The Newest SUPER EXPERT Puzzle Game Has Arrived - Bonfire Peaks!

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hey guys tyler here a new super hard puzzle game came out it's called bonfire peaks i know it's a super hard puzzle game because i played the demo of this and made a video and found that it is in fact a super hard puzzle game now my goal with this video is to make understandable and enjoyable to people of all skill levels not just the puzzle experts among us so without further ado let's get into the puzzles there are puzzles inside of bonfires there are puzzles inside of bonfires in real life too it's called why does my hand hurt space to pick up or drop belongings the object is to take the box and burn in the fire so you may want to run up the stairs but you can't because your box is in the way so you got to run up backwards and then you burn your box in the fire there are a bunch of puzzles like this and it seems like there's puzzles on the overworld if you complete a puzzle you get a box and you can use that to progress through the overworld so the challenge of this game is gonna come from the fact that it's a simple mechanic but very hard to master you see when you're moving around you have a weird way of pivoting so you would think to try to get through this middle section but any attempt to turn is just going to be met by banging your box on one of these bamboo poles so you got to find the right way to manipulate things and it seems i'm stuck this way so i think i want to do is drop the box off then come around on the other side and then pick it up and the idea is that it's a simple mechanic but there's so much depth to it all right five levels up here the crate beyond well let's see i have to make it to this highest point so that means i need to have this crate be positioned right here but my issue is if i place it here then i cannot get up onto the stairs i am only able to climb so many stairs at once so what i want to do is stack the crates that way i can carry both of them together and then i can manipulate them high wants so now they're stacked and now with my strong manly muscly arms i can carry both of them drop them off right here and then only pick up the single one and burn it you will see that this man turns into a forklift lift over the course of the game i don't know how he'll be able to carry so many crates but you'll see you'll see it's time to scoot i do remember this level actually from the demo it was a classic you walk up and you boosh you push the block off of course it wouldn't be a uh sokomon game without block pushing the brick oven this is a new level to me definitely was not in the demo the goal i think i need to push set up my box so it's here and then push it in with this box so it looks something like that you slide it in all right it's time to do some overworld puzzling unless there any puzzles back here hiding any puzzles for me huh game i don't think there's some puzzles over here i think we're meant to go straight ahead but let me tell you i want to try to go to the right i see some puzzles up there i want to get there all right i've done it i've constructed a staircase hello new levels let's play night moves more bamboo wait you're telling me this is hard well i guess it's a combination of a couple tricks i've learned where i have to separate the crates and then i have to pick up the crates but then i can't move any further from here okay i have an idea for how this needs to be done what i think i need to do is set the two of these up right here pick this up and swipe it around now it's in that position and i think that should be enough for me to get to where i need to go up and over and whoops grab it yeah so combined a couple tricks we've learned all right let's go up top yeah we got to go nice and high this pole to the right of me is going to actually be a bit of a nasty beast because i was thinking i'd just make a normal staircase it would all be fine but it won't all be fine it'll be the opposite of fine i still will want to separate these and i maybe still no no i don't want to do this oh new plan new plan it does involve separating them but what i want to do is take this block put it right here and then carry this block with me and now look at how i'm standing and then i'm just gonna run off this cliff and now the block is left up there so i can walk up there and walk in very tricky i see this game is ramping up now we're going inside the arteries becoming very tiny okay we're just gonna get through the i can't get through this are there any boxes i can grab well i can grab a box here and just allow me to walk up here but what does that really do exactly a whole lot of nothing well i could grab these boxes here and maybe they can do something this is interesting what happens if i try to burn one of these other boxes oh you can place it up here oh that's the idea of the level you can place a box up there i'm sure that could help me because now i can just access it by using this as a stepping stone oh i can't get that much further huh hold on so what i need to push this a little farther that works well now i kind of want to undo some stuff i want to go back to here i want to get this box out of the way and now i want to use you to push you [Music] yeah there we go now i have a stepping staircase perfect stuff is burnt all right so noted you don't completely perish the wood in the fire you just char it and it can be used again all right let's play operation where is my stuff why are you hiding my stuff from me my stuff is in here somewhere that ah there's my stuff [Music] oh that's funny i can't back out what other things i access i can access here and what's this i can access just another thing through the middle oh i know how yeah you're supposed to push it in instead of pulling it in so what i gotta do is get up here oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh here's the idea let me just get you out of the way real quick let me set up the stack of two right here and what i need to do is push another block that pushes the block i care about and now i can use other pushing methods to push this out ah yeah just kind of push it and one more push and i'll be good push all right i've got my stuff but now i got to still get out of here it's not that easy so i got to retrieve two boxes oh which thankfully i can do i had two boxes as easy one from each side that was a fun level i like it i like it that uh the toy from kindergarten has really got his revenge on me i'm gonna keep going up all right the crate tower if anything from steven sausage roll has prepared me this is a nightmare all right prepare prepare to be amazed by the strength of this man let's do some stretches first all right i'm ready bend to the knees lift with the legs not with the back here we go [Music] we are quite strong this dude can twirl around boxes and just drop him off however he wants so this is a game of separation we've got to get up to there somehow i'm not quite sure [Music] oh i see this is how we separate them [Music] methodically like that i think what i need is to be able to oh my god i can balance crates on my head i can't walk around with them but even my neck just has several man's strength of raw power see i thought my neck was pretty strong but clearly i'm outclassed see can we can we zoom in on that neck yeah not even stressing really i've been thinking about this game last night i went to bed thinking about my plans of how to get to this crate and i think i have an idea at least there is a starting point perhaps i have seven crates total and i need to use them to access my crate on the fifth floor now the way to access that is by standing on the fourth floor and reaching to grab the crate and we're going to work backwards here basically if i was to be standing on the fourth floor and grabbing the crate the way out i would get there would be from the third floor so there would be a stack of four crates next to a stack of three crates that i would be on top of i could do a physical demonstration it would look kind of like this except with me on top of the crates now we have to think about how i could get in a situation like this well the only way is if there was a stack of two high crates next to a stack of three high crates while i'm holding a two high crate which would look something like this it would look like this except i would be standing on the two high crates then what i would do is walk with my crates up to the three high crits drop the stacks of two high crates on top of each other then creating a four high stack but i can't quite do that easy either because i can't just walk up to this so i started thinking about some similarly difficult situations and what if like instead of a set of two and three high crates while i'm holding two high crates what if it's two sets whoops of two hike rates and i'm holding three high crates does that suddenly make it possible well in a situation like this no but you can change it up a little bit instead of going two to two what you can do is go one to two and let me just mess this around a little bit you could go from one to two while holding four high crates so what does this accomplish exactly it lets you walk up here drop off the crates and then pick up the three here so now it's a too high next to it too high while i'm holding a three high why does this matter exactly it's because of this new mechanic that we have encountered in this level and that is not falling off the crates it is instead the neck behold the power of this man's neck allowing me to separate one from the two take that one crate drop it off here walk here and now i'm standing on a three high next to a four high allowing me to access this crate allowing me to burn it in the fire pretty good puzzle but you have to work backwards quite a bit to get there very very tricky i'm hoping the future puzzles are just as interesting jagged staircase oh look wait oh okay for a second it looked like for a second it looked like the level started with the blocks on his head it kind of does is his head facing through the block you know a little bit [Music] [Laughter] the block is made of goo you can just phase through it as he wishes what a god okay so the idea is that it's really hard to access my block way up there well isn't the idea that i'm supposed to create a mini staircase where it's a one high here and then a two high basically right next to me and i'm supposed to kind of slide this away like there i've separated the one and the two i'm not quite sure what the actual staircase portion does but at least now i could maybe set up the staircase i had in mind no because i can't walk up here well the idea is that i walk up and then drop off and now i can access my stuff but how do i get down how do i get down awkward uh let me back up a touch i'm here yeah how do i get down you're stuck you you've done this to yourself mate you can't get yourself off what do you have to say for yourself yeah keep giving me that droopy look alright alright alright um [Music] oh oh my god okay no wonder i couldn't do this there was a mechanic i didn't learn yet i kind of learned it but i didn't fully learn it when you burn a box in the fire it becomes fragile so if i were to step on this box and then step off it would break which i think is exactly what i need for this staircase yeah so all i need to do is set up this staircase but have the one block be fragile let's try it [Music] i will have you be fragile just put you over right here and then stack these two bring them on the journey with me step drop go up and there we go now i have access to my stuff it's just the process of getting it which should not be too hard [Music] this stuff has been separated and let's just make my way up my belongings have been burned holy crap okay i don't know when i was supposed to learn that that makes it fragile maybe i'm supposed to learn it now somehow i doubt it because it's kind of an offshoot from the main course i wouldn't hate a level that like more strongly enforces that idea earlier on because that is probably going to be very vital to the rest of the game but it's not like it's the biggest deal as you can see this is a puzzle game for the puzzle experts if you like thinky puzzles you'll enjoy this one for sure it's challenging i might stream it just because i know it's probably not going to make the best youtube content i will see you guys all in the next video thank you all for watching hope you guys enjoyed i'll see you all in the next one peace
Channel: Aliensrock
Views: 75,834
Rating: 4.9780874 out of 5
Keywords: aliensrock, strategy, video game, gaming, aliens rock, aliensrock50, gameplay, walkthrough, tips, strategy game, expert, puzzle, puzzle game, sokoban, expert puzzle game, simple, deceptively simple, hard, difficult, impossible, baba, bonfire peaks, bonfire, peaks, draknek, forklift, human forklift, stephen's sausage roll, super expert, new, new game, newest game, puzzle solve, puzzle expert, puzzle solving
Id: cuc4kSvuGhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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