Elegoo Neptune 4 Max troubleshooting: Ripples, Layers Detached and Shifted

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hi it's l from gole and it's been a busy week for me with the Neptune for mon I will tell you the whole story now the main reason for me to get this printer is the big print volume it has and I had Choice it between this one and neptun 3 monk but this thing W because it has faster speed um anyway last week I talked about the reparation that I did um before my big project including the slicer I use the closures that I made and the uh test print if you want to check the link is right here um after all of that I was so happy to start my project and uh guess what it failed and failed and failed I took me four times uh printing to get it to works at a certain level uh the first try I did is um I started the pring and I noted the ripples like you can see here so I started the print and uh I thought maybe the tension of the Bell so I tighten all of the Bells and I restarted the second try the first layers were perfectly fine so I was so happy and I went too bed and let it bring for 10 hours and here's the result the first layers was good but the second layer is such a mess uh it didn't attach to the first layer like you can see here complete you can be able to lift up the first layer easily it will not very bad you see the second layer was very bad in this and I got annoyed I did tighten on the Bell so I said fine let's try to print a test piece which is uh this one and this come out perfectly fine like all layer attach and very well so I thought okay I going give it one more try then I start for the fourth time time I printed again and here's the awesome result I got after all of that hles and multiple times of bed leveling still the same the first layer were perfect the second layer was completely Del detected like you can see here I can put my finger between the layer it's the second layer the first and the second layer was like this okay seven that's when I was really piss so I turn off the machine and I took a break and then I thought maybe maybe the reason is not the printer but the slicer because so far I've been using for this model I use the OA slicer so I want to give it the last chance before I throwing it away so I slice it with the El Kura version and um the first layer you can still see the repos over it um see I re tighten on the Belt I think maybe the the nozzle the blow flow from the nozzle is too too much for for the the first layer so I try to raise the nozzle just a little bit like 0.05 mm high up it not it not completely fix it doesn't completely fix the problem but it R so much like you could see the differ in the photo here that before and after after I raise the nozzle 0.05 mm so it fixed the uh the Ripple problem and uh guess what and the second layers it attach very well to the first layer it's very nice and the bring came out perfectly fine after 10 hours of printing finally I wanted to bring my main part we will take around 40 hours to finish it is almost winter in Canada now and it's quite cold and that's the reason why I wanted to have a closure before started this project I use the same closure like I talk with you last time the Ender Mark size turn it 90Β° and half cover it and this time I cover the other half using a styrofoam sheet that came with the 3D printer and it cover it well like you see it here um this piece is quite big it's 1.4 Kil so I knew that I would have to change the filament during the printing time and this was very tricky because with that high speed you know any touch or any effect on the printer could create layer shied create light and marks and I didn't want that but I have no other choice luckily I managed to change the filament when it was in the infield area so it's good it passed that layer without problem there's no light or MKS and and I was happy but kind of happy too early because I did get layer in at a different heights it usually happen at the bridge or when it change the geometry uh like like you can see here one of the bridges here you got the layer shifted um luckily the the shifted amount is not so much so you can easily fix it with sandpaper and it's fine for me with that I don't want to reprint another piece with 40 hour and not sure that it going to fix it or not sing is okay for me and happy with the result so the thing I'm learning from this three printer is that if you get repos tighten your Bells tighten your screws and see if it have if it's still the problem there try to adjust the the the nozzle like increase the distance between the nozzle and the B just a little bit on the Fly and you going to see effect right away if it has or not usually it happen you stop when and you get better result with this and monitoring the first layer is very important to get the good print out of this um in my case even the second layer is important because you see it get good first layer but then the second layer is detached from the first one so if that's what the cas with you try to check with the Slicer in my case the changing the slicer have with that one and the last thing about layer shift it oh my God I have no idea how to fix that because with this high speed and it's a big machine like this is Anything could happen but one thing I know for sure that you can reduce the Chance by redu the speed of the machine so if you can wear a little bit longer just reduce the speed and we it will reduce the chance for you to get layer shifted um final thoughts about this 3D printer um does it work to get this one I would say if you don't really need that big side I would recommend you to go with better printer like the Neptune 4 or Neptune 4 plus to save you from headache it's not the first time I'm working with three printer but I did have to spend a good amounts of time to figure things around imagine how long it going to take you with your learning curves um the in case you really have to get this one because you need the big sign you have no other choice then get ready to deal with the mask there's a ton of new thing in this one and you have to spend time and patiently learning it luckily there Community to have you can post the question right here in the comment section or you can put on red this there people there already with a problem they may have you and I just saw the new firmware um showed on the website of Elo so I will get it updated and then I will see if it improve or not I cross my finger for this one uh so those are the updates I have with this printer I hope it's useful for you with your 3D printing and if you like my Channel please subscribe to so we can see in the next one happy printing
Channel: gubutek
Views: 2,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Neptune 4 max, layers detached, layers shifted, 3d printing, slicer, closures, elegoo
Id: tJtF7ZMTS-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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