What Future Humans, Cities and Bodies Will Look Like | space and astronomy

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we're advancing into a future that's taking a new shape every day what would our world look like in 50 years fully automated cities and flying cars when our children have artificial organs will they live to be a hundred top international scientists no kapha century ahead their discoveries will change the world fasten your seatbelts this is the adventure of the future [Music] when you think about the city of the future we always imagine flying cars and ultra-modern architecture but the real revolution in 50 years could be invisible consider this when your parents were born the PC didn't even exist and today every mobile phone has more memory than all the early computers now think 50 years out into the future and you can begin to imagine the enormous possibilities for the city of the future 50 years from now a city of the future it is afternoon there are still schoolboys here like 13 year old Paul but his route home is very different from better today skills Paul's holographic dolphin the streets the buildings and everyone's clothes are constantly processing gigabytes of information the citizens of the city of the future are swimming in a 24-hour torrent of data and that isn't the only big difference from today what will a city in the West look like in the next 50 years let's do a little experiment go outside your front door and imagine that every tenth person is over 80 and every third person has reached the age of 60 now if you live outside the metropolitan areas whole regions could be deserted now why is this because outside of the United States in the Western world people are having fewer and fewer children we're being hit by a double whammy an aging population coupled with a declining birthrate quite simply the birthrate is beginning to fall beneath the death rate the aging Society of the future may be a problem but it could bring this advantage it could ease the shortage of housing and jobs ayane you're home early how was school fine thanks Bob things so tense not for long I'll see you tomorrow honey and don't spend all your time playing with that silly hall of fit taxi this is Paul's grandpa John he's a computer freak in a first generation hacker and he's one of the few people in 20:57 who still know what a keyboard and mouse look like as a mole packin not unpacked I put it in I need the blowtorch hi Gramps my why don't you give the pile of junk an upgrade this thing's so old it's got no online connection I can't get any upgrades anyway it's probably time to track him here you go Oh grandpa why do you always eat hot dogs Oh what's wrong with hot dog Oh No please grandpa not again sorry this time I'm going for good what did you argue about this time I'm a bad influence and I'm irresponsible she happened to catch me putting the finishing touches to your new friend you know what she says about that how far you got with it it's finished it's on your desk to the annoyance of his mother Paul's favorite game is playing with his virtual friends who are barely distinguishable from reality Wow hello oh you can talk yes well come on show me a few moves with pleasure these 3d images are more than just play mates we will interact with them in hundreds of different ways through medicine advertisements video games now today's TV and computer monitors will seem as ancient to our grandchildren as the horse and buggy in the future these 3d images will no longer be confined to a traditional PC screen instead they will leap out they will jump they will play they will fly and float we will interact with them 24 hours a day but how close are we to that now for 40 years scientists all over the world have been trying to solve one tricky problem how can you project freestanding 3d images in midair we still don't have the final answer but a team in California has made some remarkable progress they project pictures onto a special layer of mist without a screen it's different from a normal display because on a fog screen you can see both the front and the back of the projected picture that's fine whenever people actually see the fog screen they reach in when they see faces they get closer they changed the viewing angle they just behave more lifelike the fog screen is linked to four infrared cameras so it can even react to a viewers movements each camera constantly measures the distance from this cap to the infrared transmitter so the computer can follow every movement of whoever's wearing the cap giving you an earner for the first test the researchers have borrowed Paul's shark it should follow to buy us Hillary's movements and so it does if the shark and the scientist seemed to be invisibly linked to by us can steer the fish in the fog with neither mouse nor keyboard but in daylight this system doesn't work at all so scientists are working on other ways to bring virtual worlds into the living room and this may be the most remarkable technology yet created it's developed by the Fraunhofer Heinrich Health Institute a display that simulates 3d images special software creates two slightly different views of each image two different views are always needed for stereoscopic vision if you can direct one to the left eye and one to the right eye the brain will construct a 3d picture but how can the two pictures simultaneously be directed to our left and right eyes the solution is provided by this sheet of glass put it in front of a monitor and the sheet activates you can see it's special features under a magnifying glass [Music] these simple regular grooves are central to the success of the system look at these very fine vertical stripes it's as if we had set 600 lenses side by side on the display and these lenses allow us to project the right picture into the right eye and the left picture into the left edge to build in this lifestyle the points iana's link Abaddon's link awaits the final stage is the alignment of the two cameras they're observing Klaus Schenker's movements the images are checked by software that's constantly analyzing the position of Schenker's eyes the glass sheet in front of the monitor is mechanically moved to follow Klaus Schenker's eye movement so his left eye always sees the picture for the left eye and his right eye always sees the picture for the right eye next an infrared sensor is installed that transmits every hand movement to the computer now everything's ready a click in the air and a 3d picture is floating in front of Schenker's eyes our camera can't see it so here it's simulated but Schenker really can see it they've already built displays that can be watched by up to 8 viewers at once so 3d TV is theoretically possible for the whole family but it'll be decades before we can expect to see anything like Paul's shark swimming through our front Chrome the spit hits the picture I can see now is not yet anywhere near as realistic as the one in Paul's room for that you would need a display that's actually invisible and could be viewed from every part of a room we have yet to come up with the ideas that will let us achieve wait a minute [Music] scientists expect that in 50 years these virtual companions really will speak to us if they were displayed on tethered or mobile balloons they could even fill the skies and that has given Paul a brilliant idea to use a digital shortcut to plaster his shark onto all the display surfaces of the city it won't be easy even for the grandson of a hacker the security experts of the big corporations have worked with the government to design highly effective digital defenses for the city of the future man how come it always works for grandpa this is how he does it but even in the future there will be no absolutely failsafe systems professionals know where to look for the weak spots [Music] cool I'm in whoa at the same moment Paul's mother is on her way to work on an underground highway she's on night shift at police headquarters she uses the driving time to check out the latest shoes at her favorite virtual boutique yes on my way what's up computer says six minutes on subterranean Auto Drive okay nobody's steering 100 kilometres an hour on automatic pilot wouldn't it be great if you jumped into your car told it where to go and the car drove itself without your ever touching the steering wheel wouldn't it be great if they were billions of chips stored in the road each costing a penny eliminating traffic jams and even car accidents now as ambitious as all this seems this technology is coming so get ready for the driving experience of your life not everyone will like it two-thirds of drivers enjoy speed and they like their sense of freedom that's alright if you're alone on a test track but on a highway instincts like that can get you into trouble [Music] the Hummel island or 5,000 driving fatalities a year you Germany alone are a strong motivation for us to work on reducing that number the first step towards the autonomous automobile is the development of a system that will prevent collisions this radar sensor will be developed into an electronic eyes that can recognize almost any kind of obstacle the cars brain is a set of computers packed into the trunk from speed and distance data it can calculate when a crash is imminent it took a year to develop the software now it's time to try it out with a collision trial on out ease test track when away from prying eyes [Music] these foam blocks have a high metal content to make them visible to radar senses but only the car on the left is fitted with the sensors the speed of the test is 30 kilometers an hour and neither driver is allowed to break the sensors of the car on the left are constantly measuring the distance to all possible obstacles and this is the moment of truth the computer has calculated that it is now no longer possible to avoid the blocks so it immediately gives the signal to break hard steel clamps steel and without a single movement from the driver the car stops just in front of the blocks test to 80 kilometers an hour the sensor spots the obstacle but it brakes too late at this speed the software can't decide if the driver hasn't seen the obstacle or simply intends to pull out to pass it but that will soon change Howdy's experts are now doing some of the first in-depth research into the behavior of that little-known species the driver infrared cameras record every move they're looking for behavior patterns that will let the computer predict what the driver is going to do buildings the on-board computer will watch everything the driver does just like an instructor and will only intervene if something goes wrong the computer can already tell just from the frequency of his blinking of the direction of his glance how well a driver is concentrating and what he's concentrating on but there's a long way to go before a computer and take full control of both car and driver Levin didn't mention patrasche limits on our ability to absorb information is simply astounding we're able to recognize scenes with never seen before to immediately identify people in these scenes or to identify dangerous objects in our way building all that into a computer would be a huge achievement and after burden Arsenal Wars Accords 10,000 kilometers further west American scientists are attempting something even more radical these are the first entirely driverless cars each car has eight kilometers of cables and wires linking steering wheel accelerator and brake with cameras and a GPS system and the most important part is the software they'd been developing over the past six months well for me since I wrote the software the biggest fear for me is that something I wrote dies for a silly reason that is my biggest nightmare in a few minutes this car will be off on a 200 kilometer race organized by the US military Research Institute DARPA spider the car built by Cornell University has done well in the qualifying rounds but now in the finals this car must safely negotiate mountain passes and tunnels the big favorite is Stanford University's Stanley once the race starts all 23 cars are on their own steering wheels steer but there's no one there only the welds media identifying obstacles calculating sizes and distances working out avoidance strategies humans do all this in fractions of a second spider has to work it out step by step whenever spider moves a warning signal sounds because no one yet completely trusts its independent maneuvers it makes a rather hesitant approach to the obstacle but it does find the right way within an hour spider is out of action like most of the other cars 18 of the 23 vehicles suffer system failures you wouldn't want to see one of these too close to a pedestrian crossing but at the toughest part of the course something really remarkable is happening the favorite has managed to get over the mountain pass and is on its way to the finishing line for other cars follow behind I really think that in the future we could easily have cars and trucks where the humans don't have to make any decisions where that all of the human errors and everything like that that causes problems can be avoided and I think we can get there in 50 years on the intelligent streets of the future that cars speed on while their passengers just take it easy meanwhile Paul is amazed at his success the shark is out there he's on a digital journey into the city center of the future screen by screen the city turns into shock town buildings out of a biological micro cosmos spiral into the sky parks and forests float at dizzying heights Nature has taken over the city's architecture but the greatest revolution is the invisible one billions of computer chips link hospitals police fire and railroad stations as inextricably as if they were the cells of a single living organism in 50 years the brain of the whole city could be a single highly efficient nerve center like a contemporary traffic control center but its capabilities would be infinitely greater [Music] in an emergency the whole city can be run by computer power stations and railroads can be shut down cars can be remote-controlled like toys and the network is present in the smallest things everyone uses it every minute of the day [Music] successful you can take over a taxi using your fingerprint and simultaneously login to your home your friends will never again wait outside your front door because you're late getting back 21 first street hi it's me hi doesn't matter just go in and make yourself at home you will let the home of the future know who's allowed in and who isn't the whole time the streams of data are invisibly communicating as soon as an authorized person comes in a room is woken up by the central computer to cater to their needs if you want the bathroom floor weighs you or if this is the evening after an especially good dinner it doesn't your favorite TV programs are ready to run and the temperature and humidity levels are set exactly as you like them the fridge has restocked itself after the weekend by contacting the supplier direct right now the scanner is checking all the sell-by dates if something's still missing even this fridge can't anticipate sudden cravings the online supermarket is always available it'll deliver at any time of the day or night there's no question that the network city will have its advantages just think grocery shopping from your couch you're intelligent clothing will call an ambulance in case of an emergency the GPS system will locate free parking slots sounds good to me but you know all of this comes with a warning as we become more dependent on technology just remember even in the future computers can crash technology and fail the Achilles heel of tomorrow's megacities are the all-important data networks according to the FBI u.s. police forces will have cyber action teams in 50 years they'll be there to fight assaults on the information arteries of the city georgina Gator Paul's mother's in charge of one of these units their special responsibility is to protect communication and transport network around train stop moving 20 minutes ago two minutes ago this after a traffic jam last time I saw something like that was 20 years ago so do you like it let's see what he can do he's where is he it's totally crazy I'm not going away forever I'll call you just as soon as I find somewhere to live okay come on no I mean I need that laptop so that's why know anything else no I don't think so come on as a mom let's go I do recognize you you are Paul okay the rust-bucket can stay just take it to the junkyard when it starts to get near nerves okay good morning Paul where is your shark I have a new program may I have this bad side step at the same time the situation in the department for essential infrastructure is getting critical the city's firewall is criminal ID traffic management system is completely jammed and the fire department's been called that 27 times on false alarm in the last hour alone systems gone completely haywire that's it Red Alert secure all public buildings the high-tech city is demonstrating its vulnerability when the stream of data dries up the network world stops functioning that's me georgina gator data security city con i would have called that all our lines are crashing it's a virus in the central city comm system but how is that possible well actually it shouldn't be possible but somehow the Red Devil got through anyway what red devil haven't you seen it no bring up the city on your display in less than five hours since the sharp was let out he has spread like an epidemic over the whole of the city's network well kind of it's attached to a virus which is scanning the entire city for displays and Holograms for the shark to invade there are millions of them so it's clogging the whole network we don't know who the hacker is but we know how he got in how he got access by the internal system of the police department but how is that possible [Music] in the name of Georgina later Oh Ron have to learn back can't even untie yourself here totally useless piece of junk Oh Dom Ardis run check neck check shoulder joints jack camera one huh sweetie put Gramps on the phone what should he have you looked out the window today your grandfather hacked your shark into the sky exactly what he and I were fighting about this morning and he did it using my internal server access palm sweetie he's got to turn himself in I get him on the phone Paul as the last means of communication break down Georgina is left with only one choice everybody listen up we're initiating a citywide search this is our man his name is John Gator my father he's one of those old-school hackers he once did eight years in prison for hacking into the medical insurance database he nearly wiped it out he was trying to stop a genetic census he tried to do a lot of things but he never succeeded screen off screen on I have 200 I know how this picture I think will guys I think I found something big this virus is running on 50 year old code it is attacked the ancient base layer of the city's operating system we've got our best people working on it but I don't know what's gonna happen I think we should prepare for the worst screen off when people think about terrorism they imagine dirty bombs and biological weapons but for a crisis expert there's a new type of threat that's just as catastrophic and that's computer hacking and one dangerous form is called social hacking that's when someone gains access to a corporate or government computer using a password taken from a friend or a relative from that vantage point they can paralyze a modern city they can disrupt water food transportation electricity and they can collapse the entire economy [Music] that's your shot I use your old trick and then I just attached it to the shark so we can fly with my old friends one thing to be you they're looking for you grants please help me oh you didn't go online using your own computer Davi yes you know they'll find your Gator on the system just as soon as they reboot it can you fix it you crashed the entire network fix it I have to access the central city server they've got more security than the Pentagon there's only one thing we can do come on one after another the city's data networks are collapsing only the high security services remain virus free some main networks like hospitals and police have their own sophisticated protection systems it's the last line of defense a kind of life insurance for a city dependent on data flow meanwhile Georgina is doing everything she can to find her father okay okay start with the outskirts and go at the press of a button hundreds of thousands of eyes are observing the city of the future nations around the world are installing millions of surveillance cameras to protect their citizens and Great Britain is leading the way with 4.2 million surveillance cameras that can photograph each citizen 300 times a day now that may sound excessive but public acceptance rises every time they capture a terrorist or a child abductor now these cameras have limitations they can basically record but they cannot identify that's why computer scientists are now building the next generation of intelligent cameras surveillance systems one of the most powerful surveillance technologies of the future is currently under development in London it's already the most closely monitored city in the world now these cameras are to learn to see intelligently the scientists have connected them to revolutionary new software the system has to tail this man like a detective big brother is stirring the first test involves just one camera the software checks the live pictures every second the moving objects or people when the computer has zeroed in on the test person it must keep the camera trained on him and even predict his movements it will take into account his size speed and direction of movement the system functions extremely well the software follows the person exactly as planned the red box shows what the person is at this moment the black box predicts where he will be a second from now a step formula frame and you can't shake off the system just by moving out of sight of a camera the scientists are already linking the cameras in the first networks they'll be hunting together in packs if everything goes as planned our camera networks will keep a man in its sights when he goes out of range of the first camera he will disappear into the blind spot we are built into the system the second camera should pick him up and identify envious eyes and direction of movement suppose a systematic stone you come out only to my show put on my table see and then the third camera will take over and so on this test is the basis for a system that should in future be able to track down any person in the city camera one sees the person and gives him the identification number two the next camera identifies the same man as number two but camera three makes a mistake and there's a simple reason for that [Music] the only sure way to recognize people is by their faces and today's two-dimensional cameras are often not up to the job even human beings have trouble identifying the same person on photos taken from different angles a computer has no chance at all except in ideal conditions with a 2d photo several factors make a positive identification virtually impossible if we look at this picture here we see that it's taken from a high angle and is strongly lift from the side this picture up here is taken from a low angle and is lit even more strongly from the side so it's very difficult to compare the two pictures and Africa lighting us the team have been working on a 3d face recognition system for three years it started with measurements of classical statues it could soon be a way of checking up on eye every move it's a new form of surveillance the cameras in this system project a striped grid on top of the recorded TV picture and send the combination to Henning Downs computer seconds later Julia Maya is in the databank along with a 3d model of her face now this device has to recognize Julia Maya again to make things more difficult they switch the light off Hennig down explains what's happening inside Almanza Hyuna modesty this is a normal 2d picture in which you can see the whole face but we just need the depth measurements of the face the distance of each part of the face from the camera it's like a mask on which the face is displayed in three dimensions if a mask in your computer and a newly recorded mask fit together well it's the same person if they don't it's two different people here the reference image has been checked and miss Mayer was recognized a perfectly before Maya would have perfect account under laboratory conditions this system recognizes faces with almost a hundred percent accuracy now the researchers want to prepare the system to put it on the street and install it over entire cities in 50 years will no longer be working with visible light it'll be invisible the gradable no longer the stripes the drayman's the whole thing will be integrated into the cameras so the camera itself will make the 3d images and Georgina could use a network of cameras like this to search for her father and son by speed Regina your father for four [Music] bingo below drive Commissioner hitting North where's he going can you make a prediction system program predicts destination he is Eunice Millar cars where's she going a few kilometers away near the city calm John has been searching for hours for a way to hack into the city's central computer but now the virus has blocked the digital arteries of the city John's last hope is the central archive I leave the data from the old city administration now what data do the original map still exist we have something even better yeah maps maps come with me how many CDs do you have containing music and video well I hate to tell you this but in the future much of that information could become unreadable because your computer is obsolete now if you think you have lots of important data just think of the National Archives and libraries of the world now there is a solution to the problem holographic crystals can store up to 200 DVDs worth of information for a thousand years either as digits or as microscopic images this means that you could read the data even without a computer many scientists have gone even further they're working on data crystals that will store especially important information in a form that you can read by the light of a candle the same way you project a transparency onto a wall however most crystals today can only be read by a laser there it is I know it is that the main computer graphs not quite my boy not quite we'd never get in there but this is the next best thing dad do you have any idea what you've done I'm gonna lose my job and you're going back to jail oh you just stay out no it's true the grapes can fix it we have to manipulate the main computer Paul's our dental vacation data is still on it I'm hoping to get access using a little bee tool you mean to tell me that a 13 year old boy did this yes well he did use my technology okay go go georgina focus we have to get out of here and fix this thing before it's too late no you fix it paul stays with me Oh mom we both have to go I know the new computers better okay go what do you want me to do keep them here stall them how much time do you need twenty minutes [Music] where is he I don't know I must have just missed him the entrance has to be around here somewhere here that's it it has to be oh shoot I've got everything here but the clock it's in here no that's close hello I do recognize you I have seen your everywhere saved at the last minute John's personal robot has brought the urgently needed tool as if he could read John's mind this could be science-fiction we've seen movies like Star Wars and iRobot films with fantastic robots companions with far superior intellect and strength so where have all the cool robots gone I mean look at azzam Oh slow clunky can barely deliver a blow torch and even those behaviors would require new breakthroughs and human-like sensing and decision-making and thinking now progress in this field will be slow for the next 50 years but don't get me wrong there will be breakthroughs but just don't expect that any as amol ike robot will be babysitting your grandchildren as mo was a special challenge for his engineers right from the beginning this was a 10-year project a dream to build a best humanoid robot in the world the toughest nut to crack was simply walking upright today he makes it look easy but for a long time it seemed like an insoluble problem the story of this mechanized biped goes back 20 years back then he took 30 seconds for a single step our sense of balance calling for complete coordination of feet knees and hips turned out to be extremely complex but his creators didn't give up by 1996 Asimov's on his feet the first two footed machine in history went for a war [Music] today as mo is almost as steady on his feet as a human being his balance system even lets him turn and shift his weight and he even has his advanced locomotion certificate he can climb stairs it looks great but as omocha not make any of these movements independently each step is programmed otherwise he'd fall today's robots are programmed for a specific situation and for a specific task good morning how do you feel great thank you that's chickens the programmer must not change a single word in his sentences even the distance between the scientist and the robot must be right if the robot is to respond if the environment changes or the activity takes place in another context in these robots a helpless Cyndi's or what the hitch was you go where I am pointing I'm not sure where you're pointing do where I'm pointing do where I am pointing I'm not sure what you're pointing okay buzz your Pole thus we need simple flexible sisters able to learn from experience so it's time for as apposed training platform to go to school ASIMO has to learn something very basic how to learn it's essential if he's ever to cope with unfamiliar situations this is a lesson about new objects once again human beings are the model for the new learning software as mo learns the same way small children store new objects in their brains please show something please show something now Azzam Oh quickly recognizes objects he's learned about hairbrush man-in-the-moon please show something unknown object teddy bear did you say teddy bear yes this is correct okay please show something he's very good at storing new information and he can retrieve it when it's needed teddy bear yes this is correct now comes a more difficult test and this is the first time it's been filmed today ASIMO will be asked to act independently the researchers have set him a tiny task but they haven't fully programmed his response they've left him a little freedom of action we have given our robot a task of picking up a bottles and he has full possible ways of carrying it out [Music] ASIMO has been trained with this green bottle like a dog with a stick as soon as the robot spots the object of his desires he approaches it movement by movement each millisecond he makes new calculations about the best way to get to the bottle if he can't reach it with the left hand he tries the right [Music] her robot isn't programmed and he isn't carrying out any pre-programmed movements we set the goal and he develops the movements all by himself to pursue this thirst during these simple movements highly complex programs are running in as appose computer brain he must see calculate distances and physicians and know what he should concentrate on at the same time he was passed on the results of his calculations to the joints of his body and then make a sensible effective movement something we humans do without much thought all our waking hours this is just the beginning of flexible interactive behavior if we want to achieve more complex behaviors like going shopping in a supermarket crossing a street or helping a human being then this robot will have to have a much greater number of behavioral options to choose from and looking forward 20 30 or maybe even 50 years he mustn't just wait for instructions he must be able to analyze problems for himself and the at man's beckon call as a supported machine starting its and all the scripts in the machine in lots of instances I [Music] [Music] that's where he's going it's close come on let's go John and Paul have almost reached their destination this used to be the digital heart of the city before technological progress left it far behind [Music] grapes what is this place over there's the old city information headquarters when they built a new one they closed this one down but it's still connected to the central computer I thought that'd be the only piece of technology to survive my virus think about it no online connection no data no virus thanks pal keep moving we haven't got much time first of all we have to let the central computer know that this place is back in control what is that mouse you have to go to CSIS yes II know I know I know [Music] all technology needs update John works feverishly to extinguish the identification data his grandson left at the scene of the digital crime [Music] okay Paul you're safe I erased your identification data okay now what no no no no I think I just corrupted the entire electrical supply it wasn't deliberate to run the antivirus program I had to find a non-infected Network please and then not anymore okay Gramps I know how to fix it you have to go to the inner core program yeah that's good [Music] what are you doing morning warning system [Music] look dad I know you tried I don't get it Georgie it should have worked [Music] release him he's not our guy in fact has just saved the whole city Edward Gator get over here [Music] more sharks stick to dolphins [Music] why bother to predict the future if there's a rule of thumb that everything comes out differently anyway well I'll tell you why predictions of the past were way off because we didn't understand the laws of nature well today we have the atomic theory of chemistry we have the quantum theory of physics and we have the DNA theory of biology so our predictions can be more accurate now of course we're still going to make huge blunders but in my opinion is better to walk in a forest with foggy glasses than to be totally blind people sometimes ask me professor what is the number one challenge facing us to the next 50 years and I say hands down it is energy energy to fuel our cars cities and industries energy to empower an exploding population all without collapsing the environment well that's a pretty tall order however I believe that the technological challenges may be many but so are the possible solutions 50 years from now the Earth's population is 9 billion every day the world economy consumes 30 billion liters of oil scientists are trying everything to find new sources of energy in the atom at the bottom of the sea even in space one of the most ambitious research projects is anchored in the middle of the Pacific Ocean it's the base for a remarkable link to a Space Station 400 kilometers above the earth [Music] it looks like a gigantic merry-go-round but it was once the great hope of China and the USA a testbed of extremes to create the solar cells of the future the experiments on Solaris were to have revolutionized the world's energy supplies but the space energy project hasn't made the progress everyone hoped for [Music] for five long years astronaut and physicist Bob Sanders has worked with his colleague one leech out in search of an effective solar energy material the Chinese American team remain committed to their mission but they know that unless they can come up with something sensational in the next three weeks the space station will be closed down any good news not yet coffee perk you up no thanks I've finished prepping another panel so we're ready to go in a couple of minutes sounds good I'll be there in a minute you give me coffee with no coffee I'm sorry we've run out well then order some more I'm sorry no more food orders we have enough supplies until stations shut down great glad to be of service the Chow has just started today's run of tests it begins with a chemical reaction between two fluids Li Chow is sure that he only needs to find the correct proportions of the mix the tests take place in the sunlight on a space station solar ring robots move the samples into position any one of these panels could be the breakthrough into an age of unlimited energy and there's nothing the world needs more urgently 50 years from now harnessing solar energy is still considered too expensive too inefficient to be a serious source of power so why are scientists and oil companies spending millions of dollars investing in solar technology well I'll tell you why it's because sunlight is clean it's safe and oh yeah it's also limitless now get your head around this fact every second of every day the Sun produces billions of times more energy than is consumed by the entire planet the trick is catching it the world's leading laboratory for solar cell testing is in Germany it's known for its tough tests here silicon panels are being put through their paces the first challenge comes from two centimeter thick hailstones they crash down onto the panels at 80 kilometres an hour if the panel's survived without a scratch it's time for the next assault a 45 kilo LED waiting in freefall modern solar cells are ultra hard super thin and shock-resistant the best are now deployed in every part of the world in all weathers there's only one thing about them that is still a big disappointment tests in the Sun simulator reveal how inefficient even the best solar cells are the tests show how much of the light is transformed into electricity the lamps are giving off enough energy every hour to power a desktop computer for three weeks but how much of it is actually captured the tests show that the solar cell can power the PC for just five days that means just 18 percent of the energy has been transformed into electric current the disappointing result is due to the characteristics of silicon a silicon cell can only process light from a small part of the sun's spectrum close to the infrared area no more than 30 percent so 70% of the sun's energy is lost but within 50 years a completely new material could revolutionize solar energy technology at the University of Utrecht physicists are experimenting with a method that could be the foundation for Bob and Lee Chows experiments in space professor Daniel fan Michael Baird and his team are using a series of vacuums cut off from air and humidity to grow what they call quantum points tiny crystals invisible to the naked eye [Music] they pour a fluid with semiconductor molecules into a hot solution when the mixture changes color they know they've created the quantum points they make the quantum points in different sizes to see why you have to look them in outra violet light depending on their size the crystals absorb different light frequencies this discovery has opened up a whole new area in solar power research if it were possible to unite all these crystals in one material it would be the perfect solar cell this super module made of quantum points would be able to absorb the whole spectrum of sunlight it could transform up to 86 percent of the sun's energy into electric power [Music] it would change the world transforming the sun's energy into powerful cars and houses factories and entire cities but the quantum points don't behave in quite the way Daniel fanmail Kohlberg expected and ripple vondopoulos saying officers when we put a drop of the quantum point solution on a base we usually get an irregular structure like this but for a good solar cell we need an absolutely regular structure with as few holes or other floors as possible that's the only way that strong connections between the individual crystals can be built up and for the energy to flow in the best way possible then we could build the best possible solar cell cell colomac an electron microscope will show whether they're making any progress toward their goal the crystal samples are first brought into a completely dust free vacuum a tiny probe is now scanning the sample atom by atom the computer is building an image magnified a hundred million times in this test the structure has been successfully achieved and the experts believe that one day the last floor's will be eliminated the Roman Emperor the dream is simply to no longer be dependent on fossil fuels if we could really succeed in harvesting the energy of the Sun and using it efficiently we would have solved many of our energy problems efficient of Z in Electra sharbat a breakthrough in solar energy would mean the end of the age of oil but great inventions and discoveries often lead decades to come to fruition and their inventors need patience with time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown confucius try again chairman mao chinese proverb that was my next guess i'm sorry i'm patient but we're running out of time on this i know we can get to 80% so do I let me take over I'll clean the transmitter Oh [Music] polish should be here soon to check the photovoltaic generator what about the new batch of test foods we ordered she's bringing them up finally some good news the fluids or Paula Paula Keller is an engineer at the European Space Agency she's one of the Solaris ground crew every month she flies to a platform built on a rock in the middle from here she sets out into space to supply the scientists with test materials the team on the space station are now working round-the-clock because of the imminent closure of their lab the Chow is cleaning the quantum transmitter after yet another series of tests [Music] I'll be started with the next experiment for the final series of the day Bob selects the chemical ingredients the transmitter will turn into billions of tiny solar crystals but this time he misses a tiny detail [Music] hello Paulo how are you today fine how about a little bit more air conditioning sorry we're conserving energy great what's a travel time two hours 23 minutes get ready for takeoff ready when you are three Paula's way of reaching space has nothing to do with today's rockets she leaves earth in an elevator in the fairy tale Jack in the Beanstalk a young boy climbs a beanstalk into the sky and reaches the clouds now the 21st century version of this is called the space elevator and oh yeah it is physically possible now amazing developments in nanotechnology may mean that in 50 years a Sunday picnic in outer space may not be a fantasy the concept for the space elevator was developed in New Mexico Bradley Edwards was a physicist at Los Alamos National Labs America's most famous Research Institute when he came across a newspaper article I started on the space elevator about seven eight years ago when I saw a statement saying it couldn't be done and for physicists working on advanced concepts that's red flag to a bull kind of thing at the time Bradley was working on Earth observation satellites the cost of sterile laboratories and in space construction was enormous but the most expensive and most dangerous part of the mission was always the blast-off impressive the liftoff maybe but it costs twenty thousand dollars for every kilo but in space with a great deal of risk rockets right now are exciting because there's danger there's flame there's we don't want that we want it to be boring so you get on you're not thinking about whether you're gonna die you're thinking about I'm gonna go to space I'm gonna get there when I get there I'm gonna do this that's what we want the basic idea is that of a simple elevator a cable stretches a hundred thousand kilometers from the earth into space it's kept straight by a wait at the bottom and by centrifugal force a capsule travels up and down along the cable slowly over time Edwards sketches became concrete proposals the elevator could travel in each direction once a day it would cost $20,000 per person instead of 20 million step-by-step Edwards broke down the colossal plan into small soluble problems he calculated the radiation in space the danger of collisions with space garbage and the size of the earth base station as bad weather could threaten the elevator cable he analyzed ten years of weather records in order to pinpoint the best location for the earth base after painstaking comparisons he found it close to the equator a few hundred nautical miles off Mexico's Pacific coast is the area with the most stable weather conditions in the world one of the many unanswered questions involved the elevator capsules power plant how would it be supplied with energy and great distances from the earth Edwards work with engineers to build a 1/10 scale model that set out the basic idea of the electricity supply system a laser beam would supply energy to a solar cell on the elevator but that's not the toughest problem we have lots of lots of challenges the most challenging is the ribbon we need to make the high-strength materials we need to make those into a ribbon right now Steel's not strong enough Kevlar is not strong no material that we have strong enough other than the carbon nanotubes one of the people working on this very special material is a colleague of Bradley Edwards yuichi andrew is a materials researcher at los alamos he has one thing in common with Edwards he loves challenges that other people think are impossible he would build the ribbon not out of Steel but out of billions of individual carbon atoms in a series of complex steps he constructs narrow pipes 50 times stronger than steel carbon nanotubes with the naked eye they are completely invisible [Music] they can only be seen with a high-powered electron microscope they said it was impossible for duty and did it in just two years not only with the carbon fibers indubitably there they were longer than anyone could have dreamt possible the team printed out 230 pictures from the microscope to demonstrate the length of their nanotubes the braid reached exactly four centimeters 13 times longer than anything achieved before enough to think of moving on to the next stage the challenge is to spin these long fibers into longer and thicker threads according to unions calculations this material would then be strong enough for a cable into space the vision of a space elevator has moved one step closer to reality [Music] having it take us 50 years to get there you need some sort of big surprises showing up to delay it that long so I think 50 years we'll definitely have people going up and it probably won't be just Bob and leech out it'll be tourists it'll be more general public in addition to workers people going up for business scientist going up for studies it's a very realistic scenario [Music] meanwhile there is an unexpected incident on Solaris what happened I'm not sure it seems to be acting up again the sensors are measuring a breathtakingly high degree of efficiency but only for a fraction of a second the computer is fine I just checked it yesterday then why did it spike I'll scan the drives again I'll be right back hi darling how are you it's so hot well fine I can feel the baby kicking all the time now and look we're just getting some big again I just started thinking your name soon I know I've been thinking about that I'm sorry I need to call you back secretary Lew what can I do for you sir our base station informs me get pretty impressive results actually sir it's a false alarm we're checking the equipment doctor well when you do get a breakthrough I want the data first but there will be a breach of space law and besides dr. song the WAC officer the Chinese army and you will do as you're ordered at this precise moment the space elevator is racing towards the space station at a speed of 350 kilometers an hour away from a world in which the energy crisis has taken a dramatic turn be liable for the mistakes politicians have made over the decades due to the worldwide energy crisis the United States and China have entered a third round of emergency talks on Central Asian gas and oil supplies the European Union will mediate experts speculate the u.s. may be forced to tap into its strategic reserves [Music] after the last oil crisis Germany like many other European nations needed an energy insurance policy a strategic oil reserve of hundreds of millions of barrels of oil enough to run the entire country for 90 days great but what happens in the future when the world's entire supply of usable oil completely runs out what then well today some researchers are trying to harness the power of the Sun other researchers are even bolder they want to create a Sun of course nobody actually wants to build an entire star but physicists have managed to copy the sun's operating principle at 15 million degrees centigrade the Sun melts hydrogen into helium in this atomic fusion a gram of hydrogen releases the same amount of energy as 8 tons of oil but the fire of the Sun does not burn well on earth beauty khayat's wants a problem with recreating a sunlight fusion on earth is similar to that of making wet matches it's very difficult but in the last few decades we made a great deal of progress the debye attitude to trigger the reaction the hydrogen in this chamber is heated to a hundred million degrees before the experiment can begin a powerful magnetic field is activated as a heat shield to protect the huge plant finally a two meter thick steel and concrete door seals the chamber this protects the scientists in the control room the process now being set in motion could in the future solve all our energy problems once the technology has matured it should be possible to supply the energy needs of a family for a year with three bottles of water and a handful of minerals according to today's plans the first fusion reactor should be supplying electricity in 50 years time if fusion really works at the mahram Institute in Bremen Germany a substance is being investigated that might come to the rescue sooner in this Depot they're storing samples of an energy rich substance that was only discovered by accident on a Siberian expedition a few decades ago methane hydrate a form of ice that burns today scientists know that it's present in colossal amounts in the depths of the oceans a remote control submarine is deployed to find out more about this potential new treasure trove a thousand meters below the surface it starts work with its cameras and instruments the best place to look is where marine life is at its richest because wherever there's organic life methane is created and in the pressure of the ocean depths the gas is combined with water into methane ice the experts have been waiting a long time for these pictures in the research vessel an engineer is steering the robot which will raise the methane ice the team expect to encounter difficulties on the long way up to the ship every hundred metres the water pressure and temperature change at any moment the ice could disintegrate but this ice has an almost magic effect on the imaginations of energy researchers and economists estimated reserves could easily make up for expected shortages in oil supplies the clematis we believe that there are maybe up to ten thousand Giga tons of carbon in methane hydrate reserves forgiven our estimated availability of coal oil and gas a total of five thousand Giga tons our primal energy resources would simply divided up into course not on the last mission the scientists finally succeeded in raising an airtight sample of methane hydrate it should help them calculate the reserves much more accurately centimeter by centimeter the ice COI scanned by computer tomography each layer confirms their expectations the seafloor contains huge amounts of methane hydrate but using it might be extremely dangerous the others problem with the meat and the one problem with methane hydrate as an energy source is that we will be producing co2 and since the co2 problem is already an acute one we have to find alternative energy sources but in 50 years we'll probably have no other choice and just have to use methane hydrate as an energy source the space elevator starts its docking maneuver with the space station the elevator is guided into its place on the Space Lab via the ultra-strong space ribbon Paula uses an airlock to move from the parking deck into the space station you know still plugging away maybe this will help my coffee thank you thank you you're the best Hey besides the photovoltaic generator we just found out we're having problems with the steering element on the laser beam yeah sorry but I have to stick to my work order no extras cuz of the shutdown well you think maybe you can do it off the record back on earth one of the world's economic superpowers is steering straight towards a global energy crisis hospitals in Beijing and Shanghai are running on emergency power every gas station the country is lies kilometer long and today we should have ban on use air conditioners what's the status on addition of your the Russians have been made on our agreement and quadruple the gas prices the Americans have negotiated a secretive Kazakhstan to increase they're all surprised by over 50% which cuts our suppliers in half what do you suggest Admiral take what's rightfully ours occupy the center Asian oil fields not yet they'll be inaudible I suggest more indirect action such as that our friends in Central Asia deal with a situation you don't need a crystal ball to see that the superpowers of the future will be the United States and China and there's an excellent chance that they'll be on friendly terms with one another but consider this fact the Chinese economy is growing exponentially and so with this demand for energy one estimate is that China will need to build for middle level power plants per week for the next 50 years just to keep up with energy demands so it's not too difficult to see that in the future these super powers will be competing fiercely for markets natural resources and most importantly oil that's the biggest increase in global temperature measurements in history as Poland as a full technical check on Solaris one last time before its closure disturbing news reaches the space station to control of gas and oil pipelines in the troubled regions west of China which for years have been plagued by guerrilla warfare the US government has strongly condemned their actions we'll be back with more details after a short break right Computers not broke but what caused that eighty-three percent spike no idea my data got corrupted when a structure fell apart [Music] let's rerun that last test see what happens just as Bob and Lee Chow at last see a glimmer of hope in their experiments in the USA oil prices are going through the roof the president calls a crisis meeting as you know several strategic gas and oil pipelines in Kazakhstan were seized last night that means the delivery of our new supplies is now blocked mr. president my team at national security is putting together a full report in the meantime dr. Fleming has an update on our energy status current supplies are good for eight to ten weeks after which we'll have to tap into the strategic reserves either way further electricity rationing seems inevitable as do car-free weekends not exactly a catchy reelection so sir do we know who's behind the rates on the pipelines CIA is still investigating sir the military is operating under the assumption China staged the whole thing that's entirely plausible but we must proceed with caution until we've established all the facts no overt military action yes sir may I suggest we send the surveillance and acquisition platoon from our Japanese base authorized to proceed okay I'll see you guys wait wait let me give you a hand photo generator running okay good as new laser what can I say I'm a hero hope I didn't waste your time but to shut down at everything can't quit on me now the mechanics are taking bets on you guys what yeah what kind of odds they have on us hi federal aid loan sharks meanwhile Elite Chow continues his search for the cause of the unexpectedly high efficiency levels and then he suddenly makes a discovery that recalls some of the other great moments in science the discovery of dynamite of penicillin and the heart pacemaker all had one thing in common the role of chance I think I know what happened what the neutralizer interacted with the test fluids and created a new molecular structure do you think that's what happened let's add one drop at a time you got it if they can reconstruct the formula this will be the beginning of a new age energy on demand an engineer's dream it could save the global climate no more energy Wars the way to a better world [Music] and think we did it wait [Music] why didn't it fall apart this time a question we needed some alekhya their properties in quantum efficiency are on Authority analyzers we should ever date in a few hours [Music] that was fast big brother's watching well you go talk to them I'm sure I'm gonna get a phone call myself [Music] hello Li Chiao so glad it's you where are you in a hotel room what's going on it's a very nice hotel doctor man don't worry your wife is fine a situation that could change very very quickly you get the data first that will no longer be sufficient the Americans cannot have it at all dr. Sanders is working on it now then you have to figure out a way to destroy it once you have got the results how do I do that exactly fourarms funny ciao it's an almost hopeless battle against the clock [Music] mr. president we have some exciting news the Solaris team has discovered a substance which has the capacity to transform more than 80 percent of sunlight into electricity congratulations well done mr. president there is a problem though sir we are now positive that Beijing was behind the attacks on our Central Asian oil supplies well China cannot be trusted what do you suggest well for discovery to ourselves we make the Chinese scientist very generous of Beijing will go ballistic if they find out let's hope not so the bottom line is we need those pipelines back mr. president I request permission to put all our forces and Central Asia on standby I'd also like to authorize additional reconnaissance flights and deploy special forces near the pipelines permission granted I'm a scientist but I was once a soldier in the United States infantry and the army drills into us one fundamental fact it takes humans not machines to take and hold territory this means that we will have robots and drones on the battlefield but they'll be useless without their human controllers our soldiers are indispensable and we will give them all the latest high-tech wizardry including the possibility of becoming invisible in the future a soldier's most important piece of equipment will be his uniform for the first time in history weapons are no longer at the forefront of military research the priority is protecting the fighter the US Army is investing 50 million dollars to develop a completely new kind of fabric it'll be worn like a second skin it'll camouflage and protect the soldier and if necessary it will save his life the leap ahead would be the nanotechnology where we would hope that we would have one textile that can act as body armor all the time and weigh a fraction of what traditional body armor would weigh 150 of the thickness of human hair the basic material the scientists will use to weave this bulletproof fabric the science may be complex but the idea is very simple microscopic particles of iron react instantly to a magnetic field thus a fabric that contains them can change its characteristics in seconds so this special liquid which is a magnetorheological liquid in the absence of a magnetic field has something in the consistency like a runny yogurt but in the application of a magnetic field it comes the consistency of something like peanut butter it has a yield stress it's very difficult to push through and one this lends itself quite well to perhaps making a dynamic body armor for soldiers something which is soft and pliable and adheres to the contours of a soldier's shape when not in use but in the incidence of a blunt object or bullet could become stiff as a board thus the firing of a bullet could lead to the creation of a magnetic field that would completely rearrange the molecules in the fabric making it impenetrable as if by magic a soft material turns into armor plating and the next step sounds even crazier if the bullet does after all injure the soldier then tiny artificial muscles in the uniforms fibers would go into action highly magnified these fibers resemble small hinges their two wings are movable working together they would apply emergency aid in the event of cardiac arrest and revive the soldier and at the same time the uniform would raise the alarm one of our greatest challenges is command and control of our soldiers inside the battle space so we're building that next generation system the future combat system that will not only allow me to see where my soldiers are but also share information with them leveraging data from other soldiers or unmanned ground or air vehicles to provide reconnaissance and information to the soldier as fast as possible a satellite network would pick up the soldiers call for help and pass it on to the command center the mission commander would immediately see the positions of all friendly and enemy soldiers on his screen camera drones would keep in contact with the medical teams to update them on the casualty situation rescue missions like this could be routine within 20 years but in 50 years they may even be unnecessary for the military and researchers are working to make soldiers completely invisible one possible method is based on a very simple idea imagine that cameras were integrated into the uniform and the uniform itself were a display the cameras could always project an exact image of the soldiers surroundings onto his body and at the touch of a button he could melt into his environment [Music] as with a lot of military technology this idea first came out of a storytellers imagination the goal is to eventually get to what science fiction has told us from years past is that the uniform becomes a mirror and you literally disappear inside the battlespace that would be something we hope to see in the 2050 timeframe in the Pentagon the US Army Command are watching the progress of their invisible army they've reached the pipelines unseen by the enemy [Music] meanwhile up in the Space Station the consequences of the political unrest are making themselves felt listen uh the child we need to talk first off I checked with home base promised to send them the data ASAP what why did you do that at standard procedure you should have spoken to me first [Music] hey Joe what they say to you [Music] they abducted my wife oh my god I'm sorry my government is demanding the formula for themselves [Music] Bob you have to help me I have less than four hours to send paging the formula and destroy the data [Music] I got it we have to turn the tables on the bed attack them whether I'm prepared and appear where you're not expected Sun Tzu The Art of War required freshmen reading so where do we appear unexpected right there we sent a message out to the public so China can't touch T on there's no way all communication lines are monitored wait have an idea you've heard of a message in a bottle Paul akela dr. Keller this is Hudson at the landing platform dr. Sanders just sent down a piece of the photo generator for repair he said he needs it back immediately what are you talking about I just fixed that yesterday well I know is it's on its way over [Music] I'll modify the lenses and reprogram the system which should be able to change the wavelength of energy 20 47 nanometer datum what do you mean we should be able to I've never had to make the switch before great let's move the internet is being overwhelmed now fiber optic cables help to relieve this digital congestion a bit but it's simply too expensive to wire up the entire planet so why not use satellites to transmit vast amounts of data by laser beams then you could send the entire Library of Congress anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds or you could download a dozen Hollywood movies in a blink of an eye the results of the first tests are awaited around the world the team from the German Aeronautics and Space Administration have made thorough preparations for this night's work the time has come colleagues from Japan's and the final pieces of data the precise course of their research satellite in this test the satellite will transmit data to the DLR by a laser three and a half hours to go to the flyover shortly before midnight the team activate the reception station on the roof of the Institute the astronomic dome opens to reveal the centrepiece of the mission the telescope adapted with a special device it's a position marker that will signal to the satellite the exact location of the ground station this is the reception system for the data laser in space an infrared camera will help the telescope follow the exact track of the satellite but even if it all functions perfectly there are still two incalculable factors one of them is familiar to every non scientist when the satellites laser beam is aimed at the earth it has to pass through several layers of the atmosphere to see what happens we have to use a special camera the laser beam is constantly and repeatedly distorted we all know this as the heat simmers on a hot day this effect can seriously disrupt the stream of information coming from space and clouds could even prevent today's laser transmission happening altogether they need a little luck tonight two hours and eight minutes to the flyover mark was mystified a last test of the main procedures for the real thing they'd use an invisible infrared laser beam tonight they're using a visible laser from 500 meters away a data stream reaches the telescope the receptor responds the data have been received the satellite is about to appear over the horizon the spectacles protect the scientists eyes from the powerful positioning laser on the telescope which is about to fire an infrared filter will make it visible the connection to the satellite has been established the telescope follows the satellites path it's traveling more than nine times faster than a bullet then the satellite fires its information to the ground station we are just getting a clear signal from the satellite this is the technology we can use in the future to transmit huge amounts of information through space or through the stratosphere over the coming decades a completely new communication system will be developed for this technology information exchange by laser will be a routine operation solar-powered airships could Park 20 kilometers above the Earth's surface wherever the earthbound network is inadequate or is disrupted they would be able to receive and redirect huge amounts of data and in contrast to regular radio signals it's almost impossible to eavesdrop on a laser a radio signal is inevitably transmitted very broadly and can therefore easily be picked up while an optical signal is very tightly packed in our satellite downlink the signal was only a few metres in diameter any eavesdropper would need to be right next to the receiver which would obviously make him rather conspicuous [Music] unnoticed by the two superpowers the scientists on the space station prepare to send their precious formula out into the world just a few hours before they sent a well disguised call for help down to earth in the space elevator in the hope that someone would understand this message in a bottle has reached its destination [Music] Bob and Lee Chow ask Paula for an urgent favor they need an insurance policy for their dangerous move and only the world's media and provided Paula has just an hour to get the USA's major news networks on their side the scientists on the space station have no choice but to trust her get 30 seconds any update on the situation in central asia not yet sir but there's another development news from space from the solar research station Solaris outside sources have just informed us of a major breakthrough in solar power research we now go live to dr. Wang all the press Xander's on the space station we've discovered a material that is so efficient it can absorb and convert three times as much sunlight into electricity as previous materials dr. Wang to verify our discovery will now send the formula via laser beam to laboratories in China and the United States and to the major solar research centers on earth let's do it a press of a button and the formula leaves the space station less than a second later it reaches a data distribution point that fires it by laser to the whole world the formula for a better life I'd like to thank my government for watching over my wife during my absence I look forward to seeing her when I land and we wish to thank the leaders of our nations and the European Union for their spirit of cooperation and as well as everyone who helped make this discovery possible this is for you Cheers ladies and gentlemen we've just witnessed history in the making this is truly a day you'll tell your grandkids about if you've just joined us I'll try to recap today on the solar research station Solaris 2 scientists have reported a breakthrough that could revolutionize the production of fuel and solve the energy crisis that confronts the planet [Music] what do you think the world may look like and say 50 years from now 50 years are you kidding who would predict that Fon to the future maybe cities on Mars intergalactic travel another big blue beautiful earth [Music] the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams Confucius try again another Chinese proverb [Music] will technology ever solve our looming energy crisis and save the planet yes I think it will but I wouldn't put my money on any one particular breakthrough rather it's going to be an energy mix of solar wind hydrogen fusion maybe nuclear so let's hope that we find a way because even if we do colonize outer space it's always nice to have a home to come back to now I leave you with one final thought we hold the power of life and death over our species and the entire planet no other generation has ever had that power [Music] the good news is we're going to see some amazing medical breakthroughs therapies which today are considered impossible could become commonplace in the future but there's also bad news the flip side is if you think that the healthcare system today has too much control over your life then just wait for the next 50 years this story from the future begins with a learned digger he's a twice-divorced doctor and last night he celebrated his birthday with friends in Paris [Music] hi princess one factor distinguishes his life completely from today's its ever-present and always working but almost invisible the home of tomorrow is intelligent and thinks ahead the computer said you are gonna be here until this afternoon but this will have to wait I gotta get to the clinic now sorry princess but you can thank dr. Falzon for that she takes my dream job now she's my boss and today I get to smile pretend I like it I'll fix her something quick so you're sure she wasn't just better than you better than me is there life on Mars Allen's house has electronic eyes ears and even the kind of nose which tests his breath mini computers and sensors organize and protect his life a secretary and a security system all in one let's keep this between us but it's not just his house that costs the caring look over Anna the computer chips in his flat and network with the whole city right now the house is ordering our food and a taxi but at the same time another very powerful organization has access to the apartment system's health insurance companies like personal care compiled electronic personal files on their patients monitoring their lives in extraordinary detail the aim is to avoid costs to preventive care and diagnostic tests and health memo immediately brush your teeth regularly using the ultrasound toothbrush don't give away the fact that I was partying last night his premiums will talk as a result you must be joking actually Anna should be pleased about all this high-quality care because he's had heart problems for amber can I go with you no it's not your speed just a bunch of boring grownups now don't pout I won't be long now please give me my jacket you know I need it Anna's jacket is crucial for his health because it continuously monitors the state of his heart thank you get the car please balance clothing looks quite ordinary but that's deceptive because woven inside the fabric are dozens of tiny computer chips and sensors monitoring his health but he puts on his clothing he goes online now get this if he's ever knocked unconscious his clothes will automatically identify his coordinates alert the authorities and upload his entire medical history before the ambulance arrives in the future you will have a doctor in your clothing and that may happen within 10 years your clothes will be transmitting data around the clock and they'll send warnings when something is wrong the man who invented intelligent clothing wants to make bulky ECG kits and blood pressure testers a thing of the past one of the most important things when we were designing the smart shirt was the ultimate integration between sensing communication and clothing it sounds simple but the Devils in the detail the great challenge for the scientists in Atlanta was how to weave the intelligent components into the fabric wires and computer chips would have to disappear into the material from a technical point of view the first tests were a complete success but the wires were too thick and very uncomfortable for sensitive skin it took years for the crude prototypes to become the world's first woven computer this fabric can now carry gigabytes of information let's say I'm an athlete who is training for my Olympics or any particular sport then I can monitor my heart rate for instance using this shirt and so the information will go from there to this they'll be a controller here and from here the information will be transmitted to the point where you want to collect the data today the senses and the power supply are still clipped on and disconnected when the garment is washed so this invention is not yet ready for everyday use but researchers across the world are working to make the idea of viable in 10 years time these high-tech garments will be powered by our movements and our body heat and the software they contains will look after our well-being but a private nurse they will transmit all the information they gather the system will check for danger signs and disturbing symptoms changes in heart rhythm a sudden drop in blood pressure or even the early warning signs of a heart attack like a dangerously blocked artery will in future be transmitted directly to the nearest emergency medical center 50 years from now everybody from little babies to senior citizens will be wearing this kind of clothing that can enhance the quality of life for them and in fact if a person is involved in an accident that can actually save their life but the omniscient home and the medical clothes won't protect our future selves from stress the taxis at the door Allen's late he's in a rush and he doesn't notice that busy little cleaning robot allows jacket registers his serious injuries and alerts the emergency center [Music] if clearance for ambulance initiate cause analysis alert hospital seconds later personal care has informed the nearest hospital and dispatched a high-speed ambulance of the future as a kid I used to watch Flash Gordon on TV and dream about having my own personal flying car but you know there are problems with that dream even for helicopters they're bulky expensive and tricky to fly and flying cars have always been problematic but engineers are now solving those practical problems and that's a scientists envision the day when we will look up and see a superhighway in the sky no one has dreamt of flying cars longer than Paul Muller and no one knows better than him how hard it is to make them work a good flying car is a vehicle that doesn't number of things takes off vertically like a helicopter flies at high speed like an airplane and drives for some distance on the road like an automobile 40 years ago Muller built his first prototype it didn't fly so he started again the young aero engineer experimented with different engines in his search for the perfect power plant soon he developed a new wingless flying machine that caught the imagination of all America the xm2 [Music] this one actually took off with mother on board vertically just as he planned but it only went up 50 centimeters and this first flying saucer turned out to be hard to stabilize they need to take our vertically is very demanding you have to have very powerful lightweight engines you have to have materials that are particularly strong although these technologies are coming along at this time malla didn't give up he built surveillance drones for the army and mufflers for cars so that he could finance a new flying machine one that would really fly the new machine needed power he tried for jet engines after 15 years of setbacks and occasional glimmers of hope his dream was ready parked in his garage 950 horsepower for a weight of 700 kilos theoretically it could streak through the sky at 600 kilometres an hour if it took off at all the first test flight [Music] 12th of July 2002 these pictures were transmitted all around the world Paul success was hailed as the first small step towards NASA's great vision that in 50 years half of America's automobile journeys will be made by air a lot of people get concerned because they got this vision of all kinds of vehicles up in the air but actually if you took all the cars on the road in America today and put them there that still be miles apart but you'll see a computerized world where you're not flying it you're just sitting you're playing computer games you're reading you're sleeping doing whatever as you're delivered from point A to point B NASA is already working on a management system of a private air traffic programmers have developed software for private pilots that aims to make flying as easy as driving a car the roots are displayed in the cockpit navigation system just like robots nASA has given it the catchy name highway in the sky the highway in the sky system gives you a lot of confidence that you really are where you're supposed to be and it just makes you feel more comfortable and then you fly better guy runs a test on the simulator to show just how well the program performs [Music] guys a computer programmer and has never piloted an aircraft before they make it harder for him by introducing wind turbulence but guy can steer just as if he were on a road and has no problem maintaining altitude a direction but intelligent highways in the sky won't be enough if hundreds of thousands of cars are aloft at the same time most likely all planes will soon be steered automatically by satellite transmissions to prevent accidents and aerial traffic jams the engineers biggest concern is the landing no machine has yet equalled the skills of an experienced pilot it's fairly easy to keep the plane flying relatively straight and level but as you get closer to the ground that's where the accidents happen so the industry is now developing an automatic landing system that will work without pilots and without air traffic controllers runways will be laced with tiny computer chips which will transmit exact approach details to incoming planes and will even factor in weather conditions and any other special obstacles a program in the in-flight computer will then land the plane imagine a future where this advanced navigation system could be linked with the autopilot to make the aircraft autonomous enough to fly from where it knows it is to where it knows I want to go and you can imagine a day when an aircraft like that is used for search and rescue to help your friend along in 50 years flying ambulances should save emergency doctors and paramedics precious time there will be no traffic jams and they can land any [Music] patient data registered Ilan daga Platinum class confirmed loss of blood 35% I suggest reversible dad okay if like Al and the victim has lost a lot of blood as a risk of cardiac arrest and oxygen shortage to the brain the doctors have just ten minutes to stabilize his condition or he has virtually no chance of surviving after a serious accident or a heart attack every second brings us closer to death so wouldn't it be great if somehow we could stop the clock in the future EMTs will use a technique called reversible death or suspended animation they will replace your blood with an ice-cold saline solution dropping body temperature to 50 degrees Fahrenheit when brain and heart activity come to a halt this technique is now being tested in the laboratory and one day could save your life with his body the skooled ala can safely be transported to the hospital of the future later when the doctors have closed his wounds he'll get his blood back and be returned to consciousness sorry for calling you away from your party never hesitate it's more important cocktails starts again before the operation his injuries are thoroughly examined new diagnostic techniques reveal a lot more than broken bones and internal injuries the body scan will also flag up abnormalities like tiny tumors or narrowing arteries diagnosis suspended animation no brain activity abnormal cardiac function heavy compound fractures contusions of the spine paraplegia likely not looking good okay let's get started insert the sensors with this injection Anna's recovery takes a big new step it contains microscopic electrodes that attach themselves to the nerves in his muscles about a hundred and fifty electrodes are needed to build up an intelligent network in his body the signals are gathered by computer chips along the spinal column and transmitted to a chip they are about to implant in Anna's brain and I will be able to walk again [Music] next day last time I saw an artificial heart was in 2040 this one's even made a real eponymous it looks like you're digging it that's tearing at the energy so glucose for a new heart has into it Glenn good thing it's to go oh my gosh your biggest Riley only yesterday he was ripping you apart he was banging on getting the job well he's my patient now I have a tissue sample for the new heart before he free around a week from now this cell sample will have become a medical miracle meantime Alan is recovering from his operation in the luxury of the first-class section of the hospital if today's predictions turn out to be accurate he'll be paying almost half his income for this premium service you have a daughter this may come as a shock to you but there are people who have a life outside the clinic listen take a plea yes dr. Bell Zack just tell me how it looks your left thigh has been fractured and your he was dislocated two ribs and a second lumbar vertebra are also fractured but you have a bigger problem let me see I am a doctor please your artificial heart has fishs you're gonna open me up you need a new heart the Prince already in progress it'll only take another 20 hours you're not carving me up not you as you wish [Music] IRIScan identified Murray Balzac status cleared for security zone have a nice evening meanwhile in the hospital's top security department of genetic medicine Allen's cell samples have developed in new ways in a series of complex steps his stem cells have been transformed into eight different kinds of heart cell and cultured billions of times over in a nutrient solution in the future this technology could solve one of Medicine's biggest problems a simple comparison makes the point if your car gets banged up in a car accident what do you do you go to the body shop and get a new door or fender but if you happen to be in that same accident you could die now consider this in Europe alone there are 40,000 patients on the waiting list for an organ transplant and of them 10 people die every day for lack of an organ what we need is a human body shop and in 50 years tissue engineering could change everything tissue engineering actually means growing tissues no one yet knows how to grow a whole organ but many doctors and researchers are working on different elements of the task Stefan Jochen horville is the first person to try culturing a biological heart valve it's a huge challenge a healthy heart valve lives through three billion heartbeats and has to pump 250 million litres of blood this is a non-selective human tissue engineering is an exciting young discipline its aim is to move away from mechanical spare parts and to biology's things more and more that is to replace you little by little artificial materials with real organic materials every heart valve that jock and irvil grows is made to measure first a mold is crafted this will be a child's heart valve now the valve is cast as the doctors put it and that happens in two stages first a solution of heart cells and protein is poured into the mold then a substance is added that works on the protein mix like an instant meal just one hour later the tissue is stable enough to open the mold and gently peel out the valve [Music] but it's still not finished its foot in a bioreactor to accustom it to the constant beat of a heart at body temperature and with a constant supply of oxygenated blood the valve must now work on until its cells have matured senators forward it's left to themselves cells are lazy so you can't just grow and mold the cells you also have to train them and that's what we do in the bioreactor like in a little gym where the cells learn to do their job Jochen Havel reckons it'll be another 10 years before his heart valves will be beating inside a human body organic spare parts made to order but you could never make a complete human heart this way the arrangement of the billion cells involved is simply too complex so researchers are looking for a different way to build this miracle of organic engineering cell by cell biologists and engineers in the u.s. at an idea that sounds crazy to use the good old inkjet printer that creates each letter out of hundreds of tiny ink dots [Music] why shouldn't it work with cells [Music] we didn't change much first of all this is a conventional inkjet printer and so what we do is we change the cartridge quite a lot we take the ink out we'll modify it so it can accommodate ourselves we rinse it and so on and sterilize it as well this is one thing the other thing is where the paper feeds usually we use a special bio paper kind of a gel and so we had to modified a little bit over there so it can accommodate for the paper the first test was to write the name of the University in bacteria there were two critical questions with the bacteria survive the printing process and how precise would the result be [Music] the research team had an anxious six-hour wait before they could see the results what we see is the pattern that we printed previously the green line is just the fluorescence of the cells and it shows basically that we did two things one is the cells were printed where we wanted them to be printed and second is the cells divided so they survived the printing process the next stage was even more critical Poland adapted the printer so it would build three-dimensional structures living tissue made from animal heart cells the first printed heart tissue was finished in barely a minute it amazed even the researchers but the toughest test was to come could these heart cells really beat [Music] Thomas Boland carefully applied an electric current what we see here are a couple of layers of hard cells that we printed using our printers and what we want to do eventually is to print an entire heart we may achieve this in 50 years or so but there are a number of things to overcome the ability to print capillaries for example but if you have a countless obstacles and I think we will then this would quite be possible even the immune system our body's firewall would be fooled by organic printed spare parts made from our own cells tissue rejection would be a thing of the past but Murray has other things on her mind and as old artificial heart is on the point of failing [Music] grow up [Music] I'm sorry I just wanted to apologize for earlier I I guess I'm just a sore loser you are the biggest little boy I have ever met diagnosis confirmed doctor I have to go the night shift so we had understaffed when are you working tomorrow night tomorrow afternoon I'll be busy parting egg and spoon race is pin the tail on the donkey it's my son's eighth birthday there was life beyond the clinic you know Haven he's a Scorpio just like me two days before Alan's heart transplant personal care does another review of his case and the operative comes across an inconsistency the information comes from Onondagas intelligent apartment please include in the record patient Digga alive inconsistent test results urine sample from 734 am does not match urine sample taken at 12:20 in our Hospital the probability of manipulation 80% request detailed check groceries trash and contents of refrigerator suspicion of alcohol Ana's little trick has caught him out but a way to celebrate your birthday dr. day girl Anna I think we should be on a first-name basis okay Marie anyway how is my heart coming okay can I show you wait a minute this is really good well I have to admit I did make it with real butter and real flour no we are sitting on a time bomb one that could explode in our faces in the coming decades quite simply people especially in the Western world are getting too obese and are eating their way to an early grave in the United States alone ten percent of its annual health budget goes to treating obesity and its effects unless this problem can be solved this could break the bank and sink the economy however in the future bioengineered foods and advanced genetics they may come to the rescue but to do that we must solve one of our body's best-kept secrets why do we like to eat things that make us fat scientists at the Varga nning and Center for nutrition have vowed to find the definitive answer to this question that tortures so many members of the human race test subjects are put under observation their brain activity is monitored the reaction of their pupils analyzed and their blood pressure checked without knowing it this test subject is about to eat a typical low-fat product this yogurt has just nought point two percent fat though he hasn't been told his tongue recognizes the truth instantly within seconds his pulse increases he's not pleased this food is unsatisfiable the electrodes reveal interesting changes they register values that can only be interpreted one way this is stress the body is reacting negatively to something it doesn't bike this judgment seems to come from our genes if we eat a low-fat yogurt our bodies react with an alarm signal stop this doesn't contain enough energy it's not cause for me foetus falls but we seem to be really happy when something feels crispy on our tongue because crisp equals fresh and we shouldn't underestimate the effect of an extra portion of fat 11% fat we like that [Music] we're not imagining it it really does help us however these nutrients contain a lot of calories so we're trying to create products that relax the body without calibrate Iqaluit eloped so Rob farmers team is searching for the magic substance that will fool our sensitive tongue this device mimics the tasting process and Harma is using it to test his latest creation a low fat pudding combined with an additive these are extreme close-ups of a tongue on the Left without the additive the small amount of fat is distributed in fine bubbles on the right we see the additive at work it makes the bubbles expand and dissolve so the tongue tastes a creamy texture with almost zero calories but perhaps we can trick not just our taste nerves but our genes themselves researchers are working on this vital question all over the world the puzzle they're trying to solve is one a lot of us would like to have the answer to why do some people simply not put on weight to find out a team from the University of Maastricht Wade a group of 20 volunteers analyzed their genes and calculated their body's fat content then they were fed each one was knocked in a cell and given three solid meals a day and all sorts of sweet things in between the airlock has one great advantage in the three by four meter cell the scientists could constantly check oxygen and co2 levels if oxygen consumption suddenly rose that would indicate secret physical exercises and in this experiment that was banned this participant kept strictly to the rules and yet after twenty-one hearty meals he'd only put on one kilo other guinea pigs had gained as much as four kilos and their genes all shared the same distinctive feature part of their genome and suddenly become much more active than in the case of the lightweights their bodies created large amounts of a particular protein this protein is responsible for the weight increase scientists are now looking for a food additive that can act as a brake on this genetic fattening we hope that through this research in 50 years it will be much easier for people to stay as slaves as allows early alert of life 24 hours before Anna's transplant operation the last few thousand cells of his new heart are being printed tomorrow it should be beating inside his body my friend they got a la suspicion and manipulation confirmed cancel insurance coverage immediately confirm de God Allah cancel insurance coverage immediately 18 hours before the operation a physiotherapist is working on Alan's still paralyzed limbs can you move your leg okay Monsieur de kado now I'll activate the chip in your hand in just a few moments the computer chip in Anna's brain will make contact with the electrodes in his paralyzed legs miss Utica let's get started focus on moving your legs ready here we go just imagine raising your left leg we all remember the tragedy of Christopher Reeve the actor who soared into space as Superman but died helplessly in a wheelchair because of a spinal cord injury today there are hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide like Christopher Reeve who were also paralyzed but in the future we will have a computer chip that connects the brain directly to an arm or a leg bypassing the injured spinal cord and the paralyzed will walk again however far away that may seem now neurologist John Donoghue has no doubt it is coming for 20 years he's been working with computer experts to analyze the patterns of human movement he now knows the language of the brain that makes all these movements possible it consists not of words but of millions of individual electronic impulses the smallest action has its only highly complex code the long term goal was to see whether we couldn't mathematically decode or translate the brain's language into something that a computer could understand and use Mathieu Nagel is a former football star paralyzed from the neck down since he was stabbed he volunteered for a daring experiment with doctor Donahue his greatest wish is to become a little more independent Matthew agreed to have a chip implanted in his brain the aim was to use this chip to capture movement impulses deep inside the human brain for the first time during the surgical procedure our goal was to put this tiny sensor into the arm area of the motor cortex the area of the brain were arm signals our movement signals are generated so this tiny platform sat on top of the brain and the electrodes about one millimeter long would then go into the brain to pick up brain signals so what we had hoped is that we could then record the patterns of brain activity that were still remaining after spinal cord injury and in particular we were interested whether just thinking about moving would allow us drive a computer or other devices two weeks after the operation matthew tried out the system for the first time he was linked to a PC and his job was to move the cursor with just the power of his thoughts the result was astonishing it says you were doing their great job I'm going through the accent not some Goines paints a circle Matthews microchip represents a huge medical and laughs that's the best circle I condone I'm going to accent but that was just the first step for the research team then next generation chips should understand a lot more of the brain's instructions now the programmers are concentrating on decoding the signals for hand movements they use infrared cameras to analyze the movements if they succeed paralyzed people will soon be able to direct artificial limbs with their thoughts yet the hand is not only the most useful of our body's tools but also the most complex 20 joints whose movements can be combined in millions of ways discovering the codes for all of them and translating them for the computer seem to be impossible but that would actually be too complicated for the human brain as well what we find actually is that the human hand can be described by much lower dimensional representation about 6 degrees of freedom for example you can't move the joints of your fingers independently the 1st and 2nd joint of this index finger move in concert with each other and what we're searching for is how all the fingers move together in a coordinated fashion to try and uncover the representation the brain might use to move the fingers in that way [Music] stay hand I think we're at the beginning of this age of neuro technology and what I want to see is that we can have a physical repair of the nervous system and what I mean is that someday you'll be sitting here interviewing someone and they'll be moving their hands they'll be walking around they'll be talking and they will tell you that I'm in fact spinal cord injured but I've been repaired by a brain gate chip in my motor areas that have reconnected my arms and my legs and I play sports I I live a normal life now when I let go of you just think of walking maybe I should come back in a few minutes what's up Rob the results for your urine test before and after the accident don't match up you manipulated dinner I had a few drinks at night before I was just trying to keep my premiums down along personal care refusing to pay a dime you know what that means and I you're not insured [Music] you're not only the biggest child above a man you're also the stupidest what about the transfer canceled they're going to tell you that the old pump will hold up in two years you'll get a replacement to schedule so you said it was defective mr. degen I'm sorry this is the lowest class of hospital service for the first time Ana experiences the real meaning of multi class Medicine anyone who's uninsured or underinsured runs the risk of descending into the healthcare underworld after life management I've come to make you an offer after life management what kind of an offer I'm still alive I'll take a few cell samples here your right now and then and then we'll clone you and you'll be reborn again as what it's only a matter of time perhaps within a decade before we have human clones remember test-tube babies back in the 70s people denounced test-tube babies as the work of the devil well today we hear the same arguments against clones now clones can be banned but how do you stop a black market in clones maybe you have a rich man with no heirs was to stop him from willing all his money to himself as a child and starting all over again now clones raise all sorts of moral issues do they have a soul do they have rights can they sue their genetic counterparts the debate has just begun well if you do change your mind please please please give me a call Alan's first night in the paupers ward begins there's no prospect of help now the insurance has been cancelled the hospital should really destroy his freshly printed heart several floors above and as fate takes an unexpected turn a cardiac arrest in platinum glass the 61 year old patient cannot be revived Jack the Motta's transplant was scheduled for the next day [Music] yeah sorry shock my town [Music] [Music] Marie what are you doing here everything we do from now on could cost me my job and then son this is the last time we'll see each other for a long time why listen I'm giving you the insurance check of the first close patient what have you done it was dead already there's a way to adjust the machine so that he looks like it's still alive descent remembering that are you crazy what are you gonna do with the other guy I know you'll die two days later I'm going to build the heart to his chicken and operate her then operate on you as planned tomorrow then I'll switch the chips back to insurance it'll look like you died in surgery what if you can God we don't have a choice to Kerala the next morning Murray takes a risk that could end her career she succeeds in slipping a line into the Platinum class operating suite his brand-new freshly printed heart is ready now well we got here isn't that one of our colleagues shot my tongue on for 595 90 kilograms platinum level heart transplant with Internet autumn can you believe he's 62 years old he's in good shape Monsieur Jacques my time concentration please everyone ready patient Hypertherm Mary will not touch the patient once during the operation body temperature 46 degrees blood completely replaced with plasma solutions she works on a virtual 3d model of Anna's body which he can enlarge at will she changes instruments using a computer menu [Music] stop computer rejecting data seems like we've got the wrong patient [Music] there we go piece of technology ugh no kidding in years to come high-definition images like this from inside the body will revolutionize surgical techniques one click and the scalpel becomes a saw while Marie opens the virtual patients ribcage the robot arms carry out the real incision on Anna more precisely than any human being good but in 50 years we will still need surgeons they will never be replaced all the main arteries blocked yes you can remove the York 50 years ago some scientists predicted that robots will push the human out of the operating room well that may never happen because every patient is different robots cannot anticipate the unexpected they cannot adjust to new operating strategies so for you parents out there hoping that your kids become doctors keep on saving money for medical school in the future there will be surgeons in the operating room and it's gonna be the human-machine partnership that will perform miracles in the hospital even today there are hundreds of routine operations that would have seemed impossible just a few decades ago at this hospital in Leipzig in Germany more than 3,000 open-heart operations are carried out every year magnifying spectacles and precision instruments the incisions are getting smaller and smaller to improve recovery times but even experienced surgeons and how reaching their limits does you walk Arbutus if like any surgeon of course operates very precisely even this isn't always enough for modern surgical techniques when we are operating inside the patient with long instruments but we have to move with an exactitude of a millimeter or even a fraction of a millimeter therefore we need instruments that can mimic the natural capabilities of a hand wouldn't Indian cordis Pantheon this surgical robot is being tested in Leipzig its scalpels and tweezers are just a few millimeters in length it's being used in a bypass operation on a pig's heart a steering console transmits the surgeons hand movements to the miniature instruments the slim robot arms have one great advantage they make open-heart keyhole surgery possible one of the arms supports a camera filming the site of the operation while the surgeons cut a millimeter by millimeter a hydraulic system makes the surgeons handle even smaller each movement of the scalpel is just one fifth of the surgeons original action manipulations that were too fine for human hands have now become possible there's still one problem with the system if the doctor makes a mistake the robot does too but even that could soon change the leipzig surgeons are working with engineers to develop an emergency brake to prevent mistakes in the operating theater the first stage is to provide a position marker for the instruments the patient is fitted with an infrared sensor then the surgeons can outline exactly which areas they intend to work on using a virtual 3d model on their computer danger zones are marked off-limits next the computer is linked to another infrared camera that's constantly monitoring the positions of the instrument and the patient a symbol representing the patient lights up to give the go-ahead when all systems are linked up and running in a real operation every millimeter would be critical using a normal drill the smallest shake of the surgeons hand could damage sensitive nerves and could paralyze the patient's face forever but this system watches over the surgeons every move if he gets too close to the limits of the operative area outlined in blue the emergency break cuts in the instrument is switched off before nerves or arteries can be damaged so here sistema systems like this will be able to filter out shaky hand movements or sudden jerks and turn them into smooth movements of the instruments so in spite of her temporary attack of nerves Marie will be able to operate skillfully on a LAN we're running out of time the fibrin glue will harden in five seconds fibrin glue solve it okay I'm not the main arteries all open can i revascularize him yes eject his own blood quickly please injecting 2.5 liters per minute 2 channels it's not beating [Music] is taking too long to give up he's got only 20 seconds left [Music] [Music] blood pressure okay I'll stabilize [Music] please close the thorax [Music] if I can afford all these high-tech treatments I personally wouldn't mind living to be the ripe old age of 200 years to see beyond my years to see the future of the human race and how about you well one thing we know for sure hold on to your hats because in the next 50 years it's gonna be a wild rock [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: space and science
Views: 1,677,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: future humans, future humans documentary, future humans evolution, future humans cities, future humans look, future humans space, future humans science, future humans science documentary, future humans effort, future humans body, future humans medicine, future humans daily life, future humans technological innovations, future humans clothes, future humans concerns, future humans energy, future humans technology
Id: cpbXISebNcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 16sec (9136 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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