The Hardest Boss Ever Made - Elden Ring

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difficulty is in the eyes of the beholder for one something is impossible for another it's everyday business for Elden ring players it's a necessity but for one boss it may have gone too far welcome to a deep dive on Eldon Ring's hardest boss ever made [Music] foreign software has a catalog of bosses across the games considered unfair or too hard more rightfully fit to be named the I need a summon oh I'm dead This is How I died you [ __ ] oh my God I'm done oh my God the bounce kills me okay I'm not gonna kill this boss obviously I'm gonna call the day guys uh thanks for watching I appreciate it I guess I'll try and do this boss again but like if I can't kill him again I'm probably just gonna quit in the Years this has turned away a lot of casual players and sparked the debate of an easy mode in the souls games but if you're like me and many other Souls players challenge is a rite of passage that and you learn that there are easy modes for some of these games Dark Souls 1 may not have been too inviting to new players but over time the series would turn to a more forgiving path with Eldon ring the game has so many different builds and ways you can make your journey easier that this video would take forever to get to the Millennia is the hardest boss ever made it's not that often a boss Sparks so much anger in players thank you so cool okay blade Melania was and will always remain to be the hardest boss from software has ever made but part of the reason why is because she challenged the way Souls players thought about approaching a fight first of all most players who are the souls veterans like to approach with a single weapon maybe some armor depends on how fat they want to roll and no Shields just dodging Melania said well what if I force you to fight me on my terms now that's just unfair I am blade of Michela for the hardest boss in the game you'd have to know about the story that might as well go the hardest I am by no means a lore expert and there are videos that are hours long but here's a brief summary of what I've been able to gather about the lore Melania if anybody wants to correct me or has any other parts that I missed that you feel like are important just leave me a comment Melania is the daughter of America and radagon one of two demigods borne by these two together not like they didn't get some freak on though Melania has a twin brother named mikola both Melania and Nicola were imperians meaning they were chosen by the two fingers to be the gods of the next coming age and birth in a new world order Millennia was afflicted with the Scarlet rot which ravaged her from within and would cost her several limbs while mikola was cursed with eternal childhood unable to ever grow into adulthood if it helps you visualize this story you can think of the twin princess from Dark Souls 3 except way less rot at some point Melania encountered a blind swordsman who had sealed away an outer God of rot The Swordsman became her master and trained her in the ways of the blade allowing her to gain wings of unparalleled strength she would attract loyal servants like her clean rot Knights as well as worshipers who believed her a goddess members of house Murray who were sickly born were naturally drawn to the beautiful and fierce Melania who became such a powerful warrior in spite of being born into rot and requiring Prosthetics to fight Melania and mikola were close and Melania would become her brother's swarm blade and protector while mikola worked tirelessly to try and undo the curses they had both been born into while unable to find a cure for his sister Nikola designed a needle of unalloid gold that could keep the Scarlet rot ravaging melania's body at bay that's why she wears that Sleek Armor after the Elden ring was shattered Melania and mikola both claimed shards of the broken ring during the wars between the demigod Gods which followed the shattering Melania LED an army that marched south from the hallig tree she won many battles even humbling fellow demigod and Shard Bearer godric The grafted who of course grovel that her feet for Mercy after first insulting her and then losing embarrassingly Melania and her half-brother radon would eventually be the last two demigods left standing in the conflict their forces clashed in the caled wilds and the two fought a bitter duel for Supremacy in the midst of the combat with radon the Scarlet rot was Unleashed by Melania resulting in her first bloom the blooming of the Scarlet rot devastated caled leaving it a rotting Wasteland and caused radon to rapidly degenerate losing his wits and cursing him to wander the battlefield as a Mindless Beast feasting on anything in his way Melania herself was not unaffected unleashing the Scarlet rot left her in a coma she was rescued by one of her clean rot Knights Finlay and brought to the halleck tree to await her brother's rebirth while Melania slept the Scarlet rot seeped out from her and began infecting the hallig tree when she had blossomed in caled she had inadvertently birthed the Kindred of rot who worshiped her as a goddess and hoped to cause her bloom once again believing that she would usher in a new age of rot melania's Slumber was eventually disturbed by you yes you you were so good at getting here by doing the most bizarre fetch Quest possible with the medallions and the Torches then you beat Loretta invaded the halling tree and made it all the way down to the roots for one final showdown Corps after corpse left in my wake so she's the lady that fought we're done hear my words I am Melania blade of mikola okay yeah foreign and I have never known defeat [ __ ] from the beginning of Elder Ring's lifespan players have been waiting for this moment if you go all the way back to Eldon Ring's first ever trailer you get a brief glimpse into the sheer badassery that Melania presented and if you've seen this fight you knew to get familiar with her name all right so here's the deal whether you found this boss impossibly difficult or not was all about how you approached the fight yeah I see you in the comments telling me how you beat her no problem with piranhas biting your feet and your fingers broken but I think I could too if the most overpowered weapon in rivers of blood which has since been nerfed three separate times was at my side and of course the infamously overpowered mimic tear summon if that was in the ring with me it would be a cakewalk if you think this boss is easy then why does let me solo her break his back every day for others to get the clear why has this been the boss to Garner the most attention of all and why does Evan keep going on and on Melania is not like any other boss we've seen in from software's catalog and she gets me nervous for other bosses in the future due to the annoying fact that she heals on hits against you I know some friends that live for the challenge of souls games and Melania quickly put them in their place and I have never known defeat until now activate it was the work of a true blade and with attacks like these it's not hard to see why it was annoying yet Fair until one attack Oh I thought I could stagger her I got a letter but you can kind of stagger a knot okay so you can definitely Dodge that I just don't know how if she does that seems kind of like a oof Daddy's dead oh what the [ __ ] is that I know I hit wrong but uh this is very awkward oh God okay we're fine the waterfowl dance attack which has been seen as the most controversial attack a boss has ever Unleashed would kill you in one of three Combos and would heal her so much in the process this attack was funny enough not even in the original files added very late into development as players had found but as it turns out from data mining this wasn't how it originally looked at all in her animation data one of the first 10 attack animations is this attack which never plays in game if we mod the game so that she will use this attack we can obviously see that this was an early version of the move they would eventually make this leads me to believe that both the waterfall dance that we get in the game and the way they decided to implement Perry's was put late into her development the waterfalls hitbox was next level and it ended with many players opting to run away than fight there is a way to dodge this attack but it's very specific on inputs and anybody that would jump in there for the first 150 times would probably get hit Melania has grabs she has dashes but one thing she has that no other boss seems to have is a respect for the player in the arena all other bosses and from software games sort of just run at you and they make the first move Melania has such an open arena and such a respect for the player like it's a true battle to the death fight that I gotta give props here I can't think of another time it was done if you know though of course leave me a comment you see melania's lore states that if she were to Bloom three times with the Scarlet rot she would lose control and the goddess of rot would fully come out you see one bloom in the trailer against radon another right outside of her Arena and right when you think she's dead [Music] wait [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks what is he doing [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] melania's phase two is an all-out run for your life moment she has additions to her old attacks burst of rot coming from the ground and more space feels more like trying to run and can be incredibly frustrating because the room for a heel is inner and thinner the dive bomb AOE requires you run to her and pass her then wait for a few easy hits once the bloom is gone but unfortunately for all of us that's about all you get to work with on being able to get multiple hits other than some single attacks this phase is Relentless and there's attacks with melania's clones dashing at you just as there is a new version of the waterfowl attack this one even stronger frustration for anyone was sure to set in pick one of these you got a Gamba in life you got a Gamba in life with two of them sub holy shh yeah this is it this is it we can we keep the pressure on now we keep the pressure keep the pressure on keep the spamming one more one more one more one more one more one more one more what is this no oh oh [Music] Chad tell me what is the solution tell me then tell me then tell me how how how how how tell me how then how do you dodge it Point Blank you can't I've been trying for hours man you can't it's not possible man [Music] I tried every thing I can't do it man she is a goddess of rot after all and a true emperion so it's not like it was supposed to be easy but eventually you Rose to the challenge and ripped the goddess of rot out of the family tree the mark the true Lord extraordinary true Lord okay is it time for us to go in yeah at the end [Music] that's good all right back up [Music] one two three back up okay [Music] and as her cold breath dies she leaves behind one last Bloom of rot it was strength extraordinary the mark a true Lord oh dear Nicola oh dearest Nicola my brother I'm sorry I finally meant my match Melania quickly took over the entire world of gaming becoming the icon of challenge in Elden ring and to sum the icon of [ __ ] what I do love about the Eldon ring Community is the amount of challenges that they've created for themselves to fight Melania and I'll be making a larger video on that one day so be sure to subscribe for more melania's story is fantastic but what I especially love about her is her remembrance which you can duplicate in exchange for two things one the hand of Melania one of the strongest weapon arts in the entire game the other is the Scarlet Ionia which is an incantation and if you were brave enough to journey to her Divine Tower and hoist her great Rune it can heal the same way and melania's great Rune is actually very far away deep and isolated along the sea to get there is the top of this Tower grabbing the chest then being transported where the sleeping giant is then taking the portal on on the left now you'd think that's where the story would end with Melania and you would be right and wrong right because yeah she's dead wrong because well from soft actually nerfed her in a very poetic way just as radon was nerfed and then buffed and fixed which you can watch a video on that link down below Melania had the exact opposite happen as part of patch 1.04 Melania accidentally had a glitch that constantly bumped up her HP despite not registering a hit on the player as Reddit user demon boy 995 explains in his video Melania is healing without actually hitting the player after a patch it's on PS5 and he got summoned eight times after the Patch and it happened every single time so radon was accidentally nerfed Melania was accidentally buff in 1.04 according to a lot of the community there was ways to beat Melania without even really touching her with the Swarm incantation and maybe that's what framsoff was trying to patch when they accidentally made her heal so much either way Melania would eventually get fixed to be where she was supposed to be just as radon would get fixed to be where he was supposed to be but I want to know what you think do you think Melania deserves a buff or a Nerf leave me a comment down below melania's story may be over and this video may be coming to an end foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: EvanExplains
Views: 929,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: evanf1997, evanexplains, evanexplains eldenring, evanf, elden ring, elden ring community, dark souls nostalgia, eldenring, elden ring news, evanf elden ring, elden ring build, elden ring weapons, from software, dark souls, elden ring story, dark souls gameplay, elden, boss, dlc, elden ring malenia, malenia story, malenia reactions, malenia cutscene, the hardest boss ever made, the hardest elden ring boss, er hardest boss, elden ring dlc, malenia lore, miquella, rivers of blood
Id: SVIk3wv_lG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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