Revelation 1

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hey so um Shalom from your Dutch uncle John here to tell you what it is in the book of Revelation you know we started without Genesis stuff at the beginning I know if you realize the Bible the Bible is like bookends and the beginning you have eternal past at the end you have eternity future you've got a garden in the beginning you have a garden at the end you've got two Tree of Life at the beginning is that the Tree of Life in the New Jerusalem at the end they book in the whole way in so that comes to the center is the cross so we covered up through Noah on the previous videos and so let's go to the book of Revelation and show you what kind of incredible stuff God is hidden in there so we're going to go to revelation 1:1 let's start there by the way is the revelation a lot of people said all I've done that I understand revelations it's not revelations it's one revelation that God is giving ok so and you know if you ever go to the back of any book and read the last chapter of a book and you go I don't understand this well you know if you don't if you don't read the rest of the book and you just read the last chapter you're not gonna understand it it's amazing how many references to previous stuff is is made in the book of Revelation so you need to know your Bible to understand revelation and let's begin revelation 1:1 it's the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show his bondservants the things which soon must take place and he sent and signified it by his angel to his bond servant John notice it's the revelation of Jesus Christ Jesus is being revealed and God is giving this revelation to Jesus Christ it's the revelation of Jesus which God gave him he gave to Jesus so the Jesus could show his bondservants up and John okay and he sent and signified it by his angel to his bond servant John who testified the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ even to all of Saul verse number three has blessed it if he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy and he the things which are written in it for the time is near this is the only book of the Bible that promises guarantees a blessing for those who read it so get ready to be blessed in English we call it the revelation of Jesus Christ in Hebrew of course it's not in the New Testament so it's not in the Jewish Tanakh the Jewish Bible but just used to call they do have a word for it it goat they call it is the is the name for the revelation and it originally was written in Greek right at John write this in Greek and in Greek is called the apocalypsis all right remember how Ebru has the gamete Rhea you saw that a lot in Genesis 1:1 where all the letters have a number and the numbers all add up into the word as well it turns out in Greek they also have this letter number four letter scheme okay I saw Sofia is called so if you take the word apocalypsis and put it in all the values it adds up to fifteen hundred and twelve if you know you saw all that incredible stuff that God is hidden in Genesis what we've seen before he does the same thing in the Greek and he does the same thing in the new testament and and by the way 15 or 12 as people we all know is 7 times 216 which there's your 7 again memory always watch things to visualize 7 and for those who love to be loved they're perfect cubes 216 is 6 times 6 times 6 a very so the word apocalypsis adds up to 7 God times 6 times 6 times 6 a number rather after PO 4 the book of apocalypsis verse 4 John to the seven churches that are in Asia grace to you and peace from him who is and was and who is to come and from the seven spirits are before his throne first of all he's right to seven churches that's what we're going to talk about today it's going to blow you away but notice he says grace to you and peace look which one comes first grace then peace you have to have God's grace in order to obtain peace and throughout the Bible you always see that it's always grace and peace to you because you can't have peace without God's grace a nice little important thing there it's from here new ears and who was and who is to come so he's past he is present he's future so if we're talking about he got away right you know your robot however you want to pronounce it the UN hail of a using your book is Lord lor D all caps okay and it's interesting this word this word this name this is his name this is the name he gave when Moses said what is there going to ask you what is your name and the burning bush said Yahweh he is that's what it means but in Hebrew if you take the verbs for the word be the verb to be and you conjugated it is was and will be is is Jose was is hiya will be is yeaaah you can see here they're letters they're all made up of yours and haze and loves and he took and it's it here it's he who is and who was and it was to come he's always all of them and if you take those three words and smush them together smush them together you will get your way your Dave of a his name is made up of 22 the fact that he's he is was and will be okay so it's from its from Yahweh and from the seven spirits who are before his throne so this is boat it's from both of them and from Jesus Christ Wow this letter this is from all three of them it's from Yahweh it's from the southern spirits and it's from Jesus Christ the faithful witness the firstborn of the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth to hinder loves us and release us from our sins by his blood so we're getting a letter from Yahweh the seven spirits before his throne and from Jesus Christ there's your complex unity okay verse six and he has made us to be a kingdom of priests to his God and Father to him be the glory and Dominion for ever and ever amen behold he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him even those who pierced him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over him so it is to be amen this by the way this this idea of him coming with the clouds this is an idea nineteen one it says the Oracle concerning Egypt behold the Lord the Yahweh your Dave of a is riding on a swift cloud and is about to come to Egypt the only person in the Bible the only entity that rides on the clouds is your Dave of hey Isaiah says that and then I hear in verse seven of Revelation one behold he is coming with the clouds who is coming with the clouds there's only one person who comes on the clouds Yahweh who also is Yeshua Jesus remember the two there were there one okay you got the father the son of Spirit it's a complex unity and we we talked about this in previous videos but it's so spectacular that of all the letters he could use to choose his name he chooses a Hewitt which is hand and he chooses a Hey with which means behold a revelation something's revealed and then he chooses above which is a nail and then there's another Hey more behold again another revelation more great coming and you put the four together your hey love hey the hand reveals the nail reveals I do if why let me choose those where he's got e he made DNA he's that intricate he didn't see that it was just an accident you're the knave of a the hand reveals the nail reveals y'all way Jesus Yeshua God one okay we see this also whenever Jesus is being arrested and remember he they bring him before the high priest Caiaphas and after other than Jesus oh so what did you do what did you do wrong and you just kept silent and finally it will going to take a lot of time this is a huge videos we're going to do but this is so cool they can't get Jesus on anything they want to arrest their minutes but they can't jump up charges he didn't shoplift they didn't they don't have anything on him and that they they want rid of him these religious leaders so there's a little person I think it's Leviticus 5-1 that's a and I'm just a paraphrase that is if if I see you more abuse if you see somebody still steal something and I come to you and say hey did you see who stole that if you know who stole it you have to tell me who stole it if I say I adjure you I put you under oath you don't have to come voluntarily and tell me hey so-and-so store your cupcake and ate it no but if I come to you and say hey do you know who stole my cupcake if you know and you don't tell me those calories go to you well at least the sin does I don't know put the calories but God it should be the sin of stealing to you because you know who did it you didn't tell me when I put you under oath so that's what the high priest is going to do with Jesus here and they they can't gain he's not he's not telling them what he did you can do anything he's innocent he's the perfect Lamb of God so the high priests system i adjure you it's like he's pulling out hi Leviticus 5:1 Jesus you have to answer now you can't keep your mouth shut because if you know the answer to this question you have to answer I adjure you by the Living God that you tell us whether you are the Christ Christ Messiah same word Greek Hebrew tell me tell us are you the Messiah the Son of God and Jesus said to him you said it yourself never it which is yes he's admitting yes you said it yourself nevertheless Jesus is going to go on I tell you hereafter you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven here again Jesus is coming on the clouds of heaven Yeshua is claiming to come on the clouds of heaven only God way comes on the clouds of heaven okay and he also said sitting at the right hand of power do you ever notice yeah at the right hand here's here's my right hand okay probably similar to God's not as powerful but we are we know that Jesus after he's crucified he goes to me sit at the right hand of God look at God if this is God's right hand you see here here is a do it there's a shin there's above and here's the I mean it Yeshua literally sits at God's right hand the four letters of his name alright he's hip cool he's literal he's loved it okay verse seven behold he is coming with the clouds every eye will see him even those who pierced him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over him so it is to be a men he says I am the Alpha verse 8 I am the Alpha and the Omega says the Lord God who is and who was and who is to come the Almighty we've already discussed that we had that kind of hidden in his name but he's the Alpha and Omega Alpha and Omega is Greek that's the Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet Omega is the last letter if you were converting it it would leave it I am the a and Z in English and Hebrew you'd say I am The Aleph in the tub the first and the last which remember the are left of the oldest tub if you watch the first video that's that little word in Genesis 1:1 the one right smack in the middle The Aleph is God the tub is across all this tubs it's God on the cross it's a little why don't want to go through and explain what all the tub is again go back and watch video number one or two it explains it but it's kick your shoe up all that stuff is Yeshua he's it's it's you're sure okay so and it's also who is the first in the last throughout the Bible if you go to the Tanakh the Old Testament Isaiah is Yahoo Isaiah 41 says I the Lord and the first and with the last I am he this is Yahweh this is Yahweh God speaking claiming to be the first in the last in Isaiah 44 I am the first and I am the last and there is no God besides me that's 44 6 Isaiah 48 12 I am the first I'm also the last three times in the Old Testament Yahweh you today but they claims to be the first and last you go to the New Testament revelation Yeshua Jesus is saying I am the Alpha and the Omega same thing first in the last revelation 21 I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end again your shoe is claiming to be this first in the last and so is Yahweh by the way this is an excellent if you ever had your hope as witness come to your door Jose witnessed don't believe that Jesus is God that another way it's your dream of a Yahweh right way that is Yahweh or Jehovah later the Jade got put in instead of yellow but it became Jehovah so a Jehovah's Witness it's it's Yahweh's witness that's what they would be claiming they pronounce it Jehovah which is not it's not his name Java okay but your Hovis witnesses don't believe that Yeshua Jesus is this son of God who is also God in this truck complex unity okay well if you ever get if you ever in movie corner one and and ask them to look up that verse in Isaiah what is I say a 41 for I am the Lord I am the first and the last who is that and they will answer all that's Jehovah God in other words they're claiming yes this person the last that's Yahweh Jehovah that's Jehovah God and the second one I am the first in the last note of God besides me that's Jehovah God nobody happy to tell you that take him to the local revelation revelation 1:8 I am the Alpha and Omega who live that that's Jehovah God they'll tell you revelation 21:6 I am the Alpha know mega beginning in the end that's Jehovah God then take him to Revelation 2:8 revelation 2:8 says I am the first and the last who was dead and has come to life who's that because if they say if that's Jehovah God which it is you can ask them when was he dead and when did he come back to life it attracts them it they have they have to realize Yeshua is this Jehovah God who was dead and came back to life there's no other all right that is my digression verse 9 through 11 the difficulties written by John okay one of the Apostles the youngest one the one whom Jesus loved are I John your brother and fellow partaker in the trivial nation and Kingdom and perseverance perseverance which are in Jesus was on the island called Patmos because of the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus John is exiled to Patmos I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and I heard behind me a loud voice like a sound of a trumpet and was in his loud voice said verse 11 saying write in a book what you see and send it to the seven churches to Ephesus and dist Samira and to Pergamum and defy Tyrell and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea why these seven churches I mean the New Testament is filled with letters to churches they wrote to the Ephesians the occur in thien's thessalonians the romans there's lots of letters that being written to different churches but here in the book of revelation chapter 2 and 3 he's writing to seven specific okay and who's doing the right who's writing these letters it says write in a book what you see in 10 to the seven churches if Jesus Yeshua God is giving John these visions to send to write down but Jesus is the author john is the describe writing the priests letters the seven churches that he chose to write to are in modern-day Turkey okay in fact you can see a few of the map there's kind of Istanbul and uh okay it's up the Mediterranean is after here is Turkey over here okay right about here all seven of them they form a little horseshoe pattern okay verse 12 then I turned to see the voice that was speaking with me and having turned I saw seven golden lampstands seven lampstands and in the middle of the lampstands I saw one like a son of man clothed in a robe reaching to his feet and across his chest with a golden sash his head and his hair were white like white wool like snow and his eyes were like a flame of fire his feet were like burnished bronze when it was been made to glow in a furnace his voice was like the sound of many waters in his right hand he held seven stars out of his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword and his face was like the sun shining in its strength notice that the terminology here the it's very it's very New Testament you know the Old Testament you have the Lamb of God and the land that would be slain and the tribe of Judah the Lion of Judah very old testimony kind of symbolism now this is this is a different a different a different thing okay it turns out they do all they do all tie back to the new test the Old Testament all these New Testament terms okay what are the feet like burnished bronze and in his hand the seven stars and out of his mouth a two-edged sword this is very New Testament some good symbolism okay verse 17 when I saw him I fell at his feet like a dead man and he plated his right hand on me saying do not be afraid I am the first and the last and the living one and I was dead and behold I am Alive for evermore and I have the keys to death and Hades therefore write the things which you have seen and the things which are and the things which will take place after these things and in verse 20 as for the mystery of the Seven Stars if you saw in my right hand and the Seven golden lampstands the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the Seven lampstands are the seven churches so John is giving his vision of these seven seven lampstands and the seven lampstands are these seven churches that he is about to write to are you with me and it's Jesus as the one writing to them John is just right is doing this riding okay all right now now there's just revelation one okay I'm sure we can spend hours going deeper on no we can but today's lesson is actually on revelation 2 and 3 so potential primer for a reason you'll see another thing you can't understand the book of Revelation as a whole unless you understand the Jewish wedding because that's what this is all about God made man in his own image because God wanted companionship God wanted worship God wanted a family it's it's a it's a big that's why you made us he didn't make us to send us all to hell he wants to live with us and be Wed to us okay so you better understand the Jewish wedding or you're not going to understand the book of Revelation okay because that's what that's what it is it's the culmination of the whole love story of the Bible now in if you're sweating here's how it works the groom's father and the groom to be they show up at the bride's home and they're going to bring three items and a lot of times these weddings were record there are the parents organize them now your daughter will marry month okay it's all prearranged stuff and in some of the ultra ultra Orthodox Jews today they still kind of put things together like the couples together okay so the groom's father is going to bring three items to the bride's family a betrothal cup wine and the bride's price alright let's talk about some of those the bride's price if you go back to the is 27 the Lord says to Moses this is 27 1 through 7 he says speak to the sons of Israel when a man makes a difficult vowel he shall be valued according to the valuation of persons belonging to the Lord he's putting evaluation on human beings ok what their value is if you're a male from 20 to age 60 you're worth 50 shekels if you're a female your evaluation is 30 shekels and it goes on it talks about if you're a kid they're 10 shekels if everyone has different values depending on your age and your sex the point I want to make is it says if you're a female then the valuation shall be 30 shekels so we said if the groom's father is going to be bringing the betrothal cup why and the bride's price he will be bringing 30 shekels okay it's again today it's more symbolism and they still keep the 30 shekel number okay if it's you know they pick 30 shekels because remember exact Araya 11 this is all year this is Old Testament right then the always said to me throw it to the potter that magnificent price at which I was valued by them so I took the thirty shekels of silver and threw them to the potter in the house of the Lord this is when Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty shekels of silver and he takes the thirty shekels to be filled guilty and he takes the thirty shekels to the temple and he going to give it to the to the temple right that you know what's happening here Yeshua Jesus is buying he's paying for his pride who is the bride of christ who is gee issue is bride it's ask the believers the the church which if we're the bride jesus has to he has to follow all the law for Jewish wedding Jesus has to pay the authority shekels of silver for the bride well where does she's just going to get dirty sickles of silver he got it by willingly giving himself to be crucified and the money that Judas was paid for the betrayal happened to be thirty shekels of silver Judas feels guilty and so Judas gives the thirty shekels to them to the temple which is what you wear you pay your valuation so Jesus purchased us with thirty shekels of silver where did he get the thirty shekels by giving up his own life his own body his own blood for us and he meets the requirement by the right amount okay okay so now you have the father and the son they show up at the bride's family and they're going to drink the wine remember they brought wine they brought the cup betrothal cup and they brought the bride's price the recycled silver so here we got a here's the the betrothal cup the first this first cup that they're going to drink from is called the cup of sanctification and who drinks the groom and his father are going to drink and the bride and the whole family of the bride they're going to drink on this first on the first cup it's called the cup of sanctification and here's what happens when the two families are drinking and talking and they are agreeing by drinking this first Cup they are agreeing to be servants to one another our family agrees to serve your family remember these are two families are going to be getting married that the two people but now the families are committing to each other to serve one another okay there are this kind of a covenant they're making between them this would be like the blood okay the so you got the idea they're going to drink the first cup now they're going to drink a second cup of wine the second cup of wine is called the cup of dedication so after they have the first cup now they're going to treat the second cup the second cup is the cup of dedication the bride in the bride's father okay and they're getting to know each other right they're talking they're negotiating this this union between the son and daughter and by drinking this second cup the cup of dedication what happens is they're agreeing to become friends it's the friendship cup okay it's a it's a representation of the salt covenant okay and I'll explain the salt covenant in a moment the soul covenant is the salt was a valuable commodity back then everyone carried their own bag of salt right so the the groom's father and the bride's father this is a table they each pull out their bag of salt they one of them pours his salt into a bowl the other one pours his salt into the same Bowl the bowls the salt gets mixed together and as they're eating and they take their bread and they dip it into the salt bowl and I'm getting some of yours and you're getting some of mine and when we're done eating for half of it back into my bag and ass back into your bag but there's salt crystals have intermixed they cannot be our families we've declared eternal friendship okay once that second cup is drunk that's the picture there okay and the we've become friends you know yellow is the color for friendship right I would I would if you had to put somebody on who represented this Abraham Abraham was a friend of God right it's friendship is yellow or what was the is it yellow roses isn't it yellow is the sign of friendship okay you know the first the first cup we was talking about the blood the Covenant right the the drinking the wine air and they agree give each other servants you know I think who would represent that one Adam represents that first covenant Adam Adam was the son of God that Adams screwed up and now Adam a dumb aah Dom I Dom has word dominant blood right Adam is red Adam his blood Adam becomes a servant he was the son but he chose to disobey Adam now as a servant okay now we need to work our way back because we're all human beings we've all sinned once we've sinned we're no longer we're not a son of God we were reworked to be servants then I would be Friends of God and we want to know we're not working our way to heaven that's not what I'm saying here okay but our relationship gets tighter and tighter with God okay and if it steps we start by serving then we become friends and that's the same thing that's happening with these families in these wedding proposal so once they finish the first two cups now they're going to drink the third cup the third cup is called the cup of redemption or the cup of inheritance this one only the bride and groom drink and this third one is represents the it's a sandal covenant okay there's the river the first one was the blood covenant then there was the salt covenant with friendship and now it's the sandal covenant and once you drink this third cup of wine the bride and groom drink you are now they are now becoming heirs to each other's estate they are not married yet remember this is the first evening the families are getting together here right and once they drink the third cup we are now heirs to one another's whatever okay so the wedding is not going to place maybe for a year from now but in the meantime if he happens to die the matter she gets his inheritance and if she happens to die he gets her inheritance they've drunk this third one they are now heirs to each other's estates even though the wedding isn't taking place until much much later okay I'm going to put Moses in this in this group okay this is a you're an heir you're a Europe this is good right remember you started out with a servant I'd rather a servant a servant of God is better than one to help what's better than being a servant how about friend what's better than being a friend how about an heir you see it's the closeness is getting tighter and tighter as these cups are being drunk okay technical stuff is it not then as they're drinking these cups the families are writing what's cloudy ketubah the ketubah is it's a prenup a Jewish prenup agreement okay and they're going to there's five parts to a ketubah and they have to sit and write all this out okay the agreement for the marriage and here are the five parts the first part is first part of the ketubah it's going to be the combined family history or the family tree of the two parties the second part is going to be predominantly the bride's family history and her tree the third part is going to be predominantly the groom's family history and his family tree the fourth section is going to be about how the bride and groom neck and the fifth section of the Cotulla is are the responsibilities of the bride and the groom and the families okay she's going to bring this to the wedding he's going to bring that to the marriage and all this is ironed out and written out okay this today did you still do this it's more of a formality you can probably go by pre-done Catawbas and you fill in your name and but the ketubah is then read at the wedding ceremony for everyone to hear this is the story this is how we met this is what we both agreed to you are all witnesses to this wedding okay kind of cool how that is now I told you before this this whole thing is the whole Bible is a love story God created us to being his family and it is to get worship and so he himself is going to have this whole ketubah concept built into the story now once you have the ketubah written it needs to be signed by seven different people the bride and the groom obviously sign it the bride's father and the groom's father sign it for you need a scribe or a rabbi someone to actually write it as the two families are ironing out all the details somebody's writing it all down he's the scribe or a rabbi can do that there's five and you need two independent witnesses okay so there could be seven signatures required on the ketubah by the way once they drink the third cup legally you're married you got it the wedding ceremony hasn't taken place and it may not take place what happens usually is the groom he's going to go off and he's going to build his house and and get everything set and ready and then he comes back unannounced maybe a year later and he takes his bride and goes off for the wedding that's the that's when the fourth cup is drunk okay but once you have the third cup drunk you are legally married even though you're not married you haven't had the and ceremony but you're considered married okay in fact if you look at Genesis 19 it talked about lot lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law who were pledged to marry his daughters notice that refers to them as sons-in-law even though they haven't married the daughters yet but they have been pledged they have drunk the third cup the fourth cup is reserved for the actual wedding ceremony okay and the fourth cup is called a cup of praise who drinks it it's the bride the groom Mazel Tov with like with my foot cup Mazel Tov that is the that's going to be drunk at the wedding itself okay just by the bridegroom who share that cup okay now I told you that this this whole concept of marriage in ketubah it ties in with God who himself is you know made us for to be part of his family and to be his bride and etc the actual first five books of the Bible is the Torah Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy or in Hebrew Bereshit chameau by ikura Bamidbar Devarim five books of the Torah remember I told you the ketubah has five parts by the way I don't know if I told you this before but I gotta tell you an Audi is kind of cool Genesis you know when we take Genesis we do it to mean much exodus I don't know what these words mean Genesis beginning Exodus leaving ok I get it Leviticus is the levi's numbers is because it's got a bunch of numbers in that book Deuteronomy I don't know what that means in Hebrew these words have meanings Bereshit Bereshit means beginning remote remote means it's the plural for word names these are the names Shallotte by ikura means the Lord called out the meat bar if we call numbers because it has a lot of numbers in it it actually means in the wilderness ok Bob Lee bar me bar is Lewis you put a bait in front ba meat bar in wilderness and all of these words happen to be the first words of each book how does Genesis begin in the beginning by Grady hammers in the earth Bereshit bara Elohim Bereshit is the first word of Genesis so that's what the Jews call the first book of the Bible Bereshit the second book of the Bible which we call Exodus if you open it up it says these are the names of the sons of Israel or whatever okay so these are the names the first word in Exodus is remote that's what the Jews call the second book of the Bible whatever the first the whatever the first word is of that book whatever the first unique word is if the first word is aa they don't call the book ah don't make me come through that stream so you get the idea the lead bar is in the learnis de bourree m-- and then I am devar is word Devarim words these are his words that's how it begins these are the words of God Almighty it okay that's how it's going to begin and then in Deuteronomy it's interesting if I say generous Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy it means it just sounds like the first five books of the Bible in Hebrew if I say better seats remote Vayikra but meat by devarim I've actually said five Hebrew words that had meanings and what I actually said was in the beginning these are the names the Lord called out in the wilderness and these are his words many clever a of him to kind of hide that in them but I digress the ketubah this Torah these five books of the Bible first my books this is God's ketubah with man if you read Genesis what do you find it is the combined family history you in the beginning God created heavens in Europe so we're introduced to God were introduced to man he's chosen Abraham and Isaac and Jacob as he's chosen line okay it's the combined family history of God and man what's Exodus about remote xers here's all about the Jews the Jews are being the bride they're in captivity in Egypt right what's Leviticus about vyi Kragh Leviticus is the Levites the Levites they are the priestly part of the Jews right Yeshua Jesus our high priest this is here's family history Leviticus then you come to the book of numbers what's numbers about its how the bride and groom neck the Jews have now left Egypt they're wandering for forty years in the wilderness and who were they wandering with with Yahweh who provides them with water who provides him with safety who provides them with food he's provoked these two how the two are getting together for 40 years in the wilderness and then in Devarim deuteronomy these are his words this is the responsibilities and consequences of the bride and the groom and the families deuteronomy ends I call heaven and earth none that may be the last look but I call heaven and earth to witness against that I set before you life and death the blessing and the curse choose life in order that you may live you and your descendants then marine that's giving these are the requirements I want you all to do okay so this is ketubah it's going to be on a scroll you know a scroll right scroll Scroll scroll you're on a roll it to read it okay and this scroll this ketubah it's written on the front and the back of the scroll rolled up and field we see examples of this if you go to revelation 5 which I understand we're doing revelation 2 and 3 today which we might actually get to at some point but revelation 5 John she and John says I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back filled up with seven seals and I saw a strong angel proclaiming in loud voice who is worthy to open the book and break it feels so you have this this someone's holding a scroll up in heaven and it's written on the front and the back that's the ketubah who's who rule is going to be the groom who's going to open this ketubah who's worthy to open the ketubah we see it is an example I told you that this is the law that the Torah the first five books the Bible this is a picture of the ketubah when Moses went up to get the law look at Exodus 32 15 and Moses turned and went down from the mountain okay Moses is coming down with the two tablets of testimonies and he's bringing the law down Calvert's which were written on both sides they were written on one side and the other this this law that Moses his brain got off the mountain this is the agreement people do you agree to keep this I will be your God you will be my people there is it the whole Torah is the ketubah you got it now once they do this ketubah and they sign the third they signs besides they drank the third cup right there now betrothed to one another their heirs to one another and he's going to go off and he's going to build a house and he's going to get everything prepared for the wedding and I told you before he might be gone for a year preparing what happens if she is not faithful to him because the idea is she has to now just kind of wait around and you know deliver Nadeau's waiting whatever whenever he shows up to get married it's a surprise to her okay there's a parallel here you know this whole concept new testament of yeshua rapturing taking snatching away her pot so in the Greek he's going to snatch away his bride that comes from this this bride and groom of drank their three cups he's now off preparing a place and he's going to come back she does not know the day or the hour that he's to come she has to be ready she has to have the oil in her lamps ready for whenever he shows up and the idea is he's going to come unannounced and what he does listen to this he picks her up and carries her away there's a lifting and a carrying away off to the wedding ceremony that's what the rapture is with the with the Saint the Christians the church when Yeshua comes to get his bride we were picked up and taken away okay so what happens if after they drink the third cup he's gone off to prepare the place and she's just waiting around maybe up to a year if if she's not faithful what if she's out cheating on him because number I told you they aren't officially married they're just like what sons-in-law they injuried the fourth cup they have a ceremony but once you drink a cup of betrothal when your heirs to each other you're married okay except for the ceremony if during that time she is unfaithful he has four options for her he can a let her pay the price of her unfaithfulness well if you if you know it be prices for cheating for adultery it's being stoned to death remember the New Testament the Pharisees bringing us the adulterous woman to Jesus you know and he ended up saying whoever is without sin let him cast the first stone because it's the punishment for adultery for cheating on your spouse is being stoned to death it's in the Torah okay well that's not a very good nice option isn't it for her anyway he could give her a writ of divorce but notice it has to be an official writ I mean Kadir they have had the ceremony but they drank that third cup he has to go through an official rate of divorce three he could pretend the child is his this option we have seen before when Mary and Joseph Mary is they were betrothed they hadn't gone to the fourth cup yet they hadn't had her what the ceremony but they Mary and Joseph these are the parents of Yeshua they had they had had their ketubah they had drank their third cup and now she ends up pregnant she's pregnant from the Holy Spirit with right the with the Messiah Yeshua but what is everybody thinking yes it's an immaculate conception I don't think so you know and Joseph has to put up with all this the scuttlebutt in the talk and that okay but Joseph just Beach he could pretend the child is his and not to summon her not divorce her just accept her and go with it and there's a fourth option the fourth option is the husband can shoot and this is the brightest unfaithful he could choose to be her go L go well in Hebrew is a the kinsman redeemer a kinsman who is close who will come in and well we'll take other responsibilities of you and your baby in the the he redeems you okay he pays the penalty for you this is the option that you shouid Jesus took for us he came to earth and he paid the price what is the price death he died for us his bride beautiful picture how this works okay in Revelation five nine ten when they're talking about number in relation five who is worthy to open this ketubah rule is going to be the groom who can read read it out and in revelation 5:9 and they sang a new song saying worthy are you to take the book into breakage seals for you were slain and purchased for God with your blood men and you purchase for God with your blood men from every tribe tongue nation of the people a nation so this is what your shoe is done he chose to be our go L our kinsman redeemer and take the punishment for us so we didn't have to very nice but you understand this the Jewish wedding because you have to understand that concept to get into what we're about to study Wow so now is a long video we could cut this off right now and maybe we should but you should have a bonus now I've already filmed that the the seven churches I'm going to play you a portion of the first church to a letter to Ephesus just update I would just to what your appetite and it will see you back here for part two let's have a look okay so let's go now to Revelation chapter two verse 1 to the angel of the church in Ephesus write the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand and the one who walks among the seven golden lampstands says this notice I told you each letter has seven parts who is to Ephesus who'sa from the one who holds the seven stars his right hand the one who walks among the seven golden lampstands that's the name that was given to you shouid Jesus in Chapter one of Revelation you're going to notice each each letter it's from Jesus he's right now seven but they're going to refer to him as he's referring to himself as one of the New Testament names that he uses in Revelation chapter one okay and we shall go on he says I know your iegs in your toil and perseverance and that you cannot tolerate evil men and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles and they are not and you found them to be false any Angelia perseverance and have endured from my namesake and have not grown weary these are all good things you know you're running a church and you Jesus write you a letter and says hey guys you do it pretty good you won't tolerate evil men you don't put up with those fake people who call themselves apostles that's nice you've got perseverance for my name's sake you've not grown weary good good good good also notice that he begins it by saying I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance I know he's easy schewe he's Yahweh he's God he's omniscient he knows and he begins all seven of these letters I know what you're doing you know that's good advice for all of us because he knows what you're doing okay but remember there's several parts what you're doing good what you're doing bad verse four but I have this against you that you have left your first love therefore remember from where you have fallen and repent and do the deeds you did it first or else I am coming to you and I'll remove your lampstand out of its place unless you repent yet this you do have and that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans which I also hate so these Nicolaitans whoever they are we can break the word down Nikko comes nice conquering okay as well goddess of victory and Leia she is the lay people they're just the Conner people and there are some denominations where you have this Nikko legend this conquering of the lay people where the the church is being held down by this elite group of leaders okay this is not it was the church is supposed to be a family this guy is he's the arm he's the spleen he's the big toe he's the knee you understand it all we're all part of the body of Christ right so he doesn't like these Nicolaitans and this theater discharged now this church this first church he's writing to what is their problem he says that they forgive what you've left your first love you know you get a lot of churches that do this that you know the first love is our first love is Yeshua and we should be preaching Christ crucified that is every week that needs to be drilled home to people you end up getting these churches when they've left that first love that first message and they're doing wonderful things they're having a rummage sale and they're feeding the poor and meals-on-wheels than the bake sale and raising money for lovely that's great but you've left your first love these seven letters to seven churches you're going to see parallels to churches today that have these same problems okay so let's go on verse 7 verse 7 is the line that he used as a hold of the letters can you as an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches do you have an ear yes this letter is to you to him who overcomes I will grant to eat of the Tree of Life which is in the paradise of God okay uh-huh that's nice okay Wow I love these guys videos so now you know a little bit of what we're going to be seeing in part two we'll do all seven churches thanks for tuning in god bless see you soon you
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 39,901
Rating: 4.889328 out of 5
Keywords: End times, Revelation, 7 churches, Apocolypse, 7 letters, dutch uncle
Id: sayPjkHOPhU
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Length: 58min 4sec (3484 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2017
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