Simple vanilla modeling tutorial in Blender!

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what's up everyone welcome to another vanilla tutorial um for those of you that ask what vanilla is as always it's just um default blender no add-ons nothing uh we will be using built-in blender add-ons like ones that you know come with blender you don't buy or anything one of the ones we'll be using is bull tool and if you guys are hard ops or box cutter users feel free to use that i just want to do a vanilla tutorial because i like having like that you know fresh balance of both for anyone who may visit the channel so this is going to be a fun little model i was um having fun just kind of doodling stuff and this is what i came up with so we're going to start with the cylinder so shift a to add in the cylinder and we're going to make the vertex count 64. and i just choose 64 kind of arbitrarily just to make it you know 64 vertices makes it smooth enough so we'll do that right click to shade it smooth and then what we're going to do is go over here to the normals menu in this little vertex data panel and turn on auto smooth all right so on this piece i want like not necessarily 45 degrees but like 30 degree cut or something going like diagonal across it right so to do that we're going to simply add in a cube and with this cube we're just going to scale it up and rotate it and kind of use this as a piece to like slice off basically so it's going to be removed so with the cube selected what we can do is shift click on the cylinder and we'll press ctrl minus on the numpad to basically cut out that area right there and there we go and make sure using the numpad a lot of people say why is it not working well it's because you're using the keyboard and not the numpad and if you don't have a numpad i believe there's an emulate numpad option somewhere here in the um in the preferences i've never had to use it so you might have to look around for it here it is under input emulates three but no emulate numpad i don't really know how it works so if you want to mess with that that's some something you can try anyways what i like to do whenever i use boolean cutters is make a new boolean cutter collection so i go up here and i right click new collection and what i literally do is i just type in cutters right and then i just turn this off by default i turn off the little eye icon and now if we select the cutter object and press the m key we can actually move this to the cutters collection and everything will automatically be hidden that's in this collection right here so really it's just a nice and easy way to clean up the scene basically nothing super complex i suppose and also what we could do instead of using a difference what i might try doing instead is let me see let me remove this boolean and instead let's um select this and then shift click this i'm going to run a slice operation instead so control forward slash on the numpad is going to run a slice and i think this will be a bit nicer for the aesthetic we're going for alright so next thing i want to do is basically do the same thing to this upper area but i'm just going to reuse the cube so duplicate the cube move it up on the z axis and all i really want to do with this is shift click control minus and run a difference this time and then just turn off the cutter's collection and at this point we could you know basically move these cutters down or up to whatever position we want it in in this case i just want it right to about there and then i want to go ahead and add in another cylinder here so shift a to add in a cylinder same thing as before we're going to right click shade smooth and uh and turn on auto smooth right so that's basically all we're going to do and we're simply going to move it up maybe like i don't know around here would probably be okay and next thing i want to do is make like a little cap to this piece so i could add in another cylinder and like scale it to the appropriate position or whatever and you know that would work or what i could do is to make it like completely accurate a bit quicker is go into edit mode and select this upper face here and we can press shift d to duplicate it p to separate it by selection so now it's a separate piece right and then all we really have to do is kind of scale this guy up maybe right click and reset the origin to the geometry kind of scale it up like this and then extrude it up on the z axis right maybe to about here should be okay and then i'm just going to press ctrl b to run a simple chamfer right there and yeah now we kind of have like some sort of interesting i don't know like cat piece on here whatever you want to call it i also want to go back to this cutter's collection and just kind of reorient some of these areas make this a bit smaller move this a bit down and then move this a bit down as well just so it's not as big we have like a lot of versatility here when we use this cutters collection because we can go back to it at any point in time and then we can even come in here and scale this up a bit more and make it bigger and you know you have a lot of control over what you want to do with this it's all your you know all your own choice and what you like so it's going to kind of mess with it find a good position i think right here will do okay so the next thing i want to do is add in another cube and we're going to use this as another cutter so just kind of scale it up and what i'm going to do is just right off the bat i'm going to run a difference boolean on this cylinder we'll press ctrl minus to run it and basically we're going to have like um like like this cut going on right so now since this is um set to bounds and we can kind of see inside of it right we could perhaps go into edge mode and ctrl b to bevel this edge right here and then perhaps we could go to this edge and you know what before we do that bevel let's move this one out and then try to bevel it yeah something like that would be okay or maybe it would look good just how it was before i don't know i'm just kind of experimenting with things and seeing what i like this isn't too bad how about we try taking this edge and moving this up a little bit until we get a result kind of like this perfect and then we could just go in here and perhaps just move this down a little bit more so it looks a bit more i don't know snug i guess like more more sturdy or something just kind of move this down there we go so now we have a relatively simple piece here nothing complex looks pretty cool and that's just with a few booleans so i'm happy with the result so far now what i want to do is come in here and apply these booleans reason being is because if we go into edit mode we still have the base mesh and none of this none of these changes will be locked in until we apply our booleans okay so yeah we'll just come in here and you're gonna notice sometimes you can't actually apply uh your booleans and if you read that right there it says modifiers cannot be applied to multi-user data reason this is is because when you run a slice operation like we did here which physically slices and separates the two pieces this is sharing the same data with the cutter and this is sharing the same data as well these two pieces are sharing the same data but they're two unique pieces so basically what we need to do is separate the user data sounds confusing literally all you have to do though is go in here to this little green triangle object data panel click on this number and now you should be able to apply everything that'll fix the issue completely we just come in here and we apply all these and you won't have this issue if you're running a difference or a union it will only occur if you're running a slice so yeah i'm just going to come in here to i guess it was only those two so at this point i want to go ahead and make sure our scale is applied on all of them or at least these two for now okay so that means we can basically come in here and alt click that set of edges so alt left click and then control b to bevel we'll get like a tiny one and then alt left click control b to bevel that and yeah there we go you're also going to see we have like this um the these edges right even though it's shaded smooth or maybe it's maybe it's not did i just fool myself right there maybe i didn't shade it smooth um anyway i was going to think it was an auto smooth issue but apparently i just needed to shade it smooth again so anyways probably an issue with the cutter not being shaded smooth whatever not a big deal but anyways now we have this cool looking little line going around it like a ring so now we have a pretty cool looking shape here and um actually i guess i'll give you like a little surprise uh early on uh this is actually a piece that's going to be part of a new pack i'm working on with the ducky 3d and ryu we're not going to give a lot of details on the pack yet but i think you guys will love it and this is just like one of the pieces we had made you probably won't be able to guess what it is so if you want to try feel feel free to but it's going to be a cool pack so that's where this piece is coming from i just wanted to do it as a tutorial as well anyways i'll have more info on that in probably a few weeks uh yeah anyways now we want to do is come in here and this actually is actually going to bring up a pretty good point later on which um we'll discuss later anyways what i want to do is add in a cylinder and kind of rotate this guy scale it down and just kind of you know keep it rotated and positioned somewhere like this because what i want is like um like a hose connecting to this and going around you'll see in a little bit and as always we're gonna shade it smooth and turn on auto smooth right off the bat now we kind of have this type of thing going on pretty cool and then perhaps what we could do is just come up here and give a nice little chamfer i'm not going to bother applying the scale because i kind of like obviously it's already uniform but yeah sometimes if the scales like um biased it'll it won't bevel uniformly in this case it did but that's kind of what i want so not a big deal so yeah now we have a little champ for there i love using chamfers they're one of my favorite things to use okay so now what i want to do is make like a little connection point for a hose to go into so what i'm going to do is take this face and then eye to inset and set it to about there and then inset it again with the i key and now if we grab it on the local y maybe you see so if we press a g and then z twice it's going to move it on the local z-axis to kind of get like this little tapering effect going on pretty cool and then what i want to do is basically do this one more time on this one so let's inset and set again and this time let's move this one like really far back to kind of get that effect going on you know what maybe i'll inset this even more and set and then inset again yeah that'll work i think it should be enough okay so now we kind of have like the connection point on this piece and what i want to do is um make this piece on the front have like a hose going around from the front kind of curving up and around to the top and i just think it'll look cool um this isn't like any specific piece not any sort of geometrical engineering piece just looks cool i mean that's what more can you ask for it's a simple piece that looks cool great for beginners so that's why i made this tutorial anyways what i want to do is go to this top piece and we're going to do the exact same thing we're simply going to inset and then we're going to inset again and move this down a bit it's probably a bit too big isn't it let's try high to inset inset again move it down like that okay and then what i want to do is basically have like a little little um pipe holder type thing i don't know like something for the pipe to go into so i'm just going to duplicate this face right here with shift d and then if we press the p key and separate it we'll have like a separate piece right here right so completely separate piece which we can basically scale down a bit we might want to reset the origin so that way it scales on the exact center this little bit and then what we can do is extrude it up on the z axis like that right and then maybe right to about there and i think you'll like this next little trick i'm going to show you it has to do with like a little curve going around it okay so what i want to do is duplicate this face one more time shifty to duplicate p to separate by selection but this time i want to come in here and delete only the faces so that way i only have the set of edges surrounding the circle here so if we press x and delete faces it deletes the whole face we don't want that we still want to have the edges around the side here so to keep those we have to press x and then only faces and now we'll actually have the edges here as well and at this point what we can do is go up here and convert it to a curve okay and the reason i want to convert this to a curve is um you'll see why in a second so if we go up here i should probably show you i did that too quickly so if we go up here to object and then convert to curve and go into edit mode basically this has now been converted into a curve looks similar but it's not and you'll see why if we go here to these curve settings we can actually go to geometry and under let's see bevel if we increase the depth now we kind of get this little ring type of figure going on really really cool and then i'm just going to right click to shade it smooth and then maybe press ctrl 1 on the numpad or not the numpad just ctrl 1 in general and get like a nice little smoothness going on see the difference there a lot smoother and we could even since it's still a curve we can always adjust this make it bigger if we wanted to do you like one of those and yeah i think it looks pretty cool i'm happy with that okay so i think oops my bad i think this um this piece could be scaled up a little bit more if i can fit it the reason i don't want to scale it up too much as you'll see a bit later in this tutorial is because eventually we're going to join these together and there's going to be like a like a fusion between the two via a bevel and if this thing has like no buffer for the bevel like this right here there's like no room for the bevel to move there's like barely any room up there see it so the bevel just gonna overlap and go crazy so i want to make sure it's scaled up enough but still has enough room to run the bevel i could probably get away with just a bit more i just don't want to you know get too greedy with it so maybe we'll just apply the scale and call it a day right there i think that'll be good and looks like we still have a little bit kind of showing through the bottom so we could do simply take this face and then move it on the local z so g and then z z move it up a bit and there we go so nuts out of the way okay so that looks good now this part is going to be the fun part i think you guys will really enjoy this um i don't like using curves a lot i usually use add-ons for this type of thing like cable raider you know what i'll just do a quick it's not my add-on but i love this add-on so quick plug it's like 10 bucks if you guys are interested i'll put in the description basically with cableraider you click one spot and then you can click another and like literally you have yourself a curve like perfectly connected exactly where you want it you could get a little bit more like technical with it and rotate it into place and whatever it's an add-on i use a lot and for 10 bucks i think it's worth the price but um yeah i want to keep this tutorial like completely add-on free or paid out on free rather so we're going to do instead is do this with a regular curve option so if we press shift a and go to curve we can actually go here to a path and kind of set it up this way you could use a bezier if you wanted to i just think path bezier like whatever doesn't matter what you use as long as you get to the correct result so anyways what i want to do is kind of scale this down and just start coming in here and you know kind of trying my best to just get this into place this is kind of why i like using add-ons for this type of thing because it can get pretty fiddly and not as clean if you don't you know have the best type of curve settings going on but this will actually do pretty well i think okay so what i want to do at this point is simply go to the curve settings and just like we did for this little guy up here we're going to increase the depth like that and i'm just going to increase the depth until it basically fits inside this thing which it looks like it already is we just kind of have to move it into place so a little bit too big so kind of scale that down and as you can see it's kind of like jagged right here see how low resolution it is if we press ctrl 1 or maybe ctrl 2 we can make it even smoother and kind of easier to see that nice fusion there so we'll just increase this a little bit more right to about there and up here we're gonna have to make a hole for that as well we'll do that in a second in my opinion though this thing is way too skinny i really wanted this thing to be a little bit wider so um you know i know it's covering the interior hole but we can't see it anyways so i might as well just you know cover it i could move the geo but i mean who really cares it looks good enough anyways no one's going to be like zooming in here and saying oh there's a very tiny you know physical connect like whatever you can go in any video game and see the same type of thing uh this will this will completely work for what we want maybe a little bit more to kind of like cover it 0.342 now i'm just getting picky with it okay this looks a lot better right here i like that and now it really comes down to a game of just tweaking the curve and finding like a setting you like because in just a few clicks you can literally go from this to like something completely different in terms of the aesthetic behind it so you can do whatever you want you could even press ctrl x and dissolve out some of these excess vertices if you feel you don't need them we probably don't really need all of them so yeah i'm just going to dissolve one of those out and really i'm just kind of playing with this seeing what type of forms and shapes i can get this one actually looks pretty good i like that a little bit too close for comfort so maybe move that a bit move that a bit and i don't know i'll play with it some more off camera i think and here we go this one looks pretty cool i'm uh i'm happy with this one like i said just go into edit mode take some of these control points and just kind of move them around until you find a position that you're happy with okay anyways now this is kind of like just intersecting with nothing so what i think i'm going to do maybe we'll hop into the top view and try to get it centered in there and then all we really have to do at this point is inset this face we can inset it again and then just kind of you know move it down scale it whatever um maybe just a little bit more over here yeah i think that'll get the job done just fine i'm trying to get it like right in the middle probably doing more than i need to but i'm just kind of picky with it okay there we go it looks good enough to me all right so um we're not really super far away from finishing this thing is going pretty well what i want to do now is come up here to this top face and bevel this one as well get a nice little chamfer up there just because um let's get it like very tiny like that there we go just because i think chamfers like i said look really good and then i just want to hop to the front view or i guess in my case that's the left view just you know one three seven or nine on the numpad whatever you want i just usually use one three and seven though or you can press ctrl 3 etc okay at this point what i want to do is make some little panels here in the front so this wire is kind of in the way so i'm just going to temporarily hide that we could even rename it or not wire let's do pipe and this one we could just name like connector bottom and we're just going to hide these for a second so that way we can actually look at the front here and what i want to do now is come into this piece and tab into face mode and i think i'm just going to add in a bevel or a loop cut sorry we're going to press ctrl r to add in a loop cut and then we're going to bevel the loop cut that's what i meant to say so ctrl b to bevel the loop cut and we're going to kind of have this going on and all i really want to do is just take a set of these faces over here nothing crazy we'll just take one set perhaps and i'm going to use this as a boolean cutter we could just come in here and extrude it in for a detail a thing is this is kind of destructive and might not work non-destructively when you can right so instead of what i'm going to do just use a boolean for this so shift d to duplicate this p to separate by selection and then i'm just going to scale this down we can even reposition the origin scale this down just a bit it's kind of hard to see if this is overlapping so what we could do is turn on uh wireframe mode not for this piece but for this piece right here and now we kind of see exactly where this is and yeah that'll do maybe we could even come in here and uh move these up a bit double tap g just so that way there's a little bit of buffer for when we add in the bevel and um yeah that should be good enough all right so now that we have this piece i'll just turn off wireframe what we can do is perhaps just um move it out a bit on the x so that way it's in the front right okay and then what i'm going to do is simply add a solidify modifier and that's going to give us full control over the extrusion basically so that way we can kind of determine how far in we want to go and notice when we add a solidify it's not technically a a fully manifold 3d object yet until we apply it so if we want to bevel these edges here we actually can't bevel the edges we want to bevel the vertices instead because this geometry is not real yet so what we're going to do to bevel the vertices is simply press ctrl shift b scroll up a few times and there we go so now we have a nice little bevel going around that panel there with this though i actually want to run a slice instead so i'm just going to press control uh well once again select this shift click this and then ctrl forward slash on the numpad and that's going to run a slice for us and it's going to look a little bit like um like weird the shading is going to be kind of off and things like that don't worry too much about it right now we're going to take care of that but i also want to make sure this is mirrored to the other side of the piece so what we're going to do is very simply add a mirror modifier we're going to choose this piece as the mirror object and then make sure that the rotation and scale are applied once again if we get this multi-user data error we just click on this number right here and we should be able to apply that oh it's because we have the um the wrong axis we want to mirror over the y axis in this case we'll choose y and you're going to see there's like some z fighting going on right it looks okay over here but over here it doesn't and that's because although we've mirrored this piece over here this side is still um completely solid there's no sort of cut out for it so we also need to do is make sure there's a cut out on this side and we're going to once again run a mirror modifier on this piece to get that second cut out a little bit annoying but that's what we have to do looks pretty cool uh so yeah we'll add a mirror modifier and we're simply going to turn on y and you're going to see it has completely deleted that that's all right what we need to do is make sure we tick on bisect and then the flip option or maybe in this case no flip we'll just do bisect that'll be enough and now we can actually um go back to where is that piece let's press alt h it looks like this one is called cylinder so we'll undo that with ctrl z and just turn that back on and there we go so now we have that slice on both sides basically cool so now what i want to do is apply that boolean and now we can just come in here and let's see exactly why we have those issues and i see exactly what's happening so the reason it looks kind of blocky is because this isn't going like linearly through the object right there's like these random stray vertices what we're going to actually do is um come in here we're going to turn on this auto merge option up here at the top just tick that guy on and all we have to do just come in here we'll press the m key and then merge this at the last is fine m merge it last and all we have to do is just press um you know repeat the command you can press shift r to repeat the commands to make it a bit quicker and i want to make sure i'm only moving the bottom ones here because if we move these it'll start disturbing the curvature which we don't want so in this case i just want to move the bottom ones because we can't see those anyways right we'll never see those bottom ones really so yeah not really a big deal so we'll just um merge that whoops merge this at the last we'll let's see what do we want to do with this i could probably leave that alone actually now as you can see all those weird shading errors are now gone and as you can see the same exact thing has duplicated over here simply because we have the mirror modifier turned on now i don't know if you can see this on youtube but we have like this weird shading artifact and this might actually be a cause of the shadow being turned on uh in this case it doesn't look like it so we need to take care of that there's a pretty bad shading stretch you might not be able to see it so let me show you in matcap you should see that right there see that like weird warp going on that right there is an issue we want that to be clean so that kind of indicates that i missed one so we'll just come in here and make sure we take care of that and now if we run the mat cap all the way through see how smooth that mat cap is the only area i really see like a potential issue is right here and even then it's not like a big deal what we could do is just dissolve like this set of edges out and if it really bothered you right and you wouldn't really see much of a difference i wouldn't bother with that though i'm going to undo that it's not really big enough to care about so we'll just leave it alone another thing you could do instead of dissolving that or just leaving it is we could simply just um you know make sure auto merge is turned on and double tap the g key and just kind of slide this over here and then you're gonna have um should have oops a uh a pretty clean maybe not not as much as i would have thought it's okay but there's still like a visible line so you know what i'll just dissolve it out i think that'll be the best bet and now this thing looks pretty smooth all the way around and that's all i'm really going for so now let's go back into studio view that's been taken care of and now what i want to do is simply take all these front faces and press ctrl b um let's make sure we're not selecting these interior edges here ctrl b to run a bevel we can scroll down to make it a one segment and now we kind of have this effect going on so there we go this thing looks um looks pretty cool i'd like to say i'd like to think at least and yeah i don't have too many complaints about it i'm pretty satisfied with the result but uh what i think we could do is make it even more exciting one thing i really love doing is getting like a lot of detail focus in like one specific area and having a lot of like empty free space and others it has like a nice sense of balance to me so building on top of the tertiary for primary secondary and tertiary details i like to have kind of all in one area for models like this and it kind of makes it more exciting so that being said this is like the primary detail this base this is like secondary detail right here right these little panels and then for like tertiary detail we could do something like i don't know like another cut through the middle here okay so to do that we're just going to add in a cube and what i'm going to do is scale this cube down and you're going to notice if we put this cube like in the middle here so you want to make like a little cut out like an indentation up here you're going to see it's really hard to actually get this thing lined up because even if we rotate it into a good position it's still at a weird angle because this is kind of curving upwards so the best thing we could do here is go up here to the snapping tool turn on face and then turn on a line rotation to target so now if we press the g key and hold ctrl it's actually going to snap and be perfectly aligned based off of that rotation now it won't be like completely perfect depending on which face you're on but it'll be pretty darn close so what i'm going to do is just um put it up here somewhere we'll rotate it around the let's press r and then zzz twice and then what we're going to do is just kind of move it up a bit a little bit fiddly but that's okay right into here is where i think i want like a little notch that should be enough okay so let's shift click on this piece and press control minus and now we'll kind of have some more control at this point because we can kind of rotate this into place and you know you don't have to be like ultra precise with these types of things this is just a minor detail i'm putting in and we do have a shading artifact we'll take care of that though and next thing i want to do is take this piece again let's duplicate it and move it down once again run a control minus difference boolean and i'm just going to kind of come in here and you know be a little bit just kind of freestyling with it doesn't really matter too much and um let's go and turn on wireframe mode real quick and the reason we have shading artifacts because we have like a big end gone right here we'll take care of it though should be fine and at this point all we have to do is just move these guys to our cutters collection with the m key to kind of organize the scene and you're going to see it didn't actually mirror to this side even though we have a mirror modifier turned on so the reason this is happening is because of order we need to think in chronological order um the romans never would have known we would have computers sitting here right now just like the mirror modifier never would have known that these booleans were going to occur after it we need to make sure these booleans are going to occur before so that way it's running the booleans first and then adding the mirror modifier after we just always need to make sure we pay attention to our modifier stack and where things are positioned as you can see now we have it over here and i actually don't really like um let me turn on the cutters collection i don't really like how this position what i'm going to do is kind of reposition it a bit i'm just kind of very picky with how these cuts are so don't mind me just kind of you know doing my own thing okay there we go and once again whenever we move that it's still going to replicate to the other side so no worries there just make sure your modifier stack is in order okay so yeah it looks pretty good now we can just kind of take care of the shading error now i would recommend in the case you want to come back in and you know reposition the cut i recommend making a backup and i actually have a backup collection set up by default in my blender scenes but if you don't just um right click add a new collection and call it backup and you can just turn it off a reason being is because if i apply these booleans and i want to move these little cuts again i can't so if we make a backup by duplicating shift d to duplicate and move this to the backup collection it'll be hidden out of sight but we can um you know we can still come in here and tweak it again with our backup also it looks like my cavity turned off let me turn that back on because i like the kind of you know beveled indentations showing up makes it easier to look at and kind of gives more depth to the scene okay so um let's uh let's turn on the pipe again and the connector on the bottom just kind of take a look see how this thing looks not too bad okay so let's go ahead and apply these booleans right here and to clean up that shading we could probably come in here and slide these it's going to disturb the curvature a little bit but probably not enough to really uh maybe it is enough so okay what i think we'll do instead i have a better idea okay i'll show you what to do we're going to use a normal transfer to take care of this issue so sometimes when you have like bad warps like this right it's not super terrible in this instance but you can kind of see it right see that um what you can actually do to clean some of the shading is use something called a normal transfer and we'll be doing this on other pieces in this model a bit later i really don't think we're gonna it's it's you know worth dealing with this isn't really a huge issue but i want to try to fix that shading a little bit moving that pretty much fixed it i think we might need to move this just a bit more yeah i didn't really think we'd have to i think the closer this edge is getting the more warped it's getting that's pretty much why so as long as these are kind of far away from the vertices it'll look you know good enough to work with in this case so yeah we might not need a normal transfer here and that word probably sounds scary at first anyways and it's not so yeah let's just leave it how it is we just want a good render after all a good model so that's fine later on we are going to have to use a normal transfer though there's no way around it and you'll see okay so the last thing i want to do in terms of detail is make like a little panel here in the front like a secondary panel so what i think i'll do is add in a loop cut with ctrl r let's bevel it and add in just a few segments here kind of like that okay maybe that's yeah there's going to be some bad shading warps over here most likely it's not too bad but okay this is where i wanted to kind of point things out so the reason these loops are terminating here is because we have an n-gon a face with more than a face with more than four sides to it so that generally is going to cause shading warps here and we don't want that and what we probably should have done before we applied the boolean is ran some loops through so that way they were going automatically but i'm gonna show you a really cool trick so yeah um the reason i say it would have been better if this boolean wasn't applied because if this boolean wasn't applied it would have just been flowing all the way through it would still be a cylinder and i could still just have loop cuts running all the way around and then i could have applied it afterwards but i kind of made a mistake there so what we're going to do instead is let's see a few different ways we could approach this one is by using a knife project two is by just manually connecting these cuts which wouldn't really be a huge deal we could start with that we could just run some loop cuts and what we could do i don't know if this will reach all the way around we could press the j key and it reaches but not as cleanly as i would have wanted so trying to see what the best solution would be maybe we'll just add in a loop cut here join them up i'm just trying to think of the most simple solution this is probably it let's also slide that over there see how the shading kind of like breaks right here very subtle but it does happen what we can do is just merge these together and it'll be even better and then what we can do is just simply kind of brute force this not really a big deal not the most you know effective strategy but who cares uh the reason we're doing this is because that big n gone if the loops just terminated there we're just going to have a world full of bad shading which i don't want so the best way to clean shading is to one have it confined to a really close area or two have it be good topology right and let you know quads and stuff and it's gonna be pretty good that way so i'm just gonna use the knife tool press the k key click click enter we can join these together with the j key this one we're going to have to knife cut this one we're going to have to knife cuts and that should be all right now we're just going to hop to this side and do the same thing so we'll do that join these together cut this one cut this one and we do have an end gone right here but i don't think it's really hurting the shading too much so as long as the final render is good then that's what we care about yeah the shading is completely fine right here so no big deal basically the uh the smaller the area and the less like you know if it's not disturbing the curvature too much which it really isn't right here generally you're fine it's not going to really be a big deal so i wouldn't really mess with that looks good and yeah i'm happy with that okay so we fixed that situation and this whole thing looks good in terms of shading so yeah now we can go ahead and go to the front and add in some panels so uh for these panels what i want is like um you know nothing super crazy to something somewhat exciting so i'm gonna just kind of come in here circle select to make a panel and i'm just going to we could extrude this back and make a panel like that but i'm going to do something similar to what i did up here and do it more non-destructively and also so we can have like a nice little slice operation and a chamfer around it so what i want to do is with this shifty to duplicate p to separate by selection i'm just going to take this piece um we'll re-center the origin scale it down and as you can see this should be within this boundary so that way the bevel won't overlap give that a second then i'm just going to kind of move it out front a little bit so now we can simply add on a solidify modifier and pull this back into about there and then just bevel these vertices so take these guys ctrl shift b get like a nice little you know bevel going on we'll do like six segments that's enough and then run a difference boolean like that and then we could either mirror this piece and bisect it or we could mirror the cutter itself doesn't matter both ways are completely fine i'm just going to mirror this piece instead and then choose the y-axis turn off x and to make sure the hole appears we're going to add in a bisect so that way it actually you know appears if it doesn't make sense to you usually what i do is i just click these buttons until it works and it usually gets the job done just being completely honest i don't really care what the settings i mean i know the settings do i just don't care to think about it logically i like to click buttons and have it work that's what most people do so if it gets the job done it gets the job done so there we go yeah bisect basically what it's doing is it's splitting the mesh and then i'm doing a reflection over it whereas the mirror is just physically mirroring all the way over it with it it's it's kind of confusing and it's probably best to do that with a separate video and then flip is something that like i don't even know fully what flip does it just takes the piece and then flips the direction which sometimes works as i want it sometimes doesn't work as i want it uh yeah usually bisect is going to do like most of what you need anyways kind of getting off topic here let's continue now we kind of have these cool looking panels here in the front and we could also at any point in time come in here and adjust the solidify thickness to get it just as um you know deep as we want so yeah this thing is almost done but um as you saw on the thumbnail most likely we're going to have like this little kind of encasement going around the pipe with like holes around it i think it'll look cool and make it pop a lot more make it more exciting and also in the original i think i had an inset right here so we can just take this face do it right now eye to inset i to inset again and we're just going to it's a bit too much like that and then we're just going to press e right click and then alt s to scale in along the normal so that way it's an accurate type of extrusion going on and then maybe what we could do is inset this and do the same thing b to extrude alt s and now we're going to kind of have something for this piece to go in this little cylinder right now there's a hole so it's not just intersecting and then we could go here and alt click on this set of edges and press control b to run a nice little chamfer right there and there we go looks pretty cool i also want to move this up just a bit so i'm going to grab that up actually let me manage this one first um this one's kind of tricky let's box select this upper set of faces so that way we're not disturbing anything we'll move that up and then we'll move this up just so that way there's a bit more room to make it look cool let's try point zero two five there we go right so now all we have to do is make this cool little um like encasement effect going around the pipe so this is really easy to do and also really fun because it instantly makes your model look a lot more badass so with that being said it is a bit tricky so if it gets confusing if you still don't understand it after my explanations feel free to ask me in the comments because i understand this was actually very confusing for me as well okay so this is still a curve what i'm going to do is duplicate this pipe right here and then i'm going to press forward slash on the numpad to go into local view so that way we're only focusing in on this pipe here okay so what i want to do is apply the subdivision but i think we're going to have to convert this to a mesh first so we'll press ctrl a and then visual geometry to mesh so that way now it'll turn from a curve into a mesh but it's actually way too dense so what we'll do instead let me undo that let's turn off or just remove the subdivision completely and then we can press ctrl a and apply that so that way it's not as dense if it's way too dense this operation is just going to crash it's just too heavy to handle even with a good machine so now we want to do is maybe just choose a certain area that we want to have that encasement in so we could just you know box select and delete out the areas we don't want or if you want to oops delete the faces or if you want to make this easier you can just select like up here and then control plus on the numpad to expand the selection and get something like that and now if we press ctrl i we can invert that selection and then delete out the excess stuff that we don't want so this right here is going to basically be our cover piece it's going to look cool once we get it but there's a few steps we need to do first okay this is where it gets confusing and just bear with me for a second we need to duplicate this piece again and you'll see why trust me on it trust the process so we're gonna duplicate this piece one more time and we're just going to turn it off for right now we don't need to deal with it at this point just remember the name of it in this case it's called pipe 002 and you'll see why we're doing this in a second so just pretend we didn't even do that so you don't get confused focus in on here what we're going to do now is basically we want to turn most of these circles here or vertices into a circle so i'm just going to select everything with the a key and then alt shift click on both these sides to deselect the caps because if we make this into a circle it's not going to work on the end points and now what i want to do is go to checker deselect and turn all these selected vertices into circles now unfortunately there's not an easy one-click solution to do this in vanilla blender that i know of but i found a little hack to get the same effect it's not particularly the most clean but it gets the job done and i just don't know of any other way because usually with add-ons you can come in here and like um literally turn these vertices into circles but i don't know of any way to do this in vanilla blender if you do let me know i just don't think there's a tool for it yeah i might be wrong though but the best way to fix this that i've found is to simply go in here what we're going to do is go to where was it actually we can just press ctrl shift b to bevel and basically you're going to have something like this and if you start scrolling up you're probably going to have a result kind of like this is going to go crazy and you just can't figure it out so if you take a look at the bottom all the way in the bottom of blender there's like a big list of settings there's actually one here called profile type which we can set to super ellipse by pressing the z key so if we press z and then scroll up now we actually have more vertices added on to that little square and then from here all we have to do is press the f3 key type in to sphere and then just kind of pull this in you're going to see it kind of goes crazy so to fix that we can change the pivot point over to individual origins and then try that again with the f3 key and now you're going to see it does this individually and we don't want to pull this all the way in or else we're going to get overlaps but right to about here just enough to make it look like a circle should be good and then we'll just press the x key and then delete faces and now you're going to see we have a you know pretty decent result here and you're going to see now it looks it looks okay looks pretty awful though what we're going to do is add a solidify modifier and then all hell is going to break loose it's just it doesn't look good even if we you know shade it smooth turn on our auto smooth it still looks awful right we could you know tweak the auto smooth angle get it to where we want but we still have these awful awful shading artifacts going on and this is why we made a backup because this right here has perfect shading and this one right here has awful shading so we're going to do is we're going to transfer the perfect shading on this pipe to the awful shading on this pipe and i'm going to show you exactly how to do that so first things first make sure you add your solidify modifier you can apply it when you're done we're not going to need it again and then what i want to do is add a bevel modifier we're going to turn the segment count up to about three we're going to make the segment just very very oops that was way too high let's make the segments very very low nothing crazy and make sure these edges aren't beveling to fix that we can just go over to um the limit method set the method to angle and make sure none of these are beveled and if they still are we can simply increase the bevel angle a bit so that way those aren't picked up so now we have a nice little bevel around there you can see the difference what we're gonna do is apply the bevel modifier okay and now we need to do is take the areas with bad shading and select all of those areas in this case the only areas of bad shading are all of these n-gons right here so the quick and easy way to select all the n-gons is to select one select select all by trait faces by sides and then we're going to select a greater than four and now we have all the ngons selected here with a bad shading so now we need to do is tell blender hey blender i want you to remember this selection right now if we were to deselect we kind of lose that memory so we need to do is go to vertex groups in this little triangle panel this vertex data you know where we were changing the users earlier click on this add a new vertex group click assign select deselect to make sure it's working and then you're pretty much done now we need to do is add a data transfer modifier the source mesh is going to be this one with the good shading so this is going to allow us to transfer the good shading from this source so in this case it's going to be pipe o2 vertex group we're just going to select it from here and these final two steps are important go here face corner data custom normals and then projected face interpolated boom perfect shading absolutely no problems look at this i do not see really any issues here maybe like a few slight ones around the bevel but i mean the bevels this is as good as i can get with that little hack i showed you and it's not going to be noticeable anyways so yeah really really good shading now see the difference before after before after really good so now all we're going to do is press forward slash on the numpad and you're going to see just like that we have a really really clean little thing around that and we're going to do the exact same type of effect to this cylinder right here all right so obviously if we do it to this cylinder as well it's going to kind of you know be a little bit bigger than the cylinder which means it's going to be outside the bounds of this chamfer it's going to be like out to here so what i'm going to do is simply press s and then shift z to just scale it on the x and y axis we're just going to kind of scale that in a bit and give it a little bit of buffer that should be good okay so now what i want to do is same thing we did here duplicate the cylinder forward slash on the numpad to isolate it and then i'm just going to delete out these caps we don't need those and then let's just go ahead and add in some loops here okay and i'm going to show you a cool trick as well so right now this would be a lot of circles even if we did check or deselect that's a lot of circles and that's going to be very very heavy on the scene especially with all those bevels so what we're going to do is just kind of drop the resolution so if we turn on wireframe i'll let you see it we're going to add a decimate modifier go to unsub divide and then um on unsubdivide it twice and that'll take care of that and it looks a little bit weird here on the top but you know i'm really not too concerned about it because i can just move it up who cares most of this isn't even being used so yeah we'll um as a matter of fact we'll just delete that out now we'll get in here go into wireframe box select those guys and get rid of them and uh just move that up okay so no one can complain now we're exactly where we want to be so let's make sure the right one is selected and now what i can do is go up here select everything go to select and then check or deselect we don't need the bottom selected or the top and now all i'm going to do is ctrl shift b and it should retain the settings from before if you don't remember though you press the z key and then scroll up a little bit like that and then finally f3 to sphere i'm going to kind of bring that in just a little bit and then x2 delete out the faces like that actually hold that thought i completely forgot to make a backup before we did that that's like the first step we want the backup so that way we have the good shading to transfer so let me actually undo that make that back up real quick and then just go back to where before ctrl shift b and then to sphere delete those circles it's a little bit too let's see let me make sure the scale is applied that's why that's why it was acting weird the scale is not uniform right now so make sure you apply the scale with ctrl a and now if we go in here and do this again the circle should be like completely you know circular okay so let's go ahead ctrl shift b now you can kind of see why this is tedious it's even on making mistakes here and i'm pretty used to this process so there we go now we have it's still iffy i'm trying to see how far in we can get without you know making this to like oval did that work hey that actually worked there we go so i guess you can get pretty close just don't you know make it too far away and we had a good good result there okay so you know the drill add a solidify modifier make this like .03 or something whatever you want we'll make it go outwards and also you could even go into global view for a second and just see exactly how far out this is going i only want it to go to about there and we'll just go back into local view and just like we did before we're going to apply the solidify modifier add a bevel modifier with three segments because three is just a good number we're going to go to angle and we're just going to make sure this amount is very very low like that and if you wanted to you could harden the normals that actually might help clean it up i didn't do that last time but either way the the shading is going to transfer okay so let's go ahead and apply that bevel modifier and just like we did before select select all by trait faces by sides and then it should just retain the same settings as before okay so we're just going to add a new vertex group assign deselect select and just make sure it's working and then just like we did on the other pipe we're going to add a data transfer modifier in this case we want to transfer to cylinder0011 is that it let me see i think it might be what's the issue maybe it's because we're in local yeah it's cylinder 011 okay so yeah we're gonna make this um this mesh choice the cylinder001 or o11 choose this vertex group face corner data custom normals and then projected face interpolated and once again completely clean shading here absolutely not a hiccup in there here's the before and here is the after looks really really nice and uh this is pretty clear why we want to do this right because if we had this showing up in a render it would look really really bad so it's just better to clean that up when you can and that's it guys that's um that's the tutorial this is probably a bit you know bigger than you need it to be so you could always um in this case it's probably best to maybe use a boolean difference to cut it out we'll just add in a cube and then maybe just cut out that bottom area that we can't see anyways and you know pretty much fixes that problem so that's it for the video guys um i'm not going to do anything further to this piece but i would encourage you to kind of either recreate this or add your own unique spin to it because i've given you all the tools you need to pretty much do anything you want with this model make it look really cool i'm happy with where it is and i think this kind of does a really good comprehensive tutorial so if you're a beginner i hope this helped you out and kind of got you one less afraid of booleans and two more you know open to different topology situations that you may have not originally been taught if you're familiar with my channel thanks a bunch as always for watching be sure to press subscribe i don't really ask that too much but apparently asking your audience to subscribe actually leads to more subscriptions so there's there's my attempt i really appreciate everyone who is subscribed already so thank you very much and i'll see you guys in the next video see ya
Channel: Josh Gambrell
Views: 54,128
Rating: 4.9586434 out of 5
Keywords: blender, beginner, 3d, modeling, hard, surface, tutorial, boolean, shading, quads, mesh, topology, donut, guru, first, 2.91, bevel, masterxeon1001, hardops, boxcutter, ponte, ryuurui, josh, gambrell, blenderbros
Id: iWnlWu0-o3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 52sec (3532 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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