Eminem: Behind the Lyrics (FULL MOVIE)

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you [Music] he's been called one of the greatest artists of all time my [ __ ] does have some type of mass appeal to it then that's good you know what I'm saying it reaches a wider audience but I don't try to compromise myself or nobody and the best rapper in the world jay-z notorious b.i.g to pop those people that people mentioned none of them not even close had the sort of impact that he did one of music's most controversial performance he's called the fence with everyone from Christina Aguilera to president george w bush i love the media i think god for the media because you guys give me [ __ ] to talk about he was like almost like a Siri was a voice he was the only one that was actually kind of telling the truth always making headlines he's married the same Woman twice and being sued by his mother is the a violent person is he a bad husband is he still an addict or an alcoholic a real-life soap opera for lack of a better term he is the poet of his generation and he sold over 86 million albums to prove it it's impossible to copy you can't clone that guy you can't be a derivative white rapper no one that can even touch the guy in a world of manufactured pop and manufactured rock this was a true artist he is the king of hip-hop [Music] a Woodsmith extraordinary he is Eminem [Applause] [Music] for Marshall Bruce matters the third October 17 1972 in st. Joseph Missouri his childhood was not an easy one I think the best way to describe his environment is grim it was poor it was trailer trash he his words not mine it was incredibly an impoverished way to grow up his grandmother was you know allegedly abused by her mother which would be his great grandmother so he's got this dysfunctional family an esteemed history repeated itself with Marshalls mother Debbie married Marshalls dad Bruce Marshall Mathers ii in 1970 in 1972 the family moved to North Dakota and Bruce took over the family business but it appears Bruce Mathers the second was a difficult character life in the Methos household was very volatile and after many months of fighting and instability Debbie moved back to Missouri while Bruce took off the California it's a legend that he was never heard of again Marshall was only 18 months old it was an abandonment that would have a serious impact on the rest of his life for the young Eminem for marshallmatters the abandonment by his father an early age left him with the Sansa the male into whose care he was entrusted did not think highly enough of him to stick around and make sure he was okay so one of the defining and most important relationships in in Eminem's life was his relationship with his with his mother Debbie Eminem has never painted a pretty picture of his mom Debbie Mathers he's called her a pill popper he said she was unreliable that she was never around that she dated the wrong kind of guys Marshall and his mother Debbie moved between various towns including st. Joseph Savannah Kansas City and Warren Michigan he is said it was like we were always starting over every few months he's moving from place to place and he's got no stability in his family life no anchor where he can sit down and say this is who I am this is where I live this is my part of the world the following years proved very unstable for Marshall he changed schools every two to three months one of the things that's most disturbing for children is when they move from place to place they're always making new peer groups they're always having to get to know people all over again when you go into a peer group as a new kid you always start at the bottom of the pack and you've got to fight your way up and because he had many disadvantages in that battle one he was white too he was small he was timid he was introverted he was an artist he was all those things he was never gonna make it or be accepted in the groups into which he was thrust eventually Debbie Ann Marshall settled in Detroit the city charged with racial tension only a few years earlier race riots had wreaked havoc on parts of Detroit [Applause] now Marshall found himself one of the only white kids in of a dominantly black school you know he was a victim of kind of reverse racism his peer group was not one in which he could belong he was a white kid in a black neighborhood so you've got nowhere for him to go and once a boy loses his male role model well then the peer group was the substitute and what did his peer group do to him ostracized him Marshall was alone as a child and was said to have been hyperactive and medicated on the ADHD drug Ritalin as a kid Marshall got lost in a comic book world of superheroes any love drawing his own creations but he had a very tough time in school Eminem was in a sort of situation where he was constantly struggling he was struggling at school he was bullied tremendously he was struggling to be heard at home so all of those things came to a head in his teen years they were incredibly formative years because they helped create the superstar rapper that we all know today and that was all born of those years but at the same time it was like it was a constant battle it was a battle with his own inner demons it was battle with people outside and it was literally physical fights with with kids that he knew bullying can be devastating for a child and for the adult that child becomes everybody wants to belong and the person who's bullied is being told physically and emotionally that you don't belong here and not only do you not belong here we are going to punish you simply for who and what you are then things took a very dark turn it reached the point where in the in the famous song you hero called brain-damaged where he talks about the guy who literally put him in a coma it could have killed him but the beatings didn't stop there they just carried on when he recovered from his coma it just carried on it wasn't as if he was subject to isolated act of bullying it was sustained bullying over an entire childhood right through his teenage years and that's where his creativity comes from that's where his artistry comes from is the person he met when he turned away from the world and looked inside to try and find some anchor in some way of making sense of this craziness into which he was born in which he was growing up [Music] [Applause] Debbie's youngest brother Ronnie Nelson who was the same age as Marshall introduced him to hip hop when he was only 11 years old it was music that would change his life forever I've been writing Larry since I was like 14 years old you know just the more I wrote the better I kept getting ready for Eminem you know there had been white rappers third base as popular white words Beastie Boys were popular white rappers but for the most part where the white rapper had been a novelty his uncle Ronnie who he was very very close to and he introduced them to music like Beastie Boys Licensed to Ill [Music] he was also intellect to Live Crew and you know some of the rappers that were coming up in the in the late 80s and early 90s one of his biggest influences was NWA and dr. Dre you know dr. Dre who he ended up working working with and continues to work with you know his exposure to this guy who had end up being his mentor was also just his exposure to the genre in general but in 1988 life changed drastically from Washoe when Kimberly Scott entered his life as mother Debbie had always wanted a daughter and when the chance came to foster Kim Debbie grabbed it with both hands but it was a decision that she was soon to regret his mother describes the rouse that he used to have enough fights he used to have with Kim when they were growing up and she said but he never laid a finger on her he would go out she said he would punch the car and she said that car had so many dents in it you wouldn't believe but he never laid a finger on Kim the one thing Debbie had him talking to her was Marshall falling in love with Kim he was 15 at the time she moved in and a year later they were in a highly volatile sexual relationship Kim and Eminem and Kim and Debbie everybody was fighting it was a very turbulent environment by Eminem's own admission he described himself as a child he said I was puny timid she had this puny timid child among these warring women after repeated night break twice you deterrence he and their failing grades Marshall dropped out of college he became a fast-food chef at Gilbert's Lodge at st. Clair Shores Detroit living on a minimum wage life in the Mathers household was tough and his relationship with Kim was proving very tricky then in 1991 came to news that shocked and brutalized Marshall to his core his uncle Ronnie who had been like a brother killed himself with a shotgun to the head but normally amiable Ronnie had given few signs of his utter despair his grandmother Betty sent Martian a video of the funeral but he refused to watch it he was totally devastated by Ronnie's death the man who introduced him to wrap his beloved uncle Ronnie took a gun and shot himself and he shot himself apparently after being guilted or dumped by a by a girlfriend so again you have two male potential male role models one who abandon him when he was only six months then his beloved uncle Ronnie who abandoned him by killing himself that's just a harsh reality to deal with no matter who it is but when it was someone so close to you it could have really messed you up and I think it really messed up Eminem but at the same time it also gave him something to write about you know emotions that he needed to get in touch with and those feelings I think turned into you know some of the greatest raps that we got her Ronnie was mentioned in the songs Stan cleaning out my closet and my dad's gone crazy [Music] grief-stricken Marshall now turn more than ever to his music for comfort Masha hooked up with his buddy proof and started getting into the local hip-hop scene it was then that he officially became known as Eminem proof was sort of a legend in Detroit he on are the leaders at st. Andrews Hall proof would host these open mics and he was he's one of the best rappers and he was the kind of guy that you know brought Eminem in because obviously it was kind of an art you know at adversity circumstance for him you know being the only white guy in these like heavily antagonistic crowds hip-hop just became a thing that he did that was his salvation you know maybe not necessarily seeing it as a way of getting out of Detroit but you know just as a way of dealing with the in Detroit [Music] so Eminem's music career had begun but his personal life was in freefall Kim became pregnant and Eminem's daughter Hayley Jade Skye was born on Christmas Day 1995 Hayley has been an important part of Eminem and Marshall Mathers life you know both musically as well as you know as a father she's mentioned numerous records he's really dedicated a lot of time chart Haley's birth brought a new lease of life for him and in and he started writing furiously when he was working in a fast-food restaurant we should try and make rhymes out of what was on the food menu and rhymes out of what people what people were watering every time I sit down and write a rhyme or a song I wanted to be completely different from the last song I wrote and I want the rhyme style to be completely different to be to be different so I consider myself a perfectionist and I always want to try to type my last song that I did for him to have grown up with all those disadvantages and to have honed his artistic ability so finally and the only way he need to do that was to take everything that life had thrown him on the chin and to rise above it Eminem's thought of rap battle is on the Detroit club scene in places like st. Andrews Hall and the shelter normally home to an all-black audience a lot of rappers came up battling was sort of the way that you did it it's kind of become less so but you know rapping it through it's bliss you know it's a kind of a mano a mano like I'm gonna go head-to-head it's one thing to be able to you know record in the studio and say interesting stuff that you've written down but a lot of people think that you can really come off the top of your head can really perform before an audience can make your opponent look bad then you're a real bona fide rapper when you freestyle rap like that we develop a very unique style you have to because you're not writing to a specific beat you're liking it typically how like a helter skelter kind of flow and you develop your own one around the time they were few white rappers about by performing in places like the Shelton Eminem proved himself a true pioneer and a brave one he'd get on stage and he said at first people do him just because he was white and wouldn't even get a chance profile poster evenings and a freestyle rapping battles that ensued were often fishs and at times Eminem was ridiculed the white kids didn't want him plain black music and vice versa along the way he suffers some ha reverse racism he also faced so much rejection he had a reputation has been highly unpredictable I mean that restore ease of him diving into the audience once and starting a fight because somebody tried to hit him or somebody that insulted him or whatever it was it's as if he found this vehicle to express himself and he'd found an outlet for his emotions for his rage for his pain and and it lost his inhibition he just was letting himself go the record battles will hold about who could put the best lyrics together and slowly but surely Eminem's genius started to shine for a white rapper to get any sort of credibility he would have to be above and beyond everybody else to get any kind of respect he's just kind of one of a kind just to see from what I've read to see him perform live was just something that people hadn't really experienced he lived and breathed rapping meanwhile Kim was not happy that he was spending so much time on his music and their relationships rapidly deteriorated his first song released his backstabber inspired by a fight he and Kim had had it was local DJ Lisa Lisa from radio station W drq who eventually gave him his big break he called her persistently to get on a show and she finally gave him he was then signed to fvt productions in 1992 run by brothers Jeff and Mark bass who ran an indie label called web entertainment four years later came to release of Eminem's album infinite in which he explored the struggle of raising his newborn daughter and his desire to break out of poverty and make it in the music business he hadn't developed a voice yet you know he still was it was a good technical rapper but there's ago there's a huge difference between a good technical rapper and being like a great artist you know like to be a great artist I think two great rapper you have your own voice you have to have your own character but infinite proved the fluff and the constant negativity he fade from the rap battle started to get to him and in he became depressed and tipped to abusing drugs and alcohol after the failure of his first album Eminem allegedly tried to commit suicide yes his dream which is uncle Ronnie instilled in him of being a rap artist and then he releases his album manic flops he's used every resource every available resource he's gone left at that point his world must have caved in he must have felt as if whatever he did there was no way out for him than the prison that he felt he was in he must have hit absolute despair but incredibly out of the terrible darkness came inspiration Eminem had comforted realization that the only way out of his miserable existence was to become a music star but he would have to be different and so he created Slim Shady an alter ego that would launch him on to the contemporary music scene it obviously means he's like incredibly tenacious person he's very driven he's obviously has kind of a streak of egotism because I don't think you can go that far unless you kind of have like I've always thought that the best thing Mars can have is like a healthy streak of delusion obviously Eminem had a healthy streak of delusion he otherwise would have quit I think what he touched on some shady that was his way of like kind of developing this character that you know hip-hop hadn't seen before could you briefly tell us where one stops the other one begins and the difference between the three different characters Marshall Mathers stops when the Bacardi kicks in in it is Slim Shady MNM starts when I hit the stage so the best way I know how to answer that through his Slim Shady persona Eminem wrote and recorded fallen and dark songs with a comical twist revealing the darker side of his nature the whole concept of alter egos is not foreign to hip-hop and a lot of rappers have taken on these other identities to basically say what they really want to say but Eminem really made an art out of it he took feelings that were his own put them into a caricature and put them out to the world so that if they infuriated you you weren't necessarily mad at Marshall Mathers you are mad at Slim Shady Slim Shady allowed Eminem to get a little bit of distance and take more chances in terms of like what you know a subject matter in terms of talking about what was going on in his life when you buy a Slim Shady album you're gonna get Slim Shady you're not gonna get birds and bees and flowers and trees you're gonna get up you suck it that's what you're gonna get because that's what I'm about and I don't feel like I have to compromise my style for nobody you know just because MTV or B et might pick up on the video you don't I'm saying or whatever you know if my if my does have some type of mass appeal to it then that's good you know what I'm saying it reaches a wider audience but I don't try to compromise myself for nobody after the infinite album he came out with the Slim Shady EP and that was the first example of him using this character and he really started coming into his own and EP really got people talking it became an underground phenomenon I remember hearing him getting played on like late night mix shows and power 106 and the interesting thing about Eminem at the time was you didn't know if he was a white power block I you just heard him on the radio and you're like wow that was a really interesting song it was this self-deprecating weird character who was kind of always out for retribution but just getting beaten up and stuffed in the lockers and it it kind of hearkened back to like kind of the rap that a lot of people came up on the far side you know rap that didn't take itself that seriously but at the same time it was very lyrical it was obviously somebody who serious about the cross the Slim Shady EP made its way to rap Meister stop the Drake who instantly recognized Eminem's genius dr. Dre when he you know backs you I mean this there that's about as big of a cosign as you could possibly have this was right around the time 2001 came out he was still a guy you see for a hit it's like okay yeah thanks Eminem but dr. Dre a lot of people at first we're kind of talking to him about well should he be taking on a white guy and Dre said well this guy is just too good I can't let him go it would have been a lot easier for Dre to dismiss me like most people did what's with the white guy from Detroit the graphs with a funny voice but he didn't he stepped up to the challenge because he saw something in me and for that Dre or forever grateful man I mean I'm needed kind of the cosign because otherwise no one was gonna take a rapper very seriously but how could you not take you know the man that did nothing but a G thang seriously what did you think of each other he probably thought worse than me I thought I thought he was Tweety Bird no the others will brighten up the yellow sweatsuit oi man if I hear one more thing about that great back sweat suit I had this yellow outfit on when I first made trade it was like this outfit that I did a clothing company had given me and I didn't have money like some people had at the time you know so I I was going on a week wearing it so it was actually turning kind of green but he called me a banana when he met me so it was on from there but what made the relationship between dr. Dre and eminem so special once I met Dre he was kind of like I had a vision of where I wanted to take it and Dre just showed me how to take it there you know what I mean it's kind of like we both had the same like like vision for myself you know where to take it or whatnot ain't ready to show me how that executed shortly after signing with dr. Dre Eminem released an album that was to become a worldwide smash hit I remember hearing it and thinking it was fun he was like it was dark but it had a sense of humor to it it had like a sort of wink to it and it made a huge impact it really came in a very unexpected time grunge was already in the past and I feel like the music industry was struggling to find a voice for the millennium which ended up being ratrock Eminem is a huge part of that and the reason it became popular the first things like okay what's this guy this guy's name is Eminem okay he's a white guy dr. Dre's in this video it's just like one of those moments where we just remember exactly where you were when if when you first see it and I just remember thinking myself like I don't know if I like this or not but this guy is going to be huge do you like Primus stick Nine Inch Nails sweets one of my eyelids visually musically and unlike anything I've ever seen before it's like his ID badge you know it's like here is what makes up the wrapper that I am today and he didn't hold anything back you know and nobody was safe from the wrath of Eminem I was surprised yeah when my name is blew up I didn't know exactly what it was gonna do I mean this was my first time you know actually doing this or whatever is my first time exposed to the public and I never considered myself anything more than our underground artists you know what I'm saying just because of the subject matters I talked about in the way that I rap or whatever the things that I talk about I thought you know I was surprised to be honest it was the beginning of I'm gonna tell it like it is and my name is Slim Shady and this is why I can tell it because it's not Marshall Mathers it's this other person who can pass judgment on the industry and what's happening in music and what's happening in the world there's always a deeper meaning people think behind when I say up but it's not it really means for me when I say up in 1999 Eminem created Shady Records it was a discerning business move and Mabel in the rap it to own all the right to with music and lyrics most rappers when they reach the level that he has or even lower than that they you know like to diversify they getting you know clothing lines they get into restaurants you know never never didn't really do a lot of that but he did start his own record label Shady Records in conjunction with aftermath which what's the label to sign him [Music] Eminem's mom Debbie also suited for around 10 million dollars that year over alleged slander about her in his lyrics in 2001 she is said to have won sixteen hundred dollars in damages and it wasn't just Debbie that was given Marsha grief in 1999 after 10 years of an on-off relationship with Kemp the couple got married but only a year later storm clouds were gathering they had a very tortured relationship with Kim but if you look at it closely I mean he went back to her like three or four times so there's obviously like a sincere romantic streak there I don't know if you can really categorize him as a misogynist I think he's I think he's somebody that's been burned and he'd been burned a lot of times and I think that's probably jaundiced is his view of not just women but I think everything and then all of a sudden he's a most famous rapper in the world how's he gonna have like a normal kind of relationship the Marshall Mathers LP was released in May 2000 breaking the record set by Snoop Dogg's doggy style as the fastest selling hip hop album The Marshall Mathers LP came not long after in sync broke the record for the most number of albums sold in a week which is over two million albums Marshall Mathers came in at one point seven six million in a week it means those are like astronomical figures and if anyone had any doubt as to his star power or where Eminem could potentially go as an artist the Marshall Mathers LP kind of cemented the fact that he's here to stay the first single called the real Slim Shady was a massive success the course is saying what the real Slim Shady please stand up and basically with the whole song the concept of the whole song was about was you know trying to say that there's a Slim Shady in in all of us everybody has a shady side to him so in the video I'm telling I'm asking what the real Slim Shady please stand up and everybody's standing up in the video because everybody's got a Slim Shady in them I said that a long time ago when I came out with my first album I feel like everybody has a shady side to him and a part a side to him where they can be an [ __ ] you know it Slim Shady is that [ __ ] inside of me that comes out an awful lot Eminem or Marshall Slim Shady whoever you want him to be again is playing with the idea of his identity who is he who is the real Marshall Mathers who is the real Eminem who is the real Slim Shady it's a provocation to people he's provoking his audience and saying was the needle that punctured the balloon you had Britney Spears Christina Aguilera and sync and he was the one who would felt like you know when you were a young teenage boy kind of growing up and hating all that stuff because it was just so manufactured and so glossy and so slick and it just did not ring true to reality I'm a nun was kind of like that like he was like almost like a Siri was a voice he was the only one that was actually kind of telling the truth that point like Eminem had become a lightning rod for criticism because the things he had to say about homosexuals about race about women and you know the things he was saying was you know people were paying a lot more attention this time around [Music] in the real Slim Shady Eminem parodied artists like Christina Aguilera and Marilyn Manson say some things about some boy girl groups some other things about some other people whether they deserved it or not you know in my book they do if they're corny so I brought it to a lot of sissies basically he has a great knack for like deflating something in one line and he can just cut somebody down to size in one line like like where he's talking about mode when he goes it's over nobody listens to techno it was right at the time when like you know there was this 1999 techno boom he was like right like it was over his career was shot yet in another single stamp Eminem attempts to deal with his newfound fame taking on the persona of a deranged fan who kills himself and his pregnant girlfriend Stan was really like the perfect way to bring in the mainstream radio listeners to this what had been considered more underground hip-hop world and he was by sampling a Dido song [Music] the lyrics of Stan are so intense the video is so intense the sentiment and the idea that you could have a fan who expects so much of you but has never met you he poured out his feelings of how he deals with fans and how he feels about fans and how he feels um you know that they want something from him that people are always trying to get a piece from him and it was actually incredibly valid the end of Stan where he finally in writes back to Stan and said look I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so late in writing back but of course is too late because at this point stan has killed himself and his wife and his unborn child it shows a kind of desperation really from Eminem as if you know what can I do you know I can never ever give these people what they want and they will make of me what they will Eminem's Korea may have been flying but his personal life remained critical in 2000 eminent hit song Kim wrote about Kim's death [Music] people think this is crazy this guy wants to kind of slaughter and butcher his wife no this is the rage and the pain he feels this is a fantasy that he has the reality of mm was very different through it alter egos he is simply expressing the impotent unexpressed rage and pain of the underdog not something he was literally going to do that same year Marshall was arrested for assaulting bouncer jongara whom he claimed was kissing Kimberly in a bar at the time later that year Kim attempted suicide by slashing her wrists by the beginning of the following year Eminem had filed for divorce after Kim's second drunk driving conviction Kim also filed a $10,000,000 defamation suit against Eminem for the song Kim in an interview on ABC's 20/20 Kim may declare that she blamed Eminem's fame for the volunteer minds of their relationship it just seems like ever since he's got you know famous blew up just our relationship went downhill from there you know he became arrogant and cocky and everything that he did for me or the kids he has to be praised for but despite his personal life being in tatters Eminem's music career continued to soar he hit the headlines once again when he performed with Elton John at the Grammys in 2001 it was described as the hug heard around the world because of Eminem's use of homophobic lyrics in the past he was courting a lot of controversy misogynistic that you know that he was really like like a blight on music on pop music and to sort of combat all that negativity he did what people really just did not expect which is he performed without and John on the Grammys that just kind of showed how stand the message of that song and the power of Eminem's music transcended what a lot of critics would say about it [Music] Elton John is an incredibly savvy music fan and he's very passionate and he knew the talent that Eminem had and recognized it and and I think he was sensitive enough to hear the irony and the satire that is is really a tough thing in pop music this was at a time when Eminem was being in his own words being protested against where you know people all over the world were condemning him for what they believed him to be particularly for his homophobia gay rights gay and lesbian right rights groups across the world were condemning his lyrics they believed him to be a rabid homophobic who was encouraging and sanctioning violence against homosexuals and yet here he was appearing on stage without John what does that say about him remember this was an artist who grew up being the underdog he identified with a victim not the aggressor this was a boy who was beaten for the color of his skin who was beaten because he was small who was beaten because he was timid who would beaten because fit in and is this man really going to be someone who's going to want to see the same thing happen to other people who don't fit in or who are not socially acceptable no and what he's really saying when he gets on stage without ang on to his audience was deal with this then if you think I'm this rabid homophobic deal with this and you make sense of it 2002 proved an incredible year for Eminem his third major album The Eminem Show was released and quickly became another hip going straight to number one the album reflected his rise to fame his relationship with Kim and Haley and his status in the hip-hop community really at the top of his game you know not just as a rapper not just as a pop star but as a cultural figure The Eminem Show was just another example of how much of a force he was in music at the time it was the best-selling album of 2002 nothing even came close the first single was without me which you know was in the vein of you know the real Slim Shady as well as my name is [Music] the video is kind of funny you know it took on like Osama bin Laden and you know a lot of the pop-culture things at the time there's line in the song that makes perfect sense which is guess who's back it's like all he had to do was just come back and do what he does best without having to change up the formula too much people wanted that Eminem that same year Eminem son 50 cent to his Slim Shady record label while Eminem was an outcast from the industry on account of being white on account of being from Detroit 50 cent had angered so many people by dissing them on record by being just kind of a loose cannon that two kind of related the Sun and the 50 cent was a move that proved Eminem was more than just the good rap artist in fact by now he had become an integral part of American popular culture I remember going missing his car a girl's car and they would have a an Eminem CD next to a Backstreet Boys CD next to a Britney Spears record and it was funny because these three things are kind of you know mutually opposed to one another but he had crossed over to that point where he was he was it wasn't like he was safe because he wasn't safe like they were but he was somehow pot friendly 2002 was also the year M&M blazed onto the Hollywood scene in the motion picture eight mile [Music] it was the realization of a dream he had talked about with dr. Drake when they first got together yeah me and Ray had been discussing a movie that uh that we would like to do we've been talking about it for like a year now we were gonna talk about we were talking about doing a movie about you know based on my life and eight-mile proved an astonishing after debut for the rabbits proved that he couldn't be put in a box you know as much as we could say like oh well Eminem does this and he does it really well and he's funny and he's you know witty and he gets you know he gets the concept of music videos and he really draws people in well this was another side of him that was much more nuanced that took talent that people didn't realize he had it was just an amazing experience I think for for Eminem and for the viewers and for people at home who didn't have an appreciation of all that he could do eight-mile really really stepped it up in that movie you see mmm no-holds-barred expressing his feelings his emotions with a rawness and an intensity and a purity and and a skill that is rarely seen in a world where so many celebrities try to whitewash themselves they try to project an image to the world of something that's kind of all America and all apple pie all sweetness and light this was a guy who stripped his life to the bone and said to the world this is Who I am deal with it he did it in his music and an eight-mile he showed not just his skill as an actor but his ability as an actor to get the guts of his personality out and to express it on-screen in a performance that any actor would have been proud to call her own he recorded several new songs for the soundtrack including lose yourself which won an Academy Award for Best Original Song of 2003 [Music] lose yourself it's just like massive kind of pounding driving intensity where he's like rhyming every single word on top of each other and it's like technically flawless won an Oscar for Best Original Song now if you look back before lose yourself what would typically win that you know a beat the bodyguard soundtrack or you know just you know Bruce Springsteen from you know streets of Philadelphia hip hop was just completely ostracized from that sort of world true to form Eminem did not turn up to receive his Oscar probably the Academy needed Eminem more than Eminem needed the Academy they wanted the audience that that could potentially bring to them in 2004 unable to live without each other Eminem and Kim had reconciled and married for the second time in 2006 but only three months later him and him had filed for divorce yet again it seems the rapper and his muse couldn't live with or without each other unfortunately for him a lot of his problems stemmed with his personal life in terms of you know his addictions as well as his relationship with his wife who you know he divorced then they got back together and then they got remarried a real-life soap opera for lack of a better term in 2004 came the release of eminence fourth album encore encore was viewed as a misstep because it started to feel like Eminem was a caricature of himself it's not like it's a terrible album on earth the songs weren't that good it just felt a little bit like a parody like the cliche and Eminem who was always so ahead of the curve and so like out of left field and forward thinking and Trailblazer in so many ways this felt like he was following himself despite the critics one of Eminem's biggest hits ever came from Hong Kong just lose it was a critical attack on Michael Jackson that was oddly enough the one time where people said maybe mm went a little too far maybe not even in terms of controversy but just being in poor taste Stevie Wonder you know out of all people said you know it was like kicking a man when it was down you know when Stevie Wonder called you out like that's maybe time to show you how to pump your brakes a little bit [Applause] week after its release Michael called into the LA bass Steve off the show to report his displeasure with the video Steve Harvey declared on-air Eminem has lost his ghetto pass we want to pass back Michael Jackson wasn't the only person here and I'm upset with Ankur he was even said to have been investigated by the CIA after allegations that he had threatened the president george w bush in his songs we as Americans and Marsh I [Music] believe the things that I say are controversial me is just speaking my mind so speaking my mind in telling it like it is makes me controversial than whatever I say what's ever on my mind you know but I had a good teacher you know the song Bosh got really political it was at the time when John Kerry was facing George Bush in the presidential election and it took a strong stance against bush [Music] with Eminem you still have to realize that you know he's from Detroit he's from the American Midwest and a lot of his fans are what you might typically consider like rock fans who typically vote Republican [Music] and that was a bolder move then I guess you know people could really see it for it but nonetheless as an alum encore was just it was like a clear step down and it got by on commercial momentum it still sold well you know still number one record but you know it preceded having I'm taking a long long time off for music M&Ms withdrawal from the music scene at this time may well have had something to do with his personal circumstances soon after the release of encore tragedy knocked on his door once again his uncle Todd who had been like a father figure to him took a shotgun and shot himself in the head just as his brother Ronnie had done only 13 years earlier tragically still more disaster was around the corner for the musician in 2006 Eminem's childhood friend proof was killed in a club brawl on 8 Mile Road in Detroit the argument is said to have been over a game of pool the devastated Eminem spoke movingly at his funeral at the fellowship chapel Detroit he also went on to write two songs dedicated to proof one called going through changes and another call your never over [Music] that same year Eminem embarked on his first u.s. concert tour in three years the anger management 3 tour future and 50 cent Lil Jon The Alchemist and others but by August the European leg of the tour had been cancelled and Eminem had entered rehab for dependency on sleep medication as you would expect not just for something in Eminem's world but for somebody with with Eminem's personal history at some point along the line addiction to something would come into it alcohol was present allegedly all sorts of illegal drugs were present and most famously prescription drugs were present what's important to remember is that most addictions start from feelings of abandonment feelings of rage feelings of shame and that's the root of those addictions in 2009 the rapper renewed his old collaboration with dr. Dre and created a new album called relapse we got mixed reviews a lot it really alienated a lot of people I actually always describe its people as the best album that I've never want to listen to ever as long as I live because it's like it's horrifying but like on a technical level and on a creative level it's kind of masterful how intricately Byzantine and bizarre and just warped some of these like murderous fantasies are and it's really interesting to think that this is the most popular it was the most popular rap album you know because whatever I'm gonna does at this point is so popular relapse were established Eminem's presence in the hip-hop world and at the MTV Movie Awards that year he stole the show when Sasha Baron Cohen descended upon the audience landing on top of him causing Eminem to storm out of the Awards in apparent disgust he acted like you've never 69 the guy before I mean come on when I had my face in this cool blue sock I could see by huge coats of ill Slim Shady little [ __ ] it was reported to follow a day that the whole thing had been staged between them [Music] mm seventh studio album recovery was released in June 2010 and once again went straight to number one it was also the year's best-selling album recovery it's about how Eminem got sober dealt with his demons dealt with you know his problems as a father as a husband as a human being it felt more inviting you could tell by the songs like not afraid come take my hand and we'll get through the storm together like he seemed a lot more open to other people and I think that in the years that we've sort of gotten to know him and his music he always felt a little solitary so that I think it's the biggest difference in recovery that that I noticed it was just open the first single not afraid they'd be the number one not afraid really took a hard look at the bad things Eminem had done in his life you know not just as a rap star but as a father as a husband as a human being he can overcome these things that he could get over his crippling addiction it's a very empowering song for a lot of people there's a positive message which is something you couldn't really say about having his previous work it was closely followed by another smash hit the collaboration with Rihanna called love the way you lie [Music] love the way you lie was a huge hit partly because Rihanna was on it and she was just the hottest thing at the moment it was kind of a bold move because we all had gone through a very abusive relationship you know you could kind of see the parallels between Rihanna and Chris Brown as well as Eminem and Kim Mathers you know both very high-profile lots of violence lots of us you know lots of dirty laundry being aired you know it all seemed to deal literally with what Eminem was going on you know is it was no different than a mile in that aspect where it was like only a slight fictionalization of what was probably going on in his life I can't tell you what it is one of the greatest and most influential impactful artists of our time and I think recovery just drove that point home anyone who had had any negative feelings or critical criticisms about Eminem or maybe just didn't buy into the hype could no longer ignore the fact that Eminem is like you know on par with the greats Eminem is now an active rap producer besides being exactly producer d12 first two albums Devil's Night and d12 world he has also produced tracks by well-known rappers like Obie Trice 50 cent Lloyd Banks Tony Yayo and even jay-z the greatest MC of all time as he's become known now has 13 grammy awards to his name and he continues to astound with his genius wrapping techniques and thrilling play with words people appreciated that if you come from a poor background and maybe even your entire life we're told that you'd never amount to anything cuz that's more reason and more motivation to make it you know he's incredibly inspirational in that sense and I can't imagine that there's any rapper in the world who has looked to Eminem and said if he can do it I can do it too I'm still this to this day has the most popular record in America and nothing is like that I'm gonna even no one can sell CDs but Eminem and sell CDs because he has this this fan base in terms of like straight-up pure skill he might be the best technician to ever reach that multi-platinum level ever I mean in terms of pure skill he you know he has respect across the board for me I still feel like I'm an underground artist regardless of how many units I sell the the subject matter and the topics that I rap about a still underground you know what I'm saying they're still raw I don't try to you know polish up my [ __ ] for nobody I don't you know I tell it like it is he sees the demons he knows they're there and sometimes they're out of control but the best music has always been about in whatever genre is understanding the human condition thing about true artists is they don't lose their creativity the older he gets the more his talent and his artistic creativity will ripen and mature and change and morph into something else one thing you can be sure of we will be hearing about Eminem and he will be creating until the day he dies and what he creates well always worth listening to always be worth watching and always beware [Music] you
Views: 4,208,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entertain, Me, Eminem:, Rap, Sheet, Europe, official, video, full documentary, full movie, full film, full stream, free documentary, free film, free movie, free stream, slim shady, marshall mathers, the orchard, on demand
Id: ILA9I0Fi3P0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 17sec (3437 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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