Beginner Levels - Lesson 27: I don't know

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hello everyone today we're going to talk about words like everyone these are indefinite pronouns in definite pronouns okay now I just said hello everyone everyone I can also say hello everybody these are the same everyone everyone everybody okay one word one word first talk about how we use any and some we saw these before now first let's talk about some some is usually used in positive sentences and we don't know how much so for example I bought some milk yesterday I bought some milk yesterday how much milk I don't know buy some okay now another example there are some books on the table there are some books on the table how many books we don't know but we know there are some books on the table and one more example there is some milk in the fridge okay remember this is short for refrigerator so there is some milk in the fridge how much we don't know one liter two liters this much we don't know okay now remember with these we look here to choose the verb okay some books are okay so we have to look backwards some milk milk is non-count so we have to use is okay now when we're using negative or questions we use any so here's an example I didn't buy any milk yesterday I didn't buy any milk yesterday so this one is negative I didn't buy any milk yesterday there aren't any books on the table there aren't any books on the table okay not so again this is negative is there any milk in the fridge so this one is a question is there any milk in the fridge okay so any is used for negative and questions now we can also use some and any to talk about people places and things any can be used for negatives and questions like we saw here any for negatives or questions some can be used for positive things usually every can be used for positive negative or questions and finally no is used for negative this one should be easy okay so any is for negatives and questions some is usually with positives every can be used for positive negative and questions and no is only used for negatives now on your screen you can see a complete chart with people objects in places now the first one is any four people we can use anyone or anybody four things anything and four place anywhere alright the next one is some we have someone somebody same something somewhere with every we have everyone everybody everything and everywhere and then finally we have no no one nobody nothing nowhere okay so it's definitely negative now if let's look at some sentences using these and you can see how they look now first of all I'm speaking to someone on the telephone right now I'm speaking to someone on the telephone right now I guess I know who it is but you don't know it's not important I'm speaking to someone on the telephone okay another example he saw something in the sky last night he saw something in the sky last night maybe a UFO okay he saw something in the sky last night finally my keys are somewhere in the living room where are your keys oh my keys are somewhere in the living room so this is a place now all of these are positive we have a little bit of information but not complete maybe it's not necessary okay now we don't know maybe we don't want to know and we can also use someone or somebody to ask questions if we think the answer will be positive so look at this are you meeting somebody later are you meeting somebody later I think you are meeting somebody later so I think you will say yes okay are you meeting somebody later yes I am now if I don't know are you meeting anyone later I don't know are you meeting anyone later maybe yes maybe no okay so this one has a positive idea this one you don't know okay now when we talk about something someone somewhere somebody it's always with a singular verb after is so for example let me make some room here there is something on the table there are something on the table okay now this is considered like an it okay it's only one thing so we have is there is something on the table not there are okay so there is something on the table is correct we can't say art all right okay now let's talk about any and we'll give you some examples of sentences with any and remember any is with negatives or questions so here are some examples I didn't see anyone that I knew at the party last night okay so this one is negative I didn't see anyone that I knew at the party last night okay now do you know anyone here you can ask this at a party do you know anyone here so this is a question I don't know the answer do you know anyone here here's another one there isn't anything like any food to eat so this one is negative there isn't anything to eat okay do you want anything to drink no obviously is the question so do you want anything to drink yes please I'll have the coke left okay two more examples she isn't going anywhere interesting tonight she isn't going anywhere interesting tonight negative anywhere is the place so this is a negative sentence and one more question did you go anywhere interesting yesterday question did you go anywhere interesting yesterday okay now again for these we use the NE and negative and questions about a person and we could say anybody here of course anybody is possible so we talked about the person a thing or a place if we're asking questions or using a negative now if we look at this one you cannot use again you this is considered singular one so there isn't anything okay for example is there anything in your bag is there anything in your bag okay question anything we look back and we use is always singular singular singular okay we do not use our alright is there anything in your bag no are here okay now let's talk about every now this one you've heard before every dadada and it can be used in just about any situation so here's some examples she's asking everyone to her birthday party she's asking everyone to her birthday party that's positive so this is positive did you say hello to everyone did you say hello to everyone okay so this one's a question he was rude he didn't say goodbye to everyone okay he was rude he didn't say goodbye to everyone okay so this is an example of using it in the negative some more examples with thing he likes everything on his pizza he likes air anything on his pizza mushrooms green peppers cheese more cheese onions everything okay question did you see everything in the museum did you see everything in the museum okay so this is positive this is the question and here's a negative I didn't eat everything I didn't eat everything I was full I didn't eat everything okay there was a little bit left so a positive question and negative for everything okay now there's more examples coming let's make some room here now the last one of course is everywhere so he is looking everywhere for his keys we do this sometimes he is looking everywhere for his keys okay and then there in his pocket so he is looking everywhere for his keys this one is positive here comes a question did you go everywhere when you visited America did you go everywhere when you visited America I don't think so okay and you can't go everywhere in one day so here's the negative you can't go everywhere in one day it's impossible now again with every we know every means every every pen so our mind thinks oh three but the grammar says one group okay so we say every pen is white this part every pen is white everything is white but it is alright so here's an example every one is coming to the party everyone is coming to the party not our okay so this one's okay you cannot say are no are no no no okay if you think of it as a group every one group is coming to the party okay this one is difficult but you have to remember it okay now let's talk about no now no of course is negative no okay no is negative all right now here we go there is no one in the class there is no one in the class now look at this is two words two words okay we can't write it like this right two words now this is a positive a positive statement there is no one in the class we understand it means zero there was nothing on TV last night there was nothing on TV last night this is normal okay so again it's positive I'm going nowhere I'm going nowhere now we can say this but actually what we usually say is I'm not going anywhere so these two are the same this is good for an example but this is more normal okay all right now again when we taught when we use this as a positive we only use these as a positive we cannot say a negative and nothing so here's an example this is a bad example I don't know nothing I don't know nothing we have a negative and a negative and you know if you have a negative plus a negative you have a positive so what this means what this means is I know something okay now you might hear this in movies but it's not correct I don't know nothing ah okay so we have to change it and we say either I don't know anything or I don't know anything I know something or I don't know anything okay now again no one nothing nowhere is singular so you have to use the singular verb for there is or no one is in the class so for example there is nothing in my pocket okay there is nothing in my pocket you cannot use our there is nothing in my pocket right singular okay now let's practice using these words assistance here we go I'm going to ask you some questions so Ally are you doing anything interesting after class I'm going to go to the cinema is anybody famous in the film yes is in the field oh that's good I like Tom Cruise so Isabel did you eat anything for breakfast this morning no I didn't eat anything I got up late oh that's too bad you should eat breakfast did you go anywhere special this morning yes I came to the school oh that's the right answer okay Susan did you speak to anybody on the phone yesterday yes I spoke to someone I spoke to my sister okay did you talk about anything interesting yes she's told me something but it's a secret so you can tell me all right so Ally asked Susan a question using anywhere Susan are you going somewhere anywhere trying are you going anywhere and interesting on your trip yes I'm going to go to Moscow good now Susan asked Isabel a question using anything Isabel are you reading anything interesting at the moment yes I'm reading an interesting book okay are you reading it in English yes I am good girl okay Isabel ask Allie a question using anybody Annie are you going to just animaux me to anybody no I'm going alone do you want to come with me yes thank you okay that was very good all right now we're going to do some more practice and if you look at the screen again you have the chart with people things and places now what we're going to do is look at some sentences one by one you think about the answer and our assistants will give the answer so let me make some room on the board first and then we'll look at the sentences alright now the first sentence is going to be for Isabelle you think and Isabelle is thinking - are you going mm-hmm on the weekend okay Isabelle are you going to anywhere on the weekend yes good are you going anywhere on the weekend okay it's a question and we don't know the answer now Allie here's one for you I am bored there is on TV at the moment Ollie I am bored there is nothing on TV at the moment yes there's nothing on TV at the moment okay Susan of course you're next she can hear who in the next room okay she can hear someone in the next room yes she can hear someone in the next room whoo mystery okay can we use somebody here yes we can sure we can so somebody is also a choice okay now we don't know who it is but we have a different sentence for someone except I know it's for Allie it is very dark I can't see mm-hmm it is very dark I can't see anything mm-hmm okay so I can't see anything it's negative so we have to use anything okay it's a bell for you do you want mmm-hmm to eat okay Isabel do you want anything to eat yes uh-huh this is like your first one do you want anything to eat this is one word boys and girls okay do you want anything to eat so Susan here's a bit of a long one the hotel is empty there is mm-hmm staying at the hotel now okay all that work for one word Susan the hotel is empty there is no one staying at the hotel now okay no one two words can we also say nobody yes we can yeah we can also say nobody okay no one is two words nobody is one okay here we go the classroom is full mmm is here okay Ally the classroom is full everyone is here everyone is here can we use everybody yes we can they are the same yes good so we can also use every buddy they're the same okay let's do one more and then I'll have to erase the board okay there is water mm-hmm the rain came in the window okay miss Abell dearies Walter everywhere the rain came in telling them yes because we're talking about a place everywhere there's water everywhere all right Susan here's your's I didn't go mm-hmm yesterday I stayed at home okay Susan I didn't go anywhere yesterday yes good I didn't go anywhere yesterday okay it's a negative I stayed home okay now last sentence is for Olli and Cyn long one my friends are taking me mm-hmm for dinner but it is a surprise I don't know where we are going are going okay Molly long sentence short answer my friends are taking me somewhere for dinner okay so you know you are going to a place but you don't know the place okay good job now we're going to play a guessing game and I want you to guess what's in my purse now I have a little purse here now let's start with Susan do you have something metal in your purse hmm yes I do I think you have a key in your purse yes I have at least one key in my purse oops their keys are metal all right actually how many keys do I have you'll have to a keys yes I do metal keys okay Ally I have something in my bag it is it we have something a paper in your purse uh yes I do I think you have some money in your purse oh let me see some money is made of paper yes I'm rich thank you very much thank you okay Isabel it's your turn okay do you have anything plastic in your let me see why yes I do I think you have a credit card in your purse I do but I don't use it okay all right good now we're going to play another game this one you'll do the work mostly this game is called I spy so spy means to see all right now I look at something in the room and I tell you what letter it begins with and then you have to guess what I'm looking at so for example if I'm looking at a dictionary I say I spy let me write this out for you I spy with my little eye etc okay is the children's game but we can be children sometimes okay I spy with my little eye something that begins with D now dictionary begins with D so you must guess the object so o dictionary nice oh yes okay now I spy with my little eye something beginning with B Susan I can't see anything beginning with B look around oh yes the book book begins with B yes good okay now it's your turn you choose something and you ask Allie okay I spy with my little eye something that begins with C that's easy chair you are taking of a chair chair starts with a letter C that's right Allie it's your turn now okay Holly I spy with my little eye something that begins with B I think I know is it a book nor think of something else okay is it a board that's right board begins with a B okay good Isabelle I spy with my little eye something begins with M that's difficult I don't see anything that begins with M everyone can you see anything that begins with him yes we can see something begins with M but you can't say I don't know I give up what is it the word is Molly oh that begins with M you can see everybody else but you can't see yourself okay very clever all right now everyone it's time to look and listen look and listen there is nothing in the fridge is everything okay yes everything is fine I want something to eat do you want anything to drink yes I'd love to he doesn't know anything about football but he knows everything about baseball is there anything interesting on the Internet everyone is very happy today is a holiday read and repeat okay now let's talk about personal information information about us now this is when we ask questions and tell people about ourselves but us so let me ask some questions of our assistants and we'll start with Susan Susan do you have anything in your bag I have some books and some pants okay how many books do you have I have three books and how many pens do you have I don't know I'll have to check oh I haven't got any pants oh okay Isabelle is there anything in your pockets no there's nothing in my pockets okay let me ask you another thing are you doing anything this evening yes I'm doing my my homework is evening oh what a good girl okay Ally is Susan doing anything on the weekend I don't know I will ask her Susan are you doing anything on the weekend yes I'm going shopping on the weekend are you going to buy anything special yes I'm going to buy something special for my mother because it is her birthday next week okay Ally are you going anywhere after class yes I am going to the internet cafe after class okay and I will check if there is anything in my email okay good all right now we're going to do a little bit of more practice with any and no indefinite pronouns so I want you to look at these sentences I want nothing to drink okay so here's the no I want nothing to drink now another way we can say it is I don't want anything anything to drink I don't want anything to drink now this is for this example this is more normal but they're both correct I want nothing to drink I don't want anything to drink so you see this one is positive and this one is negative all right because remember with nothing you can't have not here okay nothing is not now here's another example okay Oh before that I want to tell you that when we use anything anyone anywhere we also use a negative helping verb when we use nothing no one nobody nowhere we use a positive verb okay now we're going to practice and I'm going to write some sentences you think and then our assistants are going to change them to a different way like we did here okay now let's start with the first sentence I went nowhere yesterday okay now we need to change this into a different way so let's start with Susan I didn't go anywhere yes that yesterday I didn't go anywhere yesterday okay same information but we changed it this became negative went didn't go nowhere becomes anywhere okay do you understand okay here's another one he spoke - no one at the party okay Isabel he didn't speak to any anybody at the party he didn't speak to anybody at the party can we say anyone here yes we can yes we can okay so spoke didn't speak no one anybody okay here's another sentence she has nothing to do this afternoon okay she has nothing to do this afternoon Olli she doesn't have anything to do this afternoon she doesn't have anything to do this afternoon so has doesn't have nothing anything okay now another way we can say the sentence is she hasn't got anything to do this afternoon this one is more British English but you might hear it okay all right now we're going to practice using these and what we're going to do again is more sentences so indefinite means not sure so we're going to practice these so we've got anyone anybody anything anywhere no one nobody nothing or nowhere okay here we go Paul didn't give me mmm for my birthday okay so let's start with Olli Paul didn't give me anything for my birthday yes so only can we say nothing here no no not we can't because we have not here okay now here's another one Paul gave me hmm for my birthday okay so del pol gave me nothing for my birthday Paul gave me nothing for my birthday now here we can use nothing because this is positive okay this is negative so we can't use nothing we have to use anything okay here comes another one bill doesn't have doesn't have mmm in his pocket okay Susan bill doesn't have anything in his pocket yes no doesn't have anything in his pocket okay now you're going to do this one too Susan bill has mmhmm in his pocket okay Neil has nothing in his pocket his bill has nothing in his pocket okay here's another one there are no people in the room I can't see hmm okay Isabelle there are no people in the room I can't see anyone yes I can't see anyone okay and can we say anybody here yes we can yes good now here's another sentence did you go mmm interesting on your holiday okay this is a question what's it going to be ollie did you go anywhere interesting on your holiday yes it's a question did you go anywhere interesting on your holiday okay now here's an answer no I didn't go mm-hmm interesting okay Susan now I didn't go anywhere interesting no I didn't go anywhere interesting here's the question here's the negative okay we have a few more but let me make some room first and then we'll finish these because our assistants are working very hard and I'm working hard too okay now oops let's use the right color here did you speak to em last night okay it's about they've used to peek to anyone last night did you speak to anyone and we know we can use anybody - all right okay here's an answer no I didn't speak - mm-hmm okay Olli oh sorry yeah Ali no I didn't speak to anyone no I didn't speak to anyone okay now here's another answer I spoke to mmm okay so Susan you finish this I spoke to no one I spoke to no one can we say I spoke to nobody yes we can yes we can okay so this is negative anyone positive no one all right now everyone it's time to listen and write listen and write first listen and write these words number one something-something number two anywhere anywhere number three everybody everybody number four anybody anybody number five someone interesting someone interesting number six everywhere everywhere number seven no one important no one important number eight nothing special nothing special number nine somewhere interesting somewhere interesting number ten nowhere special nowhere special now check your work number one something number two anywhere number three everybody number four anybody number five someone interesting number six everywhere number seven no one important number eight nothing special number nine somewhere interesting number ten nowhere special now listen to these sentences and write them down number one I'm not doing any thing special this evening I'm not doing anything special this evening number two is your sister meeting anyone important today is your sister meeting anyone important today number three she went somewhere interesting yesterday she went somewhere interesting yesterday number 4 the children have nothing to do the children have nothing to do number 4 nobody sent me any emails yesterday nobody sent me any emails yesterday number 6 it was snowing yesterday everything is white it was snowing yesterday everything is white number 7 a taxi driver goes everywhere in his taxi a taxi driver goes everywhere in his taxi number 8 someone is calling me someone is calling me number nine is everything okay is everything okay number ten does anybody want anything to eat does anybody want anything to eat okay now check your work number one I'm not doing anything special this evening number two is your sister meeting anyone important today number three she went somewhere interesting yesterday number four the children have nothing to do number five nobody sent me any emails yesterday number six it was snowing yesterday everything is white number seven a taxi driver goes everywhere in his taxi number eight someone is calling me number nine is everything okay number ten does anybody want anything to eat okay now read the story and answer the questions about it read and answer last week Mary went shopping with her friend Angela they went to the supermarket and bought some milk some eggs and some vegetables later they went to the shoe shop and Mary bought a new pair of red shoes but Angela didn't buy anything Angela didn't want any shoes she wanted to buy something for her sister's birthday they looked everywhere but they couldn't find anything Angela was very unhappy Mary wanted to sit down and drink a cup of coffee so they went to the cafe at the cafe they met their friend crystal crystal was wearing a beautiful new blue sweater Angela told her that she was looking for something to buy for her sister so crystal told her where she bought the sweater Angela went to the shop and bought a new sweater for her sister she said no one tell my sister she wanted it to be a surprise now answer the questions number one who did Mary go shopping with last week who did Mary go shopping with last week number two did Mary buy anything in the supermarket did Mary buy anything in the supermarket number three did Angela buy anything in the shoe shop did Angela buy anything in the shoe shop number four what did Angela want to buy what did Angela want to buy number five where did Mary and Angela look for a present for Angela's sister where did Marianne Angela look for a present for Angela's sister number six did they meet anyone in the cafe did they meet anyone in the cafe number seven did Angela buy anything for her sister did Angela buy anything for her sister number eight what did Angela say to her friends about her sisters present what did Angela say to her friends about her sisters present now check your work number one who did Mary go shopping with last week Mary went shopping with her friend Angela number two did Mary buy anything in the supermarket yes Mary bought something she bought some eggs some milk and some vegetables number three did Angela buy anything in the shoe shop no Angela didn't buy anything in the shoe shop number four what did Angela want to buy Angela wanted to buy something for her sister number five where did Mary Ann Angela look for a present for Angela's sister Mary and Angela looked everywhere for a present for Angela's sister number six did they meet anyone in the cafe yes they met someone in the cafe they met their friend crystal number seven did Angela buy anything for her sister yes Angela bought something for her sister she bought a new sweater for her sister number eight what did Angela say to her friends about her sister's present no one tell my sister all right very good we'll see you next time practicing English hey you guys I have something to tell you I have a secret and I have to tell someone okay hi I'm curious what is the secret well somebody told me something and I think it is interesting okay what is the something that you know well I was over at Alexis house the other day and his mother told me his birthday is coming up next week well that's not much of a secret Angie everyone has a birthday yes everyone has a birthday but Alexi told his mom that he was afraid that since he was new in town no one would know it was his birthday and no one would help him celebrate I get it Alexi is afraid that when his birthday arrives nothing will happen because nobody will know it's his birthday yes exactly well I think we should give our friend a nice birthday to remember I'm sure everywhere the Christakis has have lived Alexie's friends have given him a nice birthday I know which planned something but what should we do well anyone is having a birthday wants to be the center of attention ah I don't know about that not everyone likes to be the center of attention on his or her birthday that's true not everyone likes to be noticed on special days everyone's different well then should we take a shower in the city that's a great idea he liked all parts of the city there's no where we've taken him that he hasn't liked he likes everything about Istanbul that's true anywhere that we've taken him and anything that was shown him he liked very much well anybody can remember a birthday but not everybody could make it special I have an idea now uh-oh another idea from Angie this could be almost anything well do you have any ideas for Lexi's birthday well no all right now well here's my idea Alexis birthday is Friday so after work why don't we go to istic 'el Street we could do a little shopping for gifts good idea great stores they're gone well after some shopping we could take him to the Marmara hotel cafe he loves the hamburgers there and so do I ah this is sounding better and better all the time what else well after some food what's better than a little music huh you are doing really well keep going when I heard it was Alexis birthday and I found out it was on Friday I bought four tickets for the sting and u2 concert Oh Angie that is fantastic I can't believe it we're all going to see a great show Lexi will have a great birthday this is super ah what's super oh nothing uh we were just talking about something boring oh yeah something boring nothing interesting at all yes uh no one finds this topic interesting at all okay guys if no one finds this interesting then why are you talking about it well to be honest it is a secret a secret I hate it when some people know a secret and some other people don't know a secret that's awful well we know something but we have to keep it a secret for a few more days just don't make any plans for next Friday okay okay you
Channel: English For You
Views: 329,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, learning english, Key English, education, TOEIC, Education (Word), english lesson, how are you, تعليم, ingilizce ogren, apprendre, learn english free, kolay ingilizce, PTE, English, learn english easy, full english, الانكليزية, free english, elementary, free english learn, دروس, you, ingilizce, TOEFL, english for you 80 cd, اللغة, ECPE, beginner, ingilizce öğren, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, learn english, iTEP, ingilizce cd, easy english, intermediate, for, English for you
Id: CdFmr3Nn8Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 3sec (3603 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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