Emmanuel Makandiwa | Revealing Bible Politics, Technology and Plagues II (The seed of the serpent)

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and welcome there is no better place than to be in the sacred and the holy presence of the Lord God we're so happy and we are so thrilled that you could be a part of the service this wonderful Sunday morning now we know that you're expectant wherever you are and you hurriedly got onto the stream and you're waiting patiently to receive from the Lord this wonderful morning so we implore you to continue to prepare yourself even as we begin just to that routine are beginning to pray within your heart within yourself and prepare yourself to receive what the Lord has for us this wonderful Sunday morning you know last week Sunday the Prophet taught us a very powerful principle the Lord Jesus was about to perform a miracle and the mother of Jesus Mary approached the recipients of the miracle and she said a very powerful statement she said whatever he tells you to do do it this morning we encourage you whatever the Prophet tells us to do we must do it and so let's prepare to receive instructions let's prepare ourselves to be encouraged let us prepare ourselves to be uplifted let us prepare ourselves to be charged up by the ministration of the Prophet this morning thank you so much for being a part of this program my name is pastor caramba and I'm joined in studio by pasta Shakuni it's always good to be here paso Caramba thank you man of God and in a few moments we will be hailing the administration of the voice of God prophet Emmanuel mark and Eva Oh God Africa was remembered last week also got up might seize it was a wonderful time last week where we were developed by the Word of God where it was revelation upon revelation it was an enlightening moment where we go to understand who we really are in the heart of God and in the chronology of things and I think for me the greatest point was we need to stop this consumptive behavior as Africans and we reclaim our position because the voices come and is teaching us and indeed obviously obviously we are where we are today because of a certain attitude and a certain behavior but by the grace of God God has given us a man after his own heart the voice the teaching priest and he is coming to us and he's teaching us revealing to us that it is indeed our time you know when the word comes you also have to understand and to what point it has come and now the voice is teaching us these things and I believe they have been a mystery for a while for a reason and there is a reason why God is choosing to open up and give us this information today because I believe he's our time to dominate and I believe he's our time to remove that yoke there are brothers set on our shoulders you know many of us asked ourselves where is the African brother the black man in in the Bible way is he in the Word of God and sometimes because of the agenda that has been pushed for such a long time associated with the Christian faith had the lighter-skinned brother and you begin to think maybe we were not involved in the entire equation maybe were were not a part of all the offense off of this but to then realize that we began humanity we are the older brother who was given the birthright the birthright which is the blessing but it was usurped from us exactly but now like you're saying man of God our Dominion has been restored exactly our place has been restored that yoke that was upon our neck is broken and we celebrate his Africa because the ministration that we received last week now it's it's absolutely paramount that if you are listening to this broadcast this morning you make it a point you may have been a part of the service and you may have heard the teaching concerning the black man but we encourage you now to go back and listen to it again this is a teaching that must reach every sphere where the black man is and the black man is involved and the black man is in leadership this is a message that every single black man needs to hear in Abbas s day one of the greatest differentiators especially in our time in our life both I think in the natural world and in the kingdom of God is information you derive knowledge from information and one of the painful things I think for me and I think it's a reason for somebody to share that message or this link the fact that despite our being in this society together with other people that are influential in society what we know on the basis of having received information from the teaching priest and what they know we may tend to live in different dispensation our plic ability to today changes upon the information that we have our relevance today hinges upon the information that we have and it's very unfortunate that sometimes you have people in society that are deprived or that do not have access to such information in the end of the day they make decisions on your behalf and the answer they are less informed who are not armed exactly I love what you're saying because the Prophet said this information it's not just information it's a weapon exactly so those in in who are incapable positions and if you should say that who can weaponize this information must receive it exactly that's why it's very very important for someone out there to share and ensure that those people that have influence especially over your life that's societal data that is they may pronounce yeah they need today that you have this information they need to be recognized you need to get this thing and make sure that the information they have is the same information that those people have so that when decisions are made you don't blame anybody mmmm and we can see many of you are coming through and you're saying you're connected you're excited you want to receive from the man of God and so we encourage you as soon as you send your comment through just tap the share icon and share the stream let's engage in this small exercise now before the man of God comes and share the stream share what's about to happen now and let those you know and those around you know that the voice of God is here prophet Emmanuel macron dua is here about to minister this lovely morning indeed indeed it's always important I believe when life is being given out yes there's an individual blessing but there's also a blessing for everybody God is able that's why he's given us a prophet after his own heart make it a point that somebody out there also gets to receive life yes and especially in this time hmm a people that are hurting the people that are crying the people that are not feeling well they're people that need that word and you are an ambassador of Christ give somebody an opportunity chay communicate with them send that link and confirm that you are listening right now I think one of the other important factors when I've got that the voice alluded to last week was especially at this time it's also important to ensure that there is no destruction you're not distracted from the word of course right neither through comments or what is happening around you and I'm sure that you position yourself even spiritually so that you can take everything you can take off as a voice speaks and the beautiful thing about sharing this is because from this platform this is where decrees from the throne room of heaven are made exactly seasons are begun times are orchestrated properly man Yama can yer said last week we are about to enter into a revival and spiritual God is about to bring about a supernatural a wave that is going to bring acceleration I mean it's absolutely critical that each and every individual that is on this train invites people and they themselves are fully immersed and what's about to happen today because we believe that this is part of the preparation for the revival that is coming financial and spiritual revival that's coming and it's absolutely necessary not to miss a single word not to miss a single utterance not to miss a single decree that is given from this place by the voice of God because from this point your future is being written and determined exactly processed hmm so let's continue to share connect and we trust that you are praying within your heart and getting yourself prepared for what the Lord has prepared for us this wonderful morning so let's get into that special moment believe where we've gathered and we are ready to receive from the prophet of God prophet Emmanuel I can do Father we would like to thank you so much for bringing to us the the bread of heaven the bread of life Father we get excited when you come and you give us this because to us it's it's more than information it's the roof of our heads it's the food on our tables it's the hope in our hearts it's spirit it's it's a life it's that eternal life so when we gather like this and God gives us the opportunity to receive from him through you we are exceedingly expectant we are ready this wonderful morning we're saying father speak to us speak to us from the heart of God we are ready to receive from our Heavenly Father thank you ah thank you pastor thank you so much pastor well we again are so grateful to God he has made it possible for us to be well and active or physically and even in this spirit and it is any an amazing thing when God's children gather around his word it means there's nothing that can ever penetrate them they are secured it there they are protected by the weight of God I'm so delighted to be here and of course we have to quickly get into the Word of God and see what God has for us the daily bread he give us this day our daily bread so there is bread for each day and he alone is the giver of that bread all we do is to ask him for the bread give us this day our daily bread and by saying Sonia simply acknowledging that he is not only God but he is your breadwinner he makes provision on a daily basis he supplies and we are so excited to have such a God that whenever he comes home he's carrying something for us and the children can't wait to open up some bags and just unwrap some presents so that we can just rejoice in his presence he's a loving father he is not just our God is our Father he said you say our Father which art in heaven if he was only God then we would know him only as our Creator and in this case he's our Father more than him just being our God but is also in advanced relationship a father-son relationship so there is bread on the table today and we can't wait to feast so those of you watching by internet on our Facebook whether this is on Christ's TV you must understand that this is the most glorious moment God has chosen you for this specific moment so that you can be alive and you can partake of that which God is about to do in this season you know when Jesus speaks it's an amazing thing that begins to happen around him and also to the people that are listening to him Jesus was very very careful if you look at his words he was very precise he knew exactly what he wanted to say even sometimes when he wanted to confuse the people it was it was so intentional he would have a way of even confusing them but in the process making sure that those who have a right to the information would still understand the meaning of whatever that he was saying so there is an anointing that accompanies the wedding there is a grace that accompanies statements and information hence we always expect you people to pray before we come live because I don't want you to be missing the greater part of the message cause of so many things because the moment we start communicating I believe we carry an unusual grace that opens up other several lines of communication and it will have so many things trying to get your attention at the same time God is trying to convey some messages to you so be very very attentive and be prayed up and be ready for what the Lord has for you I'm so excited to have you and let's get into the Word of God I know Jesus say a very profound statement standing before the Jews that believed to be the seed of Abraham and he said something he said that you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free and after he had uttered such a statement they went on to ask him a question he said we are we are we are sons of Abraham and we've never been slaves to anybody sounds like these guys had no history yeah they've been in Egypt for years and they've been in Babylon for years and listen to what they're saying is we have never been slaves to anyone what I didn't get was the meaning of what Jesus meant by knowing the truth and having the truth setting your free so the reason I'm starting from that point it is so that we understand that we are not just gathering here just so that we get entertained over here but we have to get to that place where God confirms that now we know and what we know is the truth and it is that truth that justifies our freedom and hourly but you're not allowed to be free when you are empty-headed there must be something in your head there must be some perceptions an understanding there must be a shift in your worldview before you can be liberated before we can ever claim that we are free but what did he mean by that I like I enjoy looking at Jesus way and everything he says I love it when I spend hours just dwelling on one statement especially if I discover that it came from the most powerful being God Himself Jesus the Creator you shall know the truth because that's what we are just about to know it's not just information but it is the truth now what happens to you and you've known the truth is that you are set free you get liberated that's the only time independence can arrive it is carried it is brought to you by the truth you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free so what is he say then what is the Lord Jesus say men of wisdom men of understanding men of integrity righteousness everything you can name he is that so good you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free so he's telling me something that I have the capacity within me to expand my scope in my understanding in as much as I know nothing as of now but within me lies an ability to perceive in to lend in to acquire more knowledge you shall know so he is telling you that currently you don't know but there is coming a time when you shall know and when that time comes then something tremendous will happen which is your liberation you will be set free by the truth that you then know in that particular moment that is coming so he has just told me when I hear him say that to me I am so encouraged in his Maja's I don't have any information as of now but I've just been promised by Jesus that at some point in my life I shall come across information the information that is accurate precise yeah this coming a moment he has promised me he has already ordered my steps that my son is you leave this place be very careful because soon you're going to stumble upon information is very accurate and when you come across such information with the information that will then set you free so he has handed over the power to deliver to the truth so it's no longer me setting you free in the future no what I do is make truth available and I will live that job - the truth - then liberate you from any affliction it's an amazing benefit upon analyzing that it's very important so what else is he telling me apart from predicting or prophesying concerning my future I may be ignorant today but I'm not going to remain ignorant in the future it shall come to pass when thou shalt have dominion that you shall break his yoke from off your neck so again a prediction a prophecy was given to ESO right but you I slave today but in the future you shall not remain in that same state we must begin to laugh the truth God has already said it in his Wayne that in the last days I shall send Fay my it's an amazing scripture welcome back to the truth is an amazing scripture I will send if Emma there is a famine that God is saying personally I'm going to send it and he said not of food but to hear my word to hear there is a famine of wanting to hear his word it is the highest level of Reviver where people come gather in their thousands knowing that they are never going to get prayed for but knowing for sure that all they are coming to get is information the truth in you see of all the bread things that we've seen happening around us for the past can say from December 2019 to now there is one thing that is very outstanding we shout really want to appreciate God for holy things the wrong things and the bad things that we have seen but it's something that I think I believe this locked-down has brought for us which we must cherish you know if you're a man of God and you have been interested in anything else apart from the teaching of the way imagine how hard it is now to do over that on Facebook if you just get to the church service knowing that you have nothing to give nothing to share in terms of information sometimes you just run up and down laying your hands on people and then you call it a day but then then everyone now is forced to say something and if this is to be prolonged I think by the time we come out it would be like some pastors are coming from a college yeah you must have something to say it must be something you see the truth is very important people must be given that it's God who is sending that hunger for the wind and then he is giving us the product father I found the scripture yes yes Amos 8 verse 11 it says behold the days come saith the Lord God that I will send a famine in the land what what is coming he said the days hmm right and he was speaking to the Prophet who I was okay so during the time of Amos is actually telling him but as of now there is no such hunger available and I was send it later there are days that are coming when a certain kind of feynman is going to be released by God right yes uh-huh that I will send a famine in the land we're sending the famine the Lord our God where in the hell and yes not a famine of bread not bread nor a thirst for water not water but of hearing sharing the words of the Lord Jesus the words of the Lord not the words of your past not the words of politicians but the words of the Lord what the Lord is saying there is so much hunger that's why you see thousands upon thousands of people they do everything to just get some feudalist but in by data and then and then they chew me just wanting to hear what God is saying knowing there is no way that I'm you see sometimes I come here I'm in East and then and then in the wait and then we dismiss hmm that's hmm and it people keep on coming because there is a hunger that the Lord has sent of wanting to hear what the Lord say but what we are here for today is a continuation last time we touched on there neither the black man yes right but you know we had also touched previously on revealing by Bob politics technology and the play and hail the plagues yes and I'm thinking today on touching a bit on that is well they're the revelation of Bible politics and talent and technology and the plague or pestilence is so touching politics today and again on technology and then on plagues right so back to the truth he said you shall know the truth so I know eventually I will get a hold of the truth and when that day comes I'm a free man what else is he saying apart from that he is training me and coaching me and letting me know that there is a Korea of information a personality that is responsible for the distribution of the truth so whilst I'm in my ignorance I'm expecting the arrival of a teaching priest one that God has sent to bring to me the truth and it is out of that truth where my deliverance shall come from so I'm expecting a teacher if ever I am going to know anything I'm prepared and making sure that I don't undermine a teaching ministry because it's not just a teacher what comes out of him is the truth and the truth is my deliverance hmm so he just told me that by saying you shall know there is no way that you can know unless you're taught mm-hmm what else is he telling me he is telling me that currently I am bound is not arguing with that it is not asking you to add you with that its effect the current fact is that you are bound and he is admitting that you are bound where is the admitting that I'm bound he's saying you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free so it means is you are hearing what Jesus is saying you're not free hmm because what do you say now may not be the actual truth but if the truth okay because it already Jesus is saying something here but he's saying you shall know the truth though what he is saying is the truth but that's not the truth that to set you free because if that's the truth at who make you free then he should be telling you that you are being set free right now is you're hearing the truth you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free so what is saying currently is the truth but that's not the truth that will make you free the truth that shall make you free you shall know okay yes all right all right all right so what is telling me is that you are not yet free and yet at the point of your slavery during your tenure during your period you still have an ability to know the truth you must have access to the truth while it's just still a slave that's what he say Wow what's your bound whilst you are bound whether you are in a dungeon whether you are in the Venice whether you are in a valley whether you are in a you are in a cave in terms of poverty still at that state within you lies an ability to know the truth you don't become free fast then try to have access to the truth no no he's not saying you have to be delivered fast for you to know the truth he is saying at the point of your deepest position by demonic spirits you still can not the truth at any level of oppression God finds ways of bringing the truth right where you are and from that level if you can get to know that truth then it is that truth that brings you out of your day limit out of your situation no matter how stressed how depressed you are its any level of depression he is saying you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free so before hearing the truth and knowing the truth you are bound yes so it's not about becoming beta fest and then one wanting to then start searching for the truth no your search for the truth right now in your current state you still have the ability to know the truth and then the truth will set you free I can keep on going on and on because once Jesus speaks there is a lot you can learn from one word from the Lord is an amazing God so the truth is about to come who I am saying all this it is so that you understand also a person talking to you today I speak for two main reasons [Music] I speak to be head and I speak to be understood sometimes the reason I'm very slow it is not because I'm just helping you cope up there's also because I'm not that fast I speak number one to be head but that's not the main reason why I speak major reason why I speak is so that I'm understood I speak to be head and I speak to be understood so for me to be head I have to be loud enough and for me to be understood I have to be clear enough the truth that you are about to hear today if you have a friend let him watch this if it is true that you love your husband call him him let him watch this if you have boss at work and then you love somebody that is under you and you really want those people to become better let them know but the truth is available today I am NOT gifted in the area of entertainment though I thank God so much for sending us people with that ability to make us laugh so we can put a smile on our faces once in a while but that's not my area I want you to get a hold of the truth I don't come here in West I'm trying to teach people things that they already know so you mustn't come here expecting to hear something that you already know I am a teacher of the word I am a teacher of the word now what is the truth that is coming to you today I will have to be loud enough to be head and clear enough to be understood if I get it wrong in any way okay please don't miss the point if I get it wrong in terms of wrong statements wrong grammar that's not the point the point is conveying a message which is the truth so follow me and follow me very well out how love all of our people really to give me the attention like I'm getting from my past to see they are looking at me like let me have that from you let's walk together and make sure that the message is delivered I'll keep on pushing until I see the blue ticks if it was on what's up ensuring that what I have sent has been received not only received but it has been read but only read or understood I would know by the way that you respond to life that's your text message back to me how you will respond to life the truth is about to come communication to me is a god-ordained mode of transport him God knowing that we shall have different persuasions it was going to be impossible for us to find an established platform by which we could share ideas hence communication was given to us by God he originated communication so I really would want to take advantage of this god-given gift communication I'm not just here to speak I am conveying through the platform of communication my convictions and my persuasions my beliefs my thoughts my ideas the truth that I have verified that's exactly what I am giving to you now huh why we have to talk about not just politics not just technology and not just plagues but Bible politics and Bible technology and by book plagues the Bible is what makes me elephant you take away the Bible because when I structured that topic I to include that which I understand the most so once you've placed the Bible at the beginning whatever you put at the end again deal with it well I say Bible food I can deal with that whether you call it biophysics by Bohr whatever as long as you'd want us to start from the Bible because that is where my Paula fication is so you have in your own understanding of politics your own understanding of Technology you're an understanding of plagues according to your own understanding who is apart from the Bible but we are dealing with the Bible the Bible politics and the Bible technology who thought and we could at any point open the Bible especially the book of Genesis and then we find technology in in the book of Genesis father it's unheard of unheard of so go there to dingy Wow and I will show you something I thank God for communication giving us an ability to express what we know ha you are so much blessed being present when a man who is verified who has known his truth is dishing out what he has experienced and letting others know what he is not yea blessed to be here thank you a blessed to be ha you know the reason why were here you passed us you must also understand that your your respect your job is not just to bring me here but you are also here to keep me on track okay you don't let me go astray because you can only keep something on track when you know where the trek is heading and waited okay I just we are recipients here far away is there to receive I see but I need your help no it's just important it's very very nice that some of these people listening to us get to know the job that you you guys do and ensuring that we keep on availing information to these people watching us yes especially during this moment when people are so desperate they don't know what to do they don't know who to listen to what to believe and some of these people they don't realize how you pastors really drag me every time even when I'm saying I don't have anything to share today these pastors they say even if you are coming in to cough just make sure the camera is rolling so you must be thankful that God has given you people not just me but other people this crew but makes sure that you get to hear what God is say you must be thankful and you must be praying for these pastors in my team that I'm making this broadcast available to you especially at this given moment if you must be praying for those people gives are wonderful gifts past us today I want to touch on a very sensitive area you know when I called it sensitive it is indeed sensitive I have tried to deal with this subject so many times in the past but it failed to reach my audience you know after delivering a message you can tell they hasn't been delivered properly want to show our people under the same topic this seed of this happened the seed of the serpent and the reason I am bringing that message up at this point it is because of certain events that we have seen unfolding and we have not been able to get any interpretation to those events we don't know what is happening in the way is it coming from and who is behind what we see happening and we have to talk about this and still again like I've said it's it falls under Bible politics Bible technology and Bible plagues we have to have an enlargement of our world with you our perspective has to be extended beyond certain set limitations we must be ready to open our eyes even wider so that we can see beyond because when you are limited in your view you may end up looking at a theory where you have some people also saying that the disease was meant in a lab and you think that's the only place that makes a disease a man-made disease but if you are to expand your understanding and you look beyond you will understand that even the entire globe the F can become the lab and any disease that originates from the F is still originating from the lab and all of us as human beings are scientists we experimenting with things that we if underestimated their outcome certain chemicals and certain components incident things especially seen this is why I remember some days back I asked you a question I said which disease was not man-made the one that was met in the lab was made by men and the one that was made even in the Garden of Eden was made by men without men doing something wrong there was no disease as this is so profound Wow we have created certain creatures that God himself had omitted during his creation things that he knew were going to endanger our lives and the lives of our children you know when God rested after he had created it wasn't because he had run out of ideas run out of shapes and colors now everything needed for the survival of the man God knew he had created all that then he gave the ability to men to come up with style and skill and be able to modify get the Chi that God had created and out of the tree bring out a chair but would then give him rest okay yes so God had created iron placed it underground so that should they extract the iron and create a vehicle that makes you even much more faster but it was our idea to bring out that iron and create an ak-47 something that would kill us at that moment he was an involved now so this F is a lab okay and the reason why you don't believe that she I sign this is because you think scientists know everything that they are mixing in the lab they experimented they don't know the experiment in the same way that we are also experimenting okay okay but now I want you to watch this now because we are getting into politics technology planks so if we are going to have problems that we are being faced with we must understand can imagine that until today there's not been an official statement that declares the actual origin of this pandemic true until now change all that we are hearing are speculations some of us we had the truth yes okay I wanted to follow this because they are plagues already attachement plagues [Music] what is the truth about that what is the truth concerning that we we underestimated their likeness of God given to us by God some what you understand is the image of God your appearance but not many really understand the likeness of God but it is within that likeness where you have the power to create non existing things now para includes wars can be created by men peace can be created by men diseases viruses and infections can be created by men we have that ability given to us by God not to create diseases but it was a misuse of power if someone would want to believe that there was a mistake in the lab still there was a mistake on the earth a misuse of chemical components we touched on something that God had said do not eat that we were not very careful with our experiments we did not follow certain procedures hence we are faced with something that we are failing to control now within their likeness of God there is an ability that if you are to properly make use of that ability you realize that you are a combination of God and human you are entitled to both titles to both names you're a human being and you're gods and you must be careful when the god part of you begins to create things but he must be creating according to the divine plan they must be a script to be followed by the gods in the humans the God in a human being must always be connected to the God because it is that God in you that he calls his likeness they must work together lest you create something that God never intended to create in the first place if you'd want really to look at the sum of how even Adam was able to make use of that ability it wasn't just the likeness given to him by God but you see animals were brought before him by God so that he would give them names it's an unusual grace it is a nomenclature anointing given to him so deliberately by God to say everything that I have created I have left out that character of an animal and I have given you the responsibility to name the animal and by naming the animal name is a character when Jesus said in my name you shall cast out demons he's saying in my character you'll cast out demons he wasn't referring to the spelling of the name hence we have had people even in the Bible calling out the name Jesus and they were beaten up by demons how come the name did not produce the promised result what went wrong with that mixture what went wrong during that experiment they didn't understand the meaning of a name the important name is what you say oh how you say it Jesus saying in my character you cast out demons right so in God gave the ability to Adam the first man to name the creatures what he actually gave to the men was an ability to create behavior so the way the lion behaves it was given that behavior by the men you behave like this and you behave like that and look at where I'm going look at way I'm going don't don't lose me here look away I'm going it was with that same likeness that we then named diseases therefore giving diseases a character or a behavior that will find so difficult and even impossible to contend with a disease that is Wiki by nature can still be empowered by the likeness of God in a man if you call a disease a deadly disease it will start killing based on the name given to it by the likeness of God because you have an ability to give a behavior viruses are gems these are creatures these are animals we help the behave in a certain way when we name them the you see coronaviruses Vanara now they are calling it covet 90 so that just become different a little bit but it has been around for some time now oh my god and you if we've had leaders coming and they've been talking about this flu pandemic over and over again if you follow it on YouTube several videos where we have had leaders coming in warning people even before the arrival of the actual disease mmm and people have been wondering are these people not profits very true not worried myself which makes people actually suspect their involvement in the creation of the disease because they know they're not profits indeed okay hmm in the characterization exactly yes and it is believed that the weight koruna is from latin which means the crowning it is the crown either of the Sun you see when you look at the Sun sometimes or even the moon there is that shining light that surrounds the moon a second that you see maybe sometimes around a star when it is shining behind the clouds that light around the star is the corona or the crowning of the star or the crowning of the Sun so the corona is actually a crown now from the moment it was named there could be other scientific reasons why it was named coronavirus but this aspect now of having a disease being crowned we must be cave because when you name something you have given that something a behavior it will behave according to the name because a name is a character from the time these things started until now look at where we are going so when we begin to teach people now some are shocked at least I would rather have someone getting shocked by this kind of information and having someone who gets terrified that makes you a suspect why I'm saying this is because look at where this Khurana fee is leading us to we are heading towards the crowning of an individual something that we named longtime back yet it carries a coronation significance when we are heading towards hmm an initiation of an individual our outlet because we're talking about bad politics biotechnology and Bible planck's web because you may wonder with us plagues come in in politics where does technology come in when this thing was named the strategy had already been laid out and by this kind of a pandemic eventually a leader will emerge it is not the crown upon the virus no-no-no let's learn something today because the truth is coming like a from his Dawa listen the truth the truth is coming this thing was known and some people have there have been anxiously waiting for a pandemic of this nature and sees it as an opportunity and push an agenda ride on epidemic which is either natural or man-made but make sure that by that crowning that karana we must end with an establishment of a kingdom imagine you are the king and then you name something after your title or after your responsibility now we have a king but you have just a crowned you have crowned a disease you've made it a ruler over you you have given it all so you've transferred even your ability to treat it now you have made it so powerful that you have allowed it now to determine where you spend most of your time hmm now it is the king the coroner has instructed everyone to stay indoors who is raining now but the power the disease's is the power that we have given to the disease oh my god this is something indeed oh this now how many times have we seen this power at work remember some days back I was teaching on the Fiat currents and we were studying from the Latin origin of the name but from Latin it means so be it or let it be so and then I said currency is not money yes and money is not currency currency is something else that man made money a conversion of something that wasn't money into money so we have currency because a government made a declaration over something insignificant and best on that declaration the insignificant thing became significant so there is an impartation of value on something that never had value originally don't think that I'm getting lost okay at this point I will get lost very soon but now I'm still on track I'm just trying to show you the ability that we have as governments if we can empower a valueless paper and make it a currency look at what we can also do to a disease how we can empower as well a wicked disease Oh still as humans and still as governments if you can take a piece of paper and make a public declaration that from today we transact using this piece of paper but his currency so be it not because there was any value in the paper but you declared value over the piece of paper and immediately there was a value from whoever declared into the paper and suddenly you have a paper carrying a value not because there is value in the paper but because of a word spoken into a life less theme we have said it so there is value is which means of the things that God created everything God that that God created is relying on us transferring the value that God has given to us on things we determine which stone is precious it is not the stone that decides now I will get a pass together together stones are never going to vote who becomes the most precious stone in the field the most precious stone underground no we decide we are going to place more value on diamond than one core so it's a transference of value I am saying that it's not about coal it's not about God isn't about diamonds it's about the disease no matter how weak the disease is we have the ability the same ability we exercised in the creation of currencies we can do the same in empowering a disease by crowning it and making it king over us I don't want us to be here forever because I can assure you we can be here until Wednesday please proceed but I want people to listen to this because we have misused and abused the power that God has given to us and what we did in this F laboratory has now come back to haunt us okay let me let me say something here faster so that I can atleast some people because I believe there are people that really would want to hear the truth yes not lies okay I don't want to be that person who brings you lie because I know everyone else is doing that okay I have to give you the truth Lucas you realize that they say that every year every single year you bury from nine to ten million people we have died of cancer every year we talk of 10 not thousand million million of people die from cancer I wanted to follow this [Music] yet it has not been able to bring about the global shutdown because we did not crown it did not call it Koren just from January up to now mmm they are saying they have reached already 13 million people we have died of other diseases apart from the corona virus from January up to now they took on just four months for his Quran I'm sure they are saying the read up 208 something thousand from December or from January St four months down the line it's 180 something thousand people yes in three months yeah so of the thirteen million that have died you only subject a hundred and eight thousand people that have died of the Quran virus and other diseases have killed [Music] more than 200 million yet only Corrin is gotten all the attention because we are heading towards the crowning of an individual believe me or not sera who thank you Wow here is if these people in the past the previous flus that have come and they've queued up to 30 million people during that time they never spoke of compulsory vaccinations no they did not never yet it had raged up to 30 million people a diet even more but vaccine was never discussed the way we had the big discussed now so pastors I know you guys you are well-informed IIIi I relied my your backgrounds I wasn't as privileged as you but if if you are really to look into these issues you know what I'm saying can be considered to be more deadly than the antivirus according to certain people any attempt to undermine or to belittle this pandemic can be considered a crime this is why videos are being put down yes it's as if everyone we really have to be in agreement but you notice that if you really want to follow my teachings and even my prophecies I shouldn't be the one sitting here and telling you of the numbers of people that have been killed by the coronavirus in trying to Billy to those numbers cuz I'm the one who said millions and billions who were dying why would I oppose my one prophecy why I should be the one promoting my prophecy by allowing whatever they want to do to proceed and have more people die there for confirming the numbers but the reason why I am saying the number is too low I have given you the reasons that the intention of the disease the plan of the enemy God came in at the right time and made sure that what they had planned who are they who get to that because that's what we are going to be discussing about you thank you not all these that we are saying now who get to that point because the agenda really the devil really wanted to reach into billions and then finally pushes his agenda but God did something because we prayed that's the issue but there's no way that we could have prayed and not have the pandemic completely otherwise some people would have said again I lied so we had to pray and we still had to head have it and then at least minimize the impact so something was done but now you do your calculation if you're talking of 180,000 people that have died over a period of maybe three months or so or four months into one year which means by the end of the year if it doesn't increase OB just at five hundred and forty thousand hundred and forty thousand that is if it doesn't increase if it is kept away it is right now right it will follow under some of the weakest diseases yes that I killing people in a year yes [Music] kantha is up to ten million yet is not getting that much attention exactly no not much research is being done to stop cancer we are not having billionaires gathering putting their monies together to come up with a cancer vaccine it is killing more people than the corona now if we are having thirteen million people dying from several other diseases and we have this one also coming in there could be a very wicked approach to this the naming thing hmm I don't know how to explain this but but you see you realize maybe in Zimbabwe they are saying that is a a ship rising in the malaria yes right I think they're talking of more than hundred and fifty Oh up to two hundred people but if died yes just from the beginning of this year there's killed more than 200 people malaria recorded because we know which they could be some right some yes from the beginning of the eighteen now two hundred have died of malaria hmm there is no vaccine for that it is being pushed the vaccine that has to be pushed as a matter of agents is against the disease which is cured less than 10 people and it has gotten all the attention so what has become suddenly of all the numbers of people why did they say in Italy that 99% of the people that died of corvid 19 it underlying diseases it it's like something has weakened the disease that it has to write and to be empowered and to be hosted by an already existing diseases because you don't need that extra aid from other diseases if you are really that powerful yes something has weakened you something has weakened us but here this he said you shall know the truth and what the true that you know is what will set you free it is the truth that sets people free it is never a vaccine you see saying what I'm saying it is because some of us have been ready for years to have bullets passed through our brains we have been forever this is the information some of you you adjusted victims you don't even follow you don't even investigate you don't even question some of us we do if I sit on the table and I eat and I realize the beef was so testy I don't I don't depart from your house fast without asking where did you get this before that's me that's me tell me your sauce where did you get this chicken from where did you buy this ice cream from so that tomorrow if I want to repeat the same experience we have equipped me you have given me information you have to investigate everything you have to so now let's look at the common flu which we know has been killing people every year right esra suddenly they have stopped giving us a number of the people that are getting killed by that common flu okay right so it appears right now like really people are dying we have been overwhelmed by death exactly everywhere you look now it's like that's the only disease now that is killing people everything else stopped killing people that's the image that's been painted it has the image yes now Jesus wouldn't have said it is the truth that will set you free unless it was a lie that had bound you Hey what is alive when I saw this I don't want to get into details here this was an aggressive disease very powerful much more deadly which was coming to kill more people than any of the diseases we have had in the past the way I said it then I said I'm calling you now to pray hmm only God can stop this yes and God did not fail us God came right on time and he neutralized the agenda of the devil now the committee they are beings that I'm here to talk about who looked at this strategy breaking into pieces and said are we going to allow this to happen we have seen it it has been weakened how do we still empower it now it is achieving more results it is getting more attention than diseases that are killing more people if you don't need to be a doctor some may say you are not a specialist in that area these are simple findings that a new any one of you you can get that you don't need to be angry with me I'm giving you the truth now there is power that was given to a piece of paper but we now call currents and people are even calling it money and yet what God had created was the actual money and what man met was currents he went on to call it money as well and there was a competition between the original and something that meant men had met right the Bible tells us what money is it says Abraham was rich in gold and silver and Cato that's God's definition of being rich that's money and what they created was a currency I am saying there is not even value in the piece of paper the value is in what it represents there has to be the actual money behind the currency for the currency to become valuable and easy to exchange with easy to move around and so on if there is no actual money behind the currency then the currency ceases to be money but I'm just showing you how successful governments have been in transferring value upon something that had no value in until now currency is regarded as money yes because they say dit let it be so so be very careful when they come back again with the same anointing and place value on an inferior disease and it can also be saw a hmm let me help some people to understand what we have like in this case we have the gold we have the oil we have the diamonds right we'll decatur in africa so we have the money in africa okay so what we are going out there to get is not money we are going to get what they have called money not what God has called money so we are going by their decrease so what they tell us is money and then we agree that it is money and then we abandon the money that God has given to us the same trip we are going to fall into the same shape what they call a disease is what we also call a disease hey you cannot argue with them you cannot argue with their findings if you fail to argue with their discovery of man what they discover what they tamed money if it wasn't money and we are still calling it money we are flying begging them to give us what we think is money and because they know what money really is they give you currency in exchange for money because they know you have the money but you don't you wait for us to name it for you okay hmm okay okay we're not talking about money here I'm talking about naming the likeness of God given by God to us which we can use to name things we can we can whatever we desire to weaken on the earth we can we can we have been living under a lie because everyone right now believes that without a vaccine people cannot live it's a light that has been pushed into the minds of people because growing up we've all been vaccinated right but is that according to Scripture men never required any external aid in terms of medication to have your immune system active who came up with that idea it was supposed to be natural healing all that billionaires needed to do was to give us enough food we create a good environment for ourselves we eat well with sleep well we work well and the moon is active and we are not depressed exactly that's the only way you can empower the human [Music] immune system yes right yes if you do that people quickly recover from their diseases yes yes how okay before the discovery of a vaccine how come people were even living longer yes this listener by book yes they were living no I don't know when they discovered the vaccine before that how come why is people are not looking at some of the things that we are alive because of a vaccine the problem is that you don't understand what being alive means what do you think walking around in taking a shower and talking like you're talking you think are alive if you are dead mentally then you're dead so we are talking about something here that has been well discussed well planned and then when God intervened and he scattered them they shall gather indeed but not for my sake the Bible declares that he will scatter them right yes but now I want to take you through some truths so that we can all understand have you noticed that they came out and they were saying that some people who are behind the creation of the cure or the vaccine and so they actually proposing that hey you know this Lakhdar thing it has to be prolonged I think to be fair unless people are vaccinated I think we can go on even for the next two years even one year even five years they are saying we are never going to be safe unless everyone gets a vaccine say whatever you want to say but you have to answer my questions that's what I do I confront people with very simple questions and instead of answering those questions they get angry what is killing more people how come we are no longer safe now how many people are dying off several other diseases and we are not teaching those diseases with this kind of agents there is something that you're not being told prolong therefore giving us time to create you can't just say the vaccine is ready everyone is going to ask you when did you test it huh so finally even if countries are going to open up they were still call it temporal so that should remain suspended knowing that you are not free well they are saying it would be dangerous for you to travel unless you have received that [Music] if they are saying you can't travel you must understand something else they are telling you they are saying you can't sell you can't buy you can trade yeah if you can travel out of our countries so we are going to that issue again but my issue is let's put the numbers on the table I told you now I'm telling you again people have to take this from me today this coronavirus no matter what they do it is not going to end coronavirus is going to join the queue I said this I said it oh joy in the rest of the diseases like the flu that we have every June and you like [Music] God has reused it from a pandemic into becoming one of the diseases that we can contend with varies with the medications we have available thank you thank you which do not require any vaccine you need the medication and I'm not saying this from science I'm saying this from the presence of God that's why I was able to announce to declare the treatment before the most powerful country in the you you you you you you could say you can you can you can play with that how can you come after maybe 40 days later when I'd said it and we have the President of the United States of America coming out to say in six days we have tried it India finding some very interesting results put my professor there put his confirmation there is and you tell me that I'm a fool I'm not being confirmed by somebody who is walking in the streets No I don't want this to be too light maybe it's long already but let me let me show you something okay let me show you something why people are failing to understand what is binding people is a lie now hear this don't ever think that I'm saying there is no disease I'm the one who told you yes yes okay yes all right so I should be the one promoting greater numbers exactly yes okay professor Callaghan exactly I should be celebrating and saying okay you see I've told you let's keep on listen at the number keep on good let's just leave them yeah but I'm the one who came back and said let's pray again to see God said I'm coming it but this is the thing now if if it were you you passed we have billions of dollars you have billions of dollars because if you look at the billionaires that have gathered around this idea it's an amazing gathering the level of consent and you can't even explain it Jesus himself never forced his blood on everyone yes he never yes though he knew his blood was the only vaccine only authentic the only true hmm medication for mankind yet it was never composure true trained men with the best secure didn't imposed on people the latter so if the Bible says there is no greater love than this the man should give his life for his breath so if the Bible is saying you can't discover new love that surpasses that of Jesus which means they can't be any billionaire claiming to loving men and hind more than the love Jesus demonstrated on the cross why is it the cost was never composure now let me show you the kind of love I'm showing in the truth if if you passed you were into billions of dollars and you've got your friends like 20 I'm Eunice I receive and you want to push an agenda and you really want to treat and you want to cure the people you don't want people to die and then you have this level of accusations and with your cure you are killing people and it's everywhere you go under the table you go on your roof everyone is saying your help is actually killing the people and we have losses you have everyone is complaining in their life proof that you don't have an agenda is that you quit abandon the abandon the idea yes I've offered my help it's not needed only that so I can't let the people die until they come begging for help yes certainly even Jesus himself he says I come at the door and I knock he doesn't bring doors and then get in before no no you have to he says if you hear my voice you come and you open I will come in and dine with you hope should never be forced on people come on very me never you get to a point where you say okay I wanted to help you but I can't take this anymore and you withdraw this is too much these accusations are just too much when average human being to keep on persisting we end up saying okay let me let me withdraw my help unless City the death rate then you know that I would really wanted to help why are you not giving up because the love that the Bible says there is no any other greater love than this still the greatest love was never imposed on anyone indeed if I get into the bus right now it's my candy and I've got my Holy Communion I said everyone in this pass you have to take the blood of Jesus in the body of Jesus I really have to be arrested for that that's not that's not appropriate yes that's not fair you can't impose your beliefs on everyone everyone yes okay the other thing if you do a research very well I had I don't know whether that is true but there's been several attempts to push some form of legal documentation that makes them immune to any lawsuit okay they are pushing these pharmaceutical companies but when they push a drug into any country the government is held responsible hmm if you sue them it is the government that have to represent them and not the pharmaceuticals themselves standing this is what we are pushing for they want to supply it and stand behind the government's and once you have a men standing behind the government the government controls the justice system but the question is why what why seek for that if you're sure why would you want to be protected yes yeah yeah okay let me just say this given that that they might be seeking indemnification nationally in terms of where they administer the vaccine governments I believe are the representatives of the people and once you have the people complaining about a vaccine in a spice it's doing harm to the people then it is not the people fighting against themselves and yet the originators of the vaccine are sending their true coming up with the next vaccine okay now you look at something much bigger passes you can tell me that America is small it's cake right it's it's big no just because it is big it is big because they've anointed themselves okay okay they talk big yes yes in this scripture mmm [Music] them coming out in wanting or threatening to withdraw their contribution in wanting to detach themselves from the World Health Organization what is going wrong them coming back and saying now we are going to would try to rely on our lookout that local information will go by what we are seeing practically on the ground this mm-hmm was it many days ago was it last year it was just few days ago and I said Ghana is very spiritual in a couple of days ago few day yeah the first ones not to come out and say no we can have this economy destroyed go by the information that we are getting right now because they know they've other diseases killing more people mean and this one now coming out to say so it wasn't like I'm just saying Ghana's which was simply because of what I'm no yeah you talk of Independence the one of the face one of the first to fight against oppression is mmm yes so you have to be strong confront whether it is the truth or it is a lightness to be confronted yes you look at the South African economy Mike it has never been like this hmm hmm it's going down the drain we are going to become the poorest and when we come out of our hiding will behave in a bigger begging plate mmm because they know as long as you have your money we can control you let's achieve more through this pandemic and we have seen this happening in the Bible the lockdown is biblical was they in the scriptures Ben Hadad came he besieged the city Ben Hadad is a system yes no one was going out no one was coming in until people were eating each Father there was a new strategy he never fired no even one bullet for simply lockdown yes that was it age so now we are getting some way do you know at this point pastors you can find people really wanting to make this issue even against me to say look listen to what did you say okay can you imagine that at this point they haven't yet discovered the vaccine mmm right but somebody's angry yeah it hasn't been introduced we don't have it in African countries no no right yes so it's not like they said we now have the vaccine everyone has to be vaccinated in then I'm coming out later to say no it's even before way before way before [Music] I'm saying it before eight somebody's already angry but if I ask him so ways the faction okay I want to be vaccinated vaccinate me it's the way they are waiting we are waiting for them to bring you see the problem it's a very big problem it's a very big problem because I trust you more than I trusted them I trust you more than I trust them you give it to me let's have our monies being put into local researches anyhow our own we have the best scientists he has best doctors yes so what they are bringing back is what they got from here the same footage same beans [Music] it is the truth that sets people free some of you are just chanting saying this and we are completely ignorant we have no idea what is happening some of us if we were going to rely on you telling us accurate information we are going to be doomed forever you know nothing very true I'm telling you of strategies of the enemy where this meeting was held thank you I know it believe me when I tell you these things so what is happening now I'll show you something there is a generation on the F I've said it now saying it again there is a generation on the F which I believe is a very strange and a very mysterious generation if they say the population is seven or seven and a half billion people [Music] I can sit here is a profit and prove to you that that is a lie humans on the earth are much less than that there is a very strange speech that has come up with very deceptive ways of mutating the appearance of mankind if you think every person you meet or you find driving a car is a person you have to listen to what I'm about to say if you get into every plane and you think every pilot is a human being then you have to listen to what I'm about to say if you are getting ready for a surgery and the doctor is ready to operate on you and you think every doctor is a human being you have to listen to what I'm about to say if you look at every political leader and you think is a human being again you have to listen to what I'm about to say you must investigate statements a tad by the most intelligent be Jesus when Jesus who not read it just want you to here is there was a king in authority and Jesus came and hid his ministry under the authority of that governing system in one day because he knew he was about to be killed before that he would avoid getting into public places and escaping even when they wanted to kill him before his time now and when time was now drawing closer and he was getting ready was prepared now to go you know there was a day when he said to some messages I would want you because now I'm no longer going to be hiding I want you to go and tell that Fox referring to the king go and tell the Fox he did not say a human being I said go and tell the Fox but I am preaching here and I'm curing the sick casting out demons and tomorrow and I'm done I'm going he gave him his itinerary call he was no longer afraid to die hence notifying even foxes but I appear like human beings now before me you crucify me you may not believe what I'm saying at the hearing it from the Creator that can bring the cease fire it was Jesus he is not like prophets it's not like a bishop he is not a pope Jesus is God who knows and sees everything and he's never wrong and when he tells you never to cast your pearls before swine you must ask him are you talking about the swine in Jesus was here today physically you deaf still coded the swine-flu not referring to swine but referring to certain people the Paris is referring to something very important that is why you see I'm so careful with the information that I give out because I know these are powers this is precious information but if you drop this that's why sometimes some of you you can share this video send it to your friend the friend has to be somebody sensible to be able to appreciate what I'm saying very true Jesus is saying if you look at what you are caring and you realize it is very valuable and then you cast it before X Y it will tremble upon it and then it will come after you and destroy you you see yeah what is this telling me he's telling me that if you say anything in the presence of swine's Peaks they will step on your message but you have taught and they'll come after you they will look for a strategy why are we allowing him to say these things that's how you begin to understand that the population is not a seven billion you casts a pale see how humans and Peaks will respond to information like this what is there in what I have said that irritates anyone in Africa tell me one thing but is agonist Africa the reasons anything that is supposed to irritate some in from anyone in Africa no this is pro I'll prove to you what I'm saying this is why we may think about to say something that is going to cause a lot of problems here we may think that what Jesus did on the cross was a fiasco it was a failure having to die for how many people right now we have only maybe two billion people that's what they say that are born again and then we believe that it was a failure who said it was a failure if we are not sure of the actual population okay what if he came to die for the people and the people that he died for really got the salvation swallow indeed swell okay I can prove this what I'm saying through scriptures let's go to Genesis chapter number 3 from verse number one we read this last time let's heat again book of Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yea hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden and he said hmm as God said you shall not eat of every tree in the garden yes and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden every other tree every other food yes from the trees of the garden we may eat but of the tree but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden there was a tree which was right in the midst of the garden yes God hath said ye shall not eat of it neither so God has said hmm so he's a saying God our God speaks yes he tells us he gives us instructions on how to live long he gives us the best prescription what not to eat so that we can live longer before we can heat from doctors before we can hear from scientists we have to listen to the Creator the manufacturer of the product is my god he tells you what not to consume huh God hath said ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it lest ye die mm-hmm and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then he said you shall not surely die yet God had said you surely die right yes yes and the serpent is coming to say you shall not sow what is coming to do is to oppose yes so you have to be keep very very careful every time you have a word that you got from God and you carry it around you must expect a completely opposite wet from this happened concerning the same way that you had from God okay God said usually die and the devil is coming to say you will not surely die uh-huh for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened God knows that in the day that you eat so you see there is a day this woman is being promised of a coming day and God knows that if that day comes and you take advantage of this tree what is going to happen to you is that you will have your eyes opened don't lose me now please don't lose me don't lose me ah so she's being promised of a coming day but Oh cause hey to see but in that moment this woman could see this is why they were discussing this particular tree cause of all looking at it there's a certain level of vision which is a futuristic which is coming in the future it's a prediction of vision which would come at a later stage maybe there is a generation in the future there is a vision she's being taught of a certain level of site which is futuristic not just during her time but we have to extract the meaning of the prophetic declaration because there is something that is being said in there the devil knows that in the future there is a day where people who see there's going to be another form of site but people never head and we are moving towards that dispensation ah okay let's move slowly uh-huh then your eyes shall be opened then God knows that if you eat then you came home and ye shall be as gods we shall be as gods in what knowing in knowing good and evil Kerry did I get for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as God's knowing good and evil okay you'll be like God knowing good good and even evil yes and when the woman someone who spend much time on that because we can be there forever then knowing hmm because to think that now [Music] after eating of this tree now they know what is good and what is he who is this knowing coming after eating didn't they know even before eating that eating is if they knew pea so why is it being called the tree of knowledge of good and evil and yet they knew if they knew was knowing that if I don't eat this tree it means you know something good yes and knowing that if I eat this is something bad it means you know you know if you know even so there's something isn't it talk about this thank you for I can spend the whole day on that way keep already and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and the woman saw that the tree was good for what food for food hey I want to pasta to read for me first John chapter 2 verse number 16 first John chapter 2 and verse number 16 and then I want you to give us the findings what she discovered this woman I don't know whether this she discovered after eating the tree or before okay so let's be very very careful here so we have to understand what she is about to say is is this a discovery after the consumption or before before the consumption right otherwise why would it be good for food if you haven't yet tested but we're about to hear something now concerning this tree from this woman uh-huh the six mm-hmm and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food so she saw that the tree was good for food uh-huh and that it was pleasant to the eyes so she could see that the tree was very pleasant to the eyes good for food pleasant to the eyes see what this tree is already doing [Music] it's very deceptive in nature but even if she had not yet taken of the tree the tree has a way of presenting itself in a very deceptive way that you would want to have it even if it is something deadly even if it is a VAX and even if it is but it is a way that it presents itself that you feel like I have to have it pleasant to the eyes the appearance of the tree yet the tree contains something good and something evil in as much as it had something evil contained in itself still it was pleasant to the eye pleasant very attractive is the best deal best invention everyone is this lets save mankind now you're focusing on the good part and not focusing on the bed but and I said this first time I presented this but this is the tree of knowledge if the tree of knowledge now so she's seeing that it is pleasant to the eye so very attractive this tree so it was there she could look at it and see it fair attractive and when something is attractive it is saying to you hear me yes have me like the pottage was a lady she listened to the eyes and Esau said can I have this can I have this you didn't know that there was something evil in the portage I can keep on reading she saw and she saw that the tree was one good for food and it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise a bit again and a tree to be desired to make one wise see a tree to be desired to make one wise so the way the tree is structured it is structured in a way that you have to decide and the way you desire for the trade is because it carries an ability to give you intelligence we already delving into technology now right if something that mankind will not be able to resist it will become the desire of every nation to want to have it because it increases your mental capacity to [Music] make one wise the making it is an ability within the tree within the technology to bring an individual into dimensions of information now you hear them now they are talking of you becoming the Google right Nasra so in the future we won't have our children writing any exams it won't be necessary we are not going to be carrying our phones we are no longer going to be carrying our computers you become the computer yourself this is a generation that is coming in the future most of it is being implemented right now human beings are volunteering themselves and ending their selves over into the hands of a very strange manufacturer and they're being converted into devices humans are becoming devices but here this the same way today they cannot allow you to get into an exam with your iPad with you imagine now once you have that information in you everyone would celebrate what's wrong with that because it's very attractive blessing to the eyes italy desired to make one wise a tree desired to make one wise now hear me if I'm giving you an interpretation this is a revelation okay this is a revelation right you can choose to read it in the book of Genesis and then say it was just a tree or maybe call it an airport maybe ecology or whatever you want to call it you end there you end there because that's where you belong some of us we can go even further I'm showing you how it all started in the book of Genesis in how it is going to end in the book of Revelation the technology in the book of Genesis of something external which the serpent who is the Beast he was more satyr than all the beasts of the field so the serpent was the Beast and this he deceived the beast deceived the woman into receiving something from a tree a fruit a product produced by the tree it was a product that the Beast wanted to be placed into the human be and she went on to say something that we never had God telling other she said we are not allowed to eat it or even to touch it so she's talking about two places having the food on your face that's why we have your mouth or in your hand right right we have the same thing in the book of Revelation chapter number 13 the Mack will be on either on the forehead on your face or on your right hand the Bible doesn't say that when when you are going to receive the mark of the beast you will have it on both places your forehead or you know either your hand or on your forehead so here she's talking about having it on your face or even touching it though you may want to argue that maybe God had never told her that but listen to this touching it she highlighted that to the serpent who is the beast and the Beast insisted that this thing is good in your body you you know see you see when you take this into your body this thing will begin to emit information because it is the tree of knowledge [Music] so you already you see the preparation of having things placed into your body as a result of the persuasions by the Beast to have you receive something which would then give you knowledge is the tree of knowledge of good and evil so you're going to take in something into your body you don't you no longer have to know anything because it will know for you ah my god so the Beast came before revelation we have the Beast in the book of Genesis that's why it's called that or disciplined in Revelation is all because he started to do all in the book of Genesis wanting to put something into a human body but how can I do that I have to tell the person but you are not enough you are not sufficient you are not complete so I can convince you that without this you cannot survive you are not that intelligent you're not that smart so they start by telling you that you are in danger you are in danger you are in dangerous danger all over you people are terrified fear then he provides the solution if you eat this this is what you're going to become a better person than you are today now we are in that moment of being beguiled by the beast right now the human race is standing right in front of a technology which the Beast is getting ready to make sure that it is it finds its place in a physical human body and this technology I'm not exaggerating scriptures I'm I'm opening your eyes actually so that you can see thank you for this thing that they ate in the garden was able to educate them [Music] isn't it that now today your phone can tell you that you've been sitting for too long stand up in walk mm-hmm the phone can tell you that your car that you're driving can tell you that now you are dozing given to park your car and get a cup of coffee your car now we are talking of external things that will have to be placed within your body so that you can begin to communicate no longer with God but with that gadget there'll be interaction like a prayer session where you can consult yourself something from within for any information no longer having to ask God for anything so you can study the lying on yourself but follow this now we are reading something we are coming to the book of John but she has seen that there are three things good for food hmm right yes and then pleasant to the eyes it read desired to make one wise this kind of a temptation that man was tasted with is the only temptation every other temptation on the earth falls under these three categories now you read book of John first John chapter number 2 verse number 16 mmm-hmm for all that is in the world mmm-hmm the last of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but all that is in the world is what for all that is in the world so technology all that is in the world can be summed up in these this is a summer everything that you see in the world all that is in the world is what the last of the flesh number one the last of the flesh and the lust of the eyes in the last of the ice number two and the pride of life and the pride of life as number what number number three [Music] that's all that you have in the world that's why when Adam and Eve were tempted they were tempted in these three areas because this is all every sin falls under these three right now we look at Jesus good Book of Luke chapter number four Luke chapter number four we want to read that it's quite long he was led Jesus into the wilderness to do what tempted by who therefore he was led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil so who was going to be tempting Jesus in the wilderness the devs every devil yes that's what we see in the Book of Luke right yes the number four but let me surprise you Luke look at mark chapter number one verse number three so that we understand exactly the scenario you may call it a wilderness but be very careful what you're about to discover now there are some similarities because in the garden there was a discussion yes between the woman and the serpent which was a beast and there was a communication and she was persuaded to take of the tree and eat and she took it now here comes the last Adam he must be given that same opportunity so that men can be restored from every loss created by the first Adam so the same test had to be duplicated copy and paste there to be brought to Jesus so the same sinner you had to be created for him for him to come out is the champion there was need for the devil to tempt Jesus now look at that verse now mark 1 verse 3 chapter 1 verse number 31 verse 13 mark super number one fist my apologies for her and he was there Jesus was there where in the wilderness 40 days 40 days you know in Luke chapter number 4 it was 40 days of fasting then after that he was led into the wilderness to what intimately of the devil now Mack is giving us more detail so that you can remember what happened in the garden I read again with pigeon and he was there in the wilderness yes 40 days 40 days tempted of Satan so we know as Luke chapter number 4 yeah and was with the wild beasts [Music] why talk of the odd beasts what has that to do with him being tempted so that again you see how another beast was used by the same devil is the same modus operandi hmm there was a communication what they wanted Jesus to do in Luke chapter number four what did he start with he said because he realized that he was hungry he said ten the stone into bread eating What did he say to Eve it is the tree was good for food ah does the lust of the flesh and Jesus was given that temptation the lust of the flesh right and he said ten this because your flesh desires mm-hmm now and Eve succumbed to the temptation and Jesus said it is written man shall not live by bread alone yes so he came out victorious no temptation number two the Beast said to Eve your eyes shall be opened the opening of visions when you eat of this tree which is the the last of the of the eyes what are the next temptation Jesus was taken upon a high mountain and he showed Eve he showed his eyes the last of I'm coming back to the second generation I knew a lot of information was going to come that's why I said you need to help me you passed us so now the last of the ice is standing there and he showed him all the kingdoms of the world ah [Music] he said if only you can bow down and worship me here I'll give you all these kingdoms delivered unto me and I'll give them to whomsoever I will and he said only God shall you worship yes he said I have only one temptation left because there are only three things according to John ah let's get to the pinnacle of the temple cast yourself down he took him to a public place because this is something to do with the pride of life with Eve the same thing this thing you desire it because it makes you wise ah three times they were tempted in the garden they failed three times Jesus was tempted in those three areas and he came out victorious all of them there was the involvement of beasts Wow okay all right thank you we are going somewhere now now keep on reading now I want to see something she has discovered something about the tree because now that she contains those three things yes those three things are contained within what the tree hit tree okay so when the tree comes you have to be very careful now whatever is going to come in the future representing the tree in the future because we have to be very careful these were two trees in the garden so the Tree of Life and the tree of knowledge right the tree of life who had nothing to do with knowledge they did everything to do with life and he had access to the Tree of Life that's why he wasn't dying but because he was Emoto and because he had access to the tree that would give him life right yes okay yes okay okay and there was another tree we should nothing to do with life it had everything to do with the Information Age Wow we were supposed to become futuristic so the devil in the way of drawing knowledge information right into history starting from there wouldn't you want to know wouldn't you want to see before there were any televisions is talking about visions better visions in the garden so so you're looking at something here which is very very profound huh what is the Beast saying today is we are sitting here yes one agenda is being pushed let's get something that emits knowledge into a human body but that something cannot go by itself it has to accompany something good the tree has to be comprised of two things good and evil there must be easy we say we want to save you and in the process of saving you we don't not only give you something that saves you in terms of medication but something that monitors something that confirms that you've received you are safe now we can be with you we can sit in a meeting with you we can be in the same plane we are not alone like dangerous to us why because you have been vaccinated how do we know because the vaccine itself cannot communicate that I'm here but we need something which is a certificate in beauty within your body you receive that it gives you access your allowed to send to buy so you have to stay indoors because you are dangerous unless you've been vaccinated now you know we can have you outside but how are we going to monitor that I'm saying this if they fail this time if they only give people vaccines it will be a failure because like I've said I was stand by my weight more people who get sick because of that if they fail to give you the chip that accompanies the vaccine this time this pandemic will continue they will find ways of still bringing it back until people are saying no without the heavy vaccine and we have to have a way of knowing we has not been vaccinated hence technology comes in so you have to be blending becoming together the marriage of the vaccine the good thing the good thing and the chip the info and these two things this is the tree in the garden which gives information now when you have that in your body pastors you can look at that statement that you have just Arend okay good for the eyes right I wanted to click Pleasant the way the pleasant is very important at the book of Genesis 3 verse 6 pleasant from the Strong's pleasant is desire okay the scripture first and then you you click there Genesis 3 verse 6 and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food when she saw yes a bit she was good for good for food as the last of the flesh when she saw that the tree she saw yes she she saw right yes she saw that uh-huh and that it was pleasant to the eyes pleasant what the eyes to the eyes pleasant to the eyes that she was pleasant to the eyes Pleasant according to Strong's is desire desire so the desire of the eyes so what I'm telling our people today is this you can keep on reading what is desired general desire wish wish longings of one or not longings of one's heart those guys they have a way of even making you buy what you are never going to use hmm they're good at that longings are going to be created manufactured technologically mm-hmm so we are talking of something created a product because a fruit is a product in the factory is the tree so they will put it into your body and because it is a tree of knowledge so your knowledge is going to be best on that ship so the chip isn't only why we why I am screaming like this it is because I'm looking at ignorant people we have no idea of spiritual things and what the devil is planning once the chip is in a physical body it will dictate the desires the longings the passions the appetite you look at another menu being Amen and have your desires manipulated it will be easy for them to have men marrying each other everyone with a chip they can because it's no longer about you making decisions you can never say I don't like alcohol because at that time it is no longer your free will being consulted by you it is the chip the tree of knowledge hear me if you if you don't understand what I'm saying please just take time you can you can pause this for a moment just growl and then maybe come back and kana how you can do that have it may save this some way and keep it because you need this information it happened in the garden the beginning it's coming at the end the same dragon is in both books what he wants is for you to have something in your body he insisted until the food entered into their bodies what kind of a food was that if it was just ordinary food tell me buy that food for me bring it here the food that can make me wise why buy all these books why build libraries when you just create restaurants and we send our children there and they eat that kind of a food what kind of food is that this is technology a chip that the Beast wanted placed in a human body so that they can control them manipulate their desires so I'll repeat this again I said it before once this thing is placed in people you have lost your country's I have to say this again you no longer have their allegiance your people are never going to vote for you as their president because they will have to be told who to vote for hmm because they are no longer just people they are now telephones with a SIM card in their bodies they ring when they are cold they protest when they are programmed to protest I feel sorry for African leaders who argue if what I'm telling them now you are losing your country's we don't want to be rude by outside us we love you we want you to reign over us we trust you more than we trusted them don't hand us over to them we lose you you lose us this is the final shopping spree they've bought everything else acres of lands helicopters jets now they said now the only thing left that we can buy is a human soul they are willing to lose every cent as long as they are now in control of the human race ow it of the tree that would then give you knowledge they'd keep on reading it the book of Genesis 3 verse 6 out I just own the seed of the serpent I'm realizing that I offer we no longer have time I'll just touch it a little bit and then we'll continue next time okay all right she took of the fruit thereof and did eat she took all the food and did what did eat yeah so now the food is way inside inside the food is now inside yes and gave also unto her husband with her and the husband also with him he did eat right by Withey ate may mean they were together standing next to the tree or with her meaning in the garden mm-hmm okay so she also gave so notice something very important here this one the devil did his work by persuading the woman to eat the tree the devil did not persuade the man the man who ate head from God was not persuaded by the devil because he was taught by God this thing is very dangerous what the devil did was to go to someone who wasn't present when God spoke she was present she was still in Adam okay and then he persuaded the Beast persuaded the woman and she took off the tree and she blessed the tree the foot into the physical body which came from the man okay that's why I said if you allow your people to receive the Mac you are not saying we are not exempted then a born of you're born in the flesh of your flesh and she took and she ate and then she also gave to the husband so the devil is doing this he said this product I cannot market it myself I have one buyer that I desire if I can get that man to buy this product I've taken over the world but I cannot persuade him but who has conquered that powerful men the woman and he went to the woman and he gave the product to the woman and the woman took the product to the men because the men was subdued by the wife so the devil knew how to push this agenda how to push this product into the market if we take the medication or the chip to the citizens governmental resistance let's start with the government's once we have given it to Eve the people under the government are going to receive we don't need to market it it will be forced to own them that is why the Bible if you study your Bible the Bible actually declares in the new teaser that Adam was not deceived but it was total Bible says he says Adam was not deceived but if so what does he say in saying the citizens are not deceived what is deceived our governments the origin the mother the one feeding the family is the one who was deceived for the first Timothy 2 verse 14 please allow me to read yes and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression so deception is at a higher level that's why we talk about politics bad book politics we are coming to that all this imagine is falling under plagues in technology now we are talking of EU how to present and who to give this product to and then he stayed away he said I know if I've given these to her she's going to sell this is going to be bought no one's going to resist now the woman brought the products the men and the men ate aha in continuity and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat verse number seven and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves okay after they'd consumed this tree they knew notice the Bible is not saying they became naked they were not made naked hmm by the tree the tree made them to know they knew that they were naked so the first thing that that she did upon entering into their body was to show them they are inadequacy their limitations and their need for another external covering that's why we see the first industry that was opened there they went out to saw fig leaves industries now opening under the influence of this tree okay men is so desperate he wants to drink that he wants to drive that he wants to build that that appetite now is coming from the tree no it's coming from the tree I need a better trousers and the beta sheet and the better suit and so on and so on all that it wasn't there before that thing that was placed into his body now started communicating of one's desires instead it immediately immediately now he was being taught without it's cell phone you can't spend a day imagine if you forget your phone at home you have to drive back and get it something is telling you this is wrong so the first thing that the technology started doing in them was to show them but you're naked you're not covered desire desire desire desire desire you are being taught right now even before the chip comes into your body there is a light that is going out there that you are about to die you're about to die you're about to die so what do we do now we want to provide life we'll give you this and then you can leave haha come on read verse eight and they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden should use finished early on the figs and the eyes of them both were opened opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together mm-hmm and made themselves aprons why are they making themselves aprons because they are naked they are realizing that we are naked so the first thing that the tree did was to let them know of what they don't have mmm that's right yes not the number two thing which is very very critical which I would want all of you people here to understand is that they also discovered their transparency what is the meaning of that there is no more privacy the technology made them naked ah I'm sure you see ah with the 5g technology 6g techno there is no more covering there is no information you can hide this is the level of nakedness that's why nations are fighting over this technology because it uncovers all the secrets there is no more covering am I saying something ok ah ok ah to prove to you that I know what I'm talking about is their reaction to the nakedness something is about to shock you now their reaction to the nakedness I'm about to show you something please don't forget this so that you understand the kind of nakedness I'm not exaggerating here I'm giving you a revelation I'm shedding light so that you can understand here do you know that with that kind of nakedness they did not become ashamed with that kind of nakedness they became afraid read it read it verse 8 and they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden so now they are hearing the voice of God walking in the garden in the cool of the day so they are hearing no longer seeing okay listen no lunacy dead a visual interaction with God before the tree now they can only hear the God that they used to see so the improvement in their sight has made them blind to the most important being which is God now they are hearing God walking in the garden no Lana seeing him AHA in the cool of the day yes and Adam and his wife hid themselves hid themselves Adam and his wife hid themselves already I'm showing you the effects of the technology running away from the presence of God once we have the chip this is why you can never be born again everyone who gets the chip who gets the number of the beast who never be saved the next thing that you do is to run away from everything that has to do with the presence of God avoiding Church avoiding a man of God avoiding the Bible avoiding song everything that's why you see some of the people who already have this in their bodies they had changed so much they're running away avoiding the presence of God people that used to commune with God but simply because of a fruit a product in their body hmm you see now yeah slowly I'm showing you the effects of the technology yes right now they are hiding from what from the presence of the law yes among the trees of the God among the trees of the garden they are hiding from God among the trees of the garden they took of the tree and the same tree and they took the food from he's helping them again is cover hiding behind the trees of the garden the industry had produced the fruit the product they are hiding now God can no longer find them aha and the Lord God called now God is calling for the first time God can no longer find his men so the technology has the ability to make you invisible even to God can no longer locate you can no longer communicate with you they know what they are doing the thing they are going to put into your body into packed every contact that you had with God God will have to begin to look for you for the very first time you disappear from his rod God is coming calling for Adam and the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto Him where art thou we're at thou the location God who sees everything who knows everything is asking the men which means he could no longer be found still in his original place which means this ship can cause a shift in the movement you can be dislocated you can move to a different location because of something that is controlling you now God comes to the meeting place he no longer finds you there and he's asking where are you were supposed to be here today what is taking you there so what the technology do is to move people don't migrate from the presence of God it will be hard for God to find them but is why once you have a chip even if you have someone preaching during the tribulation once you have the chip you can be born again no preach I'll be able to like it to locate you you will be placed away from the presence of God and the preachers cream calling out your name and you never find each other be very very careful of this technology we are going somewhere now verse 10 and he said I heard thy voice in the garden I had thy voice in the garden now nobody doesn't make sense if you are still in the garden okay mmm yeah that doesn't make sense yes mm-hmm and I was afraid I was afraid now he's telling us the reason why he was afraid uh-huh because I was I was naked not ashamed naked not ashamed you say he didn't say I was ashamed he said I was afraid what kind of nakedness is that he went hid himself because he was afraid because he was naked not ashamed afraid so I'm telling you the kind of nakedness that makes people afraid that's why I'm talking about the technology they fight but you have between America and China over the technology that makes people naked nations naked it's a nakedness that you wouldn't be ashamed of it's a nakedness that should be afraid of there's no more privacy no more secret the disadvantages of the knowledge that was thought to get from this technology came already and I hid myself verse 11 and he said who told thee who told you that thou wast naked we touched on that right yes Father Jensen who told you they're very important wait yeah that's wh oh that is feeling right yes Father yes wh-what yes yes yes he said who told you that you are naked is you may think that's a question but these God is actually telling the man who told him that who told him who he's telling the man who told him by asking who told you he is telling the men who told him he said who told you that you are naked you may think it's a question but he's telling him is not who told him who told him that you are naked who because unless he tells you that you are naked you wouldn't be hiding you wouldn't be closing your doors there wouldn't be any lockdown II do not told you that she exposed it's according to who who told you but she naked who told you that expose who told you that you need a vaccine who told you it wasn't me who said you need the vaccine for you to survive it's a who it's true father who told you yeah you you can't arrest me for this is innocent was i okay to my Bible into the courts and we read it together God said who told you that you are naked it's right there it's there so it's a system to do with plagues diseases and so on in someone will have to tell you that your life is in danger and based on what he tells you you hide are you not hiding right you're hiding [Music] God is worried about an established communication now man knows that is naked but who taught him it wasn't me so within men now something has been put but is telling him but you don't have this you don't have that you don't have that you don't have that there is a communication who told you that who told you that who taught you that I don't want it will match on that over asked thou eaten of the tree nah he's asking he said the best saying who told you and then before he was answered he suspected because he knows of one thing capable of giving you that information it is the technology yes the tree of knowledge as the only source of knowledge but God knew was available in the garden if you eat chain of the tree that I commanded you wherefore I commanded thee that thou should this to not eat mm-hmm and the man said the woman whom thou gave us to be when I didn't what place that that tree in the garden now they've taken the tree their lives have been destroyed now what is coming back it is safe isn't that you ate of the tree that I commanded you not to eat so why did you put in the garden if you didn't want me to eat it that's the question God is wanting you to know that not every technology must be internalized it's good as the tree of knowledge of good and evil outside use it technology's good in your phone it's good on your computer it's never good in your stomach the tree was there it's an external aid it helps you make sure I don't take an external thing place it inside inside of you it will kill you that's why they are moving now we are now they they no longer want to keep on producing new phones no phones no phones no let's make the man deform let's get the tree into the men so that it stops operating from outside and God is saying that's what kills you not just technology when you make yourself one with the product of the tree hmm when there is a marriage between a man and the fruit the food kills you keep on reading verse 12 and the man said the woman whom thou gavest to be with me she gave me of the tree now you know you know you know now who is blaming hoody yes okay and I did eat uh-huh and the Lord God said unto the woman what is this that thou has done what is this what is not even deriving sense out of what she did it he didn't what is this tell me uh-huh and the woman said the serpent beguiled me this happened the dragon the Beast deceived me hmm everyone who disagrees with what I'm saying later you understand that we have just been deceived no matter how intelligent you think you are this happened is so subtle if the mother was deceived until now people are getting ready to be deceived aha and the Lord God said unto the woman what is this that thou has done and the woman said the serpent beguiled me and I did eat and the Lord God said unto the serpent because thou hast done this now God went on to the seven yes to the beast now you said because thou has done this because of what you have done deceiving people and making sure they take the tree yes uh-huh thou art cursed you're cursed above all cattle yes and above every beast of of your field above every beast of the field yes upon thy belly shalt thou go you go upon thy belly you must understand at this point the devil self though he had been cast already from heaven he was on the ground but he had a place in Indy heavenlies hmm okay there was a place for him in the atmosphere principalities and powers in high places okay there was a place meant for him okay before God plays the case on him so that he would be confined to the F because he didn't follow once don't want to touch on this it's movin upon thy belly shalt thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life for the days of your life I can explain that as well but let's move on thank you and I will put enmity between thee between window between you will be there the servant so God is talking to what the serpent the serpent uh-huh and I will put enmity between thee and the woman so between you the Serpent and the woman is right yes take note of that and between dicey does another thing now the first thing is between the Serpent and in the moment the other thing is between thy seed and her seed who seed the woman's seed and the serpent see exactly now that's what I wanted to share with you all alone I was trying to get to this point this is what we should have studied for enmity between the serpent you the Serpent and the woman in enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the Sabbath it feels bed to close a teaching when you're just beginning to to get into it but finish what is going to happen between them it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel is talking to this event but this came to be enmity it's not going to be to end he is going to be generational fight to start from now between the two of you the beast in the woman you start to fight I want to also spend much time now explaining another meaning of this woman because all men in so many places even the in the book of Revelation you still see a fight between the dragon India woman but if that was in reference to the church let's say also we know as theologians that the woman that was being referred today was many the vision death hmm because we know that a woman doesn't have a seat they have an egg that's right that's right and then we are also being told that this happened has a seat so now God is saying when the seed of the woman comes out he shall crush your head so the seed is a he now when the angel of the Lord came to Mary and she was told that you shall conceive and that which you shall carry is Oh Holley why because the Spirit of the Almighty God shall come upon you and the way Jesus was conceived was not through the transference of a seed from Joseph he shall crush your head but you shall bruise is heel so if Jesus is to come his responsibility the reason why the son of men was manifested was so that he would destroy the works of the devil that is the head of this happened the ideas the plan strategies Jesus comes to destroy like he is destroying this one [Music] hmm but then in the process of destroying bruising the head of the serpent God said to the serpent but you shall bruise easy segments of that if Jesus is the head and then we are his body then the hill is his church so Jesus uses his church to crush the ideas the plants like I'm doing now in the process of bruising his head I will surely be bruised if if they're in the scripture the hill Jesus is not the the foot Jesus no it's not the heel he's the head so everything whenever Jesus is about to destroy and expose the works of the devil he uses his church his body the heel these people following me they let me say what I'm what I'm talking about now we're talking about a seat Jesus is that seed of the woman prophetically prophetically prophetically we see it happening like I've given I've said already from the word go Gotha which which was the place named after Goliath a place of the skyway they believe that the skull of Goliath David took that head of Goliath and then he buried it some way around the area called Golgotha mm-hmm yes and that's why Jesus de-seed now went huh and he was hanging over that place with his heel that's why the son had to come and he stepped on that place of the skull the bruising of the head of the serpent it took place on the cross that is when he damaged all the strategies of the devil because when he died we died with him as his body were present he uses us to crush the devil but in the process of crushing the devil he gets angry he gets angry this information that I'm giving to you there is a price that I pay for this there is a bruising of the heel who else can can can can expose the devil if you are for him you can't expose him you can't expose him but I'm giving you the ideas the mindset of the devil his strategies we are not ignorant of his devices so we are actually bruising his head right now what we are doing during this life we are bruising his head but they noticed something apart from Jesus we all know that now we are coming to the seed of the serpent that seed of the serpent is the semen the spam it's not a seed as in grain but a seed is in a plant it's a spam now listen to me you have God telling the woman and be very careful because within this happened there is a spam and there's going to be war between what you produce and what this happened is going to produce so what is the seed of the seventh I have to bring that one back and explain in detail and proof to our people but from that time something terrible happened where now we are about to have a generation which was never originated by God this part but I'm about to get into never miss it for anything because I'm about to let you know that you could be working for some of these so-called people yet they are not people they are not here for anything they are on a mission the actual human beings if we don't pray if we don't expose the work of the devil child of God what you're facing is extinction the seed of the serpent is here to take over the F while Jesus call him the son of perdition why would Jesus call them a brood of vipers the generation of the serpent he calls them children of the seventh is that seed a physical seed is that seed a spiritual seed I have to talk to you about that and they give you adequate information and when I'm done you'll understand a certain humans are not humans you think there are people out there wait until you have a father sleeping with his own daughter she want to go to school sleep with me and you tell me that she have met a human being you've never watched the videos horror if why is this happening some of the countries have why some certain videos where you we had people chopping of each other pulling out the liver eating it raw claiming that this is how you become more strong if you think all of us are people we have to think again I will prove to you I don't believe and men evolved from baboons no but I believe certain men are evolving from being men into becoming baboons as the evolution that I believe why does the Bible teach a passe beware of the dogs referring to people I can cut scripture after scripture where God Himself stops addressing people as humans what is that I'll show you but when Jesus came on the earth he was never cured by people I'll give you the scripture was never killed by people he was never crucified by people they're not human beings they have an agenda there's no miracle and can convince them there is no wet that can break them down you can make them cry a very strange speech myself let me drop this and then we go myself I can show you of people that I have personally prophesied to that got pregnant without sleeping with a man physically a child pregnancy having a man in a dream and then you are confirmed pregnant some of you don't know what we're talking about when talk about speech or husbands we think these are just too wet dreams I saw wait until I begin to explain to you what is happening Scripture I'll give you Scripture that's why I don't want to jump into my own all alone these are not personal experience self have been giving people scripture their own book of Genesis look at where we are I mean ours at the book of Genesis I can prove to you and having such beings taking on positions of authority and power in decision-making really people are in trouble we are all quiet right now sitting at home waiting for that generation to make a final decision you will leave by the attempts but I will teach you on how to handle them how to deal with them there is the seed of the serpent there's an ongoing bruising right now between the church and that seed so when I gave you that you were saying mmmm I didn't believe what he was saying but now he's beginning to make sense and how it is difficult even for any preacher to show you which one is not a real human being it's because of what Jesus said he said the kingdom of God is likened unto a men who went and his sword his seat into the ground and if they went and they slept another one came and sought tears and as the wheat was growing they discovered but there was also tares amongst the wheat they rushed to the owner of the field and said didn't we sow good seed he said yes how come the field has produced some tears and the owner of the field who was prophetic knew what had happened during his absence he said an enemy has done this enemy has done this and I said shall we go and said I remember I pray thee dis our deliverance now I'm giving you the other part of it shall we go and get rid of the tares and Jesus now we all know it's Jesus and the owner of the field said no don't because in trying to separate the two you would destroy the witch so even according to God as we speak you'd have wanted us as preachers to give you a clear distinction between a tear and the witch you'd have wanted today to separate his people from the tears but it's almost impossible to an extent that he is saying by trying to move around and pinpointing the tears you end up blaming the real people because they look alike he said leave them like that until the Reapers shall be sent and they all come and he said and they will pull out of the kingdom of God out of the ignitor of the earth so that you know that this earth is our kingdom the kingdom of God so they'll be removed the tears right yes now he gave an explanation because after the people had gone in Matthew 13 verse 36 and then we end of they may be fate in verse number 36 now they are coming to ask him what is the meaning of that parable aha then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house and his disciples came unto him saying the disciples came unto him say declare unto us the parable make it plain of the tares of the field of the tares of the field now listen to what Jesus about to say what my god aha he answered and said unto them he that soweth the good seed you sow is the Son of Man the Son of man Jesus is the one who sowed the good seed the son of men and he'll tell us of the location where his sword and what the seed is yes the field is the world the world the earth because mas so when God came here when he created men and placed him on the 8th he was amongst the plants that God had soared that's why Jesus says my father is a farmer your creation ah it was in agrarian work he was doing agriculture so the son who planted people aha hmm the field is the world the field is the world the one sowing is the son of man right and the food is what the world they were sweating over the world yes is the good seed the good seed are the children of the kingdom he is calling them the could see didn't solicit the good so that is the bad seed children of the kingdom but you did of the kingdom and the good seed as the only good seed on the earth between the several other sins present uh-huh but the tares but the tares are the children of the wicked one the tares are the children it's no longer it's just a seed it's a generation of the wicked one the devil has children present on the earth whether the spiritual or physical I explained that to you but get this he has children on the F yes the enemy that sowed them is the devil who saw them the devil the harvest is the end of the world the end of the world what is going to happen and the Reapers are the Angels yes what are they going to do as therefore the tares are gathered the tares are going to be gathered by the what the Reapers yes who are they what angels yes and burned in the fire mm-hmm so shall it be in the end of this world yes the son of man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom they shall gather out of his kingdom of his kingdom [Music] we shall be gathered out of his kingdom the bitter seed huh have the tears yes yes so how come one day please remind me I just want to teach you on rapture okay I'll teach on the rapture is God's plan be okay yes yes bluntly it wasn't God's original plan who talked about that hmm okay me right okay okay here what you see is then tears being removed from God's people not good as people being removed from the tears pretty dang it the Son of man shall send forth to his angels and they shall gather out of his gather out yes out of what his kingdom now where is his kingdom mmm the children of the kingdom where are they in the world yes that's right okay okay let's move over and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend all things that offend shall be removed from the kingdom of God which is on the earth because the kingdom is within you but now the power I just wanted people to get here is that there is a generation so the tears that Jesus said you cannot separate from the wit it is because they look alike it looks like a real teacher when your child sits under him is like a teacher he walks like you they took like you but they are tears they are here to fill in agenda and this I can prove to you I will give you Scripture after scripture after Scripture and then you will understand but there is a generation that is trying to take over the whole F and God's children or no longer FSA and with ethos for your own information they don't even require a chip in their body they have the DNA of the devil even without a chip they cannot repent their hearts are see it they have a heart of stone they are here they are present those ones without a chip move around you meet with some of them they are angry with God every single moment like he has done them something wrong they are angry with him every single moment angry with God you wonder this person doesn't have a chip but already the anger the range over the things of God you wonder if this coming from is the DNA it is the DNA the reason why they will have to introduce the Mac of the beast it is not is really for the rest of the population what they are targeting are the children of God because the children of this seven they don't even require that if they get it it is only so that they can sell buy but in terms of control of emotions and feelings they are already under the manipulation of the DNA of the devil it is there in your Bible we are not alone on the f we allow these people to make decisions well as to s sleeping and we don't pray you watch this space if you had to point them and say this one this is what this is the peasant net profit was referring to you won't find him why I'll give you a script but only help you identify them and I'll talk to you about in anointing that helps you escape them identifying the tares and escaping their grape and their influence there is such an anointing so when I come next time posted from there we have taken quite a lot of your time and please just round this up quickly weightless so that we can go thank you so much thank you so much my father unfortunately for me this is too overwhelming I don't think I have anything much to say hmm this is just too much yeah father this is a weapon you have weaponized us this information hmm thank you Father oh thank oh yeah he's an ahmadi an asana hmm there's a fully loaded magazine hmm we've left this place equipped father we we are so grateful thank you for thank God you cannot wait for you to your husband up scripture more yes the seed of the serpent father we look forward to that we will be overwhelmed Olivia oh thank you Father hmm Wow it's been an explosive service that we have had this lovely day thank you so much for those that were connected we know you are blessed immensely by it by this information this this weaponry that we given by the prophet of God thank you so much for tuning in we need a few moments and after this we're going to go back and listen once more hostage Cooney and I to really take this in wow what a word we know that you were blessed until we meet again next time shallow you you you you you you
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 87,932
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Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2020, emmanuel makandiwa 2020, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2020, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2020
Id: F6JO-Asf5GQ
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Length: 233min 45sec (14025 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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