Designing & printing my own tools - Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro

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elegant was nice enough to send over their new  Neptune 3 Pro for me to check out so let's get   this thing opened up assembled and see how it  compares to the original Neptune 3. and with   everything out of the box everything is pretty  much assembled so there's not much for you to do   besides put in a couple screws to put the Gantry  on along with plugging in some wires and they did   decide to keep the weird detachable screen but  now it's held on with magnets instead of little   Clips which I like a lot better another thing  they changed was making the bed no longer have   the adjustment Wheels it is solid mounted  and all of your bed leveling is done with   the software and to do this it uses a proximity  sensor and probes the bed in 36 points and once   that's done you just need to set your Z offset and  we're off to printing already and they do Supply   a Micro SD card for this with some test files I  do wish they would stop using micro SD cards and   just go over to full USB or at the bare minimum  use full size SD cards but one really welcome   change is this is now a direct drive machine so  no more Bowden setup and you can print flexibles   right out of the box and let me correct myself  there's one test file on here so I'm just going   to print that and I do think the printing screen  is really nicely laid out with everything being   really clear and there is an LED option on here  now because this machine now has built-in LEDs at   the top so I'm actually pretty surprised with  this printer because everything I've done has   taken about 20 minutes and I'm already printing  something and that's including the time for me   to move the camera around and record all this  and I didn't have to worry about or struggle   with any of the leveling because it just did it  all for me this printer is also extremely quiet   to the point that I had a check on it a couple  times because I didn't think it was still going but anyways his first print was successful and it  was really easy to get off the bill plate just by   flexing it and overall this is a very clean  print for just the first one off the printer   and honestly this pla is very easy to print with  so let's try something a little different and new   this is some new filament that I got that is  a tri-color silk PLA and as you can see this   filament is three different colors all at once and  I thought I would print something that would look   interesting in multi-color so I'm going to print  this little Axolotl and when slicing this I forgot   to turn off the brim option but it didn't affect  anything it looks like but anyways here it is all   done and it is a little bit stringy and this is  my first time printing with this material so I'm   going to have to tune it a little better next time  so let me get it off the build plate clean it up   and let's see how it looks and it looks like it  came out pretty good with the interesting colors   all mixing together so everywhere you hold it  it looks like a different color it does have   a little bit of under Extrusion in parts and a  little bit of blobbing here and there that just   kind of pop off so I definitely need to dial  in the settings for this particular filament   but it does print and honestly I like to use 3D  printers for practical printing so things I can   actually use so I I sliced my own file which is  a holder for some texture plates and printed that   out and after about five hours it's all done as  you can see the flex plate really makes it easy   to take stuff off of it and now I have a great  way to store all my texture plates and it makes   it easier to find the one I'm actually looking for  I also printed this little ring holder and display   which is perfect for if you're doing in-person  events or even for personal use if you have a   ton of rings with this being a direct drive and  being able to print flexibles why not print some   so I designed this rubber pad for a bench block to  make it easier to move around along with cutting   down on the sound when hammering on it and when  printing in flexible materials you have to go kind   of slow with it and this took a little over seven  hours to print but as you can see it's completely   flexible and my bench block fits in it with no  problem and I don't know how well it comes across   in the video but it does cut down on the noise  at least the high pitchedness of the hammering and with me designing lips on this it allows me  to slide this around without it sliding off of   it so this is going to come in really handy for  me and my workflow and just be a nice handy tool   for myself but that's enough about all the stuff  I printed for myself let's go over the differences   between the Neptune 3 and the Neptune 3 Pro and  as you can see with them side by side they do   look a bit different and like I've already talked  about the pro is a direct drive and the standard   Neptune 3 is a Bowden setup the Neptune 3 also has  its power supply just right on the back side of   it and the pro has moved it to the underside of  everything so it's out of the way both printers   do have filament run out sensors that are based  on movement so if you have a jam or if it breaks   before it it will stop the print and the pro does  come with dual Z Elite screws now and the Neptune   3 only came with a single one both printers come  with the same Pei flexible build plates that are   magnetic and they're both the same size when  it comes to the hot end on the Neptune 3 it's   a pretty basic setup and sadly the Bowden tube  goes all the way down to the nozzle and the auto   bed leveling is done with a pressure switch when  it comes to the pros hot end there's a lot more   going on because it's direct drive it has its  stepper motor here but it also has a dual gear   extruder built in and the auto bed leveling is  done with this little sensor that doesn't need   to come in contact with anything and this hot  end was looking really promising until I found   this PTFE tube with the machine because it was  looking like this was going to be an all metal   hotend so I had to remove the nozzle and check  and sadly it's not I know that they make higher   temperature PTFE tube now that has a max temp of  about 260c and this machine is rated up to 260c so   honestly this might not be a problem whatsoever  but something to keep an eye on I am happy that   they decided to use mk8 nozzles so you're going  to have tons of options for that overall this is   a pretty good printer out of the box and really  easy to set up and get printing thanks to its   Auto bed leveling system and as of recording this  this printer is only 230 dollars which is really   cheap for what you're getting so let me know in  the comments what you think of this printer and   if you are interested in getting one and if you're  interested in seeing more about this printer and   what it can do I highly suggest checking out my  second Channel seeing that I I've been using it   to do some prototyping along with 3D scanning to  make some car parts so if that sounds interesting   check out my other channel well thanks for  watching and I'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: GomeowCreations
Views: 11,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, do it yourself, 3d printer, 3d printing, neptune 3, elegoo neptune 3, best 3d printer, elegoo neptune 3 pro, beginner 3d printer, elegoo neptune 3 pro build, 3d printers for beginners, best 3d printer 2022, 3d print, ender 3 pro upgrades 2022, 3d printing for beginners 2022, 3d printing software, neptune 3 studios, neptune 3 pro, neptune 3 3d printer, elegoo neptune 3 slicer, 3d printer 2022, best 3d printer under 300, best 3d printer 2022 for beginners
Id: y-eXbt8c1-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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