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this is very exciting we are at Saint Joseph's Medical Center because today Andy Dwyer is getting his casts off it is a great day for Andy and it's a wonderful day for my subcommittee oh my god your boobs are dead stop it no they're not I'm calling it Tyla boob death 9:18 a.m. we did everything we could but they were just too small okay and how do you feel I feel good I'm recording some of these sound bites for the website so I need you to say something a little bit more moving and poignant you know pithy articulate kind of grabby but unrehearsed like you just made it up but think about it for a second now say something like that and then be funny okay go how do you feel I'm happy that's great if Leslie had a boyfriend and he broke his legs I would do the same for her I'd probably bring fewer stuffed animals though Wow it's like a sweaty pinata oh yeah my pirate doctor if I may could I keep that cast please it's a highly disgusting request I don't see why not thank you this is a symbol of new beginnings a symbol of hope and of our project we will build this park it is gonna feel so good to walk again oh they might be a little weak at first come to live with his band hey dr. Harris um Annie's playing a show tonight and we'd love it if you came by I think there's gonna be a good turnout at Han to show tonight he wrote this new song about what happened to him called the pit it's one of those rare songs that rocks really hard and also informs people about a small public works project Sandy's doing well yeah he's a little shaky still but that's to be expected well not really yet his cast removed two weeks ago the muscles wouldn't attribute so much I'm sorry two weeks ago some they were scheduled to come off but he told me that you told him he should wait no you rescheduled said it was personal that he'd explained later but then he never explained I have waited on him hand and foot for two months well I guess that explains it hello I am hey my early nope you were right on time I like your costume oh thanks Raggedy Ann it's one of my favorite books and I was a kid I'm a pirate great oh hey dr. Harris how are you thanks um this is Ron Swanson from the parks department I know him from that thing that I'm doing this is dr. Harris you're a doctor yep I meant your costume I got it worlds colliding always awkward hey bro okay you're under age you're not hey yeah I'm gonna leave oh okay this isn't that fun didn't need to tell me that I gotta take this home nobody was drinking it so I'm gonna take it I'm gonna take this to meaning to read it good news is this is just tendinitis how is that good news the other option with shoulder cancer really no look you exercise a lot you're in great shape little things like this happen with men of your age men at my age how old do you think I am 42 huh I am 44 and I plan to live to be 150 okay so what's the cure get a time machine and go back to being 20 dr. Harris you are literally the meanest person I've ever met you have two broken bones in your right arm and four in your hand that's the side that hurts how soon until he's better we'll set the fractures I'd like to keep him overnight for observation is there any chance you can fix me in the next 10 minutes sure I'll just advance medical science 30 years great can mouse rat play without you they tried once they're called rat and mouse and they're awful but you have got to find somebody there's an old saying show business the show must go wrong everything always goes wrong and you just have to deal with it okay so now you're sure that everything is okay you know down there and perfectly Ali that man has the largest penis I have ever seen I actually don't even know if he has mumps forgot to look I was distracted by the largest penis I have ever seen before you begin a few ground rules I need you to explain everything you do before you do it so I can determine whether I will allow you oh yeah balsa wood you could at least use mahogany there's something occluding your ear it's sawdust just blow huh you got strep throat running your prescription for penicillin we'll have the rest of your test results in about 20 minutes cholesterol I'm interested good day they show all patients were like that it's really annoying when they ask questions Ron you've been sweating in here all day are you drinking any fluids yes plumbing no you need to drink water usually I take it neat but I will make an exception in the name of health last night I watched a movie with Diane and the girls in which an orange fish is separated from his father the children were sniffling which I believed to be due to the sad nature of the film I was wrong you have very weak hands why would you say that just making an observation before been you know the EMT said that if Lee had sent you his base you could have lost the thumb I'm totally fine babe everything is a-okay Julio beans you want to meditate real quick no we do not have time we have a concert to save excuse me he's feeling better he can go right in damn it I wonder if I'll ever stop doing that come on look to the left all right whatever are you the kind of doctor who gets hooked on his own drugs I bet you are so Andy tell me what happened I was reading an encyclopedia and I tripped or fell over and hit my head or brain helmet you call it yeah he sneezed and smacked his head against the wall that sounds about right well if it's a concussion it's extremely mild so I wouldn't worry about it anything else bothering you nope yeah well I mean yeah I've got a weird rash in my knee pit area and my tongue on this side doesn't taste anything anymore sometimes when I walk my ankles make like a weird rattle snake sound what else things that are far away from my eyes are fuzzy I once ate a Twix with the wrapper on it and I've never seen the wrapper come out also I've swallowed every piece of gum that I've tuned for the past 25 years I don't know it broke my phone when the way over here it just fix me well I can help you with the thumb and I'll have to give you referrals for specialists for the other thousand things Wow thanks for nothing dr. Harris you're welcome okay I got you some magazines and those boring word jumbles you like to do is there anything else you need J maybe some gas fix uh-huh time how is he an give it to me straight he's great he should be out of here in a day or two doctor medically speaking how would you describe what happened to Jerry he had a mild heart attack yeah but he also exhibited excessive flatulence is there a term for having a heart attack while releasing so much gas not really gastrointestinal distress is common during a cardiac event I just want to hear the doctors say that Jerry had a fart attack is that too much to ask thank you so much look at all the balloons and the flowers and the food and she's so sweet to come visit this often well they did cause it Hey no that's okay I'm glad this happened man yeah I could do without the mess of hospital bills but no this was a wake-up call I'm gonna make some changes I want at least another 30 years with Gayle and my girls don't worry Jerry okay you are gonna have the future that you've always planned just leave it to us I was up all night brainstorming and this is the complete official list of candidates for Ann's baby daddy Wow how did you come up with these three names well I eliminated everyone in the relationship and the obvious nose like knuckle hair Dave from HR I don't mind here I just think he's a dick yeah and I was left with those three guys don't forget they don't know about the sperm donor thing I don't want them to know I told them I was interviewing them for a blood here comes the first one dr. Aris Hey hi there yes and Lesley small office mine's way bigger it's gonna take long got a patient coming in no not at all please have a seat actually maybe you should check in on your patient you know I know that I hate it when my doctor makes me wait yeah guys got a spinal fracture he's not going anywhere ooh season my office her leather [Music] you
Channel: Parks and Recreation
Views: 1,593,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Parks And Rec, Parks And Rec Bloopers, Parks and Recreation, Pawnee, NBC, NBCU, Leslie Knope, Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, Ann Perkins, Paul Schneider, Mark Brendanawicz, Aziz Ansari, Tom Haverford, Nick Offerman, Ron Swanson, Aubrey Plaza, April Ludgate, Chris Pratt, Andy Dwyer, Leslie and Ben, Leslie and Ron, Andy and April, April and Ron, Ben Wyatt, Retta, Jerry Gergich, Donna Meagle, dr harris, doctor, doctor harris, i got distracted
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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