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[Music] [Applause] [Music] you may have had accidents before but being here today is not one of them you are not here by accident everything that is happening to you these days is well planned you may not read it you may not understand it but you are right on track [Applause] verse number 33 chapter 11 the book of Hebrews my mama taught me not to talk you mean Amy a baccarat appear which of course is our theme scripture panel on the park of adding in denarii do [Music] let us read the first part together one two go thank you may be seated [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe somebody missed it can we try it one more time and make sure you are loud and clear one two go thank you I wonder who she know who chained up our wall whatever they did they did through faith like a taco poor kids on our agenda there is that kind of faith man do you hear whatever that helps a believer to subdue kingdoms subduing kingdoms means taking over kingdoms not about Torah Russia I have just few things that I want our people to understand today we want mrs. Ennis the Word of God is so powerful shocker amun-re raucous umbrella to see the weight of God it is so powerful is not because God gave it power but because the Word of God is God Himself created America repassing by a security hero show coronary Jim Mary parsh is lucky there is no God and his way to Rocky God is his word Mary Yeshua rocky and his word is God soccer hockey tomorrow it represents his power because it is himself Maracana volunteered Oh me me as powerful as God is so is his word similary those in Barney show kuraki so whenever you sit down and the weight of God is about to come to you we're holding appreciate that it is God Himself coming to me patches like our way up and even when he wants to visit you what visits you is his weight Shoshanna Ishigaki when you see the weight of God coming on ownership or emeriti to you when you see the word of God coming Pokhara Mario chuyia that is the coming of the Lord who was she so never doubt that God is present here this morning dr. Mariner if we have the weight of God present Ana TV show for a very rare panel he's about to solve your most critical situation for with God nothing is when the man was dead Rubio alpha for days mass vimana here comes Jesus warrior chief he insisted that he said woman Veronica the only belief Tilda Chitty if you believe what you call a funeral today can be turned into the glory of God I don't know about you but as for me that's subduing kingdoms it's Jesus walking into that funeral environment and he is supposed to be affected by whatever is happening there how'd you find out bring it one is the critical path he is supposed to be changed by the incident but he said I'm not here to be changed I'm here to bring change to be shocked do you and Jesus had to make that decision and say I'm here to change the situation your department addition to Ramirez we lose so he said this young lady if you believe not tomorrow create a man if you believe today Tim enough it is today that you will see the glory of God Jesus is asking these women to just do something very simple tender don't raise your own brother buy yourself some points they wake up there is russain going fast start praying for more power so you can raise the dead he saying just believe because in life is not everything that you are going to do by yourself for yourself you simply have to have people that you believe in and they will do certain things for you music only please what you can do but believe this somebody who can do it for you you can't raise your brother you can heal your brother you can change the situation but there is somebody by the name Jesus if you believe in him today you will see the glory he is preaching a totally different gospel which to me seemed to be out of context it's like out of context because the situation has taken too long the men can never be raised back to life again Rockefeller is no longer just dead he has not decomposed that's what all he is thinking wow the situation is way beyond repair mamiru are Setauket Erica just like your situation Jesus never came when you wanted him to come he wanted the testimony to be bigger I know chapo who watch oh cool coming on the first day of the funeral would weaken the testimony which are becoming the second day we are forbidden woods to weaken the testimony that is why he never came to rescue you last year Osaka's pornography or last year but one but 2018 I see the Lord saying I visit my people this is the a that truly have multiple divine godly visitations that you cannot even number simply go to kangana let me tell you how it is going to happen again the Buddha said you have visited the oppress that you did exactly six years ago McCrory materna to our food and in those prayers movie number two yo you you asked God for something something that you can't even remember today she also called Sakura caranas and when you see it happening this it will be as if you never prayed for it Kabira huh maybe you prayed more three years ago than you are praying this year Meganium a parameter to a fuller category but the arrival of God's answers I can tell you this as a man who sees in the spirit there is a congestion of answers from the Lord to his people no nominee Cahuilla you always wanted your husband to come to church you wanted your father to be born again and all this while everything you did never waited well now you are tired and so on later pray at the last moment when your situation is behind the grave Jesus came and he's asking me a question this morning where have you placed him the man and a good man wins a copy where is Lazarus a man who is not just a prophet murmur of attention he owns prophets he is asking you a question as if he can see he doesn't know where Lazarus is show me your situation this year because he can do it but he wants you to give him the right he's perfect he is the power to raise the dead but he doesn't know where Lazarus is as a therapy prophet prophet Jesus just you think he doesn't know what I was doing I don't think so he wants you to participate in your deliverance so today enough you'll have to point your finger at your problem and you say Jesus this is my situation because he wants you to say something about it so where have you placed him mama is a copy where have you placed him mommy's a cool where have you placed him my wins are cool where have you placed him mommy or me kokumo gonna swallow and Magoffin is there any other place for the dead we have you placed him Jesus you know he's dead Jeff he can't be in a hotel he can't be in a sauna he can be in a gym there's only one place is in the grave right why is Jesus asking you a question this morning as if he doesn't know what you have gone through he wants you today to give him a permission and you say Jesus 20:18 deal with my situation don't sit there and say he knows what I'm going through [Music] he's asking a question where is the situation you tell Jesus don't hide this he knows your feelings he knows you're crazy inside here don't pretend to be a gentleman to be a sweet lady here you he knows you he knows understands your emotion if you tell him Jesus I don't like this situation here and I know you can do something about it and what was once a funeral turned into the glory of God this is why I'm amazed at this God that we serve the second edition is one of my words no matter he be seated Sturridge what they do I'm amazed at how he takes his time coming shamanistic armenian so to remove a active hooyah there are times when you want God to hurry because you feel like you are drowning sometimes you diagnose yourself and you say I'm I have just two days left to live and because of your own assessment you would want God to be in a hurry to marry but she bids it but if you look at how he is coming he's too small a super-earth our piace you know the reason why God should do hurry Pepita is only when he cannot do anything with the worst-case scenario that's the only thing that makes all of us hurry gbt hmm that's the only reason why we hurried George cons are cheaters chibita that's the only reason why people hurry George conservative and watch manga [Music] if you're going for an interview an agenda interview engine noise eight o'clock in the morning which is Yahoo t8 who at the man wanna me and it's around Korra past or maybe quarter to eight she done wat escape and a quarter to eight and you are driving from here to town which kind of you know Channel durable and obviously we have to expect a congestion fan Graham - Teresa become anemic Azara if you are rushing to the airport and you're late always expect a truck full of bricks commander engineer aureus dinner in throughout the way you are not comfortable in the way you're driving is not your usual way of driving because you know if I can't be there by 8:00 I was gigantic was the eight have lost the job there are security baepsae because after eight there is nothing else that you can do shoot him in whether a table so if Jesus was only the Gila and not the resurrector he was supposed to hurry either and be there before 8 o clock cause right after 8 o clock it is no longer a disease it is death but what makes Jesus walk a new trap I don't give a Manya he knows whatever happens before 8 not compromise my power I can still do anything after a talk whether the man is sick or the man is dead he's not afraid that maybe something may happen and he can't do anything about that's why God seemed to be very strong with you supports that we touch machine but if you can't even see him coming because some of you you may say slow according to me it's not even coming in a menagerie [Music] sometimes when he is coming remember back on our chuyia he doesn't send you a letter to say I'm now coming how could you read about would endow booyah he may send you a messenger by the name prophet and prophets throughout the Bible app or a feature Bible Rosie their main responsibility was to announce the coming of the Lord from Old Testament property that may be occurring for Jesus our Lord our God to be born for him to be born good jessfishy we do not marry we do our part there was need for prophecy that covered that my Vita Jesus just God Mauri to come here we are part to be born with a miracle only his own death panic Ayako you know there was need for a prophet to have said that Peter I gotta Ram is also and when the king head that there is a king who is born ma pop Arkansas what could not ban miracle he called all of his intelligent people what happened never changed irrevocably was it and he said to them find out I got karate okay I hear there is a king who is born born a king we require power this one would not become the next president after election we are immediately drawn to the minute he's born a king Roberto I remember because Kings are not voted into power to Mom or out what did we Kings are born Kings would be requirement public that is why when you are born again you are born into Authority and into power there is nothing that people can do to you either to put you into power or to remove you from power because you are born into power born into the kingdom the kingdom of God is your territory you have born US citizen of the kingdom of God are you following this let me say something here very important in Jericho Avenue before God created people marry a fat ass Karim he created places Walker second symbol so physically places are older than all of you my name is Lorna cut simple Sahara Park Avenue see follow this he created because we are talking about territorial dominance career around which means your dominion and influence is confined within certain territories compartiment even around and if you move out of your territory outside it you may be dominated by something else that all that territory Nara na hoona Bakula world its image no taka-kun around any diminution a Makati rana washes miranda coupie komui diesel Dawson Ahriman awan wash but all night ramananda Cupid come way which means he has got his own place of prominence on each career and those boundaries are supposed to be clearly marked with a good wind on gun one Windigo buddha banaba pajero and when you are within that place that God gave to you yup you wanna marry go to sleep [Applause] there is nothing when God gives you a place there is a man in the Bible who was given a mandate by God to build the temple he was busy building the walls of Jerusalem achieve a category to the ceremony and the enemies did everything to stop him in the current bangla-pesa chrono corner and there was one plan left they said to him they send him a letter and they said we want you to come down to the value of oh no like a moon 2 minutes number I got you we are come here let's sit let's talk let's discuss we are cuckoo over this matter so what they wanted was for him to leave his place of dominance so they were inviting him into Valley places where they dominate themselves dark places they say we have abandoned items undone come to this value nobody and little mistake here never make that mistake and I mean I am in agenda we are now even given him a minute such we are now come if you have an agenda come up here when you are within your space you got two puffs the devil knows that okay I want to show you something that is mutable there are two boys in the Bible whenever a common enemy the Bible Cain and Abel kinda happy Mahajan Gator amiquay name boots new nematode pombe one is a keeper of flocks mummy an amine de 1 plows the field an early man he's a farmer of crops they were sunk and when Cain was angry and he wanted to destroy his own brother a stock para traveling in our cable Hana Kuya could anger in boots he did not come to the court pin because as long as up you are kuma Tonga an influence over that territory the God pants and the cross is influenced by B Rangoon on dudes a good walk are not coming in our key and the equipment and a goose on my Bible tells me he told his brother let's go to the field I will feed him territory ago you won't die in your territory you only die when you leave your place of dominance and you enter their territory so I'm saying don't talk like them don't act like them because that's their territory that's not your territory and when I Eddie I am moving so you have taken into the territory of the enemy who put up to react and his territory here is in the waves he created place before he created you so this is where the revelation is now get it but the place was there we are very poor even before you were formed physically he was the companion why see because if you were created before your place they would pay one worker sequence the way that he has sequence where was he going to place you either with a copy you have no right to be created what gives you a right to be created is the presence of your place already available before you formed before you are created in zip we're putting Odin I will not consider whose secret path so if you can't be honest and be a vagabond gonna go goat and nuns in bow you cannot be here and not have a place in stream boy I got angry away actually it was the place crying for your creation asking God for somebody who can occupy it can single you mean takuchyan dima the aqua you can hear your own space oh go see one being created one day my under a chuppah GigaPan lava Kusa go a champion up sook our cover and you roll the face of the earth until you get old until you die gonzo grab on very bomb our own demons in bangladesh i and you go before the Lord and you say I could not find a place of my own I notice it was a personal gym where you after how will you create it you wouldn't even go scratch America to vanguard got the robot app because it is the places out there is your space on [Music] askin Patapon deputies no car apart - nope wanna see comma comma comma comma take it easy we can all fit I may not be in my space today no go long and syllables boy on earth but I'm on my way to my space [Laughter] [Music] Anjan when Aniyah people think about places power in NASA as an emotional about pizza 17 years or epoch where you are today no matter if the death of 17-year and assertion of a tobacco it is not what qualifies that place to be your eyes enquiry power power you don't judge that by the time and speed well you go and mallalieu to annoy you more if they are patient landlord all I'm saying is a good for Tenniel's karappa you can have a ten-year Dee's koozies even put up a speed to a point where the children that have been born in that place to our Grand Avenue during a garrison situation as relevant or Marco anymore - rocky the situation does not mean that your permanent situation be there for that long does not make that place your place bo you're doing a coup [Music] be seated tutorial to what they do in fact according to what I have seen Meiringen is on the corner we are all born in wrong places check appear across sevens about cereal they are children that were born in Egypt by the Hebrews who are not Egyptians who Nirvana which appear like a miracle eg Peter vasilieva eg Peter born way spirit irrevocably born way much miracle or coupie by who Nonnie but they were not of a city by eg Peter imagine what Jesus said Jesus said they are on earth but they are not of the earth she's a lot to verify myself in agreement so he's telling you that we are all born in wrong places you can be born in a poor family no going to empirical world Oh Maureen arauco may be surrounded by non-believers and metals convenient when I mustn't attend in the morning all of your relatives are kept a month I could go see a panel at Mizzou that does not make you in Egyptian a soupy to each potential for mmm hello requiere so when you are born in a place the next thing is to start discovering your god-given space capital we are pure pure Mary and before you know the actual place what comes face is the discomfort that you experience in the wrong space we are psychotic and Apollo's welcome to basse video something tells you I don't belong here panitch know who Thornton deceive a panel and from that feeling the journey begins with the Rarotonga inside of you and God created you deal was an anointing mechanism for Migration reputable who never know turns my immigration offices there are people that are called immigration officers why return be risk opening Akbar Slava November but our page to help travelers nakute even watches sequin amun-re minbari cuz go back so if you go to not feed up our tank that's a lie take a seat oh my chili money to fund [Music] when you begin to migrate you come across people like a steno Dinda my passport [Applause] [Music] Kanaka sonicujaku Akita it cigar tomorrow faeces run over 700 Samba no kapu Dominica if this physical real appoints immigration of general Shia you tell me heavy work anyone gonna cook for punching by our courier who no work if you want to my papers you don't belong with one place what's our part using out to you and I know put up a nobody gave up you will migrate from that place [Applause] [Music] be seated [Music] so moving from one place to another place to prepare a meal to poach in the pan a meal there is need for authorization for Luca Buddha Rezanov Ohio mano if you exit without authorization why no capacity they'll give you a name could you notice a border norwich amber but you're like a porter jumper so you can be in that country for as long as you want but you make sure you hide yourself because you are not authorized to occupy that space but when you have gone through the customs and the immigration sentence has thickened up in de jeu de Paume TMO you get into the territory you relax you know I'm authorized by God to be here or not pinned on around Ionia so the commotion that ended on American TV panel I'm not saying the devil will not touch you but I will say he'll not try you could obviously but authorities who protect you so if I'm in a foreign land authorized to be there by the local authorities till they would be a co and I'm harassed in that territory I have a right to go and report my parisa Eiko and Hanako motion Eko container 800 protein to you allowed me to be here and I have a right to access your security given right by God to be in the kingdom of God if anything goes wrong with you child of God you have a right to stop any injured in running a car to depend upon this issue here Sheridan and this will and drew him at San Bernardino non-m dim knows even a coconutty I'm in your country and is voting police and Opie got the Hoopoe cooking and German for me but in this space that you authorized me to be I have a situation I demand say God I need toyou vidya to [Music] cuz i'm in the kingdom of god I'm saying this because some of you might think is this necessary what you saying maybe this is why most of your prayers are not really prayers this is the confidence that you lack when you are praying vocals music it's a cockroach a garage in America by the way you pray you sound like you don't have a right man a material quality was not 0 that is why 30 minutes we are busy confessing Hodgkin rama minutes now Kamata to Laurel [Music] before you ask for anything you are busy 30 minutes in prayer confessing your sins that were committed marriage in know my minutes my could matter - it is for me I wasting your time it can be somewhere who because after one confession when you feel like now I'm ready to ask you remember another thing and say it is in return become better decision even even meditate change upon dying you'd ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of the things that he even forgot himself and the Holy Spirit is wonder what is it what is this go - Oh missing and hid in the kingdom of God Vinayaka patacon ser uma Boerner say all know funda body sorry Raj Chetty no Senora Guerrero so do you think that only does this is that you confess are the ones that you'll be forgiving of [Music] by Varanasi Anna so I telling me oh gee can I paint achieve each asana or Aurora Ganga opened are you trying to say if there is an unconfessed sin you'll not enter it you are often wattages urbana budget Zuccarello racism indicator which is reductions I would joke a'right now you terribly there ever be a time when you have confessed everything if Jesus was to come back today Sano as an out there my brother-in-law salvation is not that complicated anytime Jesus comes back I shall wanna kids away needs our parents I was at what our initial term prayer at any point Jessica took a unit he will still find you with some unconfessed sin rebuke Onondaga net was even the first rapture why no cootie Roper rock-a-bye very little akatsuka it cleanses us because the pipe will say does not say his blood washed us it says renew together not shampooed ago grandma pay you a moon we moon Romani Ragini you go and I'm a I'm an otaku who Sookie's watch is I am baby c'mon man yes Muruga guru las piñas Oh every day sanguine America jackets worn a black because what a pin damn Kingdom what living in a cocoon amun-re know we in the kingdom of God this because most of you have lost confidence in this matter okay even the way a Salvation Army dogs in a hakuna salvation Yauch which is supposed to be the very simplest doctrine when I was ill so vision in the annoyance a double-bogey aroma in hood if you confess the Lord Jesus you shall be saved on the scene let's be seated when a person comes here Monica a panel in three seconds muffled matter - if he confesses the Lord Jesus opens his mouth like a pure I will show Jesu and none of his sins if he confesses Jesus Maharaja's your Bible my Bible tells me he shall be saved which are poor this one maybe I'm going to help somebody here today so that you understand goodies would throw you away just because of something that you did wrong it's ready to show you whatever as long as you do this in my kingdom now cheetah is the moment you have a right would invite you to my protection it is so the devil cannot destroy your children Segawa que pagar para they were simply because you got pregnant before wedding and now you're expecting that child to die because the child is under a kiss even a confidence she couldn't afford have confidence Lucas or another are you getting me will glucose powder and it's prophetic it's coming there is there is there is there is there is something coming from people's spirits which is hitting me here and I'm converting it into the right message and brings it back to you I know what I'm saying nothing qualifies you to be in that position ku national puts the surveillance and way you're you know waiting no wait maybe you are there today in that place because of a wrong decision reach it out on the way announce the result so insidious true but what if I make the right decision today Coquelin back address although quietness if I'm here if you are they in your place to the airport which are multinationals although mocha alright if you are there because of a wrong decision this video can you also not be there because of another new decision decision who nobody to upon the right decision if you are there because of a wrong decision so you can look at yourself and be confident that I can still make things right not because God is going to forgive me he s already forgiven me Eric re be confident be confidence and assume that reduce energy you have to be confident tell your neighbor music is a God wants to talk to you why do you wanna die whatever I knew it what wants to use you yes okay so so if you say but I think prophet the devil has used me so much circle cut you put a fit and ROFL God became a garnish and he says okay young Issa okay if the devil has used you that much and it's not a gang gang is it not proof that you have potential to be used deception is fun is it not because when God formed you consider a totem our God placed something within you but the devil was the first person to discover it before yourself wow what a packet a couple Ziva Yost was the other guess for Maori Jess I know da because the bomb freh Jesus says woman can I have water and Angela chokecherries and the woman says I have no vessel because lever is er whatever a new Jesus says if only you cause I am Devorah yeah I could be run from because it was water that was asking for water scandals can akeem akio community Michio Kaku says the I come Pyrrha like whatever evaporates a stingy because you don't know who is my enemy require to know him causes the ignorance the way you withhold it is because of ignorance business a mony mony or a demon when I can about coo coo when washing here a friend Iago if you visit your brain very true cup or an image calf you visit your friends a couple a bit don't is Imahara zero Quivira them not helping order because aware way you know from banana Larry I pick Irrawaddy cure malaria because you move God whoever accepts you food is served God food all right the gamble by me example let me give you another example yamaganda mood change terracotta pizzas Jesus Rudy wedged in degree presenter Mary mush yes Jesus are not 900 Jeremy I wasn't on remember Jesus says I was in prison and you came not to see me I said represent WA Niman being represented by a meteor Jason Goss yonder so tender you can director wanna represent ow j zargo japan and review jerry munich weeaboos and wanna ITT an Okanagan represent one our image Erica paramos this may talk to you I want to be born again before I can represent Jesus but Jesus is already telling us here that [Music] moon Godiva Korea Papa Tara you should have come to the host Bachmann Germany on spider I visited knowledges mana Renoir we will go to the hospital to visit a sick Jesus he say the weakest people that you met in your life the weakest people but you already burned about not confident anomaly reader and yet you are here and like the confidence that you can stand for God so now when I run Raja brunoise - in the Homburg bogus and Reba Kyra couch area why you walked into our kind of a guava may it be at some point that God will say to you I came to your house and you save it as a failure food director final tools I would push aggregator moon lazy moon are abou saunas pupusas man wanna gamble Pecha Kucha mahogany Hanabusa I choose one among our good Americana Waipahu your pain Park animal yoga in mind that face is pointing to the foolishness of people where they have Aneesa it's a difficult work yes my wanna move an American son day I find God I will carry him on my pecker he I said the Balkan don't know about diggin the barrack and you asked him when you saw me why did not carry me on your back yeah much I finally through a memory generally through why you and yet the things that we're supposed to be done for God were supposed to be done for you but because they've been blinded by religion enough about America we are am bony ass advantage no matter they think God Himself will appear to them fortune and he will say Yahweh offering [Music] what already recovering a baby kangaroo a menorah Rongrong disease sir watch my pipe will I don't know about yours teaches me that our attitudes are Moses God telling Moses about my priests to an arrow in a new analogy about the children scans and MRI I have given them right to access my tithe and God says boom way what about chicka chickabee junkie because of the anointing upon them they would appear soft or repellent 10% has now become their inheritance but it is mine Tsugumi Yavin nakayasan the shampoo [Applause] cerimon so I'm not you fooled about seiga kaku me and no second Sara Errani ran away so when I think of consuming type I send Aaron and his children that is why maybe maybe their other men of God why no shita or no patch in the phonology area a permanent indication - Adama bachina booty yum and Aparna see drew Louisa I don't know if there are many men of God that come out in the open like I do to say this but you've given me I'm going to consume it the emotional is azita in hhat Magana project in the project mundo de progeny to harm but I am blessed jacket here what what what da Cunha's why would one ever now but we have programs aimed at me what about Gd I'll say to my wife look at these people they've given us so that what azita URI Kazuma Jeju yo togepi sirrah most men of cotton come out in the open naka senior ARA hakuna a good Dora even those that are quiet about it they are still consuming it Neru Mandira Torah [Applause] payment is taking hello are you there that's why I'm on the general consensus a voyage circular Rd Jamba Jamba bana reneedar Allah - in the Homburg soiree Nene this is why the most troublesome demon when he goes before my present if you see the way I minister even it life I've got me rockin I always make an announcement did not purchase the visa could I occupy this space [Music] Romano told Wanda apnea is logical is a rocker on a volcanic I was in serie de minuto - a convulsion up in darkness over to this space they are good in name Conrado this is my space I'm Alicia the satin and om allegedly named a demonic tell those demons this is my space [Music] hello bigquery so Gonzaga got there when Santa got zero across Kentucky named Jim boy who carried a sudden table so if places we made before I was created means there was a place that belongs to me and you know you never change we absorb at zero an omen WOM are goin on Jimbo young the reason I come to church you so that the man of God can help me - yes sir and without the men of God ganache tower and gandi gandi pillow confident in zero booty Requena kyocho Korea Kunichika I want my men of God to give me confidence I need inspiration from the men of God I needed an anointing from the man I need implication I need direction from the bell of God I want a man of God who can tell me you can do make it again socata kiri boring as ever you won't perish where you are today [Music] Saladin's World War II bomber was situation ago we didn't know limit is the ideal situation I'm not comfortable here he sent now katakana panel is - Liam - positive when you feel that I was into a sorcerer it is a message from God the show Corey Cooper gonna marry that feeling so our compressors that feeling is not here where's Rob decency you don't hate you feel it now since women's day they all know since Papa Nambu it's God talking to you that you no longer belong in that place do you matter who put this sicko on the bio you need to move no front row - fam be how they are waiting from God one day is a reoccurrence grandstand Mary mcGarry's about comb opener mihari a way it came from the Lord when Israel it stayed on top of the mountain and God said we have been here too long but the end the end of em is Agora pollution is the one he is the one that it caused a cloud to be stationary he's a merchant when did need swordsman work very well on gateway by somebody fat God things confuse me sometimes the same way that it confuses you light the karela kizomba humble we got Meera go Meera note whenever the cloud moves then they would move one bar Amir but the cloud stood even involvement in they stood a mere student they stood more employers poppet and then God was not pleased when McGary Savannah and the safety of state here too long I would be numb what is he saying saying my children suppose in the pushing open but some of these things push me Canoga remember me wrote American are called American a pariah God will deny me traffic or a cause the cloud to move which is a Sun God Bible where such a corner but or die or why next year relook göran göran göran show not what about 2018 don't go Rick Rick and I would indeed as a fan by you know samba whenever we talk of the cloud we are talking of this year 2018 never go to a Korean serpentine for yo-yo will go a career because God is saying you have stayed in this place for too long I'm feeling in there somebody's migrating migration migration sinned I know no guitars it's made delay by jean dousset I'm about to run go what I know is it takes a while to migrate name AutoCAD is no Shonda swapped an even the kind of vehicles that you use to shift I twist when I'm a boy sky animus theory in G pan upon Oh Coco you'll find Big Bang Rita Hakka Tom Watson maquettes threatening to bring down the pile a carload the in bias she's loading the whole house I am an educator McCullen ability to move a speedy I was with time away away doesn't rush through and cut corners kannababu Thomas nicotine on uncut if you are migrating the pace is slow turbofan Baroness vana Paducah checkup and so John Odom its etc energy she D and she found a CD pasión you won maybe but if you look at the second table mokuba Pham telugu rambha we are moving to go from Bahia moving signatory time as much as what shade to go to occur chica it may take time but eventually they will hear that he arrived Oh cute Enderman are in a purely acoustic oppa Ferreira thanking God because of where you are does not merely are pleased with where you are saravana Monica pasta one subject lutein d'marie if your child passes is subject you think God I South End Americans were money but you don't think God in the presence of a child [Music] now waka foon docked in diesel Alabama food because if they come to believe that you are happy we'll do it again good ten denarii Napa chili as River booty double it up an thanking God because where we are does not mean we have arrived at our final destination and a bigger Wabash River if you feel that this my bad place is not my disease I profess to somebody here sheep or a fighter named Emily you know like a premature baby man Berwick is a Africa the child is born into one environment when an empirical worm named in around her which immediately begins to threaten his existence no tengo por with an Innova porky and because the environment is not friendly novelty neuron they are sure I never meet Raja Janaka and the environment is uncontrolled we have a negative Zika the child cannot survive in that environment so immediately the child is placed in an incubator Skowronek Romita with some incubator why because in the incubator chicken zero incubator is a controlled environment in arabic at zero is also there are places where you die le kunam symbol of an echo chromatin they are places where you live no man simpleton who are you fearing God is the oppress ill symbol that keeps you long on earth this is a place where you can survive you don't make a mistake so I can conceive of never look at yourself as the wisest person on earth substances they will change here with alcohols the mannequin we are only wise in your own territory Jeremy I watch it outside of your territory somebody can outsmart killed at any time because it is a land beyond your Porter's they don't know what to do lot of food at my garage you know what who knows even you gave a motion booster is nicaya because you see the restrooms mama's vagina better Accio to pecans Eva cuts pecans government about Anika Obama return in Chinese labeled men and women but you can't tell which is which ooh not pinned Amore's I made my booties away away in whenever we get into the wrong one and one ocean is our culo Camus shall attendee those that he ate and yet they are here they will never believe what I mean c'mon c'mon imagine they'll say we don't know maybe it feel so in a place that does not belong to you humble yourself well submit yourself to people in that place to promote way as innate sense or sale it is not difficult for you to be promoted jiseop ass they are engine oil humble yourself before the owners of the territory you meet your boss Cohanim karoku was telling me on my boss also to ream Kerwin and mean it from the bottom of your heart she really thought I forgot to cut the gap in my own and that's a reality that's the reality in the oppose the podium Canadian Open beliefs and the impose if is the one that pays your salary is your poster chicken area knocked ambe's and eonni is the one force as you go past salary but mark humble to them nankatsu hakama telugu yeah but I better go neo hanaman quality Mooncraft you end up not bossy our goods are occupied by Bella at the wrong answer to Gracie if you take time to cost him about your boss with your wife and then later you go to that same boss your wife can tell that there is something wrong with you you are seeking or a more wary because after doing that um appetizers we have triggered the spirit that you can't see one more time we are also going that runs ahead of you when a magnum Iroquois go and when your boss is about to promote you consider the accuser of the Brethren would then appear in that meeting Mary and you will be accused and you'll be doing the same job for 40 years 50 years no promotion oppa Mero it a pastor dementia - come on Cory mikuma Michonne no personal sin of 0 respect your boss pray for him even when he is not they pray for him when you do that there is an anointing that leaves you it goes to your workplace remember the next time your boss looks at children ever there is genuine love on your face but he sees you do mati Education Department let me see let me see let me see let me see COO tambura you'll be sorry promotion for you why because when you love a person genuinely Luna corrilesa the love produces in our room from your body who don't speak at all a very good example let me give you a perfect example a Korean man didn't a member if he ever seen if your child comes running to you adabo haka and he or she hugs you when you are by your own child indeed when you are come on the feeling it is genuine ordered around my neck even when the hugging time is over not even Bundy reporter who are gonna foods Morano grandma adequate as you try to undo the hug you find them sticking on you will feel it right inside a love of a child but the Aqua Nang got you in here but lit somebody that was gossiping about you huh q tango communicator jumuchi she says if you are hiding a tree [Applause] Nasri no an assassin can see who the rudiments weaken most people don't know that but love can be found they are people on earth today Connie van lopunny canola's responsible for your promotion when no cones there are two one zero and they are waiting for you to love them like a miracle body and after loving them they will smell the favor of God on you Shri Mata Nui when Yash has a marble and they will move you into your rightful place when this happens we approach a [Music] it's not entirely up to God hakuna marriage it you can seek favor with people Nokia Asha LaVon what does the Bible say vipera not could be Chuck I broke re never knows seek peace with all men piscina uruapan ago nanny for without but no one can see co-op apparent regarding amun-re god ultra guru gur in iran but it's a sick piece with a bazooka an emergency a guru guru tina-marie but in nirvana you want to stay with God but God is ordering you to seek peace with all men Khufu mapa panic your prosperity on this earth missive avoid aqueous a panic and your survival on this earth it matters who loves you you are Nanak only F it matters Monica Paulo who is in your circle in the past I would be honored virtually way if you ever open your mouth and say and in a person even from romwe up walk okatee i don't care about people there is only one person when I want to meet you teach it to present on earth Manica you know who can honestly say that statement and he means that it is the devil actually visa Saturn that statement can never come from God because God cares for people that's why he created them and the devil is trying to destroy them every day because he doesn't care about people okay Parker apparatus very Kerrigan Akutan are running an event it is very important like a coach or say that you begin to identify people at the beginning of this year tangihanga developer bitanga recorded people that are somehow linked to your promotion run ravana to create an absolute zero powerful how do I know the profit dramas yes a improv eater you know the person that you want to become who knows your document somebody has already become that Panama Morocco car I begin to admire those people jiangha for 11 new hour [Music] I just go with amore menudo Goods a method to no good I say I'm not leaving you in the dark I'm giving you a formula of how to get there you can't tell me that you want to be a billionaire I'm gonna post a video you are now one with the billionaire owners here but you have not a single weight that you know from namazu colada Yura even the books that they wrote myself I don't like reading anybody's I've got a very very good play I know my strengths and I know my weaknesses my strength is listening Marengo material so I get a book and convert it into audio so instead of reading trigger I'm listening because I know my strengths so you know yourself so when I'm listening I'm ready Kanaan cetera because I have identified myself and I know Meister I know my space if I go beyond my space the kupuna and I start reading it will take me one year to finish one book very much it repeat the poeple immediately because that's what my sphere that's what my territory I'm just trying to let you know that if you are going to be elevated by God where God is going to place you the people then already 1/4 P and s a phenomenological career what have you saved about them even publicly what that it would be from solar power banana power Tana value [Music] yeah because she got baggage in you if you get to a particular place in their course she rode mommy I wonder was that you were too deep and watch that little even if you report the consequence the your boss also wants to know what was your contribution day imagine one day Ganga matha Paulo record wasn't as easy when you'll be recorded unknowingly which it out of good about your boss talking good about your boss somehow the sheikah query and it gives to him but in common and that is easier than deep but this is what he say in my absence he says this guy knew I was not available as does agro-tourism if you do what is good today somehow one of these days Kratos I got na cannot see the pyramids what payment do find you out [Applause] [Music] summer so how do I get there Sir Andrew Jose Canseco who is there already Dianna repo cally what have you said what have you learned from him she chose either Parvati [Music] so I was talking to one of the pastors teranam wah wah Ferguson and he said in this place that is that I was doing very well in business I got him on somebody no more name who's not busy mister whoever put that Jersey and this pastor said to me from this endeavor quantity is it why am i calling my pastor is not even a past storm for this but he is saving khushu Mira he doesn't even assembly Sangha like I said is really past I had an opportunity to meet this guy only once Shindo come when you said to me I was coming from the shop the cotton diaper margosa and I saw him packed outside more nakamoto very occupancy and in this territory Nara not many people were actually doing good in business except this guy Hisashi why would you drum up business and so many people under him that he was training I'm gonna run about ginger I did sir so this man was telling me he said when I saw him coming wondering do cool dudes I got a panda or not yeah and he said I was standing next to his car and I made a pitch William went to karaoke in a head to wait pentameter and when he finally arrived maracas Iike I congratulated him the comic or coated I said this is the most beautiful car I've ever seen in the Dragonborn thank you for making this city glorious Naugatuck what are you reading and giving hope to the younger generation that they can still make it innovative and open up or the leader because in a land where everything else is going down you want to look up to somebody when you gave us or our target mobile and then I shook his hand I said young man what you said they it is probably his fastest time to hear those weights tank about the hands with my superior because I had to waken people always under attack everywhere they go vanish and on is symbolic caravan or whisper whisper maybe you at the first men didn't do conga to congratulate him over his achievements a Kakuna in that men because he's rich you'll never forget I know rich people they never forget such words to mark entirely my superiors yeah Fumiya I can't get my super gather why because this young man he wants to be there chicken 0h think we are so before you go they God will bring people before you already Myron opens drab and dreary pop Carrie hello requiere hello requiere hello boutique where a Hello would equal a Hello if you check your Facebook can people tell really good to Morgan bad to Maya so Roberto anyway States me in the algo about somebody we has achieved more than you one very pigeon e110 very so note that the people that are close to you to you do they know what you want Cooney I know I know intend Eliza there are people that internalize appreciation and love they cannot takes place it I don't know how they are born they just cannot express only thing that can come out of them is head cannot book and open or put tika you take them to the most beautiful place a personage at our Linda comes in via Kanaka Durga's OC ginger my area Nishimura deeds are towering you may be smartly dressed you'll never comment there is something that should always come from you panitch English love and recover Maori greeting Laguna go she was all over the place and I was wondering until I did use that she wanted to be seen Honda mob goons out in dress a Goomba Mira she never asked how do I look she's just too good irinotecan aa Warner t'lorra there is the law which says when you received speak [Applause] hakuna change our words a movie there is nothing that would be more painful in life could you join - English no gorilla but you do something that is it very expensive laser around you about the disease and everybody around you does not come to know of it you help people and they don't appreciate you no one knew about Hindi I show now it nor era in Boca no macaque monkey on there is a shown of proverb that says the dog but you hate today will bite you - right now 90% of your enemies are people that you have hoped in the past karma coming mokuba promised an astronomical being evaluated robobot serie somnus from today generally stream one race or hoobat Sylvanas ran your e starts to write the list of all the people that you have your enemies your worst enemies who come from that list in the future Rinku ruin that's the principle people will never surprise you out before Gazeta enemy yo one your no parabens Anacapa best enemy aluminum Kaka today penguin purusa you are feeding him on milk today I don't forget who do I know and I know and I pinned room cattle sheep or a fit guy - Wow wonders and mighty microphone Debenham cattle to tear out please and without destroying by but away we name Kazuko in the American CIA gharana many new Odonis asalto fundo i will receive low de Vaca Sharon burrow Melinda and I were official Nara photographer China Africa Chima ginger Rancic salmon will be a machine which okusawa it's true bats ranaghat macaron banana rumors and the tower is why woods are wood man one on sandals a shimmy that's the wrong way of responding to the voice of God you don't get angry with God when he refused something to you Bonham nights breakage boy see somebody breaking down Luce Mason's me no and I can barely antara maromi they begin to say I looked after my young sister from a very tender age so I'm going to help you husband identify your enemies in 2018 they are people that you are helping today well no more butter on us [Music] today mas try to do and they are better shares older you'll be pondering one day as a customer graffito do you say very much fun like he the devil does not use strangers walk a path under service Agassi you find somebody in your territory Geronimo no moon around Ayako but I pray God will give you wisdom do not matter my roots are approaching - I said I pray God will give you wisdom no changing I am already praying for you that God is giving you wisdom through tournament irresolute America for change if they are plots and plans of the enemy against you this year ok but all of them shall come to nothing change I understand the mind of the devil to a certain extent from where were capable educational he doesn't want you alive you took your opinion you are we have an apple food Saturninus a summary what the format in dunya one by Aqaba Ron Garan oh it doesn't want you alive you think the big issue is the devil is broken you're blocking your prosperity and it will be but I can assure you I know but there is enough security around you 28 was also jeans were from someone else Cinzia from me the devil doesn't like you yet from me what hypu furyay and he will express himself to people I know stretches out work is a neuron but be strong because when they think you are now going down and I'm not fooled our owner not to affect you'll be rising up to Boca my way to a note energy no upside down record that will save 10 things upside the Hannah the right side up order to acquaint a person when they think you're going down Pacific O'Donnell Ganga their bottom is the upside it cannot end like this as various ragged I I am saying it cannot end like this the recruiters made a second eye it cannot what the devil has done so far I can ensure children witness to a hill chemistry education chemist York area everything is broken down and you think it can just end like this no but this is your space you know this is your space I pray this afternoon no matter master catalog that favor moves around this auditorium I pray the hand of God moves in the tents pick some individuals longer driver who Accord some nobody's by the community somebody who is in a hopeless situation you have been told by several people that you'll amount to nothing work out when Allah allows the chin today is the day God is making you somebody out of your desperate situation who will give the mannequin to salvation is coming salvation is come salvation is coming wonderful we are Dominion security is your assignment this year - mahogany no asana moussaka area Yakko doesn't matter in that particular area kah-nee-lah Mogambo Katanga we affirm that you've started yoga now ependymoma dominate when you enter that space dominated announce your presence Shabazz overpower appreciate the people that you find there but see tell yourself I have come and I belong here and no one's ever going to push me out of this space because that Korea of yours in that business of yours nobuta marijuana busy most require is a divine idea is a divine idea you propose I say it is a divine idea it is from God not even going to attempt a change Caramba watch it watch it mucho Rambo's horrible horrible sugar no any emotion this is why you find yourself no matter how many times you fail in getting some but I pray for you this time you can say oh well you can't fail oh you can't fail oh I pray as long I stand here Donna Martin Amitabh Bachchan as a prophet of God same approach with our job with a proven record of accuracy [Applause] your eyes you see it your hands will handle it your portal experiences a nothing to defecate no to anything to stop you from the bottom table you miss me [Music] [Applause] conv baby really cheat when you hear the Bible say hakuna show korekara Guerrera pass none of his weight [Music] Brannigan's Rama Hari she's not referring to God's Way but on the rock Emperor feet somewhere but it is fearing to the words of the prophet Samuel none of his weight is the weight that I'm releasing over your life today I'm gonna get the lemon syrup open you up on us it would never fall to the ground [Music] Aziza fish are at our Coons it will never be saved when I'm a GU Marquis as CNN is at at our initial coronary see how this end is different from the wedge spoken over his life no quit I'm here the panel to come you in two men to you te karere deputies say and help sure the capacity not to discover me but to discover yourself whether to remain asakusa's given away and that is my business we don't and I'm here for that the basis I don't want to help you today better than us and tomorrow but wanna I don't find you in the presence of God I wish I were more before any opportunity that I get can we see one darlin I try to help as many people as possible para la la shi shi why see because I feel I am caught by God to do so like a Don Juan DeMarco digitisation I'm just trying to let you know together who's the design that I am here to deliver for the young and for the old economic uru if you want to arrive where I made your service this anointing will save you this year this grace will protect you this year this anointing will make you fly this year it will never let you down understand me it will never let you down I say it will never let you down I say it will never let you down this anointing will never disappoint you do you believe what I'm saying is coming from the Lord well if you believe let your shout be the loudest let everyone Kevin's a robot and [Music]
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 100,086
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2018, emmanuel makandiwa 2018, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2018, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2018
Id: plmtNxRHGbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 17sec (5897 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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