New York 1901 - GameNight! Se3 Ep18

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[Music] game night Nikki Lincoln or rusty and myself Dave are going to play New York 19.1 a game for two to four players designed by shangai LaSalle and published by blue orange les builds and skyscrapers hey Dave Lincoln will you teach us New York 90 not one I will suite in New York 1901 we are going to draft these cards to get spaces on the board that we claim so that we can build buildings on those spaces to score points we will potentially demolish those buildings to upgrade them to newer exciting buildings as the game goes on to also score more points and at the end of the game we will score some bonus points and then the highest score wins that's sort of the giant overview of the game so let's talk about the setup here we have this New York green with these streets and we have all randomly taken one of these character cards that do not necessarily match our player colors each of these cards comes with a starting space on the board like Nicky here is who are you you're Robert Fletcher and you notice there's little spaces there so she starts there and we pull a blue card that would normally be used for that space out of the deck these can flip over now to be your little cheat sheets on the back these cards we don't need any more of those go out of the game we also determined three random streets out of five there are five street cards in the game these are everything over here is endgame bonuses in this case we have chosen pine in tames that's this Street Nassau and Broad which is in this street and cedar cedar which is the street we're not using these two buildings that are on those streets are potentially worth endgame bonuses I'll get to that in a second so what can you do with your turn you can do one of two things the first thing you can do is acquire one of these lot cards when you do that you pick one of the four cards and you take your worker you have to have a worker to do the section we only have four and you place that worker on a lot that works so this is say a pink two square lot here then I can go say here I can claim this one or this one or this one or this one you see the little solid ones versus the dotted lines and this is now my space and this card will go out of the game there are the deck is just mostly these twos and some of these threes that would be that right yes oh I see this or or this what you're saying is there's one card for every space in the board yes no that makes complete sense okay so that that one thing you can do is you can acquire that and place a worker clean yeah when you do that you can then if you would like build a building but doing so can only go on a previously acquired piece of land so you cannot take this card put your worker here and then build a building right there but on my next turn I could take say this card after we're here and I would claim mmm sure and more stuff well it's more orange stuff and I could build there or I could claim here and build there and I'll explain why in a second but or no I couldn't but fake it I couldn't because it's not pretty I'd be previously quiet but the point is this I could go there and then I could build there if I want to when you let's do this somewhere closer to me when you build on a space at the beginning of the game we have all these building tiles in front of us we all have the same set of tiles at the beginning of the game we are only allowed to build these Bronze Age buildings and that is determined by this scoring track here when you score six or more points when you cross land on across the six point threshold you are now able to build these Silver Age of buildings and the same thing is true of this eighteen point score that allows you to build these golden age buildings so we're in the bronze age right now if I wanted to build here obviously I could build this build it fits the shape perfectly and it looks all fun and all but I don't have to if I want to I could just build that too and once I build something on the space whether I fill it or whether I only partially fill it my worker is returned to me so let's say I had this one claimed and I had this one claimed and if I wanted to I could pull with do a real one there's a bronze building I could pull both of these guys off and I could build this like that note that when I get my workers back this space and this space of land still belong to me because this is the lot and I own it and we know that I own it because I have a building on it and what that means is is that later I could build this hmm if I wanted to because that land is still mine and is still buildable so once again the first thing you can do on your turn is you can acquire one of these cards that isn't mandatory and then you can build a building on a previously acquired piece of land that is optional you do not have to build but you cannot take a card or a choir piece of land if you have no workers available all right the second thing you can do on your turn is you can demolish a building and in order to demolish a building you have to be able to over build it with a better building so if I had this 2 and this 3 here and I wanted to demolish those and build something new first off I'd have to be at it Arras it I'd have to be at least in that era and by the way I didn't make this clear being in this era just means that those buildings are now available to me which is to say if I had this spot here I could now build this Silver Age building here the soda rage building does not have to over build something it can be built just on its own but I'm not allowed to unlock these buildings are not unlocked for me until I hit that part of the spectrum you could still build bronze if you wanted that is correct being here it just means I can now build silver and bronze alright and being here means I can build any type of building that I want ok but let's say I want to demolish these two and build this building worth 5 so these go I would just remove them they go out of the game they do not come back to my supply and here's my little square for and this would go here and technically this little piece of land still belongs to me so if I ever claim to this I could build save this three here now okay okay so there's also kind of a weird case where let's say I have this building bill that means that I have ownership of this space this space and this space right I need all of those to build those we won't figure out why I didn't do this but whatever reason whatever reason I did this and let's say I want to build in this building so I demolish this and I build this building but I build it like this meaning I didn't use any of the spaces that I previously owned at this point I have to put a worker back there to show that is my land yeah because there's no card to clean it right right it's also solid wall there so you would think that it was available yeah okay so there's that sort of weird strange case that is demolishing a building and then the same of course holds true when you get to the 18 you can build these gold buildings another thing happens though we reach here when you reach the 18 and that is these there are four legendary buildings that are available to all of us all right these represent at one point in time the the four tallest buildings that were in New York which is to say this was the tallest building that was in New York until this one got built until this was not built until this one got built these are available to all of us but we can only build one of them so if I were to say building this one for 12 points and note in order to build it I have to go across to different district colors I didn't say that that wasn't possible I just assumed you figured it was but in case you did it the you can't obviously cross over a street but the district colors as long as you own all the land you're building over the district colors are only there for purposes of determining where the cards show you where you can go if I were to build this building I then put this yellow claim to cuz I'm the yellow player this means that I have built by legendary building and I cannot build any others that's indicated by having one of them now when you draft one of those do you have to immediately play it or can you put it in your dress the building you just build it you remember your dream you draft a card it's as if these are in front of you okay it's as if we all have the same set of four in front of us so there's two ways the game ends there's a couple things I haven't gotten to but let me get to the game in when the two ways the game ends the first is when there are this is the way the rules say it which i think is really very elegant when there are three cards in the array and there are no cards left in this pile which is kind of a much clearer way in my opinion of saying when you need to refill this and you can't all players at any point are allowed to count how many cards are left in the stack in case you need to know the other way that the game ends is if any single player gets down to four buildings so if I were to build a building such that I only had four left in front of me and that's the end of the game when the end of the game is triggered either by the cards or the building everyone except for that triggering player gets one more turn it's another shot at something and that's the end of the game you then obviously we've scored all the buildings as you go because when you put them down you just score them as you go there are two types of bonuses that we're playing in this game the street bonuses so the way the Street bonuses work we will go through each Street individually and whoever has the most buildings on that Street and again for purposes of buildings that's one building that I have on pine and on bouncier ananassa that's a nice little square but it's not worth it's not worth say two spaces right it's all you're a building so in theory that has that gives me more influence on NASA than it does unseen her in a pine right does that make sense - yeah Tendai thank you planting pine in temps you can also build them on both directions so you can flip them share - but I mean that's important to know like it's not locked in one way you're able to flip it to hopefully fit it into certain spaces and stuff so we'll go through these this is a potential five-point bonus to a to a single player and I say that because if two or more players are tied for most buildings on the streets and that bonus is not awarded okay and then we're doing something we don't often do on game night we are actually playing beyond the basic introductory game they say in the rules to not use these extra endgame bonus cards but we're using them there are five of them included in the game and we shoveled them up and basically pulled one out this particular bonus gives either 5 10 or 15 points extra bonus for the number of bronze buildings that you still have on the board and we can all claim we can all get it if you have four of them you get five if you have five then you get six if you have six of them ten six to 15 one two three four five six we only start with six so it seems like it would be hard to get the six point bonus but I don't know maybe there's a way well you would build up to you get the silver and then you would start building silver buildings without demolishing any of your bronze I totally make sense can happen something it could have so yes did you have a question can we demolish our starting space you can demolish your starting space the stokke and there's all kinds of things I've forgotten um the starting space is considered below bronze so even though you you might not want to you can actually demolish that and build bronze over it hmm the second thing that I didn't tell you is that building is when you build them must always have at least one edge that touches a street or a park the park be mostly you can't like build it in the middle correct so this is an illegal build okay I can't imagine how many times that would come up but obviously it comes up enough that there's a rule about it if you're trying to just fit yourself in somewhere yeah for just point to the end whatever yeah but this is a park obviously I mean this doesn't matter because these are all Street there's there there aren't that many I guess and it will allow you to do this basically right well this is a park as well great it's a would allow you to do this because that's a street and me but then that does not influence any Street around it that being in there if you do it correct but it does get you two points potentially or however many points you might get near the end so Dave is there a reason some of the buildings have circles around the numbers rather than hexagons there is and I'm not entirely sure where they put this in the game but the buildings that are in circles where the numbers are in circles are they're letting you know that the building shape of that is a rectangle as opposed to some that would I think it might be blouses there is a bonus that has to do with the most number of these but the weird number you get bonus was from the non rectangle buildings correct hmm but it's just a little thing to help you out in case well but it does give you something for one of the advanced cards right it not gonna be private when I see right on top there that shows hexagons yes it's just right here so for every if you have three hexagons building it's worth three fours worth cities into five is worth ten neat yeah just just all of them yes from any and any age all right cool okay we all have three action cards yeah you may play the action cards on your turn at any point during the game and you can play one or two or three of them you can play as many as you like on your turn if you play none of them or the ones that you don't play are worth a point at the end of the game so there's at least that but the action cards do the following things let's do this one first because I think this is easier one this allows you to wipe this array and get rid of these four cards they don't go out of the game what happens when you play this card is that these four cards to get shuffled and put on the bottom of the deck for purposes of game timer and then for new cards come up alright and then that's out of the game these are all one-time use cards when you use them this card allows you to acquire two of these cards on your turn all right you to have the worker for it workers workers thank you for it and you the cards get refilled at the end of your turn so if I use this to draw say this card and I wanted to use this action card again me sir if I did this for my first action and I want to use this card I'm drawing from one of the remaining three right it does not fill in right away that's what this card allows you to do and then lastly this card I believe it's called construction boom this card allows you to build on a space that you have claimed from a previous turn all right you do that after you've built already as part of your turn but note it doesn't matter which way you built on your turn whether you have drawn a card and built or whether you have demolished and built so if on my turn I demolished something and then built and I wanted to use this card I could use it but again it means I'm putting a building on a pre-existing spot from a previous turn if I had if I had claimed these and then on my turn I took say this pink card and one here and then built here I could then use this card to build here cool all right all right there are two more things the first I forgot something on one of the action cards and that is on the land grab card which allows you to take a second one of these when you when you're on a turn where you're using this card you cannot have acquired a three space even if that was the first thing you needed you then can't play this card to get another card yes so when you're playing the land grab card you will these two twos you'll be taking two twos two twos and then the second thing is these cards these start cards that we started with yeah this is blue is you right yep we are in theory supposed to keep these on our mats and the reason that on your character card and the reason that you do that is in the unlikely event that you start your turn with no workers and you are unable to build or demolish then you have to remove one of your workers from the board it comes back to you whatever card that was goes back at the bottom of the deck and that's your whole turn and you lose it don't do that no that's all for that is don't do that it does say in the unlikely event in the rules alright so I'm pretty sure that's everything don't do it let's see if I got lucky do you explain this game okay um I am first I want the orange card a 3-1 I assume yeah and I will place my worker on Cedar there that three yes and this goes here yep that's my turn blue but good loop I'll take the three-year of the gold and go here okay that was in my pile my pile not a lot of threes out there so I'm going to go for the tour pink here yes and you know why and that's because I'm looking to try to get under this corner here these three spaces yeah this is a special intersection special your oh those are not anything special a sight you know not I'm sorry I don't think you really are sorry no and you don't remotely look sorry yeah I am going to go ins to we're taking this baby yeah look what I'm doing hey buddy I'm building a Empire over it with a card an empire do keep e in just check yeah I would like the two yellow yeah we well you be the oldest one just in case Legion is watching okay and I'm gonna go here yeah napping on the job with me one there hold on would you like to build no would not okay she could build here right because she did that exactly goodness indeed over here of course you know and then I will I thought about that mmm I got it on my turn all right three points end of turn end of turn Wow let us see I wonder your legacy yeah I'm going to take this and I do think I will start to build here as well I have to use him because he's too new tenant who thank you Green that's not on any of the bonus streets well I guess it would be on this one right yeah [Music] well I guess let's take these since they're available mm-hmm and mm that's a three let's go here there's pine one of them yes Hyman Tim's yeah so the three does touch on pine that one day yeah and I am gonna build this guy right here for two to end of turn what might I ask for my victory points as well okay even try to compete thank you this that's what I get for building remember you said that at the end of the game we'll see if you win by more than two points I don't make any difference Hey he's already believing I'm going to win is your curtains cuz you're crafty Riley yes give me the yellow please this one right here yeah the other yellow Old Yeller I'm not gonna sing it I want to I'm gonna build No okay Wow she has got a plan guess so not really I'll take the pink that one all right claim that one and I will build a tour that rust eats if that's your real name really now let's go with surfing now the bodies we use please stop taking my card what you know I don't wanna get rusty any we can swap seats and I do think I will build again for another two points do regular price Thank You points Tibbits of our own Schaefer piano hmm I guess I'm gonna get something I guess I'm gonna go yeah there's a dance hello neighbor hi okay do I want to do this now I don't know yeah no pink I need to expand my Empire you need to build and you do still have sweet card so I will take orange okay when I place a dude there and I build here two points for Nikki go ahead and give yourself to Rena do lots of green well I guess I'll take a green go over here and then I will read and flip it in on DFM teeth um I'll build this one okay three points and in the silver era these parties no longer take a card I want no I can't because I don't want any of this well I could sweep that's fine hey then you get me might want yeah my still might give him something he wants just by drawing one card but you can demolish and bypass that all the way good but I'm not high enough to put a silver building out yet so I am going to take a green please him here I will then build my blue right there for three points one two three hey it's still not hmm I don't want any of that I want any of that or do i you might look at shapes shapes shaking I'll just take this and I'm not gonna get into my territory man that tasty hmm it's not quite what I wanted but I feel as though you need to take it do what you gotta do it's your thing I yes I will take that thank you I'll place my worker there I'm gonna build a - right cute thank you two points come on something I want that's a different color at least just say something I didn't want I'll take the green we'll go down here sure and I will build this I can't how come I ain't just drew that's hard oh that is correct so I'll build this with that - two points we're just a swirling Lee nothing special it might be four different play that's for the expert game where you don't start with anything on the board hmm there's more swirlies other places is it also not possible to play this so it's harder so that at 10 you have to get sober and then 25 is gold rusty is correct that's what I mean but there is an expert version where you don't work okay I think when you do that those also are that but I can't remember Dave's just trying for you're out of shape I really I'm going to take the yellow yellow will go no there get out I am just getting in everyone's way today and do I wish to build no not right now thank you yeah pink is losing its luster man what this is not as great as I thought it was placed for cleaning over there all the cool kids are in the pink like me is Liberty Road I'm in pain look who I am no but you can do yeah I noticed it's darker those are the ones that they're claimable for the cards are the ones that have the white hmm so new streets not one liberties not one sector for sure not one temple is not long yeah teeny teeny temple oh hey there's one over there exchange and then there's William oh hey William where's Mary I don't know this I can't okay whoa pink there's pink I would like the pink please no cut me over there on Nassau where and then live in Cedar yes that's good that's where I shouldn't go homie yeah that actually and I will build I've given all those up I just decided from the beginning to give all of those that yeah this will fit I will build nice three right here could be the five you need Dave three points for Nikki one two three I can build silver now and then I'm done along shame in that I don't want those but it's not really horrible I suppose mm-hmm give me that and I'll clean that and I will build no I'm not gonna go yes I built two points for me no two points right I'm in green that's a great gentleness gracious and the Greens of God who and who green card shuffled this I will take the green and I will come give your guards to Broad Street Oh new Street and that's just silly I will again not build build not mm and then he added to that I didn't get we did get that guy I think good good huh you know what yes screw it okay I'm gonna take this actually and to go here and then I am going to play my land-grab card see snitch grab grab see say this and to go here to wool then I am going to build somewhere oh I can't do that yeah yeah oh wait I can build silver buildings you can build silver now I just remembered yeah yeah yeah for two andum sure all right look at this Nick you look at all the stuff yeah yeah yeah nice hmm I would like an orange please just kind of wait there for you and put me over in Cedar there yeah there you go I'm gonna build my six right here so I take to go dudes Wow nicely done six point six what am i okay what am I thirteen no I am done where's that color that's not in the game that I want that's not in the game yeah I know well let's just take an orange then sad or that rusty absolutely ridiculous are you going to build no future okay more ridiculous I am the absolutely taking this through as you are and I will go there and I I need to build this turn otherwise I will be in trouble that's for sure one of you guys would take that I don't want it though yeah so why don't you take it there for two victory points I get it we're gonna a for you here that's why I thought does it with if I don't if I want to demo those buildings maybe which I don't all right you could build well I guess there's there's but yeah I guess cuz their thing there's big points in it if you build later but I did wrong so you're done right I am done I've oh plan I thought I had a plan buffet at the haird Club and that's the last of the three is over there in that corner I don't know that I care about that dare dare Blazing Saddles day yeah don't care about this alright crazy as it sounds I'm not crazy here sure and oh that doesn't work whatever I did it I'm gonna go there and I'm gonna build the thing with the stuff you you man this game is hard shapes alright fair enough I will build here instead cuz I can't to to forget play because you're allowed fair enough alright I actually just want the normal pink good normal pay thank you your will place me on the corner of NASA and Liberty oh wow and I am going to place just an humble bronze over here for two I'm green one take good thank you I'm sorry just deck to the fingers well I'll take the orange this world yeah take that too nice your turn I'm not building mmm no I can't hmm does not do a lot for me there Broadway is not in but James and pine is I will take the yellow the other Pete my piece here but I will build a six silver mm-hmm over here in a way that I will reclaim two of my guys yep okay so blue six the Giza umm-hmm one two three four five I guess that works I'm gonna do this yep we were here but that wasn't what you thought the car finicky and I am building well I guess he must get new master must I am NOT going to build hmm interesting choice I want yellow out there that's my my deal my deal is for yellows you go wet the board no give me the orange please thank you right here which one oh I'm sorry that was either side yeah that's fine and I am over there nope done okay I will take the green one there we go and then I won't build this like this for five nice done yep hmm I think I'm going to go with this here no blue and do I wish to build I'm a fool getting a little low on guys what cheater he's next what I should look but build this for two victory points all right give yourself to I can't reach no one to run away from the goal I'm not taking your card I am demolishing no goddamn washing in this building I'm doing this cool neat nice high five enter all right uh I'd like the blue please oh I'm done I guess I'll take the pink place a guy there no just for to push isn't over that your turn rusty I think I'd like to see oh sorry that's quite all right I will take this and place that there rusty he's got some good draws I've been very lucky and I actually didn't I really didn't I have a very specific one that I'm looking for I will not build this trim thank you pink that idiot kid no I'm trying to figure out if I'm using my wipe the board move how desperate am I is the real question are you really desperate you got two workers and I'm gonna take this and go here gotcha I thought I had that space already so so turnabout is fair play now but I thought in my mind I had already liked that's quite all right absolutely I understand thank you for destroying all of my plan you're welcome my workers are out so I'm just gonna build a three yeah so this dude stays right he doesn't stay but yes that is your piece that is yours yeah okay that is that is our three points for Nikki she goes to 18 remember the Gold Club your gold now so she didn't draw hard but she was able to build right it's weird because the rules say that the first action it's called 1 a and 1 B 1 a is you draw a card and you have to have a work to do that then you have the optional ability to build but in the little quick reference guide on the back it says you can do 1b if you did not if you don't have the workers to draw a card okay all right okey-dokey I'll take a yellow I guess and I will build this one for three points okay you got that whole block yep I know yes sir tasty [Music] this makes my decision difficult oh I want you to take it so I don't have to worry about whether I want it or not this is an instance from which I want you to take my card right but I'm not going to take what you think I'm going to take which is a shame that doesn't work like that it should it does though it does work like that so I will be taking one of these for sure it's I am so sorry and I will be building I'm building in the silver to claim these two guys back oh hey five victory points there yep that's so funny it's I'm not intentionally doing I know you Dave I know it's hilarious you know I am done where that gets away from me here and I will not build okay I'm like the yellow please thank you here I will build my gold five over there in pink pink fine checking in yeah there you go thank you you're welcome please no sorry sure okay so I'm gonna wipe the slate mmm you're you're a terrible terrible person so he's gonna shuffle from the bottom of the deck okay no we put four new cards up okay I will take those two I will also do a lamb snatch take those two gold nicely done take those yeah sweet and do you want to build either here or here and I will build over there okay - nice OOP - points give yourself two truly not a fan of really any of those we're just not I'm just not feeling them no but I don't know what that stack looks low to me but I don't know if that means it's gonna run out it's got to run out plus you know that's till it was one right it's only a point I still think I will wipe the board wipe the board shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle chef like that those are the ones you're looking for guys know I like those no actually I'm going to do a double as well a blue and a green blue green it's like a blue here and a green here nice I'm going to build a gold as I am past gold yep and I'm going to oh that's not oh I can't go the gold on top of a gold cannot demolish gold buildings that who this I apologized by not saying that in front but I seems like being demolished building has to be older than the one ending my whole games ruined now I don't think it is no I think I'm not going to build as I can demolish next turn so I am he's gonna demolish I'm going to demolish well I can't take cards cuz they have no workers so I am going to be able to here let me just do this good it's fun building here hey I own that land and then I'm gonna use my build again card because that gets me five points and now I can build if the old building right here I'd like the gold cards this one yellow yeah normal this one yes the normal and then oh I'm done mmm-hmm well I gotta take the ones yeah I mean that's just horrible you take this one because I had other plans plans are gonna matter when this happens and you have no plans to build or demolish that's or I'm going to do something really really horrible right now and everyone is going to absolutely hate it I am claiming the legendary okay I'm claiming the largest legendary and I'm going there for thirteen victory points done done that is where you go he breaks out from the pack that was nice thank you no I've just boxed myself into a corner they have you yes I guess I'll take this and do I want to build there probably not you are correct with not uh I'd like the blue by a much more fancy book-learning for Berkeley anything matter will just go right here yeah yeah no that would be here yeah yeah we already own this oh that's right okay and I'm gonna build my five right here five points for Hawaii Foursquare nice there you go thank you so all I can do is build I'm gonna build one of the big uns as well which one the one that fits no I guess I don't that fit doesn't oh no don't doesn't the tendon fit you know the time I did it just like that yep and he still has this yep that's what I was hoping for crazy talk well that's a hot some Lincoln that is awesome took a little uh yeah a little shimmy on there that is a really cool Lincoln I didn't want I was hoping cuz that there's nothing else I mean I cannot build any of those other buildings by any stretch I don't think I will take the green the green and place him here and I will not build at the moment okay you know I'm done thank you and the answer is no sure I'll do this take that while the getting is good and I'll build this three-year three points please really already got a tepee not what I was hoping for I will yeah so I'm going right there unless people start doing a lot of upgrading so you have to clean some of these you have to clean that yeah roses there give Nikki 12 points 12 points for green 40 thank you okay so I'll take the green go there get that there will there those turn anyway right there - yeah all right all right two points one two there we go [Music] I'm not sure I'm going to get another turn you can count we were told we can count though I didn't plant theirs but I'm I'm considering demolishing and the such right so I believe this is going to be my best bet I'm going to take a pink yep I will place a worker here yep I will build here for that three points that gives me three points one two three and I believe that is the end of my turn whose green your green I'm green it's right there yeah they're all claim I mean you know that's that's the neat thing is that they're everything is there all the tickets are on the board I don't think it matters what I take I guess in case it does let me give myself my my best option mmm-hmm I don't think it matters and then I'm going to build two points here two points for yellow please one two all right so I'll take the orange okay I'll do it on cedar here the only arm space left yeah and then I'm going to build across like that 28 points she's green yeah that was well done okay so then I'm gonna do use up my double build okay and I'm gonna need that yeah just two points right there nice thanks thanks come on yeah that is a good little move just got to all kinds of Rogan fluids that's pretty big yeah [Music] what color you Browns around I don't really have anything I can't build there no I don't have the building I think I just get to draw a card okay I'll just do you have anything to can demolish yes I was thinking he doesn't want to give him his bronzed I know but I do want to screw more points for me yeah but if you can knock down some silver it's five points yeah that's if you can doesn't have someone to knock down okay yep all right okay so I'll draw a card sure you know put a little dude on a pink spot and not build and optionally not build all right rusty but I can't build my last rose bronze which I was working on over there but I think here yes I would have totally bet your last bronze if you didn't claim one of these went the minute you did this you forced me into the direction you basically used you took my square away from me and that's and once that happened I had to go where you wanted to go that absolutely but I couldn't believe at the time I didn't have the pink or the pink I would have given you these all I wanted was the square it's true cuz here's a deal right I can buy you five and then build over again with the five sands it would be ten points and that's what I'm about to do anyway so I'm going to demolish this five for a gold five fronted additional five points yep and that is all that I can do unless I do have a double but that's a demolish I can't do a double build yeah you can as much as I hate to tell you we're second build yeah so I can use this as a demolish and a second bill no yeah so I can so I will do that thank you you're welcome the additional five by the way you may choke on these five points I have no move even remotely as good at that unless someone tells me otherwise I think my best build is demolishing this in building this three because otherwise I can build this too which is only worth two true that doesn't fit anywhere I am I don't want it's the same thing that you're doing looking is that I don't want to lose it what do they matter you're so far behind it we're gonna make it affect so much can do this cuz it's fun reasons is you and I are way too far back well well sit here we go so that's it that's the end so let's do this first I have an action card left one - all right so point four yellow point for Lincoln and two points for Nikki Nikki's green oh yeah it's good all right let's do pine and tames all right uh it's not gonna be me I have three one two three blue who's blue I'm blue you have one two three four Green has one two three four five yep so five for Nikki yep Nikki gets five that one's done yeah so NASA on bra this one right here I have one two three four right Green has one two that's it Lincoln has one two three rusty has one two three four so no one gets that why did I bring up a point yeah so that yeah we can show how much Nikki obliterated us on pine in tames yeah she actually had that building oh you're right well the big huge head of the huge building nice yes and cedar it's probably Nikki again I would assume one two three four five five five wait one two three four one short Lincoln's one two three all right five points from Nikki she's killing up her green no she doesn't have this bonus yeah but she's doing pretty good all right bronze buildings let's start with me cuz I'm in the back I got all six out 15 points for me yeah so I'm at 60 or 50 I mean thank you nothing it matters Lincoln you got them all over you have minus one and they're all they're 15 you're too ahead of me rusty although I've so ten points for rusty takes me to 58 and Nikki I think I got three because I this one and I trashed this I think there's one two three four that's what you needed cuz three is not worth anything yeah so I get four one two three four five - rah rah all right winner yeah talk to us of course I like this game tiling that's my soft spot I I liked the card collecting and the laying of the the tiles of course this I have a rough time like because it's not in front of you they do something really nice which I notice see that they show you the little square edge that you need on them yeah so that shows you it's a two by four as opposed to having to know from just looking at it that's how I knew this was not gonna fit at my spots well without demoing right so I think that was beneficial right I like the little mechanic of having to place your your construction guy first before you actually get to build a building that's a little different usually it's if you've got the cards you need you build your building or whatever and and you're good to go so I kind of like that this slows you down makes you think about what you want to do next and can easily get stuck in a situation where you have them all out and you can't build and you get into that one of the cool things this game does is it's the tension fact you can only I can only do this I can't do that I can do this I got to claim this so there's all the there's always more that you want you want to do on your turn games like that are spectacular there's this weird little okay if I do this like you know plus these cards changing right every time particularly this one well let me ask you guys you've played the game before how focused were you I mean did you specifically try to focus therefore those roads was that your plan or was it just the nature of how these came up no it was my plan to go for the bonus because these little across things yes if see James and pine and Cedars there I mean yeah she's got one two three four buildings that are on both of those streets right and they're and they're all just thought to point buildings but they but they got her ten points right extra because I knew it would I knew that this one building counts us two one for cedar one for pine so I want that's why I let it sit with two workers there because I wanted to be able to bridge it yeah that makes sense cuz I was I started a little bit there but like for example you saw me I didn't take this spot early on I had of a link to it even though it was on three of the streets because I just thought well that's one on all those streets I don't even know where I'm going yet I just wanted to I didn't want having you guys have all played before and I had and I didn't want this to dictate right away from me on my first turn where I was gonna go since I didn't know what I was even doing yet does that make sense mm-hmm but you guys were focused on that too or not I think is you you didn't do that either you were you yeah I was focused on it a little bit as a side effect of trying to get enough points to get up the scoreboard to be able to start working with the silver and gold buildings right because I feel a little trapped by not being able to build with anything I've got in front of me the other thing that happened this game was this card was out the bronze baron it kept me from building over these with other buildings and possibly earning more points quickly well that said the two guys who fulfilled that the most are in third and fourth place the guy who felt that the next most is here and she only at four and thankfully she had that fourth or she wouldn't or you wouldn't have one but I mean she beat you and me pretty handily without without worrying too much about that absolutely and so I think that may have actually drawn me away from making better plays so it's it's it's one of those risk/reward type things so you were talking about the push and pull of the game and how it just it brings you it did this did change my game play right exactly I mean I was I was trying to keep the bronze but ones on there and I knew it was difficult because the problem is is you do need to demolish I I never demolished anything really I never do mom Wow well and you still beat me I did almost a bunch of stuff yeah I just didn't see the benefit I was trying to push the game along a little quicker by drawing cards as often as I could but it wasn't enough because I wasn't demoing right and these aren't necessarily worth a lot 15 points seemed a lot to me right yeah totally um and you know but Nicky got only ten less than us right even though right but she was able to build a lot more of the Silver Age and the gold age buildings well but here's the deal what she made up the ten points that she didn't have on a series he got here yeah and then luckily got the only two sinister Street didn't get anyone yeah yeah right because we tied so but one of the things about demoing though is you're not getting to claim more space on the board you're allowing other people to take more space on the board because you're not drawing a card so you're giving up well I mean I gave up these odd large shapes I mean I knew it wasn't gonna get it's like there was nothing left well I think having this card changed the game I said absolutely you would definitely be demoing your bronze just to get to to get another two points even would make a difference but since this was staring at all of us you didn't really want to demolish anything well it's one of the reasons of course that the rules say to not use those cards with your first game but again I didn't care and you guys have played before so for me it was like oh you know and I know that every once in a while there are a lot of gamers who almost look down on you if you play just the basic setup of allotting if you if you assume the advanced version of the game your first play and you know I understand some games the basic setup is a little too basic but in this case that didn't I had no problem with that being in the game my problem was I had like a little infomercial about my problem which happens a lot in games it goes like this has this ever happened to you you're playing a board game and you think you're halfway through and you're really three-quarters of the way that's all that would happen to me this game I had all these plans and then when you went here you were kind of like ah rusty now what am I gonna do I'm like oh I can do this and I can do this and then I went oh wait I can't do a baby the game's gonna be over like the the delaying from where you place your guy having to wait a full round to build the patient drew caught up with me it's awesome laughs it is it's great it caught up with me though in the last third of the game and I realized I wasn't even able to do anything that I wanted to do that's that second half of the tension that I see from the cards and watching the card that you want for the plans that you have come up after your attorney went I'm watching it or go around the table and going steak stays stay you took the green I was actually I thought you were going to take the green I thought for sure you would take that green and go here because this is a Foursquare for you and this is scoring nothing and I was really surprised that you didn't do that I was considering it but I was then starting to think about this and I couldn't replace this there I was looking for a space that had enough space so that I could put my last bronze down right but you drank three of these spaces to do that and you were never gonna gather you wouldn't have actually before you took the three bro three purple yeah the three pink I would have been able to do that it was just the three pink that I mean it right but you know you have to also know that once you go there you're now in my way and now I have to also go there absolutely that's part of the risk of the game that's that tension of going don't take the space don't have the card come up yeah it was i boned it where I was in my head I was building this first I'm like wait a second that's two gold buildings alright so I hem myself in with all four of those guys over there to take that plane could have been it was only you have this one on the board the super 6 now over here yeah I guess I could you could have done that yeah but it would only been six points it's not enough right in other words that's true I needed to do it's not just that it's an extra turn to write although you did nothing on your very last turn so at least you could have done that you need to do more what well you need a little more I just needed to I needed to have more I wasn't really concerned about I wasn't trying to claim I did want to try I was working on cedar I think I got four buildings on there but it wasn't enough no Nikki had six and buddy wife sorry six one pine there's probably overkill but yeah yeah she's alive no that's great I had four now that's great Nick if you didn't have you would have lost the game if you had not had that extra building right and this being my first play I'm still gonna go on record as saying four seems to be like it would be kind of the average of I bet a lot of these Street bonuses tie for four forest seems like very doable for people well this she demoed this right right so that reduced her influence on that Street yeah both of those streets I was counting to before I demoed just yeah definitely tense right do you want to do that that's all I mean it's only five points but you see what those only five points did for Nikki she's the only one that scored any of the streets right and that was ten points right would have killed her game if it had tied any in any way you know and rusty was close I actually thought rusty had it because he was present enough in enough spaces but I you know I didn't see this one not happening right whichever one it was it didn't happen right I felt I lacked the flexibility I had plans for demoing other items and upgrading and I was looking potentially to blow out a section over here particularly with the eight well the worst part is we all really kept squatting on anybody's playing it was funny what's funny was that this was sort of left to you near the end I thought oh my god again I don't know the game because I never played that file oh my god Lincoln is this running away with this cuz I didn't know no I knew it but you knew I just knew that I didn't have enough that's why I was when you were talking about the end I'm like whatever we do isn't gonna be right and the and I knew that not being able to build made no difference right it didn't have it's a gold age building right those that's the sneaky thing about these twos is that you can get them in to build them but they don't really help you ultimately because you can't demo them well it seems like it seems like if anything else that they are they're good for the following two things they give you something to do on your last turn if you don't have something to do because there's almost always a two spot available somewhere for you and they potentially you know let's assume this was I'm making stuff up right they potentially move at the last second I did maybe you get you influenced I did get to do that before I left that open streets I'm saying they get you string influence right right it potentially right right no it's it's fun I really I do like this game a lot I think it's there's much more to it than it appears everybody looks at this and thinks it's a it's a simple game but it has the right the right kind of ticket to ride slash tons of those games that have you cannot do enough on your turn you you're left wanting to do so much more it's always just enough you're making like these little teeny micro steps to getting someplace and then you it's still not like dang it I really needed this and I I decided to go ahead and cash these in and I it worked right this is where I got that happening right but it wasn't quite quite how I done it I was like oh I'll be able to build that eight and then I'll be able to you know I'm like I don't know I walked right and I wonder I wonder what I could have done there I don't think there's I mean I put all the smaller buildings everything I was left with was larger buildings right yeah the one thing I think for you Dave is that in when we played this to just see if we liked the game we had three players and we were able to focus a little bit easier on these streets because there was less land grabbing right you weren't you weren't you were able to group a little bit more and and it wasn't you know you that that level of trying to focus on that would be difficult and it also kind of made the game it the game went in a different way we ended up demoing more Thomas a three-player game is that when you how would the game ever and when you have four or fewer of exactly that because we ended up I think in our game we ended the game with tiles however somebody went down to three or something like that or four whatever it is and we did not run out of cards because we're demoing more you're not drawing as many of these cars though because of this exactly well in this year because of the bronze bonus thing yeah we were we were really concerned about keeping these on the table whereas that game it was a matter of Oh get them out and now we can demo that and build the Silver's then we can build the gold on top of that and so sure that makes sense because if you have if you could get a nice little chunk of space and just keep reusing it over and over and over again huh that means the game goes longer than right potentially right we ran out of buildings so it might see them except it might have been around the same amount it's very cool it's very cool yeah it's pretty cool I mean I I do like this stuff is really great I know that they have a promo with some additional of these cards I don't remember what they are those are not them right yeah did you want to look at some of those I mean you know that you saw what they do there they're different they they change the game it's pretty interesting I just like of it we already looked at that one the hexagon shapes this one when you build a gold building you get an extra bonus point for every opponent building that is near you that touches the building I build not diagonally better so that would have given when rusty built this he would have gotten two extra points I would have gotten I don't believe anything because those are both gold I thought that required them to be lesser buildings oh you might be right hmm the gold prestige might have been just in that area it does show silver and bronze buildings so it would have to be silver and bronze of the ponies generation king is majority bonuses in all three generations for those types of buildings so whoever has the most bronze at the end of the game most so most gold hmm see this would just hurt my head because well here's the deal I don't want to look at the board this looking at the board right now I'm thinking hey who has more bronze buildings than me it's kind of difficult I'm not saying the graphics for this game are bad cuz they're not but that's a hard thing to track for me in this mess I know there's this one at the end of the game you receive leave three points in each district that you have two gold buildings in oh so for example this is this could be kind of cool so I have two gold buildings in this green district giving but not in this district does it give you two points for those times - what was the deal it's you have to have two gold belt guys here so this region free points but I would not get three points for this oh yeah wait Aslam or is this a district no pink its each cup so pink you'd have to I would think that would count Hank do you think this whole thing yes it's by color looks like ah that makes sense yeah orange yellow district that encourages oh that's quite cool then I do have two in pink because of this little one square hmm which means that little move I'm in at the end would actually been worth more to me in a cool way right cuz this this one and this one that would have been over six points three in the green three in the pink well that's kinda cool nope thanks for teaching you are well yeah thanks for teaching yourself [Laughter] [Music] you land grab this is sniffing to this allows the cutter to require additional [Laughter]
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 32,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blue Orange Games, Chénier La Salle, New York 1901, Family Fun, Board Game (Game Genre), BoardGameGeek (Website), GameNight (Broadcast Content), CIty Building Game
Id: 4tiPyEn6G1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 34sec (4534 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2015
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