Eden Streak #40 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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seriously guys my head is it ready to explode brain power too much power hunter bits ambassador still want to talk about the thing we talked about on Twitter Utz no I was just goofing with you like go bed is so pathetic that people trying to get people to their stream you should call out data by stream brimstone start for damage brimstone start but uh wait wait wait [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fill in the pump in [Music] but then again let me take cover [Music] [Music] oh look at my look at my pathetic horns right now they're like yeah yeah I don't know about that the horns are like I'm kind of busy today bust a move whoops I just used my my spacebar item terrible health by the way terrible fire rate so we have to pray that we don't get hit right in the dick oh that's good but I can't get them yet I can't get them your stats are okay except for your health yeah yeah I can get that now though excuse me then my hair look at my hair just deflator today it's like I'm so stressed out my hair is like when are we having a date Kappa right now what if I showed up to the to a date like this with this does this work just make you Randy see you be rich my messages were overpowered I can't put it in my Hut's lock emotes you can't use them speed run power our new it just bastard still want to talk about the thing yeah my messages were overpowered yeah for sure if you show up on a date like that I would be IV horny this heart is B [Music] maybe a nice pickup line wouldn't it what's the girl and I so horny me love you long brim imma stop there and that's the last word I think I'll ever say in my life I think I should stop talking forever we should go back to the sign language my head hurts oh my goodness today has been so overwhelming I can't even stand at you guys use the horns as handlebars okay that's uh yeah okay mm-hmm you went there oh boy speaking of uh oh boy look at that oh yeah that's what I wanted thank you delicious tender rock without a bomb give me the box oddly enough I'd like the box with like ebooks wire coat hanger is actually really good here yo stream Hut's what is up what is up my man one at the match book there's a match books for dummies my Brimstone's better than yours be spots back baby be spots back baby don't you feel better huts I feel totally fine do not worry about me in any way shape or form and it's working for Buddha 500 you are my first donation on Twitch absolutely love your stream and YouTube videos thank you so much for working for Buddha I appreciate the kind words thank you thank you when's the next giveaway Hut's up it up up up up up up up Nickelodeon let's give away a game called let's give away Octodad dadliest catch you guys would like Octodad then type mmm then type tentacle dad how do you spell tentacle is a tentacle or 10 tackle that a spent tentacle to fitty from Sullinger yo wats you got me into I see about a week ago when I find your channel defeated Isaac but wish me luck and fighting the other boss please also greed mode as a [ __ ] love you dude thank you so much Saluja appreciate that I'm sorry if I could completely butchered that name tentacle dad casing let's turn casing off [Music] how do you make an octopus laughs give it Ted tickles [Music] you know I joke is so good when you gag on it my number one daddy I love the hot skiers and my number one daddy I do believe so basa thank you for the 5000 but oh my goodness pastor oh my goodness thank you for the 5000 dude dude dude - dude - dude dude dude - dude dude dude dude dude what does mine say nothing nobody I once heard a joke about warm milk it put me to sleep anytime Utz appreciate you bass here you're such a generous dude yes yes what's mine say sweet yes you know are you playing sub today dad am I playing sub subnautica don't you mean I need another Bob we should do a search junk and run nothing but junk dad's kinda need some health oh I kind of need nothing I think I'm good you know I think I'm pretty good I think I'm gonna go yeah buddy oh wow I know the tinted rockers are lovers in a dangerous space-time we'll open up this one too yuck Benj lobby reading the question rip google said avoid tylenol laughter vaccinations but it did only say something about babies very consistent said avoid tylenol okay but it's something about babies very confusing well I am a baby so technically all right you guys let's give away the cynical dad 500 bit start working for Buddha your streams make me laugh so much it's the least I can do thank you for 500 more bits ambassador thank you so much for being a generous student gifting a tier-one sub - gotta love Hut's appreciate that very much and welcome gotta love Utz all right you guys sub luck is dead for now three two one go G part one one zero eight congratulations tentacle dad [Music] five months for gesture welcome back in be water you subbed you did it thank you for that feels pretty nice yay 24 seconds and congratulations to you part [Music] oh my head is literally about to explode rip octo daddy tears down I would love one Arkan in two months in her I'll welcome back enjoying the streams as always thank you thank you thank you probably could've gotten both of those but maybe not Oh what the heck that's a really good drop yeah uh-huh sure dare dude in little doo doo doo doo doo doo and you guys even hear the music I am the competition I am the danger say my name say my name say my name when no one is around you say baby I love you money rum there's no money in it though how could there not be money in the money room there's always money in the banana stand is mayonnaise an instrument danger I sense no dnews printed block doodlee doodlee do do do do do do good night outs can i chat good night sill waiver did he start with brimstone hell yeah I did I'm sorry if you guys feel like I'm ignoring you in chat I'm definitely not trying to I'm trying to look at most things good time for Shi Wu whoops I didn't mean to slip outside there these are both really good but I'm gonna sit with the cancer here what's the song zelda music wisdom linked to the future will and Tim who fix a Zelda lullaby game chops it's a really messy title I don't know why game chops did that but that's what's called it's on my playlist that you guys can find is a public playlist now I made it public so you guys can see it use it hear it it's copyright free another Joker well might as well use one none bunch of sexy ball [Music] fees who's got fleas king baby no [Music] [Music] no no no no you aren't a God huts are you nope I'm just a man with a plan [Music] [Music] God has left us a long time ago ever since uh rule 34 binding of issac got made gods like I'm out that's it I tried I tried and I failed and I'm out peace-out dweebs agree it God really call us to Eames no cuz that hurts okay that hurts me deep God that uses that calls me a dweeb there's no God of mine [Music] I don't evil that's that's an active item right yeah so we looked into the stuff we talked about to send you and a horse head but I don't know if I want to do unicorn zombie horse or regular horse I I see potential I was gonna say just go normal but I see the potential that you're talking about Chino that actually the tough call of course you're not required to do anything I hope you know that technically they are evil so they would be committing adultery and debauchery debauchery Zedd even like a real thing sounds like some pirate [ __ ] debauchery kind of sounds like the balloons you know my dad prior to that oh you know he had to get the truck out like my thing my hair my hair is just like because all the hats yeah we had some craziness today had some craziness this side I'm super good too but I know I don't need it tinted rock in secret room I'll go check that out what's the unicorn and zombie thing see being a goof hey little man he's like that don't look at me [Music] little body dude yeah he's laying right next to the space heater [Music] our hour long day Hut's gotta get going have a good time with your brother and feel better super Hut's hype see you next stream hopefully thank you power our I appreciate that see you next stream hopefully as well you better be there Lenny is the best I got the unicorn you two decide who gets what with the other two [Music] all of them stack them all up on my head one for Lenny is there a cat sized one I want to get one of those stupid cat things too you know or it looks like they're like a little man walking around [Music] see some hilarious potential there oh we were already in that room no the floor was so big no no I wasted the Joker garden no we're gonna lose now he forgot the secret um idea I totally did it doesn't matter where we're fooling help sort of kinda almost a little bit no no guys will be put on her bits appreciate it appreciate that like I'm gonna pass out if this takes me longer than 15 more minutes I think I'm just literally gonna face playing on my desk that's how I feel right now I feel like face planning you get tired after getting vaccines maybe for vaccines in in one day would make you tired ripp Eden streak yeah unless you know I pass out and just have a really really long even streak and wake up play it the next day if I passed out and slept on stream would you guys still watch maybe call the police if I died on stream would you would you would you help [Music] we should help a dead person got eight shots one time not long ago either because they lost my medical records I felt like I was gonna die and I said I comes like tired just like musii it's got dark I'd watch you nap stream sounds like Napster [Music] anime mangas 100 bits this is from Sky gash rod a little advice to get the headache drink a glass of hot water with two tablespoons of lemon juice and one tablespoon of sugar it worked several times on me sweet sounds delicious more delicious than this amnesia pill the vaccine is a small dose of viruses which makes you tired and can give you pain body ache headache cause your body cuz your body is fighting the illnesses cream antibodies for the problem which just will prevent the full infection that's why when people are like I always get sick when I get the vaccine I get annoyed because that's the point you get a little sick to prevent the big sick simple concept that dumb people can wrap their head around call me dumb no I know how that works they shoot you with a dead version of the virus so it does not multiply but your body still recognizes it and creates antibodies hot snap vlogs should I split my naps up into 15-minute videos no no no no no no no no do do do do do do do necro Excel okay just like speedrunscentral dude Bray Oh more beans could I have more bean space thousand bits everything you do my hard drive died a week ago no overwatch CS geo or dota and I'm rebuilding an apartment from scratch for the twins I'll be having in May your YouTube videos relax me after work in the house keep up the good work man wish I could give more thank you so much lMNO appreciate that appreciate you give them back my friends good luck with all that twins twins basil oh thank you thank you thank you I need to do anything now let's just go man Qi now the text text-to-voice is trying to give us subliminal messages I wish give more kind of sound like it didn't it I don't care about boss rush you guys like maybe we could go check it out if I get there in time okay well that's just that's just good though that's just good timing wafers pretty good [ __ ] it it's completely unnecessary to do boss rush by the way on our eden streak dangerous risky I also like to live dangerously oh excuse me Wow don't walk over the red poo don't be a red poop Walker what a shot though but wafer worth will just stop running around that's pin huh or wretched and this guy's slammed down over the gap doesn't matter he's dead don't matter well I don't even matter I wish I could pick up the red poo and put it down on their spawn point I'm down there whoa easy there fella the giveaway though we can do a giveaway that's a good time you're right let's give away a game called layers of fear masterpiece edition it's a good game I have it myself Thai players type Trident layers snow just layers into the chat if you want to enter to win layers of fear masterpiece edition a horror game by the way you can type Trident layers it would still work technically would still work how come my crack the sky is just like missing everything now doesn't want to behave no no no no no no no no no no no teleports behind you nothing personal kid where's this guy fight me fight me douchebag where is he yeah Here I am Hots is the this the only giveaway because I already have layers it's not the only giveaway I mean a mic the last one of tonight but we've already done a bunch of them oh great excuse me onions have layers and augers like onions onions have layers augers have layers [Music] cake skales let's see how long we can quote Shrek for who's in then really working on my Shrek Shrek impersonation just for you guys I really want you guys would like me you make a bad day College good thank you thank you kitty cats sampai 500 bits really appreciate that you guys are so generous you need to stop if we did this if we said this already all right no more donations next person who donates I don't even know I don't even know Oh Jana I don't have anything to say we need to stop you want me to cancel my sub yes if everyone could unsub please band for donators band them these are squats words we can blame squad for everything that happen today that went wrong it's a perfect scapegoat I face the fear of the unknown if Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied with the amount of donations that they're getting illuminate the nose of their vacancy signs if there's no one beside you when your bits embark then I will follow you into the dark no I will follow you into the dark when I kill the boss that's when we do the giveaway that's when I pop this sucker wow that was very patriotic yep this room red white and blue murica God Bless America my home sweet home can't spell miracle doll freedom wait American tapeworms no no no no yes give me a lump of coal that would synergize very well with how long my lasers are lasting no dick dick get this amnesia pill out of my pocket all right you guys three two one boom hey up up up up up arkhat Oh 420 blaze it thank you so much for the follow one minute to claim this prize this would go on the radio and me and my best friend would saying that to that song then sometimes I would turn to him in a creepy voice and I sing I'll follow you into the park and then do evil laugh creeped in the F out if all the jails decide that they all are satisfied don't need to take creepy pedo Chino the knee will follow you into the park zombie slayer and I say that right zombies laia prime sub what is up welcome mattress Murdock a thousand bits to 100 cheer 1000 I mean hell yeah thank you that's been one minute our cot oh you didn't say anything in the chat all right three two one point living like a lemon living like a lemon thank you for the follow one minute to claim the prizes type something to the chat to smash some buttons just smoosh the buttons you guys you want layers of fear or not then read by Chino again riot oh you did it you smooshed some buns congratulations friends you did it yeah yeah we actually got somebody nice smoosh agreed [Music] why can I see the winner 10 seconds earlier because chat delay it's about 10 to 16 seconds rip flights hopefully we get a deal with the devil probably won't though so rip flight go bomb no go further than that Safari Fred prime sub Thank You Safari Fred appreciate that very much and I appreciate the GTI 5 that you donated for a giveaway matched all the buggies Mac slacks prime sub welcome mat flex [Music] rip hush this is okay use beggar for Polaroid invincibility oh that's right I have way firm I could have done that I still can I can go back it's not locked no deal with the devil Bell that's a bummer I wanted to just keep away in my right heart that's all I wanted really dunno no no no no it's actually probably worth it with the wafer and Polaroid and its ability to just play that beggar out right hot [ __ ] have passed out in the keyboard already dude I'm getting there I'm extremely close come on buddy come on buddy don't give me poop at least literally just sitting and fart in front of me Joker let's go shoulda waited no we're good don't care about that last one but we're really good that's super good rules card deny his gifts [Music] Donna Donna Donna could've got in the double key room you guys I just really don't care not really at this point in time let's be done with it [Music] [Music] dan and then and then this is I was gonna say good time to pop that media pill but it's a speed down pill never mind but still I keep my speed please that feel when you can't even one-shot a a ghost [Music] let's help I am sick well I'm still sick - I'm sick - okay you wouldn't know that cuz you only think about yourself have chat [Music] ghosts are one of my least favorite baddies I just hate waiting on enemies not about that wait game [Music] [Music] well it's not curse of the blind so let's go for it tasty framedrops that's okay we only dropped 0.1% today I'll call that a victory any time now talk about waiting oh my god [Music] what feel frozen here's a bill if I could I give you a meal I couldn't repay you for all the hours of entertainment the sky's the limit bam thank you so much chill frozen I appreciate the 100 that you just dropped on me [Music] it's time to devil dad double down with the devil dad thank you chill frozen hell yeah buddy [Music] dude damn damn damn - damn damn damn damn damn it's not over you guys it's not over don't come out yet the storms not over still hide in your basement in a bathroom if you can good gravy hundred dollars is so much money thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you missed all the giveaways that way hiding in the bathroom don't you love when I take your stuff out of context only notice when you don't want to be noticed is the best you mean like always nails are good compound fracture doesn't do anything I don't think D infinity D 100 should i reroll everything let's redraw everything after we fight the boss just to see what we would have gotten for funsies this is too good to give up though to take our victory be weak now are no balls when we don't do stupid things on straight days D infinity eel virus not leaf run earlier I lost but it was nice knockers very close to my favorite youtuber thank you so much with thousand bits my friends appreciate you coming out that's awesome thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you my hat yeah like ghost dad but I'm devil dead someone's putting naughty and now it's creepy and now it's hella creepy dude did it edit that down [Music] [Music] put it back so you don't fat-finger the space now even if I do will probably still win noop you know what actually we could use that we could use that yeah we could yeah buddy deal 100 euros everything I think right does d100 reroll other rooms items you know it would give me help anyways so let's just forget about it we'll kill the boss with this and then we'll come back we're killing the boss for this for funsies we really don't need it but with polaroid invincibility it's too fun not too too easy really simple stuff Papapa Papapa Papapa Papapa Papapa I'm a scared man you gotta go into the void no I don't want to chill frozen appreciate the sub as well friend I like that what do we got a really garbage is really it's really bad it's that super bad that's oh plus the health mm-hmm nope nah man we're done we're done here
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 24,659
Rating: 4.9189873 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: hZvQrunisiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 3sec (2763 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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