Res Arcana - GameNight! Se6 Ep47 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] gay night tonight night I'm joined by Dave lakyn Nicki and myself Rodney and we're gonna learn the two to four player game rays Arcana designed by Tom Lehman and published by sandcastle games so grab your Wizarding ones your ancient artifacts and that question will potion you've been saving and let's learn how to play hey Rodney hey Lincoln will you teach us raise Arcana I would love to okay I mean I know you're all wizards and witches so this is gonna be very familiar to you but I'm watching I should probably give some explanation what's going on here well I'll tell you very quickly the objective of this game as we all know wizards and witches and drew is they love victory points and in this game that is very much reflected because it's kind of a race the game will end at the end of a round where someone has at least ten victory points and they will see you as the most and that will be the winner of the game now how we're going to receive these victory points and we found that a variety of the different components and I have things up here on the table this is sort of a basic setup for the game we have these larger tiles which are places of power that no one owns right now but we might acquire and bring in front of ourselves we have a variety of magic items that'll actually start the game with one of these but I thought I would give you a little overview of the rules before you had to pick one we also have monuments you can acquire as well and we have in front of ourselves we have a variety of cars now I have some face up here just as examples to help me explain the rules but we all start with one mage there represents I'm the duelist what are you I'm an alchemist okay I'm the transmuter and a scene is here okay excellent and we also have a hand of three cards that we begin with and a deck of five cards and there's a few other parts as well and these we will use at all so you would notice what happens is you'll shuffle up the deck and deal if the cards and leftovers go away so every time you play you'll have a different combination of the cards that come in the game now we started with a basic setup so when you start in a normal game once you're for more familiar with it you'll get a rental get ran ages you get a random deck but here with this major has a little number in the bottom right hand corner so I have the three cards that also have that same number in the corner in my hand and that's my start again so if you look at your starting in Nicky you'll have one threes to go with your three optimist okay okay so you begin with one of these faces up in front of you over the course of the game you'll also place artifacts these all have the artifact term on them here and these will go in front of you as well allowing you to acquire points other special abilities the lovely thing about this game is it comes to this wonderful little tile here it actually goes to the entire setup on it as well as how to play so I'm gonna use this as a guide to teach us how it works so a round begins by all of us collecting essences we start you'll notice here these are the essences of the game and they all have the standard traditional magic titles of green black blue red and gold they do have special names in the game but I do find it'll easier just to refer them as their colors but like black is death and gold is gold and so on so we start with one of each of these and we have our parents that are three three cards in our hand but at the beginning of a ramp you will clap that insistence you'll look on any of the components you have infirmed that call you anything you have in front of you components and you'll look for this little symbol if we see here on the summary it's like a little grabby hand go you after something magical so for example on the cards I have in front of me I have a little grabby hand here saying red so during the this this collect essences step I would go in I grab one one red and I'd add it to my collection here that makes sense I don't have anyone else and yet in your hand yes and dave has one he'll be able to collect a blue one now as we start with our mage face up right that's right you may just it starts face it's a component it's in play now over the course of the game we'll see that you can actually get some essences on cards that you have and so it's also at this time that you can collect any essences that you have on a card and add those to your pool alright if you choose to take even just one essence off of a card than you have to take all of them that are there but if you had them on two separate different cards you could take some alt from one and leave the rest there and you'll see why you might want to do that a little bit later but that's all part of the collect essences face so either grabby hand symbol to take any essences from the cards you have in front of you if you wish make sense okay well then we move on to the the main part of around which is doing the actions and we'll start with the first player I have this first player token in front of me and then we'll go clockwise around the table taking one action at a time until everyone's past so one of the actions you can take is placing artifact so I do have some of these artifacts in front of me right now let's pretend for a second this this was in my hand if I want to place this artifact I would pay the cost in the top left hand corner which shows one green in one goal now sometimes you will see this symbol here which represents the shape of the tray the tray that comes to the game that just means kind of like three of anything in this case so two black and three of anything I would have to pay back to the supply and then I can put this one in front of me makes sense and there are I think there's one card in the deck that has a zero so no cost at all to play it hmm alright so that is place the artifact that's simple right now another thing you can do is says here is claim a monument or a place of power so again these are monuments these are places of power these work very similarly so we have the cost these are quite expensive up here because it tend to generate victory points for us right but you can see so this one costs 8 green and 4 blue so if I pay that cost I would then take this sacred glow of Grove and put it in front of me become one of my components all right and I should mention this symbol here this wax stamp that is 30 points exactly right now sometimes you'll see like I have a couple cards that direct your points on the most don't most of giving you benefits they'll help you acquire them but these are monuments down here these always cost for a bulb and that means if you want to take a monument you can take either of the two face-up ones or even the top facedown went unseen easy I don't know what these are gonna go for this these will always have points on them either 1 2 or 3 alright so if you don't saw 2 ones out here you may be like watch I get we get lucky maybe take a more valuable monument so that is claiming a monument or a place of power now another thing you can do is you can discard a card from your hand and the way they talk about discarding cards in this game is you take it from your hand and you place it kind of sideways underneath the bottom of your deck this it's an interesting different way of discarding I think their hope is that you don't accidentally get confused about which things are your despair pile which things are actually used as this makes it very clear this is not something you can use and if you discard a card like this then you can take any two essences or one gold okay so you to the nine gold essences or single gold all right and we have quite a small deck so eventually if you do go through your entire deck anything it was too scary tool to shuffle into a new deck and you can keep drawing from their key all right so that is the third of the possible actions the fourth one is using a power this is where a lot of the symbols come into play you'll notice that many of these cards including your mage will have like a little ro a power of some kind here that's these little string of and sometimes like this one here the ring of Midas has two rows so I can pick either the Rose and activate that ability so that's where we kind of have to learn with some of these symbols me and thankfully now the game comes with this little cheat sheet card here as well that talks about all the symbols and what they represent let me give you an example here this one you'll see it shows the green essence simple little X in the corner that means spend right so if I choose to spend two green then the arrow a little triangle says what I get right and it says place a goal that will come from the supply onto this card remember earlier I said during the collect essences phase this is where you can take things off this is the sort the begin of the next round if I had done this previously I would then be able to collect gold off of it so it's sort of like takes a little longer to get it into your supply but that's a gray area and I could keep doing this multiple times if I have lots of green symbols I could discard assets green essences and do this over and over and over again you'll know the second row though says I can I can exhaust the car by turning it and then we're also rotated and then I'll also put a gold on now once it's rotated I cannot nothing no longer do other actions on here so I've exhausted that I have to wait until the start of the next round alright so that are you saying you can then if you didn't exhaust that card you could do that first thing yes a lot more than once over and over and over the only available exhausted is that little rotation symbol and then I can I have to stop doing things at that point so it's green I can't get this one here is green okay so you could spend to agreement put a goal in the card and then on your next time around to you you could do that again exactly got it and then maybe once I run a green I might say okay I'm just gonna rotate it and add another gold one okay veins like them all and then to start the next round during the card I can just drag them all off of there and then I may have enough gold to buy one of these monuments neat right so the Crypt it works this in one way I can exhaust this one a game to black this one is a little more complicated as exhaustive plus throw a one black and then place one of your discards on that cart well it's so it's just the Miss currents on that card this one shows the banner symbol this banner symbol represents the banner we see here ah right so that's the the typical cost it says place one of your discards like this one at a cost of two less essences right so I spend 2 less than I normally would have to in this case this cost exactly two essences so I could just ignore the cost to put it in play neat that's the reason I might want to start it knowing that I was gonna use that ability later on right now is one thing to point out is that sometimes beside a symbol you'll see a little small it shows like the gold symbol with a little negative beside you and it's saying okay if there's a gold cost you still have to pay that like anything but not gold sometimes it'll say anything but not gold or black okay I see like - oh yeah you have anything but not exactly that's okay now there's there's a few times that might just come up when we play but I'll just mention this list one here because this one is a little different so you'll notice this one here if I rotated it says I'm gonna bone dragon this is kind of an attacking time right turn so it says all rivals must this is the symbol for basically lose must lose to life okay now when you're targeted by this if you cannot lose the to life for each one you cannot discard you must remove two of something else is that what is the symbol for moved yeah okay crosshair and this is like I have something that reacts to what's life life is just the green simple yes yeah if your green essence it will target Oh life is specifically the assets thank you exactly so you'd have to remove two of these if you if you have them if not they need to remove two of something else for each one you couldn't remove so it gets worse now many of these because they're very deadly yes you have a react to thank you many of these will also say like this one says rivals may choose to throw out a block to ignore so you can choose instead I'm going to take the black or Dave might have a chance of life in play and this says react to being targeted by one of these attacks and says he can rotate this the chalice of life and just ignore the effect but then that kills that card for the interface that's right this card is now exhausted I will mention though to react to effects even if the card has already been exhausted by something else you did you can still do the react to effect if it doesn't require exhausting in itself normally if something is exhausted you can no longer use it however as long as it doesn't require exhausting a self react to effects we're always available I think those are the main symbols you'll encounter has anyone seen anything on their birthdays an arrow down that means place whatever it's referring to on that card okay yeah that's how you'll accumulate things on on your cards okay then we'll go around like that round and around and around just taking one action at time until you know someone might pass now if so it passes the first person it passes will take the first player token notice this also has a point on it right yep so this is an account towards potential victory points at the end of reddit of the round they'll take this they'll then take whatever magic item they may already have had they'll return it up here take a new one okay when you take it you're meant to flip it facedown which will remind everyone you've passed and it also says draw one card that's the only is that there any other ways to get more cards there are occasional effects that will let you draw them but there's no standard method during the game okay more cards quicker so next person who passes will not get this token but they will still swap in a new magic item and they'll draw one card yeah all right once everyone has passed this time to check for victory let me just ask does anyone have 10 or more vector points right and if someone does and they're the only one who does then they would win but if multiple people do then whoever has the most victory points at that point will win there's still a tie and you check to see you as the most essences and that player is the winner and each goal will count as two essences for that tie breaking effect okay any questions yes that's right so we do have to pick from these so what is this one to you yes okay so you had this one at the start of the round when we're collecting essences you can pick either of these types to take got any the supply this one's kind of entry says rotate this one throw it or of anything and then get to gold all right this one says wrote this one's interesting reanimate rotate this one exhausted throat something and then then unrotated you can potentially get to do something twice maybe some that was powerful alright this one lets you rotate this one throat three of anything to gain three of anything but no old right hey look at this you were asking about drawing cards directions there any way you can do it you just take the research do matically which makes sense throw something and they draw a card this one has a react to effect of this one lets you draw three cards add them to your hand and then discard three yeah you've actually got quite an interesting effect here because yours was it that's the message of draw three cards reorder and then put them back so you could draw that from your deck right and then rearrange them how you like but you also do that to the monument deck if you'd like to see what's in there potentially order them you can use that ability for that as well so I will shuffle my deck out and I think we're ready to begin all right I think I want to start by playing oh sorry we have to collect our magic magic items yeah this is actually done a reverse turn order so I'm saying are with you Dave you get first pick for me and I'll just get resources never a bad idea at the beginning of the game for sure okay I will do this one it seems like it's good yeah start by having our services once I get it going it right I won't have this carton we probably all have them right now I guess I get to do this the beginning anyway yes that's they're taking it together recently yeah well the cards thing away well the nice things about you is you have your alchemist yeah but you can burn rotate to get one of anything so if you have the reanimate you could potentially do that twice now and reanimate sounds good yeah I really wanted that one okay well well fine fine fine fine I will take it all take transmutation that's never bad one cuz that just allows you to change three things into three other things yeah but you maybe I'll find what I need there okay now now that we've done that we've sort of finished the setup now we can jump into the actual first round which starts with collecting essences so this is done simultaneously you look for the little grabby hands I have one here that needs a read so I'll take that No can you hand me a blue and a red very nice yeah thank you so much winces either death or a life essence that's right which color is taxes death taxes a gold probably oh yeah the other thing to me obviously we have these power is power places of power up here it can generate a lot of points that this was just worth three but many of these will generate points based on how many essences are located on them so if you have the catacombs of the Dead and you threw out five black you get to place a black on here and then this is worth one different black on it right and that doesn't exhaust it so yeah this serves all black you could do that multiple times during the same round right or just exhausted and then put one on as well you took a death yep okay I had nothing - I have no grants well they don't grab all they can out I will soon enough so now we've done the collecting essences phase it's time to do actions I want to point out one of these carts he'd be a little sort of places of power can be a little sneaky Anya this Coral Castle says you can exhaust this to check for victory now so you could in the game exactly and it's so you might say look around though I've got ten here nobody else does all right exhaust doesn't end up now so I like to point that out because I can get you would have a ten if you collect that to me what you guys seven its own you took that maybe you know you have that if you had this for a previous to that is yeah so agency and make sure they sneaky I should point out do some people know these are double sign it is this the beginner side this color ring exactly they say if your first game use shoe or is that side okay so I guess I better take it as pointing that out cuz he's gonna do it right now thank you I already I already have this feeling like these this is exactly the kind of game where it's gonna end halfway through where you're like wait I'm just getting everything happening yes well I hope that's what happens I'm gonna play the hand of glory just kind of creepy it's getting maxi candle fingers I'm what happened there so this is gonna cost a agreeing to black and I am done that's uh that's a whole turn just like yeah now we're back to that's me yeah clockwise okay well let me just build something yeah cuz I can't never bad idea that is zero oh look it's cheap it's a magical shard oh that's a good one to know it's gonna get me stuff to yes exhaust it so that's good that's a really good one is that the only thing I can do that's one actually keep going around and around so okay I will you shut off enough I won't depend on it I'll put the Fountain of Youth into action here it's gonna be nice well death and water yeah water okay it's how you create fountains of you do the exact thing with death and water and so I'll be able to collect like a feature that's right flaming pit to fire okay I'm gonna use my hand of a lorry haven't washed enough so this I have to exhaust it then I will get to black but guess what all of my rivals also get a black OH like necessarily a bad thing well I don't have a choice he games we have one more than we did what dear that's alright alright that's that's my turn yeah when he ends the game with the thing well now that I kind of have a copy of the other one in a weird way yeah I'll just do this one yeah and take that's just taking one unless it have a number in it right yeah yeah exactly anything below I mean I watch her watch her mitre watch air boy so it seems like you kind of have a first round that's may be pretty action-filled and then you might not have a lot of car because yeah you only have one unless you've done this then you only have one very hand yeah okay so I will put into play the dancing sword did dancing it's one of the ones that reacts to the knife draw things alright but I will spend this fire time and I will spend this goal yeah and get yourself uh yeah you're both flaming sword yeah it will give me death and fire when I are gonna be collecting a bunch of slightly give me two by the way oh yeah I'm gonna build this vault Altaf olneyville that's a really want gold and go I guess of water wait am I gonna try to do this - no the golden water golden water right yeah listen you that's right done okay well you're all doing cool things I want to do cool things well then do it I'm gonna try try you know what I'm gonna do this cool thing so I'm going to exhaust my do list throw it a black essence and then I get to put a gold essence yep there's my cool thing that's cool yeah I'm a celestial horse celestial but I am wondering what this little clock oh I never did talk about that yeah that is the animal symbol and then you'll find Appa there's also a dragon symbol there are a few cards in the game like for example this one here the secret is not a card but it's a component it says exhaust this plus an animal what a green token on this and you can see this is worth two victory points plus 1 for every green honor this might pair nicely with your select yes I have to get it first yeah that's right okay I need to pay for this so that was to water and a flame water the dragon's lair appropriately enough requires exhausting that's right that's right and they'll be in the top right hand corner just like the animal symbol is okay okay I will go to Paris me insane we did not have more sit which we should have if somebody gave us some grief for it and you're correct so I'm gonna exhaust this look I spend 200 click it free but get three back and I want to get what I need to build this card so then I'll have no cards in my nice so I'll take that I'll take that and I will take another bottle so other than wanting to be the start player for the next round right there's really no reason not to use all the powers that you can use correct I would agree yeah if you collect as much essences as you can probably use them any powers as you can okay I am going to exhaust this to put a bulb on it late in the game sometimes it can very poor in just yes exactly for grabbing the magic item you want or maybe even sure that you get to start the next turn but okay well boy those turns went fast I let's see boom boom I know what I need I will use my transmutation to throw three things to get three other things that I want but not good but not goal with unfortunately for throwing it's really three four three okay it's not quite the same as yours yeah yeah he's specializes in the odds meeting yep you did like double up on that one now if all kinds of that sounds what is it I wanted to know the green I don't know whoops green blue and I will take yes we'll see you death okay I'm done okay what I need my next term playing - okay - of everything anything and potion and play the Tree of Life okay so you got everything played out of your hand as well yeah that's happening here too I'm gonna put my hot creature he's got a little green paw symbol yeah Papa and then I spend a life essence in water I think I got Hawkman alright I am going to use my seer power I'm gonna draw these three cards in the order them and put them back XO hawk does that to you may take it Jerry why he draws a card oh it's your deck yeah so I'm gonna play the elemental spring that's a good idea I might do that dude for anything to turn to whoopsie whoopsie no but that's my power right but that's what this is draw three cards back well I'm looking at these cards she says destroy on it with Lulu well destroy this card yeah yeah it'll use for this card and I get something yes and destroy it with relish oh my gosh and a letter Ella in muster to do so I think it's already you okay could I just refresh this I mean I have no fresh something then because although you've got like this one to give you three I'll do it right now start this process yeah so exhaust for three and all the rivals are gonna also gain he just did something similar yeah put them on this guy know you that when you just get to keep right away okay yeah okay well Wizarding Ellington I first will do this before I will do exactly what Dave did okay look at topsoil titrant them yeah I'm gonna exhaust this and get rid of my newfound green and that gets me fire and death I mean look at these three cards and put them exactly as they were it helps well I have to draw them it helps to know what you're trying to collect and you know what oh yeah I don't have anything else to do I think you guys still have things to do I'm going to pass so I will collect the first player token and then I will return transmutation nope you turn it face down in front of you I hate that you've passed that's right once I collect it once I click the new one oh is that how that works or the one I take of course yeah I'll take him got that run alchemy so but Dad it tells me draw one card rod all right yes it's he he's passed right yeah yeah this would be nice a reminder that I'm done and you guys can just skip I keep doing all your fun thing I like it okay so sorry I took the aligot meeting you asked me if we go around and keep playing and we get back to you to get to draw another card yeah we could keep going and he could get like an okay let's see and you know the power of undoing what's that symbol that is so that outline there is a similar to what a banner looks like so that just means that you could place a dragon at a cost of that dragon less three oh I see that better or less three go so one discount this is a dragon's lair my dragons are on cards that's right yeah exactly am I supposed to give something up you understand yeah you'll have to spend one thing any one thing and then you can refresh your cart yeah so did you didn't spend anything yet don't spend the yellow I know it seems like it's hard to get and you've got a really lovely engine going here potentially for that sacred grove because it requires a lot of green and that you don't care for it honestly yes I am passing so I'll take that and I'm going to since I have no cards I'm gonna research for the next round nice okay there you go Dave then you get to drop and use drugs yes your top card but you should know what it is yeah dude I'm also gonna pass dad wrong card well who's left lovely just gonna do my tree life yeah I mean why not I would like to have another green essence thank you there's one get two more one two okay she's got a lot of green on it she does I'm working towards something very obviously there's no sneaky going on well it's back to you Nikki sweet just do all the things you want to know I don't think you're done yet you want me to keep going yeah I think you should alright okay I can this one you can't do anything with question face but that one over there you can do either those top two things I can't exhaust this yeah and take a something but I don't here's where it's not such a great plan I don't know what's coming up next so should know what kind of good I need right miss Chloe says something right I'll give myself a fire hopeful you read them what are you what are you picking next turn based on your cards I know in other words what what essence is doesn't have a lot of anything actually you got that saw which is nice because it's two of anything so you wait to look at this and then during the collection phase right get to pick some you know two things okay so it's my turn again yep I'm gonna get rid of this one and I'm taking divination all right you know just for silly mistake need to see your your card and then right we finished the we finished the round so we're back to a new round when we would first of all we check to see didn't win no no no I didn't think so I got one point yeah as long as you can hold on and we unexhausted our cards and we can flip over our magic items that were faced down I'll flip over this first player so I'm going to get red another red and a green a blue I will take this girl off of my do list so that's me okay I can take two things I get life a D and a fire you know water yes blue no red please you've got it and then if I leave the gold I get at the one too so I will take a a blue a rattler I'll dig around around I don't know what my next one is I think I took the wrong power already blue and the absent-minded edition we agree it is thank you well now we're also minute in essence is here wants to work with all right so as the first player I'll take the first action and I think it'll be to get up this dragon's tooth I would imagine extracting a dragon's tooth is no easy thing not really probably a delicate operation I know that one though I wonder if it's like doing a basilisk tooth it might be but you know ranj is wind-god one it was a big deal but he was dead bass play so I guess that's probably what are you talking about Harry Potter Oh Ron I was thinking your buddy Ron or something it all makes a lot more sense than all the mysterious animals there are some neat little thematic tie-ins to some of the abilities like I have a dragon's tooth and that will get me more of the red fire stuff right do you think fire dragon kind of makes sense well I guess I'm gonna do my draw three and discard three so okay everyone's have to look at what's in their neck beside me to jealous oh my goodness I'll do this just to look at what's coming up for the other stuff and Plan C things figure something out I did not really look at the cards in advance or I'm not sure what I have so I guess it's the Dathan mm-hmm burn now that would have been a good one to see how oh all right I'm gonna exhaust this for a green to throw it a green yeah throw any green can I have a second up with that ready to black certainly okay thank you yeah I guess it's to me well I would like to show my generosity once again hey guess my better judgment I'll take a black yeah oh very much dolls is I'll take two of them and it'll be done hmm alright I'm gonna build a chalice of fire that is a gold and a fire nice it's not what you collect red I'll get red yes I'll get something beginning yeah and then if I exhaust this right exhaust I get thrown a red and throw it a red is that any card yeah it's like reanimated and so you can rely on something else yeah but I I uh card so that's a good one okay I will do this so I will do some research throat in essence essence of some sort and I will probably do the green and then we'll take the top card oh I chose the wrong thing I wasn't thinking yeah that's fine three cards and I put them back on the wrong order you write it yourself hey this is great but that's not what I want I'm using my power which means you brought with them in the reverse order of what you want Lincoln yes yes it's like something I think that's later in the game for me yeah oh well flip them if you meant to do it that way no no it's fine all right will you turn those two and the greens for me certainly so there's our one two for one two for two in transmuting right do I have to I don't have to do all three no right cause it'd be the same as throwing one of those blocks in or something taking a black back I guess it's to me I don't like it cuz I want to do play both the card in my hand and do the dualist ability and I cannot do that you can't always get what you want but if you try sometime you may try sometimes yeah you might get what you need yeah watch me oh we just got a copyright strike probably like I was real okay look I can't I can't do I really want to do so I'm gonna leave this in my hand I won't be doing this I'll exhaust the dualist I'll spend the black you get a gold on the Duelist I just want more gold that's all I want makes his life is more gold yoke and in the game magical shard and we'll get that would be awesome to have right now just to be able to generate anything you want yeah it's pretty great it's working out maybe okay well I'm gonna do the elvish bow it's fine for me cuz I can draw a card but it's a mean one or otherwise so it's a good one but look at that yeah that's fine yeah I don't think I'm gonna do the part that I wanted I'm gonna take this green and put it here and give you all these yeah is that dragon's lair what is that gonna do for you so many things really it's going to bad for us it's going to allow me to place dragons for cheaper but more importantly it generates gold - Gold that's awesome and if you have a dragon and exhaust that you get gold on there - gold on there Oh on the card yes is just me though yeah it's just you yeah interesting 44 that's interesting so I need a dragon to put gold on the card it gets the victory point right but you can just use it to get gold in the meantime for yourself personally yeah okay well I'm going to use my alchemy mm-hmm throat for things and get two gold ones goals cuz that's how alchemy works oh man it's getting a mud save it up for a moment it's gonna matter that's true alright my alchemists just the normal thing and I will get another matter nice I'm gonna exhaust that and draw a card I still don't think it's the one I want to yeah I know it is the Wonder Woman that's good you could have been mean with that elvish Bell yeah but I want to car yeah the night and in this case did you still not get the one you were looking for I know this is the one in one yeah nice um help put those in the wrong way okay I'm gonna exhaust the vault for a little gold yep Gold um well once again my engine is going but but I think I'm gonna pass Oh exhaust oh my goodness my first player token it's good thing I never played this game before this Harrison okay I'm gonna return this make sure I don't take that one I have no one taking these ones let's see what I got in here really well I can't take them when you return that's right so I think oh yeah it's so good though isn't it Nikki yeah yeah I quite enjoyed it okay I'm taking that one I need to draw there we go woo that's that one's a fun one okay I'm going to exhaust but my Charles fire yes throw out a fire give myself some water done so I will exhaust that possibly a good and take another card now you've gotten all three of the ones that yeah oh yeah a chance to look at yeah exhaust that's a big thing to exhaust I'll check his ice dragon there isn't to go please you got it thank you I'm still passed okay hey I'm gonna get my water now Oh fantastic there we go it seems like it's a good idea so I will do this dadís doesn't it to get to water in a life essence on the car yeah yeah yeah that's fine believe me actually I guess I'm gonna have to exhausted I just I'm just doing it right that's correct yeah yeah you did again right yeah if you had yes but a ton of skulls death skulls is death skulls is I'm gonna pass and put this back and I'll take that Alchemist that's right two of us are out all right trio life gives me three I'll give you a little rule now that I'm thinking about it once you've passed if someone turret like uses that crosshairs on your life you cannot be affected by that what's in the past okay that makes sense so everyone gets one of these cuz I did my tree of life but even if you've passed if someone's doing thinking things like Nikki is we still get to collect good things you just aren't affected by the bad things prep for the next round I will convert these the water into s life essences to a fire and I'm doing this right yeah it was spending too so I spent one too many uh water in life - I still do that I need to read that carefully I'm thinking of other people's right so I put away - I get I took a fire I need a sculls is that gonna have it all I think here I'll take another fire and another Scotch just for the sake of argument okay and you still badass Nicki's turn yay I made room already haha yep for your secret guard guard so that's eight look it's yours I don't want to call it the secret yeah turn you can do that and for water nice look at that I just have a skull hates and I'm gonna pass and you got victory points yes points already are you winning do I she's ahead yeah you got a smile yep two points I'm gonna pass okay well don't you a victory point no yeah hey wait remember I said about taking alchemist well I wanted the alchemist man I said that out loud I just drew the wrong one class what happens I don't have what it takes to be an alchemist um I guess I'll do reanimate maybe I'll get something don't do that it's good list then you get a draw does reanimate work for these two it does yeah yeah Wow okay is there a limit to handle Emmitt there isn't any limit and I should mention these are an unlimited supply as well if you run out they include these little tokens so you can trade in some and say like this represents five blue and Nikki yes yeah it's just you we won't run out of things to do I getting here no not until I go that's right the green health stuff back okay so that's it so I'm going to get rid of this Ashley sorry that's not quite true did you do the second row muscles taken oh no he's not exhausted yeah yeah but isn't it exam I have to exhaust to card no this means exhaust this sacred growth as well as an animal so if you exhaust this okay and then the horse you've sent the horse into the Grove and then you get to put a green essence on this card but isn't it from my pool oh boy oh boy yeah I thought it was from one on your own you're well on your way you're on your way okay so now you're probably passing because I think there's what she's gonna want that we animate okay yeah I'm done so okay I hope so where's that drawing cards ones Easter is getting away from me this is what I want okay so now has anyone won no no okay so everything on exhausts flip over our tiles wait I draw a card right you do that's right yeah sorry I got ahead of you there okay so now we can collect our essences I get a little red take your little red blue and green blue red be red and two my goal this round mm-hmm is to not be the first person to pass that is my goal I'm jealous of you guys your engines are going to that's it well I am going to do something that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab for these monuments it's going to spend for gold you know for the Colossus at Rhodes oh yeah this one seems really good obviously because it's worth a couple more points to the one more point this one if this one will give me six sequences yeah right away which would really let me know if something's going I'm gonna take the obelisk here so that will sit in front of me worth one point then I gained six things it would actually take punch block yep you have a sense of what I might be you totally know how you the seer you are the same that's why yeah the seer know if I were truly this year I would have taken different instances from I welcome oh yeah well there's always work on yourself maybe that's your weakness ah this is really icy and to myself all right I'm done right now oh thank you very much that's exactly right it will refill now behind reader right it could have been end-of-round right so this one's the golden statue this one's kind of interesting it says react to checking victory you exhaust this throughout three gold and you get plus three victory points for this check only so at the end of the round when checking for victory or if someone checked for victory early you could say okay no problem I'm gonna exhaust this spend three gold now I have three more points than I had before which might give you the wind interesting mm-hmm all right Nikki yes sir do you like I'm gonna do stuff well here we go everybody trio life oh we all get something green you're welcome you both have what three cards in your heads what does that one do that for oh this one's really interesting okay so this is the Philosopher's Stone quite expensive yeah but it spent at the point it is pretty fantastic so you can exhaust this card plus do anything plus as many as you like of the same thing whatever that value is let's just so you through it like I'm for this oh you threw in a blue and green and you threw it six red you'd then gain six gold neat okay that's interesting it can be any closer right he could throw out a blue and red and then three more blues four three gold right so it's a high the only thing here is whatever this is whatever the second whatever you throw for this part they all have to be the same right but these two could be that it would be same you're different oh yes so that's a pretty cool one that is a great card so I think I am going to convert the two to three which will help me do that card the next turn sure the so I will get rid of a green and and let's just say sure and get back the blue and the green in the red nope into black wait you didn't take these did you want a so I saw that too do you take them with you yeah oh I figured election catastrophe I don't know well let me think that over again I thought that it was like one of the card things you know here let's do this back you also have these yeah the only reason to leave them on the card is if leaving them gets you stuff right that's why I've been leaving so I won't philosophize and do that huh philosophize and that's to to to to boy I was going to say I was gonna do the same idea which was try to build up a bunch cuz I thought that's what was going on build up a bunch of cash that in and get some gold cuz they don't have them no this is even better right because now you can now you can turn to yes my three of a kind yeah and I could get dangerous real quick chalice of life I build to be gold and and life this what's green life and water it started so strong you were seeing her through that goal that more well-liked mana okay done okay I have to say Dave your essence tossing skills are really good okay I'm gonna use my good ol hand of glory it's been very useful to me I get to black and yes yes you all yes it's fantastic yes I'll take it all right yeah I'm gonna do this mermaid and I do have to spur me but I have a question per meter haha I exhaust this card oh yeah this seems interesting yeah oh boy this is going for use yeah you thrown any one of those and put essence spent yeah so they don't go here you go here are they going and that's a simple thing I mean component any including this yeah for a point that's great that's a really cool thing that planets are aligned for me too yeah so do it next turn all too soon oh yeah let's see here I need to do things to make things happen so um so I will convert these to blue bike do it using my transmission right sorry explain explain and I'll take out three so I'll take out and it's any two right let you through out for this is Oh for that it's yes to anything and then and you're writing else needs to match yeah and for everything else that mild to shoot if the green you'll get gold there you go yeah although Nicki's gonna know she's not taking green so yeah you could use it on the next hoping Rodney will take black though soon yeah you skulls is death tokens those skulls and don't forget you can also discard a card from your hand for any two essences well that especially since I then I may not kill you I may not kill you guys for life just to get that card back in my hand so you know I think it's time for what to get a place of power as well those catacombs of the dead are looking pretty good so it's one two three four five six seven eight now I can you imagine if I had the Philosopher's Stone I know alright no like it would be his little gold yeah right it's pretty crazy alright I got that I got this though so this is going to give me a point for every black that's on it which currently is zero right hmm I know Nicky he's getting his engine right behind I know that's right we don't that sputtering yeah mine's not so great I don't seem I think you need one of those oh you I've won the game with none of the places upon ya and you are attorney you're going to turn to a gold machine yeah Monument and there's all these points alright so can I put any number like if I had a bunch it's just one yeah just one thank goodness alright use that I can undo it if I want to I can do that undo a thing let's get a card and see what's going on so do that throw out something and draw a card okay well I will throw out a card for two since I can't build right now anyway I'm not to just discard for now is it out or does it you know so you don't have a deck anymore right you'd run it through it so that is techn adjust make sure it's yeah off to the side a little bit yeah and when you need to draw you'll draw that one card yeah okay so I'll take tale pixie black and I should do it's not really relevant but your discarded cards are public information so we can see that you know he's got the Caesar from there Sigmund she's gonna give him a point as well I will exhaust this and put a gold mine done okay I will use the dragon's teeth I can throw it to red - then put three red oh that's all right yeah it's a turn two into three that's me that's me listen to me yeah alright I got a free card which is the prism so that lets me know exhaust this throughout a resource and game - of course no cold though yes or I can exhaust it I think it's like it's too much think it's similar to what like it's a little different but the same way because you can throw it as many essences as you like that are the same to get as many essences of another type that are the same except for called that's that's where it's different okay that was my turn okay I will use my philosopher's stone well yeah oh here we go spending - yep I'm getting six gold yes okay so I have a question for you from throwing a card away for resources the entire turn right right if I use my seared power to draw three cards and we were to put them back yeah I only have two yeah does that cause me to reshuffle my dad okay I am going to go to Paris France I'm gonna discard this jeweled statuette then even though it's got a point on it you don't get the card back I might not I'll soon oh I might not turn to tennis and I'm gonna take water for that oops done okay well I'm going to exhaust my catacombs of the dead and that will allow me to put on black yeah man black on so it's worth a point now yay that's me yep Neal simple real simple turn okay it's funny so this is I'm thinking it's exhausting that's why I had to be careful yes a bit like that maybe so this way suddenly you're getting is probably a little bit easier well I was like why do it where does that card do it I didn't do that right yeah it's fun Trixie I'll just replenish it into axiom boom done okay I will buy the Colossus yeah at the heck colossal new card nice and that just goes down in here this is the Oracle that dissimilar to what we've seen before draw three cards reorder put back okay and reminder that you can also use this on the monument deck if you'd like and it's worth two points okeydoke I am going to spend two water right yeah to put two water and a green on this page glug glug glug glug glug done well I pet pet pet pet putt-putt little engine I know I can't do these the cement mixer goes potty potty putt putt putt little engine I'm just gonna use my duelist to put a little gold on them he's collecting some gold I guess the idea here is he killed somebody stole their gold maybe maybe he's a duelist yeah okay all right that's me that's me trio life it it's a me so everybody so I get three yeah thank you I'd like one I will get you one sir thank you thank you me I have a bunch of friendly mages yep uh it's funny I got Rihanna me I do not know that it really matters but I could do this I will and hope that Rodney gives me a black token at some point spend this to put a gold on here well you'd get it next turn right for ya you'll be able to reanimate that it's not a question yeah here's a card that says destroy one of your rotate this card and destroy one of your artifacts yes and you gain the scroll of what I just destroyed yeah plus two yeah so let's say I built this and destroyed this chalice would I collect these off the card so yeah if you destroy this one then any essence is that Iran will have to go back to the supply you're basically losing them that makes sense that's destroyed that seems like destroyed makes destroy I'm into a flaming pit it up and can I have eight red in the black pieces thank you now I said that I wasn't going to be the first to pass this I was wondering that however I have Dwight bass really I am going to pass I think I've heard of things to do here and you have been wrong with being first right now I'm gonna throw this out now what do I want I want this one back and I can't do that so I will take I'll take this one though this one will be useful so I am going to draw try to be done okay I'm gonna use my mermaid so gonna take one of my wrists silly green and just put it on the card nice done noise I'm gonna buy the horn of plenty it cost me two gold but it lets me make gold nice oh wow I said let's meet on this next same term when I usually and I'll get three resources nice I want to take three of something that I want that will hopefully do an old conversion so we're both your Philosopher's Stone yeah um 2 + 3 1 2 3 when I use let's say I want to use alchemy right it's 84 and I get two gold yeah and one of those four be gold yeah alright yeah I mean it will still be a one upgrade cuz it would still be let's say I spend three of these in the goal to get two gold yeah cuz I might want to build this car rides way and you need some of the other stuff you guys have been very nice giving me yeah Rodney and Nikki though well I don't have cards to do that either right Lincoln I know I'm stupid but I'm trying to figure out if this is worth building right it's just it's income for the rest of the game but alright well let's do this first I'm gonna use the seer first right and draw no three monuments please what's that the top three monuments please oh I see you're gonna draw off the top right where he's gonna look him in yeah yeah I'm back in order right anything good in there if you want to share with the class it's nice right because the ones that are more victory points aren't as nice for the good been mmm Wow yeah okay well you Palin's done yeah okay so my celestial horse right right here right for the paw yes and then this oh wow so you got five points you're halfway there yeah and I'm gonna use my horn of plenty yep take three black skulls for if I'm gonna cheat and go today alchemy red red green black for two bowls done I think someone's gonna be able to afford a monument I'm gonna do the prism so I discard something or one of these deals and get two of something else right green yeah but at the same time it's like how many greens can I get on there I'm gonna reanimate the horn of plenty Oh Dave you're gonna be swimming in skulls on yeah skulls is yeah don't want to do this don't want to build this is the question three and two yeah that's if those two and I'd have to spend a goal to do it what does it do it just gets me I mean in addition to thing yeah a collection I can turn to green in the three red nana card you know what I'll just spend the four gold for the monument I'll take the blind one please all right it's not for you it's actually not as nice as the others it's only a point but I get three things in return that's Wow oh that's every collection face yeah nice hey don't forget the card in your hand if you want to use it you just get rid of it for more essences right true yeah you don't decide to build this mystery just toss that's true well oh he's giving me again I could do that yeah magic sharp for a water and I'm gonna do the horn of plenty again for three sizes mm I am gonna do that I'm gonna discard this for to believe please thank you alchemists for water can you manage to use everything you collected yeah yeah I'm gonna draw a card just have that back in my hand I am going to do this again and spend two blue 40 blue nice done I am passing so I will put this one back and I okay you're passing oh yeah I'm gonna take that and I'm passing I'm gonna take this and in fact I didn't really want to discard this but I was trying to get reanimate from you yeah you wanted to wait all day why I wanted to delay one yeah yeah I don't know if that's gonna help me in any way but that's not smart that was my clue right okay well did anyone win don't I drunk I don't think so points we all got hey one okay three five well and I've got three two plus one here yeah it's a three okay everything you need Rodney oh I would like to have two red one green one blue oh thank you what do you need Nick a water and two fires and then I got a pic - okay what do you need - I need a blue - red yep I'm gonna collect this so I don't get those right right I get all these yeah a balloon a green and then any three of my chest is that correct that's for gold yeah yeah boy 3 red I guess ok - today's gonna probably hard to beat Ralph no the problem is I don't have anything that generates points yeah you've got what I've got a lot of stuff and not really much that I can do with it right like I can maybe get to buying this just until three points well yeah I'm not there yet okay and then I get I gave everybody else stuff I get green black and red and that is that hmm well I just give everyone a little bit of death yay thank you first time I've ever been thankful you deaf yes do please attorney in for water for two gold which is the alchemists special saying I will take a disc okay why not all right I'm gonna build my win-win I guess I should have taken it that was the that's one of the things for this yeah all right yeah yep so I guess I'll do the philosopher's stone I'll dump what do I want to keep I will spend green in a red life and if I a fire stone thingy you know and I will have to dump three oh no that's this Sorcerer's Stone here is it your second from your earlier is yet to and I will put in one two three six nine gold well you changed my move I'm gonna spend for gold yeah to buy this monument yeah we got a new monument coming out this one is the temple it will give a green during the collection phase and they can react to and it's worth two points well I think I will play the Crypt just a cost to black and then three of something else I'll go one two three crypt is in play all right that's me okay spend a fire get that one back in play done umm I will buy the Oracle I guess or these voids yep the whole points are accumulating now yeah so we have a new monument this one is Salman's mind just exhausted to get a cold huh I'm gonna done my winged dragon for three less right so I'll spend one water and four blacks one two nice before well that's his discount dragon yeah well right we'll see it's on sale let's see I will I like soft well no I won't do that I will discard one of the cards in my hand to get a couple of essences I'll take two black that'll be me okay sauce this for fire done I'm gonna do this one here that lets me draw 3 resources I should have done it for the skulls it's okay oh I've done that first before yes right we're going sense it's not real critical but yeah when you're scrooge mcduck over there swimming in your wall couple more sorry I'm gonna toss this what you're good yeah done transmutation use that and convert these into black 1 2 3 I'm done okay I'm gonna turn in for fires for two golds I'm gonna spend for gold for the to the temple yep oh yes yeah I mean now yeah as we going fast points are flying the Great Pyramid three points yep I'm gonna reanimate this and it cost me something right I'd get rid of a water water mmm I will one two three four five six plus one two three I'll get the cursed Forge or another another point okay all right for gold for the Great Pyramid yep dang points or no do you ask eight yeah yeah close to the end now I pledge that yeah yeah all right here we go this one is the library and it will let you exhaust it to draw a card I will do this the Colossus to put a hold on it dumping a water all right I'm gonna do both of the ease that puts two gold on my dragons lair dragons lair that's three point no two points sitting on there I have fight for okay nope five yeah 5 or 5 okay well I will exhaust the Duelist spend some death get all gold on them that's me okay mermaid oh nine oh this is badly I make you from oh yeah points I guess that's true if I've had if you pass on that next turn you have ten points because you get a point for being the start player for the next round so I'm ready to pass before you go yeah unless you think you can get to 11 yes the question isn't it I don't think I can I'm not sure I'm not even close Lincoln can pass or I can pass yeah I no reason for me to do it one why I've got seven points three basically if none of us passed then this is the last round so if you think you can get to 11 right then don't pass all right Lincoln you're up okie dokie I think he's gonna kill us um the case yeah hello [Music] let's see if there's anything else that's valuable for me to do I guess I'm I'll just do this gives me three of these so I'll just do that puts one more all right Rodney it's all on you just why we have fun wow that's great I have never way to get there believe it to me you don't have to do it I don't I don't but I will you don't have to I think I will I mean there is some one other thing I could do oh gosh I'm giving up a point by passing one point one point to death but I think I've got to do it can you generate any more points Nikki generate me now - inna surround - this is okay oh yes well he's dead honey I'm just not gonna pass out or do you okay so I exhaust my celestial horse cuz he's got no well done okay wait have a Oh +2 for the card yeah totally know at the end of the round so there's no way I'm getting more point the point is she doesn't win instantly right he just triggers the end right around and she might be able to get more points you know that's right right I'm able to pass me at me no I have only two gold total or three on the next house only I had a way to get gold I think I'm pretty much done so I might as well just uh you think you can hit my rivals they can lose a green Oh from their point we should we should have done that we should have hit her I could have hit her for - well does she ever react to that we could my favorite of one Scout was this one it's just ignore it yeah ignore it Xinxin raffia the temple there that is it I'm gonna pass no wait I'm also in the past and I'm not gonna take a new role because it doesn't matter I am going to try it generally doesn't one more point before my turns good luck Claire I'm going to discard this one to get to black yeah I should've done that and then the next one they could've got vegetable okay does anything count for anything at the end of the game other than that was only for breaking time resources or tiebreakers do my sheets I could do my trio life and get three yeah life look at this no all that coming in like wow no but there is no wow right the second convert yes you're a one away from grabbing this one though Ronnie to the polarity correct yeah I was getting that next turn yeah sure yeah and I was gonna get this next turn so I was giving us I was gonna be able to get six points it doesn't matter really everyone pass yours why I'm hesitating but real life because you're gonna give you agree that's what I'm asking and you should do that so pass yep okay so I have five skulls which I can spend to put one skull on here which would be another point yeah it's good idea if passed it comes back down yeah I can exhaust this to put another skull in here which is another point this can be a real points generation source but I just got it wasn't legally that is right on soon enough all right so that's that I can't do this one can't do that one I think that does it for me alright so I also pass so now we check does anyone have ten point one culture here one called sure if you would have been and one would that put you out eight baby only had five one two three four five okay what do you have riding they have one two three four five you know that looks like I have all of seven eight oh no eight yeah yeah but if if there had been an extern yes right I was gonna collect this gold mm-hmm that means when we check for victory I would have three more yeah you like was going to be able to buy this right for that for three more and I was good and I was able to exhaust this for two more so I was gonna generate points Wow but it just took me too long to get there Yeah right it was cool so what do you think Nikki fee of course I liked it did you enjoy like manipulating things or like it's I I mean it's an engine builder now he's completely like very good at engine builders but maybe just everything was the right well these are slightly stacked no but these are the all of it really right because you have the three starting currency your hand but everything else you're drew after that was totally random right so neat the use of it well it's interesting she kind of had you had some expensive things here your prism was cheap and you know this was cheap and they did good things for you which is pretty awesome the only thing I never really got good at was generating the gold so but you didn't even got this at the last minute it was really funny I had my eyes on the tours and I was just hoping no nobody would leave me with just a one point and then when that slipped up to three it was in the three that you looked at no no you don't know I saw I saw the one that to the to the to the one yeah right and I wanted this one specifically because I wanted all the recent resources you know you got in one turn I thought about getting the two or right like what was the two you this one yeah that one's pretty cool yeah but I mean I didn't need right a single green the the ability to get three of whatever I wanted seemed worth giving up I just wanted the point I like the look of it you didn't have any places a power go in there but yeah generating gold in something my name is were just gonna be points for you right right it was a little slow though I was I was hoping for more of these I what's what was the final one that was level one was it another two okay so there's one three and it's a finite group of mine even talked about that is so you you you could in theory see them all every game that's right they're more in the game no that's okay interesting the only thing that we didn't see oh so there is only that one three yeah right the different majors are kind of some unique symbols like the artificer here places are all artifacts that one less right everything gets cheaper or the druid will unexhausted so some unique abilities there is a dragon a creature no the animals like what yeah the animals yeah but then we have like you know there's these other other parts we didn't see like this guard dog that will continue to give you a react to affect the wind that man is quite interesting says so it has the ability to put essences on us right then if you leave them there then you will add two of each type of color that is on there someone turned maybe put in green on there so then the next turn II do you leave I created get two more green nice then I'm not trying to put a blue there then next thing you get two more ready to wear blue yes I keep some why anything outlawed you leave stuff on there right so you play this a bunch discipline yeah I I really enjoy the despite my efforts here I quite enjoy the engine building aspect of it yeah every time I play even though most the time I've been teaching new people so I'm always ready the same for mages it's a different game it's a different game because I think those five cards are always different and suddenly I'm trying to figure what is the most efficient thing should be going for place of power my mainly generating gold what do I need like so it changes I've had news where I go through my entire deck I've had games where I don't as plenty left in there and changes every time what you said if I remember quickly so how does the game normally play you would normally see all your cards right so normally everyone would be dealt eight artifacts totally randomized we'd shuffle all the artifacts together including the ones that are numbered with the ones in the corner too so everything is shuffled all together you would get it eight cards artifacts you'd get two mages you would look at all of your are you know that before you do that you look at all eight of them shuffle them all create a deck of eight drop three then pick your then pick which made you want so you know everything is in your deck so you know if you have dragons right right alright and then you decide this in your hand even which major would be best to pair with us nice yeah that's me what do you think Dave I like it a lot yeah you know you were skeptical at first no I was I thought you said you know I mean you know me I like any sort of know what I wasn't skeptical what I said and by the way it did happen what's that what I said was that by the time I kind of figured out what I was the over like I had this spectacular turn negative yeah but I didn't have that next turn it's a it's not just engine Billy but any game that has that sort of puzzle aspect to it of course I like right there's definitely that kind of like okay I wanna do this to do that yeah this to that to do this I I can see what's where you could play better paying more attention to sort of what people were doing but by the same token you don't have to I didn't feel like the only thing that I did was when I got this golden statue uh-huh I didn't want to lose this to you why is that because I wanted the ability if I had time to get the three victory points for the three gold but more importantly when you generated like nine gold that's a four point card for you right he just got three gold backs well had I done my final bit there right correctly I would have had more gold and bought another artifact I actually thought about 210 yeah no the monument I would have actually probably gotten 210 right because well maybe it depends on what came up this was the one I was like wow and I'm like I'm never gonna get that I think I got this card right after right yes yeah I wouldn't even had a shot oh right there yeah right right and don't forget again each of these place of power dies I mean he's very excited right he's right but yeah so I I actually enjoyed that part of it and it didn't bother me at all that I didn't know how close Nicky was yeah but like the third or fourth time I play this I could see where you would maybe tweak what you're doing based on like like I might have said oh I'm not gonna ever have time for this at the way she is doing I'm gonna do something else I think the thing you'll notice too is when people are collecting certain essences you go which right yeah whatever can I get their food actually Dave I thought was doing something yes and he didn't do it oh one time you were you were collecting something you were building up something and I thought and I thought Rodney - I thought you were going for that one way earlier this one yes yeah yeah I thought that was gonna be at least two or three Tunes terms earlier which would have been but good for you it scared me when I saw how many of these he had because you wanted to get down I think maybe you were one water shy maybe I was never fighting you for a lot of the stuff that I had Nikki involved green right so I was able to turn a green into a red and a black like every time so that was part of it and my cards in my hand well look how much how many skulls I have had I done that differently does another card my chance I could have got a two right I might have tough beat Nikki right here's the thing because you would have know that this is the last one yeah you have known those of us would have bought this one oh yeah you would have gotten two right so I could I could have tied her I don't know if I would have would this have beat her the two old versus the three each gold is worth - yeah I had to beat you by one no but I haven't either cuz then she would have tree of life and gun oh yeah and you had three absolutely she was late for you and then she would have that yes if she did pass oh yeah she's if I needed this to rest in yeah she just passes before you yeah yeah no because yeah it's pretty cool could be right I think pretty satisfying - is she going on in the game you start amassing just so much options now it wasn't a ton of essence it was skulls and gold I was really angry couldn't have finished because you were really you were willing to sort of take your move yeah and that's all I needed was that one more turn yeah it's true yeah I was like this is gonna happen how am I gonna mess it no it's neat and you definitely do better with engine building games than you think you've killed us on gizmo oh yeah and it was a pretty fantastic place fantastic yeah that might be you know we don't have a ton of experience with those games sure but but a lot of games are basically engine building games in some ways yeah before nowadays well I was very excited to be able to share this with you guys I'm glad you enjoyed it it's animal vegan I will be the copy.c absolutely try for yourselves yeah well thanks for teaching us Rodney I was a real pleasure and all of you thank you for joining us and watching and consider liking and subscribing I mean you have to at least do that for days mustache [Music]
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 74,378
Rating: 4.9449391 out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: h-uNoEyQXZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 19sec (5119 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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