Elegoo Neptune 4 Plus/Max homing issue, Part 2 - The Addendum.

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okay so I wanted to make a little addendum video for the elu Neptune 4 plus and elu Neptune 4 Max homing issue that I posted on Sunday it seems that people think that you can just hash YOLO the values and everything's going to work right out of the gate and I did mention in the video that those are just starting suggestions and that your mileage may vary and that seems to be the situation that we're running into right now is that people are setting their sgrs setting to 110 trying to home it out and not so desirable things are happening and I want to kind of go over why that is in this video and as you can see in the corner I have the soille sv7 Plus in the picture in picture yes it is a different printer but it's going to be nearly identical I do have the fluid interface open for the sv7 and the symptoms that you're going to be experiencing I will replicate on this machine in real time before I get started however I would like i' like to take a moment to thank Uncle Jesse for mentioning my channel on his most recent video on the elu Neptune 4 plus and Max this is your first time seeing my videos I hope you enjoy the content and I hope you find it useful so a couple of things that you want to go over first on your printer is number one make sure that your belt tension is correct because if you don't have the proper belt tension then you may not have enough driving force if you will to generate the actual voltage feedback loop for the tmc2209 drivers to trigger the sensorless Homing and this is what all this is about is that these machines come with sensorless homing if you look in the left corner next to what kind of resembles Optimus Prime there you'll see to the right of Optimus Prime that there's a little thing sticking down off of the x-axis Gantry Rail and that little thing is actually what the print head is using as the physical end stop so it's coming in and it's hitting that little piece that sticks down and that's what's actually triggering the home home command but in order to make sure that the home command is being triggered properly you have to set the sensitivity and you have to reduce the speed at which it's doing it because if it goes too fast it can still overshoot if it doesn't read that voltage and if it doesn't read the voltage it's going to give you that symptom that you're experiencing with the the grinding and the the noise so first off like I said double check your belt tension make sure that your belts are they're not they don't have to be guitar string tight but they have to be tight enough to generate that feedback loop the next thing that you want to check is again go into the configuration which is this little icon here go into the printer. CFG and when you change the driver uncore sgrs if I get down to it contrl f driver uncore so right here there are a couple things that you want to keep an eye out for there's the driver sgrs and as I mentioned there's the Homing speed so the Homing speed right now on your machines is probably 80 I've been told that there's been good luck with 20 20 is kind of slow but we we'll start off at 20 I'll set that for the Y and I'll set that for the X I'll do a save and restart go back to the main dashboard and now that the machine's back up I'll do a home and you can see right there we run into an issue with the home not actually taking place it's not in the right spot I'm not worried about breaking anything cuz I'm sending this thing back so set the values back to the original settings just to double check them and we can see that the X goes to the left hits the stop the Y goes back hits the stop comes over comes down so the driver sgrs is actually a sensitivity and the sensitivity starts off at 250 5 at the highest level and zero at the lowest level so if you have it set to 255 chances are the motor is not even going to move at all it's just going to trigger that it's been home that's why I suggested 110 because 110 is a good starting point it's somewhere in the middle of the Zero versus the 255 and it's just slightly lower than dead center because I figured they were already set to 40 and 70 so start off in the middle and then work your way back so what you want to do is basically just do this start off at 110 save and restart go back to home and then when you home the machine keep your mouse cursor over on emergency stop so if you see the thing go crazy then you can hit the emergency stop and avoid any kind of crashing so here I'll do a home and we can see here that this works fine so the speed and the sensitivity do play in to one another you have to be careful with both of them because too slow of a speed can create more parasitic drag on the wheels if you have your wheels too tight or something like that and the stepper Motors will trigger the feedback that they have been homed when they haven't been so to show you that again if I go into the configuration printer CFG and if I come over to homing speed and I make that back to 20 I'm sure I'll have some sort of an issue so this is a balancing act this is something that you have to go through and you have to make changes one at a time and just see what actually works and you can see right there it triggers it I'll hit EOP close that out I'll do a firmware restart go back into the configuration so that means that at 20 again there's probably too much parasitic drag for the X but you don't have to do these at the same time you can change the sgrs setting for the x-axis I'll make this this I know 95 works at the 50 but at the 20 it may actually require a less sensitive feedback so at 20 if I make that 40 save and restart so now I'll home X and we can see now that that's working but the 40 might be too low so I kept my mouse cursor here just in case and you can see that it HED out okay at 40 and 20 so I'll do a home all just to be sure okay so there we go now we have an issue so I'll go back into printer. CFG I'm going to lower the sgrs value here and I'll make this say 50 save and restart and it all depends on how fast you want to home the machine out too so if you want to home the machine out a little bit quicker it may require less sensitivity than it would if you were trying to home it out slower so here I'll do X because we know X worked okay and again keep your mouse cursor here just in case okay A little bit of a burp but we can sh we could turn up the sensitivity a little bit and then the Y now it's going back and it might burp now too okay so that was okay so when you get it to where it homes out and you get a little bit of a burp we'll go into the sgrs here and we'll try 50 and see if that works save and restart and we'll do one at a time x little burp y little burp that that might be okay if they're too close to the stops there's going to be a little bit of a burp so I'll do this there we go move the X and Y and we'll just try it we'll do home X okay good home Y and looks like we got winter chicken dinner knowing what I know about this machine I know I can go to 95 and homing speed of 50 95 50 save and restart and again we're very close to home position so I go X and it's going to burp Y and it'll burp okay that that's not bad bring X over bring y forward do it again just to be sure X first y second then bring it in so if I wanted to home faster chances are I would have to make the sensitivity greater but if I wanted to make it slower then I'd have to decrease the sensitivity so that it doesn't false trigger if there's any kind of drag on the wheels so I hope this was informative and helpful because there are people that said well when I set these values the machine goes to the back corner and the reason it's going to the back corner is exactly what I showed here is that if I have the sensitivity set too high what'll happen is the machine's not going to home it's going to false trigger and it'll think that it's home and it's going to go to where it thinks theoretical table Center is being the back right corner because from here to the center of the table it has to go in that direction so you're getting a false home trigger you're not getting the machine running in in a reverse Direction it just thinks that it's home already so in that case decrease the values of the Sgt HRS by say 10 or 20 and home out individual axis home out X first then home out y then if you get to a point where it's happy happy then you can home all so thank you everybody for watching and thank you again Uncle Jesse for the plug on the video if you like the video Throw It a thumbs up if you haven't yet please subscribe to the Channel and if you have a friend that's having issues with their printer share it with a friend because sharing is caring thank you all for watching and see you again soon
Channel: The Feral Engineer
Views: 5,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OwkymwVtVjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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