lot of traffic at night so i decided i would try and practice some shots i climbed up onto the top of my trailer just above my reefer unit on the edge and sat there learning how to do aperture settings and all that all of the sudden i hear a noise coming from the brush directly below me i felt pretty safe in the knowledge that no animal was climbing up 13 feet 6 high of a trailer i picked up my flashlight and started looking around the ground for the sound but to my surprise i found absolutely nothing so i wrote it off to wind and went back to figuring out camera settings about two minutes later i heard it again this time a little further down my trailer so i shined my flashlight out there again yet again nothing just brush by this time i was starting to get concerned about what i was hearing the sound i was hearing did not sound like a small animal but more like someone moving around below me the passenger door to my truck was locked but i left the driver door unlocked and since i was sitting close to that side of the trailer i could see if anyone was going to approach it i turned my light off and go back to what i was doing about five minutes later i hear someone say hey my heart jumped into my throat i grabbed my light stand up on the trailer and start frantically looking around the edge of the track not a goddamn thing nothing same as it was before when i searched around with my light i remain as quiet as possible still looking around the brush with my light whoever was out there i did not want them to hear how panicked i was it felt like time was standing still in this instance because it was pitch black out and no car or truck has passed me in over an hour roughly a minute had gone by and i heard my trailer door handle unlock and release now thankfully i was empty so there was no load for anyone to steal but they did not open the door whoever it was unlocked the trailer door and stopped as if to draw me to the back of the trailer i had no time to think about what i was going to do i snapped out of my panic freeze jumped down to the catwalk walkway on the back of the cab of the truck and hit the ground as fast as possible i jumped in the truck and locked the door fired up the truck and took the duck off as fast as i could i drove for about five minutes rarely taking my eyes off my side mirror to see if i was being followed i felt like it was safe enough for me to pull off and close the door of the trailer at this point i'm trembling because of the pure adrenaline running through me i stopped that truck as fast as i could bolted to the back and shut the trailer door and locked it got back in the truck and left that area as fast as i could to this day i still do not know what the hell this person was doing or what their engine was i never stopped on to hatch a pee again after that gave up trying to learn astrophotography too three months or so ago i was on a long stretch of nothing country road outside folsom ca probably 2am if i had to guess maybe an hour since i had seen any sign of life pitch black one lane running in each direction i had kind of a weird vibe and started to space out about it as my truck started to drift to the right a little not paying any attention a middle-aged overweight and bald man ran out of the bushes from my left wearing nothing but his generic witty tighty type underwear he was screaming at the top of his lungs running directly at me like running from the side trying to jump in front of my car he slapped the front of my truck with his hand as i blew past him at 50 miles per hour i had my brights on buddy somehow still held crazy eye contact with me from the time he became visible up until he disappeared in my mirror i called my cousin that was behind me by a few minutes in a u-haul to ask if he saw him he said the guy just stood motionless in the other lane only moving to turn his head and hold eye contact we agreed there was absolutely nothing we could do as neither of us had anywhere for him to sit had no idea where we were ourselves hadn't he seen a town or parked car for an hour and had no means to defend ourselves against him the trap he was setting or who he was running from it would probably be another 45 minutes until we saw any other sign of civilization i had kept my eyes on the local news sites for a few days and didn't see anything it seemed extremely supernatural it is probably important to note that while he seemed absolutely terrified it wasn't here run in front of the car 100 yards down the road please help me type deal the dude came out of ducking nowhere at the last second screaming like a banshee had i not been distracted and started to veer right he would have ran directly in front of my truck edit cleaned up a few sentences i tagged along with my grandpa in his truck since i was able to go to the bathroom on my own say about the age of five when school started i left with him every break we had been most over all of europe before i turned 12. once in austria in the summer we were driving on a smaller highway and grandpa really needed to take a [ __ ] in the middle of nowhere so we pulled over on the shoulder and he grabbed some paper and his flashlight and went around the front of the truck to the ditch i rolled down my window as i waited in the cabin after my multiply one minute i hear my grandpa shouting in despair open the door boy i see him running along the positioning lights alongside the trailer towards my door pants along he's knees i popped the door wide open and he flew up the steps into my seat screaming words i've never heard before and he thought me a lot of bad words along the road he slams the door and said look outside as i heard crazy commotion outside he shined the ground outside and there outside were two absolutely mental wild boars headbutting and fighting the lower parts of our truck my grandpa caught his breath and explains as he pulled his pants down a car past and he saw a body with leather suit and mc helmet laying either ditch some five meters away he shined his light and it seemed to be moving a split second later a ball looked out from inside the leather jacket covered in blood and mess the second one must have been close by experienced as he was he just ran for the truck without even pulling his pants up we notified the local authorities and then drove of it the first truck stop way down that road grandpa's need for going to the restroom didn't he seem that important anymore we were scared but boy did we tell that story to everyone we ever meet on the road not a trucker but i have some bizarre stories working in thailand i was driving across the country with my wife and two little kids through the night we got into a crazy monsoon storm in the mountains of nam neo national park and there had been zero traffic forever all of a sudden we see a giant tree that had fallen across the road we had just passed a dangerous area where water had been pouring off of a cliff like a waterfall and thought the highway might wash out so we were kind of trapped we decided to just wait out the rain before turning around but it was pretty scary considering how hard it was raining the tree could have hit our car and we were aware the park has wild elephants bears and leopards not that animals would be out in a driving rainstorm attacking a car but yano stuff you think about in the dark eventually a huge dump truck pulls up behind us and four guys hop out with no shirts on and carrying the chassis my wife thought we were goners but they walked past our car and started hacking away at a tree that i would guess was four six feet thick soon another huge dump truck came from the other direction and more men jumped out with machetes soon there were eight topless guys taking turns just hacking away at this massive tree in a driving rainstorm after about 30 minutes they cut through it and almost on cue the rain stopped they shoved part of the tree out of the way waved us through and we finished the rest of the drive without incident i now carry a machete in my car and i can't wait for the day i can rip my shirt off and clear the road for someone else i have a two-part story i was driving my pickup truck in calaveras county on a small mountain road near moccallum hill it was about 10 pm and as dark as it gets the moon was out that evening but because this area of norcal is covered with 200 pine trees and redwoods man of that moonlight reach the forest floor so it might as well have been pitch black i had my five-year-old 85 pound blue nose pebble sitting passenger with me it was a very warm night about mid 80 degrees so i had all my windows down as we began turning off of this single lane paved road onto a gravel road i noticed a large amount of broken glass across the road nothing out of the usual lots of people tend to drink and drive on these back roads and toss their bottles out as they please i get out and i am about 10 in front of my truck in the headlights and picking up glass when i hear my dog start to low growl since the windows were all done i got up to go see what she was growling at because i didn't he want her jumping out and running off into the night as i lean into the driver's side and address my dog i see she's staring directly in front of the truck where i was just standing and there is a fully mature roughly 150 pound mountain lion slowly walking out of the underbrush on the side of the road less than six from where i was just crouching down picking up glass i immediately hop in the cab and slam my door closed at this point the cat is maybe five in front of my truck when i blare the horn this cat literally answers back with a blood-curdling scream if you've never heard a mountain lion scream like a human woman in distress watch this link at this point i had never known that mountain lions were capable of such noises and literally almost pissed myself while trying to get my truck into gear and flooring it out of there my home was only about 20 minutes 12 miles from where this happened i didn't realize until getting home that my hat had fallen off in the process of me peeling out and getting away from the cat never thought much of it but over the next month or so i had multiple instances of leaving a tool out on the ground and the next morning there being mountain lions cat all over it etc etc i began setting up game cameras all around my 40 acre property sure as [ __ ] this same cat had been for lack of better word stalking the areas i worked during the evening hours here link is a photo of it walking the same path i used to get to my well after talking with a local fish and wildlife ranger about the whole story he mentioned that even though lions generally roam a huge swarth of area he wouldn't be surprised if the cat picked up my smell from my hat and followed me to my property that night if i didn't he have my dog with me that evening i have no doubt that i would have been mountain lion food and the only sign anybody would have had of my disappearance would be my truck left in the road it was about 2-0 am passing through rural texas making a heavy machinery delivery the route i was taking to this farm was through rural texas you know the type you see in movies that involve a farm in the middle of nowhere type stuff a house every two miles type deal and little did i know this route i was gonna take was about to lead to the scariest freakiest experience i've ever had hands down period i have led light bars on my truck all over the front so when there is no oncoming traffic i can see for literally a mile so i am driving down the road minding my own business when i can see something off in the far distance with my lights and the closer and closer i get it looks more and more like a person about 200 yards from what appears to be a person i can make out that it s a girl because of the long hair and light colored clothes she had on so i slowed down as to not scare this girl walking in the road and turn my brights off so i don't blind her truck lights are bright enough as is so i could see her just fine without at this point as i get closer she turned and when she did my cb radio started making some slight static and as i passed by i swear she had absolutely no face at all it looked like a hollow shell i am getting antsy just typing this [ __ ] out and you like see why in the next paragraph i've never flown through gears so fast in my entire life especially with a heavy load and i had to be doing at least 70 before i finally came back to my senses i called the police about it and the worst part was they said i am not the first person to call this in through the years ava had people call it in with similar descriptions of a girl walking down the road in the early morning hours and when she turns she has a hollowed-out face the sheriff i talked to told me about an accident that happened years back a girl in her 20s was struck and killed by a truck speeding down that road in the early morning hours and it dragged her so far down the road it ground her face down to nothing on the asphalt and she was described as having long hair and wearing light-colored clothes the exact same description as i saw that night needless to say i will never be taking that route again if i have another delivery ever not my story but my father-in-law was a bus driver in mexico for 25 years one of his many stories was one time him and my mother-in-law who would tag along for the ride sometimes were coming back to mexico city from somewhere in the north the bus was pretty empty except for a few passengers and a common thing to do there if your bus was empty was to pick up people that needed a lift in the small towns you pass through to make a couple bucks they were going through a small town at night and see a large group of people waiting by a bus stop my father-in-law decides to stop and pick up these people they all get on and seat themselves quietly and nothing out of the ordinary they get going and didn't he pay attention to the people as my father-in-law was concentrating on driving and my mother-in-law was in the front seat and fell asleep finally reached their destination when my in-laws finally looked back and expect to see the passengers they picked up there was no one only the few actual passengers my mother-in-law frantically asked wonder passengers what happened to all the people and the passenger replied what people the driver stopped in the town at that stop and opened the doors but no one came on edit they were going from a gwask aliens to the catechus not a truck driver but i was a taxi driver in georgia and one time i got a call about her 80 round trip to the outskirts of town the gps said 30 minutes but for some reason it ended up taking me an hour and a half it was the last call of the day and i had just started a week ago and i wanted to make an impression so i took the call and picked up three ladies all dressed like hookers to someone s house where we picked up three more apparently hookers and the whole way they were quiet as hell it made me nervous anyway we were on our way to the location when i started running out of gasoline i put in the gps to a gas station three times all of them were closed the closer we got to the location the less and less there were street lights and gas stations and stores and more dirt roads and forest eventually i had to ask them where the duck we were going and they said just go we will pay you and i thought as far as we have been and as far as we are going you better ducking pay me go to it someone else better pay me or heads are gonna roll we went down a dirt road on a mountain for what seems like 20 minutes and found one lone trailer in the middle of a farm surrounded by forest where my signal didn't even catch the ladies all went inside to fetch me the cash and i hung out in my van for like 30 minutes as they all came in came out came in argued about hoss gonna pay me eventually one butch looking scary ass lady walked up and handed me 180 all she said was now duck off and i said yes madam i wasn't about to argue with whatever the duck was going on so i left and getting back was a hard time i took so many wrong turns i ended up in the longer but i found a gas station just as my car decided to die i had to push it into the razor track and was able to find an old ass dusty map and charge my phone to figure out where the duck i needed to go get out of this podunk town i quit taxi the next week too many ducking weirdos in this business my dad is not a trucker but he used to take me with him to go to various citizen provinces to deliver some packages i remember this creepy night since it happened when i was a teenager we were driving across a highway at night time maybe around 9pm we were talking laughing and i was joking with him and all of a sudden he slammed his brakes on and i almost hit the windscreen i was like dad what is wrong turned around his face was so pale and he said i hit a girl did you see that i hit her and he was about to open the door and walk to the front car to check it out but i told him i did not see any girl and he stopped opening the door he tried to look outside but everything was dark and all i could see was the empty road there was no blood no dead body nothing the beam range from the car was bright enough to see 45 meters ahead when he calmed down he did not say a thing and kept driving i did not say a single word as well because the atmosphere was really weird and creepy when we reached the destination my dad asked me again you did not see that girl the girl with long black hair and rest in white at this time i look at my dad did not say a word and shake my head my dad never mentioned that story anymore not to anyone in the family and for some reason i did not even tell that story to my siblings as well thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 17,069
Rating: 4.9192824 out of 5
Keywords: reddit paranormal stories, reddit paranormal, reddit stories, reddit paranormal trucker stories, truck driver scary story, truck driver scary stories, truck driver scary stories reddit, Truck Driver Scary, scary true truck driver storeis, truck driver stories, scary true truck driver stories, scary trucker stories, scary truck stories, truck driver horror stories, scary trucker stories reddit, scary trucker stories 2021, truck driving at night, Driving at Night
Id: iCgUsh6plZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 56sec (3596 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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