Question and Answer with Emmanuel Makandiwa (Mid Week Service)

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[Music] [Music] Cleveland and a warm welcome to a question and answer live with profit Emanuel McIntyre Bostitch Cooney we've been having many submissions coming through it has been question after question pass SJ and it's a wonderful time in the presence of the Lord father we want to thank you so much for being here thank you for giving us an opportunity to ask questions but areas that have been B deviling us and mysteries we're excited that finally we get to get the answers to many of the questions that we've been wanting for so long to ask now we have the opportunity thank you so much thank you for being here thank you for having me thank you appreciate thank you you know it has always been an issue after every other session after every other service you get home their messages on your phone people are asking with your one when will this time come and I thank God it is finally here you get to have that time where you are answered specifically on the basis of your own question it's amazing you know reminds me of the service that we had this past Sunday where our Father was telling us that there is darkness that makes a part of God and today we do see him pulling out light from darkness those dark areas from darkness indeed he did I think we can get into the questions now people are eager they want to us to really get into these questions and get some answers father thank you so much once again we've compiled hundreds of questions from individuals from all walks of life from every corner of the globe they I want you to inquire from your wisdom from the spirit of excellence that you have fun if you can allow us now to select a few questions from the many that we have so I think I'll begin from Facebook let's see which question we can ask here right well I think we'll take this one from talent so called I am one for the question goes like this thank you for this opportunity man of God my question goes like in one of your teachings at church you mentioned that the devil can sort of manipulate one's dreams and use people's faces in dreams yet it won't be those people doing whatever is happening in the dream I have dreamed of you my father a couple of times talking to me praying for me delivering me and giving me advice am I to follow all the dreams that you show up in and believe it's a spiritual experience with you my father or some may be manipulated dreams [Music] well thank you so much once again for having me and I would like to appreciate our Christ TV crew for making this program a possibility so delighted to be here yes that's an interesting question from talent right yes well as the question we have on the screen right yes so they it would be nice if you just keep it there so that I keep on going back to the question and I don't get astray I would really have loved to know where this person is communicating with us from talent so could I so called I am only alright so this question revolves around dreams yes Deidre and the understanding of it is making reference to a teaching that I once gave concerning the subject of dreams okay let me have that question one more time just read it for me please for this question is from talent so called I am on and we apologize father talents did not give us the country from miss Ryan France fine so just read it as is so I would love to know that next time the question reads thank you for this opportunity man of God my question goes like in one of your teachings at church you mentioned that the devil can sort of manipulate one's dreams and use people's faces in dreams yet it won't be those people doing whatever is happening in the dream I have dreamt of you my father a couple of times talking to me praying for me delivering me giving me advice am I to follow all the dreams that you show up in and believe it's a spiritual experience with you my father or some maybe manipulated dreams you know if you study your Bible you understand that in many of the dreams that we have you also find vanity there is vanity in I would say most of the dreams now the subject of dreams is quite a very complex and even a very long topic which of course you know requires time but I will try to [Music] summarize the answer so many things require our attention in the world of dreams what I'd really want to focus much on is the the dreamer more than the dream because I've discovered over a very long period of time that the power of a dream [Music] doesn't necessarily lie in the dream the power of a dream is in the dreamer of the dream Wow Wow yes you can have a dream but you'd think it's a very powerful dream but when you do a study concerning dreams in their origins and what makes up a dream you then realize that there is no dream as powerful as the dreamer of the dream dreams actually rely on the power of the one dreaming it is given to us by God to make alive the dreams that we have it's given to us by God we have the privilege given to us by God to make our dreams come alive Wow for the these deep States with that that I think are big for explanation father when you say come alive do you mean in the sense that bring the dream from that realm into reality is that what you mean by come alive that sense or come alive as an impute in power to the dream in in that place before transferring it to the physical no problem if you have a question you have to text your question to me though sorry you see because the issue here is you think that when a dream has been brought to here where we are then it becomes a reality yes father that is the assumption that you have true fun so so now that's a temptation that most people have because then you begin to undermine the reality of a dream in the dream world a dream can still be a reality without you bringing it here it's not here that makes a dream a reality it's not bringing a dream into the physical that makes it a reality okay a dream in a dream world it's a theory a reality ok all right but I live here my fun oh my god alright so so I think what we need to understand here is that the formation of a dream because yes I did say that but we a certain extent you can have the devil manipulating your dream cuz dreams are not really secured they are not really that protected because set in dreams you have to understand this now I hope talans also really paying attention to this the formation of dreams is what we need to understand where exactly are dreams coming from when you say that I've had a dream I had a dream last night you had a dream last night from way what really makes up a dream what really constitutes a dream what is the ingredient you had a dream last night where did you get that dream from where did you get that dream from okay yes I insist on that point that she can have the devil coming and manipulating your dream but what makes it easy for the devil to manipulate a dream it is because the ingredients that makes up a dream can easily be manipulated the ingredients not the actual dream itself but the ingredients that makes up the dream can be manipulated you know when you are preparing the cake you can have every other ingredient ready and you put it away to belong and then it lasts you break a rotten egg and you drop it in there and that one ingredient can spoil the entire cake did one okay so the devil can mess with the in one of the ingredients that makes up one dream and then you wake up and you have the greater part of the dream that you understand and there is a portion that disturbs you that doesn't make sense that is the case miss yourself in one place and all of a sudden things have changed where am i what exactly you can have a man come to you and then he delivers a message to you he tells you God is calling you into ministry are going to become great and so on but what really bothers you is that probably the man was naked to was telling you he's messed up with one ingredient so for you then to go with the message that was delivered by the man who wasn't putting on anything you don't know what to do with refusing you see now so I would really want to focus on the one dreaming the dream are you prepared enough has somebody done his job very well in preparing you for supernatural experiences is there a certain lesson a school that you have attended in preparation for the dream but she you are eventually going to have okay but before we get to the dreamer because there is a qualification required for the dreamer to properly articulate his or her own dream there is a qualification this is why they are qualified dreamers and yet all of us can dream Nia some that are set apart in that area exactly you can become an expert in understanding of visions and dreams you have that in the Bible yes certain people had an understanding of visions and dreams yes now I'm thinking of whether I should start with the dreamer or the dream let's start with the dream the dream fest thank you let me present it in two ways let's say I have a dream and this is the dream I have placed it on the table and I'm presenting my dream to you pastors this is what I have dreamed this is what I caught and then by presenting the dream I have exposed my dream to your interpretation I have given it to you so that you can look into the dream investigate the dream understand the dream and then you share that understanding with me the dreamer yes who probably might not have an understanding of my dream yes the kings in the Bible would dream and still not have the interpretation of their dream yes and then invite a man who would come and look into their dream right yes open their dreams asunder in diagnose their dream and in the understanding of that dream would be given to another person who never dreamed a particular dream right yes right at this point now you see what the Bible calls the dreaming of dreams okay your sons and daughters who see visions right and you're elderly the elders not in terms of age physically but they mature in spirit Wow or dream dreams the dreaming of dreams is a dimension in the spirit which calls for maturity in the spirit you can dream a dream okay okay okay and it calls from it amazing how you are presenting it to us my father in the sense that we always assumed that there were no levels Ness Phi's visits and dreams are concerned and yet you are bringing to the fore that the other requires maturity sure Wow sure sure you can dream a dream because if you bring me a dream for instance I've had people come to me and say prophet I had you come in my dream and you told me this and then he goes on narrating the entire dream and then I'm in a position to actually correct his dream and I say no I mean if I was we have witnessed that so many times yes and I say that's not exactly what I said this is what I say that's not what I was wearing this is what I was wearing you can't correct one's dream unless you have dreamt his dream their dream dream you have to dream the dream before you can alter it and correct it and then realign it up and even help the dreamer to understand his own dream unless you've managed to dream that particular dream body here's what perplexes us this individual bringing their dream to you they've had an opportunity to go home and take a nap and sleep and dream but in the cases where you've participated in the dream we have not witnessed you taking a nap you you it is instantaneous it is in the moment I think we need we need more clarity on that I don't think it's sleeping that makes a dream a dream that's true fun indeed that is a problem now please come again it's not sleeping it's not going to bed that makes your experience a dream it's not going to bed that qualifies a dream to be a dream no please elaborate please you can still dream dreams whilst you're awake we don't want to end with just one question here but let's let's touch on something where is the affirmation of the dream we start from there but for promise us that you'll come back oh ok you have to bring me back thank you for yeah you bring me back later and touch with that all right so now when you look at the dream the actual dream before we look at the dreamer let's look at the dream the dream you see when you have a dream a dream in most case I know there are different other sources where you can have a dream come from but there are two major areas that are one just to focus on two things happening to you when you're dreaming it's either you are receiving a dream and by receiving a dream it means the dream that you've just received was once external or you have a dream that is coming out of you two things Wow you are either receiving a dream a communication you are receiving in a letter maybe it is a warning signals are being sent from a different dimension and you are the recipient of those signals and you begin to hear and you begin to see and you begin to participate in the actions taking place in a dream so you are receiving a dream and then there is a moment when you are actually dispatching a dream a dream is coming out of you the dream that is coming to you is originating from an outside source but a dream coming out of you is originating from your mind there is a place in you where dreams can originate for so you must then if we want to make dreams a subject then we really have to put dreams into categories and and help the person to understand them even all of us here can also learn from that thank you Family Learning here this I know this part you really want to stop me and ask me if I but really see is there a way of knowing but this dream is dream that I've received or this dream is a dream that I have produced because you have that ability to create to manufacture a dream you have that so there is a way that you can understand a dream early in the morning you wake up there is a way but you can look at a dream and know this one I have received but this one I have created ok the creation of dreams is a possibility in the kingdom of God even outside of the kingdom of God simply because we are humans that doesn't make us physical beings we are spiritual beings whether you're born again or you are not born again you have spirit and our like a pastor to read for me Jeremiah chapter 29 and this is 8 I don't know what I should start with with that but yes less let's have that 29 Jeremiah in verse number 8 Jeremiah 29 and verse number 8 for thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel let not your prophets and your diviners that be in the midst of you let not this we're saying this this is God we're saying this he is saying now say the Lord of hosts the God of who of Israel let not your what prophets your prophets God is not calling them prophets Wow okay your profits these are your profits okay personally ordained so God has his profits and the people have their profits Wow okay so you are blessed if you are able to identify the profit that God caused a profit and then you call that one my profit okay so he's saying like not your profits so in other words don't allow your profits let not yes let not your profits in your diviners yes uh-huh that be in the midst of you yes deceive you you are deceiving you the the profits that are your profits they are deceiving you yes neither happened to your dreams which equals to be dreamed neither should you also hack into your dreams which he calls to be dreamed so that is a the the dreaming of a dream and the cause and he's blaming them for causing the dream creating the dream okay that's very strange okay God is saying you have your profits and you've gone as far as causing your profits there are not profits to dream you have influenced a man who is not a profit to end up dreaming the word cause they is very very important it means we have an ability yes to cause so that's another way of interpreting it they have chosen a man who is not a prophet and they have gone ahead to even cause that man to dream pushing him placing a demand wanting to hear what God is saying from a man who has never heard from God until he begins be given that responsibility that you have imposed on him he is now forced you have caused him to end up dreaming something concerning you causing to dream so that's another way of looking at it where you have people causing a man who is not a dreamer to dream o the people themselves causing themselves to dream Wow when you cause yourself to dream you are participating in the formation of your dream just like a young boy watching a horror movie and then he goes to sleep what is that's happening now when this boy is sleeping it's not anything coming from outside there is positive this young boy has participated in the formation of his experiences during the night the causing of dreams you caused yourselves to dream you caused yourselves to dream now somebody may be bothered every night you have things coming to you maybe you have got women coming to you wanting to sleep with you and then you don't really look at what you've been watching what you've been looking at because throughout the day you have been causing the dream to be formulated according to your desire according to your to your weakness because you've been feeding on your weakness throughout there is a way that you can cause it so when you finally have that dream manifesting in the night you must investigate did I receive a dream or I created a dream certain dreams are coming certain dreams are going out okay so that's what I do waking up in the morning I look at the dream that I have had and I classify them that you don't put every dream in the same drawer because he's asking how how do I know should I trust every dream it doesn't matter it is me that you have seen in your dream it doesn't matter you saw me that's the question I have I've visited this person several times and he's saying you have given me advice you have delivered me I've seen you yes helping me in dreams and then he goes on to ask should I follow every instruction or the devil might end up manipulating some of those dreams you don't have to trust every dream whether it is me giving your instructions in that dream never trust a dream more than you trust yourself who has dreamt that dream if you are flawed if you have a weaker spirit you don't expect to receive a dream that is perfect it always gets mad by your inadequacies your limitations let me finish this part because I know it's a bit complicated receiving a dream and create the creation of a dream so when you receive a dream it has been created in as different world somebody has created that God or something else and then you are receiving a dream that is coming from an extent our place all you have created a dream by your thinking pattern your routine your behavior what you spend most of your time doing that which you spend most of your time doing can create a dream for you so in that case when you wake up don't assume that you have received a dream because you might have created a dream so when you are thinking like right now you're thinking but you don't call that a dream no but if you had to continue thinking while it's just sleeping that thinking is what you're calling a dream yes one okay so you have a man who is thinking well is his conscious and he calls it thinking and the same man goes to bed and because of maybe dizziness or sleep that state of being asleep means that he is in an unconscious state yet his brain keeps on functioning is still thinking while is sleeping now the question is can I be wrong can I think of something that is wrong whilst I'm unconscious well can you think of something that is wrong whilst you're conscious yes yes you can be well that does a daydream what you're calling thinking well is you're awake is a dream but you are dreaming in a state of consciousness it is the function of the mind so if you are going to believe every dream because you are calling it a dream then you also have to believe every thought whilst you're conscious there are times when you can think of something that is completely wrong yes your wife can change a behavior in one week and suddenly she doesn't allow you to touch her phone for any reason what is happening and you're saying I think she's cheating on me and then she's receiving cause for the first time she walks away from you and that's another confirmation she's doing something only to realize after a week that has been a surprise party but she was preparing for you but didn't you think you would have thought you'd have thought okay but when you write no no yet it was a thought but the thought was not correct it was wrong yet you thought about it so first that you have while it's your conscience if those can be wrong yet you are in a state of consciousness and yet you can be wrong you can be imagine you are you're conscious you are way we haven't taken any alcohol and yet you can have a wrong thought which will II would have to be discarded after one week but whoa I was wrong what more if you are in an unconscious state and then they you think and when you think in that state that's what you are calling a dream so the question of whether you should go by every dream that's a very dangerous thing because even whilst you are conscious you don't go by every thought that's it that's very true yes you don't pursue a the idea that has come through your mind most of them you've discarded them why the same with dreams maybe you're a teacher right you teach on a certain subject once in a while you may find yourself in a dream driving a bus in a dream right so she should you know immediately stopped teaching become a bus driver become a bus right now right so that's a thought that she had in the night which is supposed to be thrown away thank you okay you wanted to say something we are still on that same question okay curiously the description I wanted to find your opinion on mm-hmm concerning this matter yes it's Matthew 1 verse 20 says but while he 1 verse 20 with you one of his twenty first twenty ok but while he thought on these things behold the angel of the Lord appeared unto Him in a dream saying Joseph and it continues there art the son of David the son of David fear not take unto thee Mary thy wife yes but the first section was interesting to me Father okay his future while he thought all these things but was he right no he was not fun it was a wrong thought it's fun and he was actually rebuked by the angel piano don't be afraid of your thought because he thought he had just been deceived by Mary and he was wrong yet his mind had already processed with our information in other words the angel is discouraging this man from going by every thought don't be afraid don't be concerned about this and then he was told of the state of Mary so thought you can be wrong while you stay awake so you can also be wrong why list you unconsciously in the night so you must have a way of looking into each and every dream most of what you dream in as much as it is produced by your senses it doesn't make sense okay use your senses again can produce what does it make sense indeed indeed okay if you ever had a dream that worries you a lot in your seeing things that you are failing to comprehend like a puzzle that you're trying to solve and just seeing some trades or something like that you're trying to put this into position and and you are struggling to put things in order but will you wake up and you look at the dream it doesn't really make sense you're not even concerned about such a dream yes in the dream you were concerned so how do I know this is the dream that I have created yes now you can easily look at your previous activities what were you doing prior to the dream did you expose your mind to something and your mind was pleasured by it and now it is replaying that experience I can assure you that every person that has watched me preach watched me teach watched me heal the sick by the power of God you keep following me you end up seeing me until further indeed you may eventually find yourself preaching like I do in your dreams yes and you are banned on your path and you think I'm also calling you into ministry to say come and work with me and you don't realize that it's something that has been created by your mind given the love that you have for me so what was I doing 24 hours before the arrival of the dream huh is it something that is coming from outside or something that is coming from me there are some of the dreams that I've had and and those dreams too now they have failed to come to pass dreams why because now I'm at a level way I can tell dreaming a dream I feel it when the dream is coming to me and I feel it when a dream is leaving me hey for example you can see yourself in a dream getting involved in an in a car accident and you look at such a dream it's either you are receiving that dream as a warning that's one way of looking at it God is warning you of an accident that is coming so it's a dream that you have received Oh sometimes I can see the same dream that you've had you and you wake up terrified that I've seen myself involved in an accident so this thing is going to happen anytime soon the afraid of that dream but if I'm to have that dream the same dream I have a different way of looking at it I have a way of sensing whether it's a dream that I received or it's a dream that came out of me you know sometimes you can be dreaming a dream and actually being delivered from that dream when you have a dream and the dream is coming out of you it's an event that God is already removing you dream it you are dreaming a dream that is on its way out of your life so imagine just being able to sense the difference am i receiving a dream when being involved in an accident or am I losing a dream is it an event that God is removing because while God is taking that event out of your life you can dream it that event you can dream it is it as it is coming like like an evil spirit when it comes out of a person deliverance like deal exactly so when I wake up I would not then expect such a dream that came out of me to materialize I don't know if you are following this we're following from a still yes we understanding that you at first I thought you were rephrasing when you said I can feel when a dream is approaching me or when it's leaving me so I thought maybe your rephrasing of your previous statement but now I'm learning that you're actually saying their dreams that I can have way I dream out an experience I dream it out of my life yes so by pushing something that is poisonous from your body Wow the same way that you ease yourself you eat but you have to discharge it so there is a way of doing that in the night where every thing that is toxic within you has to be brought out through a dream you know I've had people we have had difficulties stomach problems after praying for them they go home and they dream of vomiting and they wake up there is no form it yet the disease now is gone that's very true hey so you must understand how the dream is migrating is it coming is it going so if I've seen it and I can tell this was coming out of me it's something that I shouldn't even pray about because prayer has caused me to dream such a dream so there's no money for me to even ask God for deliverance from that kind of an accident because this dream is as a result of prayer I have already prayed against it then I see myself getting involved in this accident but you must have a way now of knowing am i receiving this I'm releasing a dream it's no longer part of me father you're really helping us because you're rewiring the way we we think about dreams I don't know why father but there's always this feeling that we are vulnerable to bad events in our lives so the original feeling is to say when a bad dream like that well if it appears like a dream like that it looks bad if it comes then I'm in trouble but you are helping us see it from a greater more mature a light that why does it have to be a calamitous event on you why can that not be God delivering you out of a situation that you probably would have been in so it's like you're giving birth or you are releasing that bad event yes instead of saying oh I'm going to succumb to this bad event you're teaching I rejoice in the morning knowing that this is one thing that has come out of me yes this is never going to happen to me yes okay like you've seen your child dying in a dream you must have a way of knowing yes whether the dream was coming out of you or to you you're helping us father thank you know my father had - had you just left it on the fact or on the point of us being delivered as we dream it would have been tricky for me but you then attaching an experience that has taken place in my life thank you my father you see so dreams are very interesting don't believe every dream don't don't believe every dream and yet every dream has to be interpreted don't believe every dream and yet you have to interpret every dream even the most senseless dream requires interpretation you think it's complicated what I'm saying but I will yes I was simplified for you and then you agree with me please do don't you realize that even the fact that you are saying this dream doesn't make sense is because you have to send it and you have interpreted it okay even if you say this dream doesn't make sense what has made you to reach that conclusion that this dream doesn't make sense it's because we have investigated and we have found out that there is no sense in the dream but I am saying every dream before you throw it away it has to be descend and interpret it okay all right so when it comes to the dream the dream doesn't have any power even if you are receiving it from extender it's coming to you majority of those dreams are suggestions they are indicators you are being guided it doesn't mean that because you have seen it it was still come to pass that is not the case but because you have seen it it means you're going to still have it that's not true these are suggestions it's a a road sign that tells you a left with so many kilometers to reach your destination we are being notified but you can look at the signpost and it tells you ten kilometers to the destination and you can choose to stop your car 10 your car it is not all over again in ignore it's not obvious but because I've seen you can do something against a wrong dream now we are back now to the issue of the dreamer we're talking about the dream right now we're talking about the dreamer my father please please you can do something about the wrong dream yes we will have to definitely come back to that one I thought that's what we were diving [Laughter] because you know my father when you were explaining I think we we also always had a problem of attaching divinity to dreams let me put it this way you gave us a scripture here which highlights that we can cause prophets to dream and not dreaming in the correct sense I would have had problems had this been theoretical to a certain extent but I really appreciate the practicality of what you are giving us it would have been difficult for me to understand it did not been applicable to me today I am what you are giving to us right now I am walking a journey and I am looking at what is around me and as far as dreams are concerned and I can exactly pinpoint what it is that you are talking about and I have always had questions that I would have I never understood or I never had answers for but you are then coming and explaining and you are telling us that we can fight dreams bad dreams for that that's another dimension that I probably have to get into and when I try to think about it I get confused and I stop there and really we would really want to know and understand how we fight bad dreams yes thank you but remember posture before you conclude is a bad dream first you have to check if it's not taking place so there's so many parameters father there's so many parameters we must check thank you for that before you actually respond to the dream you have to know whether this dream is a good dream oh it is a bad dream lest you fight a good dream Wow Wow okay so you see the way that this person has asked is question everyone else would have expected me to say believe every dream because of the way that he he is I was actually surprised when you answered that yes there was going to be the obvious question to say everything that I tell you to do go ahead and do that I can give that kind of an answer today but not looking at the consequences of such an answer because if I say everything that I tell you to do do so who knows the devil might come tomorrow and have me in that dream tell this same person to go for another ministry or to do something that he was not supposed to do and I will have challenges again now coming back and say accepted this one but the rest of the instructions that I give you follow accepted this one no you don't have to follow every instruction simply because you are receiving it from me in a dream so there is a patter I want you to understand that when you become established in the world of dreams especially at your entry point before you get established God has a way of allowing you to get immediate gratification or experiences that are with celebrating immediately because he wants you to become an established dreamer in the future so he doesn't start by giving you wrong dreams they a process did in a way that you see it today tomorrow it comes to pass then it comes we have a dream tomorrow in a week's time we have a fulfillment of that dream and you are so excited because it's your first day at school so education has to be so interesting so at that time also the devil don't never think that he's against that never think that he is really getting worried no he enjoys it when he sees you being established as an accurate dreamer because then he knows after you have had several dreams that have all come to pass the day that he introduces a wrong dream and then that day when you see your wife riding on the back of a hyena you are forced given your track record of precision to believe that one force dream so the devil likes it if you are the most accurate he actually likes that you worked so hard for even two years to make sure that one of these days you get a wrong dream and he knows given the several other dreams that you have believed that you've seen coming to pass this in particular you are also going to believe it so he is asking me I have seen you several times and he is so happy who knows the next instruction that I'm going to give to him if I say to him keep on listening to me let me come in your dreams and teach you in your dreams and the devil is going to take advantage of that and make sure that he introduces something which is an error and then this person is led astray let's say you are dating a girl and she is the best for you in terms of hair finally becoming your wife and she's the best of all the women that you can choose this one in particular I don't know what led you there you've got the best and then if the devil doesn't want you to marry that one do you think that the devil is going to allow you to have a dream where you are being taught that this girl is too nice this girl is too nice for you so look for someone else No so that's the kind of daydream that you are going to get so if it ever really wants you to get rid of this girl there has to be a dream where you can have this girl three times in a week coming and stepping with a knife if such kind of a dream becomes consistent there's no more room for you to further ask questions because given several other dreams you have a head this one cannot be forced if he headed twice I've had three times in one week there's something wrong something evil about this girl you see now so all along from primary school has been preparing you for one wrong dream when you're about to encounter the most important person in your life and then that one dream gets distorted yet you you had already built your confidence in dreams here comes a wrong more so pastas are you saying that one can easily lose an opportunity you can be revised in a dream not to attend an interview yet that's the exact job that God had prepared for you a wrong dream can lead you astray so you have to be ready to descend sometimes I descend dreams by peace personally there are dreams that I dream and when I wake up I'll not only look at the dream how or about the dreamers but I look at the peace the prevailing peace what is your immediate feeling waking up is the danger that you experienced in the dream still continuing you were being chased something was coming after you someone wanted to shoot you it was so terrible you didn't have any way to hide in that dream and then you wake up few seconds after you are back can you still sense the gravity the fear it's there still the presence of that danger in your conscious state so I'm talking about interpreting a dream by the presence of peace something you can experience in the night and then you wake up you know this can never happen to me this is I don't feel that danger then you know sometimes it's a dream that was coming out of you because after the demon is going over after you are set free then you feel the peace it's gone it's gone it has been taken out of your way so there are dreams that visit you there are dreams that you create there are dreams that you visit I mean that's one other day again you can visit a dream you have seen it because you went there God would take profits from one place to a different place no it's like you said I was seated with the elders of Israel surrounded me yes and the Spirit of God came lifted me up first and took me to Jerusalem yes into the temple so it's not a vision that is coming to him he's being taken to the vision so I'm I'm saying you can have a dream being given coming to you or you can visit a dream where were you when you saw that because some of the dreams that you claim to be your dreams are never your dream you are trespassing you have gone to other people's places and properties this is why sometimes we end up dreaming of certain people but I have nothing to do with us people that you are never going to meet in your life because during those experiences you are migrating you are moving from one place to another place and it's not everything you see they belong to you you are calling it your dream because you are the one we have dreamt it but but it is you dreaming it doesn't make it your dream it can be another person's dream yet you're the one who has dreamt it why is it that you brought your brother you say I have had a dream for you yes yes you are quite sure that I've had it but that dream is not mine it's for my brother yet it wasn't your brother who saw that it was you who saw that dream but you you are smart enough to know this is not mine so you dreaming the dream doesn't entitle you to the dream you can say so it's not everything that you see in the dream that is going to happen to you okay probably let's say it concerns you and you have seen yourself in a miserable state the question is way and the best way sometimes you can avoid such a dream is simply by avoiding such a place because whatever you saw happening you in a place whatever was big done to you whether they were chopping off your head you're in a place where is that event going to happen you can avoid that kind of a dream by avoiding that kind of a place cause dreams you see dreams are very important Joseph didn't realize that that was his problem he saw his brothers kneeling down before him and you know the Hebrews are not allowed to do that that is why Mordecai hid the problem with hammer he said I'm not allowed to do this so the opponents were wondering because what you have seen in a dream cannot happen in Israel in the Promised Land it's a practice in Egypt so the actions that you have seen in your dream are indicators of a location we are not going to bow down before you here in the promise delayed there is a place which is meant for that kind of a practice so you must understand that when you were dreaming try to see when you when you are trained you have to be conscious even in your dreams to look around for clues not just who was talking to you but way way way is this if you keep on dreaming and you come back we educate you go back your dream you'll get to a point where you maintain consciousness even in a dream like Solomon did ask for anything and he went for the best yes yet he was in an unconscious state if God would come to some of our people today and say ask for anything that you want you'll be shocked that in a dream you may ask for $20 and you wake up so embarrassed how could I have asked for such a thing why because you are not allowed to participate in that dream well it's in a conscious State Solomon was so Alette getting ready that one day if God comes to me in the night in my state of unconsciousness and dares to ask me what you want I'll go for the best so you can be trained to ask that until you started perfecting your dreams you can look at your dream and be able to edit it take out parts that do not belong there a dream that you have is not going to come to pass simply because somebody has dreamed it or you have dreamt it you can do something to make the dream to come to pass or you can do something to make a true dream false when we when we begin to talk about the dreamer himself I'm saying the dream is at the mercy of the dreamer you make the dream happen it will not happen because you have had a dream no power of a dream is contained in the dream the dream derives power from the dreamer you have to understand this don't be afraid of dreams because they come to be empowered by the dreamer you can see yourself in a dream having multiple buildings billions of dollars but wake up and go back to sleep again and you wake up and you go back don't go to work don't start a business keep on dreaming that same dream let's see whether that dream is going to come to pass because the power of that dream coming to pass is does not lie within the dream you don't find that power in the dream you empower your own dream by waking up and you walk towards that indicator dreams are being sent by God to correct our focus so that you are given any area by God to concentrate on so there's no power in the dream but the power is in the dreamer of the dream you can make your dream come to pass or you can make a dream even if it is true I repeat that you can make it false you have that power you can prove the dream wrong the fact that it is true doesn't mean that it is still going to come to pass I can give you a perfect example there is a prophet called octopus in the Bible he went to pour put out his belt oh yes right and then he was tying himself rolling on the floor and he said the owner of this belt when he goes to Jerusalem he is going to be arrested that prophecy wasn't false and yet Paul said you're talking just just about being arrested I'm ready even to die he did not allow if that prophecy to stop him to go to Jerusalem willingly he walked into a dream but the road should have said but he was warned by a prophet and walking towards the direction was like disobeying the prophet do you disobey the prophet it wasn't afraid of any prophecy it wasn't afraid of any dream there is no man of God we should come and place a case over you and then you are terrified for the rest of your life whether by visions or by dreams this is it so so the stuff so in as much as you can have a dream Oh somebody has had a dream concerning you you can make it force that I've told you if a dream is an indicator if it's a sign I can drive towards the sign and the sign tells me 10 kilometers to go and I can choose to say ok left with 10 kilometers I'm going back from here I have changed my destination and the kilometres can change immediately it's no longer 10 if I'm to change my destiny if I change my destination ten kilometers left and I say I'm going back to our I was going to blow I left with only ten kilometers to arrive so it's 10 kilometers to my intended destination if I say I'm going back to our Ari suddenly how many kilometers they've increased this seas is now to be my side I've changed direction I've changed my focus therefore making that signpost irrelevant you see in life you can change dreams by revisiting certain wrong decisions that you could have met you can make the right decision and make every dream that you have had force I'm going that particular direction driving off from the bad way to South Africa all the signs that I'm going to read only the signs that are facing me yes yes but all the signs that I'm not facing are being read by someone who is coming from South Africa yes it's coming to zoom yes we are in the same path and yet we are reading different dreams if I change my direction and I say I want to change my lifestyle from today and I make a u-turn and I say I know I want to behave like this I know long I want to behave like this and then I face a different direction I begin to dream different dreams than the ones that I was dreaming going to South Africa because my dreams were being influenced by my destination don't be afraid of any dream don't be intimidated don't be terrified by any dream why because there is no power within the dream the dream is relying on you giving it power for it to come to pass so I've seen you my father talk to me in dreams and you've said the devil can also manipulate indeed he can manipulate dreams but when you have been trained in these areas it will be easy for you to understand so now I think we still have a lot of things to touch on and that dreams indeed for I thought we were going to cover maybe six or seven questions but unfortunately we have dealt with only one and I feel like still coming back and give more information just concerning this one but don't go by every dream okay you have the power to bring the dream to a reality in terms of whether you have seen it there making it real there or bringing it here to a reality that is a physical not a reality that is spiritual you have that power okay if somebody comes to you and he tells you I've seen you in the hospital being operated and you didn't make it whether that dream is true or it is false you still have the power to make it false [Music] okay so we'll talk about that again and look at the how you can identify the location how you can retrieve information from dreams and how not to forget what is important that's okay it's very very much I can teach you on that so that you never forget the most important parts I should be able to ask you to go back and dream again and I tell you this time around focus on this come back and tell me the place and then you say this time I now area I remember all that is very possible we can teach our people to achieve that but in short don't follow every instruction simply because it is your spiritual father giving it to you in a dream you can be wrong well it's conscious how about when you are unconscious you can also be very very wrong what I would encourage you to do apart from getting information from me through dreams get information from me through the teachings get my recordings thank you get my tapes get my DVDs and if I am to give you instructions whilst you are cultures we can minimize errors that's what I can say for now so let's listen pay for today ah my father I know a lot of people might not understand what I'm about to say but I think this makes this answer really touched me especially the practicality aspect of it and relating to my own personal experiences and I think I can say it this way I have encountered God as you're answering I've really encountered God and I would want to say thank you my father thank you Father we you've now created a hunger for this area of dreams father thank you so much for enlightening us we consider this as a pre introduction father to the introduction of the series we're hoping it's a seed we know it's good father is so grateful we can follow point by point all the areas and follow there are more questions now I believe in in this entire teaching on dreams that you've given us and father we ask that you create time for us to to teach us concerning this critical area of dreams thank you your father for answering one question we would have wanted to go into more but thank you Father for that day thank you thank you question and answer live this Thursday evening Wow just one question took us for this long and there's so much treasure within our father and we want to continue to extract as much as we can and this area of dreams are so paramount and important and extremely critical thank you to the individual that asked that question for allowing us to get this knowledge get this light and information from the voice thank you so much for being a part of this live stream tonight until next time Shalom and be blessed [Music]
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 38,907
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Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2020, emmanuel makandiwa 2020, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2020, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2020
Id: WDIT7DHf5x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 16sec (5296 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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