Emmanuel Makandiwa | The Peacemakers Storm

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] matthew chapter 5 and verse 9. blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of god right let us go to mark chapter four and verse 37 and there arose a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now fall and he was in the hinder part of the ship asleep on a pillow and they awake him and say unto him master carest thou not that we perish and he arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea peace be still and the wind seized and there was a great calm and he said unto them why are ye so fearful how is it that ye have no faith and they feared exceedingly and said one to another what manner of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey him [Music] may be seated nothing is as powerful as the word of god and nothing gives hope like the word of god and they arose a great storm of wind [Music] so that it was now fun there arose a great storm storms will always rise jesus did not promise that we'll never have stones jesus too no scripture in the bible promises that when you get born again you will not have storms the disciples were with jesus in the ship and yet still they arose a storm you can have jesus in your business you can have jesus in your marriage and yet still you will have this stone this is not and also believers have stones never notice too the difference is in what the storm does to them and what we do to the storm the world is being carried by storms whatever storm comes the world is being carried we have watched it being carried towards every direction depending on the direction of the storm worldly systems are controlled by storms tutu but there is a generation that controls storms as [Applause] jesus said just one nothing you must have exercised your faith against this storm [Music] he said that to his disciples why are you so afraid say much they were so afraid of the storm and jesus is asking them why are you afraid jesus what he say meaning that according to him jesus there was no reason for them to be afraid and yet it was a storm this was not a weather report that the storm is coming [Music] water is now in the board and the boat is about to sink iguana and jesus with his feet in the water he's asking them then why are you afraid to say more i don't understand it depends we see say papa we are sinking tirikun we are going down this is the end and jesus comes from his sleep and he tells them still you mustn't be afraid why are you so fearful say muchishika he wants them to tell him the reason why they are afraid of because if he's not looking at the reasons he's saying why talk to me about it why are you afraid of and he said they have faith i'm not divinely contender there is something so profound about the grace of faith the ability called faith she knows the contender the anointing called faith zords meaning that with faith jesus wanted them to do something with the storm with faith negotiator instead of being afraid they had the ability to do something about the stock vibe jesus also said that if you have faith as small as a grain of mustard seed you shall say [Music] unto this mountain go erica with the faith negotiator not as big as the mountain but as small as a mustard seed with faith the size of the mustard seed you shall say to this mountain mountain be removed he will go more imbaba and be cast into the sea he did not say with secular education he did not say when your faith has now grown or matured to the size of the as problem as it is if you can say to the mountain by faith [Music] it shall be done but notice what jesus did not say i said well now this is nakuta organa jesu he did not say if you have got faith as small as the mastered seed could say mozilla master you shall say unto god he said you will say unto this mountain another there is faith that we talk to god with and there is faith that we talk to the mountains some of us we exercise faith towards god we only feel that we are exercising faith when we are talking to god and not to the mountains [Music] faith there is a kind of faith that needs to be channeled towards the removal of mountains if you have faith you will say not to me but to the mountain to the problem with faith you will say to the problem not to god about the problem you say to the problem to the mountain yeah straight from where you are you don't go to god you go straight to the mountain with that kind of faith and you say to the mountain not because it is the will of god but it is your will you say to the mountain [Music] i am really amazed at jesus approach to this situation how can you have god asking you such a question today why are you fearful why are you afraid can't you see jesus where this economy is heading yes and he still asks you why what to say [Applause] why are you afraid say uruku it is an abuse of grace to fear things that even god is not aware of the music [Applause] if the storm was big enough for me to be afraid jesus would have acknowledged that according to him he's still asking i can't see why and she's wondering what he's saying why are you afraid say murkuchika why all this panic all of a sudden says [Applause] why are you being driven by storms say muruku matutu don't be driven by your car drive your car don't be driven by your economy drive your economy so jesus is asking them why are you afraid to say we started touching on peace on sunday and all of a sudden all of a sudden she reported portugal there is a panic python now let me show you something here [Applause] god does not want anything external to control because everything external has to be controlled by something internal internal. jesus then rebuked the wind for the sake of the fearful [Applause] get it one more time you're super bad up god now is in the business of addressing problems that were never his problems because he has been sent by his people us to address situations that we have defined as problems and he's now busy doing that something that should have been done by his own people now god is working for them he can't rest you can't sleep this we are no longer his servants he is now our servant and we think we are being humble every time when we tell god what to do and we think we are so proud again when we begin to exercise god's power without even consulting him god wants us to make use of the grace that he has given to us he changed her [Applause] now when he had rebuked the wind there was a great cow in the sea to scene the disciples that were once afraid of the storm then they became exceedingly afraid not of the storm anymore but of how jesus then dealt with the storm of the man who rebuked the wind and they were exceedingly afraid there could be some of you here today but you have to prepare yourself for another exceeding fear [Applause] [Music] you stop gazing at the storm and you watch the lord demonstrate his power [Applause] and they said what manner of a man is this. sit down please now they are about to understand the men the subject suddenly has changed no longer about the storm isis it's about the men i see what manner of a man is this this is the this is the god that we are saving until today they became so afraid [Music] material [Applause] is this the god that we serve when we receive jesus is this the same jesus that we receive even the wind the wind here is something very big that i want you to get into your spirit yes you you may forget everything else that i've said today make sure you get this part i see it you will not watch better you have the same jesus who says in chapter 14 of the book of john peace i give unto you verse 27. peace i leave with you peace i do what with who with you i leave it with you uh-huh my peace i give unto you what do i do with my peace he calls it his peace and he says my peace it is mine but i give it unto you right not as the world giveth give i unto you not the peace that you get from the world that's the peace that i've given to you now hear me get this part now the most shocking part is that we have jesus standing here tonight and he's handing over his peace to his disciples and they never got it i see one and over here we have jesus jesus he looks over the sea another he stretches forth his hand towards the wind and he says peace and the wind got it and the wind got it the sea and the wind had to receive the peace from jesus and those that were once given the peace it never got not just at the instruction of jesus but at the obedience of the wind and the sea and nature can receive much faster from god than humans because the healing that is in the medication should have been given straight received the healing grace from god on your behalf [Music] and now for you to have it you can't have it straight from god you have to consult nature and they were so much amazed at how even the wind and the sea obeys him there is healing in the coffee syrup but it was put there by god i'm saying you get into the any pharmacy every medication that you see in there carry something on your behalf no tablet is healing itself it is ready to heal somebody else they were given the healing power by god and they received it from god the trees the roots the leaves got the healing power from god that the people that were meant to be dominators of creation we now have to consult nature and get the blessings of god from things [Music] brothers and sisters hear me now the kind of a god that we serve we can't even begin to explain him even if we disappoint him even if you stop praising him imagine he has given peace to them he they can't receive it and he gives it to nature and the nature received it from him one day he was advised to shut the people up when they were making a lot of noise during his triumphal entry into jerusalem and he said to them if i do so you disobey god then something else will obey him the wind and the seas obey him you have got no choice but to obey him tell your neighbor never be replaced because you still can be replaced be seated please blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of god we are called the sons of god when we make peace our something comes out of us for from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks when we keep quiet sometimes nothing happens [Music] learn from god there was darkness all over the earth till god opened his mouth and he said let there be then there was because he said [Applause] the devil likes it when we are quiet he likes it when you are quiet worse off when you're crying nothing happens when you're crying but something happens when you begin to talk a spanish there are things that seem to be very small and yet they are so big pastor was giving me some updates for this when i stood here on sunday and i spoke a word and i broke the silence [Applause] and it has been there for more than four months five months and i said here but there are no reports coming out people are silent the media is quiet about it [Music] and i said all of us we are panicking over cholera it has killed few people the knives and matches and so on in our own country and we make a lot of noise about cholera food [Music] and from monday it has been coming out in the papers it's not because they hate me from the preaching means we did not make that part part of the dvd or cd dvd but now supper dvds also that part was removed jesus i got this one because we did not want it to arrive there physically because when we speak sometimes we don't speak to people we speak to atmospheres is it now coming out because somebody was ready to create the piece be observant when you release a word watch what begins to happen from the day that you say it is not yet sorted but the process has begun [Applause] there is nothing that chases away an investor the absence of peace nation hear me nation hear me incandescent these people that would want to come and invest in our country they don't get information about our status from our local media whether you don't report what is happening they have their own way of extracting information [Music] so even if you spend years saying everything is okay of investigating your environment before they can inject money into your economy so i'm not just saying this here for the sake of saying it i'm telling you what may prolong your success south africa right now has been affected greatly south africa by the way they've not attended to crime they cannot even now quantify how much they have lost why because there is no politician who is ready to make that a priority and say this is my number one trust how can everyone move around with a gun and license the gun what kind of a country is that and they're busy talking about this talking about that talking about that you see peace has to be created by the people [Music] there is nothing that frightens me that a person that you've gone to report doesn't matter you apprehend them and take them to the police but you find them home then you have created an enemy for yourself we have to learn to create peace [Applause] there's something that happens to the man when he pulls out a knife without a cause without a reason without permission without even the authority of the government and he kills his neighbor can you imagine when a man stands on another man sitting on his chest and he begins to cut him into pieces this is not even during war are you single this is during the time of peace and that man stands up from there he goes home [Applause] that person from that very moment has become a dangerous creature to society if it is not stopped early kurayana if killing each other becomes the norm you'll not be able to control this again so these are different groups my being led by influential people you can't arrest them extreme silence as if nothing is happening when there is anything that threatens life i will talk [Applause] [Music] you don't stop this terror it will come to you [Music] away the things that happen in a nation if they there is no peace they are unbelievable imagine it is in this nation of ours they should all in the name of politicians somebody who is his own ambition to be heard my god blood relatives will sell each other out hey god [Music] and there's blood all over the and place is no justification [Music] i can't even just try and picture this a hand without a body attached to it just try and picture it it's unbelievable all that is also do politics zevano number one number two was not india [Applause] some of you can't even stand the killing of a chicken but people would gather around an elderly man being slaughtered all that being driven by the fact that you support somebody how do we reverse all that because they say because what happened [Music] because this side was saying we belong to the head of state this side was saying we want our own to be the head of state but we are both of them now god my relationships we've broken all of them we no longer have our hands misha catcher the whole villages were bent down why is it that we cannot sacrifice like that for god which needs to be controlled by children of god [Applause] unless the wind obeys us we are in trouble [Music] to say [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] so and so that in the evidence should be in the rest of those culprits i know sometimes but we can at least manage it let's try let us try our best let us try our best to create peace but that peace should be handed over to other people and eventually there is peace in the land because we have given the land about peace [Music] [Music] imagine this scenario everybody else is crying out but somebody's asleep ah something good my attention last time when there was this horrific incident happening in our city and i watched his people were running there was this one person who was walking the opposite direction she was like i think it was a woman i got it and she went to a bean you might have watched it that she was busy looking for food in the bin and as the rest of the people were running towards that direction she didn't care what was happening she's in her own world not controlled by what is happening [Applause] outside she's worried about her next meal she never stopped for a moment to investigate why are people running like this all of a sudden [Applause] and she was not even reported dead so i am saying even when things are going wrong around you the best you can do is to control what is happening out there don't be controlled because he had the ability to control the stone wise there is no problem that you are going through today that you cannot stop not even one [Applause] not only god can do something about our situation but we can do something about it you want to have peace [Music] the peace that you desire has to be your own creation the same way that you wanted to have children [Music] you didn't just pray about it you did something about it peace is a child that you have to conceive and you have to bring it forth [Applause] on the verge of being violent peace the jews each time they meet they greet each other shalom shalom you find a member of your church this week as you walk across the town across the city shalom shallow peace [Applause] [Music] peace remember our god is called the prince of peace he manages peace he's in charge of peace don't have the world creating peace and then it gives it to you jesus saying no my peace is different from that jesus the peace that i give to you is the peace that starts from inside and then you give it to the world don't wait for things to get exciting before you can get excited get excited [Applause] we are the ones that will make the world an exciting place zarpa doesn't [Music] there are people that are ever so serious you can see that they are in deep thought [Music] ah this is not something that we can wait upon [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] before it can be well internally peace it means it is beyond understanding joy and peace and excitement without any [Music] [Applause] explanation people it goes beyond all and not some understanding not little understanding all understanding he pc or goody understanding is involved you know it is peace that no one can understand [Music] [Applause] [Music] why because we are bigger than our environment we are not controlled by the wind we control the wind child of god learned to celebrate learn to enjoy the presence of god [Music] [Applause] i may not have money today but zimbabwe is blessed for having me [Applause] [Music] jesus said if you can speak to the mountain [Music] boys [Music] foreign tell him again the wind obeys heavens are open and the glory we in see family [Music] your children
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 20,661
Rating: 4.9217081 out of 5
Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2020, emmanuel makandiwa 2020, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2020, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2020
Id: StwME1nv45s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 26sec (3926 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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