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[Music] [Music] shalom a warm welcome to the last sunday service of the year 2020 a year in which we saw the theme manifesting in diverse manifold ways thank you so much for being a part of this amazing sunday services where we got to partake of the light of god under the unique manifestation of the presence of god in the form of his friend prophet emmanuel makandiwa as is the last sunday you need to prepare yourself because today is the last sunday service that we will share with the voice of god before he comes during the crossover service that we will have right at the end of this year i'm pastor coramba joined by apostate chikuni in a few moments we will be having the lord's friend prophet emmanuel macan man of god always good to be here ah indeed the last sunday service before christmas you look back you thank god the year of excellence indeed we have journeyed we have we have traveled and we have seen excellence and it's best you look at the beginning of the year the theme the focus what we've gone through the whole year and how the voice has been able to sustain us giving us our daily bread and i don't think there's ever been a time where we've been empowered more than this year despite the negativity of the environment but we are sitting here we look better we look younger we are more excellent and what else what else yes things have had a nasty turn at some points but despite all that has happened i thank god for life and i thank god for the voice you know when you look at this year us who are informed to have the voice of god when we look at what could have been of 2020 had it not been for the presence of the voice of god the presence of god in our time and excellence in action 2020 would have been a tragic year we won't be sitting here indeed that's one thing for sure and not just ourselves but i think people that are watching there they are very thankful because we came to a point where we were now being suffocated by lies and the level of deception had gotten to a point where it was not just an issue of hearing but it was already affecting even our health when you would watch tv at some point during the year and after watching the news bulletin you would feel sick indeed stressed but god gave us a man after his own heart yes a prophet in our time one who speaks on behalf of god one who gives us the mind of god today and we survived and it was only by the grace of god that we are here indeed man of god you look at the word excellent from the root word to excel to excel beyond and above in the head of negative news media like you're speaking of to excel beyond the present circumstance of this plague that fell upon us in the year 2020. we really saw that excelling power that was brought about by the special grace that the lord made available in this particular year of excellence not even talking about having a man that can actually see into the future can bring the future back to us we were propelled into excellence that we never imagined even for ourselves and we are here today living the life that we live today without so many complications that could have arisen given the environment and not only are we being brought to that platform of excellence during the year 2020 we also been prepared for the year 2021 already because you look at the message last week like i said before there are times when hope is mentioned when we are given hope but there are also times when we are given scriptural reference to that particular hope and being shown that this has taken place in the past before and this is the exact scripture that applies today last week was amazing acts chapter number 28. it was amazing from verse three the three the three phases we survived the storm we are in a moment of the serpent attaching itself to the hand and then we're going to be entering into the healing revival the healing era where we have this technological anointing yes we are being acted into by the one and only that's right our father two special events are happening later in the week that's coming christmas and we celebrate christmas and the birth the physical birth of our father christmas is always a wonderful time appreciating god yes his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him yes we are here because we believe in him and we thank god we thank god that we were redeemed through christ jesus we also thank god for the voice [Music] isn't it amazing the coincidence let me let me use the word coincidence that we get to have an opportunity to celebrate the life of the one who has walked us through the terrain when god remembers the people he gives them a man when god remembers the people he gives them a prophet and we were given a prophet that's right and we ought to celebrate that man we ought to celebrate that prophet he receives the prophet in the name of a prophet receives the prophet's reward and we ought to thank god for the voice ah we are here because jesus loved us and gave us the voice indeed especially we coming up ahead and we know that you're excited for christmas and you're so celebrating we are celebrating we are in the jovial mood this is it's almost this is our week we celebrating the birth of the lord jesus that we are celebrating the birth of our father prophet emmanuel macadamia we know many of you want to say happy birthday to him go ahead in the comments section say happy birthday to our father the prophet now allow us to take these few few moments to introduce him now shalom our father thank you before we even say anything else happy birthday thank you you didn't go ah growing up wow getting old getting younger thank you guys for being around and for making life so easy for me i'm the most excited man of god that i know so i thank god for that and i would like also to thank those that made it possible for me to be around their physical contributions i would like to appreciate my biological parents wow okay because it wasn't just about being born but the care that is then needed soon after and the love the protection all that i think if there is anyone worth celebrating it is those two people that you see i would like to appreciate them for that kind of love and i would like to appreciate my spiritual father as well prophet viktor kosovo for his contributions into me the spirit up until now and i would like to thank our family the entire spiritual family the church i would like to appreciate you because i've never had any difficulties the bedding has been so light and yeah i would like to appreciate as well my special somebody the most important person in my life for sure my wife she has been so caring and so loving and i would like to these are people that i would really like us to celebrate more than celebrating the birth of a little baby that doesn't even know what he's doing we'd rather appreciate those who know what they are doing to look after him take care of him and i appreciate god for my family and my children wonderful people i love that that's my best team i love those guys wow so i think it's an opportunity for me to just appreciate them and tell them guys boys and girls i love you so much thank you for being there they have a way of just comforting you know those guys they surround me sometimes each one holding on to his own body part in massaging me can you imagine [Laughter] those are nice very very wonderful people okay so let's see what we can cover today thank you so much for this being our last uh session indeed before the cross overnight father we want to just also say we love you we love you thank you so much not only teaching us but walking the path um you go beyond the words that you speak you you live out that life and out of your life you you teach us and you bring us life father thank you so much for being who you are yes for loving us so much father through your life and your ministry your relentless selflessness we we learn more about the god who is love thank you for showing us that love father there's a joy that we share as a family behind the scenes and it's it's a small joke but it's it really shows the secret in your ministry which is such a mystery we often sit down and we laugh this there's a photograph that we came across in fact we discovered it of this man sitting sitting across the room 10 years ago father half the belt was down the baggy trousers father the man was looking 20 years older than he looks sure and father you spoke about looking younger and for that that it's astounding the whole family we look younger yeah how we look younger it's we can't even explain it you can't but all we know is it's the diet that you get that's how that's how the favor of god works thank you father yes thank you father god meant it when he said he will restore and to ask the years so when years that have already been fastened uh being restored by god obviously you are bound to look even much younger than that you are i receive it so i received it we receive it we have received that grace and we are thanking god for taking good care of us thanks we are always watching the unfolding or the manifestation of the favor of god even in our physical bodies how we have even excelled this is this one year of excellency how we have risen above the waves yes father how god has taken us not into the fire but through the fire yes how he led us not into temptation but he led us through temptations so we are no longer being tempted those were once tempted why because he did not lead us into but he led us through so we are so grateful to god and this year has been a very um interesting yeah very trying very complicated as well so many things that we are coming against us just to test and verify where we stand in terms of our confidence in god but of course i'm here today not to be getting into too many scriptures but would rather uh have a session before the end of the year where i deal with the 20 2021 wisdom wow wow thank you yes maybe if we can call it that that would be nice but let's see how much wisdom we can share the wisdom that i have that can be given to our people including the wisdom that i'm going to get because it is given to us by the grace of god to access the tomorrow wisdom the intelligence of the future we are well advanced in everything that we do i don't believe that there can be a person who is not born again meaning he doesn't have the indwelling god and be outsmarted that's something that i don't believe i don't believe that an unbeliever a person who doesn't believe in god who is an intelligent being can be more intelligent than the man who believes in god and not only believes in god he is god in him and he is in god so as long as you are attached to god you are attached to understanding you have a connection you are married to divine understanding you have the wisdom of god and you need that in this coming year because what is going to change your life in this coming year you must not always hand over yourself to time so that time can change you but you must have something that you can do with the time that has handed itself over to you so the capacity to bring transformations was not only given to time by god but also god gave us time to transform times so you can sit in one place and rot as time takes you through seasons of aging or you can grab take a hold of times and seasons and cause times to happen in certain ways you attach programs you set the cost this is why you can say at 11 am this is what i'm going to be doing and you're found doing exactly that at 11 00 a.m but have you not planned for that specific time then that specific time was going to plan something because definitely something was going to be happening at that particular moment so there is the wisdom that we all need because for us to survive what is coming the wisdom that you carry is going to determine your survival in 2021 you will survive according to the wisdom that you have and you will perish according to the wisdom that you don't have you will perish because you don't have wisdom you will perish because the wisdom that you have is insufficient you can perish when the wisdom that you have is out of context when your wisdom is outdated you perish when your wisdom is weak you perish when your wisdom is not applicable you perish so you must be very careful when it comes to the apprehension of wisdom thank you how you receive that wisdom that is needed that you think you need but circumstances that are coming requires that you have that kind of wisdom especially when circumstances takes you to places where your forefathers have never been to findings you see that's the most devastating and the most catastrophic events that i have watched happening over the years it's a disaster when a person finds himself in an environment that he knows nothing about you must have an understanding of how you got there in order for you to remain there because places that we find ourselves in there must always be an entry point and an exit point because if you find yourself in a place and you don't know how you got there what is going to happen is that the next time that you find a door you don't know whether this door takes me in or this door takes me out how did you find yourself in that location that is very important because then you know what to do in order for you to remain there and sometimes we exit certain places that are meant to prepare us for better experiences and for better dimensions and we exit too early because we lack understanding of the reasons why god allowed us to be in those circumstances there are places where god never wants us to remain but he wants us to pass through for our purification for our sanctification for our uh preparations we we have to pass through certain places so that we are qualified for the ultimate place we are supposed to be so there is wisdom that is needed for 20 21 what is that wisdom if you are going to find yourself in a place where you know that your forefathers have never been to it means that you need a different kind of wisdom that they never had for you to remain true true you must look at your mother look at your father look at the lies that they had if there is nothing to write home about if there is nothing that you admire you must keep on investigating even further find out why they never got the life that they desired maybe it was because of the wisdom that they had or the lack of it when you find that things that are happening to you are different from things that happened to them you must look at their circumstances and your circumstances let me put it this way you'll notice that um what the devil has been trying to do for over a year now was to make sure that you are detached from realities of life so the introduction of this social distancing thing was not just so that you get distanced from the society or from socializing but there is a there is an ultimate goal and the ultimate goal is so that you [Music] get distanced from god okay and like i presented last time that is going to be part of the technology that is coming this one where your understanding of god gets distorted right by chemicals that you can't control so you are detached from realities what you used to with you as a reasonable what used to be the norm what used to be the most common thing will cease to be like so because of what you are now dealing with so distancing you from the creator that is the ultimate goal but before that can happen there has to be a distance between you and yourself because they they have been trying really to make sure that apart from being afraid of your friend you have also to be afraid of yourself you can't even trust yourself you can't even trust your hands yes yes father wow wow so there's been that social distancing happening where you are even scared of yourself it's fine so that is the problem that is happening so there is wisdom that is needed for us so that we get restored back even to ourselves let's we are sharing wisdom yes for if you notice that son that is called the prodigal son we are not going there [Music] chapter 15 and verse number 17 of the book of luke he moved away from his source because a father is a term that refers to the originator or the generator or the pioneer or the sauce yes one so his idea of moving away from the father meant that he was ready to detach himself from his source then he went away to not just a country but it was qualification he made sure that the country was far from his source so there was a social distance in there and when that happened there was a great loss there is always a loss when humans try to distance themselves from their originator who the man who planned you the man who designed you you you you were you were you were discussed in a certain board meeting where it was said let us make men in our image the day that you choose to rebel against that committee then you are bound to venture into unexplainable losses he went to country now there was distance and the second distance that was created that most people cannot see you see it being revealed now in verse number 17 when now he came back to himself and when he came back to himself to himself where is he coming from where is this guy coming from wow coming now back to himself where had you gone to so it is possible that you can find yourself in the wrong place and that wrong place can assist you in distancing yourself from yourself and there is no restoration until 2021 we make a decision to come back to ourselves and get rid of the distance we have lost ourselves not just our businesses we've lost ourselves not just our families but we've lost ourselves so what makes you a prodigal son it is not just a physical geographical place that you find yourself in away from the father but the distance between yourself you are in a different location yet you are in the same place both of you we have lost our reasoning we've lost our understanding our self-control people are angry people are angry indeed father so angry father if you notice that having a mask on your face just that it just makes you angry yes you just feel like beating up somebody yes you are not yourself indeed we have lost it we have lost it so not only are we in a wrong geographical place but we have moved again away from ourselves so prodigal in the sense that we have left the father the source and prodigal again in the sense that we have lost ourselves we have gone into a far country this is not where we used to be there is wisdom that is needed for that restoration to take place what are you going to do this coming year to recover yourself what are you going to do to have not just your business restored but there is a character that you have lost there is an understanding there is a reasoning that you no longer have because they have managed to distance you now from yourself when there is a separation between you and your senses between you and your emotions and something within you now is telling you how to behave because a very venomous substance has been deliberately injected into your body with your consent and now there is a distance what are going to do with that there is wisdom that is needed yes for us to survive thank you for what is coming you see when seasons are coming you need wisdom to foresee an approaching season when the season is approaching this is why people they go on to gather firehood because they know the cold season is coming yes we are not comfortable sometimes as christians to anticipate losses we don't even want to entertain an idea like what if the money that i i'm investing doesn't give me a return what if i'm to lose everything because as christians we don't want to entertain that thought because it sounds like it is against our faith yes so we try to remain positive yes and yet sometimes what you think is the opposite of faith is the actual faith it is actually the faith what do you mean because you can have one person who says i'm never going to be sick then when he gets sick the man is devastated he's destroyed because now he thinks that he what he has lost is not just health but his faith and then you have another one who says even if i'm to get sick i'll still praise god it is like he is confessing the opposite of faith and yet he has more faith right in the history the list of people that exhibited faith in the book of hebrews some of them they refused to be set free when it was now time for them to be executed and they were allowed to go free they remained in prison to be killed for a better resurrection and they are on the list of faith the willingness to perish in a problem and still maintaining your relationship with god was an exhibition of faith so i want you people to understand this because they are guys that we find in scriptures that say we know that our god is able to deliver us from your hand but even if he doesn't deliver us from the fire still we are not going to bow down to the image and that was faith yes one yes father they still have faith in a god who is not ready to deliver them they still have faith in a god who is not ready to deliver them i'm saying they still have faith even if god is not interested in delivering us father that's scary you see so right now how do you prepare for what is coming you must have that sufficient wisdom to be able to foresee what is coming dangers that are ahead of you and how do you brace yourself for that signs that you have failed to read this year what are those signs mistakes the number of mistakes that you keep on making is a is an indication of your maturity you must be able to look at the mistakes that you make and you if you keep finding yourself making mistakes similar mistakes you must pause for a moment and find out do i want to see this rio caring again next year made me what assisted me in successfully making this mistake what assisted me what i said because there was some assistance because the way that you made that mistake it was so precise so you must be able to look at how did i manage to make such a silly mistake what assisted me who as it assisted me what sort of a friend assisted me in achieving that kind of a mistake did you read the wrong book did you spend time in a wrong place that inspired you well to accomplish that kind of a mistake so that you know places to avoid next time you know people to never call because so many things contributed towards the construction of that mistake so you need wisdom so i'm just sharing the wisdom that i have with you people so that you avoid certain things that you have seen happening throughout this year when you find yourself always making mistakes and those mistakes are similar and they are being made almost at the same time you must investigate not just your age but your maturity maturity don't always blame your age don't always blame your age because there are people some of us we have once been your age but we never did the things that some of you are doing so it's all about age maturity maturity you can't always blame the age because some of you have had people younger than you giving you proper advice because they are more mature than you though younger than you right so you need to begin to work on your maturity let's forget for now just for a moment let's forget about the business how you can recover from your business how you can recover from relationships that you have lost what have you done to your character that disqualifies you for your next year resolutions what have you done to your character because the life that you anticipate the life that you meditate upon the things that you see the things that you desire to have they require a certain character that you are yet to develop things that you want to have in life god is not ready to give those things to you god is ready to give those things to a character there is a character that qualifies you for the lifestyle you can have the air changing from 2020 into 2021 but unless you have your character change of character if we are still going to have the same guy who is intimidated by lies on social media you are going to experience a continuation of the same problems what is going to change is just the calendar but not your life until you make your character your main focus and you say apart from the business i need to make adjustments because everything that i did not get in this year what disqualified me was my character i behaved in the wrong way where did i lose it so everything that you are thinking of right now and you want that thing to come into your life you're being disqualified by the personality the character the behavior the attitude your response to situations you must be willing to change do something because when time comes and time doesn't seem to be willing to offer unto you what you deserve according to that time some people they go as far as even manually causing things to happen all right okay because a couple two people they get married with intention of being together and making each other happy and obviously after that they desire to have children and when children are not coming they don't just sit at home and say okay this is what has happened they inquire right what is it that needs to be corrected how is it that we are failing to have babies and an investigation medically is done on them and the man is stoned you carry a seed your seed is healthy but you are finding difficulties in transporting transferring see when you're about to transfer there are complications as well okay every time there is a transition when you're about to cross over from one season into the next season there is always a river jordan that has to be crossed okay and each river comes with a different prescription there was a certain distance that israel was supposed to maintain in order for them to cross that river successfully wow so there is a checklist before your cross this is why people they they they they jump from one year to another year into another year and yet it's a continuation of the same problem right because they are not doing what it takes for them to cross that line in a manner that is expected by the lord all right okay so sometimes they do what they call artificially insemination the seed is taken from the men placed into the cervix and it is planted into the womb of the woman and she conceives she carries a baby and the baby starts to grow and the reason why they did that is because they knew it was time for us to have a baby yes but circumstances are not allowing that to happen right so they hire professional people to help oh she has a baby when it comes to the delivery of the baby that's a different story there even those that never had problems in conceiving they require professionals because it's another transition migrating from one location into another from 2020 into 2021 you need professional advice you need to be assisted because something can go wrong there you have more complications bringing out the baby than putting her in that little girl for hair to come out so you must be very careful and as soon as the baby comes out there is a certain expected time when the baby is supposed to be disconnected from the mother the umbilical cord has to be cut so that there is no more continuous flow of blood from the mother to the child it's no longer a season for that it's a moment of separation where you have to be detached that one minute that detaches you from 20 20. and you stop sucking and you stop receiving fears from the previous year right thank you father okay yes because it's a new phase now you are out you can still continue reaching out [Music] and feeding on the past experiences you need to move on now yes you need to move on we are suffering problems this year that we are getting from last year so what is the wisdom that is needed for us to survive the bible declares that the woman has come to the point of giving birth but she has no strength you have encountered a season of multiplication but you did not cultivate enough strength to give birth to a new idea to a new relationship because you are still holding on you are still attached by the umbilical cord to end all the relationship and you are feeding from there while he's trying to maintain a new relationship that is a problem that's a problem father you need wisdom for today but with most people that i've seen the level of lack of wisdom that i see in our time it's amazing it's amazing there are people that when you when they get a good advice they take more time to think about a good advice and the time they take when the advice was bad they are always careful when they are around the right man of god they are suspicious they are more careful in the presence of god than in the present day that's why god said to moses take off your shoes take off your shoes and he goes on to say because this is the reason the place where you are is only so why are you trying to protect yourself because she was up for protection wow why protect yourself from a ground that is holy there's no danger when you're stepping on a ground that is holy you don't need to be afraid of thorns wow wow that's strong where you need shoes is when you're trading on that case the ground thorns and thiefs will come out because of your seeing adam but this ground has an exemption this one is only so whilst you are here there's no need for you to put on those shoes remove okay that's what most people do when they are around god they are careful when they are around the devil they are reluctant it's amazing you see why is it that a good advice takes you time to implement why is it that it is easy for an advised people to advise you why is it that you can't look at the man and woman advising you first to see whether the man has respect for his own advice why is it the wisdom of the man is not working for him right that's right strong why is it the wisdom of the man it's not working for him and he hands it over to you and you're the first one to use it i saw a post by the um i'm sure it is the pfizer ceo who said i'm not i'm not i'm not yet to be vaccinated he was impossible yes he said i i don't want to cut him in the light no i will wait in the queue he doesn't want to be vaccinated he's the one cooking preparing to be meal for our sins he wants to be the last one he wants to be the last one to eat with the seriousness of this terrible pandemic he's not afraid of death he wants everyone else to be serviced it is ready to be the last one ah why is it the wisdom of the man has not helped the men and you have people that have failed advising what has contributed that is what has brought you into those problems where you are one man comes to you he tells you yes you have money you need to buy property and in the next five hours you have already made a payment where is the diligence [Music] when did you verify the paperwork you've given your money to the wrong guy it's god why is it that you're always fast when the advice is wrong and here comes someone who tells you take your time you have the money properties out there if someone is to buy that let him buy you still have your money take your time don't rush my friend cancel that wedding date spend more time with this girl get to know her better why is it that you struggle with the right advice why is it why is it that you are not comfortable with the right people giving you the right wisdom why are you always prompted why are you always pressurized to make a mistake do you have enough wisdom for next year but the wisdom that we have for next year is for 2020. isn't it an outdated wisdom is it applicable do you have the wisdom that is sufficient for the tragedies that we're going to be facing next year do you have the right team around you is the man advising you being advised by anyone as you overcome what you're trying to overcome has he been victorious in the wars that you're currently fighting are you willing to be the first one to be experimented or a child of god you have to look at your character and say i've lost it because of my character if i'm ever going to get it back i have to get my character back first yes father yes there is an approach to life that i've lost an approach to life that i've lost an approach to life that i have lost i never used to be like this i never used to insult people while driving you need wisdom in this life in this coming year if the wisdom that you have is just for yourself then sometimes it's not sufficient it's not enough for you to know how to drive your car you need wisdom that helps you also understand how other drivers understand driving it's not enough for you to be driving your car only to know how to drive your car you must know how others drive because a red brick light in front of you is an indication it's a communication it's an announcement that you also have to pass on to the person behind you you must have the wisdom that penetrates that gets into your neighborhood and understand the people around you how they behave how they are behaving the way they are behaving why are they telling you the things they are telling you you have to know wrong people around you that's fine descend their wisdom by descending their lifestyle thank you father why are they not swallowing their own medication why are they telling you to do the things that they are not doing themselves be smart be smart you have to read the person behind you you have to be able to read the person ahead of you besides you what is happening i approach life differently take your time in a multitude of cancer there is safety before you engage in a fight in choir before you embark on a project calculate the cost that's wisdom from the greatest personality and the greatest leader that i know jesus don't provoke unless you are fully equipped yes ma'am you must know how god has fortified you against the enemy that is coming that is where i derive my confidence from you ask me why is it that you're not afraid i derive strength from the wisdom that i got from god way before i started ministry god allowed me to see what would come against me if i'm to say yes to a calling he allowed me to see that don't take it lightly pastors when you have god advising you that's an amazing thing it matters who advises you when it is god himself telling you giving you an idea choose life choose life i've said life and death before you choose life go ahead come on choose life when we have god advising you you stand a better chance of making it in life i've known it way before so i know the strength i derive confidence from the wisdom of god i feast on the wisdom of god because it surpasses the wisdom of man because the wisdom of men comes to not but when you have god as your advisor talking to you whispering to you oh my god that's i'm so glad that i'm able to hear his voice and when you hear god's voice that god's voice helps you hear every other voice that is what makes us prophets it's not just our ability to hear god when he talks no the prophetic grace helps you to hear everything else that produces sound and anything else that doesn't produce sound you hear that lack of sound because that silence is a statement um is a speech it's a language the ability to hear not only do i hear god i hear things i hear things so that helps you now survive because you can have a foretest even of an attack that is coming and you breathe you gather momentum against a demonic force that is coming against you yes you know when people think that you are finished your life is just about to start wow and people will begin to wonder how did you come out of this you are fisting from the wisdom of god yes i don't believe there is a man who is not born again who can be smart on us when it comes to issues of life not talking about inventing planes i'm talking about issues of life life thank you it's the most complicated product that god designed for that to be maintained there is wisdom and i don't believe that a non-believer can have more intelligence more wisdom than i have because i have not socially distanced myself from god i'm attached to god wow okay so you you can't have god telling you he told me i keep on telling people he told me before i knew there was a vest like that in the bible no man shall be able to stand before you on the days of your life as long as he is a man you rather hire a god a chicken a zebra a donkey as long as it is a man i was stoled so i derived confidence from what god told me so i know deuteronomy 11 25 i know at any given moment because of the intensity of that wisdom that i got from the lord and no matter what the devil tries to do my foundation is fame and that is the reason why you push me you fall so you must have that confidence in god you must have that confidence in god pastors i hear god [Laughter] i see the lord wow i talk to him he talks to me that's a very straightforward lifestyle very cheap to have every child of god must be enjoying that benefit of interacting with your creator on a daily basis the wisdom that we have is yet to be accessed by the world they need 15 years from now for them to have the kind of understanding that we are already enjoying we have tested the powers of the world to come so whatever is coming against you next year oh my god i'm already giving you the wisdom enter into this new year with a new character [Music] at the point of entry when you get to the river jordan this is why the cross overnight service is going to be very very critical i'm going to present to you a theme that i got from the lord unlike any of the themes that we have heard before what you see happening when i announce the theme it's not a theme that one is a lifestyle wow thank you from the youngest to the eldest they'll have a test of that kind of a theme and how god is going to make it possible that every single person can have a peace from that theme and what you can do with that little piece is so amazing so how you cross over into the promised land is very important thank you you must be connected during that night thank you thank you because when the baby is about to be delivered you need people that are more careful because again it's a moment of detachment where you let go of the past you are putting off the old man putting on the new and that moment is very critical thank you you need to be having a professional man of god who helps you deliver because there are things that are in you that needs to be brought out thank you father ideas dreams visions that needs to be carefully brought out of your belly carefully so that we don't lose you and you don't lose what you've been carrying for the last nine months don't think that this log done was just a waste of time they are ideas that were just being incubated in your system and the time for delivery has come and make sure the man who is helping you bring out that baby knows exactly what he's doing you need the right man of god to usher you into this 2021 for it to become a new year what will determine the newness of the year is the youness of your character so you must be ready for that night and i've given you wisdom and more wisdom is going to be coming and i want you to be careful who helped you make the mistakes that you made who helped you who is telling you the truth who has studied you who has analyzed you and has known that you enjoy lies more than the truth and whenever he calls you there is an ego in you that they are always feeding they know that you love them because they tell you what you want to hear you have wrong people around you what has helped you fail what is that tell me what are you willing to change nothing much is going to change until you become that one business that you desire to improve that you desire to work on your character because everything good that you desire to have as long as that thing is good that good thing desires a good character you're desiring what is not desiring you a good life desires a good character those things are lined up for you ready for you but what is disqualifying you is the person that you are in 2020 you have postponed your joy you have postponed your celebrations because that thing that is going to happen next year could have happened this year but the character the character for its manifestation was not properly cultivated in 2020 what is that it's going to be a very painful experience because some of these things had now become part of you nine months with a joke carrying a baby and when that baby is coming out you hear the mother screaming and sometimes you have to go through that pain the way you act the way you behave it did now become like a part of you and detaching yourself from certain behaviors and attitudes it's going to bring a lot of pain but are you willing to undergo that process of losing certain things in order for you to gain create space in you and i'm going to be here helping you assisting you until we are guaranteed of a safe delivery thank you father without losses yes because god has given us that understanding that you need so i want you to keep on praying celebrate christmas that is coming is just a season of celebrating the birth of our lord our savior our messiah deliverer he is our comforter he's the everlasting father mighty prince of peace the spirit of excellence we celebrate him ah so enjoy that while you're doing that make sure that you are a blessing to people around you find something that you can give bless someone that you that that is not even close to you make someone happy and i know god is going to keep on increasing you because of that until we meet again on that wonderful night it's not going to be for too long because i'm not going to keep people for the rest of the night no oh once we cross over then it's a different season i'll let the people go so you make sure that you stay tuned on time and also we are going to have our holy communion during that crossover so i'll be guiding you on how we we go about it but i'm telling you you're going to cross over uh without any losses thank you for that no damages thank you father and when that night comes you know the following day that you are no longer the same guy yes you have to receive i receive yesterday yes everything around you is going to change the way you view the way you see even your intimate relationship with god is going to be enhanced by the delivery of that night ah my god child of god enjoy the rest of the day knowing that his face is shining upon you and the lord will give you peace he will keep you as you go out he will keep you as he come in you provide the wisdom for every transition every movement and every step that you take shall henceforth be ordered by the lord any trip whether of death whether there is a disease that awaits you yes before you cross over into your season that again is postponed in the name of jesus you shall not lose your life you shall not lose your blood you shall not lose your loved ones you shall not lose your properties you shall not lose your joy because you are never going you are never going to lose jesus he is there for you so i would want you to take care be of good cheer he said i have overcome the world child of god god loves you and i love you too wow bless you thank you father thank you thank you there's never been something that i love about my father other than or more than the fact that you do not impose let me say ideas on people or things on people but further you push the individual to look within themselves and study like as you were ministering i was already back there trying to understand the mistakes that i've made over the years and from within me i realized that my character has to change there are things that i need to drop that my personality has to be developed and it's all coming from inside it's amazing father how you minister because i realize that you want the best out of me on the basis of the information that you give to me and it's so practical in the sense that i might have lived 2020 and instead of me having control over time through planning it seems things were unfolding and i was taking and at the end of the day i become worse off and father you are bringing that reality to me and you talk of wisdom wisdom from you it is not just the word or the teachings on wisdom through the word of mouth it is your life that we learn from father and from the beginning of the year to today there are so many things that we've seen you do and it can only be wisdom it can only be that understanding that comes from god and for you to tell me this morning that i have an advantage i can never compete with an unbeliever father there is nothing that can go beyond that i have it within me and that's the message that you've given us so you are already empowering us for the coming year you are giving us the attitude for success the character for success the personality that makes me become a better person father thank you welcome thank you so much father which reminds us of the beginning of the year you taught us on errors that no error was found in daniel yes at the end of the year you are closing off the last service by correcting us to know that wisdom maturity eliminates errors thank you father for just capping off the entire year and raising us on this one important facet that you've pushed in us from the beginning wisdom with this year of excellence wisdom thank you so much father for this wisdom you're teaching us father to to stay updated even with our creator as he updates our wisdom for each coming season for each coming year it taught us that wisdom comes in different forms and weak wisdom it's wisdom but it's wisdom outdated wisdom it's wisdom but it's it's not for the time yeah so thank you father for keeping us up to date with the seasons with the times we're about to approach the way you've spoken about the theme you know we just wanted you to tell us now we just wanted to now say father yeah yeah just the anticipation is not too much just drop it now but thank you father we we wait with eager anticipation yes of course the 31st the crossover yeah to hear what it is that the lord has prepared for us since coming new year thank you so much father you're welcome and merry christmas merry christmas once again a happy birthday and a happy birthday thank you it's just that you guys can sing that's it thank you wisdom from the lord to enter into the year 2021 2021 wisdom thank you so much for being a part of the broadcast and we wait eagerly for the 31st the crossover evening we encourage you to be a part of that glorious night make sure you're there in time watch out for the adverts that will be coming to you very very soon until we meet again [Music] [Music] give [Music] i just want you to know that i trust you lord i trust you lord with all my heart lord i trust you lord i trust you lord you watch over me i have the evidence that you watch over me i am a testimony i am a testimony you are trustworthy you are trustworthy you watch over me [Music] yes [Music]
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 143,514
Rating: 4.852778 out of 5
Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2020, emmanuel makandiwa 2020, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2020, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2020
Id: oNJnKr78Sfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 9sec (4989 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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