Let's Play NEMESIS | Part 1 | Board Game Club

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[Music] foreign [Music] hello i'm adam from no rolls bard and welcome to board game club where the first rule of board game club is how oh oh no every week we gather together in our studio at drafts board game cafe to play a game to show you how much fun board gaming can be this week we are playing nemesis designed by adam kwapinski and published by awaken realms oh boy oh boy it's the big boy now if you haven't seen my board game masterpieces video on nemesis i strongly recommend doing that here it is lovely but here's the game in brief we're all survivors aboard a spaceship called nemesis alien intruders are somewhere in the vents and we've woken up not knowing if the ship's broken if we're going to the right place it's a mess each round will be playing cards from our hand in order to do things like move around the ship discover new rooms room covered in slime for example maybe making noise maybe attracting alien intruders maybe fighting for our lives all while pursuing our own objectives each player will start with two objective cards one personal generally good one corporate generally bad when the first alien arrives on the board we get rid of one of these cards leaving us with only one set of objectives as the only way to individually win unfortunately our objectives might mean we want something different to the other players someone might want the ship to go to mars someone might want the ship to explode and someone might want to kill another member of the crew we don't know and therein lies the horror now there's lots of little rules this game i will run down those as we find them because in space no one can hear you be a bastard and we'll find that out the hard way as we play nemesis joining me for this week's board game club i am joined by sully hello i'm joined by tom hello i'm joined by laurie hello and bloody hell i'm joined by isaac hey guys so isaac obviously has a an emotional history with this game uh we are playing nemesis you wanted it you got it all right so oh this is a big boy where to start we're going to start by dealing ourselves our objectives so tom could you deal everyone one objective from each deck love the flavor tip who's player 3 that would be me [Laughter] all right we have chosen our characters we're just gonna go around the table and say uh who everyone is and also a little bit what they're good at lori who are you i'm the pilot i drive this tug that's right you are very good at uh changing the coordinates and basically interacting with some of the ship's computers uh isaac you are i'm the soldier yeah you're good at kicking ass yeah yeah uh you're good at fighting aliens you've got an amazing weapon you've got cards that allow you to basically just empty your weapon into an alien to like guaranteed hits i am the mechanic i this is this is the ship is my friend my best friend uh i know her at the back of my hand wait what's that i'm very good at teleporting through vents and i'm really good at fixing not breaking the engines i'm the captain no yes we all have to listen to what i god say uh sullivan is a captain which means you're good at telling people what to do yes no no it's gonna be a mutiny let's vote yeah um and tom you are i am the scientist and i'm very interested in finding out more about our surprise friends for science of course for science science is my game hello i am the mechanic so i will be making sure that everything runs ship shape on the spaceship uh i will be fixing everything that needs fixing but of course nothing will need fixing because i'm an excellent mechanic here are all of your colors so we've got green for pilots blue for captain red for soldier white for scientist and orange for the mechanic the best of the five so uh the game begins we all wake from cryosleep early but we're not on earth and also oh no gerald's dead uh one of our friends as uh is slumped in the corner dead as a door and with a hole in his chest we hear things in the vents amnesia creeps over our minds we cannot quite remember the layout of the ship we hear rattlings in the vents does that mean the engines are broken we look out the window we don't see the parts of space that we're used to does that mean we're going to the wrong place what do we want do we have altruistic objectives or are we serving our corporate masters let's find out as we play nemesis starting with our first player a player who looks most like a space cat that would be lori blake wicked sweet space cat uh everyone uh we're starting the round please shuffle your action cards which are personal to each character and take five in your hand one two three four [Music] on your go you can do two actions uh actions are basic actions like movement shoot melee attack pick up heavy object trade craft item uh careful movement those are things that every character can do every action will cost you cards to spend you also have actions on the cards themselves which will also cost you some cards to spend anything with a zero you can just literally play the card and you've done it if it has a one you play the card to do the action and you play another card because that's the cost of the card uh you can do two actions and then it moves on if you choose not to do two actions then one of your actions at least will be to pass which means you cannot play any more actions that round then you may discard as many cards as you like before the next round when you'll draw back up two five laurie what would you like to do oh i would like to use my knowledge of the ship to look at an unexplored room tile oh very nice so i want to look i want to look at where we're going uh so i'm going to look at i'm going to look at this one because it's going to help you with a choice three okay interesting is it looking nice i'm going to go there and so you're also going to move uh yes i'm going to move all right so those are your two actions to check a room and to move carefully so you're moving to the room yes please then we reveal the room the room is the engine control room you can check the status of the engine for two cards and this has uh oh it's got four items in it uh which means basically every time you search the amount of items left in the room goes down one so we're starting with four and also there's a door a door closes behind you which is really annoying because it means that in order to come and see you we have to open that door uh so now uh laurie must roll for noise you are creeping around the ship you hear noises but where are those noises coming from please roll one noise die take that from me thank you very much oh [ __ ] lori that's the worst it could possibly be [Applause] oh my friends noise token in every single corridor adjoining your room such a noisy boy don't come in move a although it will be said because lori is in that room if you wanted to open the door and go follow him because laurie is already in the room there would be no noise you would not roll for noise to join laurie which is encouraging let's go check where the ship's going yeah it encourages people to buddy up but do you trust laurie i don't trust laurie because of his little what player number are you gambling i just was sewing some discord i don't believe you you don't think i could just look and see if you'll play a three lorry i don't trust you uh sorry what would you like to do well i'm not player three so i will just join laurie because you have to open that door well that makes noise no but the door has closed behind lorry and it has locked there are some characters who could open and close doors but you need to literally discard an action card which allows you to open that door to follow lori good luck my friend i'm fine everything is awesome uh in that case i would like to go to a different room then um that costs one action so i just got a card yes please discard my wrists here lovely stuff let's reveal what this room is it is it's a room covered in slime and you're all slimed oh no the door closes right [Laughter] when i was younger i uh watched get your own back when i was a kid and all these celebrities would go into the guns and i would laugh i'm not laughing now you've been slimed uh what that means is uh you can never be silent as long as you're slime any time you would roll for noise and you would normally get the best value in the game which is x which means silence which means no noise instead that means you do what lori did and add a noise token to every single place please do roll for noise by the way how do i get rid of this i didn't realize that there was a spaceship of knoll's house party why did we make this room covered in slime one okay uh we have a noise token on corridor one please laurie which one is one this is one good one yeah there are no items in the slime room charlie brown walk it's just a slight drop budget can i keep moving because you can't unless you go to there yeah no oh no i'm gonna be all right so you've got the evacuation sector b so once your escape pods open you can use this area for some reason to get into those escape pods the layout of the ship i designed it myself um this also is uh it's got two items in it sweet and best of all it's [ __ ] broken nice so we need to fix this before we can use it to board the escape pods go on mechanic all right that is your two actions it's time for my go uh i'm gonna go and see how the engines are if no one binds right so i'm going to spend my rest card and i'm going to go over here i love you ship what's that you love me too that's nice i'm in the canteen i can have a snack uh the coffee oh no no no no oh dear right let me just double check what that symbol means i i don't think it's good um slime roommate looking so bad now okay so this symbol means danger do not perform a noise roll for this movement if there's an intruder in the neighboring room there isn't if there are no intruders in any of the neighboring rooms place a noise marker in each corridor connected to which is real bad and here's why because not only is there a noise token there not only is there a noise token there there's a noise token here there's a noise token in the [ __ ] vents if you're in any other room and you make like so for example if laurie goes there and makes noise two or three that also makes noise in the vents you're summoning an alien friend yes cool cool right in i go and i am not going to move i don't think i'm actually going to search that is important i'm going to spend this card which says reduce the item counter of a room by one draw two item cards of the same color as the room you are in pick one discard the other to the bottom of its deck so this room has two items in it not anymore that's got one i'm going to take two of these medical items because i am in the canteen and i'm going to choose one and discard the other oh uh yes i'm going to take some bandages please bandages are super super useful they dress wounds don't have any yet that's my two actions i'm done for now uh captain hello all right uh you noisy [ __ ] have been terrible and i do feel sorry for a poor scientist who may have no options but i'm going to do that [Laughter] it is the uh airlock control [ __ ] excellent uh so if you spend two cards in the airlock uh you can start emergency decompression which means uh in another yellow room for example this one you start emergency decompression which means all the doors close and then at the end of that anything that's in that room gets sucked into space yes cool yes um how many um oh yeah we've got oh we've got some fire and two items it is on fire but we've got some fiery fiery items lovely stuff uh right there you go um i should roll as well to see whether i made some noise i'm gonna be a silent boy oh i made a little bit of noise but only in the one that affects tom [Laughter] just there all right great so sully just so you know at the end of the round if you are in that room with the fire you will take damage okay i'll be moving on then uh and hit the old dusty trail i'll go over here um so i need to roll again you need to spend the card spin my card i'm gonna get rid of suppressive fire maybe no motivation there you go uh please uh actually actually before you do before you do because it is important to uh oh yeah to know what we're getting what you're going into because you might need you might not need to oh the emergency room which is treat your wounds nice uh canteen is have a snack by the way uh which i think helps you with uh wounds i don't think we covered that uh and emergency room for it's got four items in it which is amazing right so the room but the emergency room is also broken oh no so yeah we need to get we need to get on fixing i'm on it i'm on it okay here we go two two oh also where i just came from so yes there we go just scraping his nails down the corridor tom i'm so sorry so let's just recap you have in the last one minute set fire to the air of control and broken the emergency room who needs to worry about fire leave it be it'll settle itself eventually just keep on going barreling through i'm going to join the other guy with a bsc in the canteen i think that makes sense yes comment yes so by moving uh you discard a card to do that yep i'm gonna get rid of demolition noise and because i've moved through a corridor that already has noise in it what do i do now uh you don't roll for noise nice job i'm gonna search you're gonna search all right so i'm gonna move that counter down to zero this room is now empty you get two items please pick one and give the other one back to me we'll do uh which means uh if that's your go laurie okay you can still do [ __ ] yes i would like to search please yes that makes sense uh you oh my god there's four items in your room bonza uh so take two of these please lovely stuff oh fabulous um i'm going to put that one back you go to the bottom doesn't it yes uh and then what did you get i got some tools out some tools we've got some tools what did tools do well i might use them to open the door oh so i'm opening that door all right so you spent those tools yeah nice now do you have to spend a card to do that oh i might do yeah which i will do all right i will discard piloting because i ain't [ __ ] anywhere near piloting and that's your gun uh so you must pass you have no um things left uh but the door is gone it's gone is there a way to get rid of the slides i think it's like a medical center yep there's like i think there's a showers on board we can't remember where anywhere anywhere is on board but it's in one of the rooms yourself i'm going to search nice searching searching is good searching is in boy then um i don't have to discard i'll reduce this by what this game is very good it is a good game we haven't even got to the intruders yet if it's white you pick any color you want it's good go for that chance to fix things i want to blow things up i know one thing and that's boom that's pretty good sending a soldier to fix the ship yeah we need a lot of bullets to fix this it's fire this will not [Laughter] isaac if you keep exploring the ship i won't forget it that doesn't make me a good thing or a bad thing i won't forget so i'm gonna explore and hopefully i will remember this could be so isaac oh sorry you have discovered the armor it was whispering to him you can recharge your energy weapons and this is broken uh we are three malfunction tokens down if we ever have to put a ninth down the ship just falls apart the entire ship is broken but here's the thing i'm here to fix ships and chew bubblegum and i i really suck at fixing ships tom are we two by two hurrah hurrah which room are you thinking of going to uh i'm gonna get i'm gonna start doing my rounds and checking the engines for safety's sake so i'm thinking i want to i want to explore both these rooms but also i'm very much behind science bros science rose circuits i'll come with your first room if what i want is in that room i'll come with you if it isn't i might go in the other one how do you feel about that yeah that's fine um because i'm going to use careful movement to get in there because okay now um so yeah you're more than happy i'll tell you what man i can go into this one and then i can check engine two if you want to check engine three oh sure just take that responsibility off my hands does it reassure you to tell you i'm not interested in sabotage not in that tone of voice uh right i am going to use i'm going to spend two cards to do careful movement to move here which is good because then it means isaac can also join us without causing any more of his favorite thing uh noise and breaking [ __ ] yeah broken two rooms isaac it's not a key bang i know they're motion sets carefully moving in all right so do you get to check the room before you move in like that well now you've unveiled now you've uncovered it you have to go in i do i i you you uncover it by moving into it unfortunately tom i might have made this decision for you because i am in that room on my john adam yes mate science bros for life i didn't yeah i'm coming for you don't blame me aim the door listen i know my tone is very sinister when i say i'm coming for you in a heroic way i'm gonna come back you up i believe you i believe you t he did you say the underlying credo of science bros fluctuates in accordance with the laws of quantum mechanics tom is really pushing this science bros thing and it really feels like i'm making a pact with the devil science bros currently means bros for science okay i'm gonna search uh so i'll be drawing two green cards uh in my little broken emergency room uh oh yes lovely alcohol delicious lovely alcohol i now know why we're in this man and then i'm gonna uh discard that to move again uh not carefully [Laughter] and we've got the generator oh where the self-destruct can be activated hooray and we've got two items and it is broken thank [ __ ] kind of yeah two items here we go and three three so thank you look at all this noise so if i don't do careful movement through this corridor i'm rolling the die yeah and if you get a two that's our first alien or if you do careful movement you get to choose where it is where it goes you know what i'm going to discard two noise i'm gonna do a careful move in here all right so we'll quickly find out what room it is and then you'll put your noise token down so we're in the fire control system which initiates the fire control procedure for two cards it is broken [Applause] i'm hearing a lot of naysaying about my ship is it two two items there's two items yeah [ __ ] crikey thanks and i can put in one of these corridors yeah if you could put it there that'd be eight because i need to go you know what yes science broke i presume it will it essentially come back around to me because everyone else's past and i will just pass it on oh you still have a thing oh sorry well i will be passing in a second i might be passing as well what can you do in the nest um take an egg at the moment you just take an egg yeah how many cards you got one when you got the one so i don't think i'm gonna do it so you take an egg that's a heavy item then you take that to the lab lab and they haven't discovered yet and do you discard it in order to uncover a yes okay i shall be passing as well which i think is a great idea because all right so uh i've passed sullivan has passed we've all passed the first round is over we passed so event phase we first moved the time track down to 14 we are one fifteenth of the way towards death um then we uh do do do uh intruder attack there are no intruders on the board fire damage no one's in a room with fire we resolve an event card laurie if you wouldn't mind would you like me to read it please short circuit place a malfunction marker on each explored yellow room with a computer are we dead remove this event from the game and reshuffle the events deck no it's just you just one there's one no there's two there's two with a computer that's not hasn't got a computer so if anything that was a blessing in disguise that half the ship has broken yeah you're welcome you're welcome actually that's removed from the game oh it's removed from the game get out of here and uh then reshuffle the events deck including the discard pile that doesn't really make a difference because it's already shuffled but that is gone there we go limiting laurie excellent nice job and then someone's doing my job intruder bag development oh yeah uh so that's this is how this works so sully you are in charge of our intruder bag sully holds the alien sack so what i need you to do is draw one intruder token from the a intruder bag and the effect depends on the drawn token okay here we go oh a little lava a little baby [Music] [Laughter] so if you draw a lava token in the true to back development remove the token from the bag great and add one adult intruder token stupid [ __ ] is that this one yes great fabulous lovely stuff oh dear that's it and then we draw up to five action cards from your cards that you haven't yet played jesus christ four five after all the players have drawn action card the player with the first play token passes it to the player on their left so isaac will be going give you this cat [Music] didn't realize we'd order a subscription to this are you being served in space he said it so softly i'll look after your [ __ ] stop it stop it now i will search this room um oh i searched that room before i cool down to one space and i will listen to laurie and get some repairs yeah yeah you can't you're in the army [Laughter] this is an easy choice they are both the same card the other one just goes on the bottom thank you isaac could you do me a favor depends do you want to take your pass down could you stay there because i can come and fix this room and then i can move and fix this room which means i can search for weapons more weapons because i'm in the armory yes you can search again if you'd like oh i could use my recon drone to search about instead oh yeah is that just automatically you've got oh amazing one use only she's got that yeah one you saw it of course you spend a card to do that and your recon drone allows you to check one unexplored room tile and look at its exploration token so you can tell me if a room is going to be broken so you can check this one this one this one don't get to see both things this one you look at this one because i'm going to go here yeah um well you've got loads of stuff going on over there you're going to go to like a room you're going to go to the engine rooms and go into rooms that have already been explored yeah it literally doesn't make sense actually me or like or sullivan who's gonna gonna walk as loudly as possible to this room bang crash bang just like dick van dyke i'm the captain wearing tap shoes because it's my dream [Laughter] all right where is it uh um it is a comms room but there is a little claw oh that means if you go in there uh it will fill up uh there it's not it's not it's not terrible because literally uh the the scratch it fills up noise tokens for every one that doesn't have a noise token but it doesn't ping ones that are already there yeah but what about the vents it's like oh so they wouldn't do this there's one there's one in the vents already it would literally then would i still roll would you still roll a noise thing anyway no no so it would just do that immediately oh okay it's not terrible there's worse i guess i'm done with my goal yeah i guess you are whatever uh right my go um so i'm going to spend a card i'm going to spend uh pyrotechnics i'm gonna spend that i'm gonna move here making no noise because my good friend isaac is already here hi isaac hello hello i'm going to then use fast repairs uh for free because i'm a mechanic i'm going to discard this malfunction the armory is back in business bullets back on the menu boys and that is my two actions for my go welcome i'm pulling my weight finally i'm gonna do your job for you i'm gonna do your job for you i'm gonna use basic repairs look at me i'm giving up two cards to do this what a nice guy my captain yeah you're doing your job no i'm doing your job why are you fixing the one with the self-destruct let's not worry about this let's not worry about these things wrong it's a generator yes yes there's no better captain than a drunk captain um i'm going to also search in this room as well for an item um that is very fair here are your two um yellow item cards thank you didn't even have to stand up i like doing it anyway great okay well easy choice they're both the same so tools and can that be discarded discard a malfunction excellent let's get this space ship shape and we've still had so that's your two actions yep that's music [Laughter] so gonna discard interruption and repairs to repair the ship now i know this question might sound alarming but i want an honest answer where can i get my hand on some chemicals [Laughter] here are chemicals always um health items yes or actually no this room's empty so not here is there any chance that a spanner item a yellow item could be a chemical item oh i don't know without looking through the deck uh i think alcohol is um a yeah thingy petrol might be i'll give it a bash i'm gonna use my second action to search um while i'm here noise because i need some chemicals for a thing i want to do i've got a project um uh spanner cards please yes of course my pleasure i hope they're the petrol you're looking for now the same card so what is it it's a fire extinguisher or as i call it the [Music] sullivan retroactive safety canister thank you uh right back to lori okay i am going to carefully move well i don't need to carefully move i can just move apparently this is only going to put a token here you are absolutely right i am absolutely it's got a claw on it it's only going to put a token there correct but doesn't the move mean he's left the rule no not if it's a claw oh cool um because that says do not do it trusting you yeah yeah sure if it's not doing that and we'll see all right so let's have a look see what's inside uh the comms room marvelous stuff and inside is three uh isaac was telling the truth and a scratchy scratch which means it was best guy fabulous nice what does the common room do send a signal uh some of your objectives will mention sending a signal that's literally all the room does is achieve some part of someone's objective okay um and then there are two items in this room no there are three items in this room are there there are three i will search very fair it might be a stupid question but why aren't there four items in that room how do you know it says it's got a little three on it there it is thank you little three makes sense adam nate what does sending things do sending the signal is part of someone's objective if it doesn't say on your card to send a signal uh that room means nothing to you apart from searching it for tools what did you find i got fire extinguisher okay no we call that the um sullivan retroactive safety canister sully's wet blast this is that's what i'm calling it the sully whoopsie rectifier i didn't do any fire you didn't say i didn't do anything i didn't do any if i was famous for anything it's getting smaller over time yeah yeah we're fine don't worry about it it hasn't grown is it we'll vent it you know what you're right mate it hasn't grown thank you you're all right yeah yeah i will activate my quest item i'm in the armory room so it'll cost one discard that and i get an autoloader would i go in my other hand we'll just go under my rifle uh what does it say in it oh no that is that is free that is it doesn't have a heavy symbol on it which is like um holding like a a suitcase which means you've just got an extra weapon slot rifle has plus one ammo capacity if the assault rifle is loaded using the energy charge item that cost is zero cool uh can i get an extra bullet please tom are you isaac anything oh thank you yeah there we go not a good catch good shot i swear um so the energy charge item is one you don't have you'll find those in there it's basically an expect well shut my mouth shut my mouth so that's now free for you very good awesome uh what else are you doing i think i can do much because i'm still slimed and i don't want to make her boy you're slimed what you could do is you could go there and then provide me another an easy route to uh fix more of the ship oh because nothing bites so even if i roll something everything's good right uh no if you roll a four uh it'll activate noise in the vents which will bring an alien to it ah well i have two cards left rather not bringing alien why wouldn't i leave it oh no i have to do something to take one for the fight oh wait no hold on hold on that case in that case i might as well isaac isaac i want to use my cards they're really good but i i'll move oh what a nice guy i'll help our incompetent engineer hey what's my way to fix the [ __ ] sorry that doesn't involve bullets and it doesn't interest you you guys do it bullets no fun a nice sort of jock and nerd thing going on knocking the spanners out of my house and now for noise well you're not carefully moving you're not carefully moving you're leaving it the chance oh i could carefully move couldn't i ah [ __ ] it a one oh yeah okay all right and i've saved the card yeah i am moving moving moving moving using my computer skills card hello isaac good to see you ingenuity um i can uh discard the malfunction mark from a room you're in for free there you go everyone ship's looking good now no i'm so proud of you on track all right and that is my two guys great might have to take you from earlier i actually i was going to potentially use these tools to fix things but instead what about making myself a fancy new intercom hooray i now can all characters in a room with a computer may additionally be targeted by my order or motivation now everybody can hear everything that i want to say to them at all times and isn't that the dream yeah one of sully's actions cards is you can force us to do an action against our will and now you can do that by just haranguing us over the tannoy yeah i'm like a really annoying boss i'm always on the phone you guys trust me right not necessarily yeah why not it's agreed so i'm going to discard risk assessment to use intranet use in a room with a computer um use the room action of any working room with a computer without paying its cost so from the safety of the fur control system i'm going to activate the signal from the com tower by using the intranet ah so there you go pop that on your thing with the word over the word signal which means you have sent the signal so does everyone send the signal if multiple people have sent the signal as a thing would they have to then send the signal themselves as well yeah you you would have to send the signal yourself on your character board right tom might be sending a signal to somebody else yeah not not necessarily to your guys this is his mum yeah not even she's worried about me we're all worried about you tom like science sounds like it i can't do anything else uh i'm running out of cards so i pass what you want to say are signal cards usually associated with corporate cards oh signal cards are normally associated with none of your goddamn [ __ ] a fine thing to say to the man of the biggest gun on the ship well we're all getting along like me i'm i'm gonna go to the engines [Laughter] i'm gonna spend two cards to go carefully carefully to here carefully and i'm gonna just go put it on three or in the vent i'm gonna put in one two three no aliens maybe we won't ever see them i don't think they're going to come up i don't think they exist no me too yeah i am going to pass all i know is rivets um i just want to shoot some stuff oh isaac run bless your car go in the slime room no that's not fair to everyone else i am just going to um because he can't go carefully can he because he always has to roll noise you're passing yeah interesting all right um i am going to spend i'm gonna get one of my quest items discard an energy charge to activate this item and i have to spend a card to do it so i'll split my technical corridors card and that gives me a flashlight which means i can perform a search action anytime it will cost me two cards but i could always perform a search action on my on my go that's good yes if room's empty if there's a room that doesn't have items to search you can just search regardless that's right nice and i passed after that nice we've all passed yeah in which case move the time track we're all doing fine it's fine um then we uh intruder attack nothing fire damage nothing resolve an event card flammable compounds what place a fire marker in the hibernatorium if the hibernator room is already on fire place a fire marker in each neighboring room fire does not spread through closed doors or technical corridors right so alt no intruder bag development it's time for captain sully to take a take a thing from the bag let's see what happens here it is could you uh it oh yeah that'd be good [Laughter] here we go here we go what have we got we've got an adult which means all players roll for noise in turn order [Applause] which means you add a noise token to every single oh [ __ ] great slime mate i only put one on good it's rolling now isaac not me this has to be an x this has to be an x oh bollocks to you isaac that's less than ideal as well so two events uh so two events so these go away uh along with every one connected to this room that's good that's the good part sullivan is about to tell us the bad part sullivan it's time for you to go into the bag and say what creature is coming out coming out of the goddamn bag i didn't know what to do with this one did i just pop that back yes oh that goes back in oh god even worse give it a shot yeah yeah there we go there we go uh that string's gone but there we go oh it's an adult hey he's an adult everyone welcome to the party pal thank goodness isaac all your christmases come at once oh hello welcome to the ship it's [ __ ] um it's the first alien of the game uh i can just count my lucky stars that i am sat next to the soldier he'll keep me safe sullivan sullivan please roll for noise here we go nothing bad happens to the captain i'm too drunk i finally i yeah i'm after tom tom oh no so not finally tom there you go that is one one oh it's hard yes very good really well more science and lori all right uh sullivan to the bag here we go who's gonna be this guy here we are just a little baby [Music] the larvae token what did that have on it uh we'll find out when i find one here we go one warning cool you're fine okay where's the so the larvae joins you there however we have to deal with our surprise attack because the back of the token had a three on it and neither me or isaac have three or more cards in hand that means a surprise attack happens but i'm not sure if it's both of us or just one of us in case of a surprise attack the character targeted is the one who triggered the encounter oh that were me so it's definitely me yes i'm being intruder attacked now ah all right so it says frenzy uh only breeders and queens do this attack misses nice thank [ __ ] for that all right and uh all right we're good would it be a dick move i just left if you left the 88 and would attack you oh i'm not leaving then if you try your back adam under that new context i'm loyal to the end um if you try and leave a room with an alien in it it gets a free attack on you okay which obviously as you just saw the attacks don't always land but it's a bad shot i am going to attack this alien i'm proud of you thank you isaac uh i am going to uh i'm gonna use fast uh fast repairs to uh shoot this alien with miss sword off shotgun which means i spend one of these cubes and i roll this die if it gets the following symbols it will do damage if it gets that symbol which is the adult symbol if it gets that which is a single hit or if it gets that it's two hits all right if it's blank or the larvae symbol i've wasted my shot but that's not going to happen no of course not yeah and because it's sworn off shotgun unmodified rolls of one target are treated as two targets that gets hit for two damage great and we uh turn over the intruder attack if this has a two on it that thing's dead no it doesn't that's a five uh so it's still alive unfortunately but it hasn't moved or run away or nothing like that but it has taken two points of damage that is my one move oh [ __ ] me man shooter i'll shoot it again all right so my ammo is empty i'm gonna have to go back to the armory after this and uh let's give it a good honest try come on both barrels [ __ ] yeah that's one damage one damage on it tom and intruder attack if this says three it's dead four back still alive gosh darn it just in time for isaac yeah all right that's my go uh sully question before starting to go now our first alien has arrived do we have to buck it yeah oh [ __ ] oh all right so you're absolutely right uh something that we have missed but it's fine because we've only just started the the round after it uh my first go uh we've had our first alien intruder join the game which means we must discard as in place back on the pile one of these objective cards um [Music] okay i'm gonna do this one i'm going to give this one back you'll be pleased that am i discarded the one that said i should kill you thank you laurie you're welcome but you're one of those oh yeah okay i kept killing him are you just going to leave now yeah you know what i said about shooting aliens i've actually realized that i'm a pacifist i'm going to put all these guns back i'm the real engineer he's the soldier all right oh he's of him i'm fine you're all going to be just fine do you hear that no it's probably just me great eat all of the eggs sullivan it's your go okay uh right uh i'm going to uh yeah i'm gonna discard this card yeah who needs to move carefully when you can you do you do let's go into the wild here we go give it a go see what happens we're in the surgery oh oh oh that's very good and the door's not behind me but i've got three lovely items with me possibly a friend oh almost definitely a friend so door locks behind you door please tom that's for you sullivan uh wait for the door and then all these guys wait jesus well we did spend a long time without friends and now we've got loads isn't that a lovely thing uh oh old it oh dear oh dear he is the queen it is the queen the fanciest boy meets the fanciest alien i've always wanted to meet the queen and now i finally have and you know what she's prettier than i could ever imagine sullivan how many cards do you have in hand uh i've got uh is that my hand so you don't get surprise attacked so you can try and get out um but you will obviously it will attack you well not unless i use my suppressive fire discard uh one ammo and you uh or or one other person can escape a room without uh triggering an intruder attack oh sully well done here i am wonderful see you later queen it was lovely meeting you but uh let's fly let's fly let's fly oh it's the pain of mine amazing it's just in the surgery as well the most relevant room to you guys and that's my turn oh sullivan yes have you moved yes oh yes more friends here we go oh no oh what number one um [Laughter] at least we know it can't be the queen guys that's a big plus it's just a baby it's just a little baby it's just a little baby it's just a little baby you're gonna have to kill that yeah yeah um yeah that's my that's my tattoo there's a successful term how are you doing down the end of the ship oh it's lovely and quiet what is the fire control procedure worldwide two initiated you can get rid of that fire if you like all you can get for just one basically i'm gonna search first because i need my chemicals so that takes everything out of this room so um control system choose any one room discard a fire marker from that room all the intruders in that room run away in a random direction determined by an event card oh oh this has worked out well for me so what i'm going to do ray let's see what can i get rid of i'm going to discard my rest card because i'm full of beans and i'm going to use my laboratory item quest item and discard some chemicals in order to activate it okay now i can go to the nest uh use this lab equipment to uncover a weakness and don't want to take it to the lab no i don't that's really good or great let's [ __ ] these [ __ ] if the queen moves to a yellow room we can blur out the airlock yeah oh fantastic that's a good job oh that's interesting oh there's no computer in out of control no and that there is a fire in that room as well but you can help with that is that your go tom that's my girl that's a [ __ ] brilliant go tom i don't know why you want to fight i mean actually you finding the egg suits me don't come in between me and my eggs okay all right um laurie i want to shoot that yeah that makes sense that's probably quite useful i'm going to discard interruption to spend one ammo noise because they're picking the demo supply and then yes uh basically only a blank will not kill that cool here's a blank oh you [ __ ] annihilated it it explodes very good um and then i would like to is this the cockpit yes fabulous piloting if you are uh in the working cockpit uh you can use its rematch without paying its cost so i can look at the thing you absolutely can so you get to check the coordinates or move that uh pearl you can't do both okay i'll see where we're going yeah because yeah in order if in order to live once we're in the hibernatorium we have to be going to earth um where are we going laurie we're currently going to mars we don't want that oh no i will say i discarded the objective the one objective card in the game where people want to go to mars so i know we don't want to go to mars venus will kill everyone in hype in the hibernatorium and a deep space will kill everyone same same with mars actually so we need to change that to work now then to change the coordinates what do i have to do i've got the same card again uh no you can spend two cards to interact with the ship's console okay cool isaac could you would you do you mind i will take aim oh what does that do so perform an action from a shot with your energy weapon you can reroll your first results on the combat diet so just in case i get a blank thank you laurie you're welcome oh there's one in there very nice have you discarded one item one ammo uh two bullets please uh for uh this this you get to send us over all right so if it's anything if it's five or come on it's gotta be five or fewer it's a five it's dead uh you know i'm the sharpest shot top of my class um maybe later you'll know what ship i held from now it doesn't matter that i took three off its health before i finish it off with its final two that's not important not counting that bit what is important is that i take the body for science bros now sullivan your precious intruder carcass oh i didn't hear that who would know what i would want to do with that kind of thing i'm going to eat it i'm just a captain on toast very hungry uh right i want it noted that i did more damage to the thing than you did i killed it all right um and he's covered in slime so he's had a tough day so if i go back into the slime room i can't get recovered slime tokens aren't cumulative just one at a time just one yeah you're either covered in slime or you're not it's a rule of thumb for life yeah so such is life mate is life all right isaac that alien is dead what would you like to do for your second action and for your next trick uh oh actually you've already slimed don't know i can't search pre-slimed slime ready well i don't need to rest so discard that don't rest don't mind me i can just go into the vents good for you yes box fake isaac uh into the bag please here we go and it is another adult ray what's the thing two how many cards you gonna hand three you're not surprised attacked an adult has joined the fray wait question why because you rolled a one when there was a one oh was there something there yeah i didn't see that yeah don't worry about it you've had to roll anyway slightly it's all good oh yeah true we've got two sure you walked into a room covered in slime all right that's your actions hell zadie the shuffle so what i'm going to do is i'm going to use a technical corridor i'm going to my first action i'm going to go here i'm going to spend uh ingenuity and i'm going to go here i'm going to walk myself here oh you have to pass after doing that and that room's on fire [ __ ] you're right you're right you're right you're right is it worth taking a little damage do what you want to do if you can throw the queen out there i think you go to the engine on the end and then get there yeah you're absolutely right i'm gonna go there cool so i roll for noise which is fine because uh i literally cannot summon an alien one thank you and i have teleported way out of harm's way which is absolutely super for me and i am going to do i want to take this with me because i would have to spend another card to pick up what is it it's a it's an alien carcass we can get another intruder weakness out of it would you [Music] have to take it to the lab i don't know it might be there might be one of these three i think it's a good shout out why don't you just do that it'd be a great idea do it [Laughter] you've got a changed voice this has always been my voice and this is the noise uh before i before i would have left this room i will have spent i spent another car to pick up a heavy object i am going to take this intruder carcass with me in my left hand you be careful with that beautiful bit of biology you freak me out uh right just waving it around my head uh right i and i have to pass now which is fine i think i was planning on doing that anyway okay i'm gonna i'm out of harm's way now leave me alone i'm gonna shoot this baby [Laughter] here we go yeah that that tracks oh yes this one you don't worry about me i'm just what did your gun do before you wrong oh um that's a great question uh can we reload it with it when you roll uh two bullets you deal one additional injury all right so okay so we'll see the baby baby dead baby daddy be dead fantastic and with my other move uh i'm gonna i'm gonna um do i move carefully do i need to the baby's dead so it's probably fine let's just move regularly here we go into here hi laurie what's happening over here laurie what's happening over here [Laughter] here we are not terrible not terrible just yelling through the intercom everywhere you go and now my my rendition of the hms pinafore and that's my that's my turn well done sullivan another fine turn as the captain hooray left the alien queen oh no see you later you probably will okay i'm gonna use computer skills um to use this room's action without paying its cost i'm gonna use the fire control system to suppress the fire in the hibernation chamber you could just suppress it from the airlock if you'd like why do you're looking at the hibernation chamber well do that one first because then we might be able to airlock the queen yeah okay i'm thinking on my next go i'm gonna try and airlock the queen if i if i can it'll take a lot of things happening right to do it no one's hibernating for a while yeah but i want to get my hands on that corpse okie dokie okay well no that's not sinister and then i'm gonna take i'm gonna spend two to carefully move into the engine room and put something in the fence pity poor tom tom you're on our side right yes [Laughter] making it real he's the trustee so does this count as a room without a computer uh i think that does the cockpit does not have a computer nope so if i use old friend if you're in a working room without a computer you can use its room action without paying his costs yes so i could just do that we're going to work are we we're going to earth baby and uh no no look me in the eyes and say we're going to work we're going to f we're going to yeah um however in this particular bumble [ __ ] coming down my corridor making a noise [Laughter] to take us to where we live earth and you can trust me on that so i'm shutting the doors so no one else can tamper with my computer larry which room do you want to go into next uh i was going to go up all right i'm going to come this way then so are you usually two are you leaving the room without the alien in it pressing fire to do that or are you just trying to chance it i'm gonna use covering fire oops so i discard one ammo nice and then myself one of the chosen character within the room i escaped that room without triggering an intruder attack so you can do it and help someone else leave as well yeah these both of you could go that's pretty cool that's wicked all right so you are moving um without triggering the alien track spend your ammo please oh yes ted can i chug this to you great nice great coach all right you are tripping sports this room please be something we need evacuate all the evacuation pods over here right so evacuation and nothing happened oh brilliant uh you so an x means even though i'm slime i'm still good right i think oh yeah if you're slimed wait will it go everywhere if i just roll down you still have to roll don't hang on a second so x means silence nothing happens do not perform a noise roll to get into this room if the character has a slime marker on the character board then resolve danger instead place a noise marker on everything [Music] basically maxes out noise on the room you're in if it's already maxed out it doesn't trigger an alien attack but yeah you were you shut out the wrong person you forgot about the guy who's covered in slime no but you can just go down like that yeah exactly that's why i'll slowly you don't want to kill me yeah it's all good um [ __ ] shower right now i'm trying to we don't have any we didn't mail them i i remember building buildings we built the slime room first the shower oh you're supposed to build the shower before you build the slime room i hope i didn't build one without the other they were trying to terrible but they kept sleeping believe this ship was commissioned by dave benson phillips in that case come and see laurie because you that you wouldn't have to roll noise if you went to see lauren oh yeah oh i could do that what about slime no it's fine you could check lori's work that would check my work i trust you later um you're in you're getting that partnership as well so it's so good and also if i go this way i might be able to save our captain from from what thank you from a lorry from from like the queen oh no she's there's a door it doesn't matter i didn't that problem has been shut away are you just horny to fight the queen well i could blow the door down and say hello and save our captain i'll be very happy to fight the queen we'll actually spend something to get into the yeah you have to discard if you're moving that case uh i'm going to i presume i have to spend something to send the signal right you spend two cards to send a single oh [ __ ] bollocks well i'll just [Music] yeah i'm going to pass as well we don't know if the engines work by the way i i am going to try and check that on this guy i am how far can aliens move like on the event thing uh one they've never been in one room cool i'll spend one to go up here all night uh all right so you have revealed the lab [ __ ] brilliant your ages away um all right and it's broke of course no everything's broken broken for a while yeah because we all fixed it three items three items which i've done and a malfunction token now we can analyze objects there so i will try and come over at some point with my yeah you can with my dead alien um yes so sorry i will pass because i don't have anything else to do all have passed end of turn move time track okay we're doing fine sort of the queen's here hello um intruder attack no one is in the same room as an intruder fire damage no one is in the same room as fire uh resolve an event card please nest oh [ __ ] if the nest room is explored place a noise marker in each corridor that is connected to the nest do not place a noise marker if one is already present oh that was perfect so what that does mean though is we also have movement larvae's and the queen move uh there's no there's no adult symbol that's the only other thing on the thing there's no larvae on the board so the queen moves down corridor three the queen's gone in the vents she's gone oh she's coming oh sweet which means the queen token goes back in the bag lovely but she's not here hurray victory victory over the queen i defeated her hooray that's fantastic for now but the queen is in the bag again yeah yeah it's queen that's cool okay everyone take your thing down so draw up to five action cards now sully is the first player token oh nice two three four um right and uh perform actions and yeah okay i'm gonna first discard uh two cards to send the signal hello it's me captain amazing [Music] okay that's [Laughter] so annoying i can't destroy that door isn't that annoying it's very annoying but it's all right what i'll do is little boy uh what i'll do is get a demolition card i don't have the demolition card no that door's closed then i know that's a close one i'm gonna go down here and you know do we need to move carefully i think we've learned it's okay [Laughter] let's get rid of you and we'll uh let's see how we do only one [Laughter] she's back baby oh hello queen ah lovely to see you again oh god i don't even have a thing to say in character sully sort your [ __ ] turns out the queen's token has a four on the other side how many cards do you have left in your hand sally two you are a surprise attacked immediately yep bites a bite yep you have been bitten by the queen i am afraid uh if the character has two serious wounds they die you do not have two serious wounds if not they suffer one serious wound sally i'm so sorry but you've been bitten by the queen you suffer a serious wound which is uh let's have a look hand the cost of all your item actions is increased by one oh no oh that doesn't look good so you did 100 bring this on [Laughter] you don't have a light wound you've just got one serious wound uh three of those by the way and any more damage and you die nice sullivan you've done one action to summon the queen yes it's super effective what else would you like to do i would like to go away from the queen please go you are away so you are risking an attack or do i just attack do i just attack the queen i don't think attacking the queen is gonna help me much either uh you can scare them off if you attack them though can't you potentially yeah uh no no you can't okay i'll attack i'll shoot with missions okay don't go there alright so sully because you have taken the action that isn't attacked the queen you risk an escape would you like to turn this over if it doesn't have the alien it doesn't have the queen symbol on it you're fine oh i've got a little scratch characters offers one light wound and gets one contamination card oh no my decision who did this to me all right so you get a contamination card that goes on your discard pile okay and you don't know whether or not it's infected yet and he also discovers this room you do and don't worry you'll be rolling for uh it's the hatch it's a hatch control system uh you can lock or unlock one escape pod from here and that is broken oh great i don't think we'll be really using that that much so well i mean [Laughter] no leadership no consideration learned [Laughter] i thought sullivan when you first moved and made fire and malfunction so that was the worst nemesis tone i've ever seen when you move to the surgery half in a room with a queen i thought that was the worst nemesis tone i'd ever seen but you you summoning a queen being attacked by the queen twice suffering a light wound a serious wound and contamination that's the worst nemesis turn i have ever seen hooray can't wait until your next one so i'm going to discard the interruption card and also the risk assessment card to move quietly into the nest wait what was your oh it's quite movement oh you just go you don't get to do it can i see the car um which card are you just moving oh no i'm discarding two cards to do quiet movement that's not how that works i'm sorry yeah so careful movement means that you place the uh noise token wherever you like there is unfortunately noise tokens everywhere to get to the nest you will have to summon an alien so it might as well just take a regular movement yeah we may as well yeah save your cards billy well the queen's already out to be fair tom you're great at this game so you might not something an alien you might roll the x well i haven't really had to use dice yet all right well that's very true yeah you might just be well i had a good role last time one but that means all the noise tokens disappear from the nest and we go back into the bag what's in the bag sullivan well this time it's gonna be an adult with a warning of four i'm going to spend the cards to pick up heavy objects noise so you've got yourself a little egg it's beautiful what are you doing with that egg what egg that egg i don't see any egg the egg that you you're holding oh this egg i'm just keeping an eye on it for later oh god captain bumble [ __ ] coming hello captain adrian bumblefucker i am going to repair the room that i'm in by discarding a card don't need to rest so i'm going to repair the lab and i am going to search the lab so i will take two of these got an adrenaline injection play all of my actions in one turn holy [ __ ] i'm just gonna try and shoot that um with my last action how exciting sure i will give this to you something every time sorry it works every time um and then all right what are you attacking with your right rifle regular rifle shot there we go oh with your rifle each time you deal what at least one injury deal an additional injury oh your rifle does really that hasn't come into play yet but it's important that's no doubt for the future very cool ah an injury very good is that two of them yeah it takes two takes two damage two damage please and then you draw this if that's a two that thing's dead already yeah hold on let me just put all this back peter reveal there you go do i damage it still okay so what happens is it's uh it's taking its damage but it is retreating which means we turn over an event card to see which direction it's going oh is it going to suddenly number four it's going here places you know what [ __ ] great yeah yeah that's good you've bashed it out the way oh no actually no that's not good yes it's coming my way oh but you're going through sally so why am i going to sign okay or the lock door you said you wanted to help me with this door you locked that door to help us yeah to you [ __ ] off [Laughter] let's do something fun shall we all right so gonna spend my rest to move here i'm not gonna do careful movement uh rest lets you deal with contamination cards but i'm fine because i'm not an idiot what do you mean what do you mean so i'm in storage excellent storage is a place i was actually looking for and no noise rolled anyway hooray i asked for one thing when i joined this crew a working shower and we don't even get that i hate it here for my next go i am going to careful movement into gotta be good about this careful movement in here and i'm going to place the noise marker yeah oh interesting all right did you check that engine no what we have a different problem on our hands also you're all jerks i'm getting off this ship a different way maybe it'll blow up you know what i quit find yourself a new mechanic you were terrible you broke my shirt breaking up with this ship uh right that's my go i've moved okay uh hello laurie my old friend let's be friends forever again i can't stand i would have fixed it did you know that you accidentally shut the door on me earlier it might be something you want to look at yes you should repair that door it's too sharp all right you did that by accident i'm sure laurie you wouldn't do that to your lovely captain uh and i will uh yeah if i get i'll search i will search one of the items in the room yeah you are using this right laurie i'm going to take military drugs oh always a good shot watching down with some of that alcohol uh discard any number of cards from your hand even contamination cards and draw up to the same number plus one okay so if i take careful movement i move into the engine room but have to resolve a intruder attack if i make regular movements same thing that i have to roll for noise right if i try to reckon with back well i might as well i might as well just go for [Music] careful all right so that's two cards i'm presuming you're adding a noise token behind you i am indeed and there you are sir scratch does it have an adult symbol on it it does then you have suffered one light wound and get one contamination card there is your token to put on your light wound and your intamination card right there all right bad luck i'm afraid but you are out you have another action i do and i'm going to use that other action to [Music] use my laboratory equipment because i'm in a room with an egg because i can carry an egg myself yes um so i keep that egg i keep that egg and discover the intruder egg weakness yay way of moving intruders other than the queen and breeders cannot destroy closed doors we can fence off parts of the ship and normally the adults would just like smash the door down and then come and get his next turn they can't do that we can we can funnel them lorry time every time i am going to just spend two to oh no i can't come out because i wanted to search the room but you can search the room sorry we'll just watch you yeah no because i'd have to play search the search room and i would yeah yeah yeah i don't have that i instead were you just gonna pass do you guys think i could kill that queen with a full auto no i don't think you could because whenever you attack the queen you draw not one intruder attack card but two and you add their totals together so it's possible you could draw two fives in which case you if you do full auto you might do three points of damage but the chance of you getting cards that add up to that are you could attack the queen and you could do the queen a significant amount of damage but kill the queen in one go i very much doubt it that's not happening then um give a good honest try though yeah can i go in there without causing an alarm i think i did that last time yeah why is there an alien in there there's an alien it doesn't summon a new alien okay fair enough in that case yeah go on then might as well get rid of him i can't really do much else and then i will that's one action i'll get rid of i'll get rid of full water for now we'll be needing that uh to move here and you're attacking yeah shoot uh and you pre see that was for you to move yeah and so you need to describe one more to shoot fair enough lovely and then discard your uh energy cube for your thing oh swinging wrong all right all right so you're attacking roll roll up bone [Music] no you are i'm afraid uh out of actions out of time my goal i am pl i'm doing one simple thing which is playing pyrotechnics which i spend an extra card to do uh which i can either discard any item to place a fire marker in the room you're in or discard a fire marker from the room i am in amazing let's just put out this one shall we nice one i still got a little bit of cleaning up for the ship can we airlock the queen at the moment uh on my next for my next trick i will but i'm out of cards so i can't but i have passed i'm passing as well plus uh i've already passed uh i am going to shoot shoot all right uh you lose one damn it that is one injury which means two injuries so do i owe you two little yeah just draw a thing so it might die so that is more damage on it five five still still alive you've got one more all right your gun's empty though oh is it though oh no good point oh there's nothing that does right let's do the end of round cleanup move the time tracker boom oh god a lot of bad stuff has happened in five rounds um an intruder attacks everyone they're in a room with that would be isaac and yep you take a scratch you suffer one light wound and get a contamination card do you already have a light wound no contamination card for you that goes on your discards there you go and fire damage there's no fire hooray resolve an event card please please don't move the queen please don't move the queen oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] evacuation pod ejection no launch the escape pod token with the lowest number and we remove this from the game and it activates all of those ones oh [ __ ] all right so uh yeah the we've lost an escape pod whoops and the queen moves to the hibernatorium oh it's the worst thing it's the darkest timeline the first thing that could have happened all right so now shuffle the events deck please uh shuffle these into it yeah mate um finally intruder bag development sully take a bag from the bag here we go what have we got uh it's an adult everyone roll for noise [ __ ] sullivan bo brown don't blame me on the back you've been done dirty on this bad bro mate yeah being given no i'm not blaming you on the back i'm blaming you for being in the room with me okay listen it's fine i will say increasing our chances of an alien all players roll for noise in turn order if a player's character's in combat with an intruder they don't roll for noise oh sweet yeah first here we go one one perfect no problem uh scientist man all right oh you've got a friend oh dear oh dear that's not what you wanted at all i don't like friends and your friend will be a teenager or just a teenage alien baby what's the thing on the back or what do you have any cards in hand no surprise attack for you oh it mounts doesn't it so this surprise attack misses because it's a queen only attack you're right hooray for now and next up is lori [Laughter] one two three a four or an x that's a three oh oh oh oh oh baby it could just be a baby it'll just be a little baby a wittle i think i'm doing really well as the captain i have walked into many rooms i brought him many new alien friends i've met the queen twice you will [ __ ] some aliens yes [ __ ] some aliens and then we'll kill them [ __ ] hell i need that egg they'll sing ballads about you captain oh my god [Music] each character with a lava on their character board dies um let's i'm not going to tell you exactly what my objective is but let's just say it's going to make a lot of people above my pay grade very happy [Music] you
Channel: No Rolls Barred
Views: 114,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, board games 2020, board games review, board game, tabletop, tabletop games, top 10 board games, games, best board games, game, boardgamegeek, board game geek, top ten board games, find board games, game news, most popular games, most popular board games, best games, hottest board games, best board games 2020, hottest board games 2020, top board games 2020, popular board games, boardgames, no rolls barred, nemesis, how to play nemesis, lets play nemesis
Id: Vuc-2TTSL4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 6sec (5646 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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