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[Music] [Music] greetings good evening and a warm welcome to this International midweek online service we're so glad that you could be a part of the service today we are in a brand new month it is the month of April we're so grateful to God for affording us the opportunity to be here today to be able to receive ministrations from the prophet of god prophet Emmanuel McIntyre and we're so grateful because we know that being here is an invitation by the Spirit of God to be present in such a time to be able to glean in and lean in to the information and the light being brought by prophet Emmanuel macron dua for our benefit for our nourishment as children of God we are so grateful we are so thankful thank you once again for being a part of this broadcast my name is pastor caramba and in a few moments we will be introducing the voice of God prophet Emmanuel McIntyre now before we do that we want to get into saying thank you to you who are watching many of you who are watching on Sunday that just passed we have such a wonderful service power-packed services prophet Emmanuel Mac and deer in light of everything that is going on around we received the true light information knowledge from a man who is coming from the heart of God now I want to say thank you to many of you that were watching and that are watching from different parts of the world thank you so much for those that are watching us from India India thank you so much we acknowledge your presence on the stream tonight thank you so much to those that are watching us from New Zealand Fiji Island Wow Wow Fiji Island thank you so much for watching brothers and sisters in China thank you so much for watching we know and we trust that you benefit from the prophecy that came from the voice of God concerning the coronavirus were so grateful that the Lord is speaking and he continues to speak and through prayer we saw and we continue to see the effectual power that was released and that continues to be released fighting for the saving of lives from this deadly plague those were watching us from the United Kingdom thank you once again for watching and for connecting and being a part of the stream tonight those in America thank you watching us from the States thank you so much thank you for watching thank you for connecting we've got those watching us from South Africa our neighbors thank you thank you so much for connecting to this stream and Zimbabwe amongst many many many others that are watching and I would like to encourage you right now or about to get into the word or about to get into administration by prophet Emmanuel macron do you would like to encourage you to share this stream share it share it do good to your neighbor the individual that you know needs to be a part of what is about to happen tonight as we prepare ourselves we know that God is about to hand over to us a special gift we're about to experience light that knowledge that information that comes to settle storms and bring a calm into our lives that light that penetrates that light that is life so do your neighbor favor do your brother favor do your loved ones a favor when you're sharing this dream you're not just sharing this dream you know just sharing a link you're sharing light you're not just sharing light you are sharing life you're not only sharing life child of God you are sharing Jesus with the individuals that you love so encourage you right now let's get into this exercise this specific moment share it share it on social media platforms we're getting ready we're building up on numbers even as you continue to come in and we want as many individuals as possible to be able to come in and join us as we experience this massive massive light this massive outpouring of the heart of God that is about to take place in this service tonight so do those you love a favor and shared this dream as we do that we'd like to also thank those that participated on Sunday Sunday morning and you are sending through your pictures letting us know what it's like where you are thank you so much for doing that if you'd like to do that again we encourage you send us a picture where are you watching from who are you with also in the comment section please let us know where you're watching us from would be so delighted to learn the different locations and the tribes and the cultures in the and the cities of the different individuals that are watching you tonight we are so favored brothers and sisters we are so favored this massive massive day to be able to have this opportunity where we sit around this great light and hear the heart of God from his friend prophet Emmanuel Markandeya now they may be some of you that did not get an opportunity to be a part of the service on Sunday now now we don't know how to stress that enough we don't know how to encourage you enough really child of God we employ you can get a chance after this dream just head on to the Christ TV YouTube channel head on to in the u.s. Facebook page and watch be a part of the service wants to relive that moment with us that we had in the presence of God the prophet of God delivered a message concerning preservation now tiny message a message in season message that we needed to hear and inside this message he began to touch the area of life and immortality now we don't know what properly valuing what can be hasn't stood for us today but when he begins to talk about life we know that life that Jesus came to give us not just life in the basic understanding of the general understanding of life but immortality now that is a powerful message a powerful teaching the properly manual McCann doer has delved into and he continues to speak into that is the theme of his messages in his ministry and we encourage you to look for the YouTube stream of the service that we had this past Sunday and just glean in and listen and draw knowledge and draw life out of that teaching that we had on Sunday now we continue to encourage you even as you're pouring in we can see your numbers indeed they continue to increase they do continue to increase so we're so grateful that you're logging in and we're so grateful that you are a part of what is about to happen tonight now we're about to approach that very divine moment that has been orchestrated by the greatest architect of all time the Lord God Almighty and in this moment are about to receive light from his custodian but before we do that I'd like to encourage you from whichever country or continent you are watching us from you'll find the convene and methods for you to sow your seed now it's important it's vital child of God it is critical for you tonight to not only be a partaker of the serves in terms of receiving but it's important for you to give give give and connect yourself to what is about to be released today by the prophet of God even as he teaches he'll say something that hits you hard as soon as you feel that conviction as soon as you feel that gentle touch by the Spirit of God we encourage you just head on straight on to your computer now we have facilities that allow us even online to so our season to participate in terms of giving so we encourage you right now to sow your seed give it is a midweek service many of us know that had the opportunity arisen we would have gone to our places of worship would have driven there in credit is in your Hall now you know that by reason of doing that you should be able to solve a much greater seed something of greater value so make it a point before the man of God begins to teach tonight just a few more seconds before he comes all of us wherever we are let's get straight to using these banking details that are on the screen and begin to sow our seeds let's so let's so let's so our C's before the man the man of God comes and also encouraging you to continue to show your seeds as well even as he teaches as I said before so your seed the banking details beef lighting on your screen thank you so much now we've reached that sacred moment where we are introducing the voice of God the man of God the prophet of our time the light bearer of God prophet Emmanuel macron dear father thank you so much for being here with us today a staffer ombré I would like to thank God affording us this opportunity and also my special thank you goes as well to our excellent crisis TV crew that have made this broadcast possible like I promised four days ago that would come again during the week and here we are today yes on a very wonderful Thursday knowing that our viewers have been anxiously waiting for this moment yes and prayer over the partners for their blessing here's one of the things that I promised on Sunday but before we get into the word taking opportunity to minister to those of you that are watching us and I would like to do that before we get into into the weight of thank you so much my god thank you my father if you are watching me tonight and you did something that was according to the instruction on Sunday and you sent your seat and again tonight you know that you are going to fulfill but define obligation I need to release a way to offer you [Music] and I know but you're there and you're ready for this yes wherever you are the grace of God is the grace of God yes [Music] it's unlike any of the grace the grace of God is the grace of God God declares that you shall know the difference between the one that saves me and the one that doesn't God will now bring in a difference when God speaks and you obey there is a reward may health be that you want a long life become that sword may you and your children be preserved may the angels of the Lord surround may God provide that pillar of fire by night and the cloud that covers you from the smiting of the Sun may you'd be led by the Spirit of God into better deals in the name of the Lord Jesus because you have obeyed the instructions of God I pray that everywhere you go you shall command that same obedience when you speak elements will obey when you give commands even demons shall respond in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you are covered and you are protected yes as long as you have obeyed and as long as you are about to obey yes so I'm encouraging you right now you still have that opportunity to do that which is right and God surely caused the blessing to rest upon you and thank you so much for tuning in father thank you so much for such a powerful prayer father would like to express our gratitude to you we we value your presence we we value your word father we're in a time where there's so much information that is coming in from different sources a lot of misinformation voices that are competing for our attention from the TV from social media phone from everywhere father voices are coming in speaking words that are contrary to the will of God contrary to the heart of God but following when you can't your voice prevails above them all and we would like to thank you for continuing to be the voice of God in our lives for bringing the light of God the truth of God that keeps us grounded our Father so father would like to say now we are ready we are prepared we have been blessed our hearts are open you're seeing speak to us we are ready to receive I pray that God will make available understanding thank you to our people so that whatever is going to be said here tonight we'll find a place [Music] you know Jesus talks about the saw of the seed that went out to saw I believe the reason why the sower left his house is because there wasn't enough soil in the house though he had enough seed we are getting out of our comfort zone tonight via internet and the reason we are doing that is because we have this seat while we are looking for this way Wow and I pray that all the viewers that are watching us tonight I'm going to volunteer themselves and avail themselves as their soil that we are we are obsession for tonight yes I understand they too many voices out there that are really scrambling for our attention everything that is producing a sound desires to behead but I once thought on the trumpet and its need to be well defined that if the trumpet is not well defined old shall respond to the call of the trumpet but at least we are here to give meaning to what is happening thank you I feel a very strong edge tonight just to talk briefly on deliverance deliverance deliverance deliverance because I think thus the thing that nations are looking for rightness Wow are we ever going to be delivered from this attack hmm that is the question yes is there an answer of them is there a hand much more powerful and superior do this evil hand that we have been facing for some past months if ever God is going to deliver his people when how those are the questions yes but in short you can agree with me that really people are despite 40 difference they really want to be set free they do and this is why we are grateful that you are here because you give us that light that truth we are prepared for the deliverance my father [Music] I want us to look at [Music] what the Bible says is on sending this wonderful topic deliverance in the book of John chapter number 8 you read for me verse number 36 and I want everyone to be very very attentive and make sure that you listen to the reading of the word even before I get into [Music] explaining and shedding more light so I'd like our viewers to really pay attention to the reading of the wind please join chapter number 8 in verse 36 language read John chapter 8 verse 36 if the son therefore shall make you free ye shall be free indeed [Music] if the son therefore shall make you free ye shall be free indeed when it comes to deliverance there are so many things that people don't understand many people you know the first thing that is very critical to me is that when you are searching for something you must first fully understand what it is that you are searching [Music] lest you keep searching for it even after you have found it if you are not aware of what deliverance really is I can assure you that you will keep searching for it even after you are delivered it is important that we get to understand and get to know what deliverance is all about what is to be delivered [Music] if God is to deliver you it has to be clear as to what it is that God is delivering you from and also deliverance is as important as the one who is delivering you if you don't know what delivery is here this point you will still keep searching for it even after you are delivered so know what deliverance is fast and I'm saying this because nations are searching for deliverance families are searching for deliverance there have been all over the place some they've been flying 12 hours of eight hours searching for something that they don't know what it is now [Music] if the Sun that is a condition is if the son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed we are being introduced here past to something which is very important which most people never thought was part of they are deliverance the whole part who sets you free the focus should not just be on the freedom but who gives you the freedom like you've said is just as important as the freedom is the freedom exactly who gives you the freedom this is why we have this son included in the deliverance equation if it is the Sun that makes you free so it is the presence of the Sun in the deliverance that makes that freedom freedom indeed ok let's stop focusing on the scripture or even on the screen just just to hear me as I explained this now if the Sun is to set you free if the Sun is to set you free the Bible is declaring to me that then you become free indeed if you hear of such a statement like free indeed it means that there is a kind of freedom that is freedom indeed and there is another freedom which is not freedom indeed depending on who is conducting it there are so many deliverances out there which of course are deliverances but they are not deliverances indeed indeed and I believe the people that are watching us would really want to go for that the specific deliverance which when you receive it today you know you have it forever [Music] what sort of deliverance is that before I can explain to you the nature of that deliverance I have to first and foremost explain to you the nature of the Sun the person behind the freedom is what determines the quality of the freedom if it is the Sun that is setting you as a nation free because we have had freedoms in the past yes most African countries right now we are celebrating Independence and that independence was brought about by certain individuals and not the Sun and what we got indeed was freedom but the freedom was not really freedom indeed depending on who is behind the freedom notice notice the Bible is not trying to undermine some other types of freedoms that can be attained [Music] but is just trying to highlight that there is a kind of freedom that is freedom indeed every other freedom it may be freedom but is it freedom indeed unless it is the Sun that makes you free all right Jesus must be involved whether there is the use of water in the deliverance whether there is the use of anointing oil in the deliverance whether there is the use of the mantles the handkerchiefs and the efforts that we see in the book the Acts of the Apostles ways handkerchiefs were taken from the body of poor laid over the sick and demons were checking out all that is scriptural yes but unless the son is included and is encapsulated within the media there is no freedom they must be Jesus found some way in the process of deliverance there has to be the Sun now if Jesus is not part of the deliverance then the freedom cannot be the freedom that is freedom indeed you really want to be set free and you want your children to be free yeah and you want to be sure yeah let me release something very very important at this point yes do you know but the same prophet who prophesied about the situation that we are in right now and no matter how long it took still we are experiencing what was spoken many many years ago it is happening today so I want my people right now listening to me to believe what I'm about to say again yes everyone under the sound of my voice pastor if you can hear me you my viewers if you can hear as long as you can hear me tonight you're spared thank you there is not even one person listening to me tonight I shall be killed by this disease oh yes [Music] thank you you will not die because the Sun is involved in what we are doing but there is a place for the Sun in our ministration the Sun is part of this broadcast and if freedom is going to be made available tonight and that I can assure you that freedom is going to be freedom indeed the freedom that no medication can offer you can't find this kind of freedom in any pharmacy the freedom that only decide oh it's only this side so I repeat this one more time if you can hear my voice tonight [Music] start reading for others stop praying for yourself you are covered right now just by you listening to this broadcast tonight thank you Jesus now let's get into something deliverance what is happening when a person is going through a session what what is happening there is a deliverance that has to be conducted after you are captured there are two groups of people Nakia they are deliverance and they are the captives deliverance and relatives now as children of God we are the deliverance okay we are here not to be delivered we are here to deliver and what qualifies us to deliver the captives is that we have been delivered we have been we have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear the kingdom of light our deliverance has already taken place so we know what it is we know what it is because we have been set free by the son now when you are delivered we are looking at billions of people right now who are yet to experience what we have already experienced which is deliverance by the Sun means if you realize that when you have a demon in you controlling your activities and your emotions are under the manipulation of demonic spirits you are still expected even by governments to take charge of rarities the disposition you before we talk about the Dominion that God has given to his people over demons that governments they expect you to ignore the whisperings of demons but half possess otherwise why would they arrest criminals serial killer is under some demonic influence yet still they arrest you they put him in jail knowing for sure that he is under a demonic possession why then do they arrest if they don't expect you to have power movement possesses you if governments expect you to resist the leadership of a demon in your being in your body it tells you to break into the bank and steal money and systems out there not even spiritual systems physical systems they expect you to disobey a demon that you are carrying and by obeying that demon they arrest you for that which means at the back of their minds they believe that somehow you must have power over the spirit that possesses you we are expected to exercise Dominion [Music] you know that this man behind bars is a demon but I was sentenced to 20 years in prison why because you are still in charge of your life you can still make a decision at any level of possession Wow you can decide today I have to approach this [Music] you are responsible if you want to be set free as a nation you must know who to approach and make sure the one you approach is the son anything else you may have freedom but is the freedom really freedom indeed there are so many things that we have seen happening in the body of Christ that looks like deliverance but they are far away from the actual deliverance that God really wants us to conduct over his people [Music] speak to us if the Sun about the condition if it could behave the Sun if the Sun if it is the Sun remove the Sun put a medication day that sufferer will continue to remove the Sun put politicians day then they suffered remove this I'll put the war Veterans Day and design continue it can only be freedom indeed if the son is involved in the process of deliverance so we must understand now that sometimes what we have what we are celebrating over is not the actual freedom that really God intended for us what really is the difference when are we going to be free indeed from this and we really want to be free indeed yes who delivers you is very very important who delivers you now Jesus but we know was there even in the Old Testament yes he would appear sometimes like an angel of the Lord and every time people who asked for his name he would refuse to give his name because sometimes you'd say because the name is so wonderful because he's the wonderful but Moses hid in encounter with the Lord in the book of Exodus chapter number 3 I want people to see something in chapter in invest number 13 Moshe up the number 3 of the book of Exodus you know let me just explain this Moses same to God if I'm to go and present my case before the children of Israel the children of Israel that you have saying they have cried unto you and we have had their cry and now have come down to deliver them from the taskmasters you got your saying that you've come down to deliver Israel as deliverance yes deliverance you have come because they have approached you and now you have come to deliver them from the hand of the Egyptians and now you are coming to me i Moses am not in Egypt mmm yes that's that's not my demon I am NOT under that that's not my operation because at that time Moses had already escaped he had gone out of each Matthias already and God is coming down to deliver the people who are still in each but he is coming to a man who is already experienced deliverance so you must be out of the affliction fest or God to give you the cure Wow for the affliction Wow so God is coming to a man who is not in Egypt and he's saying I have come down to deliver my people from Egypt but the men to whom deliverance was given hmm was not the man was not in Egypt and God said have come down to deliver my people do you think that God was lost he didn't know where Egypt was he but when God is about to deliver a nation he approaches an individual who is a symbol of that nation because nations do not represent themselves in the presence of God they are represented by individuals you must know the individual that represents you as a nation I can give you scripture after Scripture you know when God instructed Moses to create the breastplate that would be placed on the chest of Aaron the high priest yes there were 12 stones on the breastplate and each stone was representing a trial because what every tribe was allowed by God to enter into the most holy of holies he said it's only the high priest who must enter them but for every nation to be present in the most holy place there was need for something which is not the nation that would represent the nation Wow hence there was a stone and the stone had to be placed on the heart the Bible is very clear on that it has to be placed on the heart of the priests oh so there is a priest that carries nations into the presence of God because nations are not allowed so you must understand now because Moses Moses Moses Moses if they deliver but the deliverer had to be delivered fast and Gordon gave him a solution he said if I can visit one person who represents the nation of Israel means that I have already visit the entire nation so I want you to go and deliver my people from the hand of Pharaoh I want you to set my people free now here comes something Moses said to God in that chapter yes they are going to ask me if I am to tell them that I've met with the God of your father's the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob if I'm to tell them that but I've met with you here today they are going to ask me what is his name what is his name you have I have it Exodus 3 verse 30 and Moses said unto God behold when I come unto the children of Israel and say unto them mm-hmm the god of your fathers had sent me unto you and they shall say to me what is his name what shall I say unto them what shall I say unto them so before I deliver thy people there has to be a moment where I have to say right which means deliverance is not just in the actions that you see it is in what is st. who come back to this okay remember when John had sent his disciples to go and inquire from Jesus whether he really was the mmm the one to come go and find out is this the one or we still have to wait for another one to come and Jesus said to the disciple was that John had said go and tell him what you have seen and what you have heard that the blind are receiving their sight the dead being raised the crippled Milwaukee and the poor are having the gospel preached unto them the poor are having the gospel preached and to them it's not money it's been given to the poor mr. Gossett is the gospel the right message mmm which is specially designed for the poor so the poor have been helped when the gospel is being preached and hope the poor are aware of that because they celebrate over money they celebrate over Humber's but I hope the poor know mmm actual solution what really sets them free from poverty it is the preaching of the gospel yes at one point Jesus walked into the temple and then he declared that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for he has anointed me he said to preach deliverance to do oppress deliverance to preach deliverance deliverance ministry never ends the truth deliverance has to come in a preaching for month Wow it has to be round deliverance has to be truthful [Music] I'm telling you now what is freedom indeed Moses say what what shall I say at the beginning of the deliverance of the people of God something has to be said concerning the name of the Lord is the son involved in the deliverance what shall I say because this issue of them wanting to know whether you God are you involved in this or not because there has to be God involved in the deliverance can imagine but the children of Israel thought they were afflicted though they had cried unto God for deliverance yet still they were not ready to be delivered unless the deliverer is able to really properly introduce himself who are you because to ask is not just the deliverance that is important but also the deliverer I wish our viewers could get a spot it's not all about you being set free being delivered from your demons who delivers you from your demon is very important who delivers you I wish this same mind would become part of our thinking to me that you'd rather say ok I'd rather stay with my demon unless and until the right person comes to say wow when we have the wrong person delivering you from a demon then that freedom is not afraid of me it has to be the Sun so Moses is saying they are going to ask me what is the name of that God who is the god what shall I say in God st. you shall say hmm I am that I am that shalt thou say unto the children of Israel I am her her had sent me unto you you must investigate the God behind the sent the God behind the priest the God behind the man of God the God behind your pasta whoever is going to exercise Texas season the casting out of demons before you are delivered from your demon Moses was very convinced that there was going to be an interview fest these people in as much as they are possessed they are still intelligent enough and like our people today these ones are still intelligent Wow to question you verify the God behind your mission I use the one that God has sent to deliver me and I am delivered by the wrong person because matters who delivers you so they're called sane wasn't just deliverance but who delivers us who is coming to deliver us is God the God of our Father behind this kind of deliverance is it God who really spoke to you about what you're doing man of God out there setting people free most of the people that you have set free right now and they didn't question you where you were coming from they didn't investigate that God behind your mission behind your calling and they became victims of your practice practice which most of the people are calling deliverance so in as much as Israel was so desperate for deliverance but they still had the guts to say oh would waterpolo spare your deliverance for now let's talk about your source who sent you to come and conduct this session because we have to be delivered by the right men is it an amazing pass that not many yes you can go ahead I just want I just wanted you to see that many most of our people they don't consider that as long as it is deliverance they are ready to take it follow that that that is the disease that we have you you are diagnosing a disease as serious disease in the body of Christ because we we have millions father who are walking around thinking they have been delivered and yet the carrier of that deliverance did not have the son it wasn't conducted by the son you are raising you're making us to understand that utterance is by God they are systematic and they are conditional if the son if you you cannot celebrate it you it will be freedom but what indeed indeed unless it is the Sun the Sun if the Sun oh if the person doesn't matter you pastor you know much if you are having a heart condition and you have to be operated now we know the solution is that procedure if you can be operated on we know that whatever is in your heart can be removed already now we know yes the solution is available yes but doesn't it matter who operates it sceptical very critical there is a lot of medications available in the pharmacy some that you cannot even access unless you have signature news the prescription has to be written by the right person yes though the solution is available but it matters who is providing the solution who is behind it this is why now deliverance in as much as deliverance is very important is the son involved who is conducting the deliverance if it is conducted by anybody else who is not under the divine instruction of the Sun then the freedom is what freedom and so Moses is say yes it as much as they are desperate in as much as they are seeking as much as they have viruses in as much as some of them are better in some of them are poor they are still at that level smart enough to say to the deliverer hold on Wow let's check let's verify a few things here Wow is God behind your ministration how many people who oppose this today can even think about that yeah they are so desperate sorry so disparate deliverance they don't even they don't care where the deliverance is coming from yet it matters if it is the Sun that is setting you free the only thing can you be free indeed indeed jesus said to preach deliverance have you realize pastor that and all of you that are watching me if you realize that most men of God who [Music] who believe that they specialize in deliverance are not good and teaching it 150 percent yet Jesus is saying the anointing that is upon me is so that I preach deliverance a deliverance minister must be good as teaching it deliverance has to be taught hmm deliverance has to come in a preaching mode why if you study the book of Ephesians of the number six I'm sure Krishna by 17 Ephesians chapter 6 in verse number 17 from verse 17 and verse 17 verse 17 and take the helmet for seventy okay uh-huh and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is okay wouldn't it or they read it again yes 70 and take Tim what the helmet the helmet of salvation so now we have to understand the part that is covered by the helmet what is talking about here is their whole armor of God we have to put on the whole armor the complete armor of God now when the Bible talks about the whole armor of God it means there are pieces they are given to you in pieces well the shoe comes separate right the chute comes separate the breastplate comes separate the helmet comes separate now if there is such a thing as the whole armor now let's look at one very very important component readily which is the helmet is now before we get into that you see that if the Bible was that the whole armor of God he is not calling it the whole armor for God off it is off gone hmm but it is for you it's what God that would suit the whole hammer of God must be put on by you now I'm not here to describe to you every every every every piece but look at the South salvation there is a helmet and the helmet is given a name but the name of the helm of the helmet is salvation is something which part of your body is covered by the helmet the head yes the helmet doesn't cover your back no it doesn't cover your stomach it doesn't cover your knees the helmet covers your head and the helmet is called salvation so he's saying and lesson until salvation touches your mindset you are not safe in that war [Music] every other salvation that covers every aspect of your being unless in until salvation addresses your thinking pattern hmm there is no deliverance hmm salvation has to cover your mind is the way the Bible talks about the renewing of the mind which brings transformation we are transformed by the renewing of the mind but who touches the mind it has to be the teaching degrees the teaching priest the teaching priest find a place where you have your mind addressed hmm though you may not see people falling under the power in that church as long as you have information as long as you have light coming from the pulpit well you know you have your head I've haven't I'm giving you freedom that is freedom indeed if I start praying right now declaring over people deliverance being delivered from this being delivered from that you look at your numbers right now the views if I'm to start praying right now prayer you watch the numbers how they'll begin to rise the reason because people are ready only to receive prayer and not what information if I continue teaching the numbers you start declining people are not ready to have salvation placed on their heads yet that's the actual deliverance now the problem with most of us the deliverers is this we have allowed the captive to participate in the writing of the prescription we do the deliverance that people prefer when they come to church they expecting deliverance to be conducted in a certain manner now when you have a patient writing his own prescription he is going to omit certain medications that maybe are better some they don't prefer needles you will not recommend that you if you give him an injection we have allowed members of our churches to dictate to define to the deliverer what deliverance is all about so we we we are forced to deliver them in a way that they appreciate so that is not not because they it seems that they gather around that kind of deliverance it's almost as if they they congregate around it and they force the deliverer to conduct the deliverance in that man in that man yes they say that's how we have accepted that's the deliverance that we are here for you are delivering the deliver of us yes thank you yes so because if they come and people are not falling in people not vomiting people are not screaming and people are just sitting receiving information they don't see that as deliverance so we are doing it according to them Jesus aim to preach deliverance but where you have people manifesting demons are coming out I'm not saying that is not deliverance but we are targeting the deliverance that is deliverance indeed because after that manifestation of a demon then there is need for information to be given let me teach some deliverance something thank you thank you Father [Music] when God gives you the ability to cast demons out of people and out of places and out of objects [Music] there is need for you to be given information concerning what exactly is happening yes when you are conducting deliverance [Music] you must understand that there is what is called LIGO bondages yes legal bondages the illegal bondages if you study eyes eyes of the number 49 as they are fortunate from verse number 24 talks about the lawful kept shall the lawful kept as I have eyes are 49 verse 24 shall the prey it's a question be taken from the mighty or the lawful captive the law who captive delivered the lawful captive so there is an individual we has been captured in that capture is love the capture is legal it is allowed allowed this is very strange so the one who is ever going to walk around delivering people must understand certain people are bound legally we have to follow this does explain if you don't follow the legal procedure in setting the captives free then even after we have delivered them the course was to coming after them in looking that's why jesus when he went to the cross there is something that apart from himself he nailed it to the cross the handwriting there was a puzzle it was a legal transaction we were bound legally so for him to really set us free there was need for that documentation also to be named to the cause if somebody is put in prison there must be some paperwork there has to be a file that contains information about his bondage if you go straight into the prison and you set that person free without first getting rid of the paperwork in as much as the person is out of the prison he is still in prison he is still on a wanted list the court should do a follow up exactly that's why Jesus had to nail the handwriting that was against us to the cross so most deliverance ministers they are not even aware of all the legalities and needs to be looked into in trying to set people free they legal bondages certain people are bound and the devil has a right to by them the devil has a right to bind certain people we have to understand that you have to understand that ok there is a lawful captive do you know at some point Jeremiah the Prophet he went to sendagaya the king of useful do you know what he said to him you say to say the kind the king of Babylon is coming and he is coming to besiege the city as in Chapter number 38 they can read at their own time the whole chapter and Jeremiah the Prophet said to Zedekiah the king when the king of Babylon comes do not resist bondage don't resist that capture you have to willingly surrender to Him imagine this is a prophet the only hope that you have as a nation and he tells you if affliction comes if the king of Babylon comes do not resist him you will lose your life and your children are going to be killed people are going to die if you are ever going to resist him so there was need for a prophetic message to be delivered to the King on how to handle himself during that capture imagine hearing that from God God allowing you to be captured strange there are legal bondages in the Word of God and the King got so angry in the people around you know what they said they said to the king why are you allowing a prophet to destroy the hearts of the people hmm he has disarmed our army he has paralyzed the people by the kind of messages that is bridging we must always be against our enemy we must always be ready to fight and the Prophet is coming and is saying raise your hands when you see him coming why because that bondage is legal so we must understand what is happening before as a man of God you open your mouth and you try to stop the virus you must understand what is happening fast while the message is delivered then the disease father please explain that you said once the message is delivered then the virus will go can I say what you're not saying that you've said you are saying that this virus is meant to carry a message and that message must be delivered first before we see the virus check it out because you began us and you told us that people want to know when move this end you just took the bomb as yogur he is it when the message has been passed then it will go mm-hmm what I believe messenger by the messenger by the messenger not just any messenger can pass a specific message thing is a wise sage remember when God wanted to set free his people from a Jew during that night the Angel of Death he had to deliver that message yes okay ah you see [Music] when you are conducting deliverance and you are setting God's people free [Music] you must be able to discern the background on the basis of the possession why the diamond is in that person there must be something about the person who is possessed by demon that qualified him for that possession so what you do we have to disqualify the person from the possession by information whether the person is a nation there is information but when that information is given to the possessed then the possessed becomes unqualified for the possession well you got possessed because you were ignorant or something [Music] you were ignorant of something and the men of God who is coming to deliver you if is ignorant in that specific area then is unqualified for that procedure isn't qualified the man who delivers you fully must be under the influence of the Sun and if the man of God is under the influence of the Sun his antenna must be very very active in as far as the seminal spirit is concerned most people cannot descend the intense of this virus it's a spirit that requires to be descend we must descend we have to be able to descend okay this we have to be able to descend okay so Israel was in bondage until they cried and oh and God came and he said have come to deliver them because I have had their cry now go and set them free and God actually told Moses that no you are going to be resisted by Pharaoh he will not let the people go unless there is the involvement of a mighty hand by signs and wonders he shall let the people go so he's telling you go and pray again is that but you shall be resisted until a certain time until something registers in the minds of the Egyptians mm-hmm then I will set you free okay so now I want our people to hear this but Jesus says in the book of mateship the number 12 verse 43 when a demon comes out of a person the demon goes to dry places book of Matthew chapter 12 verse 43 when the unclean spirit is gone out of a man he didn't say if he's saying when when there is a time you must understand there is a time O'Mara how long you have been processed there is it time for your deliverance and when that time comes and when the demon has checked our view it goes away he walketh through Dry places demons can walk and they walk through Dry places not just to one place through hmmm he doesn't walk through Dry places it works through and there is a reason why they don't stay in a dry place if only the person once possessed by the same demon was as dry yes that place it wouldn't have stayed [Music] if the person well where the demon for 10 years it known how to maintain the condition the environment contained by the place then the demon was also going to walk through him not stay in him in the flow of dryness dry places now the place is not dry in as far as water the presence of water is concept this is not talking about rainfall Z no the place is dry of something in that something is not water hmm something is less seeking rest and findeth nun nun so the dream on in a place is not looking forward the demon in the place is looking for rest now if a demon gets into any place and it doesn't find rest in the place it goes on to the next place looking forward for rest so the place is dry in as far as rest is concerned if there is no rest in the place though there is water but if there is no rest in the place then the demon will keep on searching because it's not just looking for a place it's looking for rest that can be found within a place so if it finds no rest then it goes back not just to the person but the person has now become the place where rest is found so a person waves that demon is offering something to the demon and makes the demon wants to stay with him lawful captive there is rest that most of our people are making available to demons just focus on this not on the scripture just focus on this just focus on me I don't want people to be destructed I want them to focus what exactly what I'm saying this issue the principle that Jesus is giving to us deliverer should be land from the Sun who knows how to give freedom that is freedom indeed Jesus is saying the demon comes out of a person then it goes it is working in dry places and he tells us what the demon is looking for he is not saying when pray ask God he will tell you what the demon is looking for he's not saying going professor he's already told you every demon that comes out of you it goes to certain places looking for rest which means that's what you have been offering the demon its rest so the demon goes there if the demon doesn't find rest in a place it goes into the next place it keeps so now here this let's say we've got place a plus B plus C right and you are defecting right once possessed by the same team or it comes out of you it goes to place a he doesn't stay it works to replace me it gets in it comes out because it comes up into place the demon says there's no peace there is no rest I'll go back to my house because what I used to feed on cannot be found in all these places [Music] why something very critical I have once shared on this some years back can you imagine that the demon is entered into place and it comes out of place a without a deliverer was well a demon entered into place a the place a was under a demonic possession but for the place a to be delivered from that demon there was no man of God to deliver the place from the demon there was no musician there was no intercession no songs no prayers nothing all that the place did was not to provide the rest if only the oppressed can lend to do that I don't know if what I'm saying is really getting into people's spiritual minds place be a demon entered and it came out without a deliverance session or that the place did was not to offer rest to the demon imagine if someone who is listening to me tonight is to lend if you are to learn from place a if you have to learn from place see or place B or place D what made you free take time interview places that once got delivered from the same demon how did you get your freedom from this demon that is that is bothering me the place who will tell you that you are different from me when the demon gets into you you give it rest but when the demon gets into me I will not provide there is no provision there is no supplies I have a way of making a demon uncomfortable until without prayer a demon has to come out of me so in me it doesn't stay it war because I don't provide lists for demons what we are doing right now it's freedom but it's not freedom indeed staying indoors it's freedom that is not freedom indeed let me tell you the issue of isolation here is the in Scripture you can study it you know God s a to Israel I'll set you apart from the rest of the nations so though we have Israel amongst us in different nations still they have been isolated by God to get this ice eight on Sunday yes manna was placed in the muck right yes it is but the man had to be put in the pot and the pot had to be placed in the bank right yes so that manna had to be isolated from the rest of the man yes into the pot and reported to be put into the dark and the AK had to be placed in the holy of holies isolated kept away from the rest of the furniture in the holy of holies had to be contained within the temple within the temple there was a place they had to keep it inside of the temple it was an outside it was the most inner place you see that yes now you people looking at and you realized that also the temple of God had to be in Israel not in any other country and Israel had to be set apart you have mana mana is in the pot the pot is in the act the act is in the Holy of Holies the whole of ollies is in the temple the temple is supposed to be in Israel it was constructed it was blessed there strategically and God was to deal with these people from that point so you see now something that we are not doing right when you isolate yourself isolation is coming in different levels yes right when you shut the border you have isolated yourself as a country mm-hmm okay so that's that that's a shutdown yes so even if you have to allow people to walk around as long as they cannot cross the board that they have been isolated it's a level of isolation so it is going to another level way we have to isolate yourself again from your neighbor how by locking your door it's starting from the gate we are getting into the Moscow holy of Holy's down right you come again you have to close your your doors all we are trying to do is to isolate ourselves but there is the last isolation that really triggers the solution when your physical body doesn't know how to lock the door it doesn't matter how many layers of those that you've lost outside whilst you are still in your house you still have the virus flying in your atmosphere so there is another level of shutting yourself in where you now know that no the virus can penetrate that the ultimate isolation as long as our cells are open no matter how many doors we have closed its freedom but it's not freedom indeed indeed because the Sun is not involved so I I open my hope I'm helping somebody here so in his matches you are in your house right now listening to me you can go ahead when check your door go ahead go and check your gate but there is something that you can do to your body that when that door is shut even if you are found walking outside you are not exposed to the virus [Music] are you in the Ark of the Covenant are you surrounded by divinity are you cottoned with the heavenly mineral the gold now I want to close by saying something [Music] if you study the book of Matthew chapter number 13 meta chapter number 34 verses 24 down to verse 30 there is a parable mm-hmm of the tares here what Jesus the deliverer has to say the book of Matthew chapter 13 from verse 24 to 30 mm-hmm another parable put he forth unto them mm-hmm say the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field as the kingdom of God which is being likened unto a man which sought not just scenes but the scenes were good but while men slept hm-hmm his enemy came this happened wireless the people had gone to sea and the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way he didn't stay they didn't stop he came to the same place where the saw had soared his good seeds and there he saw his dead and he went on his way uh-huh but when the blade was sprung up and brought forth fruit then appeared the tares also mm-hmm so the servants of the householder came and said unto Him these were the servants of the householder now the key sir didst not thou sow good seed in thy field sir did you not sow good seeds in my field from whence then has it it hears ha where are the tears coming from uh-huh he said unto them and the enemy hath done this he knew that this was the enemy mm-hmm the servants said unto Him wilt thou then that we go and gather them up but he said knave don't don't [Music] if they leave it like that then ask the grace to go and deliver the wheat from the tares that's deliverance the separation of the two now they asked for it you see many people right now men men of God in mountains rightly praying asking God to give them grace to deliver people so that's what they did they went to the owner of the farm and they said allow us to go and separate the two in as much as their farmer needed his wheat to be delivered he said to them no God don't and he gave them the reason and the reason is softly he's telling them that you are an educated for this exercise in as much as your suggestion is the best I would love to see my people being set free but not by you in the process of trying to deliver them you destroy both [Music] so let them grow together good because that's what I prefer but because you are you are not well equipped for this exercise called deliverance okay God little something bit uh-huh but he said nay mmm don't left lest while ye gather the tale whilst you are covering the tares ye root up also the way you destroy the wheat with them imagine that God is at a point where he is saying I would rather have my people live with their demons because the deliverer is no information hmm he is not well equipped not well trained to separate the two mm-hmm keep on reading verse 30 mm-hmm let both grow together mm-hmm until the high office until the harvest now see look at something there and in the time in the time of a half-off harvests I will say I will say say to really Reapers these are Reapers unlike you guys these are Reapers uh-huh gather ye together first the tares you see deliverance or take place first but this mandate is given to the Reapers who are qualified for the deliverance they have a way of separating the two without disturbing the other Wow okay keep on listening to me don't focus on the scripture keep listening to me keep listening to me keep listening to me keep listening to me okay he said to the Reapers gather detail first these now are more equipped than those servants it matters who delivers you if you are not careful of the man who delivers you most of you have become more exposed even after your deliverance because in the process of your deliverance you will also approach it you need a qualified men of God who can properly separate you from your demon and then you can become free indeed and that process requires information information information don't be like me when I'm watching movies I prefer action-packed movies action if there is no action good enough to you they must be action I hope you don't do that when you're looking for a change [Music] because if you cannot stand information if you are not excited by the teaching of the man of God and you're far from deliverance you see now Jesus is telling us that there are people who are well equipped for delivering others some are not though they desire a man of God must be well trained a man of God must be exposed to the deliverance syllabus and he must have passed fast now just go to school you must pass you don't get a job because I've been to school we have to pass it's very critical delivering God's people very critical some men of God they're trying to deliver people from the same affliction but they're going through themselves you notice that there is something that you have noticed that used to happen before your deliverance but still keeps on happening even after you are delivered [Music] anyone who is going to at least pray over some people right now they are going to switch on to the next life broadcast after I'm done we are looking for another man of God goes to them it doesn't matter who yet he I'm saying it matters who delivers you you want to be free and you want to be free indeed allow this son to be involved the son is the only lead we can lead the nation's I don't want to give you the scripture today the Bible talks about all these calamities that people are facing tribulations and persecutions then it declares that at the end the desire of the nations shall come what is the desire of the nations Jesus [Music] can you imagine that all the heads of states they have placed their heads in one place and they are failing to come up with a solution look at how much has been lost in terms of money cause of a flying insect a virus this is a message that people require the greatest lead [Music] that is who doesn't only provide solutions but who is the solution himself we'll keep on being hit by something until it is clear that there's only one leader there is only one leader if the son sets you free as a nation you are free indeed let's stop overburdening our leaders they can't deliver this it's a message that everyone has to understand the desire for the nation what is that desire everywhere even in developed countries where you think everything is in place people are screaming for a better leader you remove this one you put another one protests will become like a game you are playing it every single day why is that people are no longer satisfied in any kind of leadership why because there is only one desire for the nations and he is that desire and when he comes that's it Jesus he wants to appear show himself at a time when he is needed the most not when you still have hope in your political leaders you keep on proving giving you this in that until you know that you are governing nothing man control nothing but like I said that power shall be given to his people the church right now is the only government that can provide solutions remember I desired the class the government shall be upon his shoulders Jesus doesn't ever showed he is the head the body is the Christ what this is the time when the government is being shifted from the government's there is a restoration of authority God is giving power back to his church [Music] we can speak from here and diseases can die but that has to be done at the right time Jesus I'd to these seven that said shall we go now and then in stop this in City wait what is it wait wait wait there is there is a time that is coming the Reapers very soon there is an anointing of a Reaper that you see cutting across nations it will be talking about these diseases like it's never happened it it will just go and people will be wondering what has happened like I've told you we are reducing the disease it would join the queue like I said it will become just like any of the diseases treatable by the medication that is already available here Machado of God but God wants you people to see [Music] that there is only one that can set you free and then you are free indeed Jesus will come at a time when you've lost all hope in people then we'll be ready to receive him they will be ready to receive us when we come we are the body we come [Music] those of you that are listening to me let me just release something very very special upon our viewers tonight you've set aside time [Music] now if [Music] you are a loaf who kept maybe your father did something maybe your mother said something that then qualified you for this bondage the question in Isaiah is shout the lawful captive be delivered you keep on blending it says yes [Music] information that I've been giving to you now is what you needed to him before you can be set free what you have just ahead tonight is what qualifies for the deliverance an evil spirit in your body was there cause of the rest but they shall be unrest in your body and rest in your business which will bring serious disturbance to any demon that has taken over your being in the name of Jesus if demons had rights those rights are being taken away right now you have fulfilled the legal obligation in the name of Jesus you can't be here tonight listening to me saying what I'm saying and still remain bound that is not going to happen you deserve to be set free because the Sun is here in the name of Jesus every [Music] affliction every disease in the name of Jesus [Music] financial bondage be set free marital bondage right now be set free you are being liberated you're being set free not just because I'm praying but because we have had the information that qualifies you for this kind of deliverance may you be free and be free indeed in the name of Jesus you are being set free right now you are being set free right now you have closed every other door but there is one door that needs to be closed I cover you right now protect you right now saturate you i immerse you in the presence of God let every door that leads into the cell of your body because no virus can enter your physical body your children are spend in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus oh I see this is very strong this is very very strong very very strong very very strong very very very strong very strong very strong very strong very strong the Lord is doing a great in a mighty working tonight the door is closing the proper isolation is taking place in the name of Jesus let yourself be protected I close every other you your nose your eyes your ear in the name of Jesus is you breathe no virus shall have access to your body cell in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus be healed right now be healed in Jesus mighty name let me say this again as long as you can hear my voice you're not going anyway shut of God relax be at peace in the name that is above every other name Wow hmm father right now I believe we have quite a number of people that are under the power of God the many people watching right now while under the anointing under the power of God and they've been touched by this ministration they've been touched by the hand of God tonight father thank you so much ministering freedom indeed many of us were ignorant that deliverances by the preaching of the gospel we received it today and only that the deliverance is just as important as the person coming within the difference it has to be by the unction of the son and father you prove it time and time again that the unction of the son is upon you and we are grateful we value your presence so much your time thank you so much thank you for today's illustration Wow we we continue to give praise and thanks to the Lord Jesus for allowing us to have moments like these in the presence of God where the man that he has trusted comes and delivers to us deliverance and freedom indeed thank you so much for being tuned in tonight we had such an extraordinary time of the presence of God once they thank you to Christ TV for the excellent work that they are doing bringing us the voice of God properly dynamic and they were into our homes the special light this deliverance given to us where we are remember the lines are open the comments section is open please do communicate with us after the ministration that happened tonight we want to know what the Lord did for you tonight send us your messages send us pictures in the inbox send us videos in the inbox you want to share in the celebration you want to share in the joy we want to see what the Lord did for you tonight bring your testimonies we want to celebrate with you and marvel and what the Lord has done and what the Lord continues to do now as we're about to close you have been sending through your friends you have been giving your seeds now continue to do that that is a very critical component of the equation of receiving what was given tonight even throughout the night continue to send your seeds it's not over even when this broadcast ends still we you are so your seed make it a deliberate action that you will not rest until that seed has been sent through now stablest stay within the grace of the Lord until we meet again next time thank you for joining us [Music] [Music]
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 97,283
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Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2018, emmanuel makandiwa 2018, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2018, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2018
Id: KzejGX9nEVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 45sec (7125 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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