Elegoo Neptune 3 PRO - Honest Review + Timelapse Mod

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foreign welcome back to my channel once again so in a previous video I tested out the elegu Neptune 3 and today we're going to be taking a look at the Neptune 3 Pro so I'm going to go ahead I'm going to get this all unboxed we're going to get this set up and we're going to test this out and see how this compares to the previous model and we're going to go from there so stick around so I got this all set up and this was fairly easy to put together there were only two screws on each side which was a little bit difficult because you kind of had to tilt it a little bit just to be able to get underneath to screw them in and then there was just a few screws up here for the filament holder and a screw for where the filament feeds into for the automatic run out sensor after that it was just a matter of plugging in all the cords to the X and Y axes and running this cable right in to where the filament is so this printer came with everything that you're going to need here is the user manual which is pretty straightforward there's only a few things to do to get set up and to level it and whatnot I chose how to do all that it comes with all the screws you're going to need and the tools comes with the flash drive with the sample G-Code on here to use along with all the files you're going to need and software a scraper which I really don't think is that necessary considering this is flexible so you can remove the print just by bending it a little bit but if you do need it you have it it does come with some extra nozzles just in case yours get messed up some little Clippers in case you need to remove any supports or anything like that a cable if you want to connect this directly to your computer a sample roll of pla which isn't very big but to just do something simple like their test file the Buddha sure that'll work just fine it also came with the tool to use in case you need to clean out the nozzle and everything was labeled in bags for what screws that you're going to need which there was wasn't a whole lot so pretty simple so I'll go ahead and get this powered on which is right on the back left corner and as you can see right over here it's booting up and this is magnetic and it's nice that it just detaches and you can move this around to where you need it to be so taking a look at the screen this is really easy to use if I want to level it I can click on level settings I can go in here I can control the light and as you can see it has an LED light coming from the top to give you a better visual it has the filament detect you can turn on and off light you can turn off fan control you can turn on and off factory settings language temperature settings whether you're using pla ABS ptg TPU or whatnot I can go ahead and print and the first test I'm just going to go ahead and run their Buddha that they have already on here so we'll do that first and preparing it I can move it around I can set the temperature and I can change the extruder load and unload so pretty straightforward really user friendly and this responds really well to the touch screen so I did already go ahead and level this so I'm not going to redo that again but it is pretty straightforward you just click on level click confirm it'll go ahead and level everything and then at the end you just need to put a piece of A4 paper underneath just until there's a little bit of friction the one thing I do like is that there aren't any knobs underneath that you've seen in probably a lot of previous models and previous other 3D printers out there that you always have to manually adjust these levels with this you absolutely do not have to it is a 32 point leveling system and compared to their previous model which was only 16 point it's getting every little Dot so I'll go ahead and I'm just going to print their little buddha that they have and we'll do that and we'll come right back right after that all right so that first test has finished let's take a look and the one thing I really like about this machine is the removable build plate and that's pretty easy to remove there is some leftovers but I can just scrape that off no big deal so if we take a look I think that came out absolutely perfect so I'll go ahead and I'll get some more tests run on this machine and we'll be back right after that foreign [Music] so I ran a few more tests on this machine as you can see this was the first one the Buddha that I did this was the second one that I did and I did use two colors just to get rid of the rest of the white PLA and just finish off that roll and to make sure that the runout sensor worked and it stopped exactly where it was supposed to and I think this came out really really well after that I did a few tests in TPU which is the flexible filament this was just a vase I found online there was a little bit of the extra purple that was left over and then I did this skull that you saw in the time lapse also this was in the TPU and I think this turned out absolutely fantastic and worked perfectly so if you are wondering how I did some of those time lapse I did modify this printer just slightly and I ran some tests and these were just some cones with the PLA and it's the squishy stuff as you can see just to get this to work and all I really had to do was I modeled up this little poker guy right here and it goes across and hits the remote which is right here that fits snugly into this little holder which is attached to this little area right here where the screw is I did have to modify the G-Code a little bit in here just to make sure that after each layer it moved across hit the button and then moved back but I will share all these files and the G-Code along with it in the description as well to where you can get this if you want to pick this up if you have this Lego Neptune 3 Pro so I'll go over a few things that I like and a few things that I dislike about this machine and first of all let's go over some of the likes so the first thing about this is that I really really like the 32 point leveling system and you don't have to use any knobs underneath that you had to on previous machines or anything like that so really simple to get this leveled and it doesn't take long at all I like that it has the dual lead screws in the back to keep it just a little bit more level when it's going up and down on the z-axis I like that the touchscreen is magnetic and it's very responsive when you're using it you don't have to sit there and push really hard on the buttons to get them to do what you want them to do just a few clicks of the button and it works really really easily I really like that this prints multiple filament types whether it's pla or petg or TPU like you saw and they already have the settings set up for different filament types inside so you when you go to preheat you just click on whether it's pla TPU or anything like that and you're already set to go I do like that the connections are all right here in front so for the controller it's just a matter of plugging it in right here the TF card as well is right in front along with if you want to connect it directly to a computer you can use a supplied cord as well I do like that this machine was very easy to set up there was only a few screws and a few cords to plug in to get set up and I also like the fact that it does have the magnetic bed plate that is removable to allow you to easily remove your pieces when you are finished I also like that this machine is really quiet while it is running there's really only a little fan going but if you can hear this right now this is about as loud as it gets which is pretty much nothing this also has the option to recover from where you left off in case of a power loss and if you go into settings you can go into advanced and here you can see power loss recovery if you have this Switched Off just turn it back on and that will allow you to resume your printing from where you left off just in case the power goes out or something happens and you blow a fuse or who knows what might happen one other thing I really do like about this machine is the LED strip that they have underneath so if you're using this at night it gives it a really nice look while this is going so a few things I think could be a little bit better or just change slightly is I think the on off switch could be right here in front just to make it more easily to turn on instead of off to the side kind of in the back it is right where the cord goes to so maybe that's why they put it there but I think an on off switch in front might be just a little bit easier to use I think this run out sensor could be a little bit better I get why they do this but it's to me it just seems a little flimsy and it doesn't feel like it's held on real tight maybe a different connector or a swivel of a different kind might make it look a little bit better but it works just fine so I get why they did this but to me I think it just could be a little bit better in their previous model too they did have a handle on top which was really nice to make it easy to carry and this one doesn't so I think maybe they could kind of go back to their previous model and turn the filament sideways put the handle on top just to make it a little bit better I don't know but overall I mean it works just fine but I did like the the handle on the previous model I also think they could have made this build volume just slightly bigger this is only 225 by 225 by 280 and their previous model is 220 by 220 by 280. so this is really only five millimeters bigger in each Direction so I think they could have bumped it up to 240 maybe just to make it a little bit bigger because five millimeters really isn't much at all but they do have a plus version so keep that in mind as well that they do have a bigger model available but I think on this one compared to the previous one just a little bit bigger would have been nicer I think the one other thing I would change about this machine is when I was modifying that to be able to do the time lapse videos that I wanted I needed the absolute coordinates and when I was going into here and I was moving this when you're going to move it you can't tell what the exact position is so if I needed it to go to 180 millimeters exactly I'm not quite sure where that is on here so I had to kind of guess so overall what do I think of this machine I think this is absolutely fantastic compared to the other model this is only about twenty dollars more expensive so the previous one I think is 209 this one is 230 so for the extra upgrades and what you're paying for the 20 is definitely 100 worth it to me so if you're interested in picking up this machine I will put a link down in the description on where you can pick this up and also if you're looking for the files for the time lapse mechanisms and 3D prints I will make them available so you can download them along with the G-Code well that's gonna be it for this video If you like this video give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button down below ring the bell get notified of all the new videos that come out and as always thanks for watching and I will see you all in the next one foreign
Channel: ArtByAdrock
Views: 22,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elegoo, neptune 3 pro, elegoo pro, elegoo neptune 3d printer, 3d printer, best 3d printer, best elegoo printer, timelapse mod, 3d print timelapse, timelapse without strings, 3d printing mods, awesome 3d printer, timelapse gcode settings, artbyadrock, best 3d printer 2023, elegoo neptune, neptune pro printer, best 3d printer 2022, 3d printing, neptune 3
Id: Hjj2U95k6iE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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