How Does This CRAZY Elden Ring Glitch Exactly Work? - The Zip Glitch Explained

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elder ring speedrunners have been breaking the game since launch finding numerous glitches skips and sequence breaks such as wrong warping horse flying using torrent clever inbounds parkour and using overpowered damage buffs and weapon combinations to speed up the runs a lot however over the past month one major glitch in particular has been raising a lot of questions people wonder how it works what is required to make it work and how viable it is for single segment speedruns this glitch is known as the elden ring zip glitch my name is darave i'm one of the moderators for the elnen ring speedrun leaderboard and i've been heavily involved in testing the zip ever since it was discovered in this video i'll break down how zips and elder ring work what we know about them so far how they are influenced some test data and more so please stick around hey let's start with of course explaining what a zip actually is without going too much into technical terms a zip is a glitch in l ring that allows players to traverse distance through very high velocity effectively teleporting a player to new locations very quickly it's one of the most powerful glitches in elder ring and allows for sequence breaking the game as well as generally just skipping large portions of the game using it due to its impactfulness and inconsistency which we'll talk about more later zips are currently only allowed in just one official speedrun category called any percent unrestricted so how do zips work zips can be created by aligning some part of the walking animation with blocking the idle block animation loops and during this happening the zip can occur when some part of the walking animation is aligned with the moment the idle block animation loops basically it happens when pressing walk at the correct moment after holding block to get the best possible outcome which means getting a long zip first requires a player to have stable 16.6 millisecond frame times to set up the actual zip player then needs to hold block and walk and after a window of 129 to 135 frames press a movement key during a window of 4 to 10 frames and release this on the 139th frame the movement key needs to be put roughly when the blocking animation loops zips are not affected by armor but weapons do have an impact but are split between two-handed blocking and one-handed blocking with shield using different weapons from the same type doesn't have an impact besides stable frame times the distance gained from zips can vary greatly depending on a few factors zip distance for one depends on the time passed between when you started blocking in the zip itself more time equals shorter distance it can also depend on the type of geometry the players zip off or zip into for example zipping from flat ground straightforward without any collision blocking the player its distance and speed is usually almost exactly the same however zipping off certain slopes can greatly increase the distance gained from a zip we believe this is simply caused by the way the player bounces off that geometry and certain shapes of the geometry either adding more elevation or more speed to the zips a lot of zips can even cause players to fly in the opposite direction which again has to do with the shape of the geometry sending the player backwards so what about its dependency on system performance and its overall inconsistency as of right now zips are indeed very inconsistent for a lot of players not only is releasing the walk input after the block window frame perfect or possibly even less it also requires very stable frame times to even execute in the first place from the community's testing zips basically don't work below 60 fps as it may be more difficult to align the inputs correctly with the idle block loops it may be possible to randomly hit a timing window on an arbitrary frame rate value that could cause the zip to work but replicating this would be more inconsistent than doing so with stable frame times this also doesn't necessarily mean that having better hardware can give a player a certain advantage over another one with making zips happen since it is in fact possible to zip on lower end hardware such as a gtx 970 but what makes zips more consistent for others besides practicing input timing is simply their overall system performance operating system processes as well as certain background software might also be a cause for affecting frame times and can lead to more inconsistency with zips it is currently unknown why some people cannot zip at all but it is possible they ought to lack the minimum specs to run the game with stable frame times or something in their operating system might cause this glitch to not work assuming players meet these requirements players can practice the timings by using a 108 or 109 bpm metronome and hold block and walk on the first beat and input forward four beats later so on the fifth one to gain better system performance or more stable frame times here are some things players can do lower your in-game settings and drop the resolution to its lowest close any open background software and disable hardware acceleration in programs that use these if possible crank down your game settings even lower using your gpu software look down before zipping so less is being rendered on screen alternatively you can zip by using backwards instead of forwards and input backwards when you're facing a wall if you are unable to get zips i'm sorry we currently just don't know what causes zips to not work at all on certain systems there is much more to talk about with zips but i personally felt like these were the most important things people should know when it comes to zips there's a lot we don't know yet about zips and perhaps one day we'll figure out how zips exactly work and possibly find consistent setups that work for everyone thanks for watching this video i hope you found this video informative please consider subscribing to the channel as i'll be doing more elder ring content in the future keep an eye on my ng plus 80 taz run that is currently in the works which should be a rather crazy run featuring a ton of zips and aims to beat the game in around 10 minutes big shout outs to verrazzi blade moderate chaos haze blade and smelty and of course the rest of the community for a lot of their testing and experimenting with zips if you would like to inquire more information about the zip glitch then please join the speed souls discord speed souls is the speedrun hub for speedrunning souls games and elden ring thanks again for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Daravae
Views: 263,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zips, Elden Ring, Zip Glitch, Limgrave, Liurnia, Four Belfries, Inconsistent Glitch, Teleportation Glitch, Teleport, Glitch, Skip, Sequence Break, Zipping, Speedrun, Speed, Daravae, Elden Ring Speedrun, Any%, Any% Unrestricted, Frame times, Stable 60FPS, Performance, Farum Azula, One-step zips, Two-step zips, Macro, Zip Metronome, ELDEN RING, Go Fast, FrankerZ, LilZ,,, Elden Ring Leaderboards, Zip Slope, Performance dependency
Id: 9uLzEPEq63k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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