50 Cent Speaks on Takeoff, BMF, Super Bowl, and Reveals “8 Mile” TV Show | Interview

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I want to uh bring I'm gonna bring his uh eight mile to television oh yes does he know that yes okay just checking how far along how far along in the process are you guys of that motion really so Eight Mile the TV show yeah that's dope big boys neighborhood I'm not gonna even be around the bush 50 Cent is in the neighborhood and first off fifth welcome back to the neighborhood thanks man thanks for always having me hey man let me thank you for always coming back hey man let me tell you bro you gotta be one of the hardest working men people in this business and there is absolutely no box like you don't say rapper I know I don't you know what I'm saying rapper 50 Cent you just say 50 Cent or Curtis Jackson Curtis 50 Cent Jackson is in in the neighborhood bro you have really stood what they say the test of time yeah I've been doing it and just off air you was like man and I ain't stopping no I'm not I'm gonna keep going man I'm enjoying it man I told you I Whistle While You Work concept big you got to love what you're doing you know what I probably didn't hear it then you probably said it and it must and I'm gonna tell you man I've been in the radio and we've sat down for for decades now damn near yeah you know what I'm saying but you are doing so much better than I am why you say that because it's the truth you don't want me to say man yeah I mean but that's why I always show up right right okay hey man you know what uh yeah I got to learn how to take the compliment I'll definitely take that you know and congratulations man BMF season two hey man when you go to do a story like that right you know because that's a documented story is dear to a lot of people yeah people know it are you hesitant on attaching to it or no no I'm excited about this kind of projects because I look first I feel like that in that story with BMF did you guys sell you got to tell the origin story right yeah right because you got to show the innocence of how you get involved in the lifestyle because if you say okay guys so a lot of drugs for a long time they go well when you get caught they go well about time because you're doing the right thing right but when you see them as kids in poverty yeah man other circumstances where they just want to eat comfortably and then and have nice clothes and things like that do you understand why people get involved in that lifestyle and that's that's you know it's it's layers to uh these stories that I think make them a little more exciting like the power first is a fiction like that but it's a fictional story about a guy who made it to the top there's there's a ghost in in all of these neighborhoods a guy who made it to the top oh yeah he getting the most money around it at the time and then and when you do it in an illegal route you say could have done this a different way because it does take skills to to manage people and everything that's going on hey man is this so-called entertainment game is it did you come in thinking about like the hustle game as well the dope game that they're like man this is this is easy for me you know and in the beginning but there was always things that I couldn't understand that was happening it was like I couldn't manage the artists I couldn't keep all of the artists in pocket or it'd be five of us here today right right right right right you talking about like G-Unit where yeah they oh and because like when you look at all the the groups that came right uh they all kind of either the guy that's in there that is extremely talented pulls out to the front and he goes I'm going solo it like leaves the other guys like or or there's the the scenarios where because I started like that big the beauty of how geody worked is my solo album took off so big that I just brought them with me so it was clear that it was me creating the opportunity for for everybody else in the crew right but we was all together I wish it would have been yeah why because then I could have did all of the business does that when you say do all the business and if he would have been 50 Cent big right then I would have been running the whole thing you said I'm saying do you think that it's better for you or are you is it different for you uh then we then it would still be two of us it would still be gotcha he'd still be 50 Cent as the artist and now with it and I'd be probably the largest asset to us how how is the relationship with with members of G-Unit they could like I just look I think that they they create their own path and you know everybody does in life like they just it's different things like certain things I don't believe in based on I I think the things you go through make who you are and in my journey like there's certain things that I'm not really I don't even let it into my system like that like if like I think depression is a luxury wow because when I'm from you can't afford to be depressed you got to pay the bill right right so you gotta go to work you got to get up you gotta go do what you got to do you might don't got people right now it's at work don't feel like being there but they got responsibility so they felt uncomfortable while they're working why are they doing what they got to do like when these guys get in the slump and they just decide that they're not gonna do anything I'm like where they do that at right yeah yeah even when you're on the street you gotta pack you just decided not to come outside yeah you're gonna beat this down wait till you come out they're gonna beat the yeah definitely so is it different when you get up and say man I gotta go get mine as opposed to like when I started radio right I it was me and the guy by the name of Humpty yeah and that only lasts for like two three weeks they had a different Vision uh I didn't know radio right but I'm so glad in my career that I didn't have an and I've had Big Boy's Neighborhood but I didn't have the big boy and Liz show the big boy and you know because then it's a different we got different hustles different grinds lifestyles are different at some point you can like grow apart or fade away or you want to start a different life a different family so are you good now that you say I don't have that and or you know what this it does feel good to to have it be a singular Focus because even with multiple things running right yeah yeah it definitely does feel like it feels better to do that because I know I'm not gonna not go left on me right right right right you're gonna show up I'm gonna do what I gotta do and then the other I'm not gonna be dissing yourself like man wait what did I put out on social media about me yeah like you go because this is the thing when artists are unhappy you know whose fault it is it's the label's fault right right whatever doesn't work because they place look at this now the new artist they meet the audience before they meet the the uh record company yeah because they made the joint they put it out on iTunes it's out they start to heat up and they they get the record company around them for structure a a group of people that can uh organize it and make it work to his full potential when that happens then they're like yo you know our school but the business when we get amazing artists and go what happened to them like where'd they go they wasn't done making music after two albums like with the rest of the music at and it just the business happened to them so it's like if the the company loses Focus if they're not in the red on it on the project so much then they go yo you know okay yeah yeah let's let's get that next single if it doesn't when the ball hit the wall if it bounces off big then that's the end of it right you know I mean you got certain guys that are uh their relationships made them so powerful like in our business that they can't be moved like like Drake I don't I don't think you understand like that's why you've never heard me say anything negative about it you see what I'm saying and also connected to like like M because M's uh our relationship my Eminem is Dr Dre is Eminem's to I am to Eminem to me is what Dr Dre is to Eminem yeah so to disrespect him in any way it's just you're out of pocket you're not even following the chain of command now do y'all ever have like before was there ever any disagreements you know there's certain things that you just don't take to the public because it it's not for the public yeah yeah like if there's well with Drake not much like you're just it just do it you're gonna do what you want to do regardless like and you're going like Jimmy those relationships that's a different kind of relationship right that was like even when it was East Coast West Coast they are the West Coast right yeah like the whole thing so you go when I get over here and your East Coast artists they had said this in the interview he's like um there was a point where like I said I felt like a New York Knick ball player in the LA locker room right like because I was like yo yeah visitors right like I'm like yo you should be home here I'm home it's the home team but it was it was it was never you seen even when the award show thing happened we was dead mm-hmm it's because you're supposed to be there like that's just the way I was raised hey man when you when you think about where the music business is at now yeah you say that you coming with new music for 2023 yeah and the music businessman is fickle and some people want to run away from the music business especially when they find a success that you found you know what I'm saying what makes you say I want new music in 2023 because I I can make what I want to make like I'm not relying on them to be excited or to buy it at this point I just want to talk I know 36 countries have sold out and Arenas no support Acts no I know uh Live Nation to support that right straight to venue big money because I supported the tour myself I heard that put down and invested in yourself yeah what does that feel like to go out damn after 20 years after get rich you know get rich or die trying and the audience still show up especially in the business where you're here today and gone tonight it's amazing man and it's also I attribute that to also being connected to the three-headed monster it's also Eminem and Dr Dre right it sounds people forget they forget what it really really is big like look at this our coaching when you when you see new artists you see them with these Lamborghinis these rolls royces and Bentleys and stuff like that hip-hop was not earning that kind of money mm-hmm they proved to a point that is earning that kind of money now and you look when when you subjected to not having much in the cities and these environments where a lot of the talent is coming from don't nobody buy nothing they don't buy [ __ ] you got to ask them when the last time you actually went and bought a CD right or or paid for the actual record because they'll get it the best way they can they did a great promoters they're The Taste makers they're the strongest influences in the world and but they don't buy it education Middle America out there that they got to get in the car and drive to find trouble it's nothing but a DNA back right right right they fall in love with everything else that's going on at lingo if you if you're not paying attention look at slang now it's harder for people to uh if English is their second language like if not their first language then how do they catch yo yo what's up right what's up right here what do you mean it's up right we need to move because you're getting ready to start shooting you know what I mean like but they don't know the lingo like if they're not paying attention to the music to understand that there's a problem getting ready to take place where did you go to on tour where did that tour take you to I went through um hey man you know it's good when when somebody don't know where they went yeah you know what I'm saying I'm saying here and tell you right now I was in um Chino on Chino Hills California uh for New Year's Eve uh I was in Burbank you know you know what I'm saying like I know exactly where I was at I know I did Armenia because it was the first yeah really no he went to Armenia yeah my cousins called me they're like do you know who's coming 50 Cent is coming to Armenia this was big amen but you know what dude some people want to stay home yeah no I'm ready to go like I went to Athens I was I did the same Arena that they uh sold out the arena they did the Olympics damn so wow yeah it's cool man hey man and then also man you come in with 1.8 billion views in 2022 without any like real 50 Cent music yeah what videos were we watching I don't know I think it's um when people be tagging me too when they put like if they put my name in front of the the video on YouTube right like in the tagline because they a lot of the 50s take the credits yeah do you think that anything had to do with like like the regurgitation of like man 50 with Super Bowl like because when Super Bowl went down it man everybody like popped up and popped off that was big like I'm look Dre that's Dre too you see I'm saying that it's Dre and really in because he didn't he wouldn't do it without me right how does that come about you know because we get you know I kind of knew some things low-key but once that Pepsi ad hit and it was like Super Bowl yeah when did you when did it come about like how did 50 Cent become involved bro I got the call before the the ad went out yeah I hope so yeah but look when the when when the I wasn't in the ad right because of uh Jay-Z in them was putting it together so I think they still Harbor some energy towards me you think you were purposely left out of the ass no no I don't think I think that they they were saying the NFL has some issues with me that um I don't know what those issues are like I don't what is the issue you see what I'm saying like and I um with with M because like when Nori Nori was he had uh communication you said yeah that's why I talked to the big homie you're saying to Jay he was telling me you know the white boy wouldn't do the truth without without 50. right and I'm like that's when I started saying crazy stuff because I look and I go oh I should become me right so you you image yourself after a gay painter a big homie want to look like a gay painter what are we talking about here we're talking about Basquiat he wants to look like a gay painter oh my God I think I know where we're going with so now look what I'm saying to you is look when you start looking at that's not mines that's theirs they're harboring right but when you look at m is looking at the entire Legacy yeah yeah the whole thing like with M Dre and myself like that I'm a shady aftermath you see what I'm saying like it do so much G on it Junior records right they forget that I'm I'm in Andre's artist you see what I'm saying like but that's that's just the way it was like were you a part of it even like you say you weren't on the ad right yeah when when we saw the initial asset that came out and you weren't on there but were you already a part of it no I already had communication okay well Paul about going to do it but the ad was coming out that already was shot with okay gotcha him and everybody else in it so I'm like now cool I'll be surprised it's cool to be surprised right yeah I was surprised too because I remember at rehearsal I was like man what the hell I won 20 bucks again I was like he's gonna show him nobody like when I reach out because I want to see what the complications are when nobody has any information about it and it only came from that angle I I have to believe that that was something that was from that did you and Jay-Z ever have a conversation or yeah in different offices as far as like we don't need to talk about nothing I heard that yeah so when you do get the call it's a no-brainer for you to do Super Bowl yeah yeah let's do it and because it's a straight show like you got to pay for that that was expensive yeah I know and we had to be here for seven days ahead of the show to rehearse it like I was like I know the words right right yeah yeah hang the upside down man I'm good hey man was it different hanging upside down 20 years later yeah yeah a little more weight it's dangerous I was like wait this I'm trying to make a great interest right right whose idea was it to hang you upside down again was that you yeah that was me right and then you know after like the second time in rehearsals I was looking around like why do I do this right hey man do you I was about to say that do you come down lightheaded or you're like man I got a whole verse to do but I gave myself something physical a physical task to deal with because I I climbed up had to jump up there was no harness or nothing I wish I would have thought about that before I did it really the first pitch yeah and it never goes away they have a baseball cut right with your pitch yeah but you but you own it you know yeah like that they have a baseball hey man now when you throw a bad pitch people say man he 50 that it 50 and Gary de la bate from Howard Stern y'all got the two worst pictures yeah man but look at you though I'm still I'm still I got other things to hold on yeah do they want to pitch for a team that you don't play to go right over or do you want all the success that you have now yeah I'm just look I'm looking at big guys saying I didn't have to do that I didn't have to put myself in the space do you learn from that I did yeah I did did you learn from hanging upside down that that worked out too like it was like yo it was cool to do it because it reminds people of yeah I thought it was dope man and that energy if you can bring that hey man 20 years later you would have smooth found me on the couch though and I stopped doing all them challenges and big you can do it and all that yeah I'm cool at least I'm cool I'm cool there was no reason for me to uh I mean if I had to fell in my head I would have felt like I should have just you know right yeah like yeah insurance and injury into your neck big oh yes yeah there you go why did they do that what's the anticipation when you get there that day knowing that billions of eyeballs would be on this it's the same intensity I feel when I go out on a a real like a show because look I'm nervous all the time when when just like the first minute of the performance I murdered and then I turned into 50 Cent right do you see everybody before y'all go go on yeah like I'll see him they did that like we're not in a huddle like but everybody right right right not all hands in yeah yeah we're not doing all that but there's a you know like I like to be to myself before I go they do it and then because look if you don't care about your performance then um you shouldn't be performing um I don't think you should be doing it you know what I mean does it reignite something in you did you always know you're gonna do the tours and all that again or did that feeling now that was you know what that started that tour started out four shows wow and then I just said I'm gonna keep going I don't care like because they were saying that the they was having issues or they was afraid of covet a bit right right with the torn and then I just started putting the dates on just do it because there was I don't understand why they were sitting still another artist they're not the same people look it's a difference if you sell 13 million records around the world in the period that I'm I'm doing that there's nobody that was doing outside of Eminem himself you know I'm saying the March Madness thing and he wasn't he he didn't talk he didn't go out as much as I did and then we come back to the next album I dropped three albums after that album I dropped uh uh beg for mercy Lloyd Banks solo and then Games album before I came back with the massacre Jesus Christ yeah and that one sold 10 million records and then they'll say there was only one album but that's because they wouldn't forget that right that room is very uncomfortable hey amen so now when you say music in 2023 is there any fear with being in competition with yourself or how since we got this device everybody's a Critic and everybody could say something yeah that's fine for them to say it but you know I got the calls as soon as I said that I got uh a text from him that uh he had already spoke to Dre and they Dre is in there and he got some crazy stuff for me to go to go here so I'm going to uh oh you know it's the this is my process like I'll go make something like what I can find out the best music I can get my hands on and then when I feel real good about it I bring it to put pressure on Dre to offer me something yeah because he'll have something or he's always happy because you sat with Dre before and taking Dre Beats right that you'll be songs he'll be playing it it's his voice on the record he'll go click take that off here this is going to be good what record what records do we know that you was like Drake I need that or he was like you know what I did I came in how we do um was like they had he dreis did that one he did we did um he had a record I wanted it bad too you know ended up getting it TI ended up getting a record later because it was the uh with the cannot make it dope with the lead sample um damn and then I don't know the song but I know the same yeah yeah and he had a and the production was crazy but like the dreidel like you always have something in the studio that he's playing that he's excited about that when he pressed play he watches everybody else right you see what I'm saying to see if they enjoy themselves immediately and then when that record gets dated yeah because it's there but it's not the yeah the thing he just made I show up for it hey man I've been in with Dre and I'm like man this is it like this this this the song right here no he makes him all the time yeah but they just they'll be there until he's comfortable with like Jay shot whole movies and didn't put him out yeah like whole feature films and just was like I don't know all right cool now let's not do it yeah you're like let me hear that movie yeah yeah they'll do it they've done it since they did the deal Beast over Apple how's your how's your relationship with him now do y'all talk much yeah a lot more texting because I'm moving a lot like I'm not AMS don't want to do what you're doing as far as like you you never talk to M about going out on tour or at one point when we saw the Super Bowl we were like that's the world too because of the Super Bowl I got a uh an inquiry about the World Cup oh and they had a budget of um of uh nine million dollars for it right how much nine million nine yeah so it was going to give I would have took one big right then the other eight would have been found and then there was the uh it's still for a one-off I'm just saying if you would do a one-off show maybe you would do the biggest live sporting event right in the world did you talk to him about it yeah I bought call talk to Paul and everybody around they killed it on the vine well yeah it's like he's not gonna do it not gonna move so it didn't even get to m not before with Paul Rosenberg yeah and Paul no like he's not going to do it 50 for everything else like I I um I want to uh bring I'm gonna bring his uh eight mile to television oh does he know that yes okay just checking how far along how far along in the process are you guys of that really so Eight Mile the TV show yeah that's dope it's gonna be big I'm working I'm not gonna you know I ain't got no does right I know I'm batting a hundred eight miles whose idea is that like does it do you have to convince him because eight mile is a classic no I think it should be there for his legacy because yeah if you don't see it's important to me that they understand it you know I mean like when Stout would say the tanning of America because America's listening to black music right and it's really the culture losing this color for everybody to feel like they can enjoy it and appreciate it because they see someone who's accepted and respected on the whole oh man it makes them a part of it also you know what I'm saying and then you start to have all of the you see the new artists you see that you guys pop out all the time and talented when you talk about an eight mile TV show and we've seen Eight Mile and it was like you know it was a piece where you know pretty much the same age and there's units you didn't see a lot of backstory you don't know what happened really happened haven't happened in the future where does this eight mile TV show in your head does it start with a young Eminem have you thought that much about it yeah I thought about it it's a modern version it's like think uh Fresh Prince of Bel-Air right the way the new version of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air like that so I'll I'll do I want to be able to show and and offer a lot more details things that you would say in an interview or different things that you've already used that you put out there and stuff like that you'll see those things kind of surface and the temperament of the characters man I would look I can't wait to see that and the one thing with you man you you you you execute you know what I'm saying yeah yeah you you execute you know so I come and do Snoop story too even though we we paused on it because of stars because I was having issues with them over there right at the time so I I paused on murder was the case but I think I think Snoop is uh if the OJ power works why wouldn't murder was the case work at this oh my God bro yeah amen and when you say Stars you made people go to Stars yeah you know what I'm saying Stars could have been there it could have been in your your you know in your cable or your satellite package but we weren't sitting down every day saying oh no yes yeah I gotta watch this on Stars if you got the number one two three and for highest rated shows in African-American Latina [ __ ] so it's it's going like there's no way what made you get into this you know what I'm saying because when you think of 50 Cent at one point it was all shot nine times you know uh how to rob and you know you know what I'm saying and then oh he got a million dollar deal he's this he's that and sometimes we put people in a box who takes you serious enough to see this guy that could become Creator executive producer things of that nature you know it was it was Jimmy Jimmy damn it comes out of like the that Circle he was looking he was upset with me at the time right because no not you that's crazy yeah so he he's and he goes I don't know I don't know maybe this and he's pointing at the television right in his office and I left and I'm like he was playing at the TV and then I looked at it and I said where is my core audience see the people that made me a success they they were my core I look at them like they were in college enjoying their adult life for the first time because the music is the theme music that they like every time they went out to a nightclub they couldn't escape me they couldn't yeah go to a bar they couldn't go to a restaurant you changed the birthday song yeah you know like bro happy birthday to you yeah and then you know we got your traditional happy birthday but now bro yeah it's your birthday and that's gonna be here you know no disrespect long after you yeah it's amazing baby like and you look you say what made you say go shorty it's your birthday that's just the first thing that came to mind like when you think of the nightclub but even even the ladies right when y'all go to the nightclub isn't it when you go with your girlfriend it's her birthday you go in intentions to have a good time regardless who's there yeah but what were we saying before that I don't know we're probably going happy birthday to you or should be quite happy now yeah you go out with your girls is go go go yeah I posted on Instagram the other day it was my friend's birthday and the music that I picked for the IG story was yeah let's go Shawty did you have anything at the beginning before oh no no that's how I went like what whoa whoa whoa whoa really now you gotta imagine for the first time when you hear it if you if you are trying to be anti-me um oh and you know what it is too bro not only when you first heard it it's still today and that comes from any beef that you had any relationships whatever that come on you like ah [ __ ] yeah and it could be in your most happiest times and it'll come on yeah I like to enjoy everybody else's stuff you broke out like because since I haven't released anything like current new because usually I'm I'm playing my next wave my next idea of what I'm gonna come come with and then because I had a chance to take a break and just chill I can kind of I look for stuff that I like instead of being critical right right right like I'm trying to find my favorite joint out of that record is that addicting too when you get it when you get those hit records absolutely yeah it's an unbelievable unbelievable because look you gotta say once you condition for it it's not hard work it comes out and it's the first like go show yourself birthday it's not rocket science bro it's just the first thing that comes to you but when that happens and people are greeted it it's the right thing everybody agrees at one time it feels like magic like the records that the creative side of it like I I was watching what's your name I saw something on Instagram with uh the quavo and he he had this this uh joint deals but now he's writing about takeoff yeah man and I was like whoa this is going to be good yeah you know what I'm saying look artists always make the the best moments out of painful situations whether it's the relationship didn't work and it's a love song whether it's a uh you know Mary yeah with one of them joints right quick and then the or you'll get the Kanye's car crashes through the yl yeah man being shot nine times or like there's moments in in all of the artists that that uh stand out that we're going through when you say you being shot nine times and when we fast forward today and you're speaking about quavo and we you know with takeoff not being here with us being a person that that's had a chance to blow out you know the candles that you get a chance to blow out and you can you know make a mistake and still be here and just just the life things man when you start to see like some of our I remember at one point with me when digging and POC were the so-called were the dead rappers right you know then you get your easy ease on them now you see it's a list and when you see people like take off man that didn't get a chance to to get to get everything it seemed like there's there's a life robbery when you see things like that with pnb like where does that put you at that's crazy I mean the they got to be I think I think you gotta be able to cut the umbilical cord you see me earlier say I want to bring everybody with me so not not be someone new be a better version of what I already was but like you want to do the same things then when you shoot dice do I have the same argument they want to do the same thing that we did that you know I mean it's just the circumstances it puts you back under the same circumstances when you already move to a different level like you see what I'm saying and I think that if if really when you look at generally what's happening there like because PMB is not really from here like I remember I came out here for the first time like I was out here early this is my whole back a cartoon tattoo in my back yeah do you still have that tattoo yeah yeah okay it's just a little light now right yeah it's old now right but when when tone did it I was riding he was like this man was like oh man we got to get gas he said what you mean you gotta get gas fool is that well you say he was like what you mean like yeah I'm like because the neighborhood that we was in wasn't the right neighborhood yeah and I'm like I'm from New York bro I didn't know which one of these gas stations you don't want to and it's this it's the same thing with pnb he said he don't know exactly where he at big it's not okay to be in that bed with a lot of times you watch the young boys because you'll they'll go yo you ever you ever don't wear your jewelry and they go now I wear mines Everywhere I Go like there's not another version of them right like there's not another guy just not special he's exactly like you he just don't have a song when you feel like you're gonna get busy if you touch it he feeling like I'm gonna get busy to get it right right and it just it's the same energy bro like and you go and they it's when you run into yourself you have to ask them big when you see them have that nah ain't nobody gonna do nothing to me but what about when you was doing that mm-hmm you know what I'm saying like when you was out and you was the other guy hungry so you're gonna take it you definitely got to remember that yeah you're gonna run you'll run into that especially if you go everywhere with it you know what I'm saying and there's not a uh a place that I think you've got to be conscious of it when you go back into the environments you'll be having some of them they walk around and they are the biggest lit the value of the stuff that they got around them is actually worth it yeah they're doing the hitting and they were for five thousand if you come and you got what that's 800 000 worth of jewelry you're gonna have to come up off that damn what do you do now with the music that's being released today do you do you have a do you listen because even with pop smoke man that's having your your your finger on it your hand on it when you know because early on like I'm listening to all of it I'm trying to hear what they're saying especially like or how they're changing like how to culturally things are changing it's like when the the whole street stuff like if you said look at the difference and what up Gangster not right now it applies to how many different neighborhoods how many different areas how many different they didn't exist in that time frame that I actually wrote it like it's grown ridiculously fast you know what I'm saying you look in it culturally what they looked at big my influences were were people that the were living a better life right they've been making money and it was I could the aspirational lifestyle that connects in hip-hop culture in in the youth culture that is totally my journey like I want to live not be someone new but be better than in the position that I was in and then when you look at like the kids now they're they're Role Models or the person that they look up to has a is putting the most work in do you feel it's harder or easier for today's artists I think it's easier to connect right but how so if you're working we go record the record and we put it out right yeah we put it out and then it's there and it's not like that there's a even if we just wrote on the brown paper bag I had it like this brown bag money whatever the record title that made sense to the title we could make that little art and put it up and and and find the audience somewhere some people hear it and go yo he's kind of dope or it builds a portfolio of material that you have that would allow them to say that there's consistency because when you do have a record this snaps it might not be the one that you made last night but when you do all that material is there for people to actually be a true fan to you because they watch how many clips of yours on YouTube of material they're like nah he's nice because I'm hearing it over and over and over like that consistency I think consistency is the key to all success if you can hit the ball they're gonna need you they're gonna need you at the doctor do you make more money and rap is it rap money brand money or like executive producer money it's it's uh it's crazy because the television is catching brand money now it's it's starting to match up with where the grandma is and when we do think of when you said I got a meal without the deal all right just wait yeah because when you got that million bro were you thinking like and coming from a hustler and so on and so forth you know you're gonna make your your dollars it's not it's non-taxed you're moving around but it's a different kind of hustle that you're doing when somebody when you get a million dollars bro do you think that a million not that it could last you for your rest of your life but do you think man I'm on when I wrote that Lineback a million dollars at the lifestyle that was living prior to that you could live your whole life right here yeah yeah yeah you see what I'm saying and the the difference is now like when you the the like the new artist the new climate stuff like that that million dollars will be gone yeah man like they some of them walking around with with me now yeah yeah I've seen it is that the jewelry they go crazy because because they got to show you they try to create a separation between them and the other artists like by by right having things that they can't have or or something that they yeah I saw this dude at a Quinceanera 15 year old's party and he had these big ass diamonds in and I was like man those would be like 200 000 an ear but everybody we want this look yeah we all we also want this look and then you know even if the hearing was fake big yeah it's just Aaron right you know it takes a little while for you to get to it like and even that brother that had that earring we'll find that at some point you're gonna it's gonna time after a while he's like yo yeah yeah yeah give me my money back definitely want to thank you for coming into the neighborhood next time you come in please answer the questions I've learned to get out what I want to say for you guys yeah I've I've noticed you know what I'm saying there was so much more that I wanted to ask you I know but I was like man you'll be back yeah definitely you'll be back man did you bring enough Branson for all of us uh yeah we got I got something for you okay why do I feel like there's none out there but I will take something you know what I'm saying I think this is the only bottom but even even Renee was like yes out there Renee was like by the time you leave the building it'll be there believe that man but thank you for coming into the neighborhood once again congratulations on season two of BMF bro and just everything that could be possibly coming from uh for you and from you and also the new music that we're going to get bro can't wait to see 50 Cent the artist once again man just congratulations on all your success bro and you you continue to be inspiration to so many because you taught us bro that there is no box that we can be that we have to be in and we can't walk into any environment the way that we are and still get something done absolutely I appreciate you man 50 Cent in the neighborhood [Music]
Channel: BigBoyTV
Views: 3,456,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 50 cent, 50 cent interview, 50 cent super bowl, 50 cent eminem, 50 cent dr dre, 50 cent bmf, bmf, BMF, bmf season 2, 50 cent first pitch, 50 cent pitch, 50 cent in da club, 50 cent full interview, 50 cent 8 mile, 8 mile, 50 cent tour, 50 cent dre, dr dre, eminem, takeoff, big boy, big boy’s neighborhood, bigboytv, 50 cent big boy, 50 cent music, interview, 50cent, BMF Season 2, BMF tv show, 92.3, hip-hop, full interview, big boy neighborhood
Id: XN_-0OT4SOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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