Elden Ring IS NOT Legendary, Here's Why | Asmongold Reacts

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Elden ring isn't legendary somebody linked me this video to watch we'll see if it's any good in the year of our pandemic 2021 more Gamers around the world spent more time on average clocking into their favorite pixelated worlds except China LOL well this what really oh yeah yeah they're not this isn't a big surprise to most people what's interesting is that I would consider almost none of the big budget AAA game releases to be especially good okay in fact the big budget games in my opinion were exceptionally bad during this time like usual I don't think this is circumstantial because games like that are developed like four or five years ahead of time so like you you can't go and be like okay well games developed at this time even though everybody was at home like we're bad well yeah they were bad because it was developed two years ago the games carried the industry on their backs and actually crafting some memorable gaming experiences but I can't help but feel like there were no Legends dropped during the pandemic but then came along February of 2022. well wow Glam Eldon ring took the gaming World by the balls that's right I slapped it around for months that's right a good masochistic kind of way ER was a gamer's Paradise with a boatload of content that dropped at just the right time for people to sink their tarnished teeth into yup but I am arguing here today that Eldon ring will not be considered legendary against the test of time okay here's why by the way this is probably a good time to say that when we are talking about fantasy video games where you can slay literal gods this is all subjective I'm just trying to make an argument for my subjective opinion feel free to make yours now let's dive into the specifics of this game to really figure out what makes ER unique but also let's discover what holds it back from reaching Legend potential I like to start out with a hot take even though Eldon ring has a multiplicity of incantations and weapons only a handful of them are actually balanced enough to enjoy working with an argument that can um that's kind of what I thought originally but I've gone and I've watched a lot of YouTube videos of people using weapons that are weapons I would have never thought of like for example the uh the prelates hammer here for example or like the deathrite bird staff and they do all kinds of crazy [ __ ] I don't think that's really true now obviously there's going to be a lot of weapons in every game that are kind of below average that's just what happens and like you know in because of meta gaming you're gonna have more people that are going to end up playing a game and they're going to continue using like I don't know like moonvale or rivers of blood or you know the guts great sword or something like that that doesn't necessarily mean that the other ones are unplayable but yeah I mean of course like in in every single video game there are weapons that are not used like I I've watched cat like I don't whenever I watch Counter-Strike I've never seen somebody use the riot shield for an example be made to the credit of Eldon ring is how many swords whips spells maces bows and finger are in this game there's a lot really so many options to choose from make the game more replayable right well not exactly an issue that you may quickly notice is that all Weaponry does not simultaneously gear up with your regular leveling for instance you could be a level 150 Unga Bunga build with plus 25 bancanator okay but if you find a cool looking High Faith required wizard staff you can't use it at least not without jumping through hoops first first you yeah I think that's kind of the way the game is designed and I do think that there is some there is some legitimacy to this that like would it be better if because like you can respect and it's not that big of a deal at ranala for sure but like for example leveling up a new weapon I would like if I was able to level up a weapon and then all my weapons are just that same level that way I could if I got something new I could try it out because oftentimes whenever I play games like this I do feel like after I start leveling and investing into one weapon then I don't really want to go and try a bunch of other weapons because it's like well I just got this one and this is my best weapon must re-level your character then you've got to use a truckload of consumable smithing stones at the blacks yeah but wait now they did partially solve this problem in Elden ring with the uh smithing ball bearings that you can get out in the world and you can buy as many of them as you want oh no you don't have all the correct amounts of smithing stones and the runes to upgrade them time to Google where can I find smithing Bell bearing plus five then you have to go clear out the dungeon obtain the bell and pray you have enough runes to rank up your staff I don't understand I think the ruin arguments I mean not really rooms are pretty easy to farm in the game but like everything else yeah I could see that people can make the argument that Elden ring has such great possible build diversification when this glaring problem I've described exists to me well I think that I don't think that problem is is counter to build diversity so for example like there's a lot of build diversity in many games but that doesn't mean that you can do all the builds at the same time so whether it's like uh I'm trying to think of a again like in WoW for example like there's a lot of different builds that you can go and do in like classic wow and they're all pretty different and very diverse and you know playing a mage in classic wow is very different than playing a warrior uh you spam another one button rotation instead of you know frostball it's bloodthirst or you know [ __ ] Whirlwind so I I think that with a lot of these cases having the ability to respect doesn't mean that there isn't a massive diversity of weapons and tools because from my perspective I think that Elden ring has more diversity probably and builds and the way that you can play the game then all of the other soulsborne games put together like if you look at and you compare like there's like blood loss there's like sleeping uh [ __ ] like magic damage incantations melee damage stagger damage using your Shields having ashes of War like all these different consumables crafting your own stuff like there are a lot yeah jumping being able to jump poison Scarlet rot like there's so much different stuff you can do and like a good example of this is like where is that [ __ ] video that we watched the other day I'm trying to find it this guy look at this [ __ ] this this [ __ ] sucker just sat there and put this [ __ ] in the furnace you weren't able to do this in like Dark Souls 3 or Dark Souls 1 at least I mean I don't think so like not this exact same thing yeah this is [ __ ] badass so I I think that actually Elden ring does provide a massive amount of uh a build diversity and that's why videos like this are so funny is because you get to actually see what that means B the logic that this somehow adds to Eldon Ring's Legend status shatters faster than Kanye West's Adidas contract which apparently might be getting renewed and I recently heard a genius solution to this problem that I pray will be implemented in some future game tell me how this sounds instead of upgrading each individual weapon with smithing Stones you instead would upgrade the smithing Anvil to be able to upgrade all types of weapons up to a certain level this would eliminate the tedious and unfun need of obtaining upgrade stones for every single weapon if you don't think that sounds like a fantastic quality of life Improvement you and I clearly have different ideas of what makes video games fun um I I think that there are a lot of mods that allow you to do that and that's an interesting idea for sure and for example like sakiro kind of works like this in a in an abstract way you don't have to farm titanite shards in sakuro you don't have to farm smithing stones or anything uh you're you just have your sword and it gets stronger on its own so I don't think it's necessarily a good thing to make people have to farm out every single item every single time but as you'll see with a lot of the mods that are probably going to come out for Elden ring and this is the case with dark souls 3 is many of the of the the items that you got in Dark Souls 3 like senders and I think convergence is the same way you're just able to upgrade more of them like that's actually how a lot of these games work is that you don't have to upgrade a bunch of items you can just upgrade one item and then everything is universal I personally would rather be getting my face smashed in by radagon's Hammer than running through unnamed dungeon number 23 looking for the next smithing Stone 0.2 against ah looking for more smithing Stones might take too long I can see why somebody would feel this way and I I do think that he I know that a lot of people are going to disagree with what he's saying but I don't think that it is unreasonable that somebody would be frustrated whenever they get a new item and they're not able to get more items to upgrade their item sure I do think that again Elden ring solved this problem better than any other game but hopefully they try to you know solve it even more and mods will continue to do that as well the Eldon Ring's reputation is its player versus player content you know it I know it we all know it the multiplayer balance of Elden ring is genuinely bad and unrewarding is there anyone out there that feels especially driven to continuously grind ER PVP I'm sure there's a small dedicated group this has always been something with every Dark Souls game like there's nothing unique with uh with dark souls or sorry with Elven ring PVP that isn't the same with dark souls one two and three like I whenever I'm watching a clip and it's a Dark Souls 2 PVP clip I know something stupid's about to happen somebody's about to get backstabbed whenever they're 20 feet away from somebody uh there's a person that's about to hit them and they stand still and they don't take damage Yeah a hundred percent every single one of these is bad I think it's just the net code I find it humorous that in the latest official Eldon Ring tournament a long list of banned weaponry and spells was necessary to maintain some semblance of fair PVP combat this is not good that's not why they were banned so the reason why you ban weapons is actually to create diversity because if you have something that is so powerful and so over overpowered and good then that's going to completely dominate the entire uh the entire like competition so you have to ban like the the top five meta things if you want to have a competition that isn't just of those top five meta things like my staff yeah because everybody will use it exactly because the reason why rivers of blood everybody uses it is because it's really good it's like insanely [ __ ] good maybe just rebalance them I mean it's easy to say but the truth is that I don't think that Elden ring really should it's not a PVP game PVP is something that you can engage in inside of the game but PVP is not 50 of Elden ring it's like five in an age where meta builds and Min maxing guides exist online it is only natural for gamers to gravitate towards the most broken combat tactics to ensure Victory true this causes a frustratingly low amount of viable builds in a game where many claim variety to be its strong and that's why the the things are banned is to remove that small amount of viable builds suit you see unbalanced multiplayer is one thing but the other nail in the coffin is the current lack of incentives to work towards in Eldon Rings PVP uh yeah I think that's true and if they had some form of Covenant an Elden ring I think that would probably make the game better yeah definitely sure in previous titles typically the player would bind themselves to a particular Covenant which would in turn reward them based on the number of PVP victories players were granted new spells rings and weapons and this is what gave the player a real incentive to engage in the multiplayer unfortunately Eldon ring has none of these covenants at the moment no unique rewards for victory just regular great runes and the usual Souls I believe yeah I do think that PVP and Elden ring it is simultaneously better because you have the Coliseum system and I do think the Coliseum system is actually pretty good I've used it before I've played it did it on stream absolutely however yeah having covenants like this would improve the game and this is something I remember there was like a radicalskar video that said the exact same thing this severely cuts down the potential longevity of Eldon ring and is another chain dragging down its Legacy I know many people just skipped the PVP altogether but to be fair oftentimes a thriving multiplayer Community might just Propel a game to Legend status isn't this game just completely filled with Bots though like if you go and you look at the Team Fortress 2 speed uh steam charts for example uh let's see if I can find this uh what is this well I thought I was going to show some [ __ ] [ __ ] okay it doesn't matter all right um Team Fortress 2 so if you look at the game and then you look at the charts like there's an ebb and flow inside of each game or inside of each day of about 10 000 players and most games fluctuate between 100 at the highest you know like the Apex of their uh of like the daily fluctuation and about 50 at the bottom so like for example a game uh CS go uh like Counter-Strike you're gonna see about this same type of fluctuation right 100 to 50 and oh I guess this is probably not the best example uh let me just go with the top 10 games okay let's do like Pub G uh Apex there we go yeah so it's about 100 to 50 100 to 50 uh you look at this one 100 to 50 100 to 50 look at Apex Legends 100 to even below that a hundred percent even below that 100 to like maybe 30 the point that I'm making here is that if you extrapolate this trend to Team Fortress 2 the assumption is that Team Fortress 2 might only have about 20 000 active players because the differential between highest and lowest is sometimes around like fifteen thousand players so I I don't really think Team Fortress 2 is a a big success case in its current state ER falls short next we have to discuss the main character of Elden ring the map it seems like we all have a collective memory of finding yet another map fragment which unlocked another new land mass to explore yeah something I probably assured myself five or six times that there was no way the map would get much bigger yet I was I had that exact same thing Mike I remember that one time that I crawled down that tunnel and it was like that massive [ __ ] like unknown City and I was like there's no [ __ ] way it's this big it's wrong again and again and don't even get me started on when I found out there were also underground Yeahs as well to give credit where it is well earned it genuinely boggles my mind that a game can have so much to explore and discover but therein also lies the problem with Eldon ring the novel coin of Discovery certainly has two sides once the excitement of stuff he cut it out before it showed that the ant threw him off the edge but the ant probably threw him off the edge yeah he probably went off the edge after that one I had it happen to me humbling upon yet another reused dungeon mini boss wears off many hours of fun gameplay become monotonous on repeated playthroughs I do think that this is a relatively decent criticism that the monotonous nature of a lot of the like small like uh you know little caves Etc that sometimes you have to go through to level up to keep Pace with the story can get boring whenever most of the bosses are not unique or interesting and I do think that like if you go back you look at Dark Souls 1 for example Taurus demon and also Capper demon become base NPCs towards the end of lost izalith for example and um the pursuer in Dark Souls 2 becomes a mini boss after you fight him inside of the castle before you fly over to the other [ __ ] place with the three Sentinels and in Dark Souls 3 uh let's see the bosses in Dark Souls 3 are there any bosses I feel like Dark Souls 3 is probably the best with this and there's not that many examples of reused bosses yeah I don't think there's a crystal Sage dragon armor dragon armor isn't reused how is dragon armor reused oh dragon armor is reused but it's reused as a base NPC in the DLC for Gail that's true I forgot about that yeah it's it's reused once in the DLC what I'm arguing is that in order for a game to be legendary it has to be replayable for years finding a new map for a game to be legendary it has to be replayable for years I don't think that's true and I'll give a couple of examples of why I don't think that's true so there are many games that have like a you play this game once and it's like wow you did it you beat the game that was great so I'll look at some examples of this and then I'll talk about some other ones and um let's see I think a lot of people might play through valheim once and complete it finish that whole game uh sakiro I think that there's not really a whole lot of like if you look at you know like think about build diversity this is Dark Soul this is Dark Souls one actually no this is Elden ring this is Dark Souls 2. this is Dark Souls 3. this is Dark Souls 1. I would say this is also bloodborne this is sakiro sakiro has the smallest build diversity of any from software game and I think that it also has conversely the least replay value because a lot of the things that you do in sakiro is going to be pretty much the same on your second playthrough as it was the first people just really enjoy the combat compared to Dark Souls and and like uh bloodborne and Elven ring but is sakiro a bad game because most people probably only play through it once no I do not think so I I think also like um it's hard for me to use like an example like The Stanley Parable or Hades for example because they're they're fundamentally built on repetition I I don't know if that one would really be a good a good idea uh cuphead maybe people might play that once and then be done with it jump King but jump King is isn't really I would say a Legendary game I think a lot of like the Legend of Zelda games most people play through those games once uh Final Fantasy games a lot of people play through those games once and and then maybe after that uh they'll play it again like 10 years later uh it doesn't make it that doesn't make it bad so I think replayability is indicative of a Legendary game absolutely but replayability is not necessary for a game to be legendary there can be one tap games that are totally [ __ ] unique and amazing and I would consider them legendary fragment after you have already beaten the game twice does not feel very exciting the third time around you can only get teleported to Caleb so many times before it loses its initial dopamine hit but I have another skate I do think that's true that uh Elden ring probably has less replay value than something like Dark Souls 1. but I think also a big reason for that is that in order to go through Dark Souls 1 in a complete manner you can do that if you're an experienced player in between 8 to 15 hours depending on how you want to play the game but in Elden ring if you want to do it in a comprehensive manner you have to put a zero behind that it's like 10 you know like a hundred hours or 80 to 150 hours to do that because there's just so many things in the game so he's right that this is the case but there's like a guy on YouTube like I watch a lot of his videos his name is like Gino machino and uh he does all kinds maybe I'm pronouncing his name wrong I'm sorry if I am uh but he does a lot of these like Elden ring like no hit runs and the runs that he does take like an hour or like two hours so it just depends on the way you're playing the game bathing hot take here ER does a lot of things and does them really really well yes but does it really bring anything new to the table you see yeah I would say that a lot of the weapon Arts do bring something new to the table you know I think all the different tools that the game provides for you do and also bringing something new to the table I don't think is really necessary in making a game really like making a game legendary there are a lot of games that are just really really really good and that's all there is to it like Halo 3 is a great example of this Halo 3 didn't really bring a lot to the table outside of Forge the campaign was basically the same uh it had Xbox Live Halo 2 had Xbox Live nothing's new with that but Halo 3 was the Perfection of the formula Halo 3 was the you know the uh you know like the interesting nature of like certain weapons in Halo 1 combined with the multiplayer aspects and better design of Halo 3 or Halo 2 without the outlier weapons like of course the the pistol and Halo 1 and then Halo 3 was like the combination of all the best ideas in both games and then dialed up to 10 or 11 or whatever you want to call it so I don't think that a game needs to do something new in order for it to be legendary in my opinion Elden ring doesn't invent anything new or Define a particular genre it is the amalgamation of certain aspects of all the previous Souls games so if we're discussing Legend status Dark Souls 1 seems a far more influential title to the gaming industry due to the fact that it spawned the whole sub-genre known as Souls likes yeah one argument might be that Eldon ring doesn't hold your hand in Exploration I would also say that if Eldon ring had come out in 2012 I think that's whenever Dark Souls came out 2011 2012 if if Elden ring had come out at that time people would call it Elden ring-like mechanics essentially it allows the player to follow their own intuitions and Curiosities instead of relying on a mini-map with yellow Quest markers dotting the landscape I've seen this to throw an interesting question to consider is Dark Souls won an open world game I personally think it qualifies and even that game had a hands-off approach to exploration all the way back in 2011. to put it concisely while Eldon ring has a massive amazing open world it doesn't evolve into anything truly new which would uniquely influence the future of Gaming so did Elden ring evolve something new that would uniquely influence the future of Gaming I don't know if there's like one like I think Eldon ring did everything that it needed to do perfectly well but there wasn't a lot of like massive changes that were just like totally innovative yeah those are my main arguments I don't think they also need to address some of the non-official Eldon ring content which often surrounds these types of games you see there are a fair amount of community-run Niche veins in the throbbing Souls Community yes which typically lengthen the lifespan of these games right between the mods speed runs lore challenges and other content-driven experiences there are many ways to interact with Elden ring besides vanilla playthroughs exactly and that's what kept Dark Souls 3 alive for so long however I can speak to my own experience with speedrunning and challenge runs and say that Elden ring is considerably less fulfilling and less rewarding to replay than other Souls titles okay speed runs as well as challenge runs are hampered severely due to the overwhelming size of the game I do think this is true that the game Elden ring does not lend itself to speed running as much as other games do yeah that's probably true but I don't think that means that it's bad there are a lot of games that are really good games that are not Speed Run games not to mention glitch he got the new uh I saw he got the the world title back under 58 minutes clear of the entire game was nuts plus speed runs of Eldon ring are 90 riding Torrent from one area to the next oh okay it certainly boosted the appeal of games like Fallout or Skyrim but in my opinion it seems like most people aren't interested in modding ER and this makes sense when we realize that most players are on Console modding is less accessible to our console I think the reason why there's not as many mods for uh for Eldon ring is because it hasn't been out that long and also because the game is so big it will take longer to mod the game straight up like that's why you see people that are making more Dark Souls 3 mods even now because Dark Souls 3 is is not as big of a game yeah yeah there's been quite several already though there have been several uh and I would also say that I think randomizer runs in Elden ring let me think of a way to put this I think that there is a very large like okay uh let's look at three different games okay and this is the quality of each game at different points in time uh for the game okay so we're gonna look at uh Dark Souls one and then we're gonna look at Dark Souls 3 and then we're gonna look at Elven ring okay I think that in Elden ring let me see if I can put this in here um maybe like right now right here and then like right here so this is where I think the quality of each game is best and worst okay so I think Dark Souls 1 is good from and from the beginning of the game to Ann Orlando like the start of Dark Souls 1 to beating Ornstein and Smo in Anor Londo is one of the greatest gaming experiences that has ever been made of all time without a question but after that I think the game falls off Dark Souls 3. I think that there is a handful of bosses and just things that you have to do in the game in the middle of the game that is kind of boring and it it does kind of go on for a while this is my personal opinion around like yorm the giant Etc Dark Souls 2 sure we'll do Dark Souls 2 after this um but let's go ahead and just talk about this first with Elven ring I do think that there is a middle of the play through lull so like Dark Souls like sorry an Elven ring the beginning of the game up until I would say like ranala or maybe volcano Manor or definitely after morgot I think that there's a bit of a lull in the game until you get to the very much end game bosses and the reason that I think that is that at that time you probably your character has outscaled the game if you're playing it naturally and not trying to speedrun it so like by the time how many of you guys got to morgot and just rolled them over because you were over leveled by that time mm-hmm so I think that provides an experience that can be a little bit Bland for uh for players but then whenever you get to the end game bosses like fire giant Melania uh but let's see radagon obviously God free and there's like a handful of other ones that I can think of like the death right Bird uh that [ __ ] guy out in like the hilltops of the Giants like malacath yeah the dragons then then it gets better because those bosses are still like ridiculously [ __ ] hard but in Dark Souls 3 I do think that like there's very little dead time now for Dark Souls 2 uh let's look at how it works for Dark Souls 2. um so we're gonna go ahead and we make a little Point here um okay yeah that should be good so this is the Dark Souls 2 experience so basically uh this is the beginning of the game this is the middle of the game this is the end of the game and the green part right here is the credits because finally it's over yeah that's Dark Souls 2. so I do think that it's fair to say that Elden ring because of the length of its playthrough and the way that a lot of people will consume the content there will be a lull where you out scale the game comrades and there is no creation kit tool provided when trying to mess around with these hard-coded Japanese files maybe this comes from my laptop by the way if I was to do sakiro the entire bar would be green and if I was to do bloodborne I think the beginning of bloodborne is bad it's not bad but I think the the like if you take the game as a hundred percent the first 30 percent is not as good as the rest of the game the reason why I think that is because I don't like the blood vial system and having to farm out potions and farming out potions is much more oppressive at the beginning of the game because you're not getting runes at the same rate but potions stay at the same price for the entire run and it's the same thing with like bullets and [ __ ] like that so that's the reason bloodborne is a great they're all great games except for Dark Souls 2. they're amazing games but you know you're talking about like the best part of the game and the worst part of the game knowledge or Awareness on the topic but modding Souls games has always seemed less appealing to me than other titles either way most people don't mod let me go back maybe this comes from my lack of knowledge or Awareness on the topic but modding Souls games has always seemed less appealing to me than other titles I personally I mean this is this is an opinion right so like it's not that he's wrong but I don't feel this way I had so much fun playing Dark Souls 3 senders I am so excited for that Arc Thrones mod and there's a couple of other mods that I look forward to playing to the daughters of Ash Dark Souls 1 mod I absolutely [ __ ] hated it but I loved it too and I think that was it was a fun experience it was like you like playing Dark Souls 1 Daughters of Ash was like learning how to drive but you can only use your rear view mirror either way most people don't mod so it seems unlikely mods alone would help solve Elden Ring's biggest drawbacks anyways I love Elden ring so much okay it is certainly the best game I've played in years and if I were to gush about all the things I liked this video would be three hours long right I just wanted to be honest and share some of the more interesting opinions I have just for the sake of discussion on that note I've heard people say Eldon ring is a 10 out of 10 which I don't disagree with but if that's true the other Souls games are 11's out of 10 for me that's how I honestly feel about it you can take it or leave it if you want to have further discussion around this game and many others make sure to subscribe to this channel I plan on posting very regularly I'd love to hear your guys different opinions and feedback and I'll try to address them all in the comments thanks so much for watching till next time [Music] house occurred whilst making this video DLC was announced to be in development listen it's going to come out in 2025 hater I'll also jump on the Shadows of the herd tree die twice hype train as fast as anyone My Hope Is that we will get to see more of the foreskin Apostles in this expansion am I the only one that thinks they're severely underused in the base game yeah I mean there's only 30 of them in the game absolutely so yeah I mean I'll link you guys to video this is this guy's just like a random he might have just made the video because he wanted me to watch it Etc so uh you know there's a video give it a like give them a sub if you like it and uh probably just a viewer something like that wanted to give his thoughts about Elden ring I figured I'd watch it why not and it could also just be a random person and somebody saw it so anyway um I would say that this like a lot of the points that he brings up I think are legitimate and I I do think that they are not it doesn't mean that it makes Elden ring bad but I I think that because Elden ring is pretty much a perfected version of an existing formula a lot of people don't criticize it at all and I don't think that criticizing it for not having like some sort of crazy new Innovative idea is is completely Fair because like I mean it's just a very very good game not every game has to completely break the mold and change the way that you see video gaming sometimes games can just be good and that's all they need to be and I think that's what Eldon ring is but I think the best way to determine it is I'll look at my own playtime hours I think that's a really good way to tell which game actually is the best in my opinion so we have Dark Souls remastered I have 370 370 hours and Dark Souls remastered in Dark Souls 2 scholar of the first sin I have 84 hours inside of Dark Souls 2. inside of Dark Souls 3 I have 213 hours inside of Dark Souls 3. I have played through bloodborne two and a half times so I would say my play time of bloodborne is probably somewhere around where Dark Souls 2 is like 80 to 100 hours sakiro is very minimal sakiro is 33 hours and Elden ring if you look at where Elven ring is Elder ring just came out last year so it's not really a very good comparison but I have already put 243 hours into the game so yeah see Sakira so sakiro is the worst game and Dark Souls 2 is better than Sakira clearly but um the point that I'm making is that like I've played all of these games a lot and there is a big part of me I think that Dark Souls 3 is a better game than Dark Souls 1. in like every regard besides World building I think it is I think it's just a better game but I like Dark Souls one more and I don't know why I just do I I just really like I like Dark Souls one more I don't I don't know why and and I just play through it more and if somebody else made a new mod of Dark Souls 1 I would play through it again and uh first off yeah maybe it's because that's the first one that I played I'm not really sure but um you know I do think that there are things about Elden ring that do come up short but overall I'm very happy with it and if they made a new Elden ring every year in the same way they made a new Call of Duty I would be happy let's just say that if only that could happen Demon Souls green red bar uh Demon Souls I feel like Demon Souls follows the exact same Paradigm as Dark Souls 1. because the problem with Demon Souls is like after you clear one of the arc stones and especially after you clear two of the arc Stones the first like the the two-thirds of the next two Arc stones are going to be easy for you because it's that's not the way the game's designed the game's designed to go one two three four and then you go back it's one two three four you go back one two three four so the problem with that is that whenever you go into Demon Souls like I'll give you an example I'll uh asthma gold and I play Demon Souls a lot because I think the remake of the game is probably one of the best remakes I've ever played ever gentlemen uh let's see can I I don't think this is the end of it but let me just go and double check uh Island's Edge okay this part was kind of hard let me just see I don't know um I'm gonna see if I can get to like one of the bosses okay so most I'll tell you this I pretty much one shot every single boss in this game besides flameworker and the only reason I didn't One-Shot flameworker is because I got them to 20 and I choked and then I tilt it out and I quit the Stream yeah and like every other boss I pretty much one shot it was no problem so Demon Souls is a very easy game and I do feel like at the beginning of it like let me see if I can maybe find it King's Tower Maybe I think it was in my third day of demon souls and so it's hard for me to find it uh yeah I'm not I'm not seeing it here I don't know why it's actually not not on there but uh anyway yeah at the end of Demon Souls whenever I beat it the very end of the ball of the The Last Arc stone that I did the one that had like the girl where it was like the simp that's guarding her at the very end and it's like are you the bad guy for killing her and it's like nah [ __ ] like that's just the way it is and uh that boss was pretty [ __ ] easy and like all that Arc Stone was very easy and I killed most of those bosses pretty much effortlessly so I do think Demon Souls have the same problem that Dark Souls 1 had I guess bloodborne remake and 4K 60fps yeah I wish that would happen that would be [ __ ] great man yeah demon Salsa's Gauntlet on steroids I think Demon Souls is great but it's just not like it's not a okay it's not a massively difficult game boys that's really what it comes down to a restorative Miracle yeah it's not like it's impossible or whatever but it is definitely I would say the easiest Souls game and I think that is the easiest Souls game by a very good margin like I don't think even any other game is close to as easy as it is yeah it's just linear yeah and and I think the game is just it's very surface level game that's why you don't see a lot of people making Demon Souls content and I think also because it's PS5 only so it's hard to like get into it but um even with that I I still think there's probably not there's a lot of people making bloodborne content for example so hopefully one day they will uh they'll bring it to PC and maybe you'll see more of it but the game just doesn't have the same level of depth that Dark Souls 3 or Elden ring has that's just the truth and I don't think that means it's a bad game but it's just not as big as you know other games [Music] please [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,019,295
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: gcabTxYnhas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 44sec (2564 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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