Elementary Levels - Lesson 13: At Home

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hello today we are going to learn some question words and we are also going to learn new ways to begin questions but first let's look at some vocabulary so when an airplane leaves it takes off okay take off and when an airplane comes down it lands land an airplane takes off and lands on a runway a runway a pilot flies a plane a pilot a flight attendant helps people on the plane a flight attendant people go to a departure gate when they want to get on a plane a departure gate people wait on a platform when they want to get on a bus or train a platform okay people on an airplane bus or train are called passengers a passenger they sit in seats seat people need a passport to travel to other countries a passport people like to buy things at the airport they can buy chocolate cigarettes etc in the duty-free shops duty-free shop people usually have to wait in line at the ticket office to buy a ticket in line question words let's review questions questions begin with some question words sometimes who where when what and why we call these WH questions okay follow along on your computer where is the airport it is near the stadium next example when are we going to the bus station we are going to the bus station at five o'clock next what time does the bus leave the bus leaves at noon next example what number is the bus to Venice the bus to Venice is number 11 next example who is going to Venice with you my sister is coming with me next example why are you going to Venice we want to see a gondola okay now in these sentences the questions begin with where when what who and why so these words are called question words so we use these question words to create WH questions okay some more examples for you where us about a place right when asked about time and who asks about a person why asks about a reason and what that's about a time place or object so let's review this so we are where to ask about a place we use when to ask about time who to ask about a person why to ask about a reason and what to ask about a time place or object okay now it can be what can be a subject or object okay look at these examples the first example what is the subject what is the problem subject next example what did Alice buy this time what is the object why are you tired Silvia I took my grandfather to the airport last night he doesn't like to derive he went to prayer okay and when did he leave he left at 11:30 p.m. it was an international flight and we had to be there early what did he bring with him he brought a suitcase and a backpack okay Thank You Silvia Alberto why are you tired I went to bed we're late I went to the bus station last night I bought a ticket to Rome I had to wait in line a long time there were many people there oh I see and when are you going to Rome and I'll go next month I wanted to buy my ticket last night it was cheaper oh very good idea well Sylvia's grandfather is going to Prague Alberto's going to Rome everyone must be leaving so where you going Linda I'm staying here maybe I'll go to the club tonight oh that's a great idea who are you going with I'm a go with the French you must study she may want to take a break all right very good idea thank you everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen where is the bus to Athens what do I need to bring why are we leaving at 9 o'clock what cities will we see from the bus who will sell us a ticket read and repeat now let's practice using question words again first Alberto I will ask you a question and then you ask Silvia a question and then Silvia you ask Linda a question and remember we use question words okay Alberto why are you taking the bus to Rome and that's a good question I want to see small villages and the country the bus stops in many small places Thank You Alberto Silvia what will your girl father do in Prague people visit his brother his brother is ill he will be happy to see my grandfather Linda where is your favorite club you know it's the club near the train station they have wonderful wine tea and cakes what kind of Club is at Linda it's the cafe okay do you have a question for me sure when will you speak to and perfect English you will speak perfect English soon okay now let's look at questions that begin with there is and there are please take a look at your screen is there a bus to Orlando yes there is one at one o'clock next example are there any tickets no there aren't any tickets another example is there a seat on the train yes there is one seat left another example are there many passengers on this plane no the plane isn't full okay questions may be asked beginning with is there or are there if it's plural now these questions are asked to get more information negative questions may also be asked using these forms isn't there or aren't there okay let's look at some more examples follow on your screen isn't there a train station near here no there isn't next aren't there any duty-free shops at the airport yes they are in Terminal B all right now let's practice using is there are there isn't there aren't there Linda are there any train tickets in your purse no of course not I don't like to travel by train trains in Spain are old they're noisy and uncomfortable I like airplanes okay Thank You Linda Silvia was there a football match last night yes there was but I didn't watch it I took my grandfather to the airport I made a copy of it on my V CD player that's a good idea Alberto are there many bus stations in Italy of course there are many every City College Anton has a bus station buses are very popular in Italy they are cheap many of the people in the village are poor good answers everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen are there pretty flight attendants on this flight is there a place to buy a suitcase at the airport are there many seats on this bus is there a ticket for the train to Amsterdam aren't there any seats in the back of the Train isn't there a toilet on this train read and repeat let's quickly review asking questions notice that we use where when why who and what to ask questions we use these words to get information we also use is there isn't there and are there aren't there to ask questions for information let's practice again using question words Glenda are there any singers at the club or cafe may be I'm sure there's a singer this weekend his boss will arrive on Saturday morning great Alberto where will you stay in Rome I don't know maybe at the hostel totals are very expensive there and there aren't many cheap hotels oh when will you arrive in Rome it will be early next month Thank You Alberto Silvia who will your grandfather travel with we will travel alone my grandmother doesn't want to go because she's frightened oh I'm sorry isn't there a train to Prague yes there is but my grandfather likes to fly it's quicker alright good job everyone now we are going to learn how to use can could may and would to begin questions let's start with can follow along on your screen can I eat at the airport yes you can can we leave the bus station now yes we can leave now can she carry that suitcase no you carry it can fill go to the duty-free shop no he must wait so we use can to start a question we learned how to use can for ability is it possible to do something we are going to review how to use can for permission or agreement and there is also a negative form of the question okay can't take a look at some examples can't I eat at the airport no you can't we will eat here can't we leave for the bus station now yes we can leave now can't she carry that suitcase no I want you to carry it can't fill buy a ticket at the train station no he can't I want him to buy one on the Internet alright let's practice using can and can't let's use questions with can um Alberto can your sister go with you to Rome no she can't she is too young my mother won't lent her so you won't let her I want to go alone then I can do everything what I want okay good answer Linda can I go to the cafe with you tonight yes you can go my friends English is good she likes to speak with you alright wonderful now I have something to do tonight Silvia can't you go to Prague with your grandfather that's a great idea I want to go but I can't my mother said no I must study I must clean my room I may visit my friends ok thank you everyone now we can look and listen look and listen can Betty wait on the platform can't we go to the ticket office now can I sit next to the window can I buy some chocolate at the duty-free shop read and repeat all right it's time to practice again Silvia can you fly an airplane no I can't but my uncle can fly an airplane he's a pilot no interesting Alberto can you buy a ticket for your trip on the internet I am Not sure my mother usually wants me to buy me a ticket at the bus station and she doesn't want me to use my credit card on the Internet okay good Thank You Alberto Linda can I buy magazines at the duty-free shop I don't know my father wants me to buy them before we go to the airport they never have what I like all right Thank You Linda Alberto can I finish this lesson now no you can't you want to practice more English oh wow you are wonderful students so eager okay now let's learn good to start a question follow along with these examples could I go with you to meet and at the train station yes you can could Mary bring her brush on the airplane yes she can next could I buy three tickets to Paris no there are no tickets another example could we walk to the gate now no we should wait here okay so now we see we can use can or could to start a question it has a present or future meaning we start questions with can or could to ask permission permission to do something the answer is yes you can or no you can't there is also a negative form of could which is couldn't okay look at some more examples couldn't we leave now yes we can leave now next example couldn't Michael come with us no he can't come he doesn't like bus stations okay now let's practice using could to ask permission let's try making questions with could all right Linda could I speak with your friend tonight sure she likes you she will be at the club she is very friendly and interesting - yes she is great Alberto could you buy me a ticket at the bus station I went to the bus station last night I could buy you a ticket the next month that's when I'll go again alright well maybe I should buy the ticket because I need it before next month you should play then alright I think you're right thank you well Sylvia can I borrow some money I need to buy my ticket soon yes I think you can but I should go to the bank first oh you're so nice Sylvia thank you now we could take time to look and listen look and listen can I buy a new suitcase for the best trip could George go with me to the station could Peter meet me at the departure gate could barb put her makeup in her bag read and repeat so let's practice again Silvia I want to fly to Berlin in June can I borrow your suitcase of course you can I have three suitcases and two of my suitcases are new you can borrow the big one all right that's very nice of you thank you in Alberto could I borrow your backpack no I am sorry my brother borrowed it he went to visit his friend in Nablus he will be back in two weeks okay I guess I will buy one Linda may I borrow your laptop computer I will wait a long time at the airport yes you can borrow it but you must be careful it is new it is expensive please don't lose it oh don't worry I won't I will be very careful thank you everyone now I have everything for my trip okay we can also use mae-mae it's used in polite questions may and could are more formal than can may can't be used when you is the subject of the question take a look at some examples may we go to the airport restroom yes you may next example may we drink beer on the airplane no you are too young another example may Susan go to the departure gate yes the plane will leave in one hour another example may I get some information here yes this is the information desk so let's use May and some questions ok first I will ask Linda a question and then Linda you ask alberto a question and then of course Albert so you ask Silvia a question okay yes okay Linda may I come to the club late tonight I have to prepare tomorrow's lesson sure my friend can't stay long she has to study she has an exam tomorrow so you can't chat with me all right thank you now Linda ask Alberto a question okay Alberto may ask you to buy me a bottle of wine in Italy I love wine of course you may I'll buy some Sevigny syndrome and I'll buy some wine to my parents I can buy you some wine - Thank You Alberto gallica Silvia may phone your grandfather when he returns because I am writing a paper on Prague for my history class so I don't ask some question no problem I think you met him before he likes you he will be happy to talk with you oh great good job everyone now let's review quickly we can use may can or could to begin questions these questions ask for permission they are very polite questions okay let's look at some more examples can I have my dinner now no you can't the flight attendant will serve dinner in one hour next example can I go with father to the bus station yes you can another example may I buy a ticket here no you can't the ticket office is closed you can use please in sentences beginning with can may or could it can come at the end of the sentence after the subject or at the beginning let's look at some more examples can I wait in line to buy a ticket please could I please buy a ticket at the airport please can I sit here alright let's practice one more time okay so now we're going to use please in the questions this time Alberto can I write you a letter when you are in Rome please yes that will be great I'll miss you I'll miss Linda and Silvia maybe they can write also okay good Linda could I buy your friend a drink at the club please you can buy me a drink my friend will drink tea she must study okay Silvia may I please ask your grandfather a question when he returns I want some information about the airport in Prague sure why not I read it thank you everyone so the last thing we will learn today is questions beginning with would take a look at some examples would you buy me a ticket yes I can buy you a ticket another example would she please go to the bus station now yes she will leave in five minutes another example would you show me your passport please yes I will show you next example would you wait on the platform please no I want to wait here so would is another way to begin polite questions we can also use will you would or will you let's look at some more examples will you buy me some chocolate at the duty-free shop yes I will all right now it's time to practice again my brother is going to Chicago next week would you buy him a ticket at the airport Alberto oh sorry I can't buy him a ticket because I am very tired I went to the bus station last night I don't want to go today port okay that's alright he can go to the airport would you visit him in Chicago Linda that would be great I want to see America I want to go to our best ball match okay I will tell him maybe he can buy you a souvenir Sylvia would you take him to the airport I'm sorry I can't take him the traffic will be bad my father won't let me drive the cart alone and I don't drive carefully oh I'm sorry you should drive more carefully I can take him the traffic will be bad I Drive quickly and carefully maybe I can come with you that's a good idea alright great job everyone now to offer something to someone or to invite someone we can use would you like so it's like this would you like take a look at some examples would you like a cup of coffee at the train station yes I would like one would they like to buy some liquor at the duty-free shop yes they would like that would she like to sit next to the window yes she would like that alright now let's practice would you like Linda would you like to visit Portugal yes I would like that there are many buses and trains from Spain to Portugal I'm sure Lisbon is beautiful all right Thank You Linda Silvia would you like to have a shop at the airport I would like that the airport is always very busy I can sell newspapers and magazines I can sell souvenirs I will be rich no good answer Alberto would you like to work at a bus station no I don't think so there are many people there it's a very dirty and noisy place I love quiet places yes I agree with you good answers everyone now the negative question form is wouldn't plus subject ok and like we just practiced we can say wouldn't + subject + like ok take a look at some examples wouldn't you like to meet your uncle at the train station yes I would like to meet him there next example wouldn't you please go with him no I don't want to ok let's practice I may go to the train station tonight there is a Book Fair there wouldn't you like to come with me Linda no I can't I'm going to the club did you forget you said you will come I'm sorry I forgot maybe I can go to the Book Fair and the club Silvia would you like me to buy you a new book yes I would like that I wouldn't like it if you spend your money I can give you some money ok the money isn't important Thank You Alberto wouldn't you like to visit the Italian Alps this winter I know you like to ski H like that I shall take a bus I don't like to fly ok good answers everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen would you like a new suitcase for your birthday would LC go to passport control with me wouldn't you like to go to the departure gate now wouldn't he buy a ticket for you read and repeat review now let's practice all the question words we learned today Silvia wouldn't you like to be an airplane pilot I don't know it's stressful but they make a lot of money okay Linda may I dance with you and your friend at the club tonight you may dance with my friend she loves to dance many people like to dance in the club great I will try to come where will I sit we like to sit next to the window we don't like smoke and it's sometimes very smoky in the club okay maybe I will see you there Alberto could you send me a postcard from Rome sure I could send you a postcard from Rome alright thank you everyone now let's try some exercises so you're going to fill in the blanks with what where why when or who okay Silvia you start hmm is that man is the pilot who is that man he is the PAR lot very good who is that man he is the pilot good now Alberto you can do this one hmm time does the ticket office open Alberto what time does the ticket office open good what time does the ticket office open all right oh great Linda it's your turn mm-hmm is the best driver coming and that run is the boss dry we're coming when is the bus driver coming he will be here in five minutes good oh Linda this one's for you - mm-hmm 10th I sit near the driver I want you to sit with me why can't I sit near the driver good why can't I sit near the driver okay Silvia mm-hmm can I buy a newspaper at the bus station you can buy one at the newsstand where can I buy a newspaper at the bus station good where can I buy a newspaper at the bus station you can buy one at the newsstand okay Alberto hmm does a pilot wear pilot wears a uniform what does a pilot wear okay what does a pilot where a pilot wears a uniform good job Alberto the next one's for you - mm-hmm can take me to the bus station your friend can take you who can take me to the bus station good who can take me to the bus station your friend can take you all right and the last one Alberto hmm can I wait for the train you can wait on the train platform wait can I wait for the Train where can I wait for the Train you can wait on the train platform all right good job everyone now read the situations and answer with sentence questions beginning with can or could all right Alberto you will start you are carrying two suitcases you can't open the bus station door there is a man standing next to the door what do you say to him could you open the door please good now Silvia here's one for you you need a ride to the airport you telephone Linda her father answers Linda isn't there you want to leave a message what do you say can I leave a message for Linda please alright good now Linda here's one for you you are a tourist you want to go to the airport you don't know where it is you ask at your hotel what do you say could you tell me where the airport is please good that's very polite Nell Silvia you're at a clothes shop at the airport you see some trousers you like you want to know the price what do you say could you tell me the price off the trousers please all right great alright Linda you are at the bus station and you need a ticket you go to the ticket office what do you say can I buy a ticket please ok you're all doing such a great job so here are some more situations Silvia you do this one you and John or at the airport you ask him if you want something to eat what do you say John would you like something to eat all right very good Alberto you're on a train you are sitting next to a woman she has finished reading her newspaper you want to read it what do you say excuse me may I read your newspaper excellent ok Linda you're on a bus you have a seat an older man is standing you offer him your seat what do you say wouldn't you like to sit down alright good girl now Silvia here's another one you are a passenger on an airplane the person next to you has a window seat you are flying over the mountains what do you say maybe change seats please I want to see the mountains alright great job everyone now it's time to listen and write listen and write listen and write the sentences would you like to show me your passport can I buy a tie at the airport when does the airplane take off could I please sit next to the window on the train why don't they sell tickets on the bus wouldn't you like to wait at the departure gate couldn't Eleanor meet her friends at the station what time does the train arrive may I bring my scissors on the bus who is the pilot on this flight now check your work would you like to show me your passport can I buy a tie at the airport when does the airplane take off could I please sit next to the window on the train why don't they sell tickets on the bus wouldn't you like to wait at the departure gate couldn't Eleanor meet her friends at the station what time does the train arrive may I bring my scissors on the bus who is the pilot on this flight now read the following conversation and answer the questions about it read and answer Patty and Molly are at the bus station they are going to Montreal they want to visit their friends at the University Polly says Molly can we buy a ticket now we must be in Montreal before 10:00 p.m. it takes seven hours okay you are right let's find the ticket office it's near the newsstand ticket seller says would you like to buy some tickets ladies patty says yes we would like to buy two tickets to Montreal can we have the prices please sure there is a bus at noon that costs $27 a ticket there is a bus at 3 p.m. that costs $34 a ticket Molly says well we should take the noon bus we want to be in Montreal before 10 o'clock you are right we would like to buy two tickets for the noon bus to Montreal would you like to sit in the front or the back Molly says we want to sit in the front bus drivers are always interesting and friendly may we sit near the driver sure his name is Tony he is very nice and funny Patti says great can we bring our backpacks on the bus no you can't they are too big you can put them in the luggage compartment under the bus Molly says that's fine could we bring some bottles of watcher on the bus with us yes you can the bus will stop three times you can buy some water when it stops paddy says wonderful thank you very much let's go Molly we don't want to be late now answer the questions about the conversation where are paddy and Molly going how long is the bus ride to Montreal where is the ticket office what bus will the girls take where would the girls like to sit why do they want to sit there what is the bus drivers name why can't they bring their backpacks on the bus what do they want to bring on the bus how many times will the bus stop now check your answers where are patty and Molly going they are going to Montreal how long is the bus ride to Montreal it is seven hours where is the ticket office it's near the newsstand what bus will the girls take they will take the noon bus where would the girls like to sit they would like to sit in the front why do they want to sit there they think bus drivers are interesting what is the bus drivers name his name is Tony why can't they bring their backpacks on the bus they are too big what do they want to bring on the bus they want to bring bottles of water how many times will the bus stop it will stop three times that's it for today good job see you next time practicing English so are you excited about this little trip we are taking yes of course well I really could go with you you wanted I know but I want to do this on my own I've been in Turkey for six months and I want to be a little independent now and see what I can do on my own I understand well here we are at the ferry okay but first I have to buy a return ticket oh you haven't bought a ticket yet well no I didn't have time okay would you like to return today yeah I'd like to be back here by 12 o'clock I think there should be a ferry leaving in 25 minutes you could be in guca de 11:30 a.m. then you can leave at 9 o'clock p.m. and be back by 11:45 Wow that sounds good uh how much is it ticket I think a round-trip ticket it's five dollars wow that's good okay go ahead then thanks for your help with this Angie my pleasure can I sit with you until the ferry arrives yeah we even have time for some coffee let's go okay tell me again why do you want to go to Big Island well a couple reasons first Big Island is the largest and best known of the princes Islands the princes islands are an ideal refuge from the noise and speed of the metropolitan city second a thousand years ago it was part of the Byzantine Empire and it's really exciting to me when did you decide to go well I was talking to Sam and Jack last week and they said it was only two hours by ferry I had to make this trip what will you see when you get there I want to enjoy the view from the beautiful design gardens and houses I want to visit the Orthodox Church on the hill st. George's then if I have enough money I want to eat some delicious fish as well as typical Turkish mezack they're cold starters you choose from a tray as in my country I'm very excited to make this trip and see as much as I can the story of Byzantine history is interesting to me too how will you go to all the sights once you arrive in Big Island well the ferry station on Big Island is not far from those historic sites I think that I will take a horse taxi the Phaeton and walk from there okay well you will be all by yourself on this trip today do you have your cell phone I always have my phone with me how about extra money yes I have enough money well what will you do if somebody tries to steal your wallet I'll keep some cash and credit cards and ticket in my other pocket don't worry I'll be fine okay one last question what will you do if somebody tries to give you a problem first of all I'll stay in busy areas if I see someone suspicious I'll tell a policeman about it okay you have passed my security test though I don't think you'll have any problems one last thing yes will you call me when you get home so I know you're back safely yes of course okay there is your ferry you bet get going have a great day okay let's go Oh you
Channel: English For You
Views: 124,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TOEIC, learn english easy, learn english, you, ingilizce cd, ECPE, education, ingilizce, PTE, دروس, اللغة, beginner, elementary, apprendre, الانكليزية, free english learn, easy english, free english, TOEFL, iTEP, ingilizce ogren, تعليم, kolay ingilizce, Key English, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, full english, English for you, english for you 80 cd, learn english free, English, english lesson, IELTS, Education (Word), for, intermediate, learning english, ingilizce öğren, how are you
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 43sec (3403 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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