Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Speedrun in 57:34 (WORLDS FIRST SUB 58)

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foreign you are not allowed to call me washed okay bro I got the world record all right I can't be washed his eco's kidding him okay oh wow this is a really good Star Chat you burnt your finger oh no dudehand sub 32 [Music] thank you oh 39.86 holy yeah serpent Hunter is dead I don't think I should start jumping so soon there when it sounds like it's because it's kind of like flat ground at the start there but I can also let you know I am calling what makes serpent Hunter dead the Bloodhound Fang route is just way faster have I seen the new glitches for neo2 I don't think so turning to 80. you need to go to the foot and it summoned me ah I bequeath it will some torrent treat him with [Music] a pretty good start [Music] it's a bow glitch yeah I mean the the boat glitch is allowed though or well I mean if you call it a glitch I mean whatever dude imagine being like Oh yeah you you shouldn't be able to skip the falling animation that's a glitch you should just sit there and eat a hard fall every time who likes having Tech in the Run hey esperos thank you for the sub I'm actually so happy that you can skip falling animations in this game that was one of the most annoying things even if it is a glitch or unintended Behavior or whatever you want to call it uh it's so nice I don't know why they made it so you can't roll out of a fall in this game it's so obnoxious oh I forgot I'm supposed to skip this ah no no oh [Music] it was going so well did bro just whine like a dog maybe I [ __ ] did maybe I did come on people all right that was a fast sit at least foreign I don't know why I'm in combat but somehow I am I guess I'll keep going honestly dude I feel like it's worth resetting if I want to get a really good run I should not accept starts like these but I'm gonna keep going I mean it's like I'm like five or six seconds behind a good Pace right now so I mean it's still doable like that's not the end of the world but I really want to get a good start yeah I mean I have time save at fire giant I didn't get redone one cycle there's uh there's time saves for sure like I mean look at myself best right there's it's okay but oh yeah the somber 7 jump I did miss that yeah I got screwed by torrent I forgot about that thank you foreign wait didn't I also get memed by Dara will in this run hey Max this music sucks then turn off the Stream there you go problem solved bro I'm stuck on a pig oh my God foreign whoa oh man this pace is really bad I think I'm gonna keep going though can I change the music dude did I tell did you not listen to what I said you can turn off the stream man thank you no worries I removed him ah good job Draco and a lot of squirrels in the way tonight the wildlife is out to give me man [Music] one of these days You're Gonna land on that torch guy yeah maybe foreign I gotta I can't fix my music yet please don't invalidate my run I'm sorry mods please I beg you I beg you have I gotten more viewers since getting record people just love Elden ring speedruns man I don't know anyways guys who cares about viewer count at this all these viewer count Andes but I didn't say [ __ ] the viewers I'm just saying like I don't know man some people like care too much about video count dude all right 1606 I mean that's not bad that's not bad by my standards it's pretty bad but it's not a bad overall you only watch when I have more than 10K viewers dang oh man who here is [ __ ] hype for re4 remake though oh my God I'm so excited Ferrari for remake dude oh it's so soon no okay well Optical knob I know you hate Resident Evil so that's you didn't even have to say anything made that very clear in the past don't like playing the same story again that you already experienced 20 years ago yeah I mean I think the story is going to be changed up a little bit though I don't think it's going to be exactly like one for one I think they've they're taking like some creative Liberties to make the game more uh of like I believe they're trying to make it more of like a horror game I mean it's like you know it's still going to be action-packed but it's the aesthetic of the game is a little bit more dark I believe uh does the time of day affect this run at all it affects a few things zero Ashley has a jacket now well it's gonna be on PC and well it's going to be in the re engine so you know what that means yeah I mean it doesn't affect that many things zero there there's actually um some bats that we run past that aren't the bats aren't there on uh if you run there during the day and basically there's a there's a glitch you can do if you teleport to the gate front Grace as you touch it you can like instantly rest at the grace and it's it saves like two seconds but then it never turns to night time which kind of sucks uh because I was testing that yesterday and it's funny like it saved it saves two seconds to do that that teleport thing at the gate front but because it doesn't turn to night time it actually ends up like losing you more time yeah my my playlist ran out of Music chat so now we're just listening to uh some remixes I actually made my own playlist for once I've just been like adding a bunch of different songs need to add more stuff though thank you foreign [Music] yeah Seeker I feel you man thank you to know tauren [ __ ] doodan you're a [ __ ] troll man how'd I do the second attack on the combat art you press R2 to do a follow-up foreign G but probably fine not bad not bad I see it now foreign G because he did a that like jump attack small dream s foreign no I I do not backstab golden Godfrey thank you I don't like that come on I'm gonna equip the helmet again hopefully it's okay this is not good hey Fallen Hero thank you for the nine months [Music] foreign was not the run where I forgot to like equip the I forgot to pop their remembrance right or was it or was that a different run different run okay I remember the room yeah right damn I thought that was gonna work that sucks damn [Music] oh I did not equip the bow you know what it's okay Chad why the godric fog was still there that's just how it works when you do the Strat all right foreign man record would have also been two seconds faster if I didn't quit out for the [ __ ] uh for the music it also sucked that Eldon Beast did a random melee attack before he did elden's stars that lost another like five seconds [Music] [Music] oops forgot about the helmet foreign [Music] my Golds are pretty [ __ ] good at this point I think the biggest gold that I have left is radagon and eldenbeast everything else is pretty close to perfect now I think not to say that there's no time saved left but thank you oh Chad this is so bad oh my [ __ ] god this is so God foreign I [ __ ] unequipped my bhf dude I I don't know what I was doing I'm gonna be like 10 seconds behind I'm gonna keep going though let's just see what we can make of this run that that's so stupid though that's really unfortunate yeah I lost so much time [Music] [Music] foreign dude oh my God well that him hitting me there actually saved me time that was really scary though yeah I'm gonna play re4 remake on keyboard mouse oh you weren't even mentioning that I don't know why I thought you did say that yeah I'm playing re4 remake all right [Music] really [Music] you know that's actually okay that's okay we have a lot of time saved coming up on fire Giant we can definitely still get record if we get we need a good we need a good Skip and good fire giant but it's possible all right foreign records made the more clickbait YouTube videos you can do yeah the thing is it's not I mean if I wanted to be efficient I shouldn't even I shouldn't really be doing more runs getting multiple records in one day is not uh good for the the YouTube laughs but uh you know it's fine save the second one for the next day yeah but yeah chat we got world's first sub 58 legendary you didn't equip the great room I don't there's no great room to equipment oh my God I'm a little scared right now Chad I don't like my positioning please this night Cavalry here straight up like scares me dude we grabbed it chat we did it torrent good job buddy thank you hey blue axelot thank you for the prime sub man thank you for that lovely Prime subscription by the way chat if if you don't know what prime is if you have an Amazon Prime account every month you get a free sub on Twitch can you believe that oh my God and you can use it on me [Laughter] any primers in the chat hey adipo thank you for the prime sub abbess thank you for the 21 months and fry guy thank you to Avi thank you heker thank you it worked look look all these all these Prime Subs just sitting there holy [ __ ] guys how many of you guys got Prime Subs I'm sorry I can't I gotta I gotta focus on the run I I would call them out but I'm I'm going to lose my run to walking around like a papega if I pay too much attention to the subs thank you guys thank you scammed okay chat what would you rather have me read out the names or get world record all right okay both all right okay you're asking too much of me there's too many Subs I can't even like I can't keep up with them I already have record true egg roll Stone thank you pancake Waffle nugget Tay wrapped power vacuum God kill Cobalt Mage it's Matt Wood rednecks Evil Dead Fish thank you guys for the prime Subs that's all the ones I can see on my feed so I'm sorry if I uh didn't call out yours I'm sorry hey Neo thank you for the five months man whoa nice lag is it faster killing it with the Dismount R2 I don't know man I don't think you have enough damage if you do that I'm pretty sure you'd still have to double weapon art so hey uh ryut are you here by the way a Logie thank you for the prime sub uh do you think you could download the record run from today and uh could you like blur and like mute out any swears at like the start of the video my last my last record got demonetized actually because of that so I would rather not have that happen again uh well the twitch VOD track doesn't have music actually or the twit the twitch fod doesn't have music root at least it shouldn't I fixed it yesterday so it should be fine I didn't check it today hopefully it didn't like reset itself but yeah no I I have the music on a separate audio source so it's not actually in my twitch VOD I mean I get I guess you could maybe wait just in case I get another record but thank you for the gifted sub Tay was I really too slow that's okay that's really not too bad too much worse I yeah I guess I did my R2 a little too slow I got a little too comfortable there whoops yeah it was still okay he should have been dead a little faster though like that was still a few seconds lost not too bad well the kukri is actually just to do a tiny bit of extra damage because well when you do the strap properly he survives if you don't use the kukri he survives with like a hundred health so it saves us an attack to use the cuckoo there foreign I think we're gonna be like five seconds ahead well better than nothing we have a two second time save here because I freaking quit out for the music so it's good oh foreign [Music] spend well we got record back so pretty good pretty good what was the biggest time loss fire giant again I think or we're missing the radon one cycle oh yeah Godfrey was really bad yeah well in this run not in the last though [Music] foreign kind of a bad spot chat this might not be good we're okay all right foreign [Music] I got like stuck there that was [ __ ] so scary dude keep messing up that bow cancel that sucks yeah I know Seeker nice at least we got the second bow cancel there that's good foreign can you sleep them next to each other no you don't want to do that I mean in like theoretically in a best case scenario that might would be probably faster but no that's not really it's not really a viable strap well yeah they both wake up at the same time so it would be like yeah you have to wait for the spawn timers anyways so yeah I don't even know that would be faster foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign is I commend your spirit a man cannot kill a god thank you foreign all right tarnished thy strength defense [Music] thank you foreign nice let's go that was really good foreign nice yo Tay wrapped thank you for the 10 gifted hey Ben thank you for the gifted sub all right that one's gonna be a little bit harder to beat hey gribo thank you for the 20 gifted thank you man pretty pumped about that one uh hey tellurai thank you for the five gifted good what's um thank you for the pride sub alley card thank you for the seven months wallaby thank you for the 22. pain don't hurt thank you for the four months Mega duck with the prime smaller Cathedrals thank you for the gifted whoo hey LAX to damias thank you for the primes uh Born Again shell thank you for the 10 gifted it's wearless thank you for the prime sub thank you for the bits man grab the cat thank you for the bits oipa thank you for the gifted Mr Heater thank you for the 10 gifted Subs Trower Spiel thank you for the three months friends funnies thank you for the primes of zero Powers thank you for the prime sub back baby sunblast thank you some dumb guy thank you for the three months Jack Brown thank you for the Thousand bits axar thank you for the five months topcon thank you for the prime sub hey oh Phantom Gall thank you for the prime sub that Ginger you know thank you for the four months Dutch Wilkin thank you for the five gifted oipa thank you for the bits rallon thank you for the prime sub nairosma thank you for the 17 months all right I'm going to alt f4 so we can check the IGT whew [Music] nice hey Bree thank you hey the K the 17th thank you for the sub I'll probably just upload this run and say it's world first sub 58 even though technically the other run was world first sub 58 but I mean like you know whatever dude this runs better so hey Dr Alex Marie thank you for the 12 months click bait all right you know what Chad who cares
Channel: Distortion2
Views: 321,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden, ring, speedrun, world, record, shadows, of, the, erdtree, dlc, from, software, elden ring, distortion2
Id: ndqJqQGCUfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 36sec (4296 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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