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i'm gonna design and 3d print a shoe from scratch and then wear it to the world's largest sneaker convention sneakercon and then maybe even wear it every day for the following week i don't know we'll see how it goes what's up everybody i'm seth fowler and today we're attempting the ridiculous so as a professional industrial designer with the sneaker addiction 3d printing a pair of shoes is something i've wanted to do for a very long time and for years i thought about it i kept making excuses like i don't have the right computer programs or i don't have the right 3d printers but finally last month i decided you know what let's just do it i mean people have been making 3d printed shoes for years pretty much ever since 3d printers have been out even big companies like adidas this is the adidas 40 futurecraft which has actually been out since 2015. now granted only the bottom half of the shoe is 3d printed but it means that it is possible so i decided to take the leap and buy a 3d printer i had had 3d printers in the past but they were all very old i got rid of them or sold them or whatever and i just didn't have one in my house right now but unfortunately the first one that i grabbed that i picked up on amazon ended up being garbage and i literally wasn't even able to get one print out of it so at that point i decided to go all in on this video which might have been a bad idea because this video could absolutely tank and i bought a 1300 printer it was ridiculous i also may have gotten a 2 000 solid work subscription which uh looking back is the wrong program to use for making shoes but to be fair it's the only 3d program that i'm familiar with and every other program i'd have to learn whereas this one i could just jump right into it so um i spent a lot of money on this video but hopefully because i dropped all that money i should in theory have an endless supply of shoes so i never need to buy another pair of shoes ever again uh i have a bad feeling that that's not exactly what's gonna happen but soon my prusa 3d printer was in and after doing some test prints i realized that this printer was definitely worth the investment and i ended up printing out a size 9 last because i wear a size 9 shoe and i needed to make sure that i could actually print a size 9 shoe on this printer and let me be honest um it it barely worked and because my foot size was unfortunately just slightly bigger than the print bed it meant that i had to print all the size 9 stuff at a weird angle which means it like doubled the print time however one thing about this printer that i was really happy about was that this printer was capable of printing flexible filament which means it could essentially print rubber and i test printed this free sandal that i found on thingiverse and it actually worked out great now unfortunately i couldn't try this sandal on because it's significantly smaller than a size 9 but it was a proof concept and it proved that this printer could print flexible shoes so at this point it was time to design and honestly i had no designs in mind i was trying to print the simplest thing that was wearable and because of that it was not the most beautiful design in the world in fact this was also the first time that i had ever modeled a pair of shoes and solid works which i definitely don't recommend because of that i had to go through a couple iterations and they were all honestly very ugly but hey i ended up with this sort of croc style clog that kind of looked like a pair of fear of god slides it wasn't the prettiest but hopefully it would work and because i modeled it around that size 9 last in 3d it should fit my foot and at this point it was time to print however there is one thing that i keep forgetting to mention and that's that these shoes needed to be ready to go for sneaker con which was in like five days and because i had wasted so much time on iterations of these shoes in solidworks i only had like four days to print these shoes out and uh that proved to be a problem all right so the shortest time i could get it down to was two days and six hours for one shoe so it's gonna take about four days five days actually to print a full pair so um hopefully the first shoe works otherwise we have to make changes and then reprint it i really hope this works five hours later so inside the shoe it's it's a very thin i guess a bit of support this is probably gonna be very soft and very comfortable but it might not last that long [Music] okay so we've got 11 hours and six minutes left this is where we're at we're actually a lot farther along than i would have thought we've got almost the entire outsole in you've got almost the entire heel in which is kind of crazy the infill right there again looks a little bit thin but i think because the midsole is so thin in and of itself and also like the actual exterior of the shoe is thicker it should be okay but we'll just have to wait and see we'll find out in like 12 hours if i can actually even wear this shoe like if it even fits which is the main thing i'm worried about because if this doesn't work out we've got to reprint it or redesign it and then reprint it and then print a whole nother shoe if this one does work out i'll rip this off tonight and then we can start printing the next shoe and hopefully have these by sneaker con we're getting close we're getting close this is crazy three days worth of printing i'll come to head right now hopefully it fits i really hope it fits so this shoe only has 58 minutes left which is amazing the problem is sneaker con is in three days or i guess four days but i have to leave in three days and uh in order to get a second shoe i i have to start printing this shoe immediately it is almost 12 o'clock it's 10 43 so this ends in an hour and then i have to get this guy going and i've been able to sort of optimize it in my slicer so that it prints a little bit faster not much but a little bit faster and that should cut it down to two days and five hours which means that this will be done uh at 5am the day that i leave for a sneaker con if this has a problem or something goes wrong that's it it's over so uh hopefully this prusa keeps it up knock on wood we keep having flawless prints and uh the shoe fits because if it doesn't it's over at this point i mean that's ridiculous the shoe is gonna take two days and five hours and 32 minutes to print now that's probably about an hour and a half shorter than this shoe i kind of wish i'd flip this and then sort of leaned it and that should have given us a little bit less of a print time but not by much we still would be in a similar position [Music] all right so moment of truth it took 53 hours and 55 minutes for this to finish so now let's pull it off the print bed 54 hours of printing led to this i really don't want to damage the print but i also want to pull all the support material off so that i can print the next shoe as soon as possible there we go there's all the support material flopping around on the side oh man it's really welded in there here is the problem that i'm running into so the support material is connected gotta cut it right here and then try and pull the shoe out or pull the support material off now i've gotta say that's not great the bottom of the shoe is crazy flexible i don't know how long this is gonna last i'm a little concerned i'm not gonna lie trying to be as careful as i can while still pulling out the support material i got it this was all the support material inside the shoe i actually cut myself ripping it out but here it is man the finished shoe oh man i really i'm praying this shoe fits i also got to clean off the print surface so that i can print the next shoe and i got to do that as quickly as possible because like i said we are on a very very tight timeline [Music] we've got 53 hours and 12 minutes remaining this is what the print looks like i'm gonna go to bed and i'll come back to you guys tomorrow morning several days later let's see it's done we did it it only took 53 hours and 14 minutes let's get this guy pulled off and then uh let's try them on i always forget how hard it is to take off flex support material it just never wants to come off finally now we have two now let's try these on okay moment of truth we find out whether these 3d printed shoes actually fit which is something i should have tried before i printed at least the second one but i didn't so here we go so i'm gonna try the left one first because this is the actually this is the second one that i printed it's tight but it fits that's great oh it's real tight though but it does fit let's try the uh the right one all right so we've got them on let's see how they feel oh real tight and uh that support material underneath the shoe is not doing much i mean it's making it a little bouncy i'm hearing air coming out of it where's that coming from oh okay well hopefully i could wear these shoes for a couple days the only part that really hurts on these shoes is like right there in the back that's really digging into my foot i wish i had made this a little bit wider but um other than that it's just like wearing a tight shoe that's the only issue and the problem is i feel like if i had made these any bigger they wouldn't have fit on the 3d printer so i feel like they had to be this size but uh for a first attempt at a 3d printed shoe i'm not mad about it yeah i i you're not you're probably going to move into me for how i did this because i messed up a little i tried to zoom out when i zoomed in and you hear that what is that it sounds like a deflated balloon they look stupid though these look real dumb not gonna lie about that so we are here at sneaker con in dc and i actually brought my 3d printed slides to wear them around and ask what people thought about them and so the first person i'm going to ask is actually the co-founder of my soccer apothecary awesome cleaning the sock booth at the moment so what do you think so i'm a 3d printed expert i think you did a really good job the sole's a little soft so your infill needs to go up but design wise it's pretty cool we got josh here what do you think about the slides the 3d printed slides feel crazy are they comfy no not really they look cool though thanks man they're like a little small too and this is all 3d printed yeah it's all 3d printed in the same piece it took 56 hours per slide yep yeah tighter than i remember do you guys like the way that they look on foot [Applause] they look a little goofy i'm not gonna lie i mean they don't like under the foot although they are squishy they don't feel bad it's really just like right in here and then right back there is where the paint is i think the hole that the through hole didn't doesn't help no it doesn't it's not it's not it's not a it looks real bad with jeans i think it's that it's all right so so far i think i've popped the right shoe and i've only been wearing it about 10 minutes not even that five minutes let me see let's pull it off so i think that there's a hole in the heel and this is already like flat so when i actually put my foot into this it completely flattens out there's no give anymore and i think it's because there's a crack or a crease right there you can't really see it dude it's like a it's like a mix between those fear of god slides and an easy slide are they comfortable not at all okay well i mean they're not horrible it looks 3d printed okay so that's where i'm going number one it reminds me a lot of your fear of god i'm a huge fan of this i would wear this i wear the fear of god california's very very often so this is right up my alley i could take a couple different color ways of this this looks like something from art class but i do like the lightweight of it it's funny because it caught my eye i even asked ian i go what is he wearing yeah if i can drop this and put it on it's a w so let's see i don't know i don't know what material is this is plastic it's kind of like a rubbery plastic yeah it's so weird oh it's like hollow too oh yeah you can like squeeze it you can bend it you can do whatever you want with it why didn't you put like jelly inside of it or something honest thoughts uh it's gonna be a tight squeeze for me to fit into these things this is all made from 3d printing yep yep man are you starting a 3d printer these are fire 3d printing the only time i remember using a 3d printer was middle school that's crazy it took so when i first saw these what immediately stuck out to me was how the uh the like rectangles here reflect in the light which i think is a really cool thing about them and i think that the uh actually the footbed the uh shock absorption feel to it oh great yeah well that's because there's barely any infill in the box yeah which is a good thing sometimes it's real true that's how you get like a sponge you know if you guys don't know this is the founder and designer of keto so i had to take them off i've worn them for about seven hours i needed a break i really needed a break but i throw my jordan once and it's crazy because jordan when it's not a comfortable shoe but it feels like i'm walking on clouds it's nuts but hey you know what i'm gonna rock them again tomorrow so we'll see what happens okay so it's day three wearing these guys this is the first day that i'm not really walking around like a smooth concrete convention floor where they don't get a lot of wear this is the first day that i'm really walking around like regular concrete sidewalks and just places that uh the shoe will get a lot more worn down more quickly and the first thing i've noticed is that you can actually see on the tread the places are actually making contact with the ground in the places that aren't and it's interesting because it changes based on the uh the area of the tread that i think has more or less support it's not so much about where my foot is it's almost like where the support material is versus where it's not and it's kind of interesting to see but still holding up still very painful but at least uh at least we're three days in and they're still wearable which is something i didn't expect okay so it's day four wearing the shoes we just got our cheesecake factory unfortunately they're like a little slippery sliding around but other than that all good so far okay so yeah these aren't exactly watertight um i walked through my sprinkler by accident and not only did my socks get wet but the entire midsole of the shoe is filled with water now so that's great but now we're here about a week and a half after sneaker con and i've been wearing these shoes pretty much every single day all day since and crazily enough they've held up i don't know how that happened i don't know how 3d printed shoes are still wearable i will say that there are some punctures in the bottom of the shoe which means that there's not really much air left inside the shoe so um it is a little bit uh less comfortable than it was before which is not saying much because it was already incredibly uncomfortable but hey you know what it's still a wearable shoe and it's crazy if you look at the bottom of the shoe there isn't a huge amount of wear on the material itself like the material actually held up really really well and just got like a little bit sanded but that's about it i'm really really impressed by this flex material and the fact that it was you know able to be printed it's kind of nuts now even though overall i would say that this shoe is a success because it was wearable i was able to wear it to a sneaker event for two days and then wear it for almost an entire week and a half afterwards there were some problems with it the first namely being the sizing and that's because this heel area here was a little bit too tight and because this area was thinner than the rest of the areas of the shoe it meant that there was much more closely condensed infill which means that this area was a lot stiffer than other parts of the shoe so there wasn't a lot of give in the heel and because it was just a little bit too narrow it really dug into my feet and there wasn't really much i could do i was wearing apothecary socks the best socks in the game and probably the only reason my feet didn't bleed was because of those apothecary socks so if you want to grab a pair of socks from my sock brand apothecary or sneakers favorite socks a brand which has absolutely proven itself after this week and a half make sure to click the link in the top of the description below seriously the socks are incredibly comfortable and again if it wasn't for them my feet would have been torn up it's crazy but overall again i can't believe these shoes lasted that was the thing that i thought was gonna fail first i thought these shoes would literally not be wearable after like a day but they're still wearable to this day it's absolutely insane to me and it makes me think that while these shoes were a struggle and they did take a long time to print and they're not the most comfortable shoes in the world if i redesigned them i think we could actually make a pair of shoes that's better looking than these more comfortable than these and might even print faster than these oh i can't guarantee that last part but the first two things i think i can do so if you guys want to see a part two to this video or a version two of these shoes make sure to like this video by clicking that like button down below subscribe to the channel by clicking that subscribe button and leave a comment in the comment section down below letting me know what you want to see from 3d printed shoe version 2. but that pretty much wraps up the video for today thank you all so much for watching again if you guys have not yet subscribed make sure you click that subscribe button down below to see more content just like this and as always i'll see you all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Seth Fowler
Views: 2,176,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dGDzf6ZwwI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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